tv Disrupt With Karen Finney MSNBC October 20, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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♪ [ woman #5 ] to travel the world without leaving home. [ male announcer ] whatever the reason. whatever the dish. make it delicious with swanson. [ woman #1 ] that's why i cook. thanks for disrupting your afternoon. i'm karen finney. the forecast? hazy with a chance of tea party insurrection. >> there's an old saying -- >> one of my favorite old kentucky sayings is there's no education in the second kick of a mule. >> it was a fool's errand to start with. it was never going to succeed. >> you've seen epic disaster on the republican side. >> i don't work for the party bosses in washington. >> we didn't do anything except create a big mess. >> you made some enemies in this battle. >> i'm not serving in office because i desperately needed 99 new friends in the u.s. senate. >> they operate in what i call
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the evidence free zone. >> this was a political gift to the president. >> the fiasco of this rollout has been obscured because of this. >> let this happen a little more organically. >> some republicans gray beards in washington who make the point, let's just let this collapse. >> ted cruz can talk all he wants. he's never going to be 60% of the country. >> i consider that theory the bad scenario. >> he's got to learn the difference between standing for principle and standing in front of a train. all right. on this first sunday after the government shutdown, it is a new day in washington. at least that's what the republicans would like us to believe. they may be hoping that the political winds have changed, but here on "disrupt" we've got the real forecast for the week ahead. the gop's attempting to pivot away from their humiliating defeat in the shutdown fight by shifting the focus to problems
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with the affordable care act's rollout. >> obama care is the worst piece of legislation that's been passed in the last half century. >> we're already seeing that these exchanges, the signup on the exchanges, which was supposed to be the easy part of this endeavor, has turned into a fiasco that the administration is struggling with. >> secretary of health and human services kathleen sebelius will not testify before a house subcommittee this week. >> there may come a point where, in fact, she will have to resign largely because she no longer has the credibility to do the job. >> let's have congressional hearings. let's find out who's responsible for this fiasco. and then take the appropriate action. >> congressional hearings. calling for the resignation of a female cabinet member. does that sound familiar? just like they did with the bogus benghazi witch hunt, republicans are trying to use the flawed health care rollout to put president obama back on defense and distract americans from the identity crisis within their own party. they're hoping to put the shutdown and the debt ceiling near disaster behind them as we
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move to the next round of the budget negotiations. and has the gop learned a lesson? >> there's no education in the second kick of a mule. >> i'm familiar with that one, mitch. but one thing i can say, that mule is definitely still kicking you in the you know what. >> i don't work for the party bosses in washington. the only way to win this fight, and for that matter to win some of the other fights we've had, is to energize and activate the grass roots and the american people. >> unfortunately for mitch mcconnell and the gop establishment, those right wing grass roots are energized. they've even been emboldened by the shutdown battle. they're certainly not going to fall in line with the leadership now. all of which begs the same question we've been asking for the past few weeks. who exactly is in charge here? i talked to some long time republican operatives over the past few days. these are people who are by no means liberal. and they, too, are completely at
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a loss over who's driving the gop's agenda and what they're actually trying to accomplish. and even though the civil warfare weakens the republicans, it also poses a problem for democrats. how do democrats make sure we maintain their advantage when the battle lines are such a mess? with me now to discuss, perry bacon, msnbc contributor and political editor of "the grio." adam green, co-founder of the progressive change campaign committee. jay engoff, former official at the department of health and human services. thanks to you all for joining me. >> thanks, karen. >> i wanted to start with you, perry. because, you know, this question about the right wing rebellion, i mean, it seemed as though today they were -- they were sort of trying to smooth it out and smooth over, you know, the differences. but then on the other hand, it seems pretty clear, they -- the lesson that they take away from this is you got to keep fighting. and so it definitely feels like there is more to come inside the gop. >> absolutely, karen.
