tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC October 14, 2013 1:00pm-2:00pm EDT
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right now on "andrea mitchell reports," tipping point. angry tea party protesters carry barricades from the closed world war ii memorial and pile them outside the white house sunday after a rally that sarah palin and senator ted cruz whipped up the conservative faithful. >> our veterans should be above politics. enough games. >> money talks. with the debt deadline just three days away, nations around the world are warning the u.s. to get its financial house in order. china is piling on saying it is time to consider
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deamericanized world whatever that means. christine lagarde from imf issued this warning. >> if there's a degree, lack of certainty, lack of trust in the u.s. signature, it would mean massive disruption the world over and we would be at risk of tipping yet again into recession. >> the dealmakers after talks in the house broke down over the weekend, harry reid and mitch mcconnell met today. reid says he hopes to strike a deal before congressional leaders head to the white house. we'll talk to key leaders mary landry and chuck schumer and ask republican senator bob corker if he stands by this warnings prediction. >> i do hope by the end of the day we'll have an agreement that makes sense for our country.
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>> good day, everyone. i'm andrea mitchell in washington where key political players are trying to put a wasted weekend behind them. president obama and vice president biden are going to host senate and house leaders from both parties this afternoon. right now the prospects for a deal that can clear both chambers are still slim. tennessee senator bob corker has hope eternal serving on the bank committee calling for both sides to come together. senator, thank you very much. i know you've had a long weekend talking to leaders, international leaders. what is the latest in the form of susan collins or bipartisan group proposal can be resurrected in time to avoid the debt ceiling default. >> andrea as you know, the two leaders are talking.
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i think the biggest issue is really the length of a debt ceiling extension and the length of a cr. this is a very general statement. but generally speaking, i think republicans would like debt ceiling extension and continuing resolution funding of government that allows the sequester to kick in and take us to lower spending levels democrats would like the reverse to occur. i do believe something soon on the floor. whether tonight or tomorrow, i know the two leaders are talking. i know they are constructive. i think we may get there. the wild card is what happens when an instrument like this gets to the house of representatives. >> one of the issues is whether or not the new sequester levels
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should be extended, which are ready to kick in. as you know there are democrats and people in the white house not happy about the sequester level. also the timing. is there some way to cut this in half and figure out how long a debt ceiling extension makes sense so we're not facing this again in a couple of weeks? >> i do think there will be an agreement. andrea, lets be clear. where republicans no question in the house overreach to try to defund the bill, it's an overreach. you know that. i know that. it's an overreach to undo a budget put in place in 2011. while democrats generally speaking may not like the 967 discretionary spending levels and while the white house has been very clear they don't like it either, it is the law of the land. andrea, i think you know because you follow this so closely, the ultimate steps are those involving mandatory spending.
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if you look at the january 15th day when spending drops from 986 down to 967, that's a forcing moment that by the way is not one that shuts down government, not one that jeopardizes the credit of our country. i think that has to stay in place for there to be any hope of constructive talks that really get beyond discretionary spending into those things that you know really matter to making our country more solid. >> there was a group you pointed out, democrats and republicans, ready to announce a deal. then the white house yanked them back. >> they did. >> what was going on there from your perspective from the white house this saturday when there was a solution in sight. are they empowered by the polling and the fact they see the republicans on the ropes? >> i think so.
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i think they got jumpy. probably -- no probably about it. they overreached. thankfully there are people on the democratic side of the aisle that realized, look, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. you can't be trying to change the law especially when we're talking about debt ceiling and government for the next year. typically those are moments when you try to make deficits shrink. that's what they have been used for. for the white house and some democrats to think, wait a second, we're going to break budget caps in addition to everything else, that's not realistic. i do think -- i know things are back in the middle of the road. people moved off that position that's not a good place to be. hopefully we'll have an agreement. you need the sequester there as a forcing mechanism.
