tv Politics Nation MSNBC October 14, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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i have not seen that case as of yet. thanks for the fight. i appreciate you sticking up for american workers. and that's "the ed show." "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts now. thanks to you for tuning in. we have come on disturbing images. a confederate flag waved at the tea party rally outside the white house gate. a tea party activist was also there saying president obama, quote, bows down to allah. and look. sarah palin was there too. i'll have a lot to say about this ugliness that we're seeing on the far right of the gop. we must address this fringe that is infecting the gop. but we start with breaking news. getting close to a deal.
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right now senators from both parties are reportedly finalizing a deal to end the government shutdown and avoid a default. it would give the president much of what he wants. the republicans are said to be giving in on key parts of their demands. a new "washington post" poll shows more and more americans disapprove of how the gop has handled this crisis. in the first week of the shutdown, 63% disapproved of the gop. in week two, that went up to 70%. and now at the start of week three, it's 74%. 3/4 of americans don't like what republicans are doing, and that's why senate republicans have now stepped up to the bargaining table. earlier today president obama went to a food pantry where
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furloughed workers have been volunteering during the shutdown. he said it's time for republicans to end this crisis. >> they can solve this problem today. it doesn't mean the differences between democrats and republicans go away. that's what elections are for. but between elections we're governing and not supposed to be hurting the very people who sent us to represent them. >> the president also said the american people are also tired of republicans putting the economy at risk for political gain. >> this problem is we've seen this brinksmanship as a strategy time and time again to try to extract extreme or partisan concessions. and i think the american people have made very clear that's not how we expect washington to do business. we don't need to inflict pain on the american people or risk the possibility that america's full faith and credit is damaged just
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because one side is not getting its way. >> republicans didn't get their way, so they threw a tantrum. and they country suffered. now we're close to a deal to end all that. republicans need to finally stand up to the extremists within their own party and do the right thing for the american people. joining me now is senator barbara boxer, democrat from california. thanks for joining me. >> thank you, reverend. >> senator, what can you tell us about this deal so far. are you confident it will happen? >> well, i am very hopeful it will happen. i don't like to say it's done until it is done. it doesn't look like we're voting on anything tonight which i wanted to do, because we're getting very close to that magic moment of default. but there's still conversations going back and forth. but reverend al, i think when you talked about the polls, i've
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said this from the start. the only way we get the republicans to the table is if the national polls showed they were way out of step with the american people. and thank goodness the american people are weighing in. and i want to say they have to continue to weigh in. this is not over. we're in the 14th day of a shutdown. we've got hundreds of thousands of federal workers who don't know what they're going to do when they don't get paid. we've got more than a million, more than 2 million folks who work for the private sector who are contractors of the federal government. and they're starting to feel it. we're not done, but we're definitely making progress and i know the parameters of the deal, and i certainly feel that it's a good deal if we can get it done for both parties. i do. >> now, we're getting some emerging details, senator, about the deal. it says it would open the federal government, raise the
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debt ceiling, start long-term budget talks. token concessions on obama care. should democrats worry about these quote, token concessions on obama care. things like income verification for the subsidy. should we be concerned about that? the democrats. >> i don't think we really have to worry, but we have to read the fine print. we're fine with income verification. right now you have to verify it yourself, but if we want to check and balance on that, that's not a problem. it depends how it's written. i'm very confident that senator reid would not allow something to come before us that really undermines people being able to qualify to get the government contribution. so i'm not worried about that. i'm just more worried about this thing not coming before us tonight. and we know that speaker boehner has to take it to his folks. and you never know what's going
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to happen over there. i would just hope and i said this on your show before, that we ought to look at speaker tip o'neil, when he wanted to get something done that was tough and it was tough for his own party, the magic was 218. that's the number. he didn't worry where it came from. if speak for boehner would just take a page out of that book. say i'm speaker of the house, not speaker of the republican party. we could have gotten this done a long time ago. and all the pain and suffering and kids getting hurt and the rest, we wouldn't have had to go through it. >> will we get this done in your estimation before thursday when the debt ceiling deadline is? >> well, i'm going to give you my -- i believe 75/25 we will. >> so you think 75/25 we may be able to get it done. >> yeah. >> you know, it's interesting. even senator corker is now admitting it's the gop. now we'll see whether we get a
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deal out of the senate and whether mr. boehner will give us a vote on the senate deal straight up in the house and we move on and relieve some of the pain that has been unnecessarily caused. >> that's right. and this can't happen again. this is too great a country to have a congress play with the american people like this. it's just wrong on both fronts. the default and the shutdown. never again. enough. >> senator barbara boxer, thank you very much. >> okay. thanks, reverend. >> now i want to bring in joan walsh from thanks for joining me. >> thanks, rev. >> i want to play something that gop senator rand paul said this weekend about republicans getting blamed for this mess. listen to this. >> i think our demise is a little bit overstated. i would say that both parties are going to catch a lot of blame on this. i think the democrats and republicans are going to catch blame. i don't want to be here. i don't see this as winning or losing. this is a lose/lose situation.
