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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  October 22, 2013 1:00pm-2:00pm EDT

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wow, so there are still a few glitches. >> glitches. glitches of look at me, john, i didn't get a 404, i got sucked into the mainframe. is that what i think it is? >> how old is this software, john? >> may not be a laughing matter for everyone. right now on "andrea mitchell reports," warning signs the enrollment website for the president's health care because a national punch line as more details emerge on when glitches were first noticed. health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius will have hearings next week. some call for a delay of the individual mandate. >> i think as weeks go on, there's going to be a look for a
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solution to this problem. it's not fair to punish people for not buying something that's not available. >> it's the economy. the unemployment rate drops to 7.2% but showed weak job growth. this was before the government shutdown. profile in courage. sparks, nevada, residents pay tribute to former marine michael landsberry as investigators give us new details on monday's school shooting this hour. eyewitnesses recount the terrifying experience and parents thank the man who gave his life for their children. >> he was telling him to stop and put the gun down. the kid yelled out no, yelling at him, and he shot him. >> mr. landsberry did it. he sacrificed his life to take our kids into safety. i thank him for that. he's a true hero.
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>> a very good tuesday from washington. i'm kristen will keelker, in fo great andrea mitchell. they saw glitches with the site before it went live including several crashes. joining me from the daily fix chris cillizza, host of tv's in play. thanks for joining me this afternoon. chris, i want to start with you. you just wrote a column about the fact jon stewart might be president obama's biggest problem. really, bigger than john boehner? >> well, look, here is the deal. obama care is the law of the land. i think we've seen over the last mon month. we've seen delaying it isn't going to happen. now it moves into implementation and public perception of
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implementation. john boehner on the delay. jon stewart had three separate segments dedicated to tearing apart implementation of obama care one way or another. the first 10.5 minutes of basically 22-minute show once you subtract for commercials. we've seen all kind of data about the young viewership of jon stewart. pew did a poll about how viewership excuse. the colbert report was the only show who had more young people 18 to 29 watching it than "the daily show." jon stewart will make or break this. i do think you have him on a full assault on it. i would add earlier in the month he had kathleen sebelius on and really grilled her over the law and its implementation. it's certainly not helpful to a president who now is in the realm of selling the implementation and the public
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perception tuckly to young people who obama administration should be the most positive because they can gain so much from the law. >> good point, chris. ruth, i want to turn to you. chris raises the point of public perception. problems mount by the day. we're learning today about possible red flags. how big of a political problem is this for president obama and how is he handling it so far? >> it's a potentially big pretty cal problem. i think chris puts his finger on something important. it's exactly "the daily show," colbert audience you want to be encouraging to sign up. if they don't have enough of those young invincibles signing up for health care, the whole thing is going to get messed up. >> you tried it. >> because i have no life. i lying there in bed with my laptop friday night, signed on. no problem. next thing i knew i was signed up for health care which i had elsewhere. i think people are having
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obviously way different experiences. there's a lot of things to think about. one is the worry about getting access to the portal or whatever it's technically called but also making certain people are safely and accurately and consistently signed up once they go through that process. it's very, very important that this process be easy and accurate. president obama says he's got a great product to sell and it's just the salesmanship that's lacking right now. if the salesmanship is lacking, the cost of the product it's going to end up going up also. >> i want to read, "this the annoying side show mr. obama ought to demand accountability. how is it department of health and human services launched the president's signature domestic program with a computer system that could not handle the anticipated load. share mr. obama's frustrations
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with house republicans and gop governors to sabotage obama care but the computer snafu was self-inflicted incompetence. self-inflicted incompetence. do we know anything about the breadth of the problem and how quickly it's going to be fixed. >> the most problematic thing is we don't have those answers. today obviously the idea that they tessed it, even with a few hundred people on it, which is obviously a far smaller load than can be expected when it goes national, when it went national october 1st, the fact there are errors then, it was red flagged too late in the process. all of the things go to the issue why didn't owe the editorial, post editorial asked why didn't they know. president obama and his team had to be well aware, given efforts by republicans to repeal the law, delay the law, to make 2010 and 2012 election about the law,
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that any problems with the rollout of the health care exchanges online were going to become huge issues. this is not something that snuck up on them as a potentially problematic issue. i think the fact they don't have answers. you interviewed jennifer palmieri on the show and asked her straight out can you guarantee us by december 15th these problems will be fixed. she said, i don't get into hypotheticals. i said it yesterday and i'll say it today if she could guarantee it would be fixed by december 15th she would have with you, kristen. i'm not sure they wrapped their arms around exactly both what's wrong and how long it will take them to fix it. >> chris, that's a great point. ruth, please follow up on that. the issue of timing. how quickly does the obama administration need to get on top of this problem and let the american people know exactly what's wrong. >> pretty quickly.
