tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC October 26, 2013 6:00am-7:00am EDT
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rds card synchronizes your business expenses. just shoot your business card receipts and they're automatically matched up with the charges on your online statement. i'm john kaplan, and i'm a member of a synchronized world. this is what membership is. this is what membership does. happy friday. i should tell you right now there is not a cocktail moment on tonight's show. if you want to hit pause and go get a drink right now, i would understand though. because ted cruz is in iowa and that violates the rule from bans all reasonable people from talking about the 2016 presidential race. we try to never violate it. and there's good reason not to. the last presidential race was less than a year ago. there's another really big nationwide election that has to happen between now and the next presidential race. nobody is allowed to talk about 2016. it is against the rules, but ted cruz is in iowa right now.
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and iowa republicans are kind of at war with themselves right now. the state's republican governor is now talking nationally about how he is leading an effort inside the republican party in iowa to try to reclaim the party from the social conservatives who have taken over in iowa and who especially have dominated the states presidential -- states like mike huckabee and santorum are now winning not just straw polls of conservative activists in iowa, but they're winning the iowa republican caucuses. sort of. maybe.
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since 2012 the tea party guys have is taken over. it's gotten hard to tell who has won recently because that has occurred simultaneously with the caucus collapsing on the republican side. recently, since 2012, the tea party guys have taken over the official leadership of the state party in iowa. that has meant the iowa republicans have not been able to do the stuff you need to do to be a major party like fund raising. we've taken over the state party, fund raising has fallen by double digits. also, iowa republicans have a really specific problem named diane. who not that long ago was the single most prolific fund-raiser for iowan republicans. she raised more for iowa republicans than anybody in the state, wu she is pro-choice and explained to the associated press that the social conservative takeover of the iowa republican party has been a little alienated. can mainstream republicans get somebody like her back? can mainstream republicans regain their strength and take back control from the groups that have taken over? can they get themselves back into power?
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magic 8 ball, can they? magic 8 ball says, look, this is bad. ted cruz. this is not going to help. tonight's big annual fund raising dinner for the republican party of iowa featuring the tea party senator, ted cruz. this is not going to help. ted cruz is not famous for it, but he is a rick santorum style social conservative and he always has been. >> it is known to us when he was in washington during the bush years, he worked for the u.s. department of justice and as a policy adviser on the 2000 bush/cheney campaign. but we were well acquainted with him while he was in washington and certainly welcome him back to washington as a u.s. senator
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and we want to be able to have -- give him the opportunity to do even more in a senate majority so that he is a majority senator who can vote on all those pro-life bills and get them through the senate. so with that i would like to give you senator cruz. [ applause ]. >> this is a room of warriors. this is a room of patriots. this is a room of men and women who are willing to sacrifice, sacrifice on your knees in prayer, sacrifice standing up for the unborn. >> speaking in june at the national right to life conference, getting a standing ovation.
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what is saying about standing up for the unborn, that's a fairly standard part of his stump speech to conservative audiences, even if the national press doesn't always pick it up about him. >> this is an administration that is telling christian companies like hobby lobby, that the little sisters of the poor, they must provide board efficients or pay millions of dollars in government fines. >> the audience shouting no, no. the audience is correct there. because no, no, what senator cruz said there is not actually happening. no! he totally made it up. the hobby lobby is a company that sells knickknacks and glitter and stuff. this week, as long as you're not willing to buy from the seasonal department, you can get 50% off on decorative vegetable and fruit-filled bottles or men's metal and wood decor. it is a hobby shop where you can shop by gender. it is a for-profit company.
