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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  October 18, 2013 1:00pm-2:00pm EDT

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country. >> lesson learned. mitch mcconnell says there won't be another government shutdown in january. has anyone told ted cruz? >> i will continue to do anything i can to stop the train wreck that is obama care. >> critical condition. new details from dick cheney on his new book on just how close he came to dying before his heart transplant. >> i wake up every morning with a big smile on my face thankful for a new day i never expected to see. >> call of the wild. the zoo is back. the gates open today. the pandas are welcoming visitors back. good day, i'm andrea mitchell in washington. with the shutdown over, members of congress back in their home
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districts today facing their constituents still feeling the impact. joining me for daily fix chris cillizza msnbc contributor and host of post tv's "in play." kelly o'donnell and luke russert. kelly and luke you have been doing yeoman's duty. >> nice to be off the hill. >> good to have you home. welcome home. >> for sure. >> kelly, people are still going to be very angry about the way this played out and it's only kicking the can down the road. >> one of the best things about congress getting out of town, they do have to look their neighbors, the the people they represent in the face and hear from them directly about what it meant and how they feel about it. even people who feel these were legitimate issues, they need to be confronting this in a personal way. it is short-term. in 90 days we get to do this dance again. we hope that the effect has been so great people will approach it differently and maybe, maybe one
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positive is there will be a seriousness about the budget. >> the guy you cover, luke russert, john boehner, the speaker of the house was at the airport. somebody caught a shot of him at the airport. >> there it is with the sneakers on and golf pullover. that's what he likes to wear. >> ready to head out and head home. >> these member of congress really have some 'splaining to do. >> there's a fascinating report from jake sherman, a wonderful antidote where president obama pulls john boehner aside and said, john boehner, what happened? i got overrun. he did get overrun. his leadership was questioned by raucous members in congress. the last 16 days has emboldened him, made him more respected within the conference. i do think while mitch mcconnell says the government will not
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shut down, these members in the conference will want something in exchange for funding the government what is it they get? we don't know. fascinate how it plays into election year of 2014. i don't think it's lets pass a clean cr. they are going to want something in return. boehner might have to get creative. first thing they wanted to do defund the health care law, pass it through senate, strip it out. allow members to get on the record and vent some steam. >> chris cillizza, lets talk about virginia. this race in virginia has widened. first example we have in a poll, nbc news maris poll. the election is 18 days away. we're seeing terry mcauliffe is pulling away from ken cuccinelli, off year election and low turnout could favor the republicans. still within reach for cuccinelli. this has been one of the most negatively advertised campaigns i've seen. >> what's interesting, andrea, i
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was driving into work and i heard a radio ad for terry mcauliffe which a narrator of that ad blasts cuccinelli, a tea party shutdown conservative. if there was any doubt that the shutdown, or at least democrats believe the shutdown can and will be used against ken cuccinelli in this final closing couple of weeks, that should clear things up. i interviewed ken cuccinelli a few weeks back. he said, the shutdown would not help my campaign. he wouldn't say it would hurt his campaign. i think it's just dominated conversation hurt the republican brand. if you candidly asked john boehner has this been good or bad for the republican brand, he'd say bad. that's heart. these off year elections particularly in a state like virginia where the sort of washington, d.c. media markets goes to fairfax and loudoun county, many in swing areas seeing all of this coverage, it
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can affect things. when republicans look, as they have looked in the last six weeks or so, and when ken cuccinelli makes a decision also mentioned in the ad to bring ted cruz to campaign for him, it's doing to be hard for him to separate out from national republicans that have not done the party any favors. >> chris, lets face it, we have people, federal workers living throughout this area in the district in maryland and virginia. in addition to federal workers who live in virginia, you've got all of the military, all of the federal defense contractors -- >> that's a huge part. >> that is a huge part of it. >> look, if you go back and look how bob mcdonald won in 2009 he did it by winning in places like fairfax county and loudoun county. the sort of nearing to urban parts of the state. if you can't win there as a republican it's a lot harder and ken cuccinelli is not winning there.
