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tv   The Daily Rundown  MSNBC  October 22, 2013 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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dogs and tortures can't be forgive fn you love animals. sorry. >> let he who is without the sin cast the first stone. >> i haven't hurt animals. mike, if ice way too early, what time is it? >> never too early. "morning joe." but right now it's time for "the daily rundown" and kristen welker. take it away. >> the delayed jobs report falls short of expectations. the unemployment rate falls to its lowest point in five year, but the economy is not adding jobs at the rate needed to boost the recovery. meantime, president obama lets everyone know he's madder than anyone else about the tech trouble for the health care rollout. secretary sebelius plans to head to capitol hill for a full grills over the online outrage. and despite republican finger wagging and second
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guessing over his shutdown strategy, senator ted cruz takes a victory lap back in texas. and a very good morning for washington, it's tuesday, october 23rd, 2013, and this is the daily rundown. i'm kristen welker in for chuck todd. the markets have been flying blind for more than two weeks waiting for the september jobs report, which was delayed by the shutdown. we finally got that report this morning, but it's not moving wall street much one way or the other. take a look. 148,000 jobs were added in september. below what analysts had expected. but we also saw the unemployment rate tick down to 7.2%. the lowest rate in nearly five years. most sectors added jobs. the biggest gains were in business services, transportation and warehousing, government and also construction. the leisure and hospitality sector lost 13,000 jobs. turning to health care's rough rollout and the ongoing technical problems with
9:02 am, the sprint to fix website is on and the white house may only have about a month to do it. yesterday in a speech in the white house rose garden, the president apologized, acknowledging the rollout has been rocky but defending the law. take a listen to what he had to say. >> there's no sugarcoating it. the website has been too slow. people have been getting stuck during the application process, and i think it's fair to say that nobody's more frustrated by that than ai am. >> sounding at times like an old-style salesman, the president pitched health insurance to the american people. >> thousands of people are signing up and saving money as we speak. and you can get your questions answered by real people 24 hours a day in 150 different languages, 1-800-318-2596. i want to repeat that.
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1-800-318-2596. >> but when the going gets enough washington the finger-pointing starts. this morning, it begins in "the washington post" which reports via a series of anonymous quotes that health was laund despite early warning signs of serious technical problems. the white house responds that 20 million people have viewed the site and the problems with the site are being worked out and will continue to be until the consumer experience is improved. but on monday, press secretary jay carney would not say how long that will take, and he deflected questions about who exactly is being brought in to fix it. >> the administration choose the wrong people to build this website? >> there are a lot of people working on this. i would refer you to hhs. the tech surge, in terms of who they are individually and the contractors, those are kinds of questions you should treasury secretary there. >> people in the administration said hey this thing is going to work on day this goes live.
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>> we obviously, again, for details i refer you to hhs. do not ask me about how these things are implemented. i'd refer you to hhs. >> secretary kathleen sebelius will be challenged to answer some of those questions when she testifies at a house hearing on october 30th. meanwhile, in a new "washington post"/abc news poll this morning, 56% of americans see the website's flaws as a sign of broader problems with the health care law. support for the law continues to divide along partisan lines and has actually edged up slightly since last month. the law's most high-profile opponent arguably the white house's secret weapon in this debate. texas senator ted cruz, seized on the rocky rollout as a punch line in houston last night. >> you know the nigerian e-mail scammers? they've been a lot less active lately. because they've all been hired to run the obama care website.
