tv Morning Joe MSNBC October 23, 2013 6:00am-9:00am EDT
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it has more memory. not enough memory that you just billed one two months ago, but more. ipad is the most fastest, vivid way to not log onto the obama care website yet. >> okay. good morning, it's wednesday, october 23rd. welcome to "morning joe." >> i suggest he stays right there on the shot of new york city. >> what a beautiful city. >> that is a great shocht robert, do you have your jacket on? >> i don't want to know. i'm going to look away. >> bill was wearing bermuda shorts not even 30 seconds. >> it's like snl. just go back stage. >> a little different. >> next set. >> i'm just glad it's okay. >> with us on set, we have
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watchingor catty kay looking fabulous. fully dressed. former white house -- dressed for a while. former white house press secretary and msnbc contributor robert gibbs t. conversation goes off the rails already. are you ready for the news? please, god, don't touk u talk about the red sox. let me do this just once. >> you mean the newspaper. >> you should see somebody do the montage of you interrupting me. it's hilarious. >> it's not like the ambien one? >> it's almost as good. >> was that the busby. >> interrupting pal. better in loop. okay. >> give it, 5, 4, 3, 2, seconds. >> here's the news, everyone t. government shutdown was clearly bad for business. that's coming back to haunt some of the republicans who brought
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washington to a stand still. senator mike lee of utah is facing backlash in his home state with the closure of national parks, put a dent in the economy. a former staffer for the romney campaign sells e tells us quote, business leaders that i talk to, many of whom supported senator lee would never support his re-election and in fact will work. lee looks vulnerable to aling challenge from within his party. be you the real danger could be a calgary in the general election from the right kind of moderate democrat t. article goes on the say, neither mr. lee or the state gop are showing signs of thriving financially, as many of the big state do nors look elsewhere. >> that speaks to a bigger trend, where campaign committees have far outweighed themselves. >> look at the numbers.
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you can't just blame it on the government shutdown:00 lot of guy, mainly rich guy, give a lot of money carl rove. they heard a lot of promise, hey, the republicans are winning the media is biassed. they're not telling the poll. look at the drudge in the gallup poll and da, da, da, da, da. which if you are writing those huge checks they were writing, then it ends up your guys got it all wrong, so, yes. >> it makes the next day all awkward. >> yes. put those numbers up again. >> they're according to very expensive politics. >> very bad because in part of what has been going on the past six months, but there is a big problem, republicans are going to have to regain the trust him of a lot of their donors. >> i think the jobs figures
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shows the impacts of the economy. now poll after poll now has shown us what the impact is large with the public. this was not what people bargain for. they understand it wasn't worth it and it didn't have to happen and all it did was inflict damage on the republican brand. it will take a while. >> we got a lot of polls coming up in the next minute or two, it does, they are repeating that. people ask, these people aren't afraid of anything. they're going to keep acting in ways that hurt the republican party and the conservative, no, they are actually afraid of something. they're afraid of big money donors saying, "enough." we are going to find somebody who is pro-life, pro gun and pro business and they're going run against you. this whole primary thing, it works both ways. if you get somebody who is pro-life and pro gun and pro
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family thaz would define it and all of these other things, you know, it's -- they're the ones looking vulnerable. >> that irthe ones that can be tagged with costing people jobs. >> yeah, in a sense the whole breaking moment in the shutdown fiasco was when the came ber of commerce said, you know what, guy, we're not going to back you. if you carry on doing things hurt our business interests, that hurt the american economy, that take us this far along the government dysfunction, we will find people and fund them to run against you. that's such an interesting question for the next few weeks the runup to the next shut down and showdown in january. what happens to the money? does the money decide the tea party created is actually not in the best interests of the people that may have been funding it initially, do they want to shift and find people that can actually win? twhoops the opinion poll, if you
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start to see people like thed cruz losing clout and mike lee in the machine polls, this could be the thing that breaks the deadlock, the ability of walk to run itself. >> so many people that gave me money from the beginning were small versions of these business people that you see on national news. and by the way, the only thing they care about, they want lower tax, they want lower regulations and to have the federal government out of their way. but they're not crazy. they want a strong business environment and they don't want people rung around shutting down the government every three months. >> especially, willie, for goal that was impossible. that ended up with a presidential veto no matter what so that it literally accomplished nothing. the people aren't stupid. they don't to be treated like they are. >> the very business leaders who created pike lee and supported his run and got him elected are
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saying on the record in the washington post they've jumped to the other side. they said this is not why we sent you to washington. this sa a pragmatic stake, i don't want you to run to the brink. >> this is a nice, likable guy with a lot of talents. >> mike lee is a wonderful man t. good news for mike lee i don't think ehe's up until 2028. >> that's good a. mr. president of work to do. >> mike lee is fine. he will figure a way through this. people running in 2014 have a real problem. >> his number, though, he was 15% 16 days ago or three weeks ago when the shutdown started. now he's down to 40%. the democrats see an opening nationally. if you know they sent this letter to a thousand business leaders saying, hey, we're the ones, two-thirds of the republicans in the house voted to destroy the economy. we're your guys if you want to preserve your business. >> if i'm not mistaken, how does
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mike le get to washington? he beat a sitting republican. senator bennett who everyone thought oh my gosh if this guy isn't conservative enough like how in the world do we swoiv? but it is interesting if we have reached that sort of inflexion point. >> i wonder, take a look. because the fallout doesn't stop there, nationally, senator ted cruz of texas has seen his favorable rating fall to 23%, his unfavorable marks dropped and she taking a hit even among conservatives according to cnn and opinion research. the poll shows 24% of americans have an unfavorable view of the gop. that's an all time high and unfavorable views of the tea party at record highs as well. only 28% see the movement in a positive light. >> wow. that's, yeah -- >> the polling also shows frustration with government as a
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whole, reaching some pretty stunning levels. a cbs news poll shows three out of four people believe they done have as much say in what the government does and 85% disapprove of kongs. >> that is the highest level since the poll began in 1977. >> it said people like them. >> it's them and their families. neither party has much to brag about. just 18% approve the gop. 31% -- >> when you look at that job approval for the republican party -- >> come on, people, 31% for democrats. >> -- 18%, 18%, catty is absolutely, here's the thing, i wonder if there are going to be any rational voices that have been supporting this strategy still trying to defend what happened. this is devastating. record low numbers from gallup.
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record low numbers from msnbc, "wall street journal," cbs and 18% approval rating nationally for my party and ted cruz specifically ted cruz and mike lee. mike lee is not trying to be president. mike lee is trying to be a good conservative of the senator and some would say he overshot his mark. ted cruz, he wants to be president. but he's got palen-like numbers now with approvals in the 20s and disapprovals in the 40s. that's like really hard. >> palen, big crowds. >> if are you a democrat or a republican, hopefully, you want to best interests of the country. you want the country to be able to run itself. if part of what is going to get you there is the tea party having some of this craziness taken out of it, it shuts down the government, in a way, those numbers may be the beginning of a new opportunity in the functioning of american government t. question is, how
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do you square that against ted cruz going home and getting his eight minutes standing ovation, all the individual members still feel all i care about my tiny microcross him of america. they still-me. maybe we reveal. these numbers are so desk stating that it is hard for people that it doesn't matter who they write, so somebody write the national review talking about hour, hey, this is a great strategy and if republicans had only stood shoulder to shoulder with them, then everything would have been okay. >> that sort of thinking nodes to be driven to the side and de-legitimized. because it's just not borne out by any of the numbers and like you said, no matter what happened, the president was going to veto this. >> exactly and people know that. >> they do.
