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tv   Morning Joe  MSNBC  October 18, 2013 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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a new study says when you sleep, it cleans out the gunk i the gunk in our brain. dave, my brain is so dirty miley cyrus said that's gross. >> why do you think we watch way too early, we're strunk out on gunk. "morning joe" starts right now. have a great weekend, everybody. >> it has been my honor, my deep true and sincere honor to be here tonight with all of you truly generous new yorkers who have come together for 68 years to do good for those who need as much. you have housed children.
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you have fed the children. and once again tonight you have raised millions to address a variety of health care crises. and hopefully a large portion of this year's money will go towards fixing the obama care website. [ laughter ] good morning. it's friday, october 18th. welcome to "morning joe." this has been i think the longest week ever. we're still in washington and here with us on set in washington we have a great group. washington anchor for bbc world news katty kay. then former white house press secretary robert gibbs with us. senior political editor and white house correspondent for the "huffington post" sam stein who had a harrowing trip. correspondent for bloomberg, josh green who found a new way to get his cover at the top of the show and put the creepiest
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picture you've ever seen, spooky creepy and i just realized i feel bad to say this, but this guy looks like my best friend's husband. i'm sorry. >> it's ted cruz. >> it is? looks like jim to me. >> any resemblance to bill murray? >> a little murray. also white house correspondent for bloomberg news julie and in new york because it's freaky friday, eugene robinson who should be here. joe, it all doesn't make any sense. can you make some sense of the week that just was? >> no, i can't. nobody can. but i can say it was some of the longest introductions ever in the history of "morning joe." >> we have a lot of people here. did you see the cover of bloomberg "business week"? it's fantastic. >> i did. i thought you would like that.
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so what's happening in the news today, mika? >> well we got a lot going on. we'll try to figure out the next issue which is government by crisis. first the shutdown may be over but the divisions that sparked the standoff remain. yesterday president obama spoke about the crisis that put the united states on the brink of default. >> there are no winners here. these last few weeks have inflicted completely unnecessary damage on our economy. probably nothing has done more damage to america's credibility in the world, our standing with other countries, than the spectacle that we've seen these past several weeks. you don't like a particular policy, or a particular president, then argue for your position. go out there and win an election. push to change it. but don't break it. don't break what our predecessor
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spent over two centuries building. >> well, joe, at this point the president, you know, trying to shift the attention back to a second term agenda but also talking about what happened and what he feels the republican party has done at this point. his priority is next our immigration reform and a farm bill, but he's making the most of this. >> yeah. this is what you call a victory lap and certainly a lot of people would say the president is entitled to that victory lap because he warned republicans not to do what they went ahead and go. gene robinson, it doesn't matter whether you're in a row boat, the other person in the row boat is crazy or not you got to get them rowing your way or else you're not going anywhere. i'm not saying, of course, republicans are, but he thinks they are. let's face it. this has been an extraordinarily frustrating second term for this president who has been thwarted time and time again. he'll find it's a lot easier to
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play defense than offense. he can't doing anything unless he figures how to get some of these republicans working with him. >> where are we going to go? >> yeah. >> look at the big agenda items. everybody says we need a grand bargain on budget going forward for economic growth, for deficit reduction, whatever your big priority is. in fact, how will we get a grand bargain when we can't agree to keep the government open or lift the debt ceiling. these irreconcilable differences between the president and house republicans to me suggests that there's not going to be a big agreement on big issues, and that we'll probably be lucky in the immediate term get a little agreement on little issues that doesn't do a lot of harm.
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>> gene, chauls krault hammer has a different viewpoint. mitch mcconnell said another shutdown is not an option. mcconnell said one of my favorite sayings is an old kentucky saying, there's no education in the second kick of a mule. the first kick of the mule was in 1995. the second one was the last 16 days. government shutdown is off the table we're not going to do it. despite walking away from the shutdown with little to show for it senator ted cruz and this i don't get if anyone can explain this to me take a listen and tell me remains defiant in his effort to dismantle obama care. >> i would do anything and continue to do anything i can to stop the train wreck that's obama care and i think our focus should not be on d.c. politics it should be on the people who are getting hurt. >> this was seen as the ted cruz
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shutdown. >> i said throughout this we shouldn't have a shutdown. i don't want a shutdown. >> there wouldn't have been a shutdown if you didn't go with the strategy we won't fund the government for six weeks -- >> there wouldn't have been a shutdown if president obama and harry reid said we'll not negotiate. shut the government down. >> does somebody at some point tell him to stop katy? i respect his opinion about, you know, obama care. that's an argument that we can have. >> i wonder whether he goes back to his voters and they tell him and his constituents and they effectively as all the tea party members will go back this weekend and are told you're doing a great job. we like the way you stood up to fortunate. it's the point of standing up rather than the outcome and the principle that was fought over.
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that's what will boost their poll numbers and that's what makes me worried. >> he's got incredible donations, got great response from the base. people are calling in thanking him for what do you. it's this expanding, amazing bubble. he doesn't understand the damage he's done to his colleagues or the futility what he's doing in trying to shut down the government over health care. >> he's not intelligent. >> very intelligent. he's doing this for a very self-serving purpose. >> some of the groups who were staunch allies of cruz have learned a lesson from this crisis. their president came out and said look we realize we can't repeal obama care until 2016. >> that means they are not repealing it at all. at that point you have so many people, even with the horrific rollout of obama care exchange how do you say 10,000 people who signed up, how do you say no you
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won't get insurance. >> jump in. >> robert gibbs, my argument has always been what you're doing now is really hurting for 2014 and 2016. ted cruz would say and mike lee would say great what are we going to do? even in the best of years we may just get a majority, we're not going to be able to stop obama care then. then you tell us let's wait until 2016. sam stein just said even if republicans win everything in 2016, it is too late. so this argument to ted cruz and mike lee and others, hey just sit back let's win this one in 2016, we'll win everything, has just been undermine bying right-wing nuts, sam stein, and he's exactly right. it's just too late. >> look, i do think that katty
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is right. ted cruz wherever he goes this weekend will have, be covered by adulation for his very self-serving actions. ted cruz is not about how to move the republican party down the field. ted cruz is doing a fabulous job of moving ted cruz down the field because he wants to be that nominee in 2016 to do whatever it is he wants to do in terms of governing. this is about ted cruz and it's working well for ted cruz in ted cruz's base. >> that's the big question what comes out of this and what happens to the tea party. the groups that back its members are bearing the worst of the backlash from the shutdown. >> the rightest, are a variety of scripts. some of which have been good think tanks in the past but losing their reputation because
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of this radicalness. >> are you referring heritage? >> yeah. of course i am. heritage used to be the conservative organization helping republicans and helping conservatives and helping us to be able to have the best intellectual conservative ideas. there's some real question in the minds of many republicans now and i'm not just speaking for myself, for a lot of people is heritage going to go so political that it doesn't amount to anything any more. i hope not. i'll try to help it survive and do well. right now it's in danger of losing its clout and power around washington, d.c. >> little signs of fighting in the republican party. heritage foundation president jim demint wrote an op-ed in the "wall street journal" we won't back down on obama care. he said the law will send insurance premiums skyrocketing and obama care was not the central fight in the last election cycle. things are growing more complicated for incumbent
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republicans. five veteran senators face tea party challenges. and things are not much better in the house. the report says 14 seats up for grabs next year are leaning democrat because of the damage that's been done to the gop by this shutdown. congressman from tulsa to left leaning states are in the most danger and groups like the u.s. chamber of commerce will continue to back speaker john boehner. major players in the business community are expected to take sides against tea party candidates. of course they were the ones that funded them in the first place. if elected that could cause more headaches. >> you see these challenges for republicans, but there's also a challenge for the white house because that website, now that story is going to emerge. how do they keep the balance of power and sort of the good wild, the moral high ground, however you want to put it on their side? >> one thing we were just
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talking about with ted cruz it's so important the white house gets the roll out right. they need to get as many people signed up before december 15th who will be enrolled by january 1st. come this next round of fights republicans can't make obama care an issue because then they are going to be seen as taking away health care from their own constituents. >> they need a big number. >> yes. they need a big number. what is it, about 300, 500,000 internal documents shown they were trying to get registered in the first month. >> 36,000 is what they got. >> based on what people are experiencing when they go to these websites that's a really hard target to get. the white house says they are working 24 hours, seven days a week. the president said this is unacceptable. they need to figure out a way to change the story line right now. >> i think it was interesting. we just saw orrin hatch on one side and these primaries on the
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other side an you perfectly encapsulated where the republican party is. orrin hatch was scared of a primary last time and wasn't speaking nearly that clear as to the politicization of the heritage action fund. the question is, does the orrin hatches of the world take control of the party. interest groups are not driving this bus any more we're driving this bus. we're taking control of this. or does what happened with these primaries to drive the bus which is what's been happening with tint groups. >> let's talk about the difference right now, robert gibbs. if you can explain to the panel what you think the difference is between where orrin hatch is this morning and where heritage action is -- i'm sorry where ted cruz is this morning and heritage action is. ted cruz goes home and he's a hero and he gets his million dollars, $2 million, $3 million. not a bad deal for ted cruz.