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>> nbc news senior political editor mark murray is here with this morning's "first read." good morning to you. >> good morning, kristen. >> thanks for being here. i want to pick up with health care. president obama says he's mad, he's going to fix the problem. but how tough is this moment for the white house and how are they handling these rough seas right now? >> they're trying to survive this and actually do everything they can to fix it. as you kind of point out, i think they have about a month to get this right. one of the big reasons why a lot of the enrollment, a lot of the buying of the health insurance was never supposed to happen until around december 1st, to be able to qualify for that january 1st enrollment. so they always knew that december was the crunch time. but it's right before then they have to have this website set up. so we see two situation, one that they could actually get this all done in a month and we'll be looking back at this story like we saw the rockery rollout of the medicare part d, the prescription drug plan, there were problem, but nobody remembers that at all back in 2005. or if this goes on beyond a
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month, that could bring into question the viability of this health care law. so that's really what's at stake. we're just not going to have an answer for about another month or so. >> briefly, secretary sebelius, a lot of republicans calling for her to go, the white house is standing behind her right now. does there have to be a fall guy now? >> we'll have a better idea in a month. if all of a sudden everyone in hhs, the white house, people from the outside are working together to get this problem fixed i think at the end of the day no one remembers this-if this goes on far month, month and a half, there will be a look for a fall perp. >> ted cruz continues to dig in on this issue of health care since he's not giving up on this battle, but it's a double-edged sword for him. this is what the governor of iowa had to say, terry branstad, not exactly complimentary. senator cruz will go there this week. he says he's a bright young guy, just one of 100 members of the senate, we should hear from all view points but leadership of this country is coming from the
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governors and the states not from washington, d.c., and i don't think one freshman senator can turn this all around. what do you make of the mixed reception ted cruz getting a rock star reception in his home state but not by governor branstad? >> he's become a lightning rod. if you're a conservative tea party base, you love ted cruz. there was an nbc/"wall street journal" poll that came out two weeks ago showing he has sky-high numbers among tea party folks. among everyone else he isn't that popular. there is an a division even inside the republican party on how these tea party folks love him, folks who are nontea party republicans don't, so you see that divide. i know in this virginia governor's race that's right by here in northern virginia, terry mcauliffe is running radio ads comparing ken cuccinelli, the republican, to ted cruz, the government shutdown. so you see how that's playing in a purple, blue area like northern virginia. >> all right. mark murray, thank you so much for your insights. >> thanks, kristen. >> appreciate it. we want to talk a little more about the jobs report.
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back now to the developing news that we just got. mark zahnde joins us. thank you. >> thank you. >> in this jobs report we see broad-based jobs creation but jobs added still short of expectations. what what do you make of these figures? >> i think the fiscal austerity we're going through now, the tax increases and the government spending cuts, they're really starting to bite. they're really having an impact on broader growth and job creation. so, you know, there are a lot of things going on but i think the most significant weight on the job market at this point is those physical headwinds. >> and just, mark, more broadly, what do you think it did to the markets to not have the jobs report come out on time, something that we haven't seen happen in a long, long time? >> well, you know, there's a lot of withdrawal on wall street, economists like myself. we live for those numbers. obviously it complicates the conduct of policy. so the federal reserve, for
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example, really is going to have some difficulty making a decision about what to do about his quantitative easing policy, the bond-buying program, because of the lack of data and perhaps more importantly going forward the quality of the data over the next couple, three months is going to be suspect just because of all the delays and other things that went on during the shutdown. >> i want to pick up on that last point, mark, because according to what you're saying or a number of economists this is going to be the last clean report of the year that's not impacted by the shutdown. sounds like you agree with that. and what could the broader implications be? >> yeah, i think that's right. clearly the october number, which we'll get in a couple of weeks, that will be significantly affected by the shutdown, probably it won't be until january, february next year when the data is clean again in the sense that it's not being affected by measurement issues. so the implication is that, you know, policymakers are going to be on hold just because they're in a sense flying blind. they really don't know what's going on in the economy. >> all right. mark, thank you.
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>> thank you. >> we appreciate it. still to come here on "the daily rundown," we'll get the white house's take on the dip in the unemployment rate, and we'll talk to two capitol hill veterans about health care's rocky rollout and the fight for capitol control. plus, after accusing ted cruz of being on a kamikaze mission, what former texas governor kay bailey hutchison is saying now about her fellow republican and senate successor. but first a look ahead at today's politics planner. you're watching "the daily rundown" only on msnbc. [ male announcer ] if you're a rinse user, you may have heard there's a new rinse that talks about protecting, even after eating and drinking. crest pro-health has always done that. it's clinically proven to fight plaque and gingivitis. rinsing with pro-health after brushing can take your oral health to a new level. now that's the new you need.
