tv Politics Nation MSNBC October 22, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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nina turner, thanks for your time tonight. that's "the ed show." it's michael eric dyson, that's me, in for ed shultz. he may be a rejected stone, but now he's the rock of gibraltar. "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. >> thank you, dr. dyson. and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, republicans whistling past the political graveyard. tea party republicans are literally celebrating. the man whose extremist stunts are tearing down the party. senator ted cruz. tea party activist in houston even gave him a cake with green eggs and ham in icing. all their way of saying thank you. >> thank you, today! thank you, ted! thank you, ted! >> thank you, ted? thank you for what? for destroying the party?
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here's the cake cruz should have gotten. the icing says 26%. that's the approval rating for the tea party. the lowest ever recorded by "the washington post" in a brand new poll. wonder what those tea party folks will say about that. >> thank you, ted! thank you, ted! thank you, ted! >> yes, thank you, ted, for bringing down both the tea party and the republican party. here's another cake. showing that approval rating of the gop is also at a record low. 32%. how's that going over on the right? >> thank you, ted! thank you, ted! thank you, ted! >> the shutdown that cruz orchestrated failed in every way except one. it managed to make an unpopular party even less popular. the gop's whole strategy of
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fighting obama care is a failure, but they're still at it. today tea party senator marco rubio said he's introducing yet another bill to delay part of the health care law. but while ted cruz eats his cake, here's some food for thought. turns out both the tea party and the republican party are much, much less popular than obama care itself. that's right. obama care's approval is higher than both. 41%. if republicans want to get rid of unpopular things, maybe they should start with themselves. instead of delaying obama care, let's delay the gop for a year. let them step aside. and let the rest of america move forward. joining me now is emanuel
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cleaver, former chairman, and ryan grim, reporter for the "huffington post." good to see you both. congressman, the tea party is giving ted cruz a cake. didn't they learn anything from the shutdown? >> we would hope they would learn something. the country certainly learned something. that is we have people who have been elected to office who would come to washington and put all of their energy and intellect into tearing down the united states economy. there is nothing to celebrate. i was born and raised in texas. i'm embarrassed by people showing up to cheer somebody whose efforts cost this economy $24 billion. we had about 148,000 jobs create ed this last month.
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and most economists attribute it correctly to ted cruz and the tea party. i don't know what you have to celebrate kwb mr. cruz. >> when you see this celebration of cruz and thank you, ted, and all of this. and you look at the fact that a new poll finds republicans may be in trouble in 2014, now it wasn't that long ago it seemed totally out of the question whether the democrats could overtake the majority of the house next year. but now by a nine-point margin, people in republican districts say the shutdown made them less likely to vote for the incumbent. but a 1% margin said the shutdown made them more likely to vote for incumbents in democratic districts. this put it in play for the democrats for the first time that i've heard since the general election.
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>> yeah. and what's striking about that survey is that there have been a series of polls done by ppp. the liberal leaning polling outfit that founded nearly three dozen or slightly more than three dozen republican districts are now in play for democrats because -- that's even before the voters told they supported the shutdown. there are polling experts who looked at that and said if they would have polled democratic districts, there's so much anger. they just want to get the incumbent out. that voters are distinguishing between democrats and republicans. they are putting blame for the shutdown on republicans. and they're saying as a result of this, they don't deserve the responsibility that they've been entrusted with. so you're right.
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it didn't seem possible because of all the gerrymandering that was done. but republicans may have gone just far enough that they could cost themselves the house. they certainly have put it in play. there's no question about that. >> thank you, ted, thank you, ted. but let's talk about where this all started. it was around obama care. the affordable care act. and they wanted to stop that. some in the media and on the right have even gone as far as comparing obama care to katrina. and the iraq war. listen to this. >> just like on katrina when the big problem president bush has was saying way to go. you had the president yesterday talking about glitches and kinks. this is bigger than glitches and kinks. >> katrina was a storm. the health care law was of obama's creation. so i'm not defending my white house's handling of katrina, but it was a natural disaster.
