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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  October 24, 2013 1:00pm-2:00pm EDT

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the last perfect law came off of mt. sinai with moses written on a stone tablet by the hand of god. >> right now on "andrea mitchell reports," the blame game. congress gets the first chance to ask questions as hearings begin today to investigate what went wrong with glitch filled website. today in the hot seat the federal contractors who designed that exchange. next week embattled secretary
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kathleen sebelius facing those tough questions. >> did any of you come forth to the administration and say this thing may not be ready on october 1st? we might want a delay until we can get it right. any hands up? either you didn't know about these problems or you knew about them and chose not to disclose. >> reform, reboot with shutdown behind him, president obama calls for immigration overhaul by the end of the year. even he admits it's hard to get anything done in today's combative d.c. climate. >> now, obviously just because something is smart and fair and good for the economy and fiscally responsible and supported by business and labor and the evangelical community and many democrats and many republicans, that does not mean that it will actually get done. >> pro bowl wide receiver brandon marshall is using to making clutch catches for
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chicago bears. he's going to join us to share why his next big play is off the field. good thursday to you from washington. i'm peter alexander in for my friend andrea mitchell. for the first time we're hearing from federal contractors paid millions to build, the obama health care website. while there's still plenty of questions to be answered, also enough finger pointing we're witnessing to go around. joining us off the bat the daily fix team chris cillizza, host of tv "in play." bureau chief susan page, fellow northwesterner. always get a club there. chris, start with you, officials testifying say all the
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responsibility for sticking with the october 1st rollout date was on the government agencies, specifically cms putting more spotlight on the administration and secretary sebelius. so did we learn anything new here? >> honestly not really, peter, i think this was a little bit of sort of the finger pointing blame game that can be expected when something that is this high-profile does as poorly in its inception as has been done, acknowledged by the president, many republicans. i honestly think what this is is sort of the appetizer to the main course, which is next week kathleen sebelius there will be more scrutiny of her, more questions i think she won't be able to put off on the government agency. i think this is the ab
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advertiser to the main course. >> so too a lot of people the appetizer to a ig abouter conversation, extension of enrollment period. we're seeing cracks within the democratic party solid throughout entire shutdown debt ceiling fight. now some are saying given the circumstances, we should extend the period of time you can sign up. >> including half dozen democratic senators. if it gets fixed and operating well by halloween, seems they are able to go ahead with deadlines. if by thanksgiving not quite done or just beginning to work the way it's supposed to, seems it's a hard argument to make that you shouldn't give people a little more time to sign up before imposing times. >> the white house i hear comparison in massachusetts where they say massachusetts in the first monday in 2007 where they had their commonwealth care, only 123 people signed up, in the last month 2003, bigger, this white house convinced more numbers to come. >> only few relatively have
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signed up so far. p so many are not able to get the information they need, not able to sign onto the site. we know since the coverage wouldn't kick in until january 1st, a lot will wait until the end to pay the first premium. they see their options and sign up when they want to. >> pr game as big as anything. chris, bring you in. jay carney asked what happened to the immigration reform push. we saw the president talking about it today at the white house. bipartisan reform, is that basically done until 2014? >> peter, i would say this, immigration reform bill as passed by the senate, i find a hard time believing could possibly make it through the house. john boehner advocated a piecemeal test. certain pieces of it that can make it through. again, in his heart of hearts being put on this political strategist hat, i think john boehner recognizes and has said as much republicans need to find a way to get on the right side
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of immigration reform. the problem, i feel like we keep coming back to this, the problem is there's an element within his republican conference who does not believe that sort of the border security measures are enough or they should have some sort of path to citizenship for undocumented workers in this country. so that's the issue. you have this constant clash between political class and strategist class in the republican party which includes many people in congress and the sort of true believers who say, no, we should not. abandon the core principle. that clash just hasn't resolved itself. >> time is limited for this conversation. susan, i have to ask you about as washington turns, latest in dishing durbin white house saga, dick durban not back off on his statement about what he heard republicans say in the white house, carney says it didn't happen. while a quote attributed to
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republican lawmaker in house gop meeting with the president is not accurate. there was a miscommunication when the white house read out that meeting to senate democrats. we regret the misunderstanding. who does this all look worse for? >> well, it looks pretty bad for everybody, the idea that someone would be so discourteous to the president of the united states, no matter what you think of his policies. the idea it's misrepresented. this is one of those things, like a sweater you pick at until it completely unravels and find out what it was that was said and by whom. >> by the holidays we'll have plenty of new sweaters so we can unravel in the new year. we'll see you again at the end of the broadcast, chris. thank you. elijah cummings ranking member on house oversight and government reform committee. he's joining us now. congressman cummings, i appreciate your time. there's division within the democratic party over whether the administration should give people more time to sign up for health insurance.