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they are suing the federal government because they as a company disapprove of contraception and they want to be able to block their employees from having birth control covered on their health insurance and birth control, contraception, is not the same thing as having an abortion. it's not as ted cruz put it, an abort, birth control and abortion, they're not the same thing unless you are a rick santorum ken cuccinelli type out there like ted cruz is. ted cruz does not get billed that way, but that's what he is and at home in texas right now, republican party there is on the brink of a social conservative breakthrough. remember back if june when democratic state senator wendy davis stood up for 13 hours and filibustered a real filibuster
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against texas republicans draconian new antiabortion law, which was designed to shut down abortion clinics across the state of texas. she succeeded today, succeeded in delaying the passage of that bill, but ultimately, texas republicans were able to force it through and that bill is due to go into effect in texas on tuesday. between now and tuesday, a federal judge is set to rule on whether or not that law is constitutional. the trial was held this week. the state basically called no witnesses. didn't make an argument in favor because they're so confident they're going to win this battle, but the federal judge in this case says he hears the clock ticking. he knows the regular laces are due to go into effect on tuesday and he will try to get in his ruling before then. if the law is upheld or ruling too late, that is expected to force essentially the immediate closure of 13 clinics that provide abortion in texas. a third of the places in the state where you can get an abortion will shut down.
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texas is a state where before this law, republican pressure was forcing some women into crossing the mexican border to try to buy medicine to self-induce an abortion at unregulated mexican pharmacies. it's also been reported there's a thriving illegal trade in those same kind of medicines at texas flee markets. people just guessing what it might take to cause an abortion because they can't go to a doctor because there isn't one anymore. that was before what is due to happen in texas next week. that is a dramatic and down to the wire situation in texas which is a really big state where a ton of people live, but is not unlike what is happening. in ohio, clinics are shutting down one after the other thanks to the last minute editions to the budget that republicans
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slipped in before john case kasich signed it into law in july. you see him signing the ohio budget at the meeting of an ohio women's group. as you can see there. the caption must be wrong on that. no, the lead in the cleveland plain dealer was this. at the start of 2013, there were 14 abortion clinics in ohio. today, there are 11 and thanks to newly enacted state restrictions, at least two more are in danger of closing. the only other clinic in there'd is on the brink of closure. as is a fifth in the suburbs of cincinnati. the head of the ohio right to life group is bragging openly in the ohio press now about thousand right to life groups and republicans wrote the law they stuffed into the budget in a way that was specifically designed to shut down as many clinics in the state as possible and now, it's working the way they intended. this is putting pressure now on bordering states. the clinic just over ohio's
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northern border in michigan is reporting a huge spike in patients crossing the border from ohio into michigan because you can't really get abortions in ohio anymore. the number of ohio women scheduling abortions has grown so rapidly that the company is hiring additional staff. there's been a quote noticeable increase inpatients from the buckeye state. ohio prides itself on having state-of-the-art world class medical facilities. the cleveland clinic, but come on, women in ohio are having to flee the state and cross borders in order to get health care that just isn't available in ohio because the republicans are in charge of the state government there and that's what they decided to do with their power. and so, this fight in ohio right now, whether it is a party so defined by its antiabortion activism that it's going to
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repel the party's top fund-raiser because she doesn't agree with them on that one issue. this fight in iowa, ted cruz takes the day right now at the reagan dinner in iowa tonight. this fight in iowa is the same fight they're having nationally. this week, the autopsy report said the party should reach out more and support immigration reform and not be so social on conservative issues that they repeal people who agree with them on other issues. that autopsy report this being got a rebuttal from an anti abortion and anti gay group who argued that the party had it all wrong. they say the real reason lost in 2012 was because they were not socially conservative enough and the reason cuccinelli's going to lose that virginia governor's race and the reason any
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republican is going to lose is because they're not socially conservative. they need to get more hard lined and that's how they'll start winning. this is the national story for the republican party. that is a fight in the states and in washington. about whether or not republicans should just give in and admit, hey, this is what we have to offer. we make no bones about it. we will force you to give birth against your will. they have affected radical change in the states an the fight right now is not about whether or not to keep doing that, it's about whether or not they admit to it instead of pretending that's not their first priority. if they pick ted cruz, that means the we're proud of it side wins. joining us now is president of planned parenthood. action fund. the group is running an ad right