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people aren't stupid. >> question for you. okay. everyone when they're being you, definitely, being interviewed by the pression, you know, politicians or their spokes people say, oh, we don't look at poll, we go with our gut, blah blah blah, here in congress, you get numbers like this. what is your staff saying to you behind the scenes? >> let's take the gun, heidi highcamp is 94% of people in north dakota support background checks for criminals. north dakota people are good, conservative, smart, republican people. heidi highcamp freaks out because 3% of the people call her office screaming for a couple weeks saying are you going to take my guns and your black helicopters are going to come and give us billy goats. >> okay. >> na na na na. >> your jabs. >> on twitter. >> i say, don't worry. >> not for the people of north
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dakota. >> the black helicopters are not coming for your goats, your sheep, all that. he didn't like that. >> oh my lord. >> you hear those phone calls, you freak out. if it comes one after another, pretty soon you know when a new staff member runs back, okay, give it a woke. let's see what happened. then your donors that are talking to the washington post today, that put you there, because i can tell you i wouldn't have been in congress without like charlie hilton. >> right. >> charlie hilton called me up. i don't listen to anybody. charlie called me up and said, you're crazy, you're going to hurt business. i listened to those people. they stood with me when nobody else stood with me. so i really do think you will start seeing the nuance of this. i think you will see it turn from mike lee and ted cruz, because they understand, they overshot the mark. >> well, when it comes to
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support for people's own party, republicans are just at 39% and democrats are at 61%. what recovery? the sluggish economic recovery may be putting future action by the federal reserve on hold as well. >> so these numbers are taken as a whole. >> yeah, this was the delayed jobs report. it showed 148,000 jobs yapded for the month, below the pace for last 84. the markets liked the news, though. the feds will most likely leave it low by leaving the controversial bond buying program in place through the end of the year. for an increasing number of american, signs pointing to an economy that's gotten worse and not better. 38% say the economy is still getting worse. >> that is up 11 points from last month, the highest number in two years. only 21% say the economy is getting better. >> by the way, willie, robert, you wanted to stay something here, those 38% who think things are getting worse, they're blaming like the government
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shutdown. >> as well. i think there is probably good economic statistics that would bolster their fear. $24 billion lost in economic output that's lost. a renewed crisis of confidence in how the economy is going and quite frankly whether or not people are going to do things that are rational to fix it and can you imagine had we just, there is a can checking element to this agreement. imagine if we'd simply kicked the can until right before christmas to what it would do, to what retailers would expect to be a big shopping season. i think you layer that on top, i think people said it in the polls, willie said it this is for nothing. nobody thought this strategy was going to work. nobody thought they had somehow, you know, dug up the secret map to buried treasure. this thing was ill-fated from the get-go. >> robert, it was predicted. and i won't even say the litany
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of people who agreed. i will just say the "wall street journal" editorial page, every chance they got to guide, don't do this. you are going to hurt the party, you are going to hurt the conservative cause and you are going to hurt business. the "wall street journal" warned them. forget about me. i won't talk about me or scott walker or paul ryan or all of these other people, like, i can't imagine. >> ryan votes against the deal. >> yeah. >> interestingly. >> he's not running in '26. i'll tell you this, i'll tell you this, paul ryan wouldn't have voted against the deal if he had thought that actually the government would have shut down. >> all right. one other story to get n. later today, members will meet with health ens executives to discuss the rollout of president obama admitted there have been mistakes and according
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to kathleen sebelius the white house wasn't even aware of the website's problems until too fast late. >> down when he first knew there was a problem? >> well, i think it became clear early on, the first couple of days. >> not before october 1st, there was no concern in the white house or hhs? >> i think that we talked about having testing going forward and if we had an ideal situation and could have built a product in a five-year period of time, we probably would have taken five years. but we didn't have five years and certainly americans who rely on health coverage didn't have five years for us to wait. >> robert, kind of defies belief no one knew there were problems before it went up. we seen report from report from tech experts who worked on the project said there were problems, there were problems, we told the white house about the problems. they went forward anyway. when does the white house step
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up and take little more responsibility for what happened here? >> well, i think they did that with the president in the rose garden. i think the reason it defies belief, there is no doubt in my mind people at hhs involved in this project as you said knew this wasn't going to work. it's inconceivable that no one tested you. >> you said the president knew it was not going to work? >> my sense from that answer is the president and a bunch of people were told it was just fine. then it became more obvious. it is clear from this interview and that answer that there wasn't even a modicum of sufficient testing of this product. >> we'll follow that. i just -- >> this tweeter guy, talk about -- >> officials have confirmed they have identified, exposed and fired the mystery tweeter leaking internal information from the national security council. who are you pointing at, willie?
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>> robert. we think it's robert. >> a director with the national security staff who was most recently working on negotiations over eastern's nuclear weapons program is no longer at the white house. he previously worked at the state department for senators bob casey and joe bodyen. his tweets were part insider information, part uncensored commentary on d.c.'s largest personality, some of which included saying former secretary of state hillary clinton had few policy goals and no wins in the middle east and the maureen dowd column, chelsea clinton seems to be assume aug all of her parents vices and look, is sa is an a -- and he's on to something here
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with the hillary clinton whitewash of the accountability for benghazi. it has been a privilege to serve in this administration and i deeply regret violating the confidence placed in me. >> did he tweet that out? >> wow. >> whole politico. >>t least he wasn't working on something like the iran -- >> exactly. you wouldn't want a run away beer truck. >> he loves the twhous, shoved into the corner. >> well, imagine he tweeted something we're never going to have a military option on eastern. >> what the -- that is like amazing. okay. >> we have a lot to talk about. >> coming up on "morning joe," the oracle of home ha, warren buffet will be here on set. plus, mlb analyst al leiter and we talk to bill kristol. i have a picture to show him. and later, fromhome homeless to
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hero, the improbable story of super bowl champion donald driver. >> here's the question about this. four guys live in the same apartment. so throughout the show, we will see which three of those four. >> okay. up next, outdoors in the political playbook. first, he definitely lives in one of those apartments. bill kierans with a check of the forecast. >> a little fridge. let's let it go. leave it there. cut it right there. >> party under my desk later. everyone's invited. all right. here's the forecast for today. here's what we will be dealing with in boston. a lot of people are wondering about the baseball game later on tonight. it's going to be chilly. the question, will it be raining or not? you see behind me the green is the rain. it's rained up around washington, d.c., i-95, it will clip the boston area, it's not going to be heavy. there are showers in the
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forecast and the temperatures this morning are around 48 to 50. it won't get warmer. it will get cooler. so the baseball forecast of the world series game tonight, we will calm it cloudy, a little drizzle early. it should be ending. the wch won't be much of a factor. definitely a chilly, raw night there at fenway. it will be colder tomorrow night for game two. the winds will be gusting. the wch will be lower. >> that cold is right now settling over the mid-west. it's a cold morning out there. bundle the kids up, chicago, minneapolis, through the great lakes into the ohio valley, much of the southern half of the country, enjoy it. a beautiful day from dallas to atlanta to areas around denver. we're giving you a shot of fenway, most of this crew will be later on tonight rooting on their sox. are you watching "morning joe." mike rowe here at a ford dealer with a little q and a for fiona.
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tell me fiona, who's having a big tire event? your ford dealer. who has 11 major brands to choose from? your ford dealer. who's offering a rebate? your ford dealer. who has the low price tire guarantee, affording peace of mind to anyone who might be in the market for a new set of tires? your ford dealer. i'm beginning to sense a pattern. get up to $140 in mail-in rebates when you buy four select tires with the ford service credit card. where'd you get that sweater vest? your ford dealer.
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. >> it's 26 past the hour. it's time to look at the morning papers. the shooter they say got the 9 millimeter handgun from his own home t. motive has reports of mystery, it has some concern about bullying. >> the lawyers head to court to convince the judge is motor city is eligible for chapter 9 bankruptcy. detroit filed the largest municipal bankruptcy in the nation's history in july and they cited $18 billion in debt
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they were carrying. 20,000 union members and retirees will be facing reductions in their pensions if the judge approves this bankruptcy plan. >> san francisco chronicle, facebook is making changes to regulate violent content on its website. the social network says it will warn users about graphic content and will remove violence, they were forced to remove a video of a woman being killed. it originally defended the post claiming it was free expression. >> the usa today new gallup polls are showing 58% of americans are if favor of localizeing marijuana. >> that is a 10% jump from november of 2012. 39% remain opposed ap it's the first time a majority has supported legalization since gallup began asking the question in 1969, supported the strongest among americans who are ages 18 to 29 with 67% in favor.
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marijuana is currently legal in washington state and colorado. a report from the george washington hatchet and our own intern jeremy diamond brings the college admissions process to life t. university admitted for the first time it puts under grad applicant on the wait list when they can't afford tuition. admissions officers say the policy helps the school stay within its budget and offer better aid packages, these decision affect 10% of gw's 22,000 applicant each year. l.a. times, a great job by jeremy. tuition increases at public cloejs in the u.s. have slowed for the first time in more than three decades. on average this year, tuition increased only 2.9% across the country in per state students t. change comes as colleges face pressure from public and federal governments to keep these costs down. students at public colleges are
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still facing an average debt of $25,000 a year. washington post, beginning next month, the u.s. capitol dome will undergo a major two-year restoration project expected to cost almost $60 million. repairs on the dome will include a new paint job, fixing cracked ironwork and decorative metal elements. the last repair effort was in 1959 t. dome turned 150-years-old this year. time now for politico, willie. >> with us now the chief white house correspondent mike allen with a look at the playbook. good morning. >> good morning. >> your lead story is kind of a different look with what's going on with the site. it takes a look at the legal fights likely down the road as a result of this botched launch. what are we talking about here? >> willie, this is a new sign, this isn't a glitch. this isn't something that can be fixed if days or weeks. this could torure the administration for years. willie, you got 55 government
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contractor, hundreds of millions involved in this and there's going to be litigation over who is responsible and who is going to get paid less. secretary sebelius indicated in an interview with the "wall street journal" that they would look at taking back payments, holding contractors responsible. here's why it's so difficult for the administration, the very contractors who are responsible for these problems have to help fix them. so you can't cut off or slow money the way that you normally would to a contractor who's gotten in trouble with you, because you need them to help you bring them back. so tomorrow republicans are going to hold their first meeting looking no this. you will have contractors but no government representative. secretary super bowlio sebelius will probably appear next week. what we have is contractors and
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republicans switching smiblt to theed a memberstration which at the moment won't be there to protect itself. >> what down the chans are of success now? >> i'm sorry, say that again. >> jeff is being brought in to run this organization of obama care rollout. do you think he has a chance? >> yeah, this is one of the most respected four business administrations. there aren't that many former corporate types at the top of this administration. jeff science who had a very successful start-up and is someone that they trust on the inside, a big part of this is the president saying, i recognize that this isn't going to fix itself. i need a glitch czar to help me fix it and this was both an opticalal and also putting someone who actually knows how to deal with outside corporations like this in charge. so it has both the stnt
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substantive and glitch. >> mike allen, thanks so much. >> have a great day. coming up next, major league baseball analyst al leiter and the world series gets under way tonight up in boston. we'll preview it when we come back. ♪ [ male announcer ] staying warm and dry has never been our priority. our priority is, was and always will be serving you, the american people. so we improved priority mail flat rate to give you a more reliable way to ship. now with tracking up to eleven scans, specified delivery dates, and free insurance up to $50 all for the same low rate. [ woman ] we are the united states postal service. [ man ] we are the united states postal service. [ male announcer ] and our priority is you. go to® and try it today.
