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tv   Martin Bashir  MSNBC  October 25, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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barclays center hadn't been built yet. i know the nets just picked up paul pierce and kevin garnett off season. which is a lesson to all the young people, old oh people can still play. we've still got some gas in the tank. but this whole borough is where generations of hopeful, striving immigrants came in search of opportunity. a chance to build better lives for themselves and for their kids. and that's been true for decades. and i'm here today to talk about what we need to do as a country to build the same kind of opportunity for your generation. for the next generation. and for your kids. and for future immigrants. this country should be doing everything in our power to give more kids the chance to go to schools just like this one. we should be doing everything we can to put college within the reach of more young people. we should be doing everything we can to keep your streets safe
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and protect you from gun violence. we should be doing everything we can to keep families from falling into poverty and build nor ladders of opportunity to help people willing to work hard climb out of poverty. we should be doing everything we can to welcome new generations of hopeful, striving immigrants. i want us to do everything we can to give every single young person the same kind of opportunity that this country gave me. and gave chuck and gave governor cuomo and gave mayor bloomberg. and gave your principal. that's what i'm focused on. by the way, if you have chairs, go ahead and set down. if you don't have chairs, then don't sit down, because you'll fall. i didn't realize everybody had chairs. i would have told you to sit down earlier.
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so that's what we can achieve together. it's possible. we know we can do it. p-tech is proof of what can be accomplished. but we've got to have the courage to do it. and the american people work hard, and they try to do right day in and day out. and that resilience and that toughness helped to turn our economy around after one of the hardest periods that we've ever faced as a country. but what we also need is some political courage in washington. we don't always see that. right now we need to all pull together. we need to work together to grow the economy, not shrink it. to create good jobs. not eliminate jobs. we've got to finish building a new foundation for shared and lasting prosperity so that everybody who works hard, everybody who studies hard, at a school like this one or schools all across the country have a chance to get ahead. that's what we need to do. that's what i'm focused on. and that all begins with the education that we give young
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people. because all of you are growing up in changing times, especially for the economy. the world you're growing up in is different than the one the previous generations here in bro brookl brooklyn knew and all across country knew. in the old days, a young person, they might just have followed their parents' footsteps, gotten a job in their parents' line of work, keep that job for 30, 40 years. if you were willing to work hard, you didn't necessarily need a great education. if you just had gone to high school, you might get a job at a factory or in the garment district. or you might be able to just get a job that allowed you to earn your wages, keep pace with people who had a chance to go to college. but those days are over. and those days are not coming back. we live in a 21st century global economy. and in a global economy, jobs can go anywhere. companies, they're looking for
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the best educated people, wherever they live. and they'll reward them with good jobs and good pay. and if you don't have a well-educated work force, you're going to be left behind. if you don't have a good education, then it is going to be hard for you to find a job that pays a living wage. and by the way, other countries know this. you know, in previous generations, america's standing economically with so much higher than everybody else that we didn't have a lot of competition. now you've got billions of people. from beijing to bangalore to, you know, moscow. all of whom are competing with you directly. and they're -- those countries are working every day to
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out-educate and out-compete us. and every year brings more research showing them pulling ahead, especially in some of the subject matter that this school specializes in. math and science and technology. so we've got a choice to make. we can just kind of shrug our shoulders and settle for something less. or we can do what america has always done. which is adapt. we pull together, we up our game, we hustle, we fight back, we work hard. and we win. we have to educate our young people, every single person here, but also all the young people all across brooklyn, all across new york city. all across new york state and all across this country. so that you're ready for this global economy. and schools like p-tech will help us do that. here at p-tech, you've got folks from ibm, citi tech, citi
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university of new york. citi department of education, everybody is pulling together to make sure a high school education puts young people on a path to a good job. so you guys have opportunities here that you don't find in most high schools yet. you can take college-level courses in math and science. you can work with mentors from ibm so you're learning specific skills that you know leads to a good job. and, most important, you'll graduate with a high school diploma, and an associate's degree in computer systems or electro and mechanical engineering. and that means you'll be in demand. companies will want to hire you. ibm has even said that p-tech graduates will be first in line when you apply for jobs once you graduate. and at a moment when the cost of higher education keeps going up and arne and i are working hard to make sure we are doing everything we can to reduce the