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>> do some republicans honestly think they're not getting blamed for the shutdown. >> okay, can we all remember this was the guy caught on the open hot mic with mitch mcconnell saying we're winning this thing. he obviously cares about -- very smart. he obviously cares about winning and he has no know they're losing. it's possible they don't know they're losing. when you hang out with a bunch of neo-confederates on the mall who carry confederate flags to the home of our first african-american president, maybe you do live in a bubble. gallup showed the same thing. they are plummeting in the nation's esteem. but democrats are okay and the president's fine. >> but how outrageous, and i want to deal with this more later in the show -- how outrageous is this tea party kind of rally and things where you have these ugly symbols that
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are not only racist, but they are un-american. this confederate flag represents the breakdown of this country killing of thousands of people over race and slavery and breaking the union of this country. how could any elected official identify with that and call himself a patriot? >> i haven't seen anyone identify specifically with the flag -- >> they were at the rally. >> they were. >> and did not denounce the flag. >> i was being told yesterday oh, we're going to find out this is a liberal plant. the guy's been identified. he's got a facebook page. he is what he purports to be. the idea it was going to turn out it wasn't true, that's faded for them. i'm waiting for something to stand up and say we don't want this at our rallies. >> well, we're waiting to see if that happens. it hasn't happened since the rally and since this person has been identified. >> no. >> now, "the washington post"
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poll says the gap between disapproval of approval of shutdown talks. you're talking about who gets the blame here. president obama, 11 points under water. democrats 28 points under water. republicans, 53 points under water. what is rand paul talking about? i mean, 53 points. it's clear who the american people mostly blame. >> that's why his colleague from kentucky mitch mcconnell very much wants to make a deal with harry reid. there is a part of me that's still worried. i think this deal is predicated on these guys are reading the polls and they are seeing what a nightmare this is for the republican party and they will never do it again, but i worry any kind of concession around the affordable care act seems as tiny as they may be seems to validate their strategy. but there are smarter people than me saying this is a good
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deal. so we'll see what happens. >> let me throw this at you. a gop lawmaker compared the republicans trying to defund obama care. listen to this -- to the founding fathers. representative mohr gab griffith says this group of renegades that decided they wanted to break from the crown in 1776 did great damage to the economy of the colonies. they created the greatest nation and best form of government, but they did damage to the economy in the short run. what are these people talking about? >> they're delusional that their cause is the same as the founders' cause. it's crazy. but that is a sign that some of them are willing -- some of them deny. we have our default deniers. some of us say it's going to be very bad, but the founders caused damage to the economy. they're delusional. they live in a separate world. it's a world that's dangerous to us. >> thank you for your time tonight.