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. >> by the way, al is giving me breaking news, i didn't know this girl was like courageous. >> let's go to our fan desk al leiter. >> aren't we always talking you should never hit a girl go don't hit a girl. >> it turns out, i don't know why we feed a game. he ends up the big youtube video, he's the worst guy on the planet. >> right? >> and she actually got charged because she had a perk. >> that's a jets fan. >> he was defending himself. it's like 9' 8," 300 pounds, take plunge.
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>> jets, jets, jets. they won. come on. spell it out, baby. >> al leiter is here. sean casey is here. mike barnicle is at the table. >> barnicle will be at all the games. >> of course, he is. will there be another network? >> we were talking about it. >> i turned it on. you get it all day long and i love your -- it is great. i tell you what, northern florida, right? so you are a braves fan? what are you marlins? >> i was born in atlanta and been a braves fan. i told this story before. fred lynn and jim rice came up. i followed them all season. my brother and i played wiffle ball. he thought to be the braevs. in 'sfievgs i'll be the sox. i can switch hit. then, of course, game six sealed
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the deal. just if time, to be broken hearted if game seven in '75. bucky dent in '78. almost killing myself in florida in '86. which remains the point. after '03 and in 'o3 i thought this is never going to happen. bam. here we are. >> the little enjen, twilly. >> who would have ever believed? >> i'm a yankees fan. i'm quiet over here. >> you have another four years of silence coming. >> red sox mans. >> all right. >> last three keep your mouth shut when the sox are in last place. we had donny deutsche, playing the role of done fideutsche this year mike barnicle. you got four years, willie. >> i feel like barnicle earned it, though. he sat in that ballpark 100
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years. >> we helped him build it back in 1912. >> the first pitches in the 1918 world. >> the sale of babe ruth. the whole thing. so let's talk about the series, guys. first of all the story, the red sox were dreadful last 84. the last placed team. what did they do? >> ben careerry dade good job bringing in johnny gomes, victorir no, john ferrell what is the big guy. he comes in, john lester comes back. bucchholz, next thing you know, her to stats established. they come out, played good baseball, played hard. >> the manager makes that much of a difference, al? >> i think the continuity from ownership, realizing the mess from a couple years ago, not to rehash bore, chicken, games the reality is i think this is introduce for the baseball. i don't know if you feel this way. when you have established veteran players that have
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guaranteed contracts that make a lot of money, it's easy to, especially when a team is struggling to go against the tide and i think when you had the situation that the red sox were in, you had a lot of factions and, yes, i think it's so important that the manager is able to keep the team together. to get the personality. young players are easy. they're afraid the manager will send you down or a player on the bubble to relieve you. but when you have guys on multi-year contract, it's hard. >> it's hard to boy a world series. it helps to have all the money in the world. you got to strike the right balance. i remember two years ago, willie was telling me the story that only two guys made it out to the field and said, you know, by the time bucchholz finished his pitch, they were drag on the field, dragging off the field, it was pathetic. >> there was a game last year where they had navy seals into
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fenway park for the first pitch of the game. they were playing i think the tigers, this was not last season, the season before, every member of the tiger was on the field watching, it was an exciting event to watch. two members of the walks were out there. >> pop eye's deliveryman. >> chemistry is huge. >> chemistry is huge when are you winning, not when you arelessing. >> you know this case, this is the birds against bore, i think the story with the young players of the cardinals, goes we have barely heard of throwing 98, 99, 100 miles an hour, it's impressive. i know the tigers had a great rotation short in the bull pen. >> what were you locking at here? >> cardinals. >> i get it. >> claire mccaffrey said she's not watching for a week. she said, be i the way, there are sports writers other than boston. i said that's not really fair.
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>> gam mondaysese from the cape. >> the cards, though, how do they do it every 84? they've got to be one of the greatest organization. i mean,ty from top to bottom. >> player development. obviously, you got michael walker coming in. almost unhittable. wainwright, a home grown guy faced him in '06. he was a closer. now, he's an established veteran. molina, they were awesom >> seven of their nine starting players were developed within their organization. >> isn't that amaze something. >> that is incredible. michael moore was pitching five years ago at a & mt. guy throws 96 to 98 miles an hour. this kid right here you are watching, car loss martinez 100 miles an hour. their closure. >> rosenthal like the 900th
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round, late. so here they are. >> right, i'm kidding. you talk about player development, whoever is the player development coordinator. >> talk about the importance of this team theo, the cardinals to baseball. they let albert pujols walk because they were so confident in their home hundred. >> allen craig slides right in. he had 900 rbis. allen craig slides in, he's had a couple great years. matt adam off the bench, so much home grown talent. michael walker 21 weeks ago was facing holgly cross, how are you doing? now he's center stage world series. >> i don't know, holly cross. >> texas a&m faces holy cross. >> it must have been they were up for easter.
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>> real quick, guys. predictions of the series, what do we like, al? >> oh, nothing? >> i have to say this is and it's going to sound like some political you know what kind of answer, but this is going to be unbelievable. a fantastic series. i don't think that home field advantage matters that much in baseball that much. i think fenway, based on the green monster, four games there, it's all about the all star game, i think that might be the difference. this is game seven and up slightly leaning towards bauvenlt i'm on mlb. i think -- a. >> i'm back and forth, too. i think they are both evenly matched. i feel something about boston this year that impresses me. i think it will go to game seven. it's one of those series when they're so evenly machld it's tough to call. >> i got to read this e-mail. claire mccaskill senator of missouri, she wrote in to joe. as you imagine, i love your show, i am taking a break a few
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day, let me know when morning boston red sox ends its run. i know, boston's payroll dwarves the cardinal's payroll and after all, boston has won two world series since 1919, brilliant sale by the way and the lowly central time zone cardinals have only one lempblt so i understand. tell mika i feel her pain and tell joe he is a pain. i'll look forward to the return of "morning joe." >> you get cardinals in seven, right? >> yeah, just on the pitching. >> the senator. >> we love our network. we have great coverage. we will be on every game before 3:00 until after mlb tonight. check it out. >> fantastic. >> brian, who is going to win? >> boston big. >> i love it. >> good seeing you. >> world series kicks off
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. >> all right. the second debate in the norkt city mayoral race turned ugly last night. bill deblasio and republican joe lohta turned it into a free for all t. most heated exchange came over a controversial ad from mr. lohta that includes images from the 1991 crown heights riots and a recent road rage attack on an
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suv driver to claim deblasio would be soft on crime. >> during my entire career, i have done nothing but work with people and bring them together. >> your ad doesn't show people brigg together. >> it's trying to tell people what would happen to you and dangerously reckless you are. >> it's dangerous and fear morninging, you know it. >> there is nothing race about it. >> you want to throw out the race card, don't tell me i throw out the race card because there is nothing racial in there. bill, you cannot stoop that low and bring that up. >> as upset as he wants to be the bottom lean is, his ad depict theed images of riots, of dead bodies in the streets. of racial imagery clearly to be fear mongering. go lock at your own ad. anybody who locks at that ad know what is he's up to. >> the latest poll shows deblasio leading lohta by more than 40 points. we seen the ad, we saw part of
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it. it's pretty rough. >> it's compelling. i tell you why it's compelling. because everybody you toouk talk to even liberals here say crime is going to go up, taxes are going to go up under deblasio. there are a lot of liberal new yorkers that are concerned that he is going to be a return to what new york had before guiliani and bloomberg, could be divisive figure, but a lot of liberal new yorkers love what happened from 1994. i mean, that is. don't ehear that fear all the time? we all hear it. they talk about republican, there are no republicans. it's from liberal democrats. >> i saw one once. on the upper left side. i took a picture with them. i couldn't believe it. >> and told them where to get back?
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under wall street? >> bill lohta's ad, it taps into something out there. mike bloomberg doesn't like his policy, stop and frisk among them. crime could go back up. so lohta is dialing into something out there. >> here's where political commercials loads people is when you go from saying okay, you want to let's sort of use the fear of increased crime to go to those pictures. >> crown heights. >> race riots and drive-by shootings and again, a political ad could be effective has to be believable. right. it has to speak to more than simply the people in mr. lohta's case, who are very few who are voting for him. to say to somebody, your crime statistics might go up might be a decent argument. if it's followed by a huge riot.
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>> that's the kirng thing, catty, they could have used a lot of other images other than crown heights, other than the worst race riots since '68. >> that sort of elevation of new york as the bad days of how it used to be, that's how he is tapping into the sets. the insuring that i knew growing up was this dangerous city, you never go to. because it was just too scary and there is something about that ad. >> especially the early 1990s. >> this year, everything has changed. everything is safe and easy now. it's remarkable to think it could go back. but, i don't see it. >> still ahead, hope in a hungry world, how warren buffet is teaming up with his son and grandson to help the most needy people on earth. three generations of buffet join us here on set ahead on "morning joe." bies crying ] surprise -- your house was built on an ancient burial ground. [ ghosts moaning ] surprise -- your car needs a new transmission. [ coyote howls ]
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insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger.
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. >> up next, msnbc news political director chuck todd joins us, plus the editor of "the weekly standard," bill istol. >> here's the thing, bill was going to wear leather. instead, alex wag fer said, no, no, no, i'm doing it. i think they chosewisely. >> i think it's a good call. >> oh, boy. now, that's a tease.