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you've heard two messages. one is the mitch mcconnell message which is basically, we lost these last three weeks. this is a bad strategy. the shutdown was not a good idea. we will not do that in the future. that's mitch mcconnell and a lot of accomplishment folks' view. even in kentucky where he has a primary opponent named matthew beavan, you've heard ted cruz say the same thing. the conservatives in the republican party don't agree this was a mistake. they think they didn't fight hard enough. they're going to win, keep going. ted cruz is not apologetic at all about this right now. you can see that big split between ted cruz and mcconnell defines the split we're seeing in the republican party. >> adam, it strikes me, we've got sound from marco rubio this morning, what they're also trying to do in pivoting, not to say there weren't problems with the affordable care act rollout, we'll talk about that a little later, but certainly now it seems that the talking points from the republicans are, you know, that it's about incompetence and they're certainly trying to say -- rubio was trying to now use it for immigration so that it seems
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like it's a clear pivot that the gop is trying to make to try to, you know, regain some ground. let's listen to that sound from marco. >> look at the health care law. the law is on the books. they decide what parts of it to apply and which parts not to apply. they issue their own waivers without any congressional oversight. what they say is, you're going to pass an immigration law that has both some legalization aspect and some enforcement. what's not to say this white house won't come back and cancel the enforcement aspects of it? >> adam, your thoughts? >> yeah, well, there were two major factors working to the president's advantage in the last fight i think the republicans are seeking to emulate. one was being on offense. two was unity. i think you pretty much made the case for why they're not unified. this is an attempt for them to go on offense. my theory is that the president will continue to win as long as he keeps those two things in his corner. being on offense, having unity among his base. the one thing we're looking at to see if that unity will hold is will he propose cuts to social security benefits or will he make clear that cuts to
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social security, medicare and medicaid benefits are off the table and allow the entire left to be on offense united behind him. >> jay, just speaking on health care, one of the things that struck me early on with regard to the exchanges, we saw that a number of states, particularly red states where you had red state governors, where they decided not to create their own exchange. there was some conversation about the fact that that was actually intentional as a strategy to put more of the weight on the federal system, hoping that there would be chaos. and, again, that people would go. they would have a bad experience. kind of throw their hands up. did you see that happen? it seemed to me like if you look at the red states and you look at sort of where the exchanges have been working well, certainly the state exchanges are working -- seem to be working better. it does seem that some of these states intentionally decided to stick it out, to stay out of it. >> there's no question that the republicans spent the last three years trying to make the
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affordable care act fail. the irony is that when the websites came up and there's no way to sugar coat it, the first two weeks of the website has been a failure. but the irony is the republicans themselves took all the focus off of that by shutting down the government. now, that said, as i said, there's no way to sugar coat it. but the law is good. the law is good. but the rollout of the website has been bad. >> right. >> but that said, again, not to excuse it and not to be an apologist for the administration. there are three factors people ought to keep in mind. the first is hhs is at the mercy of private contractors. it's private contractors, not government employees, who are responsible for all this technology. the second is, hhs also is trying to accommodate dozens of insurance companies selling dozens, sometimes hundreds, of different policies. that complicates the technology. the third is that hhs is also at the mercy of house republicans
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who control the money. and house republicans have given hhs no earmarked money for the federal website. hhs has had to cobble together money to come up with the website. again, none of that is to excuse the rollout of the website. it has not been a successuccess. those are factors which people should keep in mind. >> although, you know, perry, when i think about it, i agree with some of jay's points. we saw the republicans in congress, they went after sebelius when she was trying to use resources to communicate about the rollout. but at the same time, you know, and, look, the fact that millions of people have been trying to either call or get online says we need health care reform in this country. people need health care. at the same time i think what was so frustrating and disappointing was to see this -- sort of the system, which this is supposed to be, you know, the crowning achievement for this is the, i just would have liked to see it handled better. >> absolutely. i mean, karen, there's been some
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studies that show that people have stopped going to the website. there was a study that showed people stopped going to the website because they tried so many times. i talked to people who love barack obama. have volunteered for him twice. went to this website four, five times. just very disappointed. i mean, the one thing to keep in mind is the president's compared this often to, you know, when apple rolls out something it often doesn't work. the difference is, some americans have been waiting for three or four years. they're dying to have health insurance. they don't have pre-existing conditions. they don't have health insurance. this is much more important than buying a new iphone. people are very frustrated now. the worry i have, is this website going to be working on december 15th? the evidence is not clear, yes, it will be working. it seems it has to be working by then. that's when the new health insurance goes into effect for the next year. if it's not working by december you may have people who really actually want insurance who simply cannot sign up for it. that's a real problem. >> i think -- certainly i think we know the president is going to speak to this issue tomorrow on remarks.