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coming up, more on the tea party rallies with confederate flags and talk of impeachment. why it's always been personal with this president. plus sarah palin is back leading the hate-filled rally. what could possibly go wrong for the gop? and caught on tape. philadelphia police stop and frisk two men. the latest on the investigation. also friend or foe i want to know. reply al is ahead. ♪ [ crashing ] [ male announcer ] when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast with tums. heartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum tums!
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supporting president obama's visit to a d.c. food kitchen. gregory says proud to have a president who is genuinely concerned about u.s. citizens. laura says i'm right with you, mr. president. please don't back down. and nate says while obama visits food pantries, the republicans are running around with people carrying confederate flags spewing hate. what a democracy. nate's right. that did happen this weekend, and we've got more on the confederate flag coming up later. but first, we want you to know what -- we want to know what you think about the shutdown. please head over to facebook and search "politicsnation" and like us to join the conversation that keeps going long after the show ends. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ male announcer ] eeny, meeny, miny, go. more adventures await in the lexus lx, rx, and new seven-passenger gx. dare to be spontaneous. losing thrusters. i need more power. give me more power! [ mainframe ] located. ge deep-sea fuel technology. a 50,000-pound, ingeniously wired machine that optimizes raw data to help safely discover and maximize resources in extreme conditions. our current situation seems rather extreme. why can't we maximize our... ready. ♪ brilliant. let's get out of here. warp speed. ♪
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we're back with more breaking news. the senate has adjourned for the evening, but majority leader harry reid says he and senator mcconnell have made progress towards a deal. they just are not there yet. so the senate is ready to strike a deal. what about the house? speaker john boehner faces a stark choice. will he stand up to the extremists in his own party who forced this government shutdown? in earlier battles, speaker boehner did that. he did it with the fiscal cliff and with hurricane sandy relief. and again with the violence
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against women act. that's about to end now or continue with what he does about ending the government shutdown and avoiding default. with the deadline fast approaching, will he let the democrats rescue him once again? joining me now is congressman emanuel cleaver, democrat from missouri. thanks for being here tonight, congressman. >> good to be with you. >> where does this end? will boehner, in your opinion, stand up to the tea party or will he need the democrats to bail him out again? >> well, it looks like they're walking us towards a deal. i don't know where it's going, but at least we're on the way. the big problem i think is not in the senate. i think they will actually come up with a deal and hopefully tomorrow. the problem is going to be over in the house as you said. and the question is whether or not john boehner will speak to nancy pelosi and say, look, okay. can you bring over a certain
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number of votes, because i can bring over 30 or 40 -- hopefully it's that high. and let's get the deal done. and the only person on planet earth who can make that decision is john boehner. nobody else. and hopefully the people from wall street have impressed him how dangerous this is. and he might be ready to make a deal that might cause him to lose his job. >> i want to hold you right there, because senator lindsey graham spoke this weekend about his concerns about the deal. listen to what he said that parallels what you just said. listen to this. >> here's what i'm worried about a deal coming out of the senate that a majority of republicans can't vote for in the house. that really does compromise speaker boehner's leadership. after all this mess is over with, do we want to compromise boehner as leader of the house? i don't think so. >> he seems to be worried about
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john boehner's job and compromising boehner saying republicans may not go there meaning boehner would have to depend on democrats like you to come in with the vote but it could cost him his job as speaker. >> i like john boehner. i think he's a good guy. but at some point, the decision has to be what's in the best interest of the united states of america? i'm very concerned that the markets are going to show some downward fall. i think boehner are going to see that. i hope he says here's the gavel. we need to end this. if you don't like what you're doing, you need to choose a new speaker. he'd go down in history in a positive way if he did that. no one knows right now, but it is up to him. the senate is going to come up with something. i don't have any question in my mind that they will. then the pressure is going to have to mount on the speaker to