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your colleague congressman barrow, a course of senate democrats. why is that a problem given the rocky rollout. >> first of all, i think we need to elect the folks that are working on this clear up this website problem. we just heard this morning in the commerce committee all of the witnesses on the panel said they believe they can have it corrected in a timely fashion. >> what's sufficient for you? >> well, it will be in the next month or two. clearly they were asked that question by ranking member waxman and they clearly stated they could get it done and get it done in a way people would be able to enroll. keep in mind we're on the 24th or 25th day out of 100 and some days. it's going to be okay. i believe that. again, the president clearly wants to make sure those people who this program was meant to
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benefit do benefit. i believe if he came down the road and saw there was a situation where something had to be done differently, he would do that. i just think it's a little bit too early for all the nay saying. keep in mind back in 2005 when the medicare part d program was put out there, prescription drug program, if you look back at the headlines you see the same kinds of issues that came up. it got resolved. i think a lot of people are a little nervous right now. that's understandable. believe me as the ranking member of oversight and government reform, i want to make sure government works properly and people are able to access this information. again, we've got to get through this process. >> given what you've said that we're hearing today, it could take one or two months, that takes you almost to the holidays. obviously i know we're in sort of the first month of a six-montrealout. obviously by december 15th fo,
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start of the coverage. what would be the problem giving more time. >> there wouldn't. compare it to medicare part d it took a while. as a matter of fact that program started two or three weeks late and it had all kinds of problems. now you don't even hear about it. everything is running smoothly. >> let me talk to you about something else you do hear about nowadays and that's some of your outspoken criticism of congressman darrell issa regarding a meeting with cgi officials, the lead contractor, canadian contractor involved in helping build the website. issa, congressman issa said cgi told your committee the white house was directly responsible for making technical decisions. what's wrong with his assessment? >> it's inaccurate. again, not from me, not elijah cummings but miss campbell of cgi who testified just this
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morning that's simply not accurate. as a matter of fact, all of our democratic and republican staff were in the room. i can tell you it simply did not happen. i think that's one of my concerns about all of this. we don't -- we don't need to be politicizing this. we need to try to figure out how to make it work. by putting out these statements that are not accurate does not help anything, anybody. i've got constituents who need health care. they need it. they don't want to see us politicizing this thing, they just want us to get it right. they want faith in the system. i think the president is absolutely right to move forward in a way where they try to systematically make the correctionsay we heard in testimony this morning and then keep the public informed of exactly what they are doing. i think that would be helpful. >> we know briefings, hhs, cms, centers for medicare and medicaid are going to begin their briefings today.
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one last question, though, specifically about the president right now. critics are upset again the white house, kathleen sebelius suggesting the president didn't know about these problems until it was too late. is it acceptable to you the president would know more about this before it went into effect? this is his defining achievement as president. >> i think the president has a lot on his plate. the fact is everybody knew that this was a major priority for him. i can't say who said, who knew what when. i can tell you one thing, i know this to be a major priority. i know this president extremely well. he's one who pursues excellence at all times. you can bet your bottom dollar he's making sure this works in a timely fashion. >> congressman, we appreciate your time. thanks for spending it with us. >> thank you. >> the tight-knit community in massachusetts i guess reeling aftermath teacher was found dead near the high school wednesday morning. a 14-year-old student, philip
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chism has been charged with her murder. he's being held without bail. he pleaded not guilty. police say he was arrested on surveillance video recovered from that school and interviews with police. so far no motive has been given. last night hundreds came together for a candlelight vigil. they remember this beloved teacher. the boston red sox in game one of the world series honoring her life with a moment of silence before the game at fenway. this morning ritzer's close friends shared some of their memories of the second year math teacher on the "today" show. >> every story you read about how kind and gentle and caring she was was absolutely true. >> she had so much to look forward to. there were so many things she should have been able to do. it's not fair she's not going to be able to do all those things she deserved. she was that person who deserves every good thing in life. your , you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec-d®.