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burden of student loans on young people, here is how much two years of college will cost p-tech students and their families. zero. nothing. nothing. i noticed some of the parents were the first to clap. they're all like, yeah. they like that. but that's a huge burden. i mean, that's -- that's thousands of dollars that you're saving, and that means when you start working, you're going to have that much less of a burden in terms of debt. which means you can afford to buy a house sooner. you can afford to start your business sooner. radcliffe was saying how he's thinking about, you know, starting his own business. and that kind of attitude is a lot easier when you're not burdened with a lot of student loans. so this is a ticket into the middle class. and et cetera it's available for
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everybody willing to work for it. that's what it should be. that's what public education is supposed to do. and the great thing is that what started small is now growing. so governor cuomo, he's opening up p-tech models schools in districts throughout the state. throughout the state. so all those schools together, they're going to prepare more than 6,000 high school students for good high-skilled jobs. back in my hometown of chicago, mayor rahm emanuel is opening up schools like this one, opening up a school, for example, called sara e. goode stem academy. got a chicago person here. across the country, companies like verizon and microsoft and con-ed and cisco, they saw what ibm is doing, and they said this
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is a good idea, we can do this too. so they're working with educators and states to replicate what you're doing here and you guys should feel good about that. you're starting something. all across the country. so as a country, we should all want what all of you are receiving right now. the same chance. for a great education. here's what i think we should do as a country. to make sure they've got the same opportunity as you do. first of all, we've got to give every child an earlier start at success by making high-quality preschool available to every 4-year-old in america. we should give every student access to the world's information. when i went into the classroom today, you know, young people were working off computers, and the problem is, a lot of places,
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even if they've got computers, they're not hooked up to wireless. so what we're doing is, having the federal agencies moving forward on a plan to connect 99% of america's students to high-speed internet within five years. we were already moving on that front. we need to bring down the cost of college and give more young people the chance to go to college. so a couple months ago, i put forward an ambitious plan to do that, to reduce the cost of college. we need to redesign more of our high schools so that they teach young people the skills required for high-tech economy. so i've been meeting with business leaders and innovative educators to spread the best ideas. and i also want to congratulate governor cuomo and all of you in new york for having the courage to raise your standards for teaching and learning to make sure that more students graduate
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from high school ready for college and a career. it's not easy, but it's the right thing to do. it's going to prepare more young people for today's economy. we should stay at it. and here's one more thing we should do. and that is just remember none of this works unless we've got outstanding teachers. which means we've got -- we've got to make sure -- we've got to make sure that we're funding education so that teachers have the support that they need, so that they can support their own families, so that they're not having to dig into their pockets for school supplies. and we've got to show them the respect and provide pathways of excellence for teachers so that they're treated like the professionals they are. it is a hard job and we've got to make sure we're investing in them. now, some of these ideas i've laid out before.
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some of them i'm just going ahead and doing on my own. some of them do require congress to do something. and one way we can start is by congress passing a budget that reflects our need to invest in our young people. i know the budgets aren't the most interesting topic for a friday afternoon. even in a school where young people like math. and, by the way, i just sat in on a lesson called real world math, which got me thinking whether it's too late to send congress here. for a remedial course. but -- but a budget is important. because what a budget does is it sets our priorities. it tells us what we think is important. what our priorities are.
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and the stakes for our middle class could not be higher. if we don't set the right priorities now, then many of you will be put at a competitive disadvantage compared to other countries. if you think education is expensive, wait until you see how much ignorance costs. so we've got to invest. so we need a budget that is responsible, that is fiscally prudent. but a budget that cuts what we don't need, closes wasteful tax loopholes that don't create jobs, freeing up resources to invest in the things that actually do help us grow. things like education and design scientific research and infrastructure. roads, bridges, airports. they should not be an ideological exercise. we should use some common sense. what's going to help us grow?