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>> a point of personal privilege. i want to talk about when congress actually worked. there was a nasty politics, tom foley has died today. his wife heather has confirmed that. tom foley was speaker of the house, the democratic leader at a time when there still was a lot of civility and they got things done. i'm not sure which signing that is, probably not the nafta signing. there was a lot of legislation passed. he got along with people on both sides of the aisle. he was defeated as speaker when he lost re-election from his district, he had been there 30 years representing spokane washington. he lost that because of a series of elections, the house ruled by democrats for generations. so they had gotten many would say corrupt. there was house banking scandal in the rank and file. he was partly defeated because
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he supported the assault weapons ban. the nra in spokane washington went after him. the speaker of the house lost his re-election. kelly and lukend chris, it was quite a devastating loss but foley picked himself up. he was made the ambassador to japan and served ably in tokyo. as we know the japanese love having people like mike mansfield, former majority leader from the senate and former vice president mondale and tom foley was in that ilk. caroline kennedy not yet sworn in. i can say i knew him very, very well. i covered him and got to know him and his wife heather. he is really going to be missed. one of the stories he loved to tell was how when he was first elected in 1964, he was all puffed up, a member of the house. he was pulled off a plane at dulles airport because the president of the united states was on the phone. so he was called out and, of course, everybody acknowledged,
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well, the president is calling this man. it was because lyndon johnson wanted to twist his arm on a bill. but when he got on the phone, he said, this is tom folly yrg, mr. president. he said tom foley, that's not the foley i wanted. he cursed and hung up the phone. so as a freshman let tom foley know exactly how unimportant he was. that's back in the day. the other thing he used to talk about during all of our social security debates back then and coming up now when they get back into this budget conference, talk about he could not persuade his elderly mother in spokane that her social security wasn't piled up like gold bricks in a lockbox. he told that so often to al gore that may be where he got lockbox from. >> very much a reformer. i was reading history today, a committee chairman at 45, which was very uncommon at those times. he led a reform after watergate
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to break up strength of commodity chairman. is that correct? >> that is absolutely correct. it was eventually the revolution this brought him down and in 1994. he was ailing, in hospice. nancy pelosi visited him tuesday. in the midst of everything going on she went over. >> complications of a stroke. it's nice to hear your reflections because the humanity of politicians is often forgotten especially after what we've been through. to acknowledge him and his service. >> the speaker making flags go to half-staff. while speakers are divisive at times there's a fraternity, sorority as well with nancy pelosi. >> job well done. the two of you have been quite the team with other members of the team on the hill. frank and casey as well. chris cillizza, see you later.
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thank you again. fallout over, website set up for americans to shop for health care plans. technical glitches not allowing thousands to sign up before the deadline. here is tom costello with surprises. >> who is behind the website, the prime contractor is the u.s. arm of a canadian company cgi federal. cgi's business with the government grew dramatically during the bush administration. on october 4th, 2011, it was awarded $55.7 million for computer systems design services to build the website with a ceiling price tag of $94 million. by may of this year the contract shows cgi had spent $196 million. the ceiling price tag had soared to $292 million. >> is this escalation in price due to the fact of the quick turnaround time to get this up and running? are there technical glitches and
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bugs driving the cost p? >> the government said the cost went up as more states joined the federal exchange. for weeks cgi has declined a comment to nbc news about the rollout. last week the canadian province of ontario canceled cgi and canceled its $46 million contract accusing the company of failing to build a registry online. they tell us they are in talk to resolve the issue. tech experts say the problem with the u.s. website are serious. >> it doesn't work. it's supposed to get you a quote. it doesn't do that. >> luke owns software database company. >> if this was your product, what would you say? >> i'd be embarrassed and use language with my development team that couldn't be on the air. this is ridiculous. >> tom costello joins me now. tom, how does this happen? we're a nation leading the world on high-tech, silicon valley and this obama administration was