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this was a disaster of obama's creation and imagination. >> maybe the iraq war is a better analogy. >> i mean, what is she talking about, congressman? how do you compare the reaction of a government and administration that is set up. that is what that department is for that he said good job to deep with natural reactions to where you're dealing with people trying to stop people from getting health insurance and there's problems on the website. i mean, i can't understand the logic in that. >> well, i don't drink, so it's going to be difficult for me to pull something logical out of that. but silence is the surest and best way for people to hide their inability to make good comparisons. using the logic that i just heard, i could easily say it took noah 120 years to build and enroll all of the animals on the
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ark. how are we going to get upset about something that we've only been doing for a couple of weeks? i think this is ridiculous. and i think all of this ill logic is not going to play well with the public. it frankly convinces the public we're right. there is something going on over here on this other side. >> ryan, you're the secular one of the three of us, so let me show where the obama health care act is really beginning to show some enrollment. the newest numbers say in washington state 35,000 people are now enrolled. in california, 95,000 people have started applications. in new york state 150,000 people are enrolled. so are they comparing this to katrina or the iraq war, people despite the glitches are signing up.
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>> in katrina and the iraq war, people died. thousands of people died combined in those events. nobody has died because the website is crashing. it's just a strange way of looking at the world. the numbers you put up are revealing. and even in kentucky, they're signing up something like a thousand people a day. and these numbers are starting to add up. these are people who a week ago did not have health insurance. they went about their day knowing that if they got sick or they got into an accident or something bad happened to them, that they were not covered. that's something that you have in the back of your mind constantly. those people now have health insurance. and we're getting under the thousands and and the medicaid expansion. you're well into the millions. >> well into the millions. people don't just have to go to the websites. they can call. clearly the glitches was a
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messup, but clearly people are getting through and to compare that as you said to things that cost human lives is unbelievable. they're going even further. the firm behind the health care website might be building a secret gun registry. apparently they once worked on one in canada. listen to rush weave this one. >> so here's a group trying to put together a gun registry in canada. we love those kinds of people. that's the kind of people we need. while we're working on health care, they can in a stealth way be establishing one of those here maybe. just ruminating. don't know anything about that. >> i mean, it doesn't get much more bizarre until you have rush come and push the envelope even
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further. >> some of this stuff sounds like "saturday night live." i can't believe some people are seriously saying these things. one of the things we hope we get across to people is obama care will cover people who are making rational statements. you can get help through obama care. >> i'm going to have to leave it there. congressman cleaver and ryan grim, thank you both for your time tonight. coming up, if you do unpopular things, you become unpopular. now a republican judge from texas says he's switching parties. >> i cannot tolerate a political party that demeans texans based on their sexual orientation, the color of their skin, or their economic status. >> that judge joins me live on why he made the switch. plus, if there's one number a republican should stay away from, it's 47.
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as in 47%. so what happens when another elected republican goes there? the answer might surprise you. and o'reilly, hannity, beck, rush, they've all done it. spin a story to smear the president. like obama care will slash full-time jobs. but what happens when you reveal something called the facts? we're heading into the right wing bubble tonight. also, friend or foe, i want to know. reply al is ahead. bold has a huge imagination.
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about the polls showing the gop free fall after the shutdown. brandon says americans as a whole are fed up with the gop and their antiquated approach to governing. does not work for a majority of americans. eddie says they've alienated everyone. gays, most women, most young adults, and every minority group. good luck in winning elections. karen says i'm done with the gop. you're not the only one, karen. coming up, we'll be joined by a republican judge who just switched parties. we've got more information about his story on our facebook page too. just head over to facebook and search "politicsnation" and like us to join the conversation that keeps going long after the show ends.
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just how much has gop extremism turned off voters? a gallup poll shows only 20% of americans identify themselves as republicans. that's the lowest number ever in this poll. but it's not just the democratic party unhappy. now a republican judge from deep in the heart of texas has made a web video announcing he's fed up. he says he's leaving the republican party and will run for re-election as a democrat. >> i can no longer be a member of the republican party.
