tv Politics Nation MSNBC October 15, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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they want to take this president down. >> it's no time to go home. this is the time to do the job. the american people sent us to do. and put country ahead of politics. >> congressman, good to have you tonight. that's "the ed show." "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. >> thanks, ed. thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, breaking news. the republican implosion. just 30 hours away from a debt ceiling disaster. and the tea party is playing games. acting like a vote to avoid financial ruin is just a harmless stunt. maybe you've seen those youtube videos showing what happens when mwhen mentos candy mints are put into a bottle of diet coke. [ laughter ]
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that's what republicans are doing tonight. the chaos in the gop is spilling over. and threatening to blow up our economy. right now house republicans are ignoring the potential deal over in the senate. and instead trying to charge ahead with their own plan designed to appease the tea party. but just moments ago, they called off that vote. it's been postponed indefinitely. apparently because they didn't think they had the votes to pass their own plan. republicans have been playing games all day, and now they have nothing to show for it. president obama says enough is enough. >> the problem with the house is right now, i think, the house republicans still believe that they can get concessions for doing their job and making sure that the american people aren't hurt. what i'm suggesting to the
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congressional leaders is let's not do any pasturing. let's not try to save face. let's not worry about politics. do what's right. open the government and make sure we're paying our bills. and we could do that today. >> instead of working on a solution, tea party lawmakers are openly mocking the senate deal. that could be the only way forward out of the mess they've created. one tea party congressman sneered about the senate surrender caucus. another puffed, seems to be an ox si my moron, the word senate then plan. another called it a piece of mushy blank. these are the people making decisions that could affect millions of americans. it's time for speaker boehner to end this crisis now. >> can you guarantee to the
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american people congress will not go past the deadline and push us into default? >> listen, i have made clear for months and months that the idea of default is wrong. and we shouldn't get anywhere close to it. >> we shouldn't, but we are. and speaker boehner and his tea party extremists are the reason why. this is not some little prank that you pull and post on youtube. this is real. it's serious. just moments ago the fitch credit rating agency warned the u.s. rating for negative downgrade. it's time for john boehner to step up and stop republicans from blowing up our economy. joining me now is congressman elijah cummings andmy sh michel cottle. thank you both for coming on the show tonight. congressman, 30 hours from the beginning of a default, and house republicans pull their
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bill after the right wing heritage action group urged a no vote. what do you make of this. >> well, reverend, if you look at the heritage memo they sent to republicans, it is all about the affordable care act. they are still upset with it. they're trying to destroy it. what they're saying is, look, the bill that boehner is presenting does not have the kind of provisions that we want -- it doesn't address the affordable care act and kill it, so we don't vote for it. so basically what's happened is that the republican party has allowed the tea party to control it in the congress. they and the heritage foundation, they are controlling everything. and at the same time threatening -- they've already shut down the government for 15 days, reverend. 15 days at $1.6 million a day.
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over $2 billion a already. and then at the same time, reverend, they are threatening the full faith and credit of the country. >> boehner had a bill and then all of a sudden they pull it back. i mean, 30 hours before we go into default with fitch looking at downgrading us. they're playing these kind of games, congressman? >> it's totally irresponsible. it's un-american. and it's letting down the people of our country. they've got to put country before party. country before tea party. >> the heritage action and the tea party, what is their strength, what is their power? how can they maneuver and manipulate the speaker of the house like this? >> well, look.
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with a lot of the congressional districts and a lot of these people were sent here with the promise they were going to defund obama care. what they are worried about is a primary. there's little incentive for them to compromise. what heritage action promises is that if you don't stick by the kind of most intransigent line here, they will make them pay. >> i mean, we've been hearing games like children in a schoolyard rather than leaders dealing with a critical economic crisis all day long. >> exactly. i mean, basically that's one. i'm going to take my toys and go home if you don't give me what i want here. but i think at some level they have to know that that would be terrible. this would be terrible pr. they've been working really hard to convince america they're not the reason this has happened.