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deadlines coming up for getting people signed up. we do have in theory not complying with individual mandate coming due i think in march. i think there's a very important phenomenon going on here. it's not that the white house up to the president was not aware of and on top of the potential for problems, it's the phenomenon in any organization including a white house. you don't want to tell people at the top about problems that might be coming up. they say, they ask, they demanded, they knew and they were assured. so i'm not a big believer in heads rolling but i am a believer in this problem needs to get fixed now, not just on the access end but on making sure people are adequately signed up end as well. >> yes or no, will heads roll, do you think? even though you're not a believer in it? >> not the biggest heads. secretary sebelius will still be secretary sebelius. everything else is symbolism as far as i'm concerned.
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>> ruth marcus. >> very quickly. >> then we've got to go. >> president obama has shown eric holder, janet napolitano, other cabinet officials have come under fire. the more people like us, which we're not doing, but the more people journalistically call for resignation, more republicans call for resignation, the less likely it is he does anything like that. >> all right. ruth marcus, chris cillizza, thanks as always. after being delayed two weeks because of the government shuttown, september jobs report shows employers added well apolo what was expected, without factoring in the economic impact of the shutdown. joining me now krn economics reporter steve liesman. thanks for joining me this afternoon, steve. >> good to be here. >> lets talk about the numbers. fewer jobs than what analysts predicted, also saw unemployment rate go down to its lowest in five years. what are your main takeaways from the report. >> first of all economics got their fix of economic data they
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got to withdraw from in two weeks, wasn't big enough dose of jobs. a weak report, 148,000 they were expected, 180,000. what's wrong with that 148, really the private sector added just 126,000. the difference being government jobs, specifically government education jobs did better in the month. it wasn't a strong -- it wasn't a report that showed there was a strong economy there. the revisions to august are good. up to 190,000. they count more information as it comes in. the drop in the unemployment rate was good, down to 7.2% for the right reason. people didn't leave the workforce, legitimately decline in unemployed. one thing we'll be watching is what happens for the month of october. >> absolutely. steve, we've seen this level of tepid job growth every month now. what does it say about the overall state of recovery in estimation? >> we were doing okay. up towards 200,000 for the beginning of the year through
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about june, then we took a step down. that's a tep down that come incs with a step down in the economy. biggest was wage growth, average hourly warpgs up .1%. if consumers don't have more in their pocket as holiday season nears, there's going to be more concern about the economy. >> lets talk about health care now. we have a cost comparison to think about, steve. apple spent $150 million rolling out first iphone. the white house has all right spend $400 million on this site. that's before the fixes. so was this a good investment? >> first of all, everybody knows private sector does things more efficiently than the government does. that's why we have the private sector controlling the vast part of the economy and why overall our economy does better than other economies that have bigger government sectors. i think they spent $400 million creating a system from ground up. i'm not sure the comparison with
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apple and $150 million is accurate in that we haven't had a system like this in the past. i think one of the things is that we find creating computer systems from the beginning, especially for the government, tends to be disastrous. the irs has tried for many, many years to improve their computer system and that has not gone well. i think one of the worst parts about this, listening to your last discussion is, democrats are supposed to do government well and they don't appear to be doing it. it's one thing to have a program like this but not to roll it out well speaks badly for the democratic party here. >> all right, steve liesman. thank you for your insights this afternoon. we appreciate it. secretary of state john kerry in london today met with the foreign ministers of 11 countries in support of a diplomatic solution that could lead to an end of the deadly conflict in syria. kerry voiced u.s. support for moderate syrian opposition, applauded progress in the stockpile of chemical weapons
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and renewed calls for a peaceful transition in the country. >> i don't know anybody, including the russians and others in the region who are not part of the support group who believe that there is a military solution to this conflict. >> all this comes as saudi arabia announced it would limit interaction with the united states because of a lack of action on syria. we'll be back with more. stay with us. my mantra?