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bring it to the floor. if it comes to the floor, it's going to pass. >> now, congressman, will the low polls, the fact that they are sinking so low in the polls, will that break all this enthusiasm with the tea party and this loyalty by the moderate republican leadership? will these polls break this tea party spell on the republican party? >> i don't think so. because i was in a conversation with one of the tea party members who said that it didn't matter what the polls said, that his particular congressional district wanted him to stand strong and push back against obama care. now, what i think it will do -- what i think the polls -- i think they've already done this, caused the people who are clear thinking and who are moderate to say, okay, i'm not going down with this ship. and i'm certainly not going to be accused of taking my country
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down economically. so i think it will bring over a number of them that it will give us a healthy vote. i think it will be significantly higher than 118 votes and i think they will be republican moderates. >> all right. congressman cleaver, thank you for your time tonight. >> good to be with you. ahead, disrespect for president obama. sarah palin and ted cruz lead a hate-filled rally with confederate flags and impeachment talk. those other republican stars spent the weekend on stage with glenn beck. how's that rebranding going? customer erin swenson ordered shoes from us online
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and sitting members of congress calling for impeachment. and this. a confederate flag outside the white house. what's really behind the disrespect and hate? that's next. (vo) you are a business pro. maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the
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reveals deep wounds of our nation's past. a symbol of confederate government that fought to keep slavery the law of the land. this weekend it flew outside the white house where the first family lives. a right wing protester waving the confederate flag in front of the home of the nation's first black president. it was one man with one flag, but thousands of tea partiers marched alongside in a rally that started at the world war ii memorial. and who led this anti-obama rally? senator ted cruz.
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yes. a sitting u.s. senator fueling a protest with disturbing undertones. and proudly standing there as well, sarah palin. >> you look around, though, and you see these barricades and you have to ask yourself is this any way that a commander in chief would show his respect, his gratitude to our military. we will not be timid in calling out any who abuse owould use ou military vets for political gain. >> show respect? she says this while being out by a guy flying the confederate guy. she was just an opener for this guy. >> -- by a president who bows down to allah. this president is not a president of we the people.
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he's the president of his people. demand that this president leave town, to get out. to put the koran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come up with his hands out. >> dom up with his hands out, put the koran down, a president of his people not we the people. this is the ugliness we've seen against this president since day one. it's a mentality that sees d.c. police as an invasion of foreign forces. >> doesn't that look like something we've seen in the past? >> looks like something out of kenya. >> the hatred from the right is constant. trying to paint our president as different, as the other. joining me now are cynthia tucker and james peterson.
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thank you both for being here. >> good to be here. >> thanks, rev. >> cynthia, let's put this up again. the confederate flag outside the white house at a rally with republican senators. how did the republican party get here? >> well, reverend al, i for one -- i know this is going to sound a little perverse, but i for one am glad to see all this out in the open. because for five years now, i and you and a few others have been talking about the clear racism aimed at president obama. is it coming from all republicans? absolutely not. this is not an indication that all republicans are racist. but that group of ultraconservatives, the tea partiers, they're absolutely steeped in racism. with their ugly signs with
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president obama has a witch doctor, as a monkey. but then many people didn't want to acknowledge it. there were many members of the mainstream media who didn't want to discuss racism. but now that it's out there so openly, we all have to acknowledge that the tea party is steeped in racism. this is a group of people who doesn't want to be in an america led by a black president. >> when you look at the fact that sarah palin accused the president of flirting with an impeachable offense on the debt limit, her quote, any attempt by president obama to unilaterally raise the debt limit without congress is also an impeachable offense. and a republican lawmaker is also hinting at impeachment over the debt ceiling. watch louie gohmert.