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that it's obama or senate democrat who is have caused this shutdown. and i think that would kind of put a nail in it. >> but boehner has said he doesn't want the shutdown. so what can he do? i mean, is he that easy -- i mean, the default. we've had the shutdown 15 days. but is he that lame as a leader? is he that week as a leader? he says i don't want it, but we're right there. >> i think boehner is worried about losing his speakership, to be frank with you. he could easily bring this bill, a clean bill to the floor today. as a matter of fact, the senate has already passed a bill to open up the government. he could bring that to the house tonight and we could have the government open in the next hour. literally. but he refuses to do that. i think basically he's afraid and michelle made a good point. a lot of his members are saying
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that they are afraid that somebody's going to run against them from the right. if you look at the heritage foundation memo that was sent this evening, it says we are going to score this. we're going to score this against you. and if you vote for this bill that certainly is unacceptable to democrats in the congress, but if you vote for it, we're going against you. >> but this is frightening, congressman. because we're being told that we could end up with a downgrading of this country's credit. that we could be -- where we can't pay bills and services. we've already shut down at a cost of $2 billion so far as you say. and the speaker can't do anything? you want to hold a title that means nothing? a crown with no throne? this is ridiculous. >> what the speaker can do is lead. and he needs to do that. and i think he really needs to
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say to this tea party crowd, look. our country -- you're putting our country in a situation where not only will you bring down our economy, not only will you destroy jobs, not only will you effect the economy of the world, we just simply can't do this. this is our watch. we need to do better. let's make this happen. and then take the democratic votes that he has and that's all of them, and take the republicans who have agreed that they want a clean bill to open up the government to do that. and then to address the debt ceil, of cour ceiling, of course. >> michelle let me ask you, let's not forget this is all about the affordable care act or obama care. here's a clue how funding until mid-december and then runs out. according to "the washington post," paul ryan argued the house would need the deadline as leverage for delaying the health
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care law's individual mandate and adding a conscience clause. that would allow employers and insurers to opt out of birth control coverage. they want to have this whole fight all over again about obama care. >> exactly. and this is precisely why obama has been hesitant to haggle over details. you'll get the questions whether or not senators have to get this sort of thing with their health care coverage, because he doesn't want to be held hostage why republicans decide to pick and choose whatever they want and don't want to be in this law. >> we are 29 1/2 hours away from an economic disaster, and they're going back to women's health. this is amazing. congressman elijah cummings and michelle cottle, thank you for your time tonight. ahead, what was really behind that confederate flag at the white house? we'll reveal the 40 years of
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republican rhetoric that led to this national embarrassment. plus, why right wingers are ramping up their impeachment hysteria with sarah palin on board. there's nowhere for these folks to go but down. and supreme court justice scalia talking today about the blacks. you heard that right. the blacks. a jaw-dropping comment today on affirmative action. also, what's on your mind? e-mail me. friend or foe, i want to know. reply al is ahead. hungry for the best? it's eb. want to give your family the very best in taste, freshness, and nutrition? it's eb. eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition.
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today our facebook family had a lot to say about that confederate flag at the tea party protest outside the white house. teresa says when i saw this, i was reminded of the most shameful time in our history. and i for one do not want to see this type of racism ever again. luis says, how can you call yourself patriotic and still wave this flag that represents racism, hatred, and treason? coming up, more on this ugly scene and what led to it. but first, tell us what you think of this story. please head over to facebook and search "politicsnation" and like us to join the conversation that keeps going long after the show ends. i'm a careful investor. when you do what i do, you think about risk. i don't like the ups and downs of the market, but i can't just sit on my cash. i want to be prepared for the long haul. ishares minimum volatility etfs.
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we've entered the third week of the government shutdown. 15 days in, and real americans are hurting. but these guys don't care about people worrying about making ends meet. they've shown a complete dis disregard for ordinary people. as millions suffer, members of congress are raking in their six figure salary even if they don't know it. iowa congressman steve king said, quote, i don't know if i'm paid or not. i haven't looked. i have not. this guy has no clue if the money is there?