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what's figure going to create jobs, what's going to expand our middle class, what's going to give more opportunitto young people. those are the thing we should be putting money into. that's what we need to do. and we've got enough resources to do it if we stop spending on things that don't work, and don't make sense. or if we make sure that people aren't wiggling out of their taxes. through these corporate loopholes that only a few people at the very top can take advantage of. if we just do everything in a fair, common sense way, we've got the resources. to be fiscally responsible and invest in our future. and this obsession with cutting just for the sake of cutting hasn't helped our economy grow. it's held it back. it won't help us build a better society for your generation. and, by the way, it's important to remember for those who are following the news, our deficits
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are getting smaller. they have been cut in half since i took office. all right? so -- so that gives us room to fix longer-term debt problems without sticking it to your generation. we don't have to choose between growth and fiscal responsibility. we've got to do both. and the question can't just be how much more we can cut. it got to be how many more schools like p-tech we can create. that should be our priority. you know, after the manufactured crises that congress -- actually, a small group in the house of representatives just put us through, shutting down the government and threatening to potentially default on our debt, i don't want to hear the same old stuff about how america can't afford to invest in the things that have always made us
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strong. don't tell me we can afford to shut down the government, which costs our economy billions of dollars, but we can't afford to invest in our education systems. because there is nothing more important than this. in fact, what i would like to do is have every member of congress, maybe chuck can arrange -- and the congressional delegation can arrange some tours for some of their colleagues. come here. come to brooklyn. meet some of these young people. they ought to meet some of the young people here. meet somebody like leslie ann john, a young woman who sang the national anthem this afternoon. you know, leslie ann is in the 11th grade, she is already taking -- she's already taken eight college classes, which is about as many as i took when i was in college. she knows she has a great
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opportunity here. she is working hard to make the most of it. eventually, she plans to become a lawyer. and leslie ann is right about the challenges the students here face. you know, she put it, you know -- in a way that a lot of people can relate. she said we see a whole bunch of craziness going on in the streets of crown heights sometimes. it's what she said. but she also said that being here at p-tech taught her something important. there is more for us than just the streets. and she said that at the end of the day, we've got to make something of ourselves. and that's important -- that's important. it's not just what the government or adults can do for you. it's also what you can do for yourselves. and that sense of responsibility -- that sense
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that you set the bar high for yourself, that's what america is all about. that's been the history of new york. people working hard, but also working together to make sure that everybody has got a fair shot. to make sure you don't have to be born wealthy. you don't have to be born famous. that if you have got some drive and some energy, then you can go to a school that teaches you what you need to know. you can go to college, even if you don't have a lot of money. you can start your own business. even if you didn't inherit a business. making something of ourselves. that's what we do in this country. that's a message we're sending to washington. no more games, no more gridlock. no more gutting the things that help america grow and give people the tools to make something of themselves. that's what this is about. that's what p-tech represents, that's what brooklyn represents.
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and as long as i have the privilege to be your president, i'm going to keep fighting to make sure that no matter who you are, where you come from, what you look like, this country will always be a place where you can make it if you try. so thank you, brooklyn. god bless you. god bless america. ♪ >> we've been listening to the president speaking of brooklyn's p-tech high school about the importance of ensuring the next generation has the skills to compete and succeed in a dynamic global economy. the president first mentioned p-tech in his state of the union address in january this year. students at the six-year high school graduate with not only a diploma, but with an associate's degree in a high-tech concentration like computer science or engineering. and the president said it would be a model for the kind of opportunity that every single student deserves. >> we have to educate our young people, every single person here, but also all the young people all across brooklyn, all
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across new york city. all across new york state and all across this country. so that you're ready for this global economy. and schools like p-tech will help us do that. >> for more, i'd like to bring in msnbc contributor, professor james peterson. with us from raleigh, north carolina. professor, you heard the proe president say, if you think education is expensive, wait till you see how much ignorance costs. >> i love that. one of my favorite parts of the speech. the cost of ignorance. it's long-term understanding. and his conversation about the budget serves us, as well. part of the process is understanding our priorities. if we're spending so much of our budget on defense or spending so much on tax loopholes for the rich, we're not prioritizing education, which is the safety and future of this nation. so i like that part. there are other good things here, as well, martin. i'm not a fan of the sort of
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these exceptional models for schools because i want to think about how you bring things to scale, right? >> yes. >> but the president was clear we need classrooms of the future. that we need to be technologically advanced. and while i'm a little skeptical of private investment and public education, because i think sometimes people on the right would love to see that kind of justice and equity. but the president made it clear, the federal government is going to make 99% of our students connected to the worldwide web. to me that's scale. and i think if you think about this speech, he sort of gives the shoutouts to the private investment and also talks about the role of the federal government. so there is some balance there. even though i don't agree with everything he is talking about, i certainly agree with the federal government's role with thinking about the future and understanding the ways in which the budgetary process is a reflection of our priorities and nation. >> and also, professor peterson, he made no bones about going back to this issue of congress. and saying we live in a 21st century global economy. the jobs can go elsewhere.