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it should stay in place forever and substitute mandatory much better for longer hall than discretionary cuts. hopefully that is what's going to happen. the whole framework of how this is set up is to try to use that moment as much as possible, to get congress to do things we should have done two or three or four years ago. >> senator corker, thanks very much. thanks for keeping us on top of it today. joining us david axelrod, analyst for nbc news and senior adviser to president obama during his first term and presumably in the interim as well. david, lets talk about what happened. time is running out. understandably democrats feel they are in the best bargaining position. what is the tipping point? how much do you push it to the he said of the deadline before
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you let a negotiation go forward and let senators announce what they planned to announce. >> andrea, i don't think anybody should use this as an opportunity to score political points. obviously the party has taken a hit. long-term nobody benefits from a default, nobody benefits from having a government shut down and all the misery inflicted on people and all the damage inflicted on the economy. i think what happened, senator corker referred to it, the real issue is do we create a situation where we move forward to the lower sequester levels. democrats feel like they already compromised by agreeing to a continuing resolution that adhered to the existing sequester levels. remember, both republicans and democrats have problems with the sequester. we've heard senator mccain speak about that. what you want to do is create breathing room, senator corker
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said, to have real substantive conversations, you want to do it in a way you're not locking in lower, more draconian numbers that will visit real damage on military on other programs. so the main thing is a solution. if the senate does, and i believe the senate probably will, what does the house of representatives doing. what does speaker boehner do? does he put that on the floor of the house and risk the wrath of the contingent in the caucus that caused this ruckus in the first place. >> that is exactly the point. let me suggest what republicans and some democrats said. if the president is correct it's the law of the land and should not be a ploy, so is the sequester. that was a deal signed by the president of the united states. for the democrats to say we want to go back and revisit that before we'll agree to a debt
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ceiling extension is also changing the rules in the middle of the game. >> they are saying we'd like to make continuing resolution expire before lower levels come in and give us that period of time to negotiate replacements for that sequester. i think it's slightly different than saying you want to change the rules. remember, the whole sequester, point was it would never come into being because it was so dramatic and so negative in its impacts any rational person would not allow that to happen. rational is not always the order. the question is are you going to correct it and continue to damage the economy and some significant programs both defense and domestic. that's an issue that has to be taken up but it can't be taken up until the sword of damocles
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is removed from the economy by passing extension of the debt ceiling and dealing with this shutdown. >> while the white house and democrats are taking great comfort in nbc "wall street journal" poll and other polls that show how much republicans in congress are being blamed for all this, there are other numbers in that poll that have red lights or warning signals for the white house. that is 43% believe the president's refusal to negotiate health care until government is reopened should not be supported. it's 40% agreeing, 43% disagreeing. the president is not blameless in this as far as the american people are concerned. that is only going to build especially with the disastrous rollout of the health care program and the way the logging in and computer signing on has been unrolling.
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as i said before, i don't think anybody benefits. i would caution everyone not to read daily polls and be guided by daily polls. history and voters will have a longer view of this. in terms of the president, i think his point has been that we ought to be willing to talk about anything but we ought not to be doing it at the point of a gun. you can't have a situation -- you can't establish a pattern where when a minority of congress wants to make a point they threaten to take the economy down to do it. that's an important principle to adhere to. i don't think he can yield on that principle. on the other hand i think he needs to be flexible on what they do talk about and open to discussions on a lot of things. no one should believe this is an opportunity to score political points. i don't think he does. i don't think any democrat should and certainly no republicans at this point should think this is an opportunity to score political points. perhaps ted cruz does but i
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think the majority of them understand this is a disaster. >> one of ted cruz's strongest contributes in the senate has been john mccain, his fellow republican. john mccain is also asking the president get more involved. the president invited leaders to come over at 3:00 this afternoon. this is mccain on "face the nation" with bob schieffer yesterday. >> i'm hopeful we will get negotiations, i hope the president will become engaged. maybe we need to get joe biden out of the witness protection program. he has good relationships. >> we haven't heard very much from him. >> what has happened to joe biden? harry reid seems to be keeping him out of the negotiations? >> my sense is he's involved in all the discussions, involved in all the meetings at the white house. i suspect over the long haul he will play a constructive role here. he's involved in the meetings this afternoon with the leadership. i don't think there's any magic bullet, no secret player.
