tv The Last Word MSNBC October 23, 2013 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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kill people. if the washington monument is anything to go by there is a chance that the process of the capitol getting its up-do, might itself be cool. might be a very pretty process. >> another rough day for affordable care act here in washington. but a great day for the affordable care act in ohio. >> the final thing we have to do is win the argument. >> never tell the truth. always say you are winning. >> win the argument with the am scan people that obama care isn't working. >> this will beef the biggest job killer.
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>> it has killed jobs. awe a is the number one job killer in the country. >> are you kidding me? >> that's right. >> 148,000 jobs were added last month. >> why are so many workers getting their hours cut? >> we are seeing the opposite. fewer part timers in the work force. >> of win the argument. >> obama care is indeed a train wreck. >> the law isn't wonderful. a. >> massive premium increases. >> higher premiums. >> are you kidding me? >> mr. ted cruz knows which side won. >> there are a couple of truths, i.e., facts. >> who cares. >> have you really thought your strategy through? >> until some one stand up to him. he will keep going. congressional republicans have their work cut out for them. democrats, feeling more about their chances. >> a lot of angers. is aimed at republicans. >> win the argument with the am scan people.
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>> never tell the truth. >> the shut down was magnificent. so proud of the republicans. >> always say you are wing. >> win the argument. >> that's my advice, misinformation works. >> have you really thought your strategy through? well the national news has been dominated by stories about problems with the federal website for signing up for health insurance. there was good news for the affordable care act in ohio today. >> ohioans woke up and learned they qualify for medicaid. this after the state approved the expansion of that federal program. >> former fox news host and current ohio republican governor john kasich used an administrative maneuver to accept affordable care act's expanded medicaid coverage after he vetoed a bill passed by the republican legislature that blocked the expansion of medicaid in ohio.
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outraged tea party activists are already threatening to sue governor kasich who has apparently abandoned any hope of running for president in the next round of republican presidential primaries. awe off "the new york times" reports -- mr. kasich who initially declared himself an opponent of the affordable care act and declined to set up a state online health insurance marketplace are gaud all year that his sense of critical compassion not to mention cool economic practically, favored extending medicaid to poor adults. >> tonight, president obama release a video to volunteers with organizing for action who are helping enroll people in health care coverage. >> it is important to remember the affordable care act is much more than a website. because the affordable care act, millions of young people have been able to stay on their parents' plan until they turn 26. seniors have deeper discounts on
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prescription. mammograms, birth control are now free. that's all happening right now, because of the affordable care act. and all ready many americans have used the new health insurance marketplaces to find affordable coverage. even as we boost our efforts to get the site working as well as the it is supposed to, we are boosting efforts to make sure folks can been the same call teal insurance plans. the old-fashioned way or over the phone or in person. >> david axelrod, former senior adviser to president obama. and ezra klein of "the washington post." i want you to listen to something marco rubio said to night to bill o'reilly. >> it is unfair that on the one hand you are telling people if you don't buy insurance next year the irs will come after them with a fine. unfair to say that to them. and then make it so difficult or impossible for them to been the health insurance. what the bill would say is that the obama care website has the
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to be up and functioning for six consecutive months before they can begin to enforce this individual mandate on people. >> david axelrod should democrats support a bill that ignores the mandate and how long the bill will be in the full functioning of the federal website. >> lawrence, i would wait and seep how things work out. we'll see whether the fixes we have been promised materialize. if they do, we have learned quickly, there is a huge demand and interest for the coverage that the exchanges offer. but jay carney and others signaled that obviously everyone is watching this. no one wants to disadvantage people. what we shouldn't do is allow it to become fodder for people who want to gut it from the beginning. >> unbelievable to hear the crocodile tears, people can't get health care fast enough when
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they have done everything they can to make sure they can't get it at all. >> let's listen to what mitch mcconnell said this weekend. >> even if you were lucky enough, bob, to get on to sign up you are going to find fewer choices and higher premiums. >> ezra klein, fewer choices, higher premiums. the mantra. of the republicans. >> an interesting important change. the republican, actual argument about the affordable care act, the problems they're having are not good ones for republicans right? not a great problem to have that your website is broken. because the answer is you should fedex your website and go on about your business. that is the problem republicans need the affordable care act to have. premiums have shot up. choices have convicted. they need their predictions to come true. >> you know, i have had the money. been very harsh on the administration for how the