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now highlights ken cuccinelli's anti abortion. thanks very much for being with us. i appreciate your time. >> sure, rachel, good to see you. we have talked before about the bay that abortion is both used in political campaigns and sometimes disappears. conservatives have been trying to use the issue to turn out their base as the last minute thing in this virginia governor's race. you're trying to do the opposite in virginia. how do you see your efforts there working? >> if you look at what's happening in virginia, the republicans have nominated the most extreme ticket ever in the commonwealth running not only ken cuccinelli for governor, what you're seeing now is that women are the party in droves. the latest polls show there's a 20-point gender gap of women supporting mcauliffe and this was a race dead even in the spring. literally women in the state of virginia or the commonwealth of
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virginia will not vote for ken cuccinelli because he wants to get rid of birth control, of course he said he wants to get rid of planned parenthood. he's supported closing health centers in virginia. i don't really get it. we saw after the 2012 elections, womened to re-elect barack obama. we're seeing the same thing play out in virginia. it seems like a bad strategy of the national republican party. and ted cruz is a classic example. >> i'm fascinated to see in iowa right now this anecdote about the former top fund-raiser for the iowa republican party being totally alienated for the party, and obviously not doing that great fund-raising work for them anymore because she is pro-choice and she feels she doesn't have a home in that party anymore. do you see an effort to somehow to bolster, unify or somehow support pro-choice republicans? is there any resistance in the
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republican party nationwide? >> i'd say there is enormous disaffection in the rank and file. of course, a lot of republicans started planned parenthoods around the country. that was the first thing they were concerned somehow the national republican party in congress was trying to defund planned parenthood. then they went after birth control. they kept going. i think rank and file is very discouraged. we think of ted cruz as being an outlier, but the truth is, he is leading the republican party. it's incredible. we talk about these antics to close down the government. which he took part in. totally unsuccessfully, disrupting our economy, losing tax payer money. and yet the republican party, the republican congress voted right with him. >> do you see this could not become a litmus test issue for the republican party in the future?
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there is no such thing as a republican pro-choice running at any level. and i can't imagine that they will allow that to happen any time soon. can you see any way to interrupt that process where pro-choice republicans might be able to gain any ground? i know you're saying it's not happening already, but if you were inventing a strategy for them and i bet you have been thinking about this, how would you do it? >> i think that moderates of the party have to run for office and they have to challenge people in the primary. unfortunately, maybe it is they have to lose so many successive elections that they realize you cannot get elected in the united states of america and be against women. we're 51% of the voters in this country. you mentioned the wendy davis situation in texas. wendy davis has put texas in play because there are men and women in that state who cannot vote for this kind of extreme politics. i wish there was a short and simple answer. we work with moderate republicans at planned parenthood every single day and
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hope that many of them will decide to run for office and take their party back. >> cecille richards, very much for being with us. >> good to see you, rachel. thanks. breathtaking week of republican outreach to minority voters in north carolina was pretty breathtaking last night. it got like 100 times worse today. amazing, amazing news out of north carolina. next. to be the world's best sport sedan... ♪ ...people noticed. ♪ the cadillac ats -- 2013 north american car of the year. lease this cadillac ats for around $299 per month with premium care maintenance included.
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for the kickoff of the republican party's outreach to african-americans in north carolina. republican party's presidential candidate may have won north carolina in 2012, but no thanks to the black vote. african-americans in north carolina voted 96% for president obama. that was up from the 95% of black voters who supported him in the previous election. one in five residents of north carolina is african-american. they have not seen much to appeal to them from the republican party. this was a really unfortunate week to pick for republicans to try to change black voters's minds. this was the week the republican governor of the state went to court to defend the new law restricting voting rights in the state. a law called the worst voter
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suppression act in the country since the act in 1965 banned things like race tests and poll taxes. so, republicans went to court to defend those laws the same day they opened up their black outreach offices. two days later, "the daily show" talked to an official about that law and what it's for. >> the bottom line is the law is not racist. >> of course the law's not racist and you are not racist. >> well, i've been called a bigot before. let me tell you something. you don't look like me, but i've treated you the same as i would anybody else. as a matter of fact, one of my best friends is black. >> one of your best friend -- is black. >> yes. >> and there's more. >> when i was a young man, you didn't call a black a black. you called him a negro. i had a picture of obama sitting on a stump as a witch doctor. i posted that on facebook. i was making fun of the white
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half of obama, not the black half and now, you have a black person using the term and it's okay for them to do it. >> you know that we can hear you, right? >> yeah. >> okay, you know that. you know that we can hear you. >> then i found out the real reason for the law. >> the law is going to kick the democrats in the butt. >> wow. an executive gop member just admitted that this law is isn't dined to hurt black people, it's designed to hurt democrats. >> if it hurts a bunch of college kids that's too lazy to go get a photo i.d., so be it. if it hurts the whites, so be it. if it hurts a bunch of lazy blacks, so be it. >> and just so happens that a lot of those people vote democrat. >> gee. >> and this is the week the north carolina republican party is kicking their outreach to black voters.