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if you're heritage action and rely on business and other long term gop supporters to fund you heritage action situation is far more complicated. i would even dare say they are in a we bit of trouble right now because they have a lot of businessmen and business women angry. the biggest news to me the shutdown was coming to an end was two days beforehand when i was told by a top republican we're losing all of our top businessmen and women. they are not going to give us money. heritage feels that a lot more than ted cruz. >> let's make that the third act. republicans almost in a triangle here and i think that's what's going to be interesting. does business go back trying to claim some aspect or section of the party. do the members themselves, senators or even the house members decide we want to be in charge of our own destiny or do
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the interest groups and sort of the base that's now much more aligned on the right are they driving this bus? i think that's really the central play that's going to happen and i think it will determine what happens in the next six weeks around the budget and whether we are soon to be filming the sequel for the shut down and debt and deficit talks. >> the challenge for the white house is fixing the website. when it comes to the government's hearth website the cost overruns designing the site have been massive. take a look at tom costello's report. >> reporter: the prime contractor is the u.s. arm of a canada government, cgi federal. their business grew dramatically during the bush administration. it was awarded a contract for computer systems design services to build the website. with a ceiling price tag of $94 million. by may of this year the contract
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showed cgi had spent $196 million and the ceiling price tag had soared to $292 million. >> the "wall street journal" reports the marketplace is generating flawed data for the insurance companies everything from duplicate enrollments and missing data fields to problems with eligibleilty and spouses reported as children. one reason for the problems the site was built on ten year old technology that will need constant fixes and updates over the course over the next six months. i'm going to go to gene robinson. i was going to go to joe. i got to tell you -- >> gees. >> the damage to the country over the past three weeks far supercedes a website not working. you know how these things work. this is a story that can fly. >> deservedly so.
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this really is a disastrous launch for a program that i've supported. i think it's a huge advance in health care. but come on. it's a website. and, you know, i can't imagine that, okay, it's broken, it doesn't work right. why is it taking so long to fix? at this point if it's 10-year-old technology why isn't another team, preferably a team of over caffeinated 20-year-olds building a new website based on current technology? you know, why not do that and then put that online when it starts working. i know it's complicated and everything but come on, people. >> they certainly need a little bit more coffee. here's what i don't understand. the obama campaign did an amazing job during the last election cycle of using technology to get to people and to make things work. that was how they won. >> that's what they do.
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>> that's what they did. you're at the white house when you ask them, are they going to fix this? >> they are trying to fix it. >> what do they tell you. come on? is there anyone there? >> one of the messages from the president when he came out and spoke yesterday was that government is here to serve the people and to do good things, it can be a force of good. this is one other thing that undermines people's confidence in government. >> what they say it's an apples and oranges comparison. it's one thing to get outreach to voters and another to get complex databases, put them in tax credits and show you which plans you have. now it's still ridiculous and the irony is a lot of states had to do the exact same thing for their own state pools and done exceptionally well. oregon has done an exceptionally great job.
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the federal government can't do it. >> we have to be somewhat careful. we want to know how many people have gone on and how many people have signed up. massachusetts was an instructive example. people went on to the website 18 times before they purchased health care. i've said this before it's not itunes. i heard this great song and i want to buy the album. this is highly personal. that's why the website is so important because people need to go on and shop. they won't shop once. they will shop dozens of times before they purchase a plan. and then look, this has always been -- this has always been the single most important thing that was going to happen in second term. the implementation of health care reform. immigration reform would being a great. this has always been the single most important task and they got to fix this. >> one of the lessons they took from the medicare part d roll out it was just a month of enrollment and there were all
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sorts of problems that's why they wanted to have this expanded. you have the first wave between now and december and then december. >> my bet they turn around and say we have to expand the enrollment period because how do you penalize people. >> you can wind up with the same delay republicans have been pushing finically. >> coming up on "morning joe" we have the moderator of "meet the press" david gregory. melody barnes and andrea mitchell with revealing details about the health of former vice president dick cheney. up next, the top stories in the political playbook. and a check on the forecasts with bill karins. >> beautiful weather in the east coast. our friends in the rockies have been struggling. once again it's snowing. snowed five inches in cheyenne, wyoming last night and now the snow moved out to denver. even the downtown area of denver is seeing snow this morning.
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a slushy inch or 0 so but just enough to make you uncomfortable driving out there to school or work. we're looking at a beautiful weekend shaping up. the only other troublesome thing we have for you as you head out the door in the east is dense fog from jackson, mississippi to lexington. airport problems will be because of snow in denver early and fog there in nashville to lexington, houston and new orleans chance of storms. as far as the weekend forecast goes beautiful in the east coast. few showers around d.c. but a very warm saturday. only troublesome weather over the weekend is the great lakes with showers and storms. sunday, beautiful l for people who want to get out there and enjoy the leaves. from smokeys beautiful. great sunday too. not a horrible saturday. you're watching "morning joe" on this friday. [ male announcer ] if you can clear a crowd but not your nasal congestion,
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you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. zyrtec-d®. at the pharmacy counter. delicious, but say i press a few out flat, add some beef, sloppy joe sauce and cheese, fold it all up and boom! delicious unsloppy joes perfect for a school night. pillsbury grands biscuits. make dinner pop.
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♪ 25 past the hour. time now to take a look at the morning papers. "san francisco chronicle" bay area rapid transit employees are on strike in san francisco this morning. leaving more than 200,000 people scrambling to find a way to work. the strike comes as contract negotiations continue to stall for the nation's fifth largest rail system. b.a.r.t. system employees walked off the job for nearly five days in july. "miami herald" a manhunt is under way for two killers who scammed their way out of a florida prison. joseph jenkins walked out of the franklin correctional institution on tuesday, charles walker on the right was released on september 27th. officials believe court documents were legit.
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the documents had the forged signature of judge melvin perry. he presided over the casey anthony trial. >> incredible. "usa today" a walmart employee was fired after trying to help a woman who was attacked in the parking lot. christopher oswald was on a break around 2:30 a.m. when he saw a man grabbing a woman. when he went to help two other men started attacking him. police showed up and stopped the fight. a walmart spokesman said his actions violated company policy. what policy is that? what the heck? >> there's two kinds. >> weird friday. >> no kindness allowed at walmart. >> "l.a. times" google is surpassing investors expectations and may become the fourth doe have a stock price topping $1,000. the search giant reported a $3 billion profit in the third quarter. the news pushed its stock to an all time high of $958 during after hours trading.
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>> the "new york post," arnold schwartz is itching to get back into politics this time at the national level. the post is reporting the former governor of california is ready to mount a legal challenge to allow him to run for president in 2016. the action star was born in austria and the u.s. constitution prevents foreign born citizens from becoming president. >> so i'm out >> you're out katty. you would being a great. >> arnold schwarzenegger has a movie coming up coincidentally. >> he knows everything. >> "the washington post" a new study says sleep is the best way to clear toxins out of your brain. this revelation is part of the reason why after a good night's rest you feel recharged. the center to transport neuromedicine said this study
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may lead to new treatment for alzheimer's. >> have a dirty mind then. i don't get any sleep. okay. look at this next story. u.s. today the obesity rate among adults have tapered off but still remains an epidemic. last year nearly 35 million adults were overweight down slightly from 2010. still about 78 million adults are 35 pounds overweight but we're heading in the right direction. sunday's parade features handmade in america. a look behind our rekindled loved of arts and crafts. i like it. let's go to politico and joining us now with "the politico" playbook president and ceo of politico jim vandehine.
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>> what about senator rand paul of kentucky, what do you have? >> no doubt he handled it much differently than ted cruz. he was not out front. he was not leading the charge. a lot of senators are praising the work he did behind-the-scenes by taking a more restrained approach. it speaks to him as a political operator whether you like him or not he's navigated politics pretty smartly. if you think about the stand he made on drones his filibuster was very effective in getting the public attention on an issue people weren't paying attention to. then he showed restraint here where ted cruz did not. i think whoever ultimately wins the republican nomination in 2016 is going to be the candidate who can navigate the two sides of the party most deftally and no doubt he's showing much more decks territory than ted cruz.
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>> when do we start covering the government by crisis issue. can there be some sort of structure in place to keep it from going there? does that make sense? is that a worthwhile question? >> no. you would like to get beyond government in crisis. we have another one coming in six weeks. let's go to virginia. less than three weeks ago. we have poll numbers for gubernatorial race. terry mcauliffe leads ken cuccinelli 46% to 38%. robert sarvis is polling 9%. for women, mcauliffe has opened up a 20% lead. likely voters blame republicans for the shutdown, likely contributing factor to mcauliffe's lead. will we see a ripple effect like this across the board? >> this race has felt over for some time. every single poll nationally,
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privately and nationally eight to ten points for mcauliffe. it feels like a race that's over. once again you see this pattern that we saw in 2012 where republicans are having a hard time winning over women voters. more republicans they won't win any race until they can fix that problem. if you're in washington you can't turn on wtop without hearing an ad linking cuccinelli to ted cruz. there's a cruz effect playing out in virginia. there's a cruz effect playing out in house races. there's a cruz effect with donors. republican donors are going to say we'll sit out or start spending money against people like ted cruz because they want to recalibrate the party. it wasn't a two week fight over government shutdown this will have real ramifications for the party and force healthy soul searching on how do you mitigate the power of the ted cruz part
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of the republican party. >> to what extent can we extradition possibe extrapolate what's happening. it's a different race than what's happening in individual district where there are tea party representatives. >> almost like america is a microcosm. very interesting state. clearly changing. you can generalize from cuccinelli bad fortune in virginia to statewide races in other states especially other states where demographics are on the move. but not to those individual house districts and not necessarily to the durable house majority which, you know, could be threatened.
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>> robert gibbs? >> this ultimately will be political geography is the question in what happens in 2014 and ultimately in 2016. in some of these house districts they are insulated, there's just not enough of anybody else to beat a tea party member. but if you look at in statewide elections, republicans would have five more senators had tea partiers not got nominations in places in 2010 and 2012 in senate races and these just weren't in swing states, a couple of them were in swing states but they lost races in missouri and indiana, races they should have won because they nominated someone that was too conservative even in a conservative state. the question becomes whether there's enough of that terrain and geography and enough statewide races to make a difference because like i said in many of these districts you have president getting 30% and some of these members of congress and the tea party getting 70%.