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re-elected with the most sophisticated web search devices and crowd sourcing in history. >> i don't think there's a lot of short answer toss that. the washington examiner reporting today they did not do a beta test on this. they did not test the final product until five to six days before october 1st. the white house is not talking to us about any of the specifics and they still aren't giving any numbers on how many people have successfully enrolled. i think it's important to say there are increasingly, and we've heard a lot more of them today, stories of people who have had success. they are getting through the process. it's taken a long time. if they are persistent they are getting there. the problem now may not so much you get a red error on the screen but rather insurance companies are reporting that people are signing up. they think they are signing up their three children and a spouse when in fact they are signing up three spouses and a
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child. >> i think that's illegal. >> it is in some states. or they think they are signing up for one product and they sign up for another product. somehow the wires are not connecting properly. by all accounts, this is a mess. even the administration acknowledges this has been a big problem. the question is at what point does this start to undermine the affordable care act itself? they need young people to offset the cost of people who have significant medical issues. those people are going to be a big drag and draw on insurance companies. they have got to do this quick lichlt i will tell you the kaiser family foundation an objective arbiter of this thinks they will get it together. >> tom costello, i know you're going to stay on the case. thank you very much. >> you bet. >> at the top of the hour, new appointment, cabinet level appointment, jay johnson pentagon's former top lawyer, general counsel at an early fundraiser for obama in 2008 to head department of homeland
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security, succeeding janet napolitano. since leaving the pentagon the former prosecutor and corporate lawyer has been outspoken about the u.s. drone program and changing face of al qaeda. as he noted with us just last spring. >> al qaeda as it looked in 2001 is very different now. it's morphed. it's broken into small affiliates. we see terrorist organizations in africa and elsewhere, so it's time to develop a new approach from the one we've been in for the last 12 years. >> now he's going to get a chance. jeh johnson must be confirmed by the senate. health and human
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secretary kathleen sebelius said it has been a rocky start for
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the federal government's online system to shop for health plans. can the administration get it fixed before the political damage becomes severe? who is going to get the blame for the continuing problems. joining me now david gregory moderator of "meet the press." david, this has been sort of a side benefit of the shutdown, if you will, if there was one, people weren't focused on the health care plan and online problems and now they will. >> the white house telegraphed it said every wart, problem will be well documented. if the big fight here was not about the budget but obama wear for this shut down crisis, those tea party conservatives say, hey, we're going to keep on chugging. they want to make this big for 2014, 2016. i was struck by jim demint saying repealing health care was not the centerpiece of 2012. we wish it would have been. they certainly want to keep it there for midterms and 2016. >> how about the fact senator orrin hatch called out demint
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and heritage on chuck's show on the "the daily rundown." that shows the schism between main conservatives and tea party conservatives. >> right. it doesn't -- the way forward on this for the republican party is going to be to win or to somehow deal with this insurgent part of the party that's not going away. sarah palin is talking about going next to kentucky, talking about mitch mcconnell's challenger on the tea party right. i don't see them really backing down. they understand the farther obama care goes, the more it becomes part of the firmament of the entitlement state, difficult it will be to make adjustments. it was only 2010 when it was a major factor that led to republicans taking over the house. >> what they are trying to do -- what democrats are trying to do is get as many people signed up as possible before january 1st when it kicks in to prove they have got the base of young people to make it economically
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viable. i also want to point out you've got some elections coming up. ken cuccinelli has clearly been hurt by this, by the shutdown of the government. >> he's more vulnerable. he's in a state where he's vulnerable to being hurt because of how virginia has changed demographically and how it looks on the electoral map for democrats. but that's not necessarily the case in some of these other states. kentucky is an interesting example because it's got a democratic governor and exchanges -- >> they are working well. they are getting people signed up. it's an interesting test case for how obama care goes. >> i want to talk about dick cheney because the former vice president who you covered, you covered eight years of the bush cheney white house was a lot more sick, not necessarily in the white house but after he left the white house than he had previously discussed. he had been pretty open about his heart attacks. in his book "heart" which we've just received, we started going