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for too long the republican party has been at war with itself. make no mistake. i have not left the republican party. it left me. i cannot tolerate a political party that demeans texans based on their sexual orientation, the color of their skin, or their economic status. >> joining me now is judge carlo key here to talk about his decision. judge, first of all, thank you for being here. >> thank you very much for having me. i appreciate it. >> now, what brought you to this move? >> you know, ultimately it's a culmination of things. things have progressively gotten more extreme. and for me it personally was time. it was time. things have begun to happen both locally and nationally as we've seen. so for me it was time to make the decision. >> it was striking to me when you said you didn't leave the party, the party left you. how do you feel the party left you and a lot of other texans?
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>> in 2010 when i ran, i'm a moderate. always have been. in 2010, the tea party hadn't really taken hold. it was still kind of a fringe group. now as we can see, the tea party especially where i am here in texas and in texas has become a part of the discussion, a big part of the republican party here. >> now, you mentioned obama care and the shutdown in your campaign ad. let me play this for our viewers. watch this. >> i cannot place my name on the ballot for a political party that is proud to destroy the lives of hundreds of thousands of federal workers over the vain attempt to repeal a law that will provide health care to millions of people throughout our country. >> now, judge, 6.4 million people are uninsured in texas. including 852,000 children. that's very nearly 25% of texans
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who are uninsured. the highest rate in the nation. knowing that how did you feel about your senator, ted cruz, shutting down the government to stop the affordable care act? >> well, as you can imagine, i was extremely disappointed. i myself grew up on poverty. i understand how important that kind of assistance is. had it not been for the government when i was a child, i probably would not be in the place i am now. so i know it's very important. especially for our children. you know, as it's really not their fault they find themselves where they are. >> now, do you, i'm sure in conversation you get feedback from people. are there others like you that had been moderate republicans that have become disenchanted and frustrated with the tea party taking over the party, so to speak, in your area? >> i can tell you that specifically in my area i've gotten a lot of good feedback.
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but what's really surprised me more than anything is from all across the country. you know, i'm getting direct messages and that's exactly what i'm hearing. that i am a moderate. your story is my story. continue to tell people how you feel. >> now, you know, i grew up in the north in new york, but there were a lot of moderate republicans people respected. and people liked and supported. personally, how frustrating is it for you a registered republican to see the party drift off that way? how did you deal with this personally? >> it was very difficult. because as a moderate i have values that go both sides. you know, i really had to look at what my core values were. not just the ones on the surface, but your core values. and i had to come to that discussion with my family and we both agreed that it just doesn't
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represent -- the republican party just doesn't represent my core values anymore. >> given the politics of texas, this is certainly something that i believe hearing you has to be core beliefs. you don't know what will happen. democrats don't always farewell -- fair well in texas do they? >> not at all. the electorate that comes out especially here during an off cycle is primarily one of republicans. so, you know, those who say i have political motivations for the switch, i say do your research and look at the history. if the democrat dos turn texas blue, it would be historic. >> well, i thank you for coming on and i respect your courage to stand by what you believe. judge carlo key, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you, sir. still ahead, the 47% crowd
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is back. a republican slipped up and told the truth again about how they really think about the so-called makers and takers. but first, let's welcome back an oldie but goodie. darrell issa. you're the next contestant to play nice try but we got you. come on down. that's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the new twin turbo xts from cadillac. 410 available horses. ♪ room for four. twice the fun. ♪ ♪
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congressman darrell issa has been promising a republicans he'd find an obama scandal since before they were even in control of the house in 2010. back then he told politico he wanted hundreds of hearings in his oversight committee saying quote, i want seven hearings a week times 40 weeks. that's a lot of hearings.