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without a good education, you'll be left behind. and then he said, we have a choice to make. we either adapt and invest or shrug our shoulders and when i listen to what republicans -- what have they said about this kind of issue? very little. >> nothing. nothing. i mean, in the past, you would hear republicans talk about school choice and vouchers. we've heard very little from them about education. part of the things -- and this is really important to understand. we can't respect teachers, pay teachers better, bring our classrooms in the 21st century at the same time that we're defunding government. we can't lower the cost for college education unless we restore the rates with which the federal government supports higher education. and so what he's saying quietly and directly to his republican colleagues there is listen, we have to think about the future and we have to understand what our priorities are. we can't cut, cut, cut, cut and expect to have a robust public education system. >> and finally, professor peterson, is it not the case that the man himself knows what
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he's talking about, because he himself has been through that position as someone who has cared for in a single-parent family who relied on assistance, who worked hard, and is now the president of the united states. there is a sense in which this is a personal issue for him. >> it is. it is. and the point has to be clear, that in this nation, we consider it a right to learn how to read, to learn how to write, to learn how to earn a job and get a job in the economy of your time. that requires us to double down on the ways in which we invest in education at every level. so, again, i'm a little bit skeptical of private investment, because it's very difficult to bring that to scale. but where he's talking about the federal government's role in insuring the rights for people to become educated is powerful, important and timely. >> professor james peterson, as ever, your thoughts are timely and powerful. thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> coming up, trial by fire for the president's health care law. but could we be glitch-free by thanksgiving?
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congressman elijah cummings joins us next. stay with us. [ lane ] are you growing old waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula. to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena®.
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as we have seen, the president is in brooklyn, promoting a new model for secondary education. his health and human services secretary is deep in the heart of texas, promoting the new option for millions of uninsured. enrollment in health exchanges through the affordable care act. earlier today, touring a health center in austin, kathleen sebelius naturally faced questions about the troubled rollout of >> now there are very specific diagnostics in place. there will be some updates and metrics on a regular basis. it is far from optimal, but as the president said on monday, health care -- the affordable care act is a lot more than a
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website. >> indeed, it is. and the secretary helped some texans enroll in person at that health center today. and as for those updates, there are some positive developments. hhs reported today that 90% of people can now create accounts, but only 3 in 10 can get through the application process. that said, people in need of insurance can give thanks that hhs reports the web site will be up and running smoothly by mid to late november. so happy thanksgiving to them. and apologies to republicans, because that will obviously ruin their holiday. for more, i'd like to bring in congressman elijah cummings, a democrat of maryland, with us from baltimore. good afternoon, sir. >> good afternoon, martin. >> congressman, secretary sebelius said today that is getting better, but needs to get a lot better. that's true. but aren't we in danger of ignoring the fact that some 700,000 applications have already been completed, about half through the federal website. and shouldn't we be glad that
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the working poor, the young, can now be covered by health insurance? that being pregnant can no longer be considered a preexisting condition by an insurance company, and so that a woman is tossed off health cover? >> yeah, we should be very pleased about all of those things. but certainly we should be concerned with regard to the website. but, you know, the thing i liked about what has been happening with the administration is that they have been very transparent. they have basically acknowledged what the problems have been. they have now put out a game plan to properly address those problems, but having a lead contractor to be in charge of the other contractors. and to have jeff zients, who i have a lot of respect for, to lead this whole operation. and then they made it clear that by the end of november, they should have had substantially all of the major problems worked out. >> but congressman, i hate to spoil your weekend, sir.