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there's very fundamental things that have to be done here. room has to be created for a serious discussion about the long-term in terms of the budget and that has to be done in such a way that both houses of congress pass it. the senate seems to be moving that direction. again, the bottom line on it is will john boehner put what they pass on the floor. there's tremendous resentment between the house and the senate as you know. not just democrats and republicans but republicans and republicans. so you know, that is what everybody is going to be waiting to see if there's a solution and there may well be in the next 12 or 24 hours as senator corker suggests. is it one the house will have a chance to vote on? if it gets on the floor i'm sure it will pass, will john boehner allow it to be on the floor? that's the $64 trillion question. >> do you think if boehner, from
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your read and you've watched it closely, lets say the senate votes on something, a big vote, healthy majority vote and if boehner would put it on the floor, we know the votes are there for it but would his speakership be in jeopardy? >> i think that may well be. that's something he's wrestling with. he had a very activist core within his caucus. they have been goaded on by senator cruz and others on the right. by the way, the definition -- if you looked up chutzpah in the dictionary you would see senator cruz starting the whole thing and now complaining about a government shutdown at a demonstration outside the white house. truly a remarkable display, though he's pleasing the base of that party. that base is menacing john boehner, menacing john boehner as well. he seems to have moved past that. we'll see what the speaker can do. >> one of the things that happened over the weekend is
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susan collins had a deal, the white house pulled the plug on it, rejected it. we know the president has gone to martha's table, which is an extraordinary organization, a shelter and food bank here that helps children and families. we're going to see that very shortly. this is a shelter. as you see, the president is at martha's table. david, i want to play this now as it's coming in from the pool, this is where furloughed federal workers have been helping out. >> and they do a great job all year-round making sure folks in need are able to get nutritious meals that are so important to families. so we very much appreciate them and appreciate martha's table. we come here usually on thanksgiving with the family to do great work. part of the reason i'm here today is we've got a lot of volunteers here who are furloughed federal workers. these are folks who have not been paid. in some cases very eager to be
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back on the job but are not even allowed to work and yet they are here contributing and giving back to the community. i think that shows the kind of spirit we have among all kinds of federal workers all across the country. people who dedicate their lives to public service, think what they are doing is important in terms of helping this country and yet find themselves in a situation that because of politics they are not able to do their jobs. now, this week we'll be entering into the third week of a government shutdown that was completely unnecessary. i'm going to have the opportunity to meet again with the congressional leaders this afternoon. and i'm going to, once again, urge them to open the government and make sure that the united states government is paying its bills. this is fairly simple. this whole shutdown has been completely unnecessary. keep in mind that the problem is not that the u.s. government has
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run out of money. the problem is not that our deficits are going up. our deficits have been cut in half since i came into office and are continuing to go down. the problem is not that there's not the opportunity for us to work intelligently to come up with a budget while investing in stability and growth, the problem is we've seen this brinksmanship as a strategy time and time again to try to extract extreme or partisan concessions. and i think the american people have made very clear that's not how we expect washington to do business. there are going to be differences between the problems. there's differences in terms of budget priorities. we don't need to inflict pain on the american people or risk the possibility that america's full faith and credit is damaged just because one side is not getting its way.