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and mr. issa has been doing his best to dredge up some sort of scandal in the obama administration. holding hearings on fast and furious, contraception coverage, solyndra, the attack in benghazi, the irs, and even the closing of the world war ii memorial during the shutdown. and what do all of these
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hearings have in common? they revealed nothing. there were no political scandals. but issa won't let the facts get in the way. he's got a new target. health as we all know, the obama care website -- >> the information they didn't want seen. >> so the problem's not some bad code. it's not too much traffic from people wanting health care. it was, quote, political interference. where have i heard that one before? >> solyndra is a story of political interference. picking winners and lose erz. there had even been political interference during his fast and furious witch hunt. wow. he's really got to get some new talking points. the truth is issa and the republicans have failed repeatedly. to find the big scandal they've been looking for in the obama administration. but i guess if at first you don't succeed, then you should
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add brand new belongings from nationwide insurance and we'll replace stolen or destroyed items with brand-new versions. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ tonight i want to compliment the gop. really. give them a round of applause. if nothing else, the republican party should be commended because it constantly defies my expectations. every time i think they can't possibly get more out of touch, they surprise me, prove me wrong. and now they're doing it again. if there is one number they should stay away from, one number they should ban is 47. yet 13 months after mitt romney was caught saying 47% of americans are takers, another
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republican is out saying the same thing. here's maine governor paul lepage. >> about 47% of able-bodied people in the state of maine don't work. >> what? >> about 47%. it's really bad. >> now, in fairness, maybe governor lepage's tv was broken on election night. maybe he till thinks governor romney won the presidency. and maybe he thinks his 47% comments rocketed romney into the white house. maybe he has an excuse, but the rest of the gop, they don't. they're not blasting 47% of the country, but their policies are. in a recent op-ed, paul ryan renewed his war on medicare and medicaid. republicans are still cheering a sequester that gutted government
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programs like head start. they applauded a shutdown that furloughed 800,000 government workers. governor lepage simply said what his whole party thinks. >> we've also eliminated skin in the game for most everyday americans. folks mocked mitt romney for what he said about 47%, but he's right. >> we don't want to turn the safety net into a hammock that allows able-bodied people into complacency. >> we need to encourage work not dependence. >> self-reliance means if anyone will not work, neither should he eat. >> we are moving away from an opportunist society to a dependence society. >> teach a man how to fish he can feed himself far life. don't simply feed fish. >> the gop says it's changed.
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but that's change i can't believe in. joining me now richard wolffe and goldie taylor. thank you both for coming on the show tonight. richard, let me start with you. the gop may not invoke the word 47% like governor lepage, but isn't it alive in their policies? >> well, rev, you know, when you look at what the lessons are coming out of the last election, you'd have to say they're doubling down. they have not tried to find any compassion for people who are still struggling in this economy. and the language speaks to more than just -- it's not just a number here. it's the whole idea there are undeserving people at all that we don't have a common responsibility to give people a hand up and not a handout. not like president obama is saying you don't need to find your own health insurance. he's actually saying no, go be self-reliant. this is a debate that's stuck in the 1970s and '80s.
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the democrats have moved on. it's time the republican dos the same. >> it's a mentality, goldie. because when you look at the maine governor, the facts aren't even on his side. more than 65% of the people in his state are working. and the remaining 35% are largely comprised of retirees, homemakers, students, and the disabled. so the facts don't even match what he's saying. it's a mentality they seem to have in their party. >> well, that's right, reverend sharpton. not only is governor lepage wrong for maine, he's wrong about maine. lepage won his seat in 2010 after he came through a very hard-fought, seven-way primary where tea party supporters got together and pushed him into office. you really get what you pay for with lepage. he has a very long track record of making gaffes like this, of making sort of irresponsible remarks about the people that he
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represents. and so you've got to wonder that now that he is up for re-election with both an independent and strong democrat running against him, if he's going to see the light of day again after this coming election. >> you know, the tea party has been leading this charge to cut everything, richard. cut entitlements, cut government programs. and look at the approval rating as a result. back in february 2010 just 25% had an unfavorable view of the tea party. now 49% view it unfavorably. >> yeah. you know, not good policy. not good politics. it's fine for tea party house republicans because their districts are so narrowly defined. but if you're running at a governor's race, you've got to find the place in the middle. i don't know how a governor can get elected insulting half of the people he expects to vote for him.