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there are going to be hearings on the house side later this week. i'm sure the senate side will follow suit. personally i would -- john mccain agrees with this idea. i would go to all my big friends in silicon valley if i was the president and have them come help me out. before we go, though, i want to, adam, come back to this point specifically. because it's going to be a hot topic this week. when we talk about -- i thihate calling it entitlement reform. these are programs -- we pay into this system. we earn these benefits over the course of a lifetime. it's not like some sort of freebies we get which i feel like is having that conversation on the gop's turf. but you heard senator graham this morning talking about chainchain cpi. on the other side we're hearing the president is saying he's not going to look at those entitlements. i want to play this sound from senator graham and get your reaction. >> if the president would give cover to democrats, enact cpi changes he's already embraced, people like me would agree to
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bring in revenue not by raises taxes, by flattening out the tax code and bring in some repay treeuated corporate earnings at a lower rate, apply that money to infrastructure, we could replace sequestration in whole and in part. it would help us all, help the country. >> adam, this point about social security, medicare, medicaid being on the table. how much is on the table. is is really a critical one. you know, part of what your organization has been doing is really looking at that and looking at how do we -- how do you make sure that we have an honest conversation about them? because the rhetoric gets so out of control on the republican side when we talk about those programs. >> yeah. and the keyword to look for is benefits. right? you can make a reform with medicare that says that medicare can negotiate with the prescription drug companies, taxpayers would save $160 billion. that would not cut a penny from grandma's benefits. what lindsey graham is proposing is actually cutting into what grandparents across this country
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are getting. andrea mitchell broke major news on "meet the press" this morning when she said the current white house posture is no benefit cuts. even if they're looking at other entitlement reforms, it wouldn't cut benefits. we hope that's actually the case. if so we will have a lot of unity among progressives and democrats. if the white house does go after benefits it will cause a big schism on the left. >> that has been the concern of members of congress awl along. the president would give away too much. you saw harry reid this week essentially saying the same thing. he is not going to engage in a conversation to, you know, cut some of these programs without -- he also said, look, we're going to look at the revenue side. it seemed to me, perry, it was once again you have lindsey graham kind of backing away from the revenue side. again saying where can we find more cuts. >> lindsey graham talked about revenue a little bit in that quote. i think lindsey graham is actually probably more on the liberal side of the republicans in terms of this issue. what you're really going to see is at the end of the day these agreements keep coming down to
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will republicans accept any kind of tax increases? you saw lindsey graham tried to avoid the word loopholes, whatever that means. ultimately is lindsey graham or more importantly are republicans in the house in the house vote for tax increases? the answer to that is probably no. until they say yes no grand bargain is going to happen. >> as adam points out on the left, people will be looking to make sure consistent with as he pointed out the news that andrea mitchell made this morning, that there are no benefit cuts made as part of this deal as well. thank you to perry bacon, adam green and jay angoff. next, happening again. a voter purge in virginia reminds us how high the stakes are. why so many of your basic rights are and will be trampled if the cheating isn't stopped. that's coming up. >> the whole country is watching to see if the rights of women and girls will be respected. especially over our own bodies
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there was an article today in the "washington post" which quoted a young woman who was asked about this election. and basically her answer was, well, i only vote in the presidential elections. well, that's just not enough anymore. when you think about all the damage that can be done in a state. >> hmm. what state could she be talking about? that's former secretary of state hillary clinton stumping for democratic candidate for virginia's governor, that's
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terry mcaulifcauliffe. he's running against republican state attorney general ken cuccinelli. who you guys know i like to call the cucc. at this point mcauliffe is up by eight points. his first big lead came in august. remember, virginia is a key battleground state. wouldn't you know it, around the same time we saw terry's numbers improving, the virginia state board of elections sent a proposed purge list of about 57,000 voters to city and county registrars. purge meaning wipe off the books and strip them of their votes. funny thing. it didn't take long for a number of these local officials to find high error rates in the board's list purge. the board's list. you would think that would be raising red flags for both candidates. but who happens to be the board's chief legal adviser? you guessed it. none other than the state's attorney general, the cucc. part of the reason why so many thought he actually should have stepped down before running for