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>> politico's jim, thank you so much. have a great weekend. coming up the tigers flashing some leather in detroit but did their bats provide enough power in the pivotal game five? alcs highlights next on "morning joe". as a working mom of two young boys life could be hectic. angie's list saves me a lot of time. after reading all the reviews i know i'm making the right choice. online or on the phone, we help you hire right the first time. with honest reviews on over 720 local services. keeping up with these two is more than a full time job, and i don't have time for unreliable companies. angie's list definitely saves me time and money. for over 18 years we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today.
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>> i'm happy, i'm happy for the mayor today with his victory. last night it was the first win the giants hatch gotten all year. [ laughter ] little did tom coughlin know he was going to have to pay the washed up tight end from stamford to get his first win of the year. but desperate times call for desperate measures don't they cory. >> that's sort of a fun way of congratulating your friend. chris christie, though, before we go to brian jackman for the red sox, take a look at that. he needs a comb. oh, my goodness.
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he's like one of the little rascals. brian shactman -- >> what is up with his hair. did he fall asleep in the limo on the way over? >> very cute. >> look at that. >> i'll give him a comb. he needs one. looking good. brian. >> let's hit the red sox tigers game five everyone acls. first inning. jhonny peralta. singles to left field. here comes miguel cabrera. he's out. it was not close. that was early good news for the red sox. mike napoli, an absolute bomb. 460 foot home run dead center boston on the board opening up for a three run second inning two men on, shane victorina.
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he left the game, avila with a strained knee. david ortiz pop up to left shallow left center. jose iglesias, used to be with the sox. not any more. that's just amazing. over the shoulders. detroit makes it a one run ball game but the sox hang on for the 4-3 win. one game away from the world series. koji uehara, pretty awesome. nfl, seahawks and cardinals thursday night football. third quarter, seahawks with a four point lead. you want to see a great play. this is the iglesias equivalent. wilson in trouble. watch this throw. boom. and it's a great catch. six yards first down. this guy, by the way, and he was great baseball player too. he's in the major leagues if he weren't playing night. he scored a touchdown. cardinals still in it with five minutes left.
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palmer picked off. if it weren't for eli manning we would be talking about his interceptions happen 49 yards. russell wilson will throw for three tds. seahawks beat arizona cardinals. mika i know you think seahawks are the best team in the nfl. you can break that down. >> all i know is the red sox is the best team in baseball. we'll find out saturday. up next national review jim geraghity and margaret carlson joins us for the must read pages. don't go away, more "morning joe". helicopthierhis hibuzzing, andk engine humming.
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45 past the hour. the sunrise over washington, d.c. on this very sleepy friday morning, if you've been any part of what's been going on here. here with us now, we have campaign correspondent for national review, jim geraghity joining us on set. also columnist for bloomberg, margaret carlson for the must read opinion pages. i'm going to start with the national journal, jim. there's a piece there saying this, obama won. big whoop. can he lead? faced now with a choice between partisan politics and a risky high ground the president has an opportunity to leverage this victory for long term budget deal that raises taxes and games entitlements. obama won. now can he lead? does he have the guts to anger liberal backers with a budget deal on social security and medicare? is he willing to engage sincerely with republicans? does he want a legacy beyond winning two elections and enacting a health care law that
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judging by it's horrendous launch may never live up to its promise. if the answer to those questions is yes obama has hidden his intentions well. for the sake of argument, jim, take i want away. >> what's changed after the shutdown? ultimately same players in washington. it's not like there are that many republicans that are chastened by what happened. they feel obama care is a disaster. they want to stop it any way they can. president obama is madder, less patient. so the circumstances -- look obama has always done best when he's defining himself against somebody. i'm not john mccain. i'm not mitt romney. at this moment he's not campaigning against anything else. he has to win people over to his side. you look back on stimulus, obama care, obama has never been that good at convincing republicans to vote for his ideals. >> you can take the same column and substitute republicans for
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obama. if either side wants to get anything done they have to put something that they don't necessarily like into the middle of the table to get something out of it. it's called compromise. that's how the town has worked for 200 years. the question is, this is true for either side. i can tell you if we get a budget deal or if we get past all these different ceilings only if everybody comes willing to say i'll give you this if you give me this. if that doesn't happen -- it's not one side. >> take both sides. >> one of the things that was very frustrating through this whole government shutdown process everybody was convinced they made concessions. democrats were saying wait a minute we're operating under sequester. republicans say we're tolerating some form of obama care. we're existing by having some part. we concede a kbhink how dare you ask for more. >> one thing the president has been promising is he's willing
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to negotiate on the budget so now this is the opportunity for him to come out, roll up his sleeves, get around the negotiating table. >> make it happen. >> show leadership on entitlements. that's what republicans have been looking for. >> to be able to give them the political cover as well. >> what are they willing to give to get that? >> there has to be revenue. >> there's a push-pull here. look, if one person comes and plus one thing on table i can assure you of one thing. it will never happen. everybody has both to come. look, for a long time republicans wanted regular order which is a fancy word for the budget committee actually do their work. then democrats pass ad budget and said great let's have compromise and republicans said wait we don't want to do that. now we have a law that requires it over six weeks. we'll see if people are willing to come together. >> aren't the republican party and republican leadership able to compromise while they have the tea party dictating their direction?
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>> well, i'm not sure they can. but, you know, tea party or no tea party the position of republicans is no new revenue. so look, you have president obama saying i'm willing to talk about entitlement cuts and democratic party won't like it but i will go there and we will work it out and i'll put something on the table. but we have to have a balanced approach, we have to have some new revenue too. the republican position has been yes let's talk about entitlement cuts but no new revenue. we can talk about tax reform but not a penny of new revenue. if that's the position then there's not going to be a grand bargain because democrats won't go for a bargain that has absolutely not a penny of new revenue. >> does that make sense? >> that's right. have you seen a more uncomfortable paul ryan that looked like he was a hostage with patty murray. to the question can he lead in that editorial. you got to have somebody to
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bargain with. and there's no, like united airlines republican party because the strongest faction is the one that, you know, shut down the government and are the default deniers. it's like a failed state where you don't hatch a leader. >> every time we have this argument of we had a very difficult time making a small or medium compromise, maybe it's time for a grand bargain. we can't agree to the little things but let's make it bigger and more controversial and then everybody will come together. i would be happy with a mediocre bargain. >> to sort of the childish behavior which is boehner couldn't tell his caucus listen don't have the second bowl of ice cream it's going to make you sick it's going to make the party sick. let me tell you it's not going to work. you can't get them to believe that their tactics aren't going to work. >> there are some elements of
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this, sflikt you mentioned the medical device tax $30 billion often years. that's something the president is willing to make some concessions on if for a similar amount of funding you could get a decrease in the sequester cuts. you know, there is a huge amount we know of revenue generated by american companies sitting overseas that aren't brought back because of where the corporate tax rate is. you could repatriate that money, take some portion of that and fund, you know, say infrastructure or some series of improvements on the corporate tax rate and corporate tax reform. there are elements if everybody is willing to do this. again it's democrats and republicans. i'm not suggesting simply because i'm sitting next to jim the onus is all on republicans. if anything is going to get done two people have to be willing to dance not just one. >> we have to leave it there.
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good conversation. jim geraghity and margaret carlson thank you so much. eugene thank you as well. we'll be reading your column in today's "the washington post." coming up, the company in charge of building the obama care website has billed the u.s. government $292 million. more than three times what was supposed to be the maximum price tag. that's awkward. so how could the roll out have gone so badly. kelly kennedy joins us ahead. "morning joe" will be back in a moment. i'm beth... and i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people.
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okay. julianna goldman thank you, what's going to happen next >> the president hasn't been able to leave the white house grounds for the last few weeks and something happened over the past couple weeks his 21st wedding anniversary. maybe he'll take the first lady out for dinner and that have their anniversary celebration. >> he better not forget. >> hopefully he did not. last year, remember, it was the first debate that he had to celebrate. >> that was not a good anniversary. >> make up for it this weekend. >> coming up next nbc's david gregory joins the directigroup
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♪ the president said john boehner cannot control his caucus. that's what he said. pharmaceutical companies have, they immediately released this
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commercial. watch this. >> are you tired of waking up in the middle of the night to phone calls from angry constituents? does passing any legislation seem impossible? that's why you need boehnex, the first drug designed specifically to help the speaker of the house control his caucus. side effects of boehnex may include out bursts, facial expressions. being speaker of the house shard. boehnex can help. >> welcome back to "morning joe." katty kay, robert gibbs and sam stein still with us in washington joining table. you'll like the way you look. the moderator of "meet the press" david gregory and former director of the white house domestic policy council melanie barnes. and joe, i'll start with you.
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because i think -- i was trying to think what the big question is now on this friday after the shutdown is over. what is the next big question? >> the question has changed and identify heard you ask whether a framework for future budget negotiations can be put in place structurally. you know, mika, a lot of americans aren't asking themselves that question this morning. they were up until the government opened back up saying what are these bone heads going to get our government started again. when will they stop playing around with america's credit. i got to tell you the republicans finally got out of the way and what's happening is exactly what you've said is going to be happening, a lot more reports about obama care, tom costello's package last night devastating which we're going run this morning talk being about $100 million cost overrun, talking about all the
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bureaucratic snafus that conservatives naturally believe are going to happen and any time you're going to do something like this. and a single company bid to a canadian company. republicans have gotten out of the way of themselves. they stopped shooting themselves in the foot. i think what you're going to see over the next week is this debate takes center stage. >> so, you know what? that's the next question i'll take to it david gregory and ask you the same thing, what's the next big issue here? and have republicans stopped shooting themselves in the foot because i saw ted cruz doubling down last night. >> they are in a position where they can't pursue that cruz strategy. they tried that here and that failed. they are now in a position to let obama care run its course. you heard marco rubio who is not ted cruz who said this will be devastating and the fight against obama care doesn't stop. where do republicans do so well with obama care, 2012 election.