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who misled the president on this? i promise you, this is a lot easier. it's like booking a hotel or a plane ticket. >> the president's frustrated. he made that clear in his remarks today. and we're focused on making improvements so that the millions of americans who want affordable health insurance are getting the best consumer experience possible as opposed to monday morning quarterbacking. >> as the white house walks the line between self-defense and mea culpa, republican critics are seizing on problems with the health care website as evidence of broader problems with the law. in a new poll, 53% of americans disapprove of the way the president has handled the health care rollout. joining me now, former arkansas democratic senator blanche lincoln and former texas republican senator kay bailey hutchison. thank you both so much for being here this morning. appreciate it. i want to start off talking about health care. first to you, senator lincoln. how do you think that the white house has handled this, what everyone has sort of called a
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debacle so far with the website? >> this has been a huge undertaking and we've done many of those before and we've had problems with it. the website, obviously, they've had time to put together a website. teenagers put together websites. so, you know, we would hope that they can quickly change that and figure out what they can do to make a website more user friendly. but the rollout of all of these different programs and other things like that, the exchanges and what have you, you know, i voted for president bush's part d for medicare prescription drugs and that had a tough rollout. >> it had a tough rollout. >> right. so these are large things and it's government connecting with people and people connecting with government and it's a tough thing. but you've got to get a website out there that people can use. >> senator hutchison, republicans have, as you know, made this their central issue right now, but if the website gets fixed, if people start getting the coverage that they want, do republicans stand a chance of sort of being on the
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wrong side of history, having this strategy backfire for them? >> well, kristen, i think a couple of things. you said the health care that they want. i think when this does start getting back in order, which i assume it will if it doesn't, we're going to need a delay, that's for sure. but i don't think it's going to be health care like people have known it before. i don't think the quality is going to be there because you're starting to hear now that doctors are limiting their office visits to 15 minutes in certain of these programs, some of the insurance coverage. and things that people have not been used to before. so i think that of course the rollout is horrendous and people are very frustrated about that. but i think going forward it's going to be deeper than that. and i just would like to see the white house get more flexible and the democrats get more flexible about what needs to be changed and what needs to be kept. >> i'm going to ask the this
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question to both of you. does someone need to be fired over this? first you, senator hutchison. >> i am more i guess tuned in to getting it fixed. and the president can decide if it's the secretary's responsibility, but if it's not fixed then you're just going to have to find somebody to come in and fix it. >> senator lincoln? >> i agree with kay. this is about being part of the solution and not a part of the problem. and this is coming together and fixing these issues. i think that, you know, quality of health care needs to be maintained and it needs to get better. and we can do that as a country. but we need more doctors. we need more nurses. we need to start looking at educating people in the health care arena as well if we're going to expect, you know, the kind of health care that we've had in the past. >> let's talk about the government shutdown now. i know you were both watching this closely. a lot of people said president obama came out emboldened. do you expect him to continue to stand his ground? of course there's just another budget battlearound the corner.
