tv Weekends With Alex Witt MSNBC October 26, 2013 7:00am-8:00am EDT
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story this -- eh, and awkward. florida if you did not exist some creep would invent you. i swear. the fix is in. a new white house effort expected to repair the health care website soon. who is in charge now and how quickly it will be done. a former republican candidate weighs in on ted cruz. did he do irreparable badge to the gop brand? i spy. u.s. spying on the leaders of france and germany. is there another shoe to drop? in big money headlines, numbers behind a huge phenomenon. how one number became a surprise hit. good morning, everyone. welcome to "weekends with alex wit witt". new this morning, president
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obama addressing the problems with and outlining a new strategy to fix it. >> the site suspect working the way it's supposed to yet. it's frustrating for all of us month work so hard to make sure everyone who needs it gets health care in the coming weeks. we are going to get it working as smootly as it's supposed to. we have people working overtime 24/7 to boost capacity and address these problems every single day. >> and here's the plan. the white house has enlisted the help of former budget officials. private contractor quality software systems, responsible for two components is to lead the fix. fixes are expected to be completed by the end of november. tbgs senator ted cruz said it was a success.
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he has people talking about the health care law. he made the comments at the reagan dinner in des moines, iowa. he will attend a gop lunch later today. president obama is returning to campaign mode after visiting a brooklyn high school in new york. well, joining me now defense reporter wanda summers and for the "washington post", aaron black. good morning, guys. good to see. >> you good morning. >> good morning. >> the problems with the obama care website should be fixed by late november. will it be able to recover after this big stumble out of the gate? >> even the late november deadline leaves very little time for people who want to sign up for the program. a lot of people want to sign up to have insurance by january 1st. that's when a lot of these benefits kick in. pre-existing conditions exception, other things like
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that. of course the calendar year changing. i think that late november deadline was set so that people could get signed up by the beginning of the year. the question is whether, you know, people begin signing up once all these problems are fixed. and there's another crush of people logging on to the website and having problems because of the amounts of traffic on the site >> yeah. wanda, health and human services secretary cat lean sebelius will be testifying next week. what do you expect to come from that hearing? do you think she will be able to survive all the fallout? >> their big question is, why didn't she know sooner there were sweeping problems with the technology behind this site. why didn't she know? why didn't she delay more? i suspect very relentless questioning for her. paul ryan and others calling for her to resign.
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she said she is going to do the job. i think she can survive. but she has to explain why she didn't know more about these problems and didn't do more to fix them. that's on the minds of many republicans on the hill and many democrats are hoping to see a very successful rollout for this highly anticipated health care law. >> do you expect to hear explanations or excuses? >> that's always the question. i would expect to hear a little bit of both. the talk has been about all the technical issues, contractors. i suspect they will talk about the extra tech help that has come in to help right the ship and make this rollout a success by the november 30th deadline that you and aaron just mentioned. i'm not sure you will hear why she was out of the loop. the fact of the matter the last interview the setting did she said she personally had not tried to enroll. she said you didn't sit at your computer. you weren't engaging the way
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most average americans was. >> signed on to a letter pushing for open enrollment extension. i know there are varying time frames for the extensions. but what about the political damage. how much has hit the affordable care act because of this? >> well, i think this is significant because you are starting to see senate democrats start to distance themselves from the administration. extending open enrollment for an undetermined amount of of time is not saying i want to delay the original mandate or anything like that. so it's not quite -- not a lot of distance between the administration. but it is significant there are these members of the senate democratic caucus. one-fifth sees the need to put distance between itself and the the administration. so, you know, the administration is going to be reticent to make any more changes really because it's going to be seen as a
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defeat for them as more problems. but the fact that democrats are now calling for changes along with republicans puts more and more pressure on the administration. >> guys, i want to switch gears with you quickly. tapping up to 35 world leaders's cell phones. there are a number of european leaders furious over this. what kind of damage control is the white house dealing with this? >> the white house is dealing with so much on their plate. what i'm hearing from world leaders is that the latest disclosures undermine international trust, alex. the white house has a lot of damage control to do. i suspect over the next couple days and weeks. particularly with this rally on saturday, you will hear the white house, other officials coming forward. they are not only critical but imperative to our national security.
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>> beyond that, aaron, any concerns about the spying allegations hampering u.s. foreign policy? >> well, there's always that concern. i think the state department put out a very telling statement. they basically acknowledge this could do significant damage going forward. you know, the question from here is whether these countries are surprised that the united states is to go this. and maybe monitoring world leaders's phones. or whether they expect this is something that's happening. of course countries and their leaders want to express that this is happening. but if they're not surprised by it, maybe it doesn't affect that much. we will have to see what kind of things the leaders of france and germany in particular do in the coming weeks to maybe craft a new diplomatic agreement that covering spying between the united states and european countries. >> yeah. merkel and hollande are working on that now. good to see you both. thanks so much. >> thank you. will obama care succeed despite the website problems?