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we'll see a repeat of that in 2014. although the goal is not to repeal it on this president's watch it will become a 2016 issue and i think they will try to get out of the way and highlight every hiccup that obama care has in its implementation. in the meantime if the president is going to make good on his goal of economic restoration, he's got to try to do something -- i actually don't think he tries to do something huge on the budget i just think he tries to do something on the budget. because this crisis management in washington is happening when he's the president of the united states. he's going -- >> that's the legacy. >> he can't punch through it. >> let me show you the president yesterday. he spoke about the crisis that puts the united states -- the crisis that did put the united states on the brink of default. >> there are no winners here. these last few weeks have inflicted completely unnecessary damage on our economy. probably nothing has done more damage to america's credibility
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in the world, our standing with other countries than the spectacle that we've seen these past several weeks. you don't like a particular policy, or a particular president, then argue for your position. go out there and win an election. push to change it. don't break it. don't break what our predecessors spent over two centuries building. all right. robert gibbs, look the president is take a victory lap as joe characterized it and i think deservedly so but what does doe with it now? >> i think david is right in the sense that if the president wants to see action on anything like infrastructure or early childhood education or almost any of his priorities that it's going to have to come not as we were talking about previously as a grand bargain but a smaller
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slice of some budget agreement. the one good news for republicans, shooting yourself in a foot is a pre-existing condition over the past several years. >> but you wouldn't know that. >> some very good news for republicans. >> you can't logon. >> there's no question that there are big problems with the roll out of health care. we also have to put this in context. people are trying to pretend as health care is a big failure. the exchange roll out is highly problematic. health care itself, we're sitting on top of the fact that americans now know if they lose their job they can have health care, if they get fired they can get health care. we also know children with pre-existing conditions as robert was joking about but it's a reality have access to health care. the list goes on and on with regard to seniors and preventative care. we're sitting on top of that foundation of success. what we have to do now is make sure we fix the problem with exchanges and do it very quickly. >> joe, jump in. >> americans, if they know that
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more than half of them still don't want that despite the republican party's best efforts. this is still an unpopular program going into the launch. the online launch. i can only imagine what the poll numbers will be next week if this continues. >> yeah, but people have always liked those pieces of health care because of the rhetoric they dislike health care in total but if you disaggregate it people have liked health care. >> there's a bigger issue on whether the website works. it's this notion that the administration and federal government in general can manage big enterprises, can do big domestic policy changes, steering the wheel. and i think that's hats going to end up hurting the president. republicans will turn around and say listen we want to do immigration reform. your position on health care is rocky. how can we trust you to go man the border. >> katty, can i follow this up
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with you. this also -- this doesn't just happen in isolation. this happens after we find out what the irs has been doing, the irs scandal over the past year. this happens after all of the nsa revelations where there's a new nsa revelation every week. this happens after we find out there's a bungle justice department attempt to basically, you know, to act in a way that's disturbing to the associated press, to james rossen, to other reporters. this hasn't been the federal government's bright shining year. even if we take all the parties out of it, all the players out of it, americans are sitting back thinking federal government, they are just a bungling group of bureaucrats. >> yeah. that was the message wasn't it during the 2012 campaign. the federal government has grown. it hasn't done a good job. and barack obama has become the embodiment of the federal government. the republicans perhaps can
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reclaim that message then maybe they have a chance but they have to deal with the tea party. >> that's a good point you make, joe, because david gregory couldn't that feed into the republicans gaining traction because one of their main messages is government, big government doesn't work. >> this is the defining struggle of the obama presidency, which is how much government do you want, what should it actually do, and what can it do well. it was president bush who ushered in this sentiment on the right not barack obama. it was president bush who passed not the recovery act but the bailout of the banks and started the auto bailout. that's what created the tea party to begin with. then president obama comes in and anticipateds to that and here we go. so i think this issue of health care to sam's point becomes can the federal government manage this and robert has said on this program before. his view the single biggest issue of the second term sim pleamentation of health care. instead of talking about now let's move on the immigration and bring up guns again on a
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daily basis you have to have a health and human services secretary who can be a spokesperson for the policy and have to have a president who south there with near daily updates on how it's going and why it matters to your life. >> one thing -- at some point republicans have to acknowledge that this law will be in effect for the next three years regardless of what happens. >> after 2016. >> they need to make a choice. do they pass reforms that when the implementation. >> that's a critical question. it's to everyone's benefit that people back off of what was the reagan administration legacy that government is bad, government workers are bad and think about how we're going to make this work because what we've seen time and time again with katrina and moving forward is if we don't have an effective federal government people get hurt. in fact people can die. >> why would i though, back off if i think health care policy is
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bad for the country in the the long run, the federal government is not competent enough to run it, and the launch has been terrible, sam stein asks the question are republicans going to do their best to help this implementation? no, i don't think they are. i don't think it means they are unpatriotic if they don't. obviously what happened over the past few weeks, sam, absolutely idiotic and self-defeating but why should the republicans say hey listen we want to help you implement a program that we think will end private insurance over the next decade. that goes against everything i believe and millions and millions of americans believe. >> the reason i can offer you and i can't get into the mindset of the republican party is that they have to at some point acknowledge that barack obama absent some horrific impeachment is going to be president until 2016. and that means that the health
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care law regardless of what you think about it will be the law until at least 2016. so you're going to be in a situation in which you can help people in your own ideological way or wait and see if it imploeds. some people might want -- >> that's one reason to back off. itay not be good enough. >> the tea party and groups that back its members are bearing some of the worst backlash from the shutdown now. >> the rightist is a multiplicity. groups. some are losing their reputation because of this radicalness. >> are you referring heritage? >> yeah. of course i am. i'm not just speaking for myself. for a lot of people is heritage going to go so political that it doesn't amount to anything any more. i hope not. i'm going try to help it survive and do well but right now i
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think it's in danger of losing its clout and power around washington, d.c. >> but heritage foundation president jim demint wrote in an. ed in the "wall street journal" titled we won't back down on obama care. he says the law will send insurance premiums skyrocketing and argue that obama care was not actually the central fight in the last election cycle. meanwhile things are growing more complicated for incumbent republicans at least five veteran senators face tea party challenges now including mitch mcconnell, lindsey graham and lamar alexanderer and things aren't better in the house. the cook political report now says that 14 seats that are up for grabs next year are our leaning democrat and that's because of the damage that's been done the gop over this shutdown. congressmen from left leaning states are in the most danger and "the washington post" reports groups like the u.s. chamber of commerce will continue to back speaker john borne. major players in the business
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community are expected to take sides against tea party candidates who if elected could cause more headaches for the speaker. david, isn't that going the central dynamic now when it comes to the future of the tea party. how much support are they going to get from the business community and how much are their potential opponents get >> probably get a lot. ultimately the republican establishment has to win. that's how you deal with tea party. you have to win. if tea party candidates keep winning then the republican party has to work this out. what you don't have in the party right now in washington you don't have a washington leader who is able to say enough. we hear you. you have a point of view. enough. that's not going carry the day. just the opposite has happened. the tea party sentiment has carried the day and carried the day going back to 2010. that's why you have to look to 2016. is chris christie. we know his personality. he'll go into a room with a budge of tea party folks and tell you what will happen and
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what won't happen. up until now the republicans don't have that leadership. they have to work it out. as much as the tea party may have taken a hit here a lot of these guys are not worried going home. they will stop getting in the way of obama care if they are in their state or district and all of a sudden becomes hugely popular. >> exactly. >> david mentions the rise of the supreme court case on citizens united where unregulated and larger amounts of money came in, came in right at the time in which, you know, the national parties became less players in this. on your health care question, the answer to joe's question is in jim demint's editorial. the republican party has started their campaign on obama care. not going stop now. not going to stop up until 2016. the onus is on the administration to not worry about what republicans are or aren't going to do. the onus to them is to get the roll out and website right so
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this works. get a plane full of silicon valley engineers, get them, fly them into nashville and let's start building the website tonight. let's get something that works. >> take to it joe for final word this block. joe. >> i couldn't agree with robert more. this question is not going to be solved by going into republican districts or swing districts and running 30 second ads. this problem will be solved by making affordable care act, obama care act work. social security when it was passed was called socialism. at some point enough americans decided we love social security that it suddenly became the third rail of american politics. medicare was called socialism when it was passed. it was called socialism ten years later. yet what's the third rail of american politics now? medicare. despite the fact over to long run it causes the gravest danger to our debt. 71% of self-identified tea party
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people say keep the federal government out of my health care. but don't touch medicare. we love it just the way it is. that's how president obama wins this debate. if he can't do that, then this ball stays in the middle of the table and the republicans can continue to fight to grab for it and they just could win it. this is -- i couldn't agree with robert more. this is the key challenge starting today for the obama administration. >> all right. melanie and david stay with us. still ahead there's never been a more tech savvy political campaign than that of president obama. why is the obama care website such a fiasco. kelly kennedy is here. find out why the site is having so many issues. she joins us next. how's it going? [ male announcer ] this is karen and jeremiah.
