tv The Last Word MSNBC October 17, 2013 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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screwed up like this, there were real consequences. there were real financial wasteful consequences for us as a country. will that happen again? tomorrow will start to tell. that does it for us tonight, though. we'll see you tomorrow night. have a great night. >> today after 16 days of a federal government shutdown and hours before the united states would hit the detail ceiling, john boehner surrendered. the senate voted first, the bipartisan deal reached would fund the government through january 15th and raise the debt ceiling through february 17th. 81 senators cast the reasonable vote in favor of the bill including every democrat and 27 republicans. 18 republicans voted against the bill. then the bill moved to the house, the final vote was 285-144, 87 republicans voted for the bill, including john
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boehner and eric canter. 144 republicans voted against it. 198 democrats provided the necessary votes for passage. >> joining me now howard dean, sam stein, and we will soon i believe have luke russert. but we don't have him yet. sam stein, this came at a -- at the end of a day that now seems inevitable. there was no one, absolutely no one saw a way for republicans to win in this fight when they started it. >> yeah, i mean, what's remarkable is that after two weeks, two and a half weeks time we ended up right where we thought we would be. we wasted $24 billion in economic activity along the way and a lot of people had to suffer but we ended up where everyone assumed that we would end up.
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we will be lifting the debt limit for a little bit longer and will replay in the a little bit. but the house republicans could have seen this one coming and should have seen this one coming. they didn't do anything about it. >> howard dean, this comes after an overwhelmingly positive vote in the senate. 81 senators voted in favor, casting the reasonable vote in favor. 18 casting the unreasonable vote against it. all of the no votes coming from republicans. but i want to read you some of the threats that were issued to republican senators and democratic senators today by these conservative lobbying groups. one of them, the club for growth put out a key vote alert urging all house and senate members to vote no on the reid-mcconnell plan. heritage action said they oppose this plan. freedom works put out an alert
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to all the senators and congressmen saying they opposed the plan. and these lobbying groups said they were going to use this in their score cards of in effect who is a real conservative here. and howard dean, 26 republican senators defied those threats. >> yeah, i don't think there is anything -- you can't call these people conservative. they are right wing destructive groups that don't have america's interests at heart. for anybody to argue that you should let the united states refuse to pay its debts is just irresponsible and silly. so i think those organizations take a big hit. i think the club for growth is not the club for growth at all but a group that has been captured by the coke brothers. these people are off the charts. there is nothing conservative about refusing to pay their bills. conservatives pay their bills. this is a huge loss for the
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republicans. it's a huge loss for the right wing. i think people that finally stood up to them including the republican party and that was necessary. >> we have luke russert wired up and ready to go. what is the word -- was the house of representatives surprised by the 26 republican senators who defied the right wing lobbying groups and voted for this plan? >> no. i think it was expected. i think they knew it would get a comfortable margin out of the senate and that helps out the house g.o.p. cause and gives them cover especially if a senator votes for a given thing it allows the house members to coalesce around that. you see that often with south carolina. but what will be interesting to see what are the numbers during the fiscal cliff deal, a deal that was not well liked by the conservatives in the house g.o.p. conference they got about 75 plus really led by tom cole
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of oklahoma, one of speaker boehner's close friends. a moderate guy. these groups of republicans are the cole caucus. if number is between 50 and 75. if it is more than 75 it shows that a lot of folks are happy to start getting the government off the ground and working again for the american people. interestingly enough, though, we were told that john boehner will vote for this. he does haven't to. the speaker oftentimes does not vote but he wants to show he is supporting this measure. he will publicly support it tonight. interesting to see what cantor and mccarty do. >> as you can see on the clock at the bottom of the screen, 6:15 left in the vote. 216 is the winning number tonight, isn't it? >> 216 is the winning number.