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through it yesterday. it comes out next tuesday. it's pretty dramatic, talking about the fact he came so close to death before the heart transplant. talked to his family. for them talking about it made a difficult situation already worse. i needed them to know and i needed to say good-bye. he talked to them about funeral plans, cremation, going back to wyoming and having his ashes distributed there. he had that artificial pump with an external and internal pump with external batteries, which he showed to jamie in that memorable interview in 2010 and got the heart transplant and says he was showing jamie, he was so matter of fact about it, he wore the vest and kept that pump going. that was merely a place holder until he could get the donner. >> it is remarkable to get this kind of detail, most of it after he served. >> i remember in 2000 during the
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campaign when this came up, you got the full scope. it was early in the administration when he to be rushed to the hospital. as i recall then it was to have the stint put in. he's ballotsed this throughout his public life. you think about the stress on him. he was, by his own admission, overweight in those white house years. how potentially problematic it was. it's remarkable to hear details now. >> briefly on that day when you were with the president traveling and he was rushed to nebraska on 9/11 and into the bunker, cheney had had a blood test early that morning and learned while he was in the white house bunker, learned, actually, on the helicopter when he was going to the secure location, camp david, the white house doctor passed him a note and said you're going to have to be retested. it was a lethal level of potassium and could have caused a heart attack. there's a picture of him and glen looking at the note. he said not now. not tonight. i'll do it again in the morning.
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>> unbelievable. i think there's more and more scrutiny of public officials and their health, particularly their heart health as we learn more details about this. >> and "meet the press." >> "meet the press," the fallout from the crisis this week, we've got an exclusive interview with jack lew on what the damage has been from the shutdown going to the brink. talk with senators coburn and schumer. >> lot of lessons learned and budget talks to come. >> thanks, andrea. >> attendees at al smith dinner in new york city had to come ready to take a joke. the annual charity fundraiser has a top flight guest list from politics, media, catholic hierarchy. this week's master of ceremony steven colbert didn't pull any punches even when it came to the cardinal. >> the cardinal is doing a fine job, isn't he? he really is.
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so fine -- so fine, in fact -- so fine, in fact, earlier this year the cardinal came this close to being selected pope but he blew it in the swimsuit competition. i would have gone with a one-piece. building animatronics is all about getting things to work together. the timing, the actions, the reactions. everything has to synch up. my expenses are no different.
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can produce enough energy for about 600,000 homes. generating electricity that's cleaner and reliable, with fewer emissions-- it matters. ♪ a terror suspect arrested this morning in new york. the fbi and nypd nabbed marcos alonzo zia in long island charging him with conspiracy to commit murder. accused of traveling overseas to wage a violent jihad. foreign correspondent richard engel joins me with more from 30 rock. hey, richard. what kind of conspiracy was this? who was he dealing with? >> according to the indictment, he was trying to inspire people
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to go overseas to join al qaeda in the arabian peninsula, that he, himself, tried to go to yemen and according to the indictment he wanted to go and wanted other people to go there. he's accused of conspiracy to commit murder in a foreign country and conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist group. effectively he's charged with trying to recruit people and help foreign terrorists groups and doing it from the united states. i was struck by that little smile. i hadn't seen that video until now. you wouldn't expect someone who has been under investigation for so long and then being arrested and has a camera put in himself to give that coy smile for the camera. it was surprising to me. i don't know if you had the same reaction. >> it was quite a smirk, wasn't it? we'll see whether he still that
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has smile after being questioned or being in rikers, wherever they take him. >> he wasn't the only one in the case. there was something of a cell. he had a co-conspirator who is behind bars. he pled guilty, waiting to be sentenced. according to the indictment, according to officials of the nypd, at least two men, young men, both of them on long island have been arrested over the last year, the second arrest being this man today. >> clearly they had some inside information, perhaps, from the guy that was in custody. i also wanted to ask you about the terrifying pictures, latest video from that horrible, hard to watch mall attack. tell us what you've learned from watching these. >> the first impact, you can see right there, this the mall before the gunman run in, then there's running. there's the stampede of people running away from the door. you can see what they are running from. at least one gunman there in