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it has been my honor, my deep true and sincere honor to be here tonight with all of you truly generous new yorkers who have come together for 68 years to do good for those who need as much. you have housed children. you have fed the children. and once again tonight you have raised millions to address a variety of health care crises and hopefully a large portion of this year's money will go towards fixes the obama care website. [ laughter ] ouch. >> that hurts. it hurts a lot because so it is true. truly hard to believe all the problems the federal government's health care website continues to have. in a moment we'll talk to kelly kennedy. but first here's nbc's tom costello on how the system was not ready for the high traffic. >> reporter: more than two weeks into the glitch riddled roll out of the health insurance website the white house still on the
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defensive. >> those challenges are being addressed and progress is being made and people are enrolling across the country. >> reporter: who is behind the website the prime contractor is the u.s. arm of a canadian company cgi federal. its business grew dramatically during the bush administration. on october 4th, 2011 it was awarded a $55.7 million contract to build the website with a ceiling price tag of $94 million. by may of this year the contract showed cgi had spent $196 million. the ceiling price tag had soared to $292 million. >> is this escalation in price due to the fact of the quick turn around time to get this website up and running, are there technical glitches and bugs that's driving the cost up. >> reporter: the government said costs went up as more states joined the federal exchange. for weeks cgi has declined to
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comment. last year the canadian province of ontario fired cgi and cancelled it's $46 million contract accusing the company of failing to build an online medical registry on time. cgi tells nbc news it's in talks resolve tissues. tech experts say the problems with the u.s. website are serious. >> it doesn't work. it's supposed to get you a quote. it doesn't do that. >> reporter: he owns a software and database programming company. >> if this was your product what would you say? >> i would be embarrassed and use language with my development team that couldn't be on the air. >> reporter: the former director of medicaid and medicare now a health care analyst says cgi was forced to deal with late design changes ordered by the government. >> it would back up their ability to test, to see whether everything was functioning properly. so a company that was fired by the state of ontario in canada is hired to run the
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website for america's health care. here with us now health policy reporter for "usa today" kelly kennedy who sploerd the major tech hurdles for she writes in part the federal health care exchange was built using ten year technology that may require constant fixes and updates for the next six months and eventual overhaul of the entire system technology experts told u.s. today the application could be fundamentally flawed said the president of cd networks a content delivery network. they will be using 1990s technology. >> kelly, from your research and this incredible piece, is it fixable? >> that's up for debate. >> really? >> there's varying opinions on what's actually going on. so they don't know if it's a back end problem where it's screwed up from the beginning or if it's a glitch problem where there's several bugs that need to be worked out. >> that was a damning piece by
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tom costello, i have to say. >> wow, mika. the canadians fired a canadian firm that the united states hired to run the biggest governmental launch in a generation. >> yeah. you know, it's interesting -- >> speechless. >> everybody missed that. they were so busy -- i don't know. i guess they were looking somewhere else. i don't know. >> whatever. david gregory, this is just really rough, isn't it? yes. ted cruz and the republican party distracted america from this over the past three, four weeks. but, you look at that tom costello piece, you look at the facts behind this. it started as a $55 million bid. it's at $196 million ceiling. 220.
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the cost overruns keep going up. again, it's a canadian company that the canadians fired. >> two points. why republicans are now in a position where they will try to argue against obama care but standing out of the way and let it falter of its own weight. two why the administration has such a big job ahead of it not to deal with the technical aspects of it but how to improve them and keep selling the program. you have incidents where people are signing up in big numbers. the argument goes whether our democratic governors you have better implementation, better systems in place that's not uniformly the case. kentucky a solidly red state with a democratic governor and seem to be having better expenses. >> that might be the hope here, kelly. at some point where people get signed up word gets around and more people get signed up. the question is how do you actually make that physically
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possible on this site? >> yeah. i was able to get in a couple of days ago. i had to refresh my cache several times and click different links in different tabs. i couldn't get to the system easily. if you're not tech satisfy via it will be difficult unless you're one of the one out of five to get through. >> i can't imagine all americans are tech satisfy via or clued into how -- i could be wrong. but it seems to me this needs be fixed. overhauled. how would you characterize the problems you confronted. >> right. there are some tech experts who are saying that yes it's an overall, needs to be built from the bottom up kind of a problem. and there are others who are saying we can't see the back end code to know exactly what's going on. it could just be glitches that need to be fixed. >> kelly kennedy thank you very much. david gregory, thank you as well. what do you have coming up on
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sunday's "meet the press." >> talk to the treasury secretary and senators schumer and coburn to talk about what is next here in washington. >> very good. that will being a great. up next revelations from dick cheney about his health while he was vice president. andrea mitchell will tell us why cheney said a final good-bye to his family and friends. "morning joe" will be right back. for sein a whole new way. for seeing what cash is coming in and going out... so you can understand every angle of your cash flow- last week, this month, and even next year. a [ male announcer ] always made with real cream.
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♪ welcome back. joining the table we have nbc chief foreign affairs correspondent and host of "andrea mitchell reports," andrea mitchell and you have new details surrounding dick cheney's health and apparently that he's revealing in a new book. >> a dramatic account. this is a book called "heart." and it is his medical odyssey. he's written this new book due out, it was actually due out next week but we did obtain a copy of it and i want reveals how serious his heart condition really was. it is a dramatic story of a man at the pinnacle of power in the white house bunker on 9/11 facing a possible life and death
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crisis of his own. the president and his traveling staff were being rushed to a military bunker in nebraska. but at the white house the vice president's blood test taken earlier that morning revealed dick cheney could suffer a lethal heart attack. choppered to a secure location the white house doctor passes cheney and his wife a note. he needs retested urgently not tonight cheney reprice you can have it in the morning. when he is retested he gets an all clear but after five heart attacks that was not the case. >> lots of times all i wanted to do when i got out of bed in the morning is get to my chair where i could put my feet up and take a nap. >> in his new book "heart" out next week but obtained by "nbc nightly news" cheney discloses a year after leaving office he had another heart related crisis. he writes every time my heart beat blood shot in a stremme from my nose. when i tried to stop the bleeding with pressure blood ran
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down the back of my throat. he said good-byes to his family. if this is dying i'm remember thinking it's not that bad. he was fitted with an emergency heart pump to keep him alive pending a possible transplant. >> there's a control lever up here and two batteries one on each side. >> finally in march 2012 a heart transplant. >> wake up every morning with a big smile on my face thankful for a new day i never expected to see. >> cheney now 72 has come close to death several times but writes he was not frightened, he was at peace knowing he led a remarkable life. there's no politics in this book. he wrote it with his doctor from george washington university. it was basically to tell people what it is like to go through this and what the innovations have been, the incredible developments over the years. >> for him to share that story,
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very personal, and i had no idea how sick he was at that time. how much -- i mean is there anything in the book that talks about keeping that from people and whether -- how much of an issue that was? >> certainly it was after he left office that it became that disabling really, before that it was not. but i think he wanted to keep the focus as you would understand in politics, robert, on being vice president and having the opportunity to run for office, to be defense secretary and not on the fact that for all those years, three heart attacks before he was really at the peak of power and four heart attacks that he was able to keep the focus on his professional life. >> andrea, thank you very much. former vice president cheney will join us on "morning joe" a week from monday. up next he's been at the forefront of foreign policy for decades and now there is a new collection of essays tracking the strategy and state craft of,
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yeah dad. "morning joe" is back in a moment.
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woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment.
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>> i went to see the president, i interrupted him and i said i have to speak to you immediately. we went into the other room, i told him, i said look sometimes in a situation like this one takes a chance. i was rather perhaps not responsible of me to say that to him. but i did. i said why don't you ask the field commander how proceed with the rest of the mission. and the president phone the
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secretary of state, secretary of deaf he said no below the minimum we don't go on. so the order was given to go back and that's when the accident occurred and one of the helicopters then, one of the other helicopters then collided with the plane. that was former national security adviser in the carter administration dr. brzezinski and my dad talking about the 1980 failed rescue attempt of american hostages in iran. we were all completely gripped listening to that story. here with us now senior fellow at the foreign policy institute and lecturer of russian and eurasian studies, charles gotti. he's author of the new book "zbig." kind of awkward doing this interview. charles, it's so good to have you. the book is amazing and i just want to know from your work on
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it what story surprised you the most about my father, revealed the most to you about his character? >> well one thing i didn't know was a letter he wrote in 1974, a long time ago to governor harriman of new york who was a foreign policy heavy weight as well. he had heard, that is your dad had heard that harriman had made some unkind comments about him saying that he was not qualified as a polish-american to deal with the soviet union. he wrote him a letter i believe that henry kissinger is qualified to deal with the middle east and i believe that a polish catholic is qualified to deal with the soviet union just as i believe that you as a millionaire capitalist is qualified to deal with the soviet union as well. >> you see why growing up i had just absolutely no fight in the game. none.
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none. >> he was feisty then. not as feisty today. >> that's great. go ahead, andrea, take over. >> what's fascinated me also is the parallel career tracks of henry kissinger, this german-american who escaped from the holocaust and dr. brzezinski this polish-american escaping from the domination of the communist regime and what was then eastern europe. can you speak about that relationship? >> sure. it's the longest chapter in the book called very creatively "zbig and henry." i think there was rivalry. i think there were disagreements. there was no hatred ever to the best of my knowledge. some disagreements. they are two different people. both brilliant. one preferred the status quo, very conservative, that's henry kissinger and brzezinski was
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more dynamic. he wanted to compete in the soviet sphere, the old saying was that what's mine is mine, what's yours is negotiable, supposedly the soviet view and he didn't accept that. so he wanted to compete. i think that marked to a very great extent his politics and his policies. >> charles, talk about the sweep of his career because you write in the book about how he was involved in debates over the ussr back in the 1950s. we're now in 2013 and brzezinski is still commenting on american foreign policy. is there anyone else who has been commenting with this authority for this long on american foreign policy? >> well, i may well be prejudiced here so perhaps you ought to ask somebody totally unbiassed like mika. >> that would be me. >> i do believe he's the leading strategist in this country, not just soviet union but china and the middle east.