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that is the magic number the house g.o.p. conferences can't reach by themselves. hence, why they'll use a lot of house democratic votes to get there tonight. and it's a number that if you talked to house g.o.p. leadership has haunted them over the last year or so. it's one they hope to be able to get to next year so they have a chance of legislating anything. >> speaker boehner said earlier the house has fought with everything it has to convince the president of the united states to engage in bipartisan negotiations and providing fairness for the american people, that fight will continue but blocking the bipartisan agreement reached today by members of the senate will not be a tactic for us. sam stein, that's a version of that he could have given a couple weeks ago. >> he could have said that three weeks ago, obviously. i think he wanted to say that
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three weeks ago. you know, it's remarkable to me why -- the lack of long-term strategic thinking. they could have entered this with limited demands on obama care and the medical device tax repeal or delay. they could declare victory on some of these things, spending levels will be at their desired level. they could turn and say we have won. we won the big spending battle but they don't do that. i'm curious why they don't step back, take a breath and look at the long term strategic implications before they jump into these battles. >> i think i said 26 republican senators voted for the bill. it's 27 just to keep the score cards clear here. howard dean, there are right wingers who are disappointed in this. erick erickson who is a right wing dream earn the editor of
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"red state" has written this fight exposed conservative activists to the frauds they funded. they are preached a great sermon against obama care but now conservativists who supported them see what these men have refused to actually practice. they refused to practice what they've been preaching. it's amazing that this attack is still going on, calling people like erik cantor frauds and not conservative. >> look, let me just go back to something that luke just said i actually think that boehner couldn't have done this three weeks ago or two weeks ago. boehner has a problem in his caucus. these are unreasonable people. when you are willing as these conservative -- these are far right wingers to destroy the credit rating of the united states and put the economy of the united states at risk for
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your cause you are not serving the american people. what boehner i think he hoped to be able to keep his caucus together. he tried for two weeks and couldn't do it. and i give boehner credit for doing the right thing for standing up and taking the tough hit. this is something that has to be done. obama was right not to negotiate over the debt ceiling and the house is about to do the right thing and give john boehner credit. i fault boehner for letting it go this far but not for trying to keep the caucus together. it couldn't be done in the face of stubbornness which put their party and the cause before the country. >> i disagree with that. maybe i'm wrong but isn't the job of leadership to tell their party and guide them and tell them the limitations of strategic ambitions and say, hey, listen, we won't be able to defund obama care through this and it makes no sense to try do it. why was boehner at the whims of
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his party? >> if i can speak to his leadership style -- >> these are -- >> we haven't seen people like this in the house since the no-nothings in 1840. and boehner was dealt a bad hand. they are not interested in anything but their own ideology and they are willing to put it in front of the country. that's what they have done. it would have been better for the republicans if this never happen and better for the country. but boehner did what he had to do and stood up to the right wing. >> we have a minute and a half left in the vote. luke russert, on john boehner's leadership style that's what's at issue here. when did he stand up and say this is what we must do and when does the speaker basically have to let the members discover what their own limitation are? >> john boehner's leadership style since he took the gavel has been really to follow where the members want to go and let
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the hot air out of the place -- to use his own language -- and that, he believes lets everyone bark and scream and yell but at the end of the day they come back home and ultimately do what is the smart thing. in this case, john boehner did not want this fight and did not want to shout shut down the government over the health care law. i spoke to leadership aides over the summer and richard byrd the senator from north carolina said that. but this group of conservatives brought them on this path and a lot of what you saw john boehner do was number one, he now is beloved by a lot of these conservative members more so than he was. he strengthened his leadership. and number two, he sort of let them see the error of their ways. >> we just hit 216. >> there you have it. >> we popped up to 218. nine seconds left in the vote.
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still 114 not voting. sit on the sidelines here. >> economic catastrophe averted. >> howard dean, the leadership style of speaker boehner will continually be debated. the one thing that i have never heard is the name of the person who could reasonable be expected to release him. >> right. that's a huge problem that they have. it is. the rest of boehner's term will be a really rough one. he doesn't really have -- he can't keep the party together. he does have a majority so he can stop things but he can't get much passed unless is it really unreasonable. what's at stake here is their re-election. the republican brand has the worst numbers that anyone has