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governor. speaking a little legalese, it is all circumstantial. it is convenient, isn't it, just around the same time mcauliffe began running away with the race the cucc's state board of elections decided there were issues with tens of thousands of voter registrations. on october 3rd the virginia democratic party actually filed an injunction to stop these voters from being denied the chance to vote. and this week despite that lawsuit, the republican-led election board revealed actually that it had already purged over 38,000 voters from the rolls. but, hey, that's a relatively small number. a pittance, right? cost of doing business. that's actually what cuccinelli's office said in its court filing. on friday a federal judge rejected the virginia democratic party suit and said they, quote, didn't find any strong showing of any inequitable treatment or deprivation of anyone's rights. uh-huh. i'm sure those tens of thousands of potential virginia voters agree. now, ken cuccinelli's campaign
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is in trouble. his messaging to women isn't work ing. he's been repelling them. his attempts to turn the clock back 50 years on women's reproductive rights has him losing female voters by 20 points. the federal shutdown started by his good buddy ted cruz is hurting him in a state with 140,000 federal workers. so like so many other republicans from pennsylvania to north carolina, texas to florida, what's a republican candidate left to do to try to even the playing field? cheat. let's bring in our guest, reid wilson, senior political policy blogger for the "washington post." judith brown diannis, co-director of the advancement project. thanks for joining me. reid, i want to start with you and talk a little bit about virginia and the state of the race in virginia. i mean, it's obviously been a close race for some time. then you do see terry kind of -- mcauliffe breaking away to some degree. he certainly seems to be doing better among african-american voters and female voters. >> yeah.
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that was the goal of the mcco h mcauliffe campaign the whole time, rebuild the obama coalition that enabled obama to win virginia twice. virginia is clearly changing. it's changing in the northern suburbs, around richmond, even down in the southeast part of the state. because of that it's suddenly a battleground state. but for the longest time, since i think 1977, the virginia governor's race, which always coming the year after the presidential race, has actually gone to the party that doesn't control the white house. >> right. >> sort of a little year after sort of reverse. voters get a chance to register some disapproval with the new president or whoever's in office. this time, though, if mcauliffe wins, he would break that trend. which is interesting. i've always seen this race as, like, the lesser of two evils. the candidate that we're talking about on election day is the one who's going to lose. because both of these guys are just so very unpopular. >> here, the thing that's interesting, as you mentioned, the virginia governor's race kind of comes sort of in an off
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year. as i recall in 2010, you had -- when chris christie won in new jersey, and then you had the race -- another republican victory in virginia, they started to use that as a kind of a talking point for some momentum. so i wonder if in part, you know, we just had corey booker elected in new jersey. maybe if we have some good luck, democrats have good luck in virginia, i'm just saying. >> well, i would cautious against using either of these elections in new jersey where chris christie is going to run away with this by 20 or 30 points and virginia where it looks like mcauliffe is going to win, even cory booker in a special election. these are data points that don't matter for anything in 2014. the bottom line is as you have probably said 10,000 times, a week is a lifetime in politics. >> yes, i have. >> we got a year to go until 2014. don't read too much into these results. >> oh, reid, come on. you know that's what we like to do. >> i'm sorry. >> judith, it was sort of interesting. cuccinelli in his weekly gop
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address, he took aim at obama care. there was a line that i found particularly interesting in the context of the voting rights that were we're talking about. he said, quote, i'll never stand by and watch as our hard fought freedoms are taken away. we can do better. um, okay. >> except for this one. >> exactly. so how about those 38,000 people? >> that's right. you know, this is -- it's just amazing. of course, you know, these last minute voter purges always raises an eyebrow. you know, we know we saw that in florida in 2012. there's a history of getting these purges wrong. that's why under federal law actually there's a blackout period. there's a 90 days before a federal election you can't engage in this. why? because we know that it can be manipulated for one party to win. you know, we have to have free, fair and accessible elections. this undermines the confidence of voters, creates confusion. you know, virginia, here we go. it's a tight race.