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he resigned from the republican party leadership job that he has yesterday after the segment ran and everybody got upset with what he said, but he told a reporter today he stands by everything he said in the interview. he said local republicans have long complained they can't get enough media coverage and he has finally provided some, then started using a n word again, telling the paper when a n word can use the word n word, he said it again and it not be considered racist, that's the utmost racism in the world. he has been enjoying time on north carolina local radio. here he is in ashevilles wwnc. >> no, i don't take back anything that i said. would i do it again? yes, but what has happened is through this appearance on this show, has confirmed some things for me.
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number one, it's confirmed that the democratic party can't take the truth. when i said it's going to kick the democrats in the butt, this law about having the voter i.d., i meant it. to heck with it. i don't want to be part of a group that is that mealy mouthed and gutless. >> so the north carolina republican efforts this being to woo black voters away from the democratic party, that turn out to be great timing already. then today, we got this. >> i noticed on facebook recently somebody had posted a picture with barack obama. across it said "traitor." . i don't it's right to call barack obama a traitor. of all the things he's done wrong, he is not a traitor. at least not as far as i can tell. i have not come across any evidence that he has done one
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thing to harm kenya. >> number income republican state legislator larry pittman. >> so, the worst voting law since jim crow, the lazy n word guy hits "the daily show is." the president is secretly african. anything else you want to do this week to woo black voters to kick off your outreach efforts in the black community? got anything else up your sleeve? today, republican north carolina governor will honor the late jesse helms. right. because why not? if they're going out all week to make it seem like they're superwelcoming to black people, why not do an event on this guy. >> you needed that job and you were the best qualified, but they had to give it to a minority because of a racial quota. is that really fair?
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harvey gantt says it is. gantt supports the law that makes a color of your skin more important than your qualifications. srour your vote on this issue next tuesday. against racial quotas. jesse helms. >> when helms was in the senate in 1993, he stepped into the senate members elevator along with the first african-american woman to be elected to the u.s. senate. the only black member of the senate at that time. senator helms saw her standing in the elevator alongside orrin hatch, he walked up and started to sing, i wish i was in the land of cotton. quote, i'm going to make her cry. i'm going to sing dixie until she cries. when helms retired from the united states senate, david
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brodeyer of "the washington post" wrote that he was quote the last prominent unabashed white racist politics in this country. what is unique about helms is his willingness to pick at the scab of slavery and segregation to inflame racial resentment. against african-americans. when helms died in 2008, the -- owe pitch aware noted jesse helms held firm on that until his death. and so that's who north carolina republican governor pat mcrory is honoring tonight to put the capstone on the north carolina vote. anybody else want to see what they're going to try next week? but they didn't fit. customer's not happy, i'm not happy. sales go down, i'm not happy. merch comes back, i'm not happy.
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use ups. they make returns easy. unhappy customer becomes happy customer. then, repeat customer. easy returns, i'm happy. repeat customers, i'm happy. sales go up, i'm happy. i ordered another pair. i'm happy. (both) i'm happy. i'm happy. happy. happy. happy. happy. happy happy. i love logistics. i missed a payment. aw, shoot. shoot! this is bad. no! we're good! this is your first time missing a payment. and you've got the it card, so we won't hike up your apr for paying late. that's great! it is great!