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not only is it untenable to continue the shutdown next week if we don't start making real progress in the house and the senate and if republicans aren't willing to set aside some of their partisan concerns in order to do what's right for the country, we stand a good chance of defaulting. defaulting would have a potentially devastating effect on our economy sending interest rates shooting up, people whether social security recipients or people with disabilities or small business people who are vendors to government not getting paid on time. we've already had damaging effect on the economy because of the shutdown. that damage would be greatly magnified if we don't make sure that the government is paying its bills and that has to be decided this week. the spirit shown by outstanding volunteers is going to carry over in the meeting with leadership this afternoon. they can solve this problem
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tod today. doesn't mean differences between democrats and republicans will go away. that's what elections are for. between elections we're supposed to be governing and not hurting the very people who sent us to represent them. i hope that kind of spirit holds true during the course of discussions today and over the next several daps. . >> look, there's been some progress on the senate side with republicans recognizing it's not tenable, it's not smart, it's not good for the american people to let america did efault. there's some recognizing we can't bridge all the differences at once. it doesn't make sense in the meantime to try to use a
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shutdown or the threat of default as leverage in negotiations. so that's progress. obviously until the details are done, until these folks are back to work so that they can volunteer on weekends during their free time as opposed to when we'd like folks to be on the job, you know, i'm going to be continuing to push congress as hard as i can. but we'll see this afternoon whether this progress is real. i think there has been some progress in the senate. i think house republicans continue to think that somehow they can extract concessions by keeping the government shut down or threatening default. my hope is that a spirit of cooperation will move us forward over the next few hours. all right. thank you. thank you, guys. thank you. >> and that's the president at
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martha's table. he joined school children making pbjs. senator mary landry joins us. she had been working on that team working on a deal over the weekend. thank you for being with us. i wampd you on the nor this weekend. you all thought you were close to something. according to reports you were prepared to go into the gallery and announce is and the white house pulled you back. why? >> first of all, andrea, let me say while it's no secret president obama is not the most popular person among voters in louisiana, i just heard what he said and he's absolutely correct on compromising on principle to find a way forward. to do that the small group of republicans in the house have got to stop threatening the shutdown of the federal government, all of our private sector workers and stop threatening the full faith and credit of the united states. if we could get to a budget conference, which is what democrats have been trying to
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do, democrats in the senate and house, with some republicans, not all, for six months we could work this out where everything is on the table. i think that's what the president said. we're tired of hostage taking by a small minority in the house of representatives that completely manufactured this crisis. they have got to release all the hostages not just a few. >> but senator, there was a tentative agreement among a bipartisan group of senators. you were involved in that. senator corker was saying to me earlier in the show that with all the blame he himself is placing on the house republicans and on their demanding obama care to be delayed or repealed or whatever, which he thought was the wrong tactic, but he has said very clearly that he thought that the white house overreached in pulling you back. the white house emboldened by the polls showing republicans
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blamed and really stretched this out beyond where it needs to be. >> i have a great respect for senator corker. no one in the senate other than potential john mccain and senator corker have been working harder to find a way forward. i think he might have misread what actually happened. susan collins is working -- a good friend and great senator -- working on a compromise. no compromise will be agreed to until harry reid and mitch mcconnell agree. susan collins and a group of smart democrats are working on a proposal that might work. again, i think we have to listen carefully to what the president said. he's absolutely right. the american people do not want their own government held hostage by a group of republicans in the house. we're willing to negotiate. lets get to the budget committee. the reason the budget committee is important everything can be
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on the table, tax cuts, revenues, tax reform and other bills people don't like. get to a budget conference. i think that's what the susan collins team with amy klobuchar and others are trying to get us to, to that budget conference. if every side has to give a little to get there, so be it. that's really what we need. >> senator landrieu, thank you very much. lets hope something can happen this afternoon at the meeting at the white house. lest we forget former congresswoman and shooting victim gabby giffords attended a gun show in upstate new york to continue her campaign against the gun show loophole. among supporters there who backed voluntary gun restrictions. >> now is the time to come together. be responsible. democrats, republicans, everyone. we must never stop fighting. fight, fight, fight.