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ever polled for a party who is controlling the house. if they keep doing this kind of stuff, we're going to take the house back against all the odds. they know that. and boehner's got the now pull in -- rein in these 30 to 80 or whatever they are, lunatics. >> matt drudge has predicted tonight that the democrats will win the house back and he did in the a tweet saying, speaker pelosi part two opening january 25th, 2015. still 62 not voting. can you explain how you continue to vote when the clock shows zero. >> in the house, they can keep the vote open as long as they want. this is most famously seen during medicare part d because they department have the votes to pass the bill kept the floor
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open until 4:00 in the morning and finally were able to convince the republicans to come on board and pass it. so what you're seeing right now is a lot of members who the leadership said, you know what, we would like you to vote for this but it if is at 218 you might not have to support it or a lot of folks who stood back and watched their colleagues and are making their final decision. i'll be interested to see if there are any democratic no votes on this vote. sometimes we have seen that play out with these piecemeal votes. they attracted democratic support from the last remaining blue dogs. there are about seven of them left. the vote is held open so members can vote. you can see who is leadership tapped and who is now getting a free pass on this if they need it for a tough primary or re-election in 2014, lawrence. >> we have 75 republican yeahs
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and no democratic nays and 10 democrats have not voted. the total is 265-125. >> nancy pelosi delivers the votes she promised. she is undefeated in getting the votes she promised since her speakership in 2007. >> a contrast to boehner there. >> howard dean first and then sam stein. >> pelosi deserves a lot of credit for this. this is not an easy vote for democrats. now the democrats that voted for th this have to support the sequester which they hate. i gave boehner credit for doing the right thing for the country. a lot of the democrats are putting their concerns aside and
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voted this because it's the right thing to the for country. we talked about the republicans here. the democrats deserve a lot of credit for voting this. they put their party second and the country first. and it's a tough vote and unpleasant vote for anyone who is a progressive democrat. >> that is a good point. sam stein, go ahead. >> i talked to congressional aides who said a key part of the strategy rested on pelosi's shoulders and that she was saying to her caucus don't vote for any of this. and she prevented john boehner from getting any leverage over the white house by showing measures that had any broad bipartisan support. so boehner was stuck without any democrats. and let me just say i want to congratulate congress for bolding agreeing to fund the government and prevent a worldwide economic catastrophe
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from happening. >> a necessary note. thank you. >> i'm joined in new york by richard wolf and former republican congressman from connecticut, chris shays. you were considered at times a liberal republican and then a moderate republican and i have been thinking about you all day because there are so few republicans left down there who approach these kinds of issues the way you have. what has this been like for you to watch this? >> it's sad. but there are reasons. you need veterans there. henry hyde's a conservative but he would have said it's not going to turn out the way you think and i can tell you why and give you experiences. >> henry hyde knew what the debt ceiling actually was, right? >> that's true. i'm not going to disthe 30 or so, what howard calls crazies. in their heart of hearts they
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believe our country is doomed if we don't deal with every year spending more than we have, increasing the national debt. when does it stop? and you can say they voted for these budgets. they voted for one-third of the budget but not for the entitlements which are two-thirds. and entitlements happen on automatic pilot. something has to happen. and the test is how magnanimous is this president going to be in willing to negotiate? he won big. no surprise. he won big. and henry hyde could have told him that and newt gingrich could have told him that. >> do you believe that it was possible for john boehner three weeks ago to do what he did today? >> you can't tell them. they had to experience it. and they experienced it. and he now has a lot more power. he was willing to take a lot of
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grief and people accused him of not being a great leader. you know, this is a guy who put together with ted kennedy a significant bill on education. he is a moderate republican -- excuse me. i'm a moderate republican. he is a conservative midwestern democrat. and he's not a social democrat. he's a good leader. and he's dealing with the hand that was dealt to him. >> richard wolf, they still have not closed the vote. it's hard to read. i'm trying to read that number. 143 is the nays and what is that? 285. and still four haven't made up their minds. give them another minute. >> yeah, look. the obvious thing here is i beg to differ about the great leadership of john boehner. he claimed he didn't have the majority of his own caucus with him. you can say he found a path this
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is great for the country. but he took us to the point where fitch says we're on unhealthy state for our debt. which is, let's face it, if it was a democrat doing this the republicans would be saying how he weakened the country standing in the world. if this was president obama's leadership they would say he is leading from behind that's not leadership. it's weakness that we're seeing. >> let's go to the vote. they're going to announce it. >> motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20 the unfinished business is the question on agreeing to the speaker's approval of the journal with the chair will put de novo. the question is on agreeing to the speaker's approval of the journal, those in favor say aye those opposed no. the aye's have it and the journal stands approved.