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>>. >> senator john mccain calling some of his republican colleagues i'm calling now, whacko burn, you don't get to complain, mccain, you don't get to complain, if i remember correctly, no matter how coup coup for cucoo for cocoa puffs you think your colleagues are, they don't come close to cackleing. >> i found the right partner for washington, d.c., governor sarah palen from the great state of
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alaska. [ applause ] >> you opened pandora's box you were the guy that gave them post-midnight all you can eat buffet, you don't get to complain. now the party is overrun with gremlin, i don't know what's happening. >> welcome back to "morning joe." look at that beautiful shot of new york city t. sun does not come up so early anymore, though. joining us at the table, editor of the weekly standard bill kristol. this is your daughter teaching my daughter. she's fabulous. i went to parents weekend. she's fabulous. >> educate, educate is the word fair and balanced. >> that was a joke. >> there is no doubt about it.
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>> i was transfixed. my daughters need to work on. the host of msnbc now r, so the government shutdown was clearly bad for business, that is coming back to haunt some republicans that brought washington to a stand still as you warn and you warned. senator mike lee of utah is facing backlash where the closure of parks put a dent in the economy. mitt romney's company tells the washington post quote business leaders i've talked to, many of whom i've supported would never support his re-election and in fact will work against him, myself included, the director of polling at brink ham young university says in part lee looks vulnerable to a calgary from within his party. the real danger could be a challenge in the general election from the right kind of moderate democrat. the article goes on to say,
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neither mr. lee nor the state gop are showing signs of thriving financially as many of the big state donors look elsewhere. >> that speaks to a larger trend where democratic super packs and campaign committees have far outpaced the republican counterparts. that according to center for response of politics is a dramatic reversal from 2012. in utah, recent polling showed just 40% of soeters had a favorable impression of senator lee. the fallout doesn't stop there, though. nationally, senator ted cruz of texas has seen his favorable rating fall. his mark jumped and he is taking a hit among conservative, that's according to cnn and the poll shows 64% of americans have an unfavorable view of the gop. that's an all time high for the poll.
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unfavorable views are at a record high as well. 28% see the movement in a positive light. >> a lot thrown out there. the bottom line is it's 2013. you really have to separate all this out t. party can recover. mike lee, obviously, mike lee is going to recover. i know the guy. he's a really nice guy. he's not up for what four years? the problem, ted cruz, for instance the guy may want to be president one day. you don't want to be favorable to the 20s, unfavorable in the 40. >> that may be a tougher ship to turn around. but all in all, you are not fretting or sweating about these numbers? >> i was totally oblivious or had more perspective on what was going on. i would say there is totally ridiculous amount of hysteria among donors. they didn't like the shutdown. i didn't like it either. the republican tactic, they are
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on total meltdown and panic, as if a two-week shutdown had no effect on anything. it will be forgotten in a month. >> let me challenge you here. the polls as we all know the polls can change in two months those can turn around. i'm hearing it, too, you can hear it off the record, business people, a guy comes up to me, i have been a republican my whole life. i have to run a be i can't have a government shutdown every two or three months, before the whole thing was resolved, i said it will be resolved, john boehner is hearing a thousand times what i am hearing and you are hearing, they have a cleanup. >> it was a minor derail, i'm more sympathetic here. leadership failed in the first place by not fighting earlier on
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in an intelligent way which let ted cruz. >> having a strategy. >> it is appropriate to fight obama care as we are learning, two months from now, i believe the middle eastern derailment of the shutdown will look like nothing of the train wreck of obama care. talk to the businessmen, will he be worried about a two-week shutdown? >> they have been concerned about the president's health care plan. right now, they're concerned about washington once again not allowing them to plan two years ahead. >> businessmen like to complain about walk t. stockmarket went up two percentage points during the shutdown, right? did interest rates soar? did profit, will we see any effect? i don't buy it. >> you don't see a problem internationally. you are don't see a problem where we are threatening default. i find your position curious because i've heard from so many
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republicans concerned about the economy, about the markets, concerned about interest rates and our standing across the globe none of it is great. we seem to have won the cold war. i am not too worried let me say this what i'm worried about are the cuts in defense. i'm worried about obama administration policies postley that will hurt the economy. am i going to the republican party is if great shape. am i thrilled about the party? no the way to solve the party the biggest dangers politically is to establish of the republican, the surge of republicans going at each other. they can come together on a positive conservative reform agenda. that's i think the failure. it is the conservative health care reform plan in january. other than dodd-frank is hurting the economy. what itself the republican
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alternative? there isn't one. the financial services ". if they can get a conservative agenda. >> conservative, we remember in the early ''80s, the heritage foundation created an intellect chum justification for conservatism. the only reason we got elected in be 94, i always talked about '94, i joked, we had three republican alternatives to president clinton's health care plan john casic had an entire bipartisan budget. we actually had strong alternatives that captured america's imagination. america, that message isn't getting out these days. >> yeah. i think in large part because the warring factions of the republican party can't agree on basic policy. the only thing i would ask to your point, joe, about the business community is they are
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making calls to wall street t. dope democratic committee. bill, you may dismiss that as being a pipe dream. there is real conn sternation about people that manage money and the other thing is this ain't over yet. we have more deadlines next spring t. bipartisan group is working on a budget. i don't mean to be a naysayer. i am highly skeptical they will come to an agreement i remain unconvinced the tea party feels less emboldened to do this all over again. >> i used to worry when liberals were worried about losing control of wall street. >> i'm not worried. >> it wouldn't hurt republicans to be less associated with wall street and big business and more associated with piddle class americans. that's where the positive reform agenda has to go. here's the problem, three different health care plan, they argued. i wish there were more argument not less. i wish there were three different proposals. they paralyzed themselves by
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trying to come up with anything to get to 18 votes. >> by the way, bill complained about that. we went to a massive review symposium after the election. why did we lose? why did we lose? bill said, what's our answer to dodd-frank? it's one thing to say we don't like dodd-frank. there is another thing where we say we will take america, here is a conservative answer. >> jack kevin had a different tax reform. others had different versions in the '70s. >> what do you think about nine months of ted cruz being into washington? >> cruz-wise. >> the fascination about cruz. >> he is the leader of the republican party right now. >> here's why i ask i think a lot of stalled republicans would have liked to have seen him stumble a bit. he appears the opposite of humble, whatever that is. do you think his influence has been good for the party? i don't ask that as a leading question, i ask that sincerely, is his strain good for the
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party? >> i think on that, yes. i disagree with him on the tactics here. i think you need activists willing to fight and push the envelope, in this case they did it in the context of a possible default, a shutdown, which was most difficult to sort of force the fight. if you left things to mitch mcconnell and john boehner, they wouldn't be articulateing about anything. i think two months from now, people will say, that ted cruz, i shouldn't have gotten involved in that shutdown. he thought obama care was a bad idea. this is not over. i am not willing to say this was a big mistake to ted cruz. >> joining us now from washington. we have chief white house correspondent and host of the daily rundown, chuck todd. >> chuck, we could go back over what's happened. we, obviously, did polls. the cbs poll which has republican approval rating at 18%, they're all record lows and it's all pretty bad. let's turn our attention to
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what's happening in the white house. just a remarkable interview on cnn with kathleen sebelius who said the president didn't know until after the launch? is there nobody in the white house that can talk to the president or a president not curious enough to actually check on the single most important launch he will ever have? >> i find it marred to believe he didn't know about some of these issues beforehand. i the tell you what aids have been telling me, they believe some of these people suddenly quoted as saying, hey, i warned the white house about x and i warned the white house about y and i went to hhs, it's a little revisionist history if these people were speaking up, they weren't doing so loudly. they weren't doing at this time way they claim they are doing it today. in the world of washington, is it that surprising that after
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the fact then you hear about hey, don't you remember this e-mail i sent three months ago that said did you check out -- >> i remember that happening in washington. >> so i think there is a little bit of that going on. everybody that i have talked to about this issue says the website issue, it was something that was un -- in their minds was untestable until you flip the switch. because of the heavy traffic that ultimately attests all of the complications. >> they did hundreds of people. it co lapgsed even before the launc launch. >> that's the revisionist history. all that said, they know they have a huge problem. they know they only have a small window to fix it. the reason they know they have a small window is people that
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really need health insurance will climb, will walk on broken glass to get it. tail wait on the phone the young and healthy, the folks that make the numbers work for health care not to blow up our deficits and all of those things, to get those people not to have the premiums go sky high, to get those young invincible, they have to go at this easy, they needed easy to use website. it was complicated to build. now they know they have about three weeks to get it right. if they don't get it right by december 1, they may not get the young and healthies. >> what they should do is young invincibles have individually purchased health insurance. a guy had his own catastrophic purchase on the individual market. he got a message that is no longer legal.