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that video goes on to execute some of the hostages. there were hours of video from the closed circuit camera, television cameras inside the westgate mall. some of them have come to light. some of them have been released by kenyan authorities. they are extremely difficult to watch but also extremely important for law enforcement officials around the world because by studying these tapes, studying what happened in that mall over the course of four days, you get a sense of how these things tend to play out, how the attackers used space, where they tended to congregate, maybe could be useful in the future if it happened in the united states or another country, you can look back and say there's a model, see how it happened then to try to prevent
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it from happening again or deal with it in another place. >> richard, really remarkable. shows what an ordinary saturday afternoon in the mall. >> they were on their phones. one of the pictures i think you showed, the militants are talking on their cell phones and kenyan officials believe that while this four-day hostage terror nightmare was unfolding, they were on the telephones to shabab leaders getting instructions, status reports, than al shabaab militants were at an event like a sports or political convention. >> thank you very much. two convicted felons in the u.s. on the loose in florida jail break without breaking out of jail. authorities didn't catch it until routine verification with the families. they believe they forged the signature of the presiding judge on phony paperwork and it was just simply approved.
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by the way, the judge whose forged signature was used in the scam was the same florida judge who presided over the casey anthony trial. once again, only in florida. in the nation, sometimes bad things happen. add brand new belongings from nationwide insurance and we'll replace stolen or destroyed items with brand-new versions. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ it guides you to a number that will change it guides you to a number your life: your sleep number setting. it even knows you by name. now it's easier than ever to experience deep, restful sleep with the sleep number bed's dualair technology. at the touch of a button, the sleep number bed adjusts to each person's ideal comfort and support. and you'll only find it at a sleep number store. where right now our newest innovations are available with 36-month financing.
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focus on both security and the needs, the human needs of the aid workers as they try to mitigate the damage. >> yeah, it's right now quite a terrible situation and deteriorating as we go along. the health system completely collapsed. one of the things we see is the amount of violence is incredibly exceptional. there's an area in the city where we found a whole group of refugees -- not refugees but a group of people who fled from their villages and we were starting to provide medical care for them along with syrian doctors and nurses. but last week this entire area was bombed. so now the entire population has disappeared and nobody is there anymore. >> how bad are the conditions which you're trying to minister your doctors and nurses and other medical aides are trying to minister to the needs of the
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people. >> right, the amount of access we have is incredibly limited and it's quite frustrating. one safety directed at health care workers. directed at hospitals in this conflict. >> by both sides? >> what we do is call on all the parties to stop the targeting of hospitals. where we work, we're insured we discuss with all the armed groups in an area, the hospitals we work in are considered neutral meaning it's safe for patients to come there. it's safe for our staff, doctors, nurses, ex-patriots and syrian staff to work there. we have a sign in front of all our hospitals across the world on guns without borders, no guns allowed and it's safe to go in there. this has been violated in this conflict. >> which side is more difficult. is it the regime targeting you more or so difficult because
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there are many rebel groups to get a handle on safe passage from them as well. >> exactly. what we do is in the areas where i was in northern syria, there is a lot of different armed groups. even to get to the areas from turkey you have to go through checkpoints. when we set up hospitals, we have to ensure there's space for hospitals to work safely. it's something we do throughout the world wherever we work in conflict areas, to ensure whoever we're dealing with ensures the safety of our staff and of the patients even scared to come there. >> doctor, that you so much and thanks for everything you and all your colleagues are doing around the world, and most importantly in syria in this civil war. thanks again and please be safe. >> thank you very much. in 2001, the courageous foreign correspondent wrote simply, "there's no way to cover