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>> so. >> the business is done. and chris shays where does your party go from here in the house of representatives? what will be the lessons john boehner tells these people in the next meeting they should have just learned. >> i hope there are lessons for the president as well. this is not a president who reached out to any legislators. he doesn't enjoy it. that's one of the jobs of a president. john doesn't have to tell them anything. they experienced it. and he was willing to go well beyond where he wanted to go. but he would not have been able to do what people thought, like you want. and so, i think he goes in to next year having a stronger hand to be able to deal with the president. i think the caucus has got to
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give him the authority to negotiate and i think there they are be more inclined to. >> we have in washington joining us -- is it gene robinson? we're going without commercial break here. and so i'm not sure who is where. gene, these vote counts in the -- in the senate and the house are -- it seems to me impressive on the republican side. it was very, very large numbers of republicans who were ready to vote for this. >> right. as was written all along. there were a lot of republicans in both chambers that realized this was a ridiculous fight, realized they were harming not just the country but the party, harming their own chances of taking the senate or holding the house and who wanted to get it behind and never wanted to do this fight but they were all held hostage by -- and i'm
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sorry, chris shays -- the crazies. they are crazy. and why did they have to be shown -- demonstrated that the stove is hot and if you put your hand on it you get burned. if enough people tell you that and you can feel the heat do you have to put your hand on it anyhow? i don't see this has a profile in courage. >> i'm going to disagree with you. i think some will be hurt in the election and they knew they would be hurt in the election but they really, really believed they had to do it. it was a sense of honor for some of these folks if we keep calling them crazies if you don't try to understand them you can't negotiate with them. >> well, what is the term of art for someone who says i think it will be a good idea for us not to raise the debt ceiling and have the country go into default? >> i think they're wrong.
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>> so ted yoho said that. >> a lot of people say that's crazy. >> but i'm not going to label that to the other 30. >> that's the connecticut gentleman in you. >> luke russert what is the sense there in the house of representatives about what john boehner's standing is tonight in his caucus? >> he is much more beluvd among his conservative members than three weeks ago. them boldened him he is in no way at risk of a coup. what they said to him in that conference meeting is thank you for keeping up the fight. way to go. we hung tough. we hung together. the government was shut down and we lost $4.8 billion and came to the brink of economic catastrophe but john boehner was able to solidify his limited
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control over the house g.o.p. conference. this is his leadership style in this sense and it worked. i would also though -- what congressman shay said i would agree with. had he tried to just do the profile in courage moment and fund the government right away and put the cr on the floor and extend the debt limit cleanly he would have faced an insurrection. while that would have beneficial it allows boehner to pull the rabbit out of the hat one more time. i have covered him closely and have a personal relationship with him. i think deep down he wants to get the grand bargain debt deal and go out with that. he wants history of his speakership. right now if you write the history of john boehner he can't deliver his conference and just overtaken by these conservative groups, appearing weak. he wants to be able to have a
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library some day where it goes speaker of the house john boehner got debt and deficit under control and able to cut a deal with president obama. he wants that. whether he does it by the end of 2014 or wants to stick around for 2016 by letting the hot air come out it gives him an opportunity to pull that card when he needs 25 or 30 republican votes in the future. >> let me go to -- >> he knows john boehner. that's john boehner. >> was that you, howard dean? >> this is sam. >> go ahead. >> i wanted to say this internal republican caucus mellow drama, they don't exist in a vacuum. i understand he needed to solidify his control over the house and maybe playing this out was the way to do it but in the process many thousands of lives were disrupted and many people were hurt in their personal lives and professional lives. we talked to a number of scientists whose research may have been damaged because they
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couldn't operate in the government run facilities they normally use. these are not things you should take as power struggling or political manipulation there are costs to these decisions. s & p said it was $24 billion in lost economic activity. was this worth playing this out? >> those are tough -- >> let's go to gene robinson on this. what is the country's verdict going to be on the $24 billion cost of the lesson that john boehner had to teach young republicans? >> well, look, the country's verdict is clear. every poll we've seen shows that, you know, this was not a popular move. this was seen as -- as a terrible idea by people and the republican party's numbers are in the tubes and you know, so we know what the polls say. here's my political question
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about boehner though. if he's going to go down in history as the guy who made the deal with president obama and got the deficit under control and is acknowledged as such that deal is going to involve compromise. that deal is going to involve doing things that are anathema. they don't want new revenue in that deal. they're not going to want the things that john boehner is going to have to agree to any more than they wanted him in 2011 when they came close to making a deal. did he really ensure they can get some of those votes? and maybe he did. i don't know but i doubt it. >> richard, gene makes an
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important point there. which is the white house is trying to teach the lesson that no means no when they say we will not do any such deal without increased tax revenue. we will not do it. how does this exercise work as a way of teaching the republicans there that no means no from this white house? >> it succeeded in this round but the congressman made an important point. the republican caucus has to empower the speaker to have a negotiation to have a deal they can go back and get something through we are not talking about caucus that is ready to do that or talking about a speaker who is in a position to get anything done. politics has become the art of the quotable. this is not a speak whoever is in control of the house.