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a lot of people saying they're not so sure. >> he probably came out a little bit better than the republicans did because they were definitely trying to be a part of the problem as opposed to a part of the solution. and, you know, i think -- i don't know. i think that, you know, we're going to go down this road again and it's probably going to be another standoff and i don't think the american people are excited about that at all, and i don't think anybody is going to be able to skirt the blame. >> let's talk about that. senator lincoln, predicting another standoff. you are suggesting that republicans should continue it sounds like their fight against the president's health care law, but in terms of strategy, you have voiced opposition to senator cruz in the past, his strategy. you have said that he's using a kamikaze strategy. so overall, what's your message to him and do you think he has hurt the republican party with this strategy? >> well, my message in general is that the president's first mistake was saying i'm not going to negotiate. congress and the president must
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negotiate. that's part of the constitutional balance of powers. so i think the president needs to come to the table and i think the issue should be debt and deficit. we should be looking at entitlement reform, spending cuts, that get our fiscal house in order, and that's what's the continuing resolution and the debt ceiling should be leveraged on. and i think we need to have changes in obama care, but shutting down the government and the debt ceiling require us, require us to look at our spending levels, which have just gone through the roof. >> i'm going to play a sound bite of senator ted cruz. i'm going to get you to respond on the other side. take a listen. >> when "the new york times" did a story and they began by saying, well, gosh, there are a lot of people in washington unhappy that this cruz fella is doing all this stuff. what do the people in texas think? and "the new york times" wrote this article where they said holy cow, people in texas actually like what this guy's
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doing. >> your reaction? do you think he's still in a kamikaze mission? >> well, i think making the defunding of obama care as the reason to not lift the debt ceiling and continue government was the wrong approach. i think we need to do a lot here. i voted against it. i was there on christmas eve voting against it. every republican did. but i think when we're talking about the debt ceiling we've got to put in the actual spending and reform of our spending practices. that's what i meant, that you've got to go for something where we can agree you've got to do something, and i think republicans and democrats know that debt is out of control. >> senator lincoln, do you think that democrats are going to be in a stronger position in 2014? they're obviously more house seats that now look competitive. a lot of people say republicans are now not going to stand a chance of taking back the
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senate. representative tim griffin announced he's not going to run again. so what's your take? could the balance of power shift or is that too strong of a statement? >> well, i think that the democrats will hold. it will be very difficult for them to take back the house, but i think in the senate the democrats do, they have to be careful about that, they've got to be thoughtful, they've got to be willing to come in there to work, to solve problems. that's what people want. people want somebody solving problems. when they don't solve problems then they get up in arms. the affordable care act is here. it's not going anywhere. we've needed for years to do something about the amount of money that we are spending, the revenues we are spending on health care as a percentage of our gdp. and even though people continue to see increases in health care costs, it's still lelsz of an increase than what they had before. so it's time for people to come together and work this thing out and figure out where we're going from here. kay is absolutely right. the debt and the deficit are enormous issues, putting our economy back on track should be the first thing we talk about. and be working harder together. that's what the women used to
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do. >> well, speaking of women, that's a great segue to my next question. a lot of people crediting a coalition, bipartisan coalition of women with helping to -- female lawmakers with helping to end the shutdown and this debacle. what was it about them that you think helped to get this done? obviously it was not just the fact they were women. it was the politics as well. their willingness to compromise. senator hutchison? >> well, i think the women have always been able to come together to move forward. certainly i did it with my democratic counterparts, the women who were chairmen when i was ranking member and vice versa on the committees. and i think it was so funny to watch john mccain actually hate to admit that a group of 14 that kind of brought this to a head was a majority of women. oh my gosh. guess what? they're leaders. they make things happen. and they don't give up their principles to do it. and i thought that was so funny.
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>> senator lincoln, what are your take-aways from that? >> well, women usually have to come in and clean up and they do. whether we're tidying the house or tidying the congress, they come in, clean up, put things in order. because of what they said, and that is they're willing to compromise and come together to get things done. and that's what needs to happen. >> senator lincoln, senator hutchison, thank you so much for joining us this morning. we really appreciate it. >> great to be here, kristen. up next on our daily databank, the numbers you need to know today. but our trivia question. who was the labor secretary the last time the monthly jobs report was delayed? first person to tweet the correct answer to @dailyrundown will get an on-air shoutout.