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>> will you vote for any deal to -- any bill that would increase the debt ceiling? >> it just depends on what it is. >> depends on what it is. >> the word concerns me. >> would you allow us to default on our debt? >> no. that would be an impeachable defense by the president. >> so, james, we've got on one hand the outright racist ugliness. on another hand, the president is not a legitimate president, then he wins decisively. now we're going to impeach him. >> right. these threads all go together. and as cynthia pointed out, rev, you and others on this network have been sort of following these things. sometimes people ask us why we pay attention to the fringe, rev. that's because the fringe is controlling the republican party. the confederate flag is a symbol
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to millions of from eaafrican-as show white supremacy for hundreds of years in this nation. so it's a deeply offensive symbol for many americans. to see it there and not have representatives in the house or in the senate speak out against that kind of hatred and violence to me is absolutely awful. the reason we have to pay attention to this fringe is because these folk are connected to representatives in the congress who are actually controlling our government right now. and so it's very important we understand it and unveil it for what it is. it is hatred. >> also we've seen from early in this, cynthia, a constant questioning of the president's birthplace. watch this. >> all we want to do is see this guy's birth certificate. >> all i can tell you is that the general consensus is that he has produced a birth certificate. the question is, is it legitimate? >> if someone asked for my birth
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certificate, i'd get it out and say here it is. >> all the president has to do is show it. >> perhaps it's going to say hawaii. perhaps it's going to say kenya. >> i mean, the constant questioning of his birthplace, cynthia. . then you hear on the tape some of the marchers saying the d.c. cops may have come out of kenya. this is blatant stuff that we've been talking about that has now come out to the open sunlight. >> everybody can see it. you know, there is a small group of white americans who simply cannot believe that their country as they see it, not our country, but their country is run by a black man. it could not have happened legitimately as they see it. so they make up these farfetched tales that obama somehow stole this. there was some kind of vast
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conspiracy that allowed this -- you know, this exotic person who's not a real american because a real american president in their view would be white, allowed this person who's not a real american to take over. the vast majority of us know that's not true. but these folks are members of a different universe. >> now, professor peterson, joe the plumber. you remember him. sarah palin's friend who made headlines about his criticism of then-candidate obama in 2008. well, he's making headlines again. on his blog he posted an article with the headline america needs a white republican president. quote, wanting a white republican president doesn't make you a racist, it just makes you american. he printed this article on his
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blog. america needs a representative representing the american people. so he makes this kind of racist statement and does it deliberately and then gets really auchblgded and defensive about being accused of being a racist. it's the same thing they did in the actual rally this weekend which is they're trying to accuse the president of using veterans as political pawns as they're using veterans as political pawns. so we don't need to go for this strategy. joe the plumber or whatever his real name is is a guy who came into the political scene by pandering to these folk. a small minority within the republican party and really within the fringe of that party who cannot accept the fact we have an african-american president and cannot accept the fact of the changing demographics of this nation. there are so many things that feed into this. when people talk about entitlements and government programs, things of that nature, they are coating those things as having to do with black and
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brown people even though those services go to all people. >> cynthia tucker and james peterson, thank you both for your time tonight. >> good to be here, rev. coming up, if republicans want to rebrand, maybe taking the stage with glenn beck and a guy who called the president a gay kenyan muslim isn't such a good idea. that's next. [ woman #1 ] why do i cook? ♪ because an empty pan is a blank canvas. ♪ [ woman #2 ] to share a moment. ♪ [ man #1 ] to remember my grandmother. [ woman #3 ] to show my love. ♪ [ woman #4 ] because life needs flavor. ♪ [ woman #5 ] to travel the world without leaving home. [ male announcer ] whatever the reason. whatever the dish. make it delicious with swanson. [ woman #1 ] that's why i cook.
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texas senator ted cruz has led the right wing charge to hold the economy hostage as a way to end the health care law. so it's no wonder he appeared with other far right politicians at the value voters summit. and guess who they shared the stage with. right wingers like glenn beck who this weekend compared his confederates to president lincoln's war against slavery. >> a big gawky skinny guy with a goofy hat stood up and said i'm a republican, and i'm going to end slavery. abraham lincoln. you're on the verge of winning. you're on the verge of winning, and it's going to happen quickly if you don't compromise your
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values. raise a standard that the wise and the honest can repair the event is in the hand of god. >> hear that, america? holding the country hostage is just like freeing the slaves. new wisdom from the man who once said president obama has, quote, a deep seeded hatred for white people. if he weren't extreme enough, how about joseph ferra. he runs world net daily. claims obama hid his gay life to become president. that wonders is obama sending muslims a subtle message. and then offers up the smoking gun of obama's kenyan birth certificate. yep. the guy who thinks our president is a gay muslim kenyan actually moderated a discussion at this summit. that's where the gop's leading voices were this weekend.