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but your friend, congressman darrell issa, does not believe there has been any transparency, and while ms. sebelius and the entire team are working to get the website up and running, congressman issa is already threatening a possible subpoena if she doesn't turn over documents about possible website problems. this is classic issa. we had benghazi was a cover-up by the white house. the irs targeting certain groups went right up to the white house. and now the white house intentionally planned website glitches, and is covering that up. >> yeah, as a matter of fact, chairman issa made an allegation that the folks at cgi, the -- one of the main companies involved in the website production, said that the white house was involved with making operational changes with regard to the website. and nothing could have been further from the truth. what i have said to chairman issa is that we need to
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concentrate on making sure that government works correctly. so that all of our constituents might benefit. and when we go into this attack mode, go -- putting out these headlines that then we -- that he then goes trying to chase the facts and the facts are not even there, it does nobody any good. chairman issa, of course, has tried to defund, tried to destroy and tried to delay what is now the law. and so we need to be working together, martin, to make sure that we make this law work, because failure is simply not an option. too many people who are depending on this, so they can now be in a position to finally be able to purchase health insurance. >> indeed. now just in time for halloween, sir, the koch brothers are doing their part with a new ad to discourage young people from signing up for the exchanges. take a look at this. >> sure. >> become part of the system, chad. one big happy system.
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would you buy it, please? come on, chad. sign up! we got to have you on the exchange! >> so there you have it, congressman. don't be scared into getting health care. and you can take that from a couple of billionaires who have health care -- they can pay for a heart transplant in cash. >> yeah. i think those ads are very unfortunate. young people need to be insured, just like everybody else. and the fact is, i think that you'll find that young people began to see through these ads. but there is something else that's happening now, martin. and that is that insurance companies are now advertising, because they want to bring in all folks into -- to take advantage of their particular policy offerings. and so you're going -- although those ads are coming out by the koch brothers and others, there are going to be a lot of insurance companies that are going to be saying just the
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opposite. so i think we need to let this play out again. i believe that we -- things will move, just as the zients has said they would. we should be in a position no later than november 30th to see this thing substantially up and moving in the direction it should be moving in. but keep in mind that one of the other things that's good about this through this transparency, we'll be getting a blow-by-blow situation, update, as to the progress that's being made. and that's -- americans are understanding. they understand that there are going to be problems. i'll tell you one of the best things we can do is keep them informed of our progress. when they see the progress is being made, just like the progress you just announced at the beginning of your show, those are the kind of things we're going to hear. and as that progress moves up and up and up, this will not be an issue later on. >> and finally and briefly, sir. you serve constituents. what are your constituents saying? i'm thinking of people who have never had or been able to afford health insurance.
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i'm assuming they are absolutely delighted about the possibility. >> my constituents are extremely happy. so many of them have not been able to get -- just talked to a lady with lupus who hasn't been able to get insurance because of preexisting conditions. i hear a lot of that, people are elated they'll now have the opportunity to be insured and to buy insurance. >> congressman elijah cummings, thank you for joining us on this friday afternoon. >> have a nice weekend. >> thank you, sir. still ahead, congressman allan gray son joins us to discuss his controversial comments about the tea party and the new and improved image of the republican party in today's top lines. >> the bottom line is, the law is not racist. >> of course the law is not racist. and you're not racist. [ laughter ] >> well, i've been called a bigot before. [ male announcer ] welcome back all the sweet things your family loves