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he has -- yes, in the '50s most people believed he was a hawk and -- he denies this by the way in the book, but i think -- i tend to think he was more hawkish than he turned out to be in the debates over iraq in century. >> was that because it was the cold war >> perhaps, yes. i think that would be the case. but and he was strategist from the beginning. >> i'm curious because foreign policy a lot of it is instinctual. you don't have a lot of data you have a lot of feel. i wonder in the course of this was there one thing, one decision he regretted more than any other? >> i did ask him that. that's in the last chapter where there's an extensive interview with him. and he's reluctant to go into past errors but i think he does say that his early support for the vietnam war was a mistake. he did correct, he went there.
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he saw what was going on and pulled back but he was signally a strong supporter as i was, by the way, of the vietnam war and i certainly regret it very much and so does he. >> professor, i'm just curry now at a point when so many americans are weary of engagement with the rest of the world, if in reading your book are there stories, are there themes you want them to take from these stories, from this amazing life and career of rock star national security adviser? >> i would make two points here. one is look beyond today's headlines. he's a strategist. this is the part of the title rft book too. he looks beyond today's headlines and looks ahead and tries to make up his mind and hopefully the country's mind with less success, i'm afraid about the future. the other is, he has reached the view that the united states militarily should be more
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modest. after all, and i'm saying this now not him we've not been all that successful relying on the military instrument of foreign policy. so i think, yes, it is necessary, he's not against a good defense budget but i think he believes that there are other players now in the world, it is different from the bipolar world of the cold war and we have to act accordingly. >> the book is "zbig." given that letter he wrote to harriman and he know the sharp tongue, sharp witt, sharp mind why would you write this? were you scared? >> would i have been scared? look, probably not. i don't want to say yes. no. the answer to that and that is an underlying theme in the book and you have not thought about this. what a difference this country has made since kissinger too but
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brzezinski broke through that old establishment that was all wasp, all the lawyers from the east coast, the business people, governor harruman and others outed here. they didn't feel comfortable with these newcomers just as later on they didn't feel comfortable with women. look here now, you've taken over. >> that's right. we're getting there. >> and for that matter jews. take a look at the council on foreign relations, they have at least two jewish presidents and blacks all over. it started with brzezinski and kissinger. and the old establishment resisted. >> thank you so much. thank you. first time we've had a majority -- >> been that way all day. up next what do you get when you mix vladimir putin, the miss universe competition and thomas roberts? oh, no. we'll tell you next "morning joe". [ man ] on december 17, 1903,
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the wright brothers became the first in flight. [ goodall ] i think the most amazing thing is how like us these chimpanzees are. [ laughing ] [ woman ] can you hear me? and you hear your voice? oh, it's exciting! [ man ] touchdown confirmed. we're safe on mars. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hi. [ baby fussing ] ♪ [ baby fussing ] great. this is the last thing i need.) seriously? the last thing you need is some guy giving you a new catalytic converter when all you got is a loose gas cap. what?
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>> joining us now from new york, thomas roberts who will be cohosting the 2013 miss universe competition in moscow that will air on nbc. thomas, good morning.
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>> it better be up here by the way. i come out to give you a kiss good morning and no one is here. >> you got me on this one because you know how i feel about beauty pageants, but you had reasons that leave me conflicted because you are going to make a couple of different points, no? >> a lot of tension was made about the competitions whether we are talking about miss universe or the olympics that are happening in russia. they were seeded in russia well before any anti-gay legislation was passed this summer. a lot of people questioned about boycott or not. they were seeded well before. i don't think it's smart to boycott. i am openly gay and happily married and i don't think anyone will tell me i'm less than. that's why i wanted to accept this assignment. i think it's a wonderful assignment because this will be seen by a billion people in 190
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countries. if they find out i'm gay and married and my husband patrick will be there with me, fantastic. >> this is what you write on i'm going to russia despite aspect gay laws. i am not going to boycott. that's too easy. i choose to offer my support of lgbt community and hosting this event as a journalist and anchor and a man who happens to be gay. i am not different than anyone else. we must be vizible and show up as as harry milk said, give them hope. i go to prove there is hope. >> i absolutely do i and feel i got a lot of reaction not only as a competition, but the proper forum to make a difference on this point. just the fact that i would accept this assignment.
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i was out in 2006 and i have been out for a long time. i don't think anybody can question me on where i throw my support and what i challenge on conversations about equality. whether it's reform, women's pay or lgbt equality. reaction has been interesting, but this is a great opportunity to showcase that i am no different from the other lgbt how many ans. gay rights or human rights. i go with my husband to prove that. >> give us a sense of the backdrop that we are talking about in russia here. >> this is a tough environment. i'm wondering whether or not you and patrick have fears and concerns about the russian police, the bullying and the violent tactics they used about gays. >> i have given this a lot of critical thinking and patrick
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and i discussed this. we understand we go on a different privilege than a lost other people that live in russia right now. we live here in the states under a different set of privileges. marriage equality is a big battle. that continues to be a battle in washington, d.c. we understand what the home turf is like. i want to go and educate myself on what russia's turfa like and i hope to to carve out how to do stories for the network that way. show this firsthand what it's like to be there. i have concern, but i know i will be treated differently. there is hypocrisy that will go along with that. i hope to be able to shine a bright light on that. >> thank you. the 2013 miss universe competition in moscow will air on november 9th on nbc and you
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got me. thomas, thank you. we will see you coming up on msnbc. the president said the best way republicans can change policy is to win elections. does he have the political capital to push his own agenda. our power house will take that on when "morning joe" returns. for sein a whole new way. for seeing what cash is coming in and going out... so you can understand every angle of your cash flow- last week, this month, and even next year.
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. >> good morning. it's 8:00 on the east coast and 5:00 on the west coast. we take a lock at washington. what a long week. back with us on saturday, we have katy kay and robert gibbs. the "huffington post" sam stein and josh green. bloomberg and in new york, "the washington post's" eugene robinson. joe, it all doesn't make any sense. can you make the sense of the week that just was? >> no, i can't. nobody can, but those were some of the longest instructions ever in the history of "morning joe." >> we have a lot of people here. did you see the cover of bloomberg business week? it's fantastic? >> i did. i thought you would like that. what's happening in the news today, mika? >> we have a lot going on and we
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are trying to figure out the next issue which is government by crisis. the shut down may be over, but the divisions that spark the stand off remain. president obama spoke about the crisis that put the united states on the brink of default. >> there no winners here. the last few weeks inflicted completely unnecessary damage on our economy. probably nothing has done more damage to america's credibility in the world, our standing with other countries than the spectacle that we have seen these past sfl weeks. you don't like a particular policy or a particular president? then argue for your position. go out there and win an election. push to change it. don't break it. don't break what our predecessors spent over two centuries building.
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>> well, joe, at this point the president trying to shift the attention back to his second term agenda and also talking about what happened and what he feels the republican party has done at this point. his priorities are immigration reform and a farm bill, but he is making the most of this. >> yeah, this is what you call a victory lap and a lot of people say the president is entitled to that because he warned republicans not to do what they went ahead and did. it doesn't matter whether you are in a row boat and the other person is crazy or not, you have to get them rowing your way or else you are not going anywhere. i'm not saying of course the republicans are, but he thinks they are. let's face it. this has been an extraordinarily frustrating second term for the president who has been thwarted time and time again. he will find it's a lot easier to play defense than offense. he can't do anything unless he
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can figure out how to get these republicans working with him. >> i don't know. where are we going to go. to the big agenda items, we try several times and everyone says we need a grand bargain on the government going forward. whatever the big priority is. in fact, how are we going to get a grand bargain when we can't agree to lift the debt ceiling. the irreconcilable differences between the president and the house republicans to me suggests that there is not going to be a big agreement on big issues. we will probably be lucky in a medium term for a little issue that doesn't do a lot of harm. not doing harm is what you can do. >> charles has a different point of view, but on the republican side to your point, mitch
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mcconnell said another shut down is not an option. in another interview he said one of my favorite sayings is an old kentucky saying. there is no education in the second kick of a mule. the first kick of a mule was in 1995. the second one was the last 16 days. the government shut down is off the table. we are not going to do it. despite walking away from the shut down with little to show for it, senator ted cruz and this i don't get. if anyone can explain this to me, this remains defined in his effort to dismannedle obama care. >>. >> i will do anything and i will continue to stop the train wreck that is obama care and our focus should not be on d.c. politics, but the people getting hurt. >> this was known as the ted cruz shut down.
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you triggered this crisis. >> i said we shbt have a shut down and i don't want a shut down. >> there never would have been a shut down if you haven't said we are not going to fund the government for weeks. >> there never would have been a shut down if harry reid said we will not negotiate or compromise. >> does somebody tell him to stop? i respect his opinion about obama care, that's an argument we can have. >> i wonder whether he goes back now to his voters and they tell him and his constituents and they effectively go back this weekend and they will be told you are doing a great job. we like the way you stood up. it is the point of standing up rather than the out come and the principal fought over. that will boost their poll numbers.
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>> they have been told he got incredible donations and response from the base and how many people called in to say thank you for doing what you do. it's all in this amazing expanding bubble. he doesn't understand the damage he has done or the futility of what he has done when he tries to shut down over health care. >> i don't think he is not intelligent. >> he's very intelligent and doing it for a very self-serving purpose. >> some of the groups like staunch allies of cruz have learned from the crisis. their president came out and said look, we will not be able to repeal obama care until 2016. >> they are not repealing it at all. even with the horrific rowel out, how do you go about saying 10 thousand thousand or so people who signed up, how do you say no, you will not get insurance.