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this is a speak whoever is an opposition leader. he is hairying arrying. so with respect, he may have survived this. that doesn't make him a speaker. he is a leader of an opposition body. >> we're going to break it there. thank you all very much for joining me during this breaking news event. thank you. coming up, what to expect in a few months when we go through all of this again. ezra klein and mark patterson will be here. americans take care of business.
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so disaster has been averted thanks to a vote in the united states senate and house of representatives for a bill to reopen the government and raise the debt ceiling. 81 yes votes in the united states senate and 27 republican senators voted yes. all of the no votes were republican senators. in the house of representatives 285 voted yes, 144 voted no. 87 republicans voted yes in the house of representatives and no democrats voted against the bill in the house of representatives.
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joining me now is ezra klein and mark patterson who is the former treasury department chief of staff and is a senior fellow at the center for american progress. you have worked on a lot of these bills speeding through at the last minute. can you tell me what the heck is in this thing? >> well, they do reopen the government, lawrence, they do extend the debt ceiling. the way they did in the bill was to suspend the debt ceiling. >> one of those. >> they didn't include the somewhat eye popping that is our national debt in the bill. people don't like to vote for that and the matter of the income verification provision. which is more of a clarification. it is a clean bill with a fly speck on it. >> and that thing you mentioned about suspending that's what allows them to give us a date certain on when this will come
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up again, right? if they had given -- if they had just raised the debt ceiling to a number we are not sure what date that would hit. >> that's right. although at the end of the day after back and forth they allowed for the use of the extraordinary measure. the date can be extended again if congress does not act in time. >> ezra klein, what should we expect in the next round of this thing? >> you are not look for a bicameral budget committee in the eighth in a couple of years? i think this shutdown though a horrible thing one thing about that vote you just mentioned john boehner and nancy pelosi could have got in 180-some democrats to vote for this deal on september 30th and we wouldn't have needed to shut the government down and rattle the
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market and send hundreds of thousands of people home from work. but the shutdown for the republican party was healthy. they felt the pain of it. they completely caved. the boehner rule is dead. the house rule is suspended. they did the entire fold here. so i do think that when this next deadline runs out while it's possible we may not see a deal from the budget committee and do more short term extensions i think the likelihood that the republican party can do another debt ceiling is reduced. i think there is a lesson that has been learned by many in the g.o.p. here and that is valuable. >> mark patterson i read a series of threats from the right wing conservatives. 114 republicans defied that.
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87 republicans in the house of representatives. in this current climate with those threats from the lobbying groups were you surprised at what the yes vote turned out to be on the republican side? >> i was a little surprised although i think given what's transpired in the last few days, obviously people just wanted to put distance between themselves and the very negative reviews that this really ridiculous strategy has brought on the republican party. so i think it makes sense that people would do that. it's surprising the numbers. but i'm glad. however, i am concerned that the lesson may not be learned. no means no. that lesson may not be learned. the democrats sought to have a debt limit extension that was longer and the republicans said no. why? because for whatever reason they want to have that fight over again. i don't -- i agree with ezra when it comes to february it will be hard to run this play
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again. the public will say you have to be kidding me. >> ezra klein, the potential republican presidential candidates lined up on the nos, marco rubio, ted cruz, and rand paul also voted no. so it looks like their call on how to play the presidential primaries is to vote no. >> and in the house, paul ryan voted no. he surprised people the most because he has been a close ally of boehner on these votes. he has been playing a valuable role pushing toward more negotiated settlements and getting folks off of obama care on to a budget negotiation. this was a culmination of the paul ryan strategy and he voted no against it and it is going to
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create a budget committee. so as you say there is a lock-step belief that it is smarter for them to vote no for this if they want to run for president in 2016 but it is leading them in a way that does not show leadership chops and leading them to take votes that go against -- not only what they believe but what they were strategizing for and encouraging folks to do. >> mark patterson take a look at what mitch mcconnell did here as the minority leader of the senate making this happen and you've worked for both the majority leader and the minority leader when the democrats were in the majority and the minority in the senate. this is a tough spot for the minority leader. he is being challenged by his republican primary opponent in kentucky for surrendering to the