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launch is rolled out. a technical disaster is the term for it. i have watched, as that gets repeated into the right-wing, right-wing politicians it becomes. i said it is the greatest threat to the economy. delayed for a year. it is no good for them to have the affordable care act broken, you need these doomsday predictions to come true t in this case they haven't. we have had the slowest health care spending growth in the last 50 years over three. premiums came in below what congressional budget office estimated they would be at. when the law passed. in terms of the insurance product. has to come in abut what or better than expected when the law was signed march 2010. >> david axelrod. marco rubio said on o'reilly, 300,000 policies have been canceled in florida today. and of course, what they've don't explain is that those policies do not fit the new requirements that help, what
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health insurance policies must contain under the new law. they're inadequate policies being junked in favor of the policies that will be available on the exchanges state, in the states and on the federal exchange. and that -- that dollar for dollar. comparing the value of these things. there isn't an increase in cost. >> true as the ezra said. no one knew -- there was a hope. but no one knew for sure, what would happen with these rates. before this began. the competition worked. insurance companies came in with competitive prices. no doubt. there is this, this, this absolute lie that keeps getting repeated. that everybody's premiums are going up. the fact is most people who are going off to the exchanges are going to get especially with the subsidies, an extraordinarily good deal. many would not have had health care at all.
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one interesting thing, senator cruz in your opening piece. one thing that is worth noting if you look at "the washington post" poll this morning. since senator cruz started talking and talking and talking. support and, despite all of these problems with the website. support for the affordable care act is actually gone up. it is in a better position today than since the beginning of the discussion. so, when people learn what it is that is being offered, there is great enthusiasm for it. the tax is to fix the website so the great demand can be met. >> ezra, an insistence by republicans the affordable care act is a job killer, and insurance for full time, not part time employees. cutting back on full time. getting part-time workers. not doing hiring. the cost of hiring is so much higher. can you referee that one for us.
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>> yeah, there is an issue here. the way that the law streets sort of full time employees of the, of the 50-person or more work places. and don't offer insurance is not great. things we could and should do. the obama administration delayed it. part of the law that isn't going into effect. is killing jobs. over from a year where we started. >> possibly never go. >> they're saying. i'm got going to hire somebody who i need now because way off in the distance. >> the other piece. a small number of firms. you are talking way over 90% of the firms offer health insurance. they're not dealing with the law at all. ate very small number. firms are not paying the fine. and, you had in the opening. he and others noted. we are not seeing a rise in part-time work. in full time work. we hatch not seen the job creation. you want to increase job creation. don't shut down the government
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for a month. don't all most breach the debt ceiling. don't reap fuse tax increases. invest in infrastructure. there are incredibly direct, crucial, important ways we could create jobs right now. for folks who are interested in zero of them to talk about this bank shots are you being disproven by the data. it is such a cynical way to treat a jobs crisis. washington has moved on from. it makes me furious. >> david, are you still in the white house, how would you handle this website crisis of which there are two parts. one is the public discussion of it. and the management and the public discussion of it from the white house perspective. then actually fixing the problem, which is of course the much more important part. >> that is the most important part of it. if i was in the white house. as i'm sure they are, kicking a bunch of folks in the butt every day to make sure that what need to be done is being done. i think they also need to be --
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they need to be forthcoming with the public. report on a regular basis as the to the progress is being made. problems that are being addressed. so people understand there is work underway. this has been shrouded in mystery. i don't quite understand why that is. i think it is better to be straight forward about it. you know people, on the cover of "the washington post" today. front page of "the washington post," the website for common application. has created great problems. >> that's not a government issue. it seeks to the fact that some of this technology can get complex. the codes are difficult. and there are glitches. they need to fix it that. need to be clear what they're doing. and do it quickly. if i were in the white house, i would be communicating regularly on the mixes also would be very, very tough on the people who are responsible, to get those other times done quickly.
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>> ezra klein, david axelrod. thank you for joining me tonight. >> thank you, lawrence. >> calling up, the sea party is against the tea party. later, the good night polling news for house and senate democrats and very bad news for the republicans in the election. and in the rewrite, 50 years ago today, here in washington, president kennedy gave a speech. it was about a topic that was not then controversial in the least. but is now. so toxic from republicans. that they don't even want to talk about it. later, we'll have the latest on the problems with the federal website for the affordable care act. we'll have an expert here to tell them how to fix it! [ male announcer ] the founder of mercedes-benz once wrote something on a sheet of paper and placed it in his factory for all to see. ♪ four simple words where the meaning has never been lost.