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we are taking it away from you. >> robert gibbs and sam stein just made ted cruz's point. my argument is what you are doing now is hurting for 2014 and 2016. ted cruz would say and mike lee would say great, what are we going to do? even in the best of years, we may get a majority. we won't stop obama care again. let's wait until 2016. as sam stein said, even as republicans win everything in 2016, it is too late. this argument to ted and mike lee and others, just sit back and let's win this one in 2016 and everything. it has been undermined by right wing nut sam stein. it's just too late. >> look, i do think that catty is right and ted cruz wherever he goes this weekend will have
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be covered by adulation and his very self-serving actions. he is not how to move the republican party down the field. ted is doing a fabulous job of moving ted cruz down the field. he wants to be that nominee in 2016 to do whatever it is he wants to do in terms of governing. this is not about the republican party or mitch mcconnell or the caucus. it's about ted cruz. it's working well for ted cruz in ted cruz's base. >> what comes out of this and happens to the tea party and groups that back members are bearing the worst of the backlash from the shut down. >> the right is a multiplicity of various grips, some of which are not republicans and think they can control the republican party. some have been good think tanks and are now losing their reputation. you referring to heritage?
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>> of course i am. heritage used to be the conservative organization helping republicans and helping conservatives to have the best intellectual conservative ideas. there is a real questions on the minds of many republicans. for a lot of people is heritage going to go so political it doesn't amount to anything? i hope not. i will try to survive and do well, but right now it's in danger of losing its clout and power around washington, d.c. >> little signs of fighting the republican party, but the foundation president jim demint wrote an op ed titled we won't back down on obama care. he argued that obama care was not the central fight in the last election cycle. meanwhile things are growing more complicated from couple bent republicans. at least five face tea party
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challenges including lindsay graham and lamar alexander and things are better in the house. the political report said 14 seats that are up for grabs next year are now leaning democrat because of the damage that is being done to the gop by this shut down. congressman to left leaning states are in the most danger. groups like the chamber of commerce will continue to back speaker john boehner. major players are expected to take sides against tea party candidates. they were the ones who funded them in the first place. if elected, that could cause more headaches. >> you see the challenges for republicans, but there is also a challenge for the white house. that website and that story is going to emerge. how do they keep the balance of power and the good will and the moral high ground on their side. >> we were talking about ted cruise and this is why it's so important that the white house
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gets the roll out right. they need to get as many people signed up before december 15th who will be enrolled by january 1st. republicans can't make obama care an issue. they will be seen as taking away health care from their own constituents. >> they need a big story. a big number. >> they need a big number. about throw 00 or 500,000 that the internal documents have shown were trying to get registered. >> 36,000 is what they have got based on studies. >> what people are experiencing, that will be a hard target. the white house said they are working 24 hours days a week and the president said this is unacceptable, but they need to change the story line right now. >> okay. go ahead. >> it was interesting. we just saw orrin hatch on one side and primaries on the other side. you perfect low encapsulated where the republican party is in
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many ways. orrin hatch was scared of a primary last time and was not speaking that clear as to the po litization of the action fund. does the orrin hatches of the world take the party? interest groups are not driving this bus anymore. we are driving this bus. we are taking control of this. or does what happened with these primaries drive the bus which is what is happening with the interest groups. >> let's talk about the difference. if you can't explain to the panel what you think the difference is between where orrin hatch is this morning and heritage action is. where ted is this morning and heritage sakz this morning. ted cruise goes home and he's a hero and he gets his million dollars or two million. not a bad deal for ted cruz. if you are rely on business and
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other long-term gop supporters to fund you, heritage action situation is far more complicated. i would dare to say they are in a wee bit of trouble right now because they have a lot of business men and business women angry. the biggest news to me that this shut down was coming to an end came two days beforehand when i was told boy a top republican fund-raisers in america, we are losing all of our top business men and women. they are not going to give us money. heritage feel that is a lot more than ted cruz will. >> let's make that the third access and have republicans almost in a triangle here. i think that's what's going to be interesting. does business try to claim an aspect or section of the party. do the members or senators or the house members decide we want to be in charge of our own destiny or do the interest groups and sort of the base that is now much more lined on the
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right, are they driving this bus? that is really the central play that will happen. i think it will be determined as to what happens around the budget and whether we are soon to be filming the sequel for the shut down and the deficit talks for january and february? >> i think the challenge for the white house is fixing the website when it comes to the government website, the cost recovery unions and designing the site have been massive. take a look at tom costello's report. >> the prime contractor is the u.s. arm of a canadian company. cg accident i's business grew in the bush administration. on october 4th, 2011 it was awarded a contract for computer systems design services to build the website. with a ceiling price tag of $94 million. by may of this year, it shows
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cgi spent $196 million and the price tag soared to $292 million. >> the "wall street journal" reports the market place is generating flawed data for the insurance companies, everything from duplicate enrollments to problems with eligibility and spouses reported as children. one reason for the problems, a "usa today" reports said the site was built on 10-year-old technology that will need constant fixes and updates over the next six months. i'm going to go to gene robinson. i have got to tell you, i think the damage to the country over the past 3 weeks far supersedes a website not working. this is a story that can fly. >> deservedly so. this really is a disastrous
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launch for a program that i have supported. i think it's a huge advance in health care. >> me too. >> come on. it's a website. i can't imagine that okay, it's broken and it doesn't work right. why is it taking so long to fix? at this point if it's 10-year-old technology, why isn't another team, preferably a team of overcaffeinated 20-year-olds building a new website based on current technology and put that live when it starts working? i know it's complicated and everything, but come on, people. >> they need more coffee. here's what i don't understand. the obama campaign did an amazing job of using technology to get to people. make things work. that was how they won. that's what they do. >> that was what they did. you are at the white house when
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you ask them. are they going to fix this? >> they are trying to fix it. >> what did they tell you. >> come on, julianna. >> one of the messages from the president is that government is here to serve the people and to do good things that can be a force of good. this is one other thing that undermines people's confidence in government. >> they say that apples and oranges comparison. it's thing to take them in, but it's another thing to take five or six databases and make sure you get the right coverage and show you which plans you have. >> it's still technology. >> it's ridiculous and a lot of states had to do the same thing just for their own state pools. we have done it exceptionally well. oregon has done a good job. i'm not sure state by state, but the federal government cannot do it. >> we have to be somewhat
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careful. we want to know how many people have signed up. massachusetts was an instructed example. they went on 18 times before they performed health care. i said this before. it's not itunes. i didn't hear the song and i want to buy the album and it's an easy nonpersonal exchange. this is a highly personal thing. the website is so important. people need to be able to go on and shop. they are not going to shop once. they are going to shop dozens of times before they purchase a plan. this has always been the single most important thing that was going to happen in the second term. the implementation of health care. it would be great and the other things would be great. this has always been the single most important path. they have to fix this. >> one of the lessons they took was from medicare part d is it was a month of enrollment and there were all sorts of problems. they wanted to expand this.
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the first wave between now and december and the second wave between december and march. >> they have to expand more now because how do you start penalizing people for not getting it when they can't access it. >> you can't. >> it's the same delay republicans have been pushing for. >> we will check in again and a new sleep study may shed light on ways to treat alzheimer's. what researchers are saying about the link between brain cells and shut eye. the new york post said arnold schwarzenegger has his eye on the white house? how he is planning to tackle that pesky thing called the constitution. here's bill with a check on the forecast. >> i would love to show you the beautiful weather on the east coast. that's not fun. the snow fell from colorado through wyoming. cheyenne picked up a couple of inches. live pictures. the roads are wet and not too much of a problem. one of the first snows of the
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season for the city itself. as far as the rest of the day goes, it will warm up to about 49. it won't be too bad of a lead. we have been driving in tennessee or kentucky. mississippi and northern alabama. dense fog in huntsville and jackson. respecting zero visibility. you barely see the car in front of you. in any airport delays, we will be related to the dense fog. the weekend pattern, unsettled weather up to the great lakes. otherwise the east and west coast are looking perfect. san francisco had the best weather in forever. slight showers for d.c. tomorrow and we end with a gorgeous weekend. we are looking at the 70s and loving the fall weather. fall has been cruel to wyoming and colorado. 60s in denver boy the end of the weekend. you are watching "morning joe." people don't have to think about
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>> time to take a look at morning papers. "san francisco chronicle" and bay area employees are on strike this morning, leaving more than 200,000 people scrambling to find a way to work. it comes as contract negotiations continue to stall for the nation's fifth large evaluate rail system. bart employees walked off the
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job for nearly 20 days in july. >> they scammed their way out of a florida plichb despite the sentences. they walked out tuesday and the on the right was released in september. they believe the court do you means were not legit. they have a forged signature of judge belvin perry who presided over the casey anthony trial. that's amazing. >> that's incredible. a wal-mart employee was fired for helping a woman attacked in the parking lot. he saw a man grabbing a woman and two other men started attacking people. police showed up and stopped the fight. a wal-mart spokesman said his actions violated company policy. what policy is that? what the heck? >> it's weird friday.
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>> no kindness allowed at wal-mart. whatever. >> google is surpassing investor expectations and may be the fourth company to have a stock price topping $1,000. the search giant reported a $3 billion profit in the third quarter. the news pushed the stock to an all time high of $958 in after hours trading. >> the new york post, arnold schwarzenegger may be itching to get back into politics this time at the national level. the post is rewarding the former governor of california is ready to allow him to run for president in 2016. the action star was born in austria and the u.s. constitution prevents foreign-born citizens from becoming president. >> i'm out. >> you are out, katy. you would be great. >> arnold schwarzenegger has a movie coming out. >> awe! he knows everything.