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>> i understand yesterday and today you're not about pointing fingers at this point but that is a structural change, is it not, what you described, reflecting what states are doing
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by not forcing their log in first. are there other structural changes, so it wasn't just the amount of people who were logging in, although that may be a factor, there were structural problems. are there other structural problems addressed by the government? >> the experts who are working on this are identifying, i think, technical problems and addressing them. they are identifying -- i don't think that's necessarily a structural problem but identifying ways to make the user experience more efficient and effective for consumer. and in every case they are isolating, identifying and fixing the problems they find. we have a lot of work to do. no question. the experience is better but it is not nearly good enough. so yes, improvements are being made. improvements were necessary and remain necessary. the important thing is that in this six-month period, open
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enrollment period, there's going to be time for all those millions of americans for whom these marketplaces were built to look at the options available to them and make a choice about whether or not they -- what kind of insurance they can purchase with the kind of quality coverage that they desire and in many cases have not been able to get in the past. >> and you are looking at live pictures of the white house press briefing room, white house press secretary jay carney addressing a barrage of questions on all of the health care website technical glitches. secretary kathleen sebelius will also have to answer questions about the rocky rollout. she's expected to testify before congress next wednesday. joining me now is congressman henry waxman of california. he's the ranking member of the house committee on energy and commerce which will hold those hearings on the health care rollout. thanks so much for joining me this afternoon, congressman. >> pleased to be with you. >> before we get to health care
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and the upcoming hearings, i want to ask a quick question about the jobs report that came out today. we sort of got a mixed bag. we heard jason tell reporters in the white house briefing room today that he thinks the shutdown, government shutdown is going to have a real impact on jobs reports moving forward. do you think that's accurate, congressman? >> i think it's correct. a lot of people have been very concerned about whether they are going to have enough money to pay their bills while they face the government shutdown, whether they are federal employees or government contractors. that may well impact thinking about how they will spend for the holiday season. the shutdown was terrible. it did no one any good. it hurt our economy, it demoralized our federal employees and made us look ridiculous all around the world. there was no excuse for it. >> congressman, i want to get to health care. as you know, there are a lot of questions about the website.
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it seems like the key questions are what is wrong with the website and when will it be fixed. has the administration given you any sense of timing or whether or not this is a structural problem. you just heard white house secretary jay carney answer questions about that? >> it's an unfortunate problem because we hoped the whole website would be working at this point. but it is something i believe is fixable and you can get from jay carney and the president of the united states their clear germation to be able to make it work. >> do you have a sense of the time line, congressman? do you have a sense of the time line at all? >> december 15th is the key date for insurance to go into effect on january 1 but there's a six-month period for people to enroll. so it is something that can be fixed, the sooner the better. but december 15th is an important date. >> i want to ask about reports we got that there were major red flags before the system was launched. based on what you know right
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now, was the president or secretary sebelius made aware of those problems before this system was launched? >> i don't have any information about that but no one could have possibly known how bad the system would work when it was implemented all around the country for the millions of people that want insurance and have tried to access the website. so if it worked well for a smaller group, it turned out it didn't work well enough for a larger group. that often happens. i know in the area of prescription drugs, trial on a small group may not be indicative when a large number of people use it. but it is a problem. it needs to be fixed. shows how anxious people are to get health insurance they have been unable to get in the past. >> congressman, as you know, some republicans are saying these problems suggest there should be a delay to the individual mandate. is that a fair point? should the individual mandate be delayed because people are
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having trouble signing on and signing up. >> i don't think we should have a delay for the individual mandate. the individual mandate indicates everyone has appear responsibility to get health care in order for the health care system to spread the cost out, otherwise we'll be paying just for those that get sick and highest risk of getting sick. their insurance is unaffordable unless others are in the pool. i'm not so quick to say we ought to postpone the individual mandate. this is only the third week of the rollout of the website and it doesn't even go into effect until january 1. i think throughout 2014 people will be insured and they will be able to meet the requirement that they have a responsibility to meet. >> congressman, just very quickly, yes or no, should secretary sebelius keep her job? >> absolutely. there's no reason for her not to continue on as secretary. she's done a terrific job. i have a great deal of confidence in her.