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it doesn't provide all the benefits that obama care requires. he bought it at a price. he has been told he can't have his old policy which he can't keep it. go no that exchange. good luck. i think the republicans have to say, you can keep it. sign up again for next 84. have a price hike if that's the appropriate thing and just i think that will be a powerful message. >> like you said, the president has said it so many times. keep it to a good strategy. >> in other words, you won't appeal obama care, let people escape from obama care. >> let's contrast, with the olympic, you are sort of our
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olympic guy. >> we heard this story yesterday. ryan roberts a year before the olympics said here's the deal, it's going to crash and they're going to know, it's going to crash when it crash, this was a year out, when it crash, you got a couple of minutes to fix it. if you don't fix it, everybody in this room already held accountable. ryan roberts saw it a year ahead of time. they had all the backups in place. it worked. i don't know a single ceo that would let something launch like this and not check up and say the president didn't know until after it launched. it's one of these things like the iran contra. i'm not compareing the two. i'm just saying, though, you know, it was like that was as bad as if reagan knew. if the president didn't know
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until after it launched that there were problems, how does that say about how hands on she in the white house. >> as robin gibbs says he finds it unbelievable that there wasn't a warning that made it to the oval office. to your point about ryan rorkts at an event, one of the co-founders of a major social media site you may know and have opened on your computers. i said, are we being fair here? am i missing something? he said, no, they had two.5 years to figure this out to bailed site that would work. as you said, there were going to be problems in the beginning, but you have things in place to fix. that he said, frankly the government's technology sucks. >> a couple things, two things, one, i don't understand the choice of cgi, the outside program chosen. a canadian group to do this with a terrible track record. >> that seems to be a major fail. but, two, the problems with
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there i don't think we can discount the fact that the federal government was going 36 days to not opt in. whether or not that was a failure to not foresee the resistance at the state level is one thing. this job ended up being the wrok thing. as far as the president, it sounds like he was blooef briefed but nobody told him what was going on, which is a major failure at the staff level. >> this is something i was pounding on them. were there a bunch of people at hhs that just yessed this? yes, we will get this website running, that sort of mindset that nobody wanted to admit they couldn't get running. listen to this issue. it goes to the government sort of like what is done with government? of course to me the head scratcher is how does the
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president who is savvy and the broken power on the campaign, why weren't those people tapped? if none of them could actually bid on this contract. anybody that worked on the campaign, i was involved in an event yesterday and one of the panelists was somebody that worked on the obama tech side of things, he said we couldn't bid it was against ethical rules. they couldn't have campaign people bidding on this they allowed the medicare folks to use a contractor and bid it out in another way. so you sort of sit there and say government is amess, if you can't bring in the best and the brightest that you use in your campaign to build what you want tore your website. >> that's true. don't explode, bill krisol, what's worse, a website that can't be fixed or a government shutdown that cost billions of dollars and destroyed a lot of people's faith in the republican party and in congress? >> obama care is worse than the
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government. >> it's a huge margin. obama care is going to shut down, the obama care is a short problem. i think as i said i believe, this is what is so frustrating about the strategy enacted, there are those of us that do believe, the former obama care in ten years will wipe out private insurance. democrats like that. you have top ceos saying for some time, if this is enacted, i will sell them. they can all go to the polls. so, yeah, in the long run, i think that's very bad. >> you agree people should have access to health care morally? do you have a better idea? >> yes, many ideas. >> pass wumpblt instead of
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shutting down the government. >> what idea? >> many different ideas and ledgelation introduced. john mccain campaigned on a good reform plan and got clobbered on the issues because mccain actually had a big attempt to equalize the playing field to provide insurance and individually provided insurance. they laid out the reform plan in january. i think it will be better. >> do you think it will have an alternative to obama care? >> it's the full reform. i think they will be the architects. they will come together. in the short term, can we let my friend in d.c. keep his health care plan and not be forced to have kids have health care? >> oh, the kids have health care. >> i'm serious. escape. >> the republican position
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should be escape from obama care. it's a gree country, right? >> it is a free country. except it's not free in terms of buying health insurance anymore. >> i think that we're not really getting to the conservative opposition to obama care here. i think it fundamentally is about programs and social safety net. this is going to be another from which the takers take. >> it's a huge, it's a bad, it's going to be incompetent big government capitalist program. >> i'm not judging another program. that's what this is? >> the republican proposals, what is premium support? getting money they want in a private market. these exchanges are not private market. it's a free country. my friend wants to boy catastrophic. he can't do it now.
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>> why have republicans run against the individual mandate by is a birth out of them. >> they think it is a matter of freedom, if people are foolish. the federal government probably shouldn't make them do it. >> isn't this about individual responsibility? >> everyone who now has an individual plan about 16 million are dplient with obama care, let them deep their plan, my friend bought health insurance. can he keep his plan, please? >> pass it. go for it. >> the house republicans said. >> we need an alternative. >> let it begin, three or four years late. >> so, chuck, who is going to win? >> that's right. bill, the fact that they put this out in january after it has
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taken effect fully it stakes more from john mccain's plan than any other republican i have see seen. >> i think the debate continues. you see so many amendments. >> i think the 3r9, himself, says it needs to be tweaked. >> so thank you very much. chuck, thank you. >> by the way, for the peta watchers. >> it's a vegan dress. >> it's totally irresponsible socially politically correct. >> totally irresponsible.
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>> sar torely responsible and politically correct. >> joe, i love the ncaa. who knew? >> miami dodges the bullet. >> ncaa rating went up to points to two. >> up next, one of the richest men in the world joins us also former nfl receiver donald driver will be here to tell his unlikely path. you are watching "the morning joe." we'll be right back.
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chairman of the howard g. buffet, and grandson at columbia university howard w. buffet, they're out with a new book "40 chances, finding hope in a hngry world." i will read this part of the forward you wrote, warren. nice to have you back on the show. i feel good about the fact that my children realize how lucky they have been. i feel even better because they have been decided to spend their lives sharing much of the product of that luck with others. they do not feel at all guilty because of their good fortune but they do feel thankful. >> i feel good and it hasn't been true all the way through their lives. it's hard to raise. how were they as teens? >> they have to be careful. they were normal teens.
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sort of on steroids. >> this is a labor of love. you wrote the forward. >> absolutely. >> tell me about the book. you guys co-wrote the book? >> yes. >> so son and grandson wrote the chapters together. how lovely. let's go from the youngest to the oldest and start with the gra grandson which is howard w. give us the sense of what makes it different from other efforts to stem the tide of hunger? >> well, you know, 40 chances is about a limited number of opportunities we all have in life to make a difference and my father will do a much better job of telling you where that concept comes from. for me what has been amazing is to watch ma my dad and grandfather have been able to accomplish in their lifetime and see that as an example for me. they've really set the tone about my life with what i can accomplish with my own 40 chance that, has been an amazing thing
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to observe. >> tuck about 40 chants, talk about is concept. what does it mean? >> aaiipharm and i kind of learned that in farming you get about 40 seasons to grow the best crop and get as good as you can. i kind of transferred that over to life. other than my dad, it seems like he's got idea. most get 40 productive prime years to accomplish whatever it is they want. we wanted to bring that mindset and the urgency to it and one of the most important things is that we have learned, to try big things, you got to fail and talk about it so people don't make the same mistakes. >> what are the failures? >> the biggest thing we have learned. it has been something that continues to get done. you talk about africa and development. a lot of organizations, a lot of
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money goes towards project by project approach. we've just learned in a very expensive way that doesn't work very well. we need to change that mindset. >> the thanks we have made, what we have learned. >> we are used to hope, too. >> the market system doesn't work in plan the three of in philanthropy. there is no show to tell you your product is no good or whatever it may be. so you got to learn to be self critical. howard writes an annual report. in it he tells a lot of what he's done wrong. he's done a lot right, too. he has a special expertise in farming. he loves farming. i don't know exactly why. it's not genetic. >> where does that come from? >> i don't know. my mom said i never had enough
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tonka toys when i was small. >> dig in the dirt. i love it. >> be careful what you don't give your kids. >> daddy, i want a tractor. you should have given it to him more. now look at him. >> they should have given me a train set. >> wow! >> you actually teach this at columbia, talk to you about how to use management better and foreign aid. >> so 40 chances is our assigned reading for the class. absolutely. they got a free copy. >> you know, we reflect a lot on how my father has taken my grandfather's values and integrate them and how we partner with other organizations around the world.
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it is a truly 40 chances approach t. students love it. they tell me the people we write about inspiring them and who they are excited to meet one day. >> they want as. >> isn't it amazing, though, as you get older, you look back over your life and you really connect the dots, later. they don't seem to make any sense, you realize, oh, wait a second. i had a chance there at 26 and a chance there when i water 30. >> it is amazing, you do, for young people watching. it goes fast. >> and when you have opportunity to help people. you got to dive in. >> you got to dive in. that's one reason, money does not go beyond ten years after my death. i do not believe in setting up perpetuitych i want the money spent very promptly. >> joe wants some.
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the book is. >> i can help. >> finding hope in a hungry world. warren, howard and howard w., thank you so much. the buffet men. up next, it's one way congress might find some harmony on capitol hill. we will move back in a time when senators were actually in tune. huh? we'll be right back. for sein a whole new way. for seeing what cash is coming in and going out... so you can understand every angle of your cash flow- last week, this month, and even next year. for seeing your business's cash flow like never before, introducing cash flow insight powered by pnc cfo. a suite of online tools that lets you turn insight into action.
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"stubborn love" by the lumineers did you i did. email? so what did you think of the house? did you see the school ratings? oh, you're right. hey babe, i got to go. bye daddy! have a good day at school, ok? ...but what about when my parents visit? ok. i just love this one... and it's next to a park. i love it. i love it too. here's our new house... daddy! you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen.