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jill lawrence reports on a q & a session the senator had in august at university of louisville, asked by the school's medal students if he had any advice for medical school exams. here is what the junior senator from kentucky actually said. >> i never, ever, cheated. i don't condone cheating. but i would sometimes spread misinformation. this is a great tactic. misinformation. we were in the library studying for the path test. we knew what was on the test. everything about liver. vast majority of questions about liver. we tried to trick all of our competing students into over studying for the liver and not studying for kidney and every other organ. that's my advice. misinformation works. >> i got nothing. up next, tea party versus the tea party.
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>> in 2010, according to the national journal, rene elmers its more conservative than michele bachmann. the journal rates bachmann at 80 on the list of conservatives in the house of representatives. based on just how conservative they really are. and rene elmers 43. voted each and every team to defund affordable care act in the house. elmers lost her tea party darling status. because she said this --
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>> one of the things you have probably heard about in the media to use the continuing resolution to defund obama care. that's a problem. because the that is not where the funding for obama care is. >> the tea party was not impressed that what she said was absolutely true. the tea party did not want to hear that. and now, north carolina's news observer reports, investor, radio personality frank roche recently announced he was challenge elmers in the gop primary and more republican opponents are expected to emerge. the intraparty opposition is driven by tea party activist whose helped send elmers to washington. in the end, elmers sided with the tea party and voted against raising the debt limit and reopening the government. she denies that her vote had anything to do with pressure from the tea party saying if anybody knows me, they know i
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don't vote one way or another to appease any special interest. the former speech writer, in the daily beast, the republican party is at war with itself. and as tempting as it might be for democrats to gloat from the side lines it is in awful our interests to make sure the tea party doesn't win. joining me now, john favro, msnbc contributor, e.j. deion. john, your -- your, your -- making the terms here in terms of beating the tea party pretty important. you talk about how in official washington decrying bipartisan is the real problem is a big mistake because you say the real problem is not the republicans, the real problem is the tea party period. >> yes. this is the source of dysfunction in washington. and the debt limit shutdown fight showed us this better than anything we have seen yet.
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and, you know, john boehner and the republicans operate on fear of these right-wing primary challenges. as long as that fear is greater than the frustration that they feel from the majority of the american people, we are not going to get anything done. >> e.j., what about the new polling showing how unpopular the tea party is. shouldn't the republicans take some courage from that? when they're staring down the tea party? >> i really do. in fact i wish they had before, before we had this useless, destructive shut down. the nbc poll if you compare the tea party at its peak in mid 2010, to, to where we are now. they have lost almost 40% of the people who once said they like them. so, this is a movement in big trouble. a movement on the run. the story you told right before we came on, they are just like the old far left. so, the tea party is in danger of sort of splitting into so many little pieces that they
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will disappear. i disagree with john very much. that the tea party represents something quite different from traditional conservatism. i have problems with traditional conservatism. it did believe in governing, what you saw out of the tea party and have seen a number of times. their main desire is to blow up the liberal state. a real problem. >> there is nothing conservative. it is radicalism. >> the new cnn poll finds republicans and tea partiers with low ratings. republican have 30% favorable. 64%. tea party, 28% favorable. 56% unfavorable rating. john, the -- it seems like, i mean, is, is there something here, you say in your piece the tea party has to be fought. you really have to fight them.
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democrats have to fight them. is there any way to sit back and say they're on a self destructive path? >> they are, the republicans have to exorcise the demon. all the common sense republicans, stood up, voted yes for this last compromise. the republicans in the senate voted for common sense immigration reform. all the other republicans who have put revenue on the table in the past. these republicans, if, their own political survival, at some point is going to depend on standing up to their own party. standing up to the right-wing. >> e.j., they seem to be finding voice in one thing which is direct by name criticisms of ted cruz. >> well, i mean, the remarkable thing is how far that is going in the party. somebody like orrin hatch who just a couple years ago was moving way to the right. >> running scared. >> this guy worked with ted kennedy on so many things. suddenly put that all in the background. then suddenly ted cruz angered him with this.