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you can be sure the furloughed workers are aware. today a group went to capitol hill literally praying congress would end this shutdown. >> may our walking these halls and praying with congress be the bridge that you need for healing and for some sanity and caring for all. ♪ amazing grace ♪ how sweet the sound >> singing "amazing grace," they visited the office of house republicans to tell them how much the shutdown is hurting real people. the pain is front page news across the country. in arizona veterans are worried they won't get their benefits. in iowa head start programs are scrambling to stay open. in florida, it's taking longer to get approved for a mortgage. in kansas there are plans to
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withhold checks for the women, infants, and children nutritional program. the longer this shutdown goes on, the more ordinary people are struggling. >> coffee shops' financial success is driven by tourists that visit the shenandoah national park. business has dropped off significantly. >> right now with the disease that i have, hasn't progressed too far yet. it's still early in its stage. >> and it's hoped science can keep the disease at bay through an experimental protocol involving a critical bone marrow transplant offered through the national institutes of health. >> victor santori says controllers will get half a paycheck tuesday. faa furloughs are impacting safety. >> every day this goes on, it just peels away at the margin of safety. >> the republicans responsible for this mess show a complete
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disregard for real people. joining me now is sister simone campbell. she's the executive director of network, a national catholic social justice lobby. she led some of the prayers this morning in the capitol. thank you for being here. >> it's an honor to be with you. >> i want to start by asking you about the breaking news that house speaker boehner pulled back a vote on his own bill after a powerful tea party group came out against it. >> i find that shocking. the peace we were praying for today with speaker boehner's office and many of the offices was that there would be the courage to stand up to these extremist interests and to make sure that the common good is cared for. hearing from low wage workers who work as contractors with the federal government, who are on minimum wage and have no other income, they're worried about how they're going to eat tonight. i mean, it's shocking that we just deal with it as policy and
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politics. but these are real people suffering, families suffering. and it is wrong. >> now, i mean, i think that the thing that really bothers me and as i was watching the footage of the prayer, like this is not a game. we're talking about real life here. >> absolutely. it is not a game. and this has gone on so long that the terror that is being created in the working poor in our nation is huge. they -- mothers are not getting what they need for their children. food is not being given to kids. that's wrong in the richest nation on earth. we need to wake up to the fact that working people are struggling because of the shutdown. and end it. >> and they want to shut it down over the affordable care act that was already passed. he "huffington post" put together things members of congress have been doing instead of finding an end to the
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shutdown. they grand standed at the world war ii memorial that they closed down. one berated a park ranger telling her she should be ashamed of doing her job. and another group put on white lab coats to complain about the cuts to the national institute of health. that their shutdown caused. i mean, they have had a lot of time for photo ops. did any have time to talk to you today or the workers who haven't got their paycheck? >> we did not talk to any of the members of congress today. we talked to their staffs. several of their staffs told us that their member really wants to get a deal, wants to get something done. but we didn't get a commitment from any of them they were going to stand up. our prayer today was for their courage to act for the common good. it's for all of our benefit to end this. >> now, over the weekend, many on the right held the --
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attended the values voter summit -- value voters summit. and they kept slamming programs that help people. listen to this. >> obama care is really, i think, the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery. >> it's time to rethink our dysfunctional welfare system that holds poor families down. >> we're moving away to a dependency society. you don't believe that, look at all the street corners that accept ebt cards. >> we need to encourage work, not dependence. but our people want jobs. not a safety net as a way of life. >> this egregious system that will be ultimately known as death care must be defeated. >> i mean, are republicans happy about this shutdown because they're so opposed to government
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programs? >> that's the only thing that makes any sense. i think they want to use this as a moment to grand stand. but what they totally miss, reverend, is that in business week today, there was an article about mcdonald's, the fast food program, that mcdonald's employees work at minimum wage or low wages and they -- mcdonald's uses $7 billion of our safety net program for their workers. low wage workers are just that. they're workers. and this statement totally missed the fact about hard working americans trying to raise their families. >> i'm out of time, but i want to ask. you've been critical of congressman paul ryan in particular his budget cuts. and he's writing op-eds about how to end the shutdown, speaking out at the meetings at the white house. what do you make of his involvement? >> i think he wants to find a
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deal, but i think he does -- he's got a mind for the numbers but he doesn't have a mind for the people. he doesn't have a heart for the people. and that's the piece he needs to open up to and if he has a heart for the people, he can use his fine mind and find a solution. >> he has a mind for the numbers, not a heart for the people. sister simone campbell, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you. coming up, more on that confederate flag outside the white house. why it shouldn't be a surprise. and affirmative action hits the supreme court. and justice antonin scalia is talking about, quote, the blacks. my response is coming. (vo) you are a business pro. maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle...