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let's do something to shake it up a little bit. >> yeah. it just seems far too familiar. i want to move quickly to a couple of other states. this is not the only place where we're seeing this, actually. in arizona and kansas you've got something i had not even ever heard of. this new strategy of two tiered voting systems where the rules for the federal voting is going to be different for the rules for the state and local voting. seems like it's all a very confused mess for voters. and in texas where we have a big governor's race and we happen to have a female running. a democrat. we see disenfranchisement in the form of making it harder for women to vote. talk a little bit about that, judith. >> sure. i mean, texas, you know, the voter id law, this is really in every state that has passed a voter id law. it makes it harder to vote for women who have gotten married. myself, for example, added the last name of diannis.
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changing your id, you have to be able to change your id before you can vote. we know there will be a lot of women who will be impacted in that. in arizona and kansas, what they've done is they've decided, you know what? we don't like the federal law. this is so much like health care in this country. like obama care. we didn't like obama care. so we're going to get around it. that's what they're trying to do. because they don't like federal voting laws. and so now they've decided, you know what? we will have two sets of rules. one for the federal elections and one for the state elections and too bad, voters. we don't care. we're going to disenfranchise you if we can. >> we'll be keeping an eye on all of it. thanks to reid wilson and judith brown dianis. >> thank you. >> when we come back, the stupidest, yes, the stupidest thing heard on fox news this month. believe it or not, the competition wasn't that close. that's coming up.
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earlier this week a guest on fox news made the following comments while discussing the maryville teen rape case. >> at first blush, there's no denying that from the surface, it appeared to be some sort of coverup. when you look at the finer details, there are telltale signs of this girl actually lying. >> no, no, no. stop right there. calling a teenage rape victim a liar? are you serious? >> she is leaving her home at 1:00 a.m. in the morning. and nobody forced her to drink. and what happens? she gets caught by her mom. she's embarrassed. and the easy way out here is, mom, someone took advantage of me. >> oh, no, no, no, no. there's no such thing as the easy way out. you've got to be kidding me with that. >> but what did she expect to happen at 1:00 a.m. in the morning after sneaking out? i'm not saying -- assuming that these facts are accurate and this did happen, i'm not saying
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that she deserved to be raped, but knowing the facts as we do here, including what the prosecutor has set forth, this case is going nowhere and it's going nowhere quick. >> you know, casting shame and blame on the victim, in this case a 14-year-old girl. we've seen it time and again in rape cases, domestic abuse assaults, now online through revenge porn. when we return we're going to talk about and confront this shame and blame attitude. [ male announcer ] hurry in to red lobster's crabfest,
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like our new snow crab and crab butter shrimp, just $14.99. only at red lobster where we sea food differently. [ male announcer ] now try 7 lunch choices at $7.99. sandwiches, salads, and more. imagine a victim of domestic abuse being labeled a nuisance for calling the police for protection. now imagine that same victim being told she's at risk of being evicted from her home. that's exactly what happened to 34-year-old lakisha brigs when police told her she had violated the third strike. you better hope your abusive boyfriend stops after the second
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assault. one more strike means eviction. after the third strike she was scared to call police. neighbors reached out when her ex-boyfriend attacked her with a brick and stabbed her in the throat with shards of glass. how about a teacher fired from her job after her abusive husband showed up in the parking lot threatening her and putting ten tire school on lockdown? that case got national attention. last week governor brown signed a law protecting victims of abuse from facing discrimination. harassment in the workplace is a common tactic used by abuser. it's estimated 75% of domestic violence victims faced harassment from partners while on the job. california is only the seventh state to enact these kind of protections. what about the famous story out of marysville, missouri, where 14-year-old daisy coleman was raped and left in the freezing snow on her front yard. despite what seemed like mountains of evidence against