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she doesn't know about all technicalities. that was contracted out to the private sector, the private sector with all the money they got couldn't get it. if anybody's head should roll, it should be the contractors who didn't live up to their contractual responsibility. >> congressman waxman, thank you so much for your time this afternoon. we really appreciate it. now i want to turn to greece where thoughts issued a nationwide search for birth certificate of a little girl known as maria. a she was found in a police raid last week in roma. the couple she was found with are not her biological parents. that couple is in jail facing abduction charges. michelle kosinski is live in greece with the latest. first question, her picture has sparked thousands of responses from all around the world. are there any promising leads
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emerging from the u.s. at this point? >> yeah. we're talking about 10,000 calls and e-mails from around the world. so far, and police aren't talking much today, they have said about 10 of them are promising leads and about four of those actually come from the u.s. remember, police don't know exactly what they are dealing with here. they and people around the world are trying to figure that out. what we have here is not a case of a missing little girl but a found one, under strange circumstances, although she at some point somewhere could have been someone's missing child. what they want to do is try to figure out is this really an abduction as the roma couple she was found to be living with in a camp last week are now accused of. could this be connected with some kind of child trafficking ring, or is it, as the couple claims, the case of a bulgarian woman giving them the child and benevolently taking her in because they claim the bulgarian
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woman could not care for her themselves. all these calls and e-mails coming in, including parents of missing children as far away as the u.s. wondering desperately if this child could be theirs. kristen. >> all right. michelle kosinski, thank you for that information. continue to get updates from you. appreciate it. we want to tell you about history at the naacp. board member and former house of representatives clerk lorraine miller will serve as first female president and ceo on an interim basis. miller replaces the head stepping down after five years of leading the civil rights group. we'll be right back. wife beats rock. and with two checks a year, everyone wins. [ female announcer ] switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate. call 866-906-8500 now. [ dennis ] zach really loves his new camera. problem is...this isn't zach.
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12-year-old middle school student armed with a handgun killed 8th grade math teacher landsberry and two classmates before takes his life. it happened yesterday in nevada. the teacher, a former marine, hailed as a hero for trying to stop the early morning rampage. >> shortly before 7:15, the student arrived on cool grounds. he shot a student in the shoulder. this occurred near the north hallway of the school. he proceeded southbound and encountered the teacher, mr. landsberry, on the basketball court. they were actually working towards each other. the chief will elaborate on that shortly. the suspect shot the teacher, you continued southbound, shot a second student in the abdomen, turned around walked northbound
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and then shot himself. at no time did any shooting occur within the building of the school itself. there were no shots by law enforcement. we are proactively trying to determine why. >> joe is live in sparks with the very latest. authorities wrapping up a news conference there, joe. what are we learning? >> kristen, police say they are still not going to release the name of the spent out of respect for the gunman's family. they say they realize everyone wants to know why this happened. at this point they don't know what happened. they are working proactively to get answers. part of the process they did preliminary interviews with everyone who witnessed the shooting. yesterday police told us they felt 20 to 30 people saw what happened. police say they are doing to be looking at consecutives between the shooter and the victims.
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were there any connections or was this a random shooting. police say they also are going to be tracing origin of the firemen used, a 9 millimeter semiautomatic handgun. they do believe, police say, he got it from his home. kristen. >> joe, where does the investigation go from here? >> you know, obviously they are going to want to do more interviews. we're not sure if they had a chance to talk with those two students who survived. we know they are both in stable condition. one was shot in the shoulder, the other in the abdomen. meantime, everyone lauding the teacher in this, math teacher michael landsberry. he was respected by teachers an students. he kachd basketball, volleyball and soccer. they say his calm actions trying to get the gun away from the shooter bought everyone else time to escape. they feel in the end that may have been saved a lot of lives. >> incredible. joe fryer, live for us in sparks. we really appreciate it.