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. >> welcome back. a live look at the white house. with the government shutdown, things have never been more toxic in congress. sound familiar to anyone here at the table? the 84 was 1995 and things were much the same as they are now with one major difference, majority leader trent lott went to extraordinary links to bring the congress and the senate together ♪ my heart's on fire, el vir ra. >> reporter: in a time of discord, they sought harmony t. year was 1995 and trent lott, john ashcroft, larry craig and jimevers did what all young men dream of, started a band
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complete with matching outfits. >> our role was to sing together and see if we could vote togeth together. >> there will be two shutdowns in two years as bill clinton and the republicans clashed over the budget they devised ways to bring people together, from sear suckers on capitol hill to barber shop quartets. >> part of the purpose was to show the outside world senators want old men in blue suits and red ties. >> senator lott was the leader in matters both musical and political in there one of the first things i had to do within i became leader was to figure a way to untangle the senate and get it up and moving again. >> soon, they were criss-crossing the country at political and charity fund raisers, serenadeing libby dole at the national convention and despite growing turmoil they
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managed to compromised from welfare reform to balancing the budget. but from the beginning, senator jeffer, a moderate from vermont, had trouble staying in tune with the rest of the group and his party. >> he was certainly the weakest link t. other three had very strong, very good voices. i know he felt out of his range most of the time. but some of the fund raisers, jim was clearly a fish out of water. >> we'd turn his microphone off and ashcroft was a good enough musician, he'd sing the higher part and we'd keep going, we'd be a trio. >> reporter: the spirit of the senate faded in coming years. members spent less time in session and more time fund raising. moderates disappeared and the tax, even within their own parties grew more bitter. >> they don't socialize together, they don't know each other. they don't like each other.
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tom daschle and i were friends the whole time in the leadership. conservatives have to understand that it's not good enough to just block and tackle. you have to score some touchdowns. you have to get things done. i just can't stand the republican party appearing to be just a party of no. it's just not what i think you should be doing. >> lott's criticism isn't only for republicans. >> it begins at the top. president obama is not loading. he accident to get sovd in the messy business of negotiating or legislateing. bill clinton was in it to his elbows ever day. we talked a lot. all hours of the day or night. we met regularly. did we all agree? no, we not like cats and dogs. >> i remember asking one time a year or two ago, there were all these security tests asking
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hayley barber, do you wish jeffreys was a republican? yes, eastern on his liberal day he is more conservative, it is crazy zay seeing a guy like jim jeffreys, there having seen that but the guy is in vermont. not indiana. >> they held them together since the shutdown. maybe top together in the first week or two. people arc you it's a naval cruz agenda. i think the problem is the lack of unity. i think that's always oversold. donors loved it. republicans argue with each other. this goes to '07, '08. it's obama-clinton thing going on forever, neither conceding nasty ads. it's going to destroy the democratic party. we can't when the general election. >> it wasn't ideological. we were arguing.
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we had one difference in iraq. everything else, we were almost alike. it made if dewitt so repetitive. >> it also makes it more personal. >> i think how does this play out in 2016? can you nominate somebody from either side to put them both back together? >> bill kristol. thank you very much. how a person goes to super bowl champion, donald driver, his remarkable journey on and off the football field. .
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from city to city in a u-haul, involved a real troubled team. how did you get past it all? >> you always try to figure out how to get over it. the thing for me is i just continue to move forward. i have always wanted to make a better life for my family, my grandparents, my mother and my brothers and sister. when i was drafted in 19 # 9 -- >> going back before that, homeless and living in a u-haul? >> mom had met a guy that she thought was the perfect man for her. he was a con artist, he took her for everything she had. sometimes you always love is blind. and as a man that's been married 13 years, yeah, it's blind sometimes, it's a crazy thing, but that's when you find out that you struggle and you go through trials and tribulations and you try to figure out how to
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overcome it. mom just couldn't do it anymore. >> how old were you when you were going through this? >> i was 12 years ole. >> looking back on it, do you find that you had an inner pride, an inner drive that told you, i'm not doing this? i'm not going to live like this, i'm going to get out? >> there was a time when i was laying in the bed with my brother, my older brother, and i remember looking at him and going, we can't live like this anymore. i was like, we have to make a better life for ourselves. and i'm going to be the one to do it. that's a kid that's got hopes and dreams, not sure it's going to happen. i worked hard to be sure that one stay i was going to give my family everything they want. >> you were a seventh round draft pick. you were unsure that you were even going to make the team. what made you so, quite frankly
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driven? >> the homelessness. so many people told me i wasn't going to do this, i was. going to that. people said this kid's not going to make the team. i just wanted to compete. i had a chip on my shoulder. i felt like i should have been draft eed earlier and i got drafted in the seventh round. for seventh round pick and they drafted two receivers before they drafted me. and so i'll beat those guys as well. >> how do you feel physically after all the punishment you've take on? and chime in on all the violence of the game? >> right now i feel good. i feel like i left the game at a perfect time. right now roger goodell is doing so much to protect the game. but the only way you protect the game is to take the game away. concussions is what people are dealing with. i have had plenty of
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concussions. when i was playing the game, when you got a concussion, you just sat down for a minute and went back out on the field. now you got guys going low because now they get penalized for getting a head shot. they're taking guys out and we have lost a lot of guys in the national football league to the acl. >> sounds like a great book. congratulations. >> you've got to read it now? >> i'm going to read about and you write in here, and i can't wait to read it. but she gave you an ultimatum. >> i decided to choose her. >> the book is driven, from homeless to hero, my journeys on and off of the field. >> we're going to be right back with more "morning joe." ♪
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robert gibbs. are you all ready for the news? please, god, just stop, don't talk about the red sox. >> you need a paper? >> no. let me do this just once. >> you mean the newspaper? >> somebody do the montage of you interrupting me. it's hilarious. >> wthe interrupting thing, why do you have to do the montage thing, just turn on your tv set. >> and here's the news, everyone. the government shutdown was clearly bad for business and that's coming back to haunt some of the republicans who brought washington to a stand still. senator michael lee of utah is facing backlash in his home state with the closure of national parks, put a dent in the local economy, a former top finance staffer for mitt romney's campaign tells "the washington post," quote,
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business leaders that i talked to, many of whom supported senator lee would never support his re-election and in fact would work against him, myself included. the director of polling at brigham young university. lee looks vulnerable to a challenge from within his party, but the real danger could be a challenge in the general election from the right kind of moderate democrat. the article goes on to say neither mr. lee or the state gop are showing signs of thriving financially as many of the big state donors look elsewhere. that speaks to a larger trend where democrats in superpac have far outreached -- look at the numbers. >> you can't just blame it on the government shutdown, a lot of guys mainly rich guys give a lot of money to karl rove and they hear a lot of promises through election night not just from karl rove but from
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everybody. the media the biassed and they're not telling you the truth and these polls -- look at the drudge and the gallop poll. if you're writing those huge checks they were writing and then it ends up that your guy's got it all wrong. so, yes. >> it makes the next call awkward. >> put those numbers up again. these numbers are very bad in part because of what's been going on over the past six months, but there's a bigger problem, the republicans are going to have to regain the trust of a lot of their biggest donors. >> i think the jobs figures show the impact to the economy and now -- and poll after poll now has shown us what the impact is, at large with the public and this was not what people bargained for, they understand it wasn't worth it and it didn't have to happen and all it did
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was inflict damage on the economy and on the republican brand and it's going to take a while. >> we have a lot of polls that are coming up in the next minute or two, but it does bear repeating that people -- these people aren't afraid of anything. they keep acting in ways that hurt the republican party. they are actually afraid of something, they're afraid of big money donors saying enough, we're going to find somebody who's pro life, pro gun and probusiness. and they're going to run against you. this whole thing, this whole primary thing, it works both ways. if you get somebody who's pro-life and pro-gun and pro family as they delaware vifined. they're the ones that are costing people jobs.
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>> the whole thing in the government shutdown fiasco was that -- if you carry on doing things that hurt our business interests, that hurt the american economy, that take us this far along the road of government dysfunction, we will find people and we will fund them to run against you. that's such an interesting question in the next few weeks in the run up to the next shutdown and showdown in january is what happens to the money. does the money decide that the tea party that's been created is actually not in the best interests of the people it may have been funding it initially? two they want a shift? do they find people that can actually win? and what happens to the opinion polls as well. if you're starting to see people like -- it's going to send a real, this could be the thing that breaks the deadlock and the ability of washington to run itself. >> so many people that gave me money from the beginning were
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small versions of these business people that you see on national news. and by the way, the only thing they care about, they want lower taxes, they want lower regulations, and they want the federal government out of their way. but they're not crazy. they want a strong business environment and they don't want people running around shutting down the government every three months. >> especially willie for a goal that was impossible, that ended up with a presidenti aial veto matter what, and the people are not stupid, they don't want to be treated like they are. >> if you read that "washington post" article about mike lee, the very people who supported his run and got him elected are saying on the record in the "washington post" that jumped to the other side. they said this is not why we sent you to washington. we're a pragmatic state, i sent you to washington. >> this is a nice, likable guy
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with a lot of talent. >> mike lee is one of my favorite guys in washington. he's a wonderful man. and the good news for mike lee is i don't think he's up again until 2028. mike lee will be fine. he will figure out a way through this, but people running in 2014, they've got a real problem. >> but his numbers, though, he was at 50% 16 days ago or three weeks ago or whenever the shut yo shutdown started, now he's down to 40%. the dccc on monday isn't the letter to 1,000 businessmen who said 2/3 of the house voted to destroy the economy. where are your guys if you want to preserve your business? >> how does mike lee get to washington? he beat a sitting republican senator, senator bennett who everyone thought oh, my gosh, if this guy isn't conservative enough, like, you know, how in the world do we survive? but it is interesting if we have reached that sort of inflection
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point. >> i wonder, take a look, because the fallout doesn't stop there. nationally, senator ted cruz of texas has seen his favorable rating fall seven points to 23%. his unfavorable marks jumped 6 points to 42%. he's taking a hit even among conservatives. that's according to cnn and opinion research. the poll also shows 64% of americans have an unfavorable view of the gop. that's an all-time high. and unfavorable views of the tea party are at record highs as well. only 28% see the movement in a positive light. >> wow. that's -- yeah. >> the polling also shows frustration with government, as a whole, reaching some pretty stunning levels. a cbs news poll shows three out of four people believe they don't have as much say in what the government does, and 85% disapprove of congress.