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. we reported on this a couple weeks ago. an unusually oil spill that happened on a wheat farm in north dakota, a farmer was out harvesting his wheat and noticed the spill. that was in late september. the company that ran the pipeline that was spilling told the state it appears that about 750 barrels of oil had been spilled. as the cleanup started, state regulator said nothing to the public. more than a week later, state regulators got a new estimate for this spill they had been keeping quiet about. they thought it was 750 barrels. turns out, it was more than
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20,000 barrels plus and that's when they at least told the state's governor, more than a week into the clean up, but even after that, nobody told the public what was happening until a reporter from the associated press started asking about it. who knows when officials in north dakota would have said anything about the big oil spill if ever. quoting the lead state official, it's on top of a low hill, in the middle of a wheat field, in an area with no residents at all. the public has a right to know, but do i have a responsibility to run out and tell the public every time there's a spill that's not going to threaten them that the company is aggressively cleaning up? that was yesterday. today, they got more news about what they do not know. turns out that in the midst of their state's headlong oil boom, there have been hundreds of oil spills reported to the government, but never revealed
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to the public. according to these new developments, north dakota logged 291 oil spills this morning alone that the public was not informed of. since january 2012, regulators have recorded more than 700 oil field incidents. again, none publicly reported. here's the thing. the oil and gas industry in north dakota just closed a $25 billion year. the part of the state economy involving pipelines is worth more than twice the crops and livestock. the part of the economy and land that includes the wheat fields where those pipelines sometimes spring their leaks. north dakota runs on oil and gas these days. the question is to what extent oil and gas runs north dakota. joining us now is don morrison, executive director of the dakota research council, a group of 700 conservation-minded landowners. >> thanks for having me on your
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show. >> you were surprised by the number of oil spills in your state. to me, it was a surprisingly large number. >> from what we've been hearing from farmers, ranchers and folks out in north dakota, 300, not surprised. it's not good news. but it's still a large number. >> why do you think there hasn't been more notice given to the public when those spills happen? i mean, part of it is that the spills are happening. the other part is that the public isn't being told. why do you think that is or what's your reaction to that? >> i think if i could go back, this is normal operating procedure i think where it occurs north dakota state government. farmers, ranchers, workers,
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native americans. and they are calling the health department, industrial commission on difficulties and problems they've had with pipeline sightings, well pads and dust and roads and different kinds of difficulties, water contamination. for a while there, the state government didn't respond very quickly or very fast. but we called a resource counsel, the organization that i'm with, we started shining the light of the public on what was going on. so now what happens rachel is that when somebody of these things were reported, they'll send somebody out. then they'll go go back to the oil companies and come back to the landowner and they'll go, well, the oil company said there's no problem and shrug their shoulders.
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north dakota state government, the current government, is so intent on making sure that the oil companies and the oil industry is welcomed in north dakota, that's their constituency. >> are you saying the government needs to be more responsive but, as the oil boom has gone on, the government has gotten more differential to the industry? >> yes. and thank you for asking your question. it really is, this isn't the first boom that north dakota has had. in past booms, north dakota state government and the people of the state have reacted very differently. we have because of the efforts of a different kind of government and we have some of
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the strictest laws in the country. they weren't expecting their statement government would leave them on it of the equation. >> executive director, thank you very much for talking to us tonight. appreciate it. we'll be right back. help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger. "stubborn love" by the lumineers did you i did. email? so what did you think of the house? did you see the school ratings? oh, you're right. hey babe, i got to go. bye daddy! have a good day at school, ok?
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this is alan greenspan is. when mr. greenspan was appointed by president reagan he had already chaired for three years. this is ben bernanke. before he got the federal reserve. he held that same job alan greenspan had, but only about six months. he had also been on the board of the federal reserve. this is paul volcker who proceeded both of them. before he got nominated from that job, he had also run the new york fed and worked at the treasury department. that's the history of the last three guys. first guy worked at the new york fed. second guy chaired the president's economic advisers, the third shared the president's economic advisers and was on the board of the fed. that's the experience of the three guys who have done this before. now, here is the person who president obama has just nominated to do it next. and she's not a guy.