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and virginia gubernatorial hopeful terry mcauliffe is ahead in the polls and getting some financial aid from a wealthy supporter. "politico" is reporting independence usa michael bloomberg's pro gun control super pac will put $1 million into odds supporting mcauliffe's candidacy. he support a ban on assault rifles and universal background checks. stay with us. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] if you can clear a crowd but not your nasal congestion, you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. zyrtec-d®. at the pharmacy counter. even when we cross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. that's why liberty mutual insurance offers accident forgiveness if you qualify, and new car replacement standard
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working as well as it should, which means it's going to get fixed. [ applause ] >> president obama and his team have been trying to keep the focus on the health care law itself but all the technical mishaps that continue to hold the nation's attention. what is the administration doing to fix the problem and what can we expect next in joining me now is msnbc contributor dr. ezekiel emanuel chair in pennsylvania and former health care adviser to the white house. a little bit of breaking news to tell you about before we start. we're just learning top economic adviser, just named top economic adviser, is being brought on to work on these health care issues. you have called for more transparency from the obama add manage, daily briefings on the health care law. is that realistic? do you have a sense if the administration is listening to you? >> i have no idea whether they
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are listening to me. jeffrey is a talented guy, really understands people and understands management. i think it's a good thing he's moving over. he's supposed to take over as head of the economic council. how that will work, i don't know. i think that's a positive sign, but i think they certainly need to do more. daily briefings i think are essential. i don't think you're going to regain the trust of the american public without being straightforward and completely, totally candid with them. >> based on what you have heard, based on what you know, do you get a sense the problems are structural and therefore could take weeks if not months to fix. >> i'm not an i.t. person and what the time line is that's what they have experts for. it would be good to tell us what problems they have identified. part of my worry is we may not
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know all the problems at this point. once you fix one problem you may find there's other problems related. you do have a complex set of interconsecutives. on the other hand i say we have examples where the connections have worked. california, kentucky, new york. so i think learning from them and making sure those people are engaged and can offer advice or the technical teams that worked, for example, like the california exchange would help facilitate this. there's no sense in reinventing the wheel at every stage of the game if we know certain things do work. >> i want to talk about enrollment numbers. the white house says they don't have them until november. not necessarily the only important thing worth thinking about right now. we should help people sign on and get health care. isn't it trit cal to understanding this complete picture? >> no, i don't actually think it
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is. people window shop. we know from massachusetts people window shop a number of times before they purchase. it's not that rational to purchase in mid october for something not active until january 1st. my own view of it is they have five weeks until the thanksgiving week to get this thing working smoothly and to have a very good customer experience, because i think thanksgiving week the family is going to be together. mom or dad is going to be weighing in on young invincible, 20-year-old, lets get health insurance, go on, buy it together. if it's working reasonably well then, that will be okay. if it's not working reasonably well then, there's going to be serious, serious problems. people who are sick and need health insurance may be willing to go and spend time and endure frustration, 25 years old are not in that category. >> just on a personal level, you
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helped work on this policy. how frustrating is this for you to see these glitches and this rocky rollout? >> very, very frustrating. i think we knew execution would be a challenge. one of the reasons we couldn't put the start of the exchanges in 2013, we knew it was a very heavy lift and would require 2014 before everything could be in place of it is complicated. part of that is the nature of the system. these are citizens. you need to have an income verification. i think that's sort of inherent in how the subsidy schedule works. you know, obviously not executing well is an extremely frustrating thing. again, especially in contrast to situations where we know it ended up being executed if not
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perfectly, good enough. massachusetts has done it for a number of years. california, kentucky as i mentioned, new york solved glitches early on. it's hard. frustrating when it doesn't work well. that's the challenge. >> thank you so much for your insights. we appreciate it. >> thank you. shifting gears, the family of a murder, claimed they gave permission to put two 6 foot headstones on their plot. kimberly walker's family said the army officer and sister loved spongebob and are not ready to give up the headstones. >> we want the spongebobs back. that's the only thing we're going to settle for. huh...fifteen minutes
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military families face an emotional challenge during deployment especially when expecting a new baby. military mom-to-be melissa rebel decided to spread some cheer by throwing a baby shower for some of her fellow expectant moms on south carolina's military base. guess what, it's a growing tradition she calls operation military shower. melissa joins me now from south carolina. thanks so much for being here this afternoon, melissa. >> thank you for having me, kristen. >> take me back to the origins of this idea. you came up with this while you were pregnant with your third child. tell me why you wanted to do this? >> well, my husband was deployed and i was pregnant and i was getting kind of emotional at the time. i'm like, i need to find a way to reach out to other women going through the same situation as i am and find a way to give back, make it a positive
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experience. so that day i got online and contacted about 100 different baby companies. and within two weeks my doorstep was like ups central. the outpouring of love and support from these companies for our military family is just amazing. that's all i can say. they gave me a way to give back to these ladies that do so much. it's not just the service member that's having a hard time, it's these ladies back at home paying the bills, getting things done, and being pregnant and worrying about their husband. so it's also a great way to have a support system built for these ladies at these baby showers, getting to know each other and me. i do volunteer to be there at the birth if they need someone there. that's the biggest thing. >> you've thrown three showers so far, right? what are these showers like and what do these women say to you
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about how it helps them get through a difficult time? >> it's not even about the gifts. they say it's just nice to meet other women going through this. this is that opportunity. i had an e-mail right after the first shower that said i just made a new best friend. i would never have met her before. one is air force, one is army and they came together and met each other and they are there for each other every single day right now. it's amazing to see that. >> you said initially you got 100 companies on board. how many on board now and what's their reaction when you ask them to get involved in this project with you? >> they are more than honored. we have some canada, some from australia, baby strollers, baby clothes. they are more than willing to help our military families. i'm not a not for profit, i'm
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just a volunteer giving back. so to see them help me in this sort of way is just amazing. i definitely love what they are doing for me. >> tell me what your goals are moving forward. you've helped a number of women so far. i anticipate you want to keep going. >> i do. my greatest thing is to reach more numbers, more women, and get to meet every single one of these ladies and say thank you to each and every one of them. i do want to include, i want to make more bases incded in this. i want to include the marine corps, navy, coast guard, any branch. not just army and air force where i'm doing now. i would really like to expand. >> melissa, if people want to help you, what can they do? >> they can go to my facebook page, facebook/operation military baby and get ahold of me that way.