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>> "washington post" said sleep is the best way to clear toxins out of your brain. this is part of the reason why after a good night's rest you feel recharged. the center to transport neuromedicine says this study may lead to new treatments for diseases like alzheimer's that are linked to toxins in the brain. >> i have a dirty mind then. i do. i don't get enough sleep. the obesity rate among adults have tapered off, but remains an epidemic. nearly 35 million adults were overweight, down slightly from 2010, but 78 million deaths come from being overweight, but we are taking the right direction. hand made in america. a look behind the love of arts and crafts as americans become
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more hands on. i like it. let's go to politico. joining us now is the president and ceo of politico. >> he still joins us? >> he is so powerful. i don't know what to say. >> how are you? >> we are good. we talked about the impact of the shut down and the impact it had on the republican brand. what about rand paul of kentucky. what do you have there some. >> no doubt he handled it much different than ted cruz. he was not out front and not leading the charge. a lost senators are praising what he did behind the scenes by taking a more restrained approach. it speaks to him as a political operator. he navigated politics pretty smartly over six to seven months. if you think about the stand he made on drones, his filibuster was effective in getting public attention on an issue people
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were not paying attention to and he showed restraint where ted cruz did not. whoever wins the nomination will be able to be able to navigate the party. >> goodness. what about when did we start covering the government by crisis issue? can there be something to keep it from going there? does that make sense? >> you would like to get there in government by crisis. we have another one coming in six weeks. >> let's go to virginia. jim? poll numbers for the state? democrats lead 46-38. libertarian candidate robert sar vis at 9%. with women, it's more good news. he opened up a 20-point lead.
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with female voter, 52% of likely voters blame republicans for the shut down, likely contributing factor to mcauliffe's lead. are we going to see a ripple effect across the board? >> this vase felt over for sometime. every poll nationally or done by media outlets at to ten points. you see this pattern we saw in 2012 where republicans are having a heck of a hard time winning over women voters. we are not going to win the race until we fix that problem. if you are in washington, you can't learn on wtop without linking an ad to ted cruz. there is a cruz effect playing out in virginia and house races. we have a piece up about the effect with donors. there is a lot of republican donors saying either we are going to sit out or spend money
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against people like ted cruz because they want to recalculate the party. it wasn't a two-week fight over that. this will have real ramifications for the party and is forcing what will be healthy soul searching for republicans on how to mitigate the power of the ted cruz wing of the republican party. >> you know virginia politics. to what extent can we extrapolate what's happening with the goff mor and look at what might happen to the tea party after the shut down. you have a state that is mixed and diverse and has a growing suburbs where there more democratic voters. it's a totally different race from what is happening in the individual districts where there tea party representatives. >> it's a very interesting state that is clearly changing. you can probably generalize from cuccinelli's bad fortune in virginia to statewide races in other states.
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especially where demographics are on the move. not to the individual house districts. not necessarily to the house majority. it will be tough. >> this is going to be political geography that will be the question. in the house districts, they are ipsidated. there is not enough of anybody else to be the tea party member. if you look at state-wide elections, republicans have five more senators had tea partiers not gotten nominations in places in 2010 and 2012 in senate races. these were not in swing states. a couple were, but they lost in missouri and indiana. races in states they should have won in u.s. senate races because they nominated somebody too conservative even in a conservative state.
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the question is if there is enough terrain or statewide to make a difference. in many of these districts you have the president getting 30% and members of congress in the tea party getting 70%. >> thank you very much. up next, faith on fridays. father kevin o'brien explains how communication between different groups can serve as an example for politicians who can't seem to find common ground. that was a look at how the markets will open this morning. stay with us. we'll be right back. bl sfx: oil gushing out of pipe. sfx: birds chirping. avo: sales event is "sback.hen drive"
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. the cardinal is doing a fine job, jnt isn't he? so fine in fact that earlier this year he came this close to being selected pope. he blew it in a swimsuit competition. i would have gone with a one piece. i am proud to be america's most famous catholic. i'm sure that the cardinal is thinking stephen, pride is a sin. well, cardinal, so is envy so even.
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>> the individuals. last night at the al smith charity dinner. joining us is the mission ministry. father kevin o'brien. he is the author of the book experiencing the spiritual exercises of st. ignatius. andrea mitchell is back with us too. thank you very much. >> great to be back. >> there few things more divicive in than religion and politics. >> right. >> can one teach the other about harmony? >> i think so in my role involved in a lot of interreligious dialogue, one of the things we realized that in order to have awe thendic dialogue, we have to learn to talk across difference. that requires a lot of humility on the part of the people engaged in the dialogue. you have to go into knowing you don't have all the answers.
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you are able to learn from the other. it requires a lot of humility. in order to do interreligious dialogue that is authentic, it has to be built on friendship. any time we have a difference, we learn to work through it rather than just going into our own camps. >> talk about humility. you were saying you met the hope. >> yes. >> it does seem to be a figure of extraordinary humility. >> a great humility. what you see is what you get. he is a man who cares deeply about people and connects authentically with people. one of the friendships the pope has that enabled religious dialogue across religions is with the rabbi from argentina what became friends when the pope became bishop. because of their friendship, they have had extremely
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important dialogues among jews and catholics in argentina. >> argentina is a complicated place and there was the hezbollah attack on the jewish community center. there could be a bonding there as well over the crisis. >> it is. the pope said one thing we have in common is the quest for peace. most recently in september, he spent five days with the pope and stayed with him in his guest house in the vatican. >> that was unprecedented. it was during the jewish holiday or holy days in september. after meals. the rabbi said his prayers and hope that listened and joined him and pray with him in the jewish holy month. >> i'm so happy that a
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conversation about catholicism is centered around jews. >> i thought you were starting a joke. >> i do think that what we are missing is friendship. as the basis of conversation. chris matthews is well known this show. his book on tip o'neill and ronald reagan. you think about the ideological differences they overcame because of their friendship. i find engaging with jewish and muslims, because we have a friendship and understanding whether it's peace and justice, they work through serious doctoral differences and in a
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way that doesn't let us to dead ends. >> one of the stars was the senate chaplain whose morning prayers live on c-span 2 became must see tv and had basic dialogue. >> hoe had his prayers on morning television. you write about trying to incorporate prayer into daily life. at this day and age, that's difficult. anyone issue wooing and under graduate students, it's difficult to find time in the space and the quiet to pray. what i encourage is to find not times to run away, but the d train going from manhattan to new york. why you are working and why you are with your children.
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you take the moments and say god is here. god is at work. it requires a different imagination and differently way of looking at the world. god can be found anywhere. just not in a church. >> the tips as a non-catholic recipe for sanity as well. thank you very much. >> thanks. great to be here. >> it is experiencing the exercises in daily life. up next, the dow ended flat after the mini surge of washington got its act together on the debt deal. how are things shaping up today? kelly evans joins us next.
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on business before the bell, kelly evans. bubble jitters in the market today. >> good morning. you might ask with stocks at fresh all time highs which is what happened with the s&p 500 yesterday, where are the headlines? granted they are lagging to some extend, but the fact that we are a couple years out and at nominal highs speaks to the stealth nature of the rally and stocks again. not a lot of people talking about it. they are starting to talk and the divide between the stock market and the real economy. corporate earnings point to expense cutting and next tuesday we will get delayed from the shut down and more evidence the labor market is not as strong as the fed would like. that will not keep them from tapering and all seems to be smooth sailing for those who are invested. >> rocky times.
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>> we put together a segment for you folks that is more informational than entertaining. what congress had learned from the government shut down. what congress has learned now. let's see if they learned anything. go ahead and roll that.
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>> nothing. >> nothing. >> nada. >> zero. >> nada. >> zip. zero. >> the inventions of a squirrel named super twiggy. >> up next, the "morning joe" week in review and what if anything did we learn today. ale] staying warm and dry has never been our priority. our priority is, was and always will be serving you, the american people. so we improved priority mail flat rate to give you a more reliable way to ship. now with tracking up to eleven scans, specified delivery dates, and free insurance up to $50 all for the same low rate. [ woman ] we are the united states postal service. [ man ] we are the united states postal service. [ male announcer ] and our priority is you. go to® and try it today. [ male announcer ] and our priority is you. for sein a whole new way. for seeing what cash is coming in and going out... so you can understand every angle of your cash flow-
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>> oh, my god. let's meet again tomorrow and see what the appropriate song is. >> i don't know how these baseball series are going to end, but they are not going to default on the president of the united states like we said. stop using the internet. how much is a carrier pigeon these days? i am going to get about five. >> you can get a fleet of carriers. >> our kids are up until 2:00 in the morning. >> they are not. got a cigar. then there is bill who is with us now. >> thank you again. i love how it's his fault. >> in the food t causes the same
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reaction, the pleasure center that lights up like cocaine lights it up. >> when you and i go to vegas, save yourself time and effort and get a box of oreos. >> pack them up. >> go up to the suite and lock your door. >> i love my oreo cookies. >> i chose oreos. we chose them. >> mika, my mom is a good liberal and she likes your show. >> what's her name? >> carol. >> you have to say there is tom cruise. i don't care. i'm a purist. he's a great actor, come on. >> i hear the top gun theme in my ear. >> i thought old time rock 'n' roll might have been -- >> kelly mcgillis visuals. >> i watch your show. it's like a baby seal on the rocks. you clubbed this thing over and
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over again. >> it's sad watching the show just to see a baby seal beaten. what kind of sicko are you? >> i do apologize for talking too much. >> it is time to ban those oreos. andrea, what did we learn? >> i learned the show can not only survive, but prosper without joe and mika here. >> you are not feeling lonely? >> no, i feel liberated. >> andrea. >> from father kevin o'brien we can incorporate faith into our daily lives and meditate and pray. >> maybe. i learned two things today, two for the price of one. watch the money over the next two weeks for the tea party. will they step in and make life difficult for some of them and i like that faith on friday segment. something about the end of the week and getting


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