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her attackers including a videotape of the assault her case was dropped for lack of evidence. it didn't look like daisy would get the justice that she deserved. but this week it was announced that a special prosecutor will reopen the case. in each of these cases, women have been victimized not once, but twice. the second time -- the first time by their attacker. but the second time a legal system and the social stigmas that treat victims of abuse as somehow responsible rather than focusing on the blame on their tormenters. joining me to discuss this culture of shaming and blaming the victim, congresswoman yvette clark from new york. and krystle ball. thank you both for joining me. >> thanks for having us, karen. >> krystal, i wanted to start with this idea of shaming and blaming the victim. we've got some sound from elizabeth smart who's actually kind of come out and used her experience. she wrote a book. to try to talk about the need to have compassion sort of for all victims. i want to play that sound. then we'll talk about it.
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>> after being raped, i felt completely worthless. i didn't even feel like i was human anymore. and it is just so important to let these survivors know that they're not any less of a person. you don't love them any less. and that to pretend like it never happened or to pretend like rape doesn't exist or that it only happens in the wrong parts of town, you're doing that survivor a disservice. >> and i wanted to play that because i think we think about obviously what happened to her was horrible. but i think to some degree people will put that in a different category. and then you see some of this stuff like this week there was a story about, hey, college girls, stop drinking and you won't get raped. it's this crazy stuff. there was an e-mail that was going around written by a boy from a fraternity about, you know, how to catch your rape bait. >> wow. >> when we have that kind of
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stuff going on, you know, the victims are all victims. it seems like, again, we separate them into different categories. and i know you've talked about this before, sort of blaming and shaming those victims. and i feel like they're violated all over again. >> i think that's exactly right. i think what elizabeth smart is doing is so important because the horrible reality of the matter is that 1 in 5 american women will be raped over the course of their life. almost 20% of american women. so women who do face sexual assault, who have been raped, they are not alone. and i think having a woman like elizabeth smart come out and say, i felt worthless. here's how i dealt with it. it reminds me a little bit of the it gets better campaign that helps, you know, young lbgt youth not feel alone. not feel like they're the only ones going through that. i feel that's incredibly important. the issue you're speaking to as well, it's unbelievable that here we are in 2013 and we still have this attitude of she was
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asking for it. >> right. >> that's what's at heart here. and you're seeing that coming out over the social media. in some of the rape cases that we've seen in steubenville and now in maryville that you just referenced with daisy. >> in maryville daisy actually mentioned she had seen someone with a t-shirt where it said matt-1, daisy-0. that attitude, it's so wrong. you sort of switch to domestic abuse because, again, i think we tend to blame the victims of domestic abuse. certainly when you're talking about getting kicked out of your home or losing your job. as i mentioned in the intro, that's a tactic that is actually used. because it keeps the victim economically dependent. i know you've sponsored federal legislation to try to deal with it. talk to us a little bit about that. >> you know, it's clear that in our civil society today, there's a paternalism that has really kept us from having a debate about humanism. and as a result of that, the rights of women and girls has been suppressed for far too long. and being a survivor should be
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something that's heralded. given what we've gone through in terms of our humanity. what our legislation does is it makes sure that those who have been victimized are supported. are put in a position where they feel protected. and that it's a value to our civil society that that is being done. it's just really unfortunate that we're in a place where we're debating the value of human life and how our women and girls are treated when we know that none of this is directed towards the perpetrators of these types of crimes. >> right. you know, krystchri krystal, th thing that strike s me. we put so much on these women victims. particularly when we talk about rape. how about the guy who raped her? how about the girl shouldn't get drunk? how about the guy shouldn't get drunk or the guy shouldn't be in a position where he's trying to