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sharing the stage with people sprouting anti-gay, anticontraception rhetoric like this. >> here's a better name for the naacp. the national association for the abortion of colored people. >> we love everyone fkd inning homosexuals enough to tell them the truth about the moral and spiritual dangers of that conduct. >> now we live in an era where a president promises a promiscuous co-ed because she thinks you ought to buy her birth control pills. >> homosexuality is now dividing us and bringing hostility to the public square. >> what's really extreme is that the future of the republican party was right on the stage with them, walking in lock step. so how's all that rebranding going? joining me now is krystal ball, co-host of "the cycle" right here on msnbc. and frank schaffer, a former
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evangelical turned progressive. currently a columnist for "the huffington post" and author of the book "and god said billy." thank you both for coming on the show tonight. frank, let me go to you. you once were an evangelical. what can you say about these republicans on stage with these people with fanatical positions? >> well, there's something that the american public has to understand and it has to start with the media. you're one of the only people who gets this, by the way. and that is these people's problem is not a political problem. it's a religious problem. these are religious fanatics. i've got to tell you something. the reason i wrote "and god said billy" is to unpack the spirit of religious fanaticism that has taken over our country and it's delusional. when we say how can they think they're winning, you played that clip of glenn beck. how can they think they're on the right side. something like meadows who got the people to sign a letter to
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get this going. the key about these folks is to ask what do they believe? where do they go to church? what are the philosophical positions that drive them into the area of logic. it's a religious problem that has bled over to politics. >> and the calculation is not political because it's a religious fanaticism. and that's why they're not looking at polls. they're on a different frequency. some of the statements made at the value voters summit were down right bizarre. understand it when you hear what frank is saying. they're saying things like u.s. was compared to nazi germany because of abortion. contraception coverage called a descendant of the french revolution. one woman called for an aggressive and offensive culture war. president obama was told to shut down and shut up and that drew a wild applause. >> i'm sure it did. >> this is the stuff happening this weekend. >> it's unbelievable.
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and the problem is that you're always going to have people who are way out there on the fringe in any society. but the problem is that the republicans allowed these folks to take control of their party. and they were more than happy to do it when it helped them to win elections in 2000 and get george w. bush re-elected in 2004. they were happy to see their parties to the extremes when it helped them create energy for 2010. but that very success that they had had electorally in 2010 also sowed the seeds of their destruction. they've enabled these people saying your cause is just, we believe in you, that they can't come back and take it back. they tried after the 2012 loss to president obama. they tried some efforts at rebranding. but they were too far gone because they have been feeding this rhetoric and enabling this people far too long. >> the thing that also strikes me is you are a religious man even though you are no longer
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with the right wing evangelicals. i have deep beliefs as a minister, but when you hear them talk over and over again at this summit slamming programs that actually help people, what is this all about? listen to this. >> westbound care is really i think the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery. >> it's time to rethink our dysfunctional welfare system. that holds poor families down. >> we're moving away from an opportunist society to a dependency society. you don't believe that, look at all the street corners that accept ebt cards. >> our people wants jobs. they don't want a safety net as a way of life. >> this egregious system that will be ultimately known as death care must be defeated. >> so these are people that
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claim to be the ones that hold values, yes they go after every program that helps people. what kind of values and religion is that? is that the fanaticism you're talking about? >> i keep going back to the word, religious delusion. the fact is and people don't want to say this because we believe in religious freedom, and i do too. and i will be in church next sunday. but the -- >> i'll be there tomorrow night, but go ahead. >> the fact is the political movement has been hijacked by a minority. they in turn the evangelicals have hijacked the republican party who are holding you and me hostage. so we have to start talking about the quality of insane religion. listen, the right wing always accuses the left of not being quote, open enough about islamic terrorism. they want us to hang that on the islamic community. which is ridiculous.