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we're going beyond insurance to become your partner in health. humana. from capitol hill to the dust bin of history. here are today's top lines. look out for those germans. ♪ >> we begin with today's hearing on capitol hill. >> so once again, here we have my republican colleagues trying to scare everybody. >> i'm so proud of these republicans. >> it could have been a constructive effort. >> we have branded the republican party as the anti obama care party. >> was instead used by republicans to object if i skate and derail a law they want to destroy. >> that is a system that has failed. >> what i was struck by -- >> american people deserve something that works or start over. >> it reminded me of somebody who shot his neighbor. >> there is really nobody in charge. and then said i'm going to run the inquest into the murder. >> no, i will not yield to this monkey court. >> i sentence you to kis my [ bleep ]. >> the national security agency has been monitoring the phone
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calls of more than 30 world leaders. >> meddling in affairs for national self interest is kind of our thing. >> the german government said officials would travel to the u.s. shortly. >> ooh, the germans are mad at me. i'm so scared. >> for germany, it is unacceptable. >>, the germans! >> spying on close friends is totally unacceptable. >> o don't let the germans come after me. >> the shutdown was so magnificent, run beautifully. >> one of the problems with the republican posture in this shutdown. >> i'm so proud of these republicans. >> the republicans weren't really for anything. >> we should pass immigration reform. >> it would be crazy to enter into negotiations with them on immigration. >> it's good for our economy. >> the president has undermined this effort. >> it's good for our people. >> he's trying to destroy the republican party. >> and we should do it this year. >> this president is determined to destroy the republican party. >> i do believe that is their goal. just shove us into the dust bin of history. >> i think they're doing that on
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their own, aren't they? coming up, democratic congressman, alan grayson, and he's one who has never been one to mince words. >> here it is. the republicans' health care plan for america. don't get sick. in fact, they understand that if barack obama has a blt sandwich tomorrow for lunch, they will try to ban bacon. >> but did he dip too far into the pool of fiery rhetoric with his latest remarks about the tea party? we'll ask him directly. there he is. when we come back. ♪ ♪ come on baby light my fire in the nation, sometimes bad things happen.
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alan grayson offered a telling encapsulation of the republican alternative. >> here it is. the republicans' health care plan for america. don't get sick. that's right. don't get sick. if you have insurance, don't get sick. if you don't have insurance, don't get sick. if you're sick, don't get sick. >> however, this week, congressman grayson has captured the attention with a fund-raising e-mail that has nothing to do with the affordable care act, and has proven a little inflammatory. mr. grayson used the indelible image of clans men burning a cross. when the e-mail was revealed, mr. grayson issued the opposite of an apology saying in response if the hood fits, wear it. as you can imagine, this has provoked a great deal of consternation among his conservative critics, but also upset some of his democratic colleagues. >> i've learned a couple things in my life in congress.
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one is you never talk about the ku klux clan. you never talk about nazis or hitler. and you never talk about slavery. so i think that was a mistake on al an's part and he ought to apologize. >> joining us now is congressman alan grayson of florida. welcome, sir. we have some sympathy for your analysis, given that over the last five years, we have witnessed plenty of instances of racial hatred toward the president, whether it's the revoting rush limbaugh, the i am by sill, sarah palin or tea party supporters spewing their hate at various rallies. but i have to ask you, how can you possibly compare racist epithets with racist actions of the kkk, which actually led to racist murders? >> well, today, martin, the home of discrimination and bigotry in our oh country and our political system is the tea party. in the same way that the home of bigotry and discrimination generations ago was the ku klux
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clan. i'm pleased that we haven't gone so far as to see those murders. but the analogy holds to that degree. in fact, we saw it on your oh show last week when larry klayman exhibited gross racism. we saw it last week when a confederate flag was waived in front of the white house by tea party fanatics. >> sure. i accept what you're saying, sir, but on the night of june 21st, 1964, michael this werner, james cheney and andrew goodman were lynched by the kkk near philadelphia, mississippi. how many young black and white civil rights workers has the tea party lynched? >> martin, i have given a reproduction of the painting of that incident to our local african-american history museum. i am well aware of what you're describing. sometimes analogies are imperfect. but the fact remains -- >> so do you -- do you accept that that may have been an inappropriate analogy? >> no, and i'll tell you why.