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that is the best way through social media or twitter operation military shower is another way. that's how they have been getting ahold of me now. it's really an amazing thing. >> all right, melissa revel, incredible work you're doing. thank you so much for sharing your story with us. >> thank you. next month crews will begin work on more than 1,000 cracks in the capital dome. the multi-year project previewed on the capital twitter feed. check it out. the dome will be covered in scaffolding while the work takes place. pretty incredible sight. [ sneezes, coughs ] i've got a big date, but my sinuses are acting up. it's time for advil cold and sinus. [ male announcer ] truth is that won't relieve all your symptoms. new alka seltzer plus-d relieves more sinus symptoms than any other behind the counter liquid gel.
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so which political story will make headlines in the next
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24 hours? chris cillizza is back with us for his insight. thanks for joining us again. i want to get your reaction to the news that broke during the hour which is that the president's soon to be top economic adviser is going to get on board with trying to fix this health care debacle. will he make a difference here? >> i hate to say it's more symbolic than anything else, but it's more we're putting our best man on the case, someone who held a number of positions within the obama administration and real background in digital and online technology. so i think it's more about the president saying we understand this is a major issue, we're going to put our best brains on it and fix it as soon as we can. smart symbolically, i don't know if jeff ze ins t or someone else
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could have fixed it by now, they would have done it. >> that's a good point. congress gearing up for hearings later on this week on health care, but meanwhile the senate is still off, john mccain is going to have some town halls this afternoon. what do you expect him to hear, is he going to get a mixed reaction? the wake of the shutdown? >> john mccain goes back and forth with his constituents and town halls are the stuff of legend, particularly on immigration. i'm interested too to see what -- how he approaches both with a where he was on the debt ceiling and government shutdown, very vocally in support of finding a way of a deal and critical of the ted cruzes in the world and immigration. there was an interview he did in arizona, a radio station this morning, where he opened the door for running for re-election in 2016, which many different think he would wind up doing. he said he would think about it. that could be hovering if he
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wants to run again, what he says too. keep an eye on it. >> all right, we will. finally and quickly, big debate tonight in new york. mayoral debate. what are we looking for? >> bill de blasio will be elected the mayor of new york city barring vastly unforeseen circumstances. debates are things that tend to be pinch points in races. it's possible if there's a grievous error by bill de blasio but that seems very unlikely. with past debates and forums together this is more about bill de blasio showing the citizens what his vision is more than debating. >> thanks as always, my friend. i'll see you back here tomorrow. remember to follow the show online and on twitter at mitchellreports. thomas roberts is here with a look at what's next on "news nation." good afternoon. >> no matter what chris says,
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i'll still keeping my dvr setting for that debate tonight. >> i will as well. good call. >> more on that deadly shooting in a nevada middle school, including new information on the investigation and the teacher being called a hero for stepping in between the student and teacher with a hand gun aimed at his chest. >> one top official is worried more cases like that could be out there, plus an ohio cemetery tries to make good with a military family after a first approving and then removing -- are you seeing this? these sponge bob head stones one day after they were placed on the soldier's grieve. this is our "news nation" gut check. has it's ups and downs.
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