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nothing works faster. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box. continuing with our breaking news, just minutes ago speaker boehner pulled back the republicans' own bill. the bill that would have ended the shutdown and avoided default. his spokesperson released this statement at 4:35 today. the house will vote tonight to reopen the government and avoid default. and less than an hour later, nothing. no bill, no vote, nothing. so why the change? because the real boss spoke up. remember him? former senator jim demint. he left the senate back in january to pull strings behind the curtain running the right
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wing heritage foundation. he is one of the early leaders in the destroy obama care movement. you know the guy who said this about health care in 2009. >> if we're able to. so obama on this, it will be his waterloo. it will break him. >> it will break him. three years later, and look what's happening? it's breaking boehner. here's the translation. john boehner, i'm your boss. you better hold the line on this or else. joining me now are goldie taylor and ryan grim. thank you both for coming on the show tonight. >> thank you. >> pleasure. >> ryan, incredible events unfolding. how scared of jim demint is speaker boehner that he pulls his own bill? >> i mean, he clearly must not have had the votes after heritage told people to vote no. the way this works is that
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heritage action which is the corporate/grassroots right wing organization decides that certain votes are quote, unquote key votes. which means those are the ones they're going to count when it comes time for re-election. all the other votes are kind of freebies. so as long as you vote the right way on the key votes, then you're okay as far as heritage is concerned. so they said this afternoon this is a key vote and we want you to vote no. and boom, everybody apparently told the speaker's office they were going to vote no. the reasoning is amazing. heritage said that because this does not undo obama care, you have to vote no. in other words, the group that is controlling the tea party at the eleventh hour is still insisting that there can be no deal unless it undoes obama care. >> but ryan, you've been on the hill all day.
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any sense this was coming, that this was going to transpire? >> it's been a roller coaster. in the morning there's a huge amount of pessimism. then things started to pick up as it looked like the house was going to put something together they would send back to the senate and then there would be a little bit of fight over whether or not this would be included. but then this just blew everything up. people are shock at this point. they thought we'll have the vote tonight, then the senate will deal with whatever they get from the house side and we'll take it from there. now it's gone. this means boehner has tried everything possible which means he has two options left. either default or turn to the democrats. >> goldie, when he had announced as i just read at 4:35 the spokesperson, they were going to have the vote. they were going to deal with the shutdown, avoid the default. demint comes out with the heritage action, says don't vote. he backs down.
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last week jim demint wrote a letter to president obama on obama care. he writes, we believe the law should be fully repealed, but at minimum both sides should agree not to fund the law for one year. a time-out that would hualt the law's most harmful effects before they start. he's been able to call the shots here which is frightening considering the position he has to the far, far right. >> one of the things jim demint knew was being leader of the heritage foundation was important. he is able to coalesce a critical mass of votes, enough that it takes to stop legislation coming in and out of the house. and clearly he's shown himself to be that powerful today with speaker boehner. i'm not willing to let speaker boehner off the hook. he's had the option for a very long time to put a clean cr on
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the floor of the house and he has steadfastly refused. i don't think it is just that boehner is afraid of, you know, the people at heritage. i think he is beginning to line up with them along with is the other 30 or 40 republicans who do so more regularly. and so i'm not as willing to give speaker boehner the discount some of my colleagues are. in effect what heritage has done is they've strapped dynamite on the bridge on the way to reconciliation on opening up this government. >> you know, goldie says, ryan, it's more powerful to be head of the heritage foundation than a senate. when you have property jays in the senate like rubio, lee, cruz, you don't have to be a senator. the property jteges are doing t. before you respond to his proteges doing the work, let me underscore. he said he was going to break president obama. he has not broken president obama yet at all.