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cillizza, msnbc contributor, host of in play and columnist ruth marcus. welcome both. first to you, chris. what are you hearing about negotiations, 3:00. is this the president showing any willingness to have a modified susan collins plan, perhaps without the medical device being included in the first round? >> i think that certainly sounds possible, andrea. look, here is what's hard i find in situations like this. you don't know who really knows the situation, so you're hearing optimism joe manchin voicing optimism. harry reid, who i think would know, says we're moving in the right direction. it's a cliche but it's true, nothing is settled until everything is settled. the devil is in the detail in these things. everyone in these rooms, the president, mitch mcconnell, harry reid, they all don't want the country to get pushed up against this october 17th debt ceiling deadline. it's the how that is always
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dangerous. i remember we were on friday and we thought john boehner on the debt ceiling, maybe this was the vehicle. 24 hours later that wasn't the vehicle. this seems the senate deal or harry reid and mitch mcconnell talking, going to the white house, what we're hearing come out, it all seems like it's moving in the right direction. i caution, until we've got everybody in one room saying we've got a deal, we don't have a deal. >> ruth, did the white house react to all the polling where they saw the republicans were somewhat on the ropes and pull back from a potential agreement that senators had negotiated on saturday? >> well, it's certainly true you had this polling very negative for the republicans and you had some issues about whether the deal was acceptable. i have to confess to being completely confused about the state of affairs because i thought we weren't negotiating at all and that was our position and now we're negotiating. look, each side assesses kind of
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on an hourly basis, certainly a daily basis their position of strength. you saw that at the white house, on the hill in terms of the willingness to draft a deal. that said, i agree with chris. i think this is heading towards a deal. the question is whether it's heading towards a deal where we're going to find ourselves back in the same pickle but interfering with our thanksgiving or our holiday break or whatever. >> chris slice ark, i'm really struck by ted cruz and sarah palin over the weekend. >> sure. >> at these protests saying it's terrible to be taking advantage of veterans. lets watch. >> our vets have proven that they have not been timid. we will not be timid calling out any that would use military, our vets as pawns in a political game. >> why is the federal government
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spending money to erect barricades to keep veterans out of this memorial? there are 14 bills sitting on harry reid's desk to fund vital government, fund the v.a. the senate won't even vote to fund the v.a. >> so who was it who started playing politics with this thing in the first place? >> ted cruz, i would say ted cruz has probably done himself a world of good in the republican party primary process if he wants to run for president in 2016. i wrote in the "washington post," while doing himself good he's really badly hurt the party he affiliates with. he picked this fight, 21-hour filibuster speech to protest obama care, urged about four dozen house republicans to stand
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strong, not concede on defunding obama care in the leadup to the shutdown. that has helped ted cruz's image within the group, many of whom he was speaking to there, conservative rank and file activists. what it has not done, however, is made it possible for republicans to sort of not get the full brunt of the blame here. the nbc "wall street journal" poll showed it clearly this is a bad thing politically for the republican party whether or not it's a good thing for ted cruz. >> quickly simpson-bowles have a new ad to reiterate what they think the approach should be. what if the president year ago had forcefully signed onto that in we would be in a different place. >> this is the great what if question of washington. it's one i've been asking for quite a long time. but the white house argument would be that it never would have been acceptable. it wouldn't have passed the
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senate, no less the house. anything he associated with would have simply been, per se, unacceptable to republicans. but you really wish that moment had been seized, because if we could run that counter-factual we couldn't be in a worse position if he had seized on that. so that's always been my bottom line. what about trying, guys. >> ruth marcus, chris cillizza, thank you both so much. sunday marked another violent day in syria, six red cross aide workers were kidnapped by extremist al qaeda-backed rebel group. four of the aide workers released, four still held. yesterday two car bombs exploded outside a state tv station in damascus knocking them off the air. a reporter, actually an analyst at another station nearby was on air when that first blast went off and then the second. watch.