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it was on october 31st, 1953, 50 years ago john f. kennedy signed the act authorizing more than $300 million for mental health programs. the kennedy forum for mental health group marked the anniversary with a gala in bost boston. in attendance, vice president joe biden. here is what he had to say. >> it is time for approach and explore in ways we haven't done before. it is time for the first time to map the only uncharted territory on earth, truly uncharted territory, to map the human brain. in year 2013, the brain is the new frontier. >> also speaking at that event chicago bears wide receiver
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brandon marshall. he was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and has become an outspoken advocate for mental health. brandon har shall is joining us now. it's nice to visit with you. first off the bat i'm diehard fan and talk about the packers in 10 days. if i can ask you about the topicic at hand. the world of mental health awareness this event was described as super bowl. why was last night's gathering so critical to the mental health community. >> something about community when you look at the definition of the word it's a group of people, no matter big or small, that have the same belief system and fighting for the same thing. what's going on in our country, it's time for us to stand together and really get things done. it's kind of ironic we celebrated the last piece of
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legislation signed by our president, president kennedy and it's still a tabu topic. it's time to take it to everyday conversation. >> let me ask you about that in effort to make it everyday conversation. how do you define what the goal is. what do you define as success. if we had this conversation five years from now, what do you hope would be different? >> the stage we're in, our foundation, brandon marshall foundation launched a few years ago but really starting to get going. we're in the stage of, you know, just advocating and spreading the word and creating conversation. so i would say five years from now i would look back and say success, if we're not afraid to talk about it anymore in the workplace, our marriages, our school systems, in government. so i think that's where we start when lou at where we're at right now. nobody wants to talk about it. it's highly stigmatized. if we can take it from that to a conversation comfortable, i think we'll be headed down the
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right road. >> during a game earlier this month and i'm not going to ask you about hass sunday because we're still struggling with what happened on the field. you wore green shoes in honor of mental health awareness. you were fined $10,000 bucks by the nfl for a uniform violation. you view this as a good thing because you were able to bring attention to it. were you surprised by the reaction? >> no. like i always say, football is my platform not my purpose. that was amazing arena to be in, platform, playing in front of a few million people and to be out there and to have the chance to create conversation, create dialogue was amazing. i was fined $10,500, but that's nothing compared to the conversation, awareness raised that night. a company out of san francisco ran some numbers for us and we got over $100,000 worth of coverage and people talking about us, so it was a success.
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>> you tweeted football is my platform not my purpose. i want to ask you a little about this personal experience for you, if i can. talk to us, if you would, brandon, about your personal journey, why you came forward to talk about your own public struggle, especially as someone who works and plays in the game of football where you're surrounded by machismo prchlt we're institutionalized to be tough, shake it off, not talk about pain or struggles. i think that's probably one of the main causes of some of the struggles in our personal lives. for me, you know, the disorder presenting itself a few years ago and just started get out of control where i couldn't handle it anymore. it wasn't until i was in mclane hospital and in group therapy with a doctor, an attorney, even a clinician. here i am a big shot football player and we're all sitting
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here talking about our struggles and things going on in our lives. i'm sitting here listening to some people suicidal and self-harming ourselves. what was scary, we all got up, went into the parking lot and went into society like we were normal human beings and everything was okay. i started to think like how many more people are out there that are suffering but doesn't have the resources or are afraid to talk about it. that's why we launched our foundation. right now we need help. we're looking to partner with government. we're looking to partner with corporations. we need people on our board that really have the expertise to take us from where we're at today to be the preeminent foundation devoted to mental health. >> brandon i was struck by what jeffrey lieberman said president of the american psychiatric association. this is what he had to say about your role in mental health awareness. we'll put it on the screen for people to read along. this is somebody whose pro forma
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is macho being courageous and fearless, to acknowledge they have psychological vulnerability which is reality is really extraordinary heroic. given the nature of the topic, we appreciate you talking to us. ten days from now good luck, we'll ask you about that later. >> i predict jay cutler will be back in two weeks. >> two weeks. >> they say four to six but we've got the right people around jay right now. >> brandon, this will be the first time ever that espn quotes the "andrea mitchell reports" hour. >> two weeks. >> for an update. good to visit with you and we wish you the best of luck. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> the boston red sox speaking about sports dominated in 8-1 win over st. louis cardinals in the opener at fenway. it might not come as a surprise. at least one group has picked them to go all the way. last night on late night with jimmy fallon, the trusted puppy predictors. they will determine who will win the world series.