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he maybe has broken boehner. the president has not at all blinked. >> that's right. you know, the troops that lost waterloo, they retreated and went home. that was it. you know, he fought -- demint fought that battle. he thought it was going to be obama's waterloo. it was his. he wants to have another one. i don't see what the end game is for demint or for the tea -- the end game is fine for demint. he's now making a million dollars a year at heritage action and incidentally he's under a lobbying ban which means he's not supposed to be lobbying the united states senate. yet he did a tour recently with ted cruz who is a senator. but whatever. that's kind of a different matter, but i don't understand what the tea party's end game is here. okay. you're not going to defund obama
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care. that's not going to happen. so what exactly are you trying to accomplish here? >> well, you know, goldie, before we get into the end game, ryan says that he's toured with ted cruz. listen to how ted cruz talks about his mentor mr. demint. >> kids all over the world wear superman pajamas. superman wears chuck norris pajamas. and let me tell you, chuck norris wears jim demint pajamas. >> so i mean, he holds him in high esteem. >> it seems that he does. i think that jim demint probably wears clown pajamas. at the end of the day, it comes down to he has the number of minions or proteges in the
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senate. but he also has a very direct line to the grassroots. they are not fighting down on the fight against obama care. they intend -- well, they hope to intend to either impeach this president, delegitimatize him in some other way, and they will fight or die trying. that is where we sit. in firms terms of how we're goi get the government open, it is going toation rational fair minded republicans who will stand up and call this for what it is. it is election chicanery and it has to stop now. >> well, ryan, here's part of what the reasonable republicans are dealing with. the heritage group has vowed to go after those that are not far right enough. it announced a $550,000 defund obama care ad campaign. in 100 republican-controlled
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districts to pressure republicans. this is one of the things i think that is being considered by the so-called reasonable republicans. what's the end game of doing that in these 100 republican-controlled districts, ryan? >> it's a war for the sole of the republican party. and they want to annihilate vestige of old school conservatism. there's a radical activist conservatism that's on display here. and that's what they're trying to accomplish. you know, the thing is -- you know, you can debate about how much damage will be done by defaulting. there's no question that a significant amount will be done. that means that these folks are oak with that. so you have to ask why is it that they're okay with that? and i think some of it is they hate this president so much and they're so convinced that this country is headed in some
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socialist communist direction that they really do have to destroy it and hurt it. and sort of sharpen the krixs in a marxist kind of way so they can hasten their version of a right wing revolution. it's a very strange spot for them. >> that's a great segue into my next block. that's exactly where i'm going. the hatred of this president. ryan grim and goldie taylor, thank you both for your time this evening. and don't forget, demint has not broken this president. we'll be right back. explorer card. i've saved $75 in checked bag fees. [ delavane ] priority boarding is really important to us. you can just get on the plane and relax. [ julian ] having a card that doesn't charge you foreign transaction fees saves me a ton of money. [ delavane ] we can go to any country and spend money the way we would in the u.s. when i spend money on this card, i can see brazil in my future. [ anthony ] i use the explorer card to earn miles in order to go visit my family, which means a lot to me. ♪
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this weekend we saw a very disturbing image at the white house. a protester waving the confederate flag. in front of the home of the nation's first black president. it was a grim reminder of a shameful period in our history. but it wasn't surprising. because this kind of display is what republicans get from their so-called southern strategy. a plan to win elections using racially charged and racially coded rhetoric. when president johnson signed the civil rights act of 1964, he said, quote, we've lost the south for a generation. it didn't take long for republicans to exploit that idea. notorious gop strategist lee atwater laid it out. how republicans could exploit
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racial views without being explicitly racist. >> you start out in 1954 by saying [ bleep ], by 1968 you can't say [ bleep ]. that hurts you, backfires. so you stay stuff like forced bussing, states rights and stuff like that. all that stuff you're talking about are totally economic things and blacks get had hurt worse than whites. >> republicans started using those to their advantage. running shameful ads specifically targeting those views. >> his revolving door prison policy gave weekend furloughs to murderers not for parole. one was willie horton who murdered a boy. you needed that job. and you were the best qualified, but they had to give it to a minority because of a racial
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quota. against racial quotas, jesse helms. >> this sort of resentment has been stoked by the right. we've heard for decades of talk about welfare queens, makers versus takers, and states rights. it's that resentment that has led republicans to question the president's citizenship, to reject his health care law, to try and gut the safety net. and it inspired the ugliness we saw this weekend in front of the white house. the southern strategy is a losing strategy for the gop. and it's time for republican leaders to reject it. joining me now is jimmy williams and joe madison. thank you both for being here. >> thank you. thank you. >> jimmy, it seems that the frustration and the hatred towards this president was on disturbing display. a confederate flag rally.
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what's your take? >> i'm from the south. i'm from south carolina. i got to be honest with you, that is one of the most offensive thing i've seen in my life. first of all, that guy in my opinion is trailer trash. i don't know where he's from, but he needs to go back and stay there. he can fly his flag at his house. that's fine. but to take that flag and fly it in front of the white house that has in it the first african-american president of this country is patently offensive. it is blatantly racist and has zero to do with southern pride. i have ancestors that fought in that war, the civil war. they died for their cause. guess what, they lost. i'm over it. the south needs to get over it. and that to me is one of the most awful things i've seen in the five i can't have years of barack obama's presidency. >> jimmy, let me ask you. there were republican electeds there.