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the debt limit deadline is days away and imf christine lagarde said default would lead to global disruption, told that to david gregory, just as the world was recovering from the great recession. china known as the world's ultimate banker is weighing in calling for a deamericanized world order. how are markets reacting to wrangling in washington? they are up now with the meeting scheduled at 3:00. joining me senior economics reporter steve liesman.
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you've been here all weekend with world market, imf, world if anything community centered in washington. what are people saying about the craziness of this process? >> andrea, it's well to remember america has gone over the course of these meetings from being the world's kpemp rather child to the problem side. if you dial back to a year ago, america had better growth, america had been shrinking deficit faster. things were going well. america was the bright spot. all of a sudden world leaders converge on washington. what happens is america is the number one problem. that takes the american agenda for international financial concerns puts it in the backstop and you have treasury officials backpedalling saying we'll take care of this, ameliorate china all these people about this problem, that's a huge effect right here. not to mention long-term loss of confidence in the dollar and u.s. treasuries. >> the dollar has held up primarily because the rest of the world was in such bad shape.
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you can't, you know, bet on that forever. i want to play for you congressman, republican from florida, talking about his view of how the debt ceiling works. lets watch. >> many nonpartisan economists biggest banks in new york say you fail to raise the debt limit it will be a catastrophe for the world economy. it doesn't convince you? >> i'm not convinced that's true. i've talked to economists and read a lot of articles on this and talked to bankers. we're not going to go into default. so raising -- hitting the debt ceiling doesn't equal defaulting. >> now, it's true hitting the debt ceiling does not equal default but should we turn to congressman yoho from florida to tell us how to run the economy and debt ceiling. >> you know, andrea, over the course of many decades of
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reporting, i think the thing to do is to listen to experts. what the experts say is it would be catastrophic to hit this debt ceiling. you can have your catastrophe any way you like. if the government -- what the congressman was leading to, if the government pays interest on the debt you don't have a catastrophe in the debt market. what you end up doing pulling out one-third overnight. that would be a catastrophe for the economy. you have an immediate one, a huge cataclysm if we don't pay the interest on the debt. of course treasury secretary lew would have to say i'll pay bankers in china and not social security. say he does that to keep the sanctity of the debt in place. then the problem kicking out of the economy -- it would be a huge shock to the economy which would be a catastrophe from another direction. >> to say nothing of other costs associated with this government shutdown. >> absolutely. that becomes change but small
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change compared to what would happen with the debt ceiling. don't forget as soon as the government starts to pay bills they start to accrue interest. government tax receipts tied closely to economic growth. anything we do to reduce economic growth ends up reducing our tax reit. we make the problem worse over time. no matter what happens, it may turn out okay, andrea, but i don't want to be around to find out. >> none of us do. thank you very much, steve liesman. >> my pleasure. >> a national symbol, lady liberty reopened for tired, poor, huddled masses of ordinary tourists. the statute reopened sunday for the first time since the shutdown. governor cuomo will use state fund to operate the park. similar deals including grand canyon and mt. rushmore in south dakota. you make a great team. it's been that way since the day you met. but your erectile dysfunction - it could be a question of blood flow.