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president of the united states. give us your sense of what we saw in how mitch mcconnell handled this. >> i have to give him some credit. he swooped in at the last minute and saved his party from itself. this is not the first time he has done this that with regard to the debt limit. it was mitch mcconnell who in 2011 designed the mechanism to raise the debt limit. he allowed all the republicans to vote no but the debt limit still went up. he has done this before. he has done the right thing here. obviously for the nation it would have been better if it happened earlier but i have to give him credit for doing that even though he won't be popular in his party. >> thank you both for joining me tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up, while ted cruz and john mccain were fighting in the senate, sean hannity was fighting on fox news and the
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ted cruz versus john mccain in a battle for the hearts and minds of the heartless and mindless republican party. the battle was simultaneously fought at media headquarters fox news, the part of elder statesman was played by bill o'reilly. and the part of the fire brand was played by sean hannity. our friends at buzz feed assembled video that tracks the fox news version of the fight and it shows that just like in the senate, the elder statesman was right and the young fire brand was very, very wrong. >> so now the republican party finds itself in trouble, big trouble. obama care is not going to be defunded and the g.o.p. will have to make a deal with the president. you know who is most happy about this? hillary clinton, that's who. the democrats will win next year's mid-term elections and
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the presidency of 2016 if the republican party does not begin to solve problems. >> the republicans now have a generic ballot lead and a lead among independents of about 18%. they picked up grounds. >> the polls have not caught up to you yet. the polls say that most of the folks are blaming republicans. >> at the end of this mess the american people are going to see who stood up for them and who didn't. >> every single republican ran on repealing obama care. >> yes. >> ted cruz, rand paul they are fulfilling their process and they are being slammed for doing what they told their constituents they would do. that ticks me off. >> there is not a strategy because president obama is not going to make changes to this law and he has the power. so it's basically you are at the
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alamo. you are going to get killed. >> hold the line. don't cave in to the liberal name calling and the intimidation factor. >> you know what's going to happen. he's not going to back down. this is a macho thing. you know what this is. >> if the republicans don't fight on health care with everything they've got what good are they? i have strong feelings about this. they have shown too much weakness and inability to communicate on the issues we are discussing. i think they have been weak. i vethink they have not stood u for their principles. >> john mccain punctuated the end of the fight this way. >> i think it's obvious we are seeing the end of this agonizing odyssey that this body has been put putt through but far more important the american people have been put through. >> and what about poor fox news has been put through?
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declared the new jersey senator. cory booker won 55% of the vote. his opponent won 44% of the vote. cory booker will be the first african-american senator from new jersey. >> i heard it all over new jersey, north to south, urban to suburban and rural. they said if we put you in washington don't go down there to score victories for a party or for politics but go down there to work for people. >> joining me now, the senior political writer for politico. in the last few days people were getting nervous that that gap was closing. >> they were. i think that was premature. i wrote about this in the last two weeks. it was never likely that cory booker was going to lose this. the problem is that he came off as not ready for primetime in
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this special election. this was probably the best thing for him. he is now in the senate and has to run for the seat again next year. the concern that democrats had is he has a national brand. he is a tremendous fundraiser. people wanted to make sure he can preserve that. i think he took some dings in this campaign that were avoidable. he has to defend is seat next year. and the concern was if the margin was fewer than 10 points -- remember at the beginning of the evening he was winning by six points that could encourage a more moderate republican to jump in next year. i think that will be harder now and democrats will look at this as the icing on the cake. >> every day he is in the senate he gets to build the value of incumbentsy. >> that's right. he is known as a celebrity.
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this was used against him in this race. the estion is he going to be like a senator warren who has been a workhorse instead of a show horse? i think he is going to heed the advice around him but he is someone who comes into this with tremendous celebrity. >> it's an interesting problem for him. the standard advice for people who come into the senator already famous is to keep your head down and show everyone that you are there to do the work of the senate. but he's got to run for re-election immediately. >> that's right. and he has not made clear what policy agenda he wants. he has a focus on an urban agenda but it's not clear what that is going to look like. it's different how you typically hear senators enter washington. he is casting himself as outside washington and not planning
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becoming of washington. and as you say he has to run again. but he will have to try a mix of the two. >> he ran an economical campaign. i'm seeing here that he spent less than 1 million on television and he had to buy the new york city tv market and the philadelphia market, new york city most expensive to buy in. >> he spent in the general election less than $1 million. that's the same amount that mike bloomberg put on tv in support of cory booker. i think he is husbanding resources for next year but he is not someone who has to do that. i think it's a missed opportunity to really introduce himself to voters around the state in a place he will have to run again next year. i'm guessing it went into field and
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