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take advantage of a girl. shouldn't we teach our boys that that is not appropriate behavior? >> absolutely. absolutely. there's still a very much sort of boys will be boys kind of an attitude. think people feel, too, like obviously everyone is against rape if you ask them that question. >> of course. >> but i think people have this misguided notion that sexual assault and rape is something that happens to other people in other towns far away. not to me and not to my community. so when you see something like a steubenville, ohio, or maryville, missouri, where it's a popular, you know, academically gifted, at&t lhle c athleticalathleti athletically gifted player that the community knows and loves, walls go up. it couldn't be that boy. no way, no how. it must be this girl's fault. >> very quickly, congresswoman, what strikes me, too, what you're talking about, i see this not just a woman's issue or just about hating men. because i love men. let me just say that. but that this is something that as a society and culture we
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really need to take on and pay attention to the ways we reinforce it. even when we may not mean to be doing so. >> it's the double standard in how we view law and how we view how it's applied to women and to men. you know, oftentimes the most vulnerable in our civil society have the onus of proving that they're worthy of support given the type of abuse that they've endured. when it's actually, i believe, a mental health concern that we need to be dealing with here. because when you perpetuate this type of pathology where no matter what these young men do, there's always the suspicion goes to the victim, then there's a mental issue for not only the victims that now are being shunned in civil society, but the raising up of these individuals who've committed the crimes. >> sure. >> as somewhat hero like in our
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civil society. >> i certainly hope as women we support -- do a better job of supporting each other, particularly those women that we know who have been victims or are victims. congresswoman yvette clark and krystal ball, thanks to you both. coming up, benghazi on the brain? now that congress is back, so is the witch hunt. my asthma's under control.
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september 11th, 2012, marked the date of an awful tragedy that left four americans, including ambassador chris stevens, dead in a horrible attack on the consulate in benghazi, libya. and while there were legitimate questions about the incident, from that day on, republicans twisted and distorted the facts
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of what happened to use against president obama and his administration during the final weeks of the election. on the night of the 11th, 30,000 feet in the air, republican presidential candidate mitt romney sat aboard his campaign plane surrounded by top advisers when they learned the u.s. diplomatic post had been attacked. the plane landed in florida and while official details were still trickling in, romney broke his own pledge to halt negative campaigning for the 9/11 san ver s -- anniversary, sort of. the release was embargoed until 12:00 midnight or after 9/11. but then they said that embargo could be broken and the plitization of benghazi was born. >> the statement that came from the administration was -- was a statement which is akin to apology. and i think was a severe miscalculation. in my view, a disgraceful
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statement on the part of our administration to apologize for american values. >> if you had known that the ambassador had died -- >> i'm not going to take hypotheticals about what would have been known. >> hoypotheticals about what would have been known and so forth. we've had 13 months of hypotheticals. along with some of the most vicious partisan political attacks in a generation. >> the american public was deliberately misled. >> the american people deserve to know answers. they certainly don't deserve false answers. >> the talking points were right. then the talking points were wrong. >> the whole issue of this -- of talking points, frankly, throughout this process has been a side show. >> the cia knew it was a terrorist attack. >> chairman issa has accused the administration of intentionally withholding military assets. which could have helped save lives on the night of the attacks. i say for political reasons. >> madam secretary, you let the
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consulate become a death trap. and that's national security malpractice. >> the fact that this keeps on getting churned out, frankly, has a lot to do with political motivations. we've had folks who have challenged hillary clinton's integrity, susan rice's integrity. >> was it negligence? was it just a reckless disregard for the truth? or was it more nefarious than that? >> we haven't heard the last of it. almost from the instant congress reopened the government, it reopened the benghazi playbook. the top priority for republicans in the house and their friends in the media is to keep stoking misinformation about this tragedy. >> some new details. into the investigation into the benghazi terror attack that killed four americans. >> what does the press release say the day before the attacks on the cairo embassy and the consulate in benghazi and other facilities around the country? the press release on september