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janet yellin, who would be the first woman to chair the federal reserve ever. on paper at least, she is more qualified for the job than anyone in modern history. volcker ran the new york fed for four years. she ran the san francisco fed for six years. greenspan and bernanke ran the the economic advisers. yeah, she did that, too, to two years. also, she did three years on the fed board of governors and she's vice chair there now as well and she also worked as an economist. back in the day. the day before janet yellin was announced as president obama's nominee, "the washington post's" economic policy blog told her perhaps the most qualified fed chair in history. yeah, she predicted the financial crisis when other people were poo-pooing it. and, yes, she would be the first woman ever at the fed.
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but brass tax, all that, she is more qualified in the job than any of the men who have gone before her in modern times. so, republican senator rand paul of kentucky today said that he would put a hold on her nomination next week. he released this new weird audio message that has videos saying that his fight to stop janet yellin will be the fight of our lives. everybody needs to join this fight against the most qualified person to ever be nominated for that job. that said, he pledged to block the janet yellin nomination is only start. the other has got to be some kind of special halloween treat or something or trick, yeah, i don't know, but that is amazing. that story's next. when you havs like i do, getting the right nutrition isn't always easy. first, i want a way to help minimize my blood sugar spikes. then, a way to support heart health. ♪ and let's not forget immune support. ♪ but now i have new glucerna advance
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republicans say that if you only know one thing about what the party stands for, you should know that they stand for smaller government. one of the most awkward things about that is how much the republicans has gotten when they are in charge of it. president reagan, president bush. when they were in charge, government grew a lot. it also grew under clinton, but
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what's awkward now is that under president obama, the socialist government bogeyman, during his time in office, government has shrunk. the size of the government now is the lowest its been since 1966. 2.7 million employees. government under president obama is shrinking and the republican presidents like george w. bush, government grew. one of the ways the government grew under bush is that after 9/11, republicans supported a plan to combine 22 agencies into one new giant mega federal agency, smaller only than the va and defense department. it was and remains the mammoth department of homeland security. because it has the word, homeland, it is the creepiest of all. the department of homeland security hadn't been around that long. it's only had three leaders since it opened for business in 2003. nominated to be the fourth leader is jay johnson. the top lawyer for the defense department in president obama's first term. president obama has nominated
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mr. johnson and now, he must be approved by the senate and in the senate, guess what the objections are? john cornyn of texas and jefferson sessions iii of alabama, they've decided to raise the alarm of jay johnson as a nominee for homeland security because jay johnson donated money to democratic candidates in the past, including to president obama. senator sessions said about those donation, quote, this is deeply concerning. senator cornyn included as among his grave concerns about this nomination. i mentioned before that there have been only been three total leader of this agency the whole time it has existed. two of those three were nominated by president bush and then confirmed by the senate. one of them, former pennsylvania governor, tom ridge. he raised and pwupbd bundled a
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quarter million dollars for george w. bush, who then nominated him to homeland security. the second one, michael chertoff gave thousand in donations to republicans including to george w. bush who nominated him for homeland security secretary. when each was nominated to run the homeland security agency, senators were in the senate, they raised no objections to the political donations from either candidates. both senators voted to confirm both nominees without a peep. now though they profess to be outraged jay johnson has done the same thing that guys did. it bothers them, it is deeply concerning them to when a democrat does it. when a republican does it, oh, that was okay. it's okay if you are a republican. it is the single most consistent principle in congress today. that said, if this is the best they could come up with, if this is the quality of the opposition
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to jay johnson's nomination, it is safe to say this is pretty much a done deal. we'll watch this space. across america people are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® is different than pills.