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he was out there as one of the first critics. mitch mcconnell was worried about a tea party primary. now much more worried about the general election. so he -- cut the deal that helped, shut this down. but the one thing, we have to remember is even itch the tea -- even if the tea party goes down to 28% of the public. 38% tops of the country is republican. that still means an awful lot of republicans identify with the tea party. that's why in very red districts people are going to be scared of the tea party for a while. >> john, what do you think the democrats' anti-tea party strategy should be? >> i think that the democrats need to lift up and praise the republicans that have shown the willingness to compromise. >> be as strident as possible against the tea party members whose only function is to, dysfunction.
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is to completely tear down the government, right? i think they kind of need to play that balancing. >> although nothing would guarantee the defeat of republicans in districts than praise from democrats. for example, tom cole, interesting guy from oklahoma. very conservative. one of the few republicans to vote for sandy aid. he got on the floor. he said, in my district we are going to need this kind of help again. and so when he came back after the terrible tornados, those -- terrible events in his district. said we need help. he had a record of having said so. i wrote kindly about that. i doubt i did him any good will. >> that's right. e.j. deion, john favro, thank you both and thank you for joining us. how much did the ted cruz led government shut down hurt the republicans. and what is actually wrong with insurance exchange website? we found some one who thinks he can explain it.
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a new abc news/"washington post" poll find approval of congress at a new 40-year low. only 12% now approve of congress's job performance while 85% disapprove. a record number of americans, 68%, are inclined to look for some one else to represent them in the congressional election next year. 25% say they're inclined to re-elect their representative in congress. president obama was viewed favorably by 50% in the poll. 48% unfavorable. and the republican party, is viewed favorably by only 32% of americans with 63% unfavorable. republicans worst rating in 29 years. only the tea party has a lower favorable rating than the republican party. with 26% favorable. and a 59% unfavorable. joining me now, david korne, an
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msnbc columnist, and jonathan shea, columnist for new york magazine. david, turns out shutting down the government is not the way to popularity. >> who would have guessed? who would have guessed? >> there was no evidence. >> first time. give it a shot. see what happens. could go either way. you know we in washington we look at polls like this. we get hyperventilated. >> go ahead. hyperventilate. i want to see that. the numbers are disastrous for republicans. not so bad for democrats. we have a long way to go. more importantly the way people process political information and wait they vote it often doesn't go according to national trend. districts are gerrymandered. there are 25, 30, competitive districts. within 435, you know, house seats. a lot of districts are drawn, the competition might be in the earlier segment between
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republican and tea party republicans. so how this, this national dissatisfaction gets manifested in elections on a local level is really a hard thing. often a disconnect put there purposefully by people who control how the things work. >> let's listen to what ann coulter said. >> the shut down was magnificent. run beautifully. so proud of these republicans. and that is because they have branded the republican party as anti-obama care party. >> ann coulter said the shutdown was run beautifully. the abc news/"washington post" poll says, 81% approve of the shut down while 17% think it was run beautifully. actually -- >> really just approve. not how beautiful they thought it was. john, and there is ann coulter. it was great. 81% disapprove.
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>> right. >> now, look. on the one hand, republicans have suffered some serious reputational damage here. percentage of people who as your poll shows -- support the republican party is, is in the toilet right now. people have really had a national conversation about -- our crazy republican problem. lurking in the shadows. people don't pay attention to. people pay attention to the president. congress is there in the background. the house republicans put themselves center stage. so, this really came to the forefront in the way it hasn't before. on the other hand it is really hard to flip the house. as david says, the districts are gerrymandered. have to win by 7 percentage points. a landslide. they might be at the level now. just barely. but people aren't going to stay this mad at the republicans for a whole year. they shut down the republicans. >> democratic congressional candidates got almost 1.5
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million votes. more votes than all republican house candidates. yet they end up with 47% of the house seats in the republicans get 53%. so, if they, if they had to win 1.5 million votes more, to be, 47%, to lose. >> how many more votes to lose? how many more votes do they have to win by to not lose? >> there is a points spread. >> points spread. >> yeah, the political report, changed his ratings, on 14 house races, just last week, to favor democratic candidates. he said, mostly as a result of the damage house republicans sustained during the 16-day government shut down. california, florida, michigan, and new jersey. >> new jersey. >> and, and so -- jonathan, this, this is real evidence of movement. >> there is evidence. but also a little evidence of guess work. he, he is kind of going with his
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gut. and, maybe right now. if the election were held tomorrow. democrats would have maybe, 50% chance of flipping the house. again, a year away. and as david also mentioned. people process their political information a lot of them, you know they're not sitting there reading the news, watching cable news. most, most voters, especially the ones who decide the elections, they have short memories. >> let's remember what the opposition to the president's party is supposed to do in a midterm election. that's pick up seats. the republicans are supposed to by formula, win a significant number, more seats in this next election. they may very well be on wait tonight. doing that. >> by collecting less votes than democrats. and the majority. also as we have seen, as we have seen recently. external -- external events come quickly. while we have had the fevered productive debate. conversation, government, shut down. debt ceiling. and crazy republicans.