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we're back now on "andrea mitchell reports." royal watchers were delighted yesterday. they got a glimpse of the newest member of the british monarchy, prince george. there he is. that's him in the middle. third in line to the throne. at the palace in front of a small group of friends and family. among them the queen. just a day after the prince made his second public appearance "time" is out with an in-depth story about the man who will become the next king, prince charles. "time's" editor-at-large is katherine mayer, granted rare access to the prince. she joins us from london. nice to visit you. we prernt your time. this is remarkable. you really had rare exclusive access to the prince, private home, friends, associates.
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what struck you. what's so fascinating about prince charles? >> he's really fascinated me for years because there is such a gap between the man that i perceived him to be and routinely portrayed in the press over here. he's always described here as being incredibly impatient to be king. a man who is very frustrated. quite a difficult man. a man who really doesn't know what to do with himself. the reality is so far different from that. there's always a bit of a gap between what public figures -- the image of a public figure and the reality. but with prince charles it's a yawning chasm and that made him incredibly interesting to profile. >> obviously you described him. we have almost cartoonish impression of the way we think of prince charles, a bad rap of sorts. what is it about him?
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how does he carry himself? we see him as stiff, that stiff upper lip, the way he carries himself but sounds like he's more easy going than that. >> i wouldn't say easy going, he's a complicated man. i tried to get that across in the piece. he's very witty. he can out self-depprecation. more than hugh grant. he's witty. emma thompson described a game they played where they covered themselves in velcro and threw balls that stuck to them. there is a very different side to him as well. but the thing you also don't see because he does this formal stuff, you don't see how passionate he really is.
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how animated and impassioned he comes on subjects close to him. >> i want to ask you about those subjects. this is one of the quotes you write. i've had this extraordinary feeling for years -- he said i've had this extraordinary feeling for years and years every since i remember of wanting to heal and make things better. i feel more than anything else it is my duty to worry about everybody and their lives in this country, to try to find a way of improving things if i possibly can. it's obvious what motivates him obviously is efforts in terms of charity. describe that mission, what he's hoping to try to carry out. >> the thing about his mission is it's sort of ridiculously ambitious. one of the reasons he unites unlikely sets of enemies in this country is that he -- republicans, as in anti-royalists, not the u.s. kind of republicans, they feel that he excerpts too much
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influence on public life. the funny thing is, they are right. he does have a big influence on public life. there's a whole set of people who want to say he does nothing and has no influence at all. you get these strange kind of mixed messages about him. >> sure. >> he was a very early environmentalist, so he has these big picture concerns about the planet. >> can i ask you -- >> a very -- go on. >> i want to ask you very briefly if i could when you talk about the big picture, the big picture in his life from the rest of the world's perspective is the idea of this new grandson. he's been waiting for 61 years to be king. what does he say about those two topics? well, this is sort of the misconception about the wait to be king. he has from the moment of consciousness known that was what his very likely fate was.
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it is something he accepts but it is not something he's impatient for. the thing that is really very different that i discovered that, in fact, he in many ways is not looking forward to having to take on more of the queen's duties as indeed he's already doing because his real mission, to him, is as the quote you read out. he wants to make things better for people. the reason he wants to do that is very complicated. as i think with most philanthropists it is. i think he actually had a very isolating life and lonely childhood. there's something in him where he wants to reach out and sort of make things better for people in ways that he himself couldn't enjoy. you know, i describe his friends, even his friends, there is this formality. they call him sir. if they are women they curtsey, if they are men they bow. it's a very strange distancing
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role to assume, to have, to grow up with. his parents were very distant. he was sent away at an incredibly young age. i think he's trying to make the world nice in a way that he has never really known it. >> i appreciate your time in talking to us. i try to get my friends to call mecir but it's not working so far. appreciate you spending time and thanks for sharing insights of your experience, katherine. >> you're more than welcome. >> some other news to share, a bombshell decision connecticut judge ordered new trial for kennedy cousin michael skakel. skakel spent the last 10 years in prison for 1975 murder of his neighbor 15-year-old martha moxley. the judge ruled yesterday skakel's defense attorney did not sufficiently represent him when he was found guilty in 2002. skakel was serving a sentence of 20 years to life behind bars but he's now seeking release on bond. this morning on the "today" show, robert f. kennedy, jr.,
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said the new trial will prove his cousin's innocence. >> michael skakel is innocent. michael skakel was 11 miles away with five eyewitnesses when this murder occurred. the problem was he had -- his one crime was he had very, very poor representation. mickey unfortunately did not call those witnesses. >> coming up, we're going to have a lot more on the kennedys with a closer look at jfk's legacy. we'll talk to the author of the book, "if kennedy lived." next stay with us on "andrea mitchell reports" right here on msnbc. for sein a whole new way. for seeing what cash is coming in and going out... so you can understand every angle of your cash flow- last week, this month, and even next year.