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it would bee ridiculous to hang this on the heads of all evangelicals. however the evangelical right are tonight anti-american. and in this analysis in "and god said billy" is i try to show that religious delusion leads to personal disaster. but in our case, they've taken other one of our political parties. >> will the party ever cut these fanatics loose, krystal? will the established religious leadership on the right cut them loose or have they become so much hostage themselves that they can't cut these people that have become committed to this fanaticism loose? >> they may cut themselves loose. if you look at folks who identify with this wing of the party, they are very dissatisfied with the republican establishment. so they may go away themselves. i think it would be very hurtful to the gop in the short-term and very good for them in the
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long-term. because this is not a sustainable mainstream governing part of the movement. >> scary. krystal ball, frank schaffer, thank you both for your time. don't forget to catch krystal on "the cycle" week days at 3:00 p.m. here on msnbc. up next, caught on tape. a stop and frisk confrontation in philadelphia. next. the day we rescued riley was a truly amazing day. he was a matted mess in a small cage. so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angie's list. we found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angie's list.
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we're back with a stop and frisk case caught on tape. two philadelphia police officers stopped two men walking down a street last month, and the incident was recorded on a cell phone. >> how you doing, sir? >> come here. you got an id? >> what seems to be the problem? >> you got an id? you live around here? >> i'm going to work. >> did you know that guy sitting down on the step? >> no. >> you know the guy sitting down on the step? then why were you talking to him? >> i was just saying hi to him. >> why? you don't say hi to strangers. >> not in this neighborhood. >> i'm not asking you for a consent. cause i just told you to! don't [ bleep ] play though. and put your phone in the pocket. >> why i got to put my phone in this pocket.
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come on officer, i'm sorry. i'm sorry. you're under investigation right now. >> investigation of what? i was walking. >> that's not what i saw. >> it seems like the man did put his phone in his pocket. but he left the recording device on. >> then don't come to [ bleep ] philadelphia. stay in jersey. >> i have family out here. >> yeah, man. don't come over here. we don't want you here. you weaking the [ bleep ] country. >> yeah how do i weaken the country? by working? >> by free loading. >> -- koun drink club. >> doing what? >> i'm a server. >> serving what? weed? >> yeah. >> this shows the problem with the stop and frisk policy. there's an active investigation underway. we'll be following this story closely. anything we purchase for the paper cottage
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finally tonight looking for political courage. for weeks, months, years we've been waiting for speaker boehner to show some real leadership. we waited for him to stand up to the tea party fringe and we've waited for him to end this shutdown. he might forever be known as the guy who couldn't lead. in my new book "the rejected stone," i write about defining yourself. >> define yourself before others do it for you talks about how whatever you project, and whatever will be your brand and your legacy, you ought to define it. because if you don't have that in mind, if you're not committed to that, if you don't shape and mold who you are going to be to the world, the world will do it for you. you're going to be branded as something. you're going to be known as something. in a small circle to the world.
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you should decide what that is and you ought to put that profile, that picture, that image in your mind and you give that to the world rather than the world reflect on you what it wants to see. >> i'm really excited for my new book. if you'd like to read an excerpt, please go to our facebook page. and find details about my next book signing in baltimore tomorrow. i'll be at empowerment temple in baltimore, maryland. 1505 utah place, baltimore. i'll be there. i hope to see you there. political courage, define yourself. i've learned that if you stand up for what you believe and have the courage and say this is who i am, you're going to get attacked. you're going to have some that will attack out of envy and jealousy, others out of
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