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his day of coaching begins with knee pain, when... [ man ] hey, brad, want to trade the all-day relief of two aleve for six tylenol? what's the catch? there's no catch. you want me to give up my two aleve for six tylenol? no. for my knee pain, nothing beats my aleve. now it's time for "the daily rundown" databank. a dose of numbers that go perfectly with a healthy break it is a. so first up, $13 billion.
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that's how much jpmorgan chase has tentatively agreed to to pay as a federal settlement, a record. details of the deal are expected soon. if it goes through it would end federal investigations into the bank's role in the 2008 financial crisis. it's still less than half the bank's operating income from last year alone just for some perspecti perspective. 400 tons. that's how much toxic water is said to be flowing out of japan's fukushima nuclear plant into the pacific ocean every day. that's not counting more toxic overflow after rain inundated tanks holding radioactive water on the property. cleanup efforts have been ongoing since the nuclear plant was damaged in an earthquake two years ago. nine. that's how many bikers have been charged in connection to the gang assault on an suv in new york city last month. the ninth was arrested late last night for allegedly participating in the beating of a man following a chase on the
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west side highway. and $3.15. that's how much an average gallon of gas could cost by christmas. it would be the lowest national average over the holiday season in three years and about 20 cents cheaper than the average price right now. aaa says about 24 states already have gas prices below three bucks. and finally, four, for all you sports lovers out there. that's how many times the boston red sox and st. louis cardinals will have met in the world series once game one gets under way tomorrow night. i know that chuck todd will be watching. the cardinals won the first two meetings in 1946 and 16967. the red sox swept st. louis in 2004. well, it's not just the health care website getting bad reviews this morning. the president's pitch is being panned too. the gaggle will be next. and we'll go live to nevada where investigators are trying to determine while whooi a middle schooler opened fire, killing a beloved teacher and
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police in nevada are searching for a motive after a middle school student shot and killed a teacher just before classes began on monday. the gunman shot and wounded two other students as well. eighth gralder jose ka sars told nbc's today he thought he was next. >> they started running and i froze because he was aiming his gun right at his chest, and i looked at the gun and my chest, like he was going to shoot me. so then i turned around and i ran. i heard a gunshot and i thought he shot me. but then i looked back and he shot a kid in his leg, arm, and stomach. and then i kept on running. >> unbelievably terrifying moments. nbc's joe friar is live in
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sparks with the latest. what can you tell us this morning, joe? >> reporter: good morning, kristen. police say there is still a lot to investigate, including a motive. they're trying to figure out why a student showed up here yesterday morning with a gun and opened fire. this all started around 7:15 in the morning. it was before first period following a week-long break from school, which means many students were still arriving at school, some were lirnging outside of the building which is where the shooting took place. many witnesses thought it was firecrackers at first. then they realized it was actually a student who was carrying a semiautomatic handgun. police say 20 to 30 people witnessed the shooting, prompting many to call 911.