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kennedy was assassinated in texas, a historical event the nation has been mourning every since. the new book, if kennedy lived first and second terms of john f. kennedy an alternate history jeff greenfield sort of studied what would have happened if jfk survived that day. the columnist joining us from new york. jeff, we appreciate your time. give usa sense, if you can. this book is about alternate history, obviously something that could never have happened. why write about the hypothetical and how challenging is that? >> because it could well have happened. that's the point of this and other exercises we have done. that small twist of fate came close to changing history dramatically. john f. kennedy survived the pacific, almost killed by suicide bomber in 1950, almost lost presidential election. if you look at dallas 50 years ago november, if the rain hadn't
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stopped, sun come out, bubble top on the car, much more likely john f. kennedy would have survived assassination attempt and stayed as president another year and probably another five years. that was why. >> give us a sense of what was unique about jfk to explore the life he lived. you talk about his experience surviving a suicide bombing scarlett fever, what other things struck you about his life. >> he came to the presidency, ran for the presidency in 1960 as a cold war hawk. around back then the cuban missile crisis which almost resulted in global annihilatioa. that changed his life. the move away from the cold war was essential and real dangers
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lied in miscalculation and misinformation, would not reapply when someone shot down a u 2 plane. he said, we don't know who did it. that's why, i think, vietnam would have been a very different experience. >> how would vietnam have been a different experience based on those two experiences? >> i think coming out of cuba missile crisis, a lot of scepticism about military's advice, important to lower the temperature around the world, knowing the region, feeling the west couldn't withstand the power of nationalism, even under communist insurgency. my bet is he would have slowly and carefully with all his eyes on politics disengaged from vietnam. not personalized it the way johnson did right after dallas, the first american president to lose the war. this book is based on an awful lot of reading about history, documents, oral histories. why would a guy had his
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scepticism, fear of miscalculation, stumbling into tragedy, why would he have escalated the war? the evidence is he would not. you can get an argument about this but that's where i came out. >> in a moment we'll talk about the civil rights museum constructed in mississippi now. i want to give you a chance to weigh in on how things would be different if president kennedy had been president as civil rights went through. >> i don't think he had the knowledge of senate, chairman, it's important to remember it was kennedy's death, martyrdom that gave lyndon johnson a powerful emotional argument for civil rights. we have to do this for president kennedy. eventually it would be have triumphed, to important a movement, central to america. it was clear by the end of his life john kennedy was having a devil of a time get the civil rights bill through congress. i'm not certain he could have done it, certainly not in the timeframe johnson did.
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>> could president kennedy's private life ever have survived in the current media environment? >> in that media environment absolutely not. unimaginable john and jacqueline would go to walter cronkite and say as in "60 minutes," which means he and his brother worked to keep that private life out of public sphere. on that his presidency would have rested. had it been exposed, i don't see and historians i talk to can't imagine how he would survive that. that's what my alternate history goes into at some length. >> we appreciate you visiting and sharing some of those stories. thanks so much. >> thank you. in other headlines making news today, two americans who have been kidnapped by pirates after their ship was attacked off the coast of nigeria, u.s. flagged oil supply ship was targeted in the gulf of guinea early wednesday. american officials said the working assumption was that the
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pair were kidnapped for ransom. sources telling nbc news no warships, no plans for a hostage rescue attempt. coming up crucial period in america's history will soon have a new home. the story behind the first state funded civil rights museum. that is next. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" right here on msnbc. huh...fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yep, everybody knows that. well, did you know the ancient pyramids were actually a mistake? uh-oh. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. [ alarm sound for malfunctioning printer ]
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the state of mississippi delving into its own history, that state with two museums seen in artists renditions, mississippi civil rights museum, first state funded civil rights museum in the country. both scheduled to open in the fall of 2017. joining me now the former mayor of jackson and president of board of trustees of mississippi
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department of archive and history, reuben anderson a member of the board as well and first african-american mississippi supreme court justice. gentlemen, thank you for being with us today. we appreciate it. the ground breaking ceremony in jackson that took place this morning. obviously this has to feel so good after years of hard work behind it. give us a sense about the meaning of the ceremony. >> a very exciting day. one, it was a gorgeous day, beautiful day. reuben to my right was master of ceremony. we had four governors on the podium and spoke. marlee evers spoke. excited that finally we came to a ground breaking of the museum. mississippi has been without a history museum since katrina knocked the roof off. we'll get the first state funded civil rights museum. >> knocked the roof off and damaged artifacts there. >> exactly. >> reuben, i want to ask you,