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didn't work for romney. but also what kind of person are you? how can you ask people for a vote when you don't respect them? >> and you always condemn poor and working poor, but defend the rich. for example, we learned this week that jpmorgan will pay a $13 billion settlement because of bad mortgages it allegedly sold. but the right thinks we should feel sorry for the bank. listen to this. >> let's make no mistake about it, this is all about vindictiveness. you have no shot against this type of mccarthyism. >> wow. >> that's what it is. it's insane. you come after me because i open my mouth and say something bad against dodd-frank? >> this is an attempt to pin all of the blame for the crash on wall street and on the banks as well. >> i mean, isn't that the problem? the right attacks the poor and defends big banks?
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>> i think that really is a problem. you know, lepage is a curious example. this is a guy who came out of a large household of i think 18 children and that he left home at 11 years old. that he worked his way up through college. he started a business as a consultant. so it's incredible to me that someone like him would go back and smack at the very people that he rose from. so it seems to me that this national gop just can't seem to get this whole rebranding effort right because they can't tell people like lepage to take a step back to embrace the party of -- >> but a tea party -- >> -- that is more compassionate. >> but a tea party
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fox guys complaining about entitlements, the biggest drain on entitlements are people who are watching them because they're older. they're older generations that are the biggest draw on entitlements. but the tea party people saying get out of medicare. they're all twisted up, right? the other people are the one who is have entitlements. it's not people drawing down social security or medicare. we've got to actually see each other as fellow americans and not as some demonizing other. that's not good politics. it's certainly not a human type of policy. >> richard wolffe and goldie taylor. and you see that reflected in the polls. thank you both for being with us this evening. >> thanks, reverend. coming up, it's a badge of honor inside the right wing media echo chamber. spin a story to smear president obama. but i have a secret for them. we have facts. next.
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your guns. upset some irs bureaucrats focused on tea party groups, they must have been doing president obama's dirty work. when there's not even a germ of a story to spin, just deny the facts. like the time karl rove had the meltdown on live tv. he refused to believe the president won the election. but perhaps nowhere was more obvious that in the politization of the tragedy in benghazi. four american lives were lost, but all the right wing did was look at benghazi as another way to attack the president. it was benghazi tv over on the propaganda wing of the gop. rolling coverage and one attack after another. >> is the libyan situation
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another watergate? >> this president is lying to you about benghazi in such spectacular fashion that i believe people will go to prison. >> obama did not call this a terror attack in the rose garden the day after. >> the obama white house engaged in a widespread coverup in the immediate aftermath of the benghazi terror attack. and they did it all simply to win an election. >> what happened in benghazi was a tragedy, but the president didn't lie about it. there was no conspiracy. no coverup. but the facts never get in the way of a good smear campaign from the right. joining me now is david brock, founder of media matters. his new e-book is "the benghazi hoax" which destroys the right wing obsession with the benghazi tragedy. david, thank you for being here tonight. >> thank you. >> the gop has relentlessly
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attacked the administration about the ben -- about benghazi. but you show how one of the biggest republican hoaxes is that the president didn't care about what happened. explain. >> well, look. i think there are two things to say right up front. there are 157 attacks on u.s. diplomatic facilities since 1998. yet benghazi is the one that has been investigated more. the democrats most of this happened under republican administrations and the democrats didn't want to dishonor the dead and slander the military and attack the rescue teams for partisan reasons. two, benghazi to the republicans in their mind fit a narrative, a long-running narrative that they tried to press for five years now. that president obama was a weak president that he leads from behind, that he's sympathetic to terrorism. and somehow the first black
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president named barack obama is somehow un-american. so their aspect of this which is the fact it's racial lly tinged. and the president pursued stronger, tougher anti-terror policies than george w. bush did. just ask osama bin laden about that. >> you know, i want to talk about the attack on then-secretary of state hillary clinton. you know, they said she faked a concussion to avoid testifying about benghazi. let's listen. >> i guess she passed out somewhere. is she unconscious somewhere? >> when you don't want to go to a meeting or event, you have a diplomatic illness. >> we both have great respect for secretary clinton. you're a roman catholic as am i. we're calling this the immaculate concussion. >> she had a good line. she has severe benghazi allergy.