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war properly without risk. covering a war means going into places torn by chaos, destruction, death and pain and trying to bear witness to that. that's exactly what she did for more than 20 years covering conflicts around the world until her terrible death under fire in syria february 22nd, 2012, while covering the civil war there. just hours before colvin provided this report to the bbc. >> there are shells, rockets coming in just hitting any building. i've not seen one military target. they are simply everywhere. the wounded and dead i have seen, about 80% civilians. it is shelling with impunity and merciless disregard for civilians who simply can't escape. >> from libya to iraq, syria, timor, sri lanka, her stories collected in a new book "on the
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frontline." her sister wrote the book and joins me now. this is hard for people, even people like myself who did not know your incredible great sister to watch, but for you it must be immeasurably more painful. i'm so sorry for this loss. she was one-of-a-kind, unique in her generation. >> she just was so inspiring. beyond courageous. what i remember about marie and what was so unique about her was her dedication. she remained absolutely dedicated to bring out these issues and to bear witness, as she said, to the kinds of atrocities your last guest was talking about. she was killed, in fact, covering the slaughter in homes where there was a hospital targeted and attacked. her career also -- as her career developed, the targeting of journalists has become incredibly pronounced. it's such a dangerous job for
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them all to do. >> you know, she was so singular in her impact. growing up did she also know she wanted to do this? what were your concerns, family concerns about the danger she was facing? >> i'll tell you, she didn't have this vocation really until college. in retrospect, it was really something she was born to do, just so determined and devoted to whatever cause it was she had taken on throughout our lives. i personally always considered her invincible. i didn't have a day to day fear that my mother lived with knowing her daughter was essentially in war zones back-to-back for 20 years. >> she was first injured in sri lanka in the conflict there? >> she had quite a few injuries, minor injuries before that, but that is where she lost her eye.
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she had been trying to -- she had covered the tigers and the area was surrounded by government forces. she was on her way out with a civilian group and actually was uninjured in the first attack. she jumped up -- i'm not sure if she should jump up and yell journalist but she decided to do that because government was going around shooting people in the high grass where she was hiding. she thought her best option was to jump up and they fired at her. they aimed at her. she had shrapnel go into her eye, other parts of her head, chest, lungs. that was her worst injury. >> i want to know more about the memorial fund. i know you run the fund in her name and what you're doing, how people reach out, how you get in touch with the memorial fund. >> i set up the fund because i would really like marie to have a positive and lasting memory,
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legacy. i think that's what she would want. the fund journalistic and educational needs. our largest recipient is the marie colvin center at the stony brook school. they are training young journalists, in safety 360 awareness and how to judge a situation. when it makes sense to go in and when to hold back. >> and, in fact, 50 journalists have died in syria, 28 in 2012 according to the committee to protect journalists, so the toll continues. >> it's shocking. this latest chemical attack when it was difficult to confirm who had launched it, my first thought was marie would have been there, as soon as she could, to try to give neutral, third party factual information to the public.
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it's just impossible, very, very difficult to get in and cover the stories on the ground. i think we tend to take it for granted when you read an article in the paper. the risks that our journalists are taking to get the news out and really how important that is. >> well, thank you very much for sharing. cat colvin. the book, collection you put together is memorable. we'll have more on the website and facebook page as well, "on the frontline." a collection of her work, marie colvin by cat colvin, the forward, i should say, by her sister cat colvin. thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. in our royal roundup today, malala meets the queen at buckingham palace summit for youth and education. malala gave queen elizabeth a copy of her new book, "i am malala." >> when i met her, it's quite good. she's really nice, really nice. she talked to me a very friendly
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kind of way. >> a friendly queen. meanwhile across town, duchess of cambridge met with olympians and paralympians. not bad at volleyball. not double-talk. if you have the nerve to believe that in a puzzling financial world, clarity is king. [ man ] if you believe nothing beats a sit-down for knowing where you stand. [ male announcer ] join the nearly 7 million investors who think like you do: face time and think time make a difference. join us. [ male announcer ] for 90 years, it's how edward jones has made sense of investing.