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you played such a significant role in the civil rights movement in mississippi. if you can, explain to me personally what it was like to go back in time and witness a project like this. >> kind of hard to describe. i grew up in mississippi in the '40s and '50s. that was some of the darkest days. to be there today and to have current governor and three former governors and support of congressman and state legislature, looks like the world is upside down. >> what's this museum mean to the state of mississippi? what does it mean to you? >> it means so much to the people, the young people. they need to know all aspects of our history, not only the civil rights museum but history museum. so many thins have taken place in mississippi that were negative and we need to find out why and understand all the great
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people who took a stand and made things different. it was exciting. more than anything it demonstrates leadership of our state is totally and completely supportive of civil rights and the museum. >> one of the things i was struck by you have a curator presently on the hunt for artifacts. i want you to tell us about that given the fact so many people may have artifacts and not recognize their significance. among them i'm told the gun used to kill absent vice m-- activis medgar efforts but more, signs folks might not realize they have. >> we have a huge collection of artifacts for history museum because our department to ha been collecting it for years and years. for the civil rights museum we do not have enough artifacts. we would love to have posters about the movement or anything that someone has in their personal collection or at their
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home that they might not feel is important but is very significant in the civil rights movement. this period was so transformative in the city's history that we just need to collect some more items. if anyone knows about it, contact us. >> as i understand, medgar evers' widow attended today's event as well. rueben, i guess i could conclude by asking, what is the one item you think americans least recognize, least appreciate about the history, the role that mississippi played in the civil rights movement. >> well, mississippi played the most significant role in the civil rights movement. we were unique and different than any other state. the state of mississippi was the enforcer of segregation. they had a sovereignty commission composed of the governor and lieutenant governor. to overcome those kinds of obstacles and be where we are today is just almost startling, if you think about it. the artifacts you speak of,
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there are so many. the thing that is significant, i think, about the civil rights museum is that the movement was captured and will be captured in these museums. the freedom riders, their stories will be told. and young people will have an opportunity to look back and see what great people we had. >> rueben anderson, we appreciate your time. kain, thank you for your efforts as well. we hope to get the chance to visit in 2017 when all is built. >> come visit us. thank you. >> moving on now, very briefly, thousands of mourners arrived at this hour, a little earlier, at the first baptist church in l largo, florida. they paid their respects to congressman bill young. house speaker john boehner flew in this morning to attend that funeral. the house is in recess today so members could attend the
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service. young died friday. he was 82. before his death, young said he was planning to retire and would not seek a 23rd term. he was the longest serving republican member of the house. [ male announcer ] legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses. if you have a business idea, we have a personalized legal solution that's right for you. with easy step-by-step guidance, we're here to help you turn your dream into a reality. start your business today with legalzoom.
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which political story will make headlines in the next 24 hours? we go to our crystal ball chris cillizza. kathleen sebelius will be touring that call center. then she's supposed to be talking to reporters. >> you know, peter, i think every between now and when she testified on the hill will be very closely scrutinized. in an ideal world, the call center, all of these call centers were back-up plans. they want up and running. it's not running perfectly. this is the alternative they're trying to push people to. >> chris, see you again tomorrow. thanks very much. that's going to do it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." i'll see you back here tomorrow.
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joining me, "new york times" white house correspondent peter baker on his new book that takes readers inside the bush and cheney administration. by the way, remember to follow the show online on twitter @mitchellreports. tamron hall is here with us now to look at what's next on "news nation." tamron, good to see you. >> good to see you, too. coming up, the leading contractors on the disastrous new health care website tell congress that the health and human services department is to blame for the problem, indicating that government failed to thoroughly test the system before it went live. the question now will be, will the site finally have a cure to what's ailing it? also coming up, a college student suing the luxury department store barney's claiming he was racially profiled. basically, he says he was shopping while black, and now there's been a call for a boycott and there's a tie to jay-z. and maryland's attorney general backtracking within the last hour after he was photographed at a party where
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