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>> reporter: witnesses say it was a math teacher, mike landsberry, who stepped in and tried to get the student to put the gun down. in the end, that teacher was shot and died at the scene. landsberry, a former marine, is being described as a fallen hero. two students were also shot. one was hit in the shoulder. one was hit in the abdomen. both were rushed to the hospital with critical injuries but have since improved. and police say that both are expected to survive. the suspect, though, did shoot and kill himself. kristen? >> all right. joe friar, thank you so much for that report. well, the reviews are in this morning for the president's pitch defending the health care website, and they're not good. the most blistering criticism of the president's speech about the website yesterday may have come from "washington post" columnist dana milbank, who said, quote, not since the ginsu knife cut through an aluminum can and
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sliced through a tomato has america seen a pitch quite like the one president obama delivered on to monday. then there's the "daily show." >> give it to us straight,.gov. how bad is it? >> according to a poll by the associated press, fewer than 1 in 10 people who tried to sign up in the first week were actually able to complete the process. that's a success rate of less than 10%. >> oh my god. how low is it? according to a recent poll, more of this country believes obama care has been repealed than have been able to sign up for obama care. >> ouch. nbc news has learned "consumer reports" is telling shoppers to stay away from for at least a month if possible. there are reports verizon's been call in to help fix the glitches with the site, and "the washington post" reports at least 5 million lines of software code need to be rewritten in order to get the site out of icu. and here's the diagnosis from several major op-eds this
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morning, calling the glitches, quote, embarrassing and a sign of self-inflicted incompetence. horrendously botched. problems have frustrated millions, and swift repairs are required. let's get a second opinion now from our tuesday gaggle. bill burton, a former obama white house spokesman and co-founder of priorities usa action fund, it will politics editor for roll cal and republican strategist bill musser. thanks for being here. i want to start with you, bill, since you know what it's like to be inside the white house. how is the administration handling this and how can they turn this around? >> i think they're being as aggressive as you would expect. they're trying to get health care to folks. of course there's going to be some glitches along the way. the good news is there are hundreds of thousands of people who have aplid, they are hitting some of their targets. but i've been at the white house, worked with the president from '07 to 2011, and i know when things are not going right it is a very uncomfortable place to be if you're right in his
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line of fire. so you can bet that people are burning some midnight oil trying to get this thing fixed p. >> knowing what you know of him, do you think someone will have to be fired in the wake of this? >> i don't know about people getting fired or anything like that. the focus right now is making sure that people who want to get health care can get health care. the republican message is rooting for failure ultimately. when what we need is people who are committed to actually trying to make this work and get people covered so we can get a control of health care co-s in this country. >> one of the challenges for the white house is every day there are more headlines about this being mishandled. today we're learning they may have had a test before it was rolled out and red flags were raised at that point. how can the white house and how should the white house move forward from this point? >> right. well, the white house is really in a race against the clock because every day someone can log onto the site and see it is dysfunctional and not working, and every day more people are doing that, every day it undercuts not only the credibility of the white house but of the president's signature
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domestic legislation. it's a big problem. it's going to take a long time to fix. this is a major website and a major complicated law. what i'm looking for next is on capitol hill when secretary sebelius goes and testifies next week. i'm looking for the reaction from senate democrats and seeing which ones if any will call for her resignation. that to me will be a real indication that the tide has turned. >> so the republicans have been digging in on this point, that is gift to them to some extent. do they run the risk of overreach? the president arguing this is not just a website, it's about giving people health care. >> there's been no sign anything has worked at all. to bill's point they're trying to fix these glitches and be up front, the president went on television and gave an 800 number that then didn't work. we're seeing massive problems with the website that should have probably been turned over the secret team of silicon valley engineers at the outset, had a hackathon to come up with
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what should look like. the problem for the white house is they got a bit of a public relations gift in the shutdown period, which took the focus off of the implementation. the reality is now in the "daily show" and late-night comics start hitting you day after day on process stories, it becomes really hard to turn the court of public opinion. that's what the white house is facing now. >> i'm going to play a little bit of what marco rubio had to say, then get your reaction on the other side. take a listen. you know what, we don't have a sound bite. i will read it. he said, "what i'm arguing is this -- the law says very clearly that if at some point next year, if you don't have health insurance, you haven't bought it, the irs, you're going to owe them money. a penalty. it's unfair to punish people for not purchasing a product that they can't chur chas because of the feck nothing that's in place. it's not working." are the call going to grow louder for the individual mandate to be delayed, postponed? >> it's common sense. the american people haven't been
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getting good value from their government, from either branch of government, and they're pretty ticked off about it. reality is, you say this thing is broken and it's not fair to start the clock on you with a broken system, that's a message that's going to resonate. those are the kinds of ideas i think can probably get some traction. it's not what the white house wants to hear, but for someone who believes the law will buckle under its own weight, there are only two ways to fix it, let it buckle under it own weight or win more seats in the house and the senate and have a different one in the pall. >> what marco rubio is saying is the individual mandate should .there at all. this is a republican -- >> he's saying delay. >> he's saying it's fundamentally un-american, basely. >> fair saying delay, but this is clearly a part of a larger strategy. >> the message around it is the mandate is un-american. what he's doing is playing catch-up olympics with ted cruz, who got so much attention over the course of the last few weeks because of the government
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shutdown. did you see how i did that? >> yeah. we wanted to bring up ted cruz. we'll do more on ted cruz in a few minutes. >> the last thought to you, because obviously the white house has opened itself up to this type of debate and criticism. correct? >> exactly. i think it's especially stinging for this white house because barack obama was known for his acumen and data and computers and politics and being able to harness voters. if you could build an infrastructure like that in 2008 and 2012 but this website is not working, that really stings. >> all right. we'll be back with more from our tuesday gaggle. but first, wall street is now open for business. reacting to the first jobs report since the government shutdown. the market is in positive territo territory. we're looking at green arrows across the board right now. coming up, we'll hear from the white house and the new jobless number and the next round of fiscal fights that are just around the corner. but first the white house soup of the day. turkey lentil. this is the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. it's not the "juggle a bunch of rotating categories" card. it's not the "sign up for rewards each quarter" card.