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with the federal government back in business, president obama would like to shift the conversation to one of his top priorities immigration reform. bipartisan bill passed by the senate and waiting for the house the waiting for the house again. same story. is this latest white house push too little too late? joining me now is allen gomez, immigration reporter for "usa today." we've talked a lot about immigration but we don't see any push. the president mentioned it sort of parenthetically in his comments yesterday but i haven't seen a real white house lobbying campaign for it. >> the last time after senate passed their bill, ran into all
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sorts of difficulties. syria happened. obviously we ran into the shutdown and that shut everything down for a while. now sher seeing this window, hopefully 90 days before the next budget battle and seeing that as the last opportunity they have to get into it. after the next budget battle in 2014, elections come up and at that point really difficult to get anything through. >> there was a lot of interest in this from big business, from the national association of manufacturers and chamber of commerce. are they pulling their weight or washing their hands of it, realizing it's unlikely? >> they have amazing timing october 28 thd, 300 conservative folks coming over here representing business, representing -- pastors are going to be coming up, police chiefs, sheriffs, they are all coming. this is sponsored by u.s. chamber of commerce,, co-founded by facebook ceo mark zuckerberg. they are coming on the 28th to
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put the push on it. they think they can speak to conservative members especially in the house to get it going. they are going all in. they see this as their last chance. >> mark zuckerberg even put on go lobby the hill when he was here a couple of weeks ago. it's a big economic push but it's a moral issue as well. >> even when you talk to people in the house who are resistant right now, the chairman of the house jewiudiciary committee, saying with the way they negotiated throughout the shutdown, he's not optimistic about the chances for immigration reform going forward. but at the same time he was talking about the idea that there is that moral component to this and something should be done for undocumented immigrants in the country. he talked about the economic imperative about this. there's a lot of realization in the house that something should get done but i think everybody
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needs to go home for the weekend and calm down before they come back to really see if they can get something going. >> the rest of us don't really get to go home for the weekend but members of congress somehow do for long breaks. i guess the house is off for a while? >> they'll be back on tuesday. senate is off the next week. >> senate is off the following week. >> it takes a while to get them all together. they have to do the budget, december 13th between patty murray and paul ryan and conferees, it's a tall order for immigration to get done. i would like to see the evidence of a big white house push. >> we're waiting for that but at the same time what we're -- we're where we were before the shutdown thing started, waiting on the house. the senate passed its bill and when you look as what happened over the last couple of weeks. you can look at it one of two ways. on the one hand you have a house conservative tea party base that was able to drive the direction of the house for as long as it did.
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so if they maintain that power, that ability to overrun speaker boehner, then that creates a very difficult atmosphere. >> maybe they have diminished power as a result of the failure. >> then all of a sudden you have the case for paul ryan eric cantor who have spoken to being openor immigration reform. >> alan gomez, thanks so much for being here. a very happy anniversary to maria bartiromo, celebrating 20 years with cnbc. she was the first woman to broadcast live from the floor of the nyse, the beginning of her path breaking career. happy anniversary, maria. we know that you are only just getting started. ure, a confident retirement. those dreams, there's just no way we're going to let them die. ♪ like they helped millions of others.
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that does it for this edition this week for "andrea mitchell reports." follow the show online and on
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twitter. have a great weekend and go visit a national park. your parks are open. craig melvin has a look at what's next on "news nation." >> up next, more on that developing news you mentioned, any moment now president obama expected to nominate jay johnson to be the next homeland security secretary. some republicans are already on the attack and criticizing his lack of experience on matters of immigration and role as a top obama fundraiser and why some say the pick itself, signals a shift in the president's priorities. and the gop on the brink of a civil war now, the far right versus the establishment with former senator jim demint leading the charge against his formger colleagues. all of that and more coming up on "news nation." [ woman ] i've had it with my moderate
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