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have you heard any of them denounce that flag? >> no, no, no. in their minds if you just don't address it, then it doesn't exist. the racism doesn't exist. you mentioned this issue of what atwater did on the southern strategy with key words. forced bussing, states rights. this theory of states rights, that is nothing more than when you hear conservatives say things like big powerful federal government. we'd rather have the power back in the states. really? i suppose they then probably just bristled the idea of the 1964 civil rights act which you mentioned that said you can't tell black people they can't come into your store. you can't say they can't stay at your hotel. those were states rights. >> we're back to states rights with voter situations, they want it with immigration. states rights is states rights and it's always been to civil
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rights. >> it's ironic today is the date that the united states supreme court i believe in 1888 or 1877 in essence overturned the 1875 civil rights law. and said -- it actually nullified the 14th amendment saying just what you said. that an individual does not -- the federal government does not have a right to tell an individual that they can't discriminate against someone. that's on this date. the reality is this. not only did that flag fly this weekend, but joe the plumber issued a statement on his blog saying that what really is america is that the republican needs a white candidate. now, here you say that republican leadership. >> say we need a white republican president. he printed an article. >> it was written by an
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african-american. now, if i were mr. 9-9-9 or a black republican, i would be mad as hell. how dare he say that and then you don't even have blacks say anything about it. >> jimmy, when you go back to what you said, you're from south carolina. when you go back to lee atwater, where the strategy was play race, don't make it explicit, but that's what you're doing. is that what we are seeing in the venom that has been directed at president obama? a 21st century southern strategy. we're talking about a president who's been questioned in terms of his citizenship, his birth has been called everything. is this part of the southern strategy to play to some base race instincts in parts of this country? >> i think it's a modern day
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southern strategy. i don't think it's just a southern strategy. i think you and joe would both agree, racists are confined just to the south. there are plenty all over this country. don't forget the bussing riots in boston, for gosh sakes. but it is a modern day sort of extension of that. you can smell it. you know when stewart said i'll know pornography when i see it. you know when you see racism because they question your morality, your religion, your birth. they question it as if you don't belong here. as if the president of the united states doesn't actually belong here. you heard larry klayman what he said to that same group of people. what had he said was he wants a president that worships to the foot of allah to walk out with his hands up as if he's a petty criminal. now, he doesn't have to call barack obama the "n" word. he doesn't need to. it's just as overt as anything i've ever seen.
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>> this is abstract language and we know it. remember mal con x said if you live south of the canadian border, you live in the south. but the reality is this. i'm going to tell you what the next step is going to be. they're going to lose on this obama care. they're going to lose on the default. the next step -- and i made a point this morning -- the next step is going to be articles of impeachment. that's going to be the next step that they're going to use. >> well, they're already beginning the rhetoric of impeachment, but i think it is interesting that we've seen atwaterism -- >> but atwater apologized on his death bed to ron brown for making that statement. >> yes, he did. >> here's where they're going to try the impeachment thing. if we do the default, if boehner can't get the vouts out of the house. if the president using the 14th
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amendment to pay the bills, i guarantee you articles of impeachment will be used and they will move forward on that. >> well, we will be following this closely. jimmy williams, joe madison, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thank you. coming up, supreme court justice scalia talked to the blacks. you heard that right. the blacks. his jaw-dropping comment today on affirmative action is up next. thank you orville and wilbur... ...amelia... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it.
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today at the supreme court, the justices heard arguments about affirmative action. a critical case that could effect diversity and education across the country. k but service associate justice antonin scalia who said something that really shocked a lot of people. he said quote, we've held that the 14th amendment protects all races. i mean, that was the argument in the early years, that it protected only the blacks. but i thought we rejected that. the blacks? talking about the blacks? is this the kind of tone deaf language we should be hearing at the nation's highest court in the year 2013? we've come to expect it from justice scalia. he's the one who called voting a
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quote, racial entitlement in arguments on the voting rights act earlier this year. we'll keep watching him and this important case. and the court -- as the court's term continues. in the nation, sometimes bad things happen. add brand new belongings from nationwide insurance and we'll replace stolen or destroyed items with brand-new versions. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪
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