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we are now shifting to obama care and the website that may do, a whole program. if we talk about that for two months. you know, the issue may be that obama as the stand in for all democrats, for democratic programs is not competent. they can't do what they want to do. republicans, were looking for years, for, you know, for ways to attack obama care. death panels, premiums going through the roof. socialized medicine. all these things that were not true. and finally, into their laps falls this thing, that, the website, isn't working. so that's -- could affect overall perceptions. but then something could happen again in the next. >> you are right. >> which will come in january and february. >> i think they will have the website fixed a year from now. the point is, talking about something else. something else. through cycles. the shut down will be well past us. will people think front and center about our crazy republican problem or president obama and the economy and the latter seems more likely. >> the nice thing, crazy
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republicans have really rededicated themselves to more craziness. it's look they're not running away from this. we may have repeats. >> they have their ways. got to leave it there. thank you both for joining me tonight. coming up, what jfk stead 50 years ago today here in washington that was anything but controversial to republicans back then. you will hear, president kennedy, in to night's rewrite. [ horn honks ] [ passenger ] airport, please. what airline? united. [ indian accent ] which airline, sir? [ passenger ] united. whoa taxi! [ british accent ] what airline, then? [ passenger ] united. all right. [ spanish ] what airline? [ passenger ] united.
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climate science but subjects like evolution. republican candidates for president are unharmed and republican presidential primaries if they offer full throated denunciations of the theory of evolution. it wasn't all ways this way. 50 years ago today here in washington at 4:00 in the afternoon, president kennedy went to constitution hall to give a speech to the national academy of sciences. it was an era when government support of science and enthusiasm for science was utterly uncontroversial. the american space program was thrilling the world by rocketing astronauts from cape canaveral out into space where they circled the globe in tiny capsules. an era when the science adviser to the president, dr. jerome wisner was as prominent as a cabinet member. he went on to become the president of mit. when he died at age 79, in 1994, the first fact reported in his "the new york times" obituary
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was that he was the influential science adviser to president john f. kennedy. i am not sure any president has had an influential science adviser since then. the president brought dr. wisner with him for the speech off to the audience of scientists you. will now hear some of the speech given 50 years ago today. in it you will hear the stirrings of what will become by the end of the decade the environmental movement in our politics which began with bipartisan support. you will also hear a president of the, united states, say the words, we are all doomed. >> the president actually says those words. we are all doomed. when he speaks of the challenges, sequence was presenting now that the strongest opposing powers in the world, had atomic bombs. here its the president of the united states, speaking
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confidently even joyously about science. years before science became infected by politics. >> it is impressive to reflect that 100 years ago in the midst of a savage fraternal war, the united states congress established a body devoted to the advancement of scientific research. the recognition then, of the value of abstract science, ran against the grain of our traditional preoccupation with technology, and engineering. you will remember the famous chapter on why the americans are more addicted to practical than to theoretical science. de touqcville concluded, the more discoveries were applicable to industry confer gain, fame,
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and even power on their authors. but if i were to name a single thing which points up the difference this century has made in the american attitude towards see if yens it would certainly be the wholehearted understanding today of the importance of pure science. we realize now that progress in technology depends on progress in theory that the most abstract investigations can lead to the most concrete results. and that the vitality of a scientific community springs from its passion to answer science's most fundamental questions. in a recent speech to the general assembly of the united nations, i proposed a program to protect land, water, forest, wildlife, combat exhaustion, erosion, to stop the contamination of water and air, industrial as well as nuclear pollution, and to provide for the renewal and expansion of the
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basis of life. the earth scan be a mother to all people. borne in the coming years if we learn to use her, with skill and wisdom, to heal her wounds, replenish her vitality, and utilize her potentialities. that necessity is urgent and worldwide. for few nations embarked on the adventure of development have the resources to sustain an ever-growing population and a rising standard of living. we all stand committed to make this agreeable hope a reality. this seems to me the greatest challenge to science in our times. to use the world's resources to expand life and hope. for the world's inhabitants. ours is a century of scientific conquest. and scientific triumph. if discovery has not been a blessing, if it conferred on man