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and welcome back on a tuesday morning. the markets are up slightly following the release of the september jobs report, possibly the last jobs report we will get this year that's not impacted in some way by the government shutdown. with me now jason fuhrman, the new chairman of the president's council of economic advisers. thanks for joining me this morning, jason. >> reporter: thanks for having me. >> so let me just get your reaction to the jobs report. what message does it send to the markets, do you think? >> sure. there were in september 148,000 jobs created. that's solid. it's a continuation of a trend we've seen for 43 straight months of private sector job creation now. unemployment rate ticked down and has fallen steadily from 10% to 7.2%. but, kristen, there's no question that, you know, we'd like to see private sector job growth strengthening now. and that's why we should be investing in jobs increasing certainty, not doing the type of
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brinksmanship and shutdowns and sequesters and everything we've been doing that's been taking away from job growth. >> well, and to your point, there is job growth but it's clearly not strong enough yet. how critical is it that the sequester gets scaled back in this next round of budget negotiations? >> i think in terms of economic policy we should be doing three settles of things. one, bringing greater certainty from crisis to to crisis, two, a balanced plan that replaces the sequester. the president put one out in his budget and he'll be urging the conference committee to do that. and three, affirmative steps to create job, things like investment in our infrastructure, business tax reform, education, you know, all the things we should be doing rather than, you know, harming things that we're actually going out and helping. >> jason, why they the november jobs report as well? >> this is something you'd have
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to ask bls, but normally they would have been out in the field surveying people and getting information from companies about their employment in the first part of the month. they weren't able to do that because of the shutdown, and obviously that was a decision they made to delay it because their collections were delayed. kristen, you're going to see delays throughout the year. i mean, all sorts of things the government does, a month, two months, three months from now will be late because we missed this period. >> let's talk about the larger question of confidence. this has been a big concern as it relates to the economy. how does the administration project a message of confidence to the markets when we have this other big fight coming just around the corner presumably could be just as large a fight as we just witnessed? >> look, because i think the good news is we have, you know, private sector that's really been leading this recovery. so we've, you know, created some headwinds in terms of things like the sequester, if in terms of this brinksmanship, but that private sector keeps moving along, keeps creating jobs,
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keeps bringing the unemployment rate down. but, you know, we need to be doing more to help it, not getting in the way and, you know, hurting it the way congress did recently with things like the shutdown. >> jason, i want to get your take on the prospects of a second shutdown. you had mitch mcconnell saying it's not going to happen, but ted cruz is not ruling it out. what do you think? are we going to potentially risk having another shutdown? >> i really don't see any reason why congress should want to put the country through that again. if you look at what happened to the economy in the first half of october, there's no question there was a marked deterioration and a range of indicators from labor market to confidence to sales to production. and, you know, no one should want to do that again. >> all right. jason fuhrman, thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> all right. trivia time now. robert reich was labor secretary the last time the monthly jobs report was delayed. my gaggle's cheering. they got it right.