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and maximize resources in extreme conditions. our current situation seems rather extreme. why can't we maximize our... ready. ♪ brilliant. let's get out of here. warp speed. ♪ >> it is a rule in american politics whatever party the president is in, the other party tend to do better in the midterm elections. so say it is 1970, before watergate. the president was obviously a republican, richard nixon. and in the midterm elections that year, 1970, the president's party, the republican party, got crushed. democrats took 12 seats from republicans in the house that year. republicans also lost a ton of governorships. in 1970. gop is set back in major states. just a bad year -- for the republicans that year. but into every rain storm, a little sun must shine. so even in that bad year for
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republicans, they did have some bright spots. that year, 1970, a gentleman, bill young was first elected to the house of representatives from florida. although he did not know it at the time, bill young would go on to hold that seat in florida for 42 years. congressman bill young, first elected in 1970, he went on to become the longest continually serving republican member of congress ever in the history of the country. he was serving in his 22nd term when he died last friday at the age of 82. this week, thousand of people gathered in largo, florida, for congressman bill young's funeral. the house canceled their scheduled business yesterday afternoon for his funeral so members could attend. more than 100 members of congress did attend the funeral. they all flew done to florida. and no disrespect to congressman young, some members of the house said they were ticked off that house business got canceled for the funeral.
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and they were mad specifically that john boehner arranged military transport for the members of congress who wanted to fly down for it. in c-32 and c-40 planes flown by the air force. some conservatives were mad about it. more than 100 members of congress did fly down to florida to pay their respects. as such this was all right most a variety of a state funeral. one of the more interesting things about bill young's long time in congress is that he was a huge supporter of the military. and specifically of increased military spending. he was on the appropriations committee from that influential position in congress. in recent years, congressman bill young was one of the most outspoken and avowed supporters of the war in afghanistan. for the first 11 years of that war he was very much in favor of it. and that made it a huge deal. when congressman bill young told the tampa bay times, last year, that he thought it was now time
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for that war to end. the congressman told the times editorial board, i think we should remove ourselves from afghanistan as quickly as we can. the congressman said he was moved to the position in part by a young staff sergeant from his district who had written to him from afghanistan about the conditions of combat there. and then shortly after he wrote off to the congressman he was killed in afghanistan by an i.e.d. the staff sergeant was 26 years old when he died. he left behind his wife and -- their 9-year-old son. congressman young told the times about his communication with sergeant sitton before he died and then he told the paper, i just think we are killing kids that don't need to die. and he turned against the war. so, rest in peace, congressman, bill young, the longest serving republican in congress. rest in peace. and now, because congressman young was a congressman from
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florida this is the part where the story has to take a weird turn now. i am sorry, you can blame florida. shortly after congressman bill young died, his widow started sending letters to a list of people she wanted to make sure did not show their faces at her husband's funeral. so, dear charlie crist, quoting mrs. young's e-mail. charlie, this e-mail is to officially advise you that your presence at my husband's memorial service will be unacceptable. i have watched over the years as bill had, your transparent attempts to manipulate the political arena. i don't want my husband's memorial service to be another opportunity for that. i will not tolerate anyone turning this into a platform for political gain. and then she signed it, sincerely. she also said similar i've see your face around here warnings to two of the congressman's former democratic opponents. people who had run against him unsuccessfully in his district. so, yeah, that happened. when it comes to the congressman's now vacant seat in
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the house, though, here is where things get even more florida. local press reports indicate that among those considering running to replace bill young in congress, is the congressman's younger brother. now, that's not all that strange, but it will be an awkward thanksgiving this year if congressman's young son also tries to run for the seat. so that would be uncle versus nephew, or depending on how you look at it, brother versus son. if you think that is awkward. kid also that bill young's wife, his widow of the don't show your face at the funeral, she is considering running for the seat. congressman's brother, son, and congressman's wife are all trying to get his seat. against each other. leading the tampa bay times to suggest that just as a matter of common decency, perhaps before any body hold a primary, perhaps we should have a primary just for members of bill young's immediate family. just to be courteous. leave it to florida to turn a stately and somber affair into a
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