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>> we are now ruled, quote, unquote, by a president who bouse down -- bows down to alla. he's not a president of the people. he's a president of his people. i call on you to use civil disobedience and demand this president leave town, to put the koran down, get up off his knees and demand resignation of obama and other leaders. >> what have we come to? that's founder of freedom watch, earlier judicial watch at a tea party rally this weekend, speaking only 20 minutes after ted cruz, sarah palin there also, same rally. joining me "washington post" columnist and msnbc analyst
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eugene robinson. i was not there this weekend so i cannot tell you precisely what ted cruz was doing, had he walked off the platform when this was taking place. i'd like to know who from congress, who was there when those comments made. i would like to hear from anybody who was at that rally? >> absolutely. this is so outrageous. you asked what have we come to. that's basically the question, andrea. we're way beyond saying what's happened to civil discourse in this country. this is crazy talk, dangerous talk, it's just obscene. >> this is from the same rally where senator cruz said we should not be politicizing the shutdown and we should not be taking advantage of the veterans and making pawns of the veterans. i don't take anything away from the people who attended probably of their own -- obviously have their own views. they have been been misinformed
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and don't fully under the full dynamic of how ted cruz led the house republicans into this blind alley but where do we go from here, gene? >> i don't know, andrea. they may not fully understand how that happened. i understand today there were some veterans groups that were complaining about how the rally was politicized and what to them is an issue of their service and whatever was made into this sort of political to bash the president. where do we go from here? i have to hope, because i'm an optimistic person, on some level this gets contained to the fringe. there's a mainstream, whatever they think about the shutdown, whenever they think about obama care, still believe this is one country with one president and that we're in a very real sense all in this together, that it's not this us versus them or us
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versus him sort of dynamic that that rally bought into. >> what comes to mind is john mccain in 2008 at that rally when he was running for president against barack obama and a woman in the crowd incorrectly about the president's birth and whether or not he was a muslim and john mccain stopped in his tracks and kreked her and corrected the record. one would ask any elected official certainly at this rally to take a stand and correct this record. >> but apparently there was no john mccain at that rally. there was no one with that sort of integrity and fortitude, which you would expect. you would hope that any elected official would demonstration. >> we're still waiting to hear back from senator cruz on this subject, at least. eugene robinson xt which story will make headlines in the next
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24 hours? that's up next on "andrea mitchell reports." =u'l4(p/wlñkñ that's why there's charmin ultra strong. i'll take that. go get 'em, buddy! it cleans so well and you can use up to four times less than the leading bargain brand. [ female announcer ] charmin ultra strong has a duraclean texture that's soft and more durable to help your kids get clean while still using less. and it's four times stronger than the leading bargain brand. wow, you cleaned up a lot! you did too, pal! [ laughs ] [ female announcer ] used by more plumbers than any other brand, charmin is now clog-free or it's free. [ female announcer ] used by more plumbers than any other brand, stick with innovation. stick with power. stick with technology. get the flexcare platinum. new from philips sonicare. [ male announcer ] you say tomato. ♪ old el paso says diced tomato stand 'n stuff chicken tacos. ♪ you say what's for dinner? old el paso says start somewhere fresh.
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which political story will make headlines in the next 24 hours, chris cillizza is back with us. let's show you a map. this is a map john kerry is returning around 6:00 tonight to andrews, this is his travel over the last 13 days. katherine was on that plane -- is on that plane. look at this 25,009 miles, including afghanistan for tough talks with karzai over the weekend. that is an advance of tomorrow's talks with iran in geneva. the senate, back in session at the top of the hour. what are you expecting? >> we know that harry reid and mitch mcconnell will give an update at 2:00, moments from now on the status, obviously at
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3:00, everyone will head to the white house. again, andrea, reading the tea leaves, it looks like everyone saying a deal is more and more likely. then obviously 3:00 the white house meeting and what comes out of it if anything. remember, we're three days from a shutdown -- from a debt ceiling, excuse me. >> as david, 14 days into the shutdown and as david axelrod pointed out, if they come up with a deal, will john boehner take it to the house floor. thank you very much, chris, great to see you. that does it for us for this edition of andrea mitchell reports. congresswoman and chair of the dnc, debbie wasserman shultz and her new book. and michael steele. remember, follow the show online and on twitter at mitchell reports. craig melvin has a look what's next on "news nation". >> more on meeting between president obama and congressional leaders about an hour from now, senate majority leader harry reid saying he
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hopes for a deal before heading to the white house. also, vice president biden, he's been noticeably quiet over the last two weeks. he's expected to be at that meeting as well, could the veep be the closer. top democrats chris van hollen will join me now and new york officials taking an unprecedented step in looking for the aboy missing. coming up next on "news nation." twins. i didn't see them coming.
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