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10th, 2012. >> it's so frustrating. there are so many questions that haven't been answered. why did the white house lie about the cause? >> the white house has to take responsibility of our lack of preparedness. >> he having left behind his administration, left behind our brave men in benghazi to be murdered. >> i know we're creating an exchange here for fox. i'm mindful of that. >> what we're engaged in here is not for fox. it's for the record. >> joining us today, a pair of authors whose new book "the benghazi hoax" is disrupting those gop talking points. welcome to the founder of media matters for america, david brock, and host of "the agenda" on cirrus xm, ari ravenheight. thanks to you both for being with me. i want to start by talking to you both about the book. ari, why write this book? obviously you guys at media matters had done a lot of research on an ongoing basis. this was a very hot topic. a lot of misinformation and all kinds of horrible accusations going back and forth. and you guys chronicled it all.
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>> look, from the start, the right has turned out this hoax. it's a tragedy that four americans perished in benghazi. but right away mitt romney turns around and he turns it into a political issue. why? because the far right in this country, for -- since the beginning of his administration, has insisted barack obama apologizes for terrorists. that was mitt romney's accusation. why do they make that accusation? well, it's part of their whole theme that barack obama is the other. then from there they extend this attack when they can't get barack obama, they try for hillary clinton. they keep going. we felt it was important to chronicle the hoax that is the accusations about benghazi. we felt it was vital the american people know that this was a tragedy and republicans are politicizing that tragedy for partisan gain. >> you know, david, the thing that struck me as well on this is that then you had, of course, chairman issa picking up the baton, if you will, and continuing on from where the
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campaign had left off. just the number of hearings that we've seen on benghazi. the amount of -- the fox segments that we've seen on benghazi. i mean, you know, clearly there was a concerted attempt to keep the focus on benghazi and away from other things like, i don't know, job creation. >> yeah. absolutely. look, what the republicans and their allies in the conservative media did here, i've been watching them for a long time as we know. >> yes, you have. >> was unconsciousable. the trashing and slander of the military with this idea that they sat on their hands and did nothing while americans died. the attacks on our rescue teams with this phony story that people were left behind when, in fact, no one was left behind and everyone was out within 12 hours. what the republicans did in abusing their investigative powers, divulging classified information that put people's lives at risk. so in this book we take 15
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hoaxes and we show you exactly how each one was manufactured. and we tell you who did it. just to give you one example, there's a right wing lawyer, victoria tensing, who is in the mold of rikon. she wanted to congjure up a story. she went out there and lied to the press about what her client was going to testify to. at the end of the day, the story she was trying to conjure up that this fellow was intimidated and retaliated against by his superiors at state, he testified that none of that ever happened. she went out, lied to the press. some of the press picked it up. that's how reputations are damaged. that's pretty much the definition of mccarthyism. >> you know, ari, it wasn't just they went after president obama, they went after hillary clinton, which we know if she runs for office again they're going to use it. and they trashed susan rice completely without merit. >> right. they went after susan rice.
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they said she went on tv and lied to the american people. she used these talking points. susan rice, her position as u.n. ambassador had nothing to do with what happened in benghazi. but they didn't care. they didn't care about the truth. they threw out these accusations. >> ari, i got to go. i'm sorry. we got to go. sorry. thanks to ari and david. the book "the benghazi hoax" is out this week. that does it for me. we'll see you back here next weekend. verizon innovators are combining a network of underwater sensors and artificial reefs that actually make our water cleaner. giving sea life-- new life. because the world's biggest challenges deserve even bigger solutions. powerful answers. verizon.
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