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that's the highest level since the poll began in 1977. it's them and their families. neither party has much to brag about. just 18% approve of the gop and 31% -- >> will you look at that, job approval for the republican party -- come on, people. >> is at 18%. >> you're in congress, you get numbers like this, what's your staff saying to you behind the scenes? >> let's take this to guns, heidi hidecamp, 94% of people in the state of north dakota, they support background checks for criminals. >> right. >> north dakota people are smart people. good, conservative, solid, smart republican people. heidi hidecamp people are screaming, you're going to take my guns, your black helicopter
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is going to come and get my billy groats. . >> on twitter. >> i say, don't worry -- the black helicopters are not coming to get your goats and your sheep and everyone else. >> oh, my lord. >> but anyway, you hear those phone calls and you freak out, right? because it becomes one after another, pretty soon you learn that the new staff member comes back and says -- let's give it a week. but then, your donors that are talking to "the washington post" today. i wouldn't have gone to congress without charlie hilton. charlie hilton called me up and said scarborough, you're crazy, i'm crazy, but you're really crazy, and you're going to hurt business. i'll listen to those people because they stood with me when nobody else stood with me. so i think, i really do think
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that you're going to start seeing a nuancing of this. because i think you're going to see it turn from mike lee and ted cruz. because they understand they overshot the mark. >> when it comes to support for people's own party, republicans are just at 39%. and democrats are at 61%. what recovery? the sluggish economic recovery may be putting future action by the federal reserve on hold as well. >> willie, so these numbers are to be taken as a whole. >> the delayed jobs report showed 138,000 jobs added for the month. that was below the pace for the first half of last year. the fed will most likely keep interest rates low. but for an increasing number of americans, signs show that it's getting worse and not better. 38% say the economy is still getting worse, that's up 11 points from last month and the highest number in two years,
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only 21% say the economy is getting better. >> by the way, willie, robert, those 38% who think things are getting worse, they're blaming the government shutdown. >> they will. and there is good economic stat tis ticks that bolster their fear. and whether or not people are going to do things that are rational to fix it. and can you imagine had we just -- there is a can kicking element to this agreement. imagine if we had simply kicked this can to right before christmas, what it would do to what retailers will expect to be a big shopping season. so it is -- and i think you lay that all on top, and i think willie said, nobody thought this was going to work.
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nobody thought they had dug up the secret map to buried treasure. this was was ill fated from the get-go. >> robert, it was predicted. and i won't even say the litany of people who agreed. i will just say "the wall street journal" editorial page, every chance they got, they said guys, don't do this. you're going to hurt the party, you're going to hurt the conservative cause and you're going to hurt business. "the wall street journal" warned them. forget about me, i won't talk about me or scott walker or charl charles krauthammer. i'll tell you this, paul ryan would. have voted against the deal if he had thought that actually the government would have shut down. >> no, that's probably true. one other story to get to,
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legislative members will meet with health and insurance executives to discuss the rollout of according to hhs secretary, kathleen sebelius wasn't even aware of the problems until it was too late. >> do you know when he first knew trvs a problem? >> i think it became clear fairly early on the first couple of days. >> there was no concern at the white house or at hhs? >> i think we talked about having testing going forward and if we had an ideal situation and could have built a product in a five-year period of time we probably would have taken five years, but we didn't have five years and certainly americans who rely on health coverage didn't have five years for us to wait. >> robert, kind of defies belief that no one knew there were problems before it went up. and we have seen report after
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report from tech expert who is worked on the project who said there were problems and we told the white house about the problems and they went forward anyway. when does the white house step up and take a little more responsibility for what happened here? >> i think they did that with the president in the rose garden. there's no doubt in my mind that people at hhs and involved in this project as you said knew there wasn't going to works. i mean, it's inconceivable that no one tested it. >> do you think the president knew it wasn't going to work? >> my sense from that answer is that the president and a bunch of people were told that it was fine. then it became more obvious. it is clear from this interview and from that answer that it wasn't even a modicum of sufficient testing of this product. >> we'll fall back. >> this tweeter guy.
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>> officials have confirmed they have identified, exposed and fired the mystery tweeter leaking information from the national security council. >> robert, we think it's robert. >> a director with the national security staff who was most recently working on negotiations over iran's nuclear weapons program is no longer at the white house. he previously worked at the state department for senators bob casey and joe biden. his tweets were part insider information, part uncensored commentary on d.c.'s largest personalities. some of which included saying, former secretary of state hillary clinton, quote, had few policy goals and no wins in the middle east. and this loved, loves, the maureen down column. chelsey clinton seemings to be -- look, republican
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congressman darrell it's a is an [ bleep ] but he is on to something here with the hillary clinton white house of accountability for benghazi. rip. joseph says it the has been a privilege to serve in this administration and i deeply regret the ---coming up on "morning joe," we'll check in with politico's mike allen. plus a new poll shows record support for legalizing marijuana, it's one area where that 18 to 29-year-old demographic is really pulling its weight. all right, that 's terrible. >> and one of "morning joe's" former interns broke the news about the school's admission process. here's bill karins, he's got a check on the forecast.
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bill? >> good morning to you, joe and mika. the story today is going to be the cold air and also the forecast for areas of fenway. but the big story internationally for the -- about 70 fires burning across the country, 17 of them uncontrollable fires, they're very worried during the day that it was a hot, dry, windy day that some of these fires would merge and become a megafire. that didn't happen today. the firefighters held their line but a lot of dramatic pictures coming into new south wales. this is areas of southern michigan here, the leaves are still on the trees, some rain mixing with the snowflakes. 29 in green bay, 32 in chicago, so that's your first freeze of the season. that puts an end to the growing season in whi wisconsin, michigan. the other story, will it rain tonight for the world series game? there are some showers during the day, but as we go through this evening, the forecast
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should improve. it would call for 46 degrees at fenway, and as we go through the night, there's no problem, we'll get that baseball game in, it will be chilly for game one. you're watching "morning joe" on this wednesday. americans take care of business. they always have. they always will. that's why you take charge of your future. your retirement. ♪ ameriprise advisors can help you like they've helped millions of others. listening, planning, working one on one. to help you retire your way... with confidence. that's what ameriprise financial does. that's what they can do with you. ameriprise financial. more within reach.
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vegas review journal, there's new details about the nevada inform shooter that left two people dead including the teen shooter. the boy fired shots outside of the school and then he tried to enter the building before shooting himself. he couldn't get inside because the school went into lockdown. the only incident lasted only three minutes. the shooter got the 9 millimeter semi-automatic handgun from his own home. the motive remains a mystery. there are some reports about bullying. >> and the "detroit free press" lawyers for the city of detroit head to court today to consider that the city of detroit is -- the largest municipal bankruptcy in july and they cited $8 billion in debt they were carrying. facing reductions in their pensions if the judge approve this is bankruptcy plan. >> san francisco chronicle. facebook is making changes to
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regulate violent content on its website. the social network warns it will remove graphic content and anything that -- forced to remove a video of a woman being killed. it originally defended the post claiming it was free expression. and the usa today, new gallup polls are saying 56% of americans are in favor of legalizing marijuana. that is a 10% jump from november of 2012. 39% remain opposed and it's the first time that gallup supported legalization. support is strongest among americans who are ages 18 to 29, with 67% in favor. marijuana is currently legal in washington state. and colorado. >> george washington university hatchets a report from the george washington university hatchet and our own former intern jeremy diamond brings a
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harsh reality of the college admissions process to light. it puts under grad applicants on its wait list when they can't afford tuition. admissions office says it helps the school to remaining within its budget. >> and the "l.a. times," by the way, great job by jeremy. i hope he comes back. tuition increases at public colleges in the u.s. have slowed for the first time in more than three decades. now on average this year, tuition increased only 2.9% across the country for state students. the change comes as colleges face pressure from public and federal governments to keep those costs down. and students at public colleges are still facing an average debt of $25,000 a year. >> "washington post" beginning next month, the u.s. capitol dome will undergo a major two-year restoration project
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expected to cost almost $60 million, repairs on the dome will include a new paint job, fixing cracked iron work and decorative metal elements. the last repair effort was in 1959. the dome turned 150 years old this year. time now for politico, willie. >> the chief white house correspondent mike allen with a look at the play block. your lead story on politico describes what's going on and takes a look at the legal fights that are likely down the road as a result of this botched launch. what are we talk about here. >> this is a new sign that this isn't a glitch, this isn't something that's going to be fixed in days or weeks, this is something that could torture the administration for years. willie, you've got 55 government contract contractors, hundreds of millions of dollars involved in this. and there's going to be litigation over who's responsible and who's going to get paid less. secretary sebelius indicated in
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an interview with "the wall street journal" that they would look at taking back payments, holding contractors responsible, but here's why it's so difficult for the administration, the very contractors who are responsible for these problems have to help fix them. so you can't cut off or slow money the way that you normally would to a contractor who's gotten in trouble with you because you need them to help you bring it back. so tomorrow, republicans are going to hold their first hearing looking into this. you're going to have contractors, but no government representatives. secretary sebelius who said she couldn't appear tomorrow will probably appear next week, so what we probably will have at this hearing is contractors and republicans trying to shift responsibility to the administration which at the moment is going to be there to stick up for itself. >> mike, it's kathy here, signs has besigns -- >> there aren't that many former corporate types at the top of
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this administration, jeff science who had a very successful start up and is someone that they trust on the inside. a big part of this is the president saying, i recognize that this isn't going to fix itself. i need a glitch czar to help fix th this. it has both the substantive and a psychological effect. up next, writing on the wall. social media may seem like a new phenomenon. but best selling author tom standage says this goes back years. that's next on "morning joe." ♪ [ male announcer ] staying warm and dry has never been our priority. our priority is, was and always will be serving you, the american people.