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because the modern-day torch bearers for the civil rights movement, the naacp, three years ago, implored the tea party to remove the racist from their midst and they failed to do so. and two years ago, another african-american congressman said specifically, you and me, they would like us hanged from a tree. and yet still, even after that, the racism continues. >> okay. >> so no, i think the point is valid and what needs to be done is the tea party to expunge the racists from their midst. >> the gop civil war is due in large part because it cannot prevent and often will not condemn some of its most hateful members from making the most incendiary and discriminatory comments. don't you yourself thereby debase your own party by arguing on their level? >> mar tinge, do you think that racism is the same as calling out racism? do you think that my effort to
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end racism in america is somehow analogous to racism itself? that's ridiculous. >> no what i'm saying sir, is you have heard your colleague, john yarmouth say he felt that wasn't the best analogy. that using that kind of example is inappropriate. and doesn't it actually delude the very evil of the kkk, who did perpetrate such horrific murders upon people? i mean, let's be honest. the tea party has not done that. >> i imagine that john yarmouth does not have e-mails from tea party members going to him saying, go to hell, jew boy or i wish it were you on that cross. so maybe john ya yarmouth does see it differently. >> mr. grayson, i receive e-mails from people regularly, asking that i be murdered and shot and hung. i accept that that happens. the point i'm simply making to you is that is it appropriate to
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use such heinous crimes and to anal jazz them when describing the tea party when you and i know, members of the tea party have not perpetrated murders or lynchin lynchings? >> and the point i'm making to you, martin, if you don't speak out against it, then in effect, you're collaborating with it. and, in fact, if you give someone like me a hard time for speaking out against it, then maybe you're collaborating with it. >> i -- am not collaborating with it, but representative alan grayson we have run out of time. >> thank you. >> thank you. how america's former top spy got made, even though no one was listening. ♪ [ male announcer ] staying warm and dry has never been our priority. our priority is, was and always will be serving you, the american people. so we improved priority mail flat rate to give you a more reliable way to ship. now with tracking up to eleven scans,
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in today's episode of tell us something we didn't know, we focus on the issue of spying. according to new documents provided to the "guardian" newspaper by edward snowden, the national security agency has
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been monitoring the phone conversations of 35 world leaders. there's a surprise. indeed, as european leaders met in brussels today, one topic was the u.s. monitoring of cell phones, possibly including that of german chance lore, angela merkel. as for spying on our own people, it's easier than bugging a cell phone. just sit on a train. this is what matt discovered yesterday, when he overheard former nsa director michael haden on his cell phone giving an interview to a reporter from "time" magazine. he tweeted, michael haden on a cella giving reporters disparaging quotes about administration. and quoted haden as saying, "remember, just refer to me as former senior admin." matt was ultimately exposed and approached him who was kind enough to pose for a picture. always remember the day he learned. joined by candidate gary
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johnson. good afternoon, sir. >> martin, great to be with you. >> thank you for joining us. let's start with the report that the u.s. has been spying on european leaders. german chancellor angela merkel said yesterday, we need to have trust in our allies and partners and this must now be established once again. i have to ask you, though, did anyone ever believe that international partner did not spy and listen to each other? >> you know, i think what's shocking is just the scope of the spying. 125 billion phone calls a month? i saw where france alone, 70 million phone calls were -- cell phone conversations were monitored by nsa in a month? i just think that it's the scope that's so overwhelming. and tell us something you don't know. you know, here's my cell phone. it's turned off. but as a result of edward snowden's disclosures, it can be used as an open microphone, even if turned off, and a -- and gps
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can be used as a location finding. even though it's turned off. >> yeah. absolutely. now, the eu is sending a delegation to the u.s. on monday to discuss these allegations, as well as the possibility that the u.s. spied on foreign citizens. but here in the u.s., there seems to be something like bipartisan agreement that this sort of spike shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. i would like you to listen to two responses. >> as a matter of policy, we have made clear the united states gathers foreign intelligence of the type gathered by all nations. >> everyone spies on everybody. i mean, that's just a fact. at the end of the day, everyone knew there was gambling going on, in casablanca. that's an old line, mr. johnson. but he's right, isn't he? the british have spied on virtually everyone, and the americans continue to do so. >> well, it shouldn't deter from being against it. and i'll just come back to the surprise, the thing that we really had not understood was just the scope of all this.
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look, you've got three judges, you know, the fisa court, that authorizes that 113 million verizon cell phone users can be monitored by nsa. i don't think any of us dreamed that the scope was so huge. >> gary johnson, thank you, sir, so much for joining us. >> great to be with you, martin. >> thank you, sir. we'll be right back in a moment. ♪ ever since the fire went out i'm going to jackson ♪ ery day, milons ofeople
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thanks so much for watching this friday afternoon. as always, you can find today's interviews and top lines on our website. that's but coming up right now is my friend, ed schultz, and "the ed show."


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