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>> i've been doing a lot of work on that investigating. she is the first reported case and it's a very, very severe one. >> very severe. let's see the medical report on that. >> i mean, just outrageous. and she did end up testifying. but you debunked this myth as well. how does it get -- i mean, how low can you get by mocking her with a genuine medical problem. >> that's right. it's despicable to use a health issue as a political attack. one thing we show in the book is that hillary clinton's certainly not afraid of tough questions from congress. and every fair assessment after she did testify showed that she hit the ball out of the park. one thing we do in the book is show how these scandals were manufactured. this one almost solely came from the fox news channel.
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fox has lied and lied again to its viewers. in trying to get the message of our book to fox -- >> are you implying that fox lied? >> oh, absolutely. we've been trying this week to get the truth before the viewers. we offered them a paid ad that points out the facts. they told us this afternoon they wouldn't run it. they didn't say why. obviously they want to sensor the truth from their viewers. >> no one was more defamed and smeared than susan rice. and you deal with that in your book. and i still think mr. mccain owes her an apology. you really dealt with how they smeared secretary rice. >> absolutely. and i think you're right. john mccain and lindsey graham should be ashamed of what they did. the susan rice conspiracy never made sense. we take it apart very easily. first, the allegation that she was trying to hide that terror
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was involved when she went on the sunday shows makes no sense. because the president the day after these attacks happened referred to an act of terror. he did it the next day. when she went on the sunday shows, she allowed for the possibility that al qaeda was involved and said that information was incomplete. and then they tried the talking points controversy. and nothing changes the fact as general petraeus testified that these talking points originated in the intelligence community. they were signed off by the intelligence community, not by political aides. and what was at the bottom of trying to withhold some of the classified information, was to not tip off the criminal investigation. so i don't know what the republicans wanted susan rice to do. go out and disclose classified information. >> i mean, it's a very important book you've written. and you yourself had been a right wing activist. and you've really come to expose
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a lot of things that you have been observing and watching for a long time, david. >> yes, i certainly have. and, you know, they've been trying for 40 years to create another watergate. they did it through the clinton years. as you pointed out earlier, they did it all through the obama years. my view is mitt romney tried to derail barack obama in the fall of 2012 with this benghazi scandal and if the republicans want to try it again in 2016, we should welcome that controversy. >> david brock, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you. tonight, a new non-apology from the tea party extremist who said president obama bows down to allah. you won't believe who he's blaming for his comments. that's next. is a daily game of "what if's". what if my abdominal pain and cramps end our night before it even starts? what if i eat the wrong thing? what if? what if i suddenly have to go? what if? but what if the most important question
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tea party activist larry klayman is defending his speech from a tea party rally just over one week ago. >> we are now ruled, quote, unquote, by a president who bows down to allah. demand that this president leave town, to get out, to put the koran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come up with his hands out. >> our president bows to allah?
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come up with his hands out? now in a new blog, he's calling those comments metaphorical and blaming the liberal media, quote, pouring over the speeches that day primarily the liberal media picked up on my metaphors and broadcasted disparaging statements about them to try to discredit the tea partiers that were present that day. i'm sorry. i'm just not understand bing how the liberal media so s to blame for this. >> we are now ruled, quote, unquote, by a president who bows down to allah. demand that this president leave town, to get out, to put the koran down, to get up off his knees and to figuratively come up with his hands out. >> how dare the liberal media spin this? he went on to write, quote,
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ironically my references were intended to be metaphoric and not literal. they do ring true. they ring true. no apology. no remorse. just more ugliness. and just remember, this crank stands at the same rally as ted cruz and sarah palin. all i have to say is good luck, gop. you're going to need it. s a bla. ♪ [ woman #2 ] to share a moment. ♪ [ man #1 ] to remember my grandmother. [ woman #3 ] to show my love. ♪ [ woman #4 ] because life needs flavor. ♪ [ woman #5 ] to travel the world without leaving home. [ male announcer ] whatever the reason. whatever the dish. make it delicious with swanson. [ woman #1 ] that's why i cook.
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