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kind the power, it has only conferred on mankind the power not only to create but also to annihilate, it has the at the same time provided humanity with a supreme challenge. and a supreme testing. if the challenge and the testing are too much for humanity then we are all doomed. but i believe that the future can be bright, and i believe it can be certain. man is still the master of his own fate. and i believe that the power of science -- and the responsibility of science have offered man kind a new opportunity. not only for intellectual growth. but for moral discipline. not only for the acquisition of knowledge, but for the strengthening of our nerve and our will. we are bound to grope for a time as we grapple with problems without precedent in human history. but wisdom is the child of experience. and the year since man unlocked
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the power, stored within the atom, the world has the made progress, halting, effective. bringing that power under human control. the challenge in short may be our salvation. exactly one month later, president john f. kennedy was assassinated. [ paper rustles, outdoor sounds ] ♪ [ male announcer ] laura's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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>> 58% of americans favor legalizing marijuana according to the gallop poll. two things americans support more than legalizing marijuana. 64% in favor of same sex relations being made legal. and 83% support universal background checks for gun purchases. up next, what went wrong with the affordable care act website? and how it can be fixed.
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president obama has called the help desk and tapped long time aide to oversee the fixes to the affordable care act, at the white house briefing, jay carney made the announcement about a former ceo of a health care management company and former director of the office of management and budget. >> working alongside the team and using rich expertise and management acumen, jeff will
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provide short term advice, assessments, recommendations. coming here in the beginning of the year as director of the national economic council. this is a short term assignment for hhs. >> he will manage the tech surge that president obama promised yesterday. >> experts from private sector tech companies who have seen things like this happen before, they want it to work. they're reaching out. they're offering to send help. we have had some of the best i.t. talent in the country join the team. we are well into a tech surge to fix the problem. and we are confident that we will get all of the problems fixed. >> joining me now is a technology expert and founder of app dynamics, application management company. what happened here? >> one of the things that went wrong here, one is the site was launched without proper testing.
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it is a very, very complex site. 55 contractors involved. a lot of databases involved. and you know when everything came together it just didn't work. there were a lot of functional problems in there. and, the government ran out of time to, to do proper integration testing before site was launched. we see a lot of errors when people try to sign up, a lot of errors, when looking at eligible for subsidies. number one. number two what went wrong, the stress testing wasn't done properly. there was a lot of stat of ware design flaws, software, glitches, in the, architecture. that needs to be fixed. and you know -- because of the shortness of time it was launched without those. >> i don't think people understand what you mean by the shortage of time? america thinks they had three years to do this?
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>> it looks like there were three years for this. but -- the development really started only about eight, nine months ago. only eight, nine months to the develop this. and in hindsight the development should have started sooner. 15 a, 18 months to do this. a very complex system. because, finally because of the nature of the different, you know, legacy, data bases, legacy systems. you know, the -- the, you know -- the -- the systems from all of the defense states that are involved. it all takes a lot of time. eight months its aggressive. at the same time, i do thing it's -- the launch of it, that expectations were not set right for the american people. right? that's why most of the americans think it was a lot of time. everything should have been good day one.
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look at most web sites. when google launches a product. starts with a beta launch. beta launch, two, three month period. all the glitches are found and fixed. expectations are low. that's when you launch it to everyone else. that part wasn't done properly. >> and the beta launch, is that you have launched tight a small sample of people to steep how that works? >> the yes, and you, and even itch you make it available for everyone, you said that expectations, for early adopters, people who are willing to experience, if there are glitches, problems, they report the glitches so developers can fix it. >> it is very common when new soft ware comes out. new editions of software for some people to hang back and wait a month because they expect these bugs. a know a lot of people who are not upgrading the operating systems on their iphones to the new system because they want to see, a month or two go by for that. >> exactly. that's very common. that happens, you see with
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