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soaked turd wrapped in a "dumb and dumber" tux. >> celebrities reading actual tweets on jimmy kimmel live. all right, actually somebody tweeted me that video. here with us now, digital editor for the economist, tom standage. he's out now with a new book, "writing on the wall." oh, yes. social media, the first 2,000 years. it's the cover, you're killing me mr. standage. it looks like in, doesn't it? "writing on the wall". >> it looks like something that would get around nazi germany rather quickly. >> what you're saying is that social media has been around for
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a very long time and you cite martin luther. >> this is the early 1500 and he writes this list of reasons why the pope is wrong on a particular matter of doctrine and people start being printed up on the church door and people start to copy this and give it to their friends and some printerses get a hold of it and it sprenads, it takes two weeks to get around the whole of germany. he doesn't expect this to happen at all. he realizes this is a great way that he can spread the message. what he says about the church needing to be reformed, he knows that it will spread. >> that was faster than the speed of twitter for those days. but if you look at current day revolutions and the role that social media played in the arab spring. the ability to get people out on the streets just like that. >> it's actually the same
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phenomenon. s sin kroen nicization of opinion. you don't know how many other people feel that way. and what social media did in lieu luther's day, it allowed people to discover that they feel the same way they did. if you go to a face book page, you know that other people share your view. if you went to the printer in your town and said here there's a new martin luther, and they say sorry, we're sold out. then you would know that lots of other people in your town were also interested in what luther had to say. tom payne, what happens there, ben franklin is like the -- jhe also improves the postal service
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and makes it more efficient. you have this network of newspapers in the colonial american period and what happens when you put an interesting idea, is that you can put it in one paper and other papers get it. so newspapers exert it and people send it to their friends. you can see all of the founding fathers sending it to each other. >> do you think that -- kathy was mentioning egypt and we have now syria, where you get moment to moment updates on twitter and social media, what's going on in countries like this are obviously about anything. do you think social media as it's incarnated today and going forward poses much of a threat? we know what kind of a threat it already poses to existing forms of opinion, distribution and news distribution, newspapers and things like that. does it pose a threat? >> absolutely, just look at the state that the news business is in. what i'm saying in the book is
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that media has been social since the roman period and we have this interlude that we now recognize we're coming to the end-all from about 1850 to about 2000 where distributing information over a lage area became possible but using very expensive machines that not everyone can have, so you have this concentration of access to that technology. you get these big corporations rising. what the internet has done is blown that up because it allows you to reach that audience for nothing. >> we know what news is, or we used to know what news is. is it trivializing discourse? >> every time a technology has come along that made it easier to spread stuff, the people who used to be in charge said this causes discourse. i'm a member of the old media as
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well. luther's contemporary says this is terrible, everyone's reading these pamphlets by luther, they should be reading cicero, instead they are reading this easy stuff in german. so that 's terrible. you get these complaints that easier publishing meets the wrong people. >> one man's ipad is another man's wax tablet. >> that is one of my favorite things. the romans had these kind of ipads. the way i would send a message to you if we were both in rome. i would write it in latin, i would get my vibe scribe to do . we have broad band, the romans have slays. broad band means it's easy and cheap to copy information.
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so i would write it or my scribe would write it. and scribe would carry it across county. they looked just like ipads. >> the book is writing on the wall, social media, the first 2000 years, fas naturing. all right coming up, there were actually some surprises at yesterday's highly anticipated apple event. we'll break down the new products and software. >> they're going back to wax tablets? they're selling a new one every two weeks. >> "morning joe" is back in a moment. i have low testosterone. there, i said it.
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apple also unveiled a new ipad today, the ipad mini2. >> let's talk about the new i patd. it comes with an a7 shift. two times the general purpose registers, two times the floating point registers, over 1 billion transistors and an m7 motion coder. i don't know what i'm saying, and neither do you, it's a new ipad, buy one, just throw your money on stage. all right, there you go, that's for you, there you go, share. >> listen, let's start with apple and the new ipad. people say it's just another product, it's thinner and blah,
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blah, blah. there were two other tablets released from microsoft and no kia, and they're giving away their operating system which they have never done. they're trying to go after microsoft office, it's still a tablet but it can do -- >> why are they giving a away an operating system. >> it's because it wasn't making that much money. and so from a cost-benefit standpoint, it made sense to just give it away and they are now competing. they haven't been competing a lot before. now they're doing things to try to get a competitive advantage. and, listen, the product is still really good. it doesn't have a keyboard. and the surface from microsoft office can make head way there. they have one but they haven't made any head way. >> does apple come up with something more you? >> they have transformed computing. they have transformed the music
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industry. >> you're not going to get the ipad mini? because it's a nanosecond faster? >> i think i will. whether it's television or what have you, they do have pressure to do that. but they're making tons of money regardless. and until that gravy train really squeezes them. the other thing i want to get on to, is the brums for detroit, the trial begins today. it's classic, unions and retirees versus the city. you may not chapter 9 is not the easiest thing to do. they qualify for the chapter 9 bankruptcy. but they have to prove that they have tried in good faith. >> you've got so many union workers whose families are going to be adverse si affected by this. i understand what detroit had to do to save gm, but if you're a judge and you're weighing all this and amount of pain.
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>> and one of the more painful potential wrinkles as i understand it is that the banks might get paid before the retirees get paid. which is an outrage. >> but, joe, at the same time you can't just tell a city that they can continue operating -- even though the unions took a lot of concessions. but right now, for the first time in my lifetime, unions are on their heels. when i was young, it was the exact opposite. it's going to be very interesting to see how it plays out in court. >> it's a choice in survival, or collapse and failure. and i tell you what, when we went out to forbes, uaw, the guys running for it. they were partners. they worked together to save that company. >> the entitlement that we had
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to get a job and make an upper middle class life. they understand and they have seen what's over the edge and they're grateful to have these jobs and that's the shift here. but we'll see what happens to these retirees to depend on social security u their lives will change dramatically. >> the model of the unions working with the management. that's the model for the future for growth of unions and unions want to survive and prosper in this country, that's the way it's going to happen. >> we're back with the best of light night coming up, right here on "morning joe." mine was earned orbiting the moon in 1971.
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so joe, i found this online, this video i'm about to show you. >> yeah? >> i think it's supposed to be a criticism of us a and me. but the way reroll here is that -- >> thank god that we are the least self-aware people on the face of the earth. >> i think it's great. take a look. it's time to wrap it up. >> the picxies are playing in nw york? >> yes. phoenix is coming? >> what did we learn today? >> you can make a lot of money from gossip. >> harold ford. do you have any comments?
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>> we're going to break. >> no, listen, if he's on the 800 number. they called the 800 number, they can't get through and then the people that get through -- >> former governor jeb bush. >> i got to ask him what's going on today. >> get married, believe in god, right? >> president obama is asking congress to -- >> by the way i fell in love with chuck that moment. >> what's that? >> nothing. >> these aren't national security secretlies. >> mike, we're going to get to this in a second. >> can you put your chair up? >> i kind oflike slapstick. >> i'm good. willie what do you think? >> so one person in this entire room watches "breaking bad." >> i'm not proud of it. i just fell behind. >> that makes me sick to my stomach. he needs to regain. chuck todd, thank you. what's so funny? >> good morning. >> it's really hard for me to be the bar.
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and scene, you interrupt so much. it's wonderful. >> oh, yes, and i was remote and you interrupted me. >> so they think i'm like a victim. that's how they're -- >> watching free beacon put that together again? >> i was about to say that. up next, what if anything did we learn today? helicopthierhis hibuzzing, andk engine humming. sfx: birds chirping sfx: birds chirping
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. the best thing i ever did was install this deep fryer in the winnebago. >> don't worry, it's on cruise control. >> all right. i can't talk tonight. >> you may talk. >> what did you learn? >> i learned that donald trump, again -- >> he's a nice guy. >> he's a really nice guy and he gave a wonderful donation to the
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global medical relief fund, my daughter's having a fund raiser when she worked there. thank you. >> did he give you $100,000 like he gave axeld? >> no, it was not that -- no. but it was really, really nice of him. thank you. >> you going to the sox game tonight? >> yes, i am. >> and driving back. >> no one will take a shot -- will you give a prediction, michael barnacle? world series? >> yes, red sox. >> did i say that earlier? >> you know what i think? red sox in six. >> at martin luther would have been a great tweeter. >> swept around here pretty quickly. there you go. i don't want to interrupt. >> yes, why not. if it's way too early, joe, what time is it? it's time for "morning joe." now it's time for the daily
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