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the december 1995 report was issued 14 days late because of a government shutdown. and congratulations to today's winner, bryan thomas. you can send your trivia suggestions to us. we'll be right back. ooh, homemade soup! yeah... [ male announcer ] campbell's homestyle soup with farm grown veggies. just like yours. huh. [ male announcer ] and roasted white meat chicken. just like yours. [ male announcer ] you'll think it's homemade. i love this show. [ male announcer ] try campbell's homestyle soup.
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and let's bring back our tuesday gaggle now. bill burton, sheera center and phil. i want to start off talking about ted cruz. he's obviously been a big topic of conversation. he's back at home in texas, got a rock star welcome there. but a different reception among other groups. this is what thomas donahue, the president and ceo of the u.s. chamber of commerce had to say. he said, quote, i don't know senator cruz. i sort of think of him as a
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tennis player. you know, if you are going to rush the net all the time, you better have a lot of motion to the left and the right. he hasn't proved that to me yet. so here you have a prominent leader of the business community questioning him. so, phil, first to you, ted cruz, is he hurting the republican party, is he helping? >> ted cruz has been an -- has brought unbelievable clarity to the argument against obama care and he's done that in a way that few senators in our recent history have done for a freshman senator to do that, that's incredible. he's certainly got a following that agrees and republicans basically agree with them that obama care is a terrible idea. that said, what we need to do now is pivot to solutions. i think that to some degree mr. donahue gets to that which is i think senator cruz would be advised to be offering solutions or ideas to improve or to offer legislative suggestions that would be positive ideas as opposed to just the negative, because i think the country looks at the republican party as
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the party of no in a lot of ways. we've got to be the party of solutions and ideas. and so i think our entire caucus should focus on that. >> sheera, senator cruz led the effort to defund the president's health care law. a lot of people say he was responsible for the government shutdown in large part and a majority of americans are blaming republicans for the government shutdown. we're already seeing an impact in terms of the polling in the virginia governor's race. so could this hurt republicans in 2014? does it basically mean that they won't have a chance of taking back the senate? >> i don't think it's helpful to their chances in 2014, but i caution about a lot of polling we're going to see about this right now. a lot of it is generic ballot. what we really want to see is what these polls will look like three or four months out from election day. look at the last couple of cycle where we had big waves. democrats need a tsunami, a lot of things with the wind at their back for them to get the 17 seats they need. if you look at the polling from those cycles, it really didn't
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break until the summer before the election, so it's so early to tell, even with a massive event like the government shutdown and the numbers we saw the republicans get after that. >> bill, obviously some democrats think ted cruz is a gift to the democratic party but he's digging in his heels on the issue of the health care law and not ruling out a second government shutdown. >> right. it's crazy. ted cruz represents kind of repulsive brand of politics because he's willing to do anything, even harm the country. that shutdown cost $24 billion. these politics have cost some 900,000 jobs according to a report out for the center for american progress and it's not advancing the argument. it's helping him politically within his party but not helping our country. >> shameless plugs. >> arkansas's second congressional district where tim griffin said that he was retiring. we've got a great bunch of democrats and another pickup opportunity. >> stew rothenburg has a great column out about the most important race of 2014. go to and figure
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out which one that is. >> i agree it's a must red. >> america's comeback team is republican governors solutions for washington are going to come from governors. the one we should focus on scott walker in four days passes $100 million property tax cut that goes into effect in december. that's government that works. governors are where the action is in the republican party and we should take heed. >> thank you all so much for joining me this morning. i appreciate it. that is it for this edition of "the daily rundown." chuck will be back tomorrow. he's taking a deep dive into how open primaries could close the door on extremism on capitol hill. coming up next on msnbc, chris jansing & co. have a great tuesday, everyone. thanks for joining us.
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