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talk to me on twitter. i will read some of your tweets throughout the day. now to the weather. parts of the country are waking up to bitter cold, especially in the south. nbc meteorologist dylan dreyer is here with the forecast. good morning, dylan. good morning, alex. cold air is moving into the southern states. 37 degrees to start off in atlanta. it is going to be a chilly one for sure as this dip in the jet stream drags down more arctic air into the southeast. a ridge out in the west. that's where temperatures will be slightly above average. it's nice and warm in the desert southwest. look at all the freeze warnings and frost advisories posted stretching down into atlanta. it's getting to the end of that growing season with the cold air surging in. clear skies. sunshine should warm temperatures up to 61 in atlanta later on today. that is 15 degrees below average. it certainly is on the cool side. 45 for a high in minneapolis. 54 in boston for your high temperature. but other than that, things are fairly quiet.
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a couple spotty showers in and around the texas area. in michigan, it is falling as rain right now despite the cold. over east, lake-effect snow into erie, pennsylvania. that should fade away. we'll go back over to sunshine. the only area we will see more storms is across texas. once again, things look quiet ept except for a few spotty showers is. temperatures on the cool side. running 15 degrees below average all through the northeast with highs only in the 15s. >> dylan, thanks so much for that. a bit more on the new word from the administration on efforts to repair health websit >> the obama administration is saying the the website will be running smoothly by the end of november. this comes as more lawmakers,
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including democrats, are calling for an extension to the open enrollment period. under continued fire for the rocky rollout of his health care website, president obama is trying to ease concerns in his weekly address this morning. >> we have people working overtime 24/7 to boost capacity and address these problems every single day. >> this as republicans continue to use the glitches as momentum in their fight against the health care law. friday night, senator ted cruz in iowa. >> what a disaster, what a train wreck. >> obama official jeffrey zinst said it will be running smoothly by the end of next month and a private contractor will take over repairs. >> site is fixable. >> kathleen sebelius hit the road this week to visit call centers in texas and arizona and said she has no plans to step
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down despite mounting calls from republican lawmakers for her to resign. >> my job is to get this up and running the way it should have been running on day one. it's the most important work i've ever done in my life. >> but the pressure is on with 10 democratic senators now calling for the president to extend the individual mandate. the administration will be like be able to withstand the heat if the website gets a clean bill of health soon. >> but if there are problems going into tkaoerbgs i think the pressure on the white house to delay penalties, is going to be unavoidable. >> the damage control will continue into next week. president obama will travel to boston on wednesday to talk about health care. his top officials will continue to criss-cross the country. and kathleen sebelius will testify next week before a congressional committee. she is expected to face tough
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they closed the government down. and then they have the awe d dasity why the website won't work. the whole government didn't work for 16 days. >> that was reverend al sharpton on real-time with with bill maher. all of congress is taking a hit for the latest washington lapse into dysfunction. only 9% of the public approves of the job congress is doing, which begs the question, will it create real change on capitol
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hill. joining me now former republican governor of new mexico and the libertarian nominee in the 2012 presidential election, gary johnson. governor, good to see you again. >> great to be with you, alex. >> what that says about the the republican party, your formal party? >> i think we do need to balance the federal budget. it's really a butter knife. it's not a meat cleaver. republicans don't want to acknowledge to balance the budget you have to cut military spending. democrats don't want to recognize entitles need to be addressed. when it comes to social security, i'm not talking about cutting social security. i'm talking about reforming social security. i'm talking about a butter knife as opposed to a meat cleaver. >> what about senator ted cruz? i'm curious of your take on him and if he is in any way damaging the gop brand? >> here, in my opinion, is where
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the gop is somewhat out to lunch. it has to do with immigration reform, it has to do with abortion, it has to do with marriage equality, it has to do with military intervention. look, i think work wants drug reform. these issues i think the gop generally is crossways with american public opinion these days. >> i want to shift to the anti nsa rally. the latest edward snowden revelations has stirred up trouble. has the nsa leaks done more harm than good? >> i think that ultimately it will do a lot more good than it will harm. the fact that 125 billion cell phone conversations are recorded every month. the nsa is reporting every
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internet transaction that's happening, every cell phone transaction. judges grant warrant or authority for nsa to honor 113 million verizon users. this is reminiscent why the revolutionary war occurred. britain having this general warrant to search every one and everything. the cornerstone of this country is really privacy. i think this is why we fought wars. and here it is we are living in a surveillance state. and i really think it needs to come to an end. the the patriot act, members of congress who wrote the patriot act, say it needs to be fixed. the only way you fix the patriot act is to repeal the patriot act. >> what about others spying on
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us? that's happening as well. they just don't have the edward snowdens there that are publicizing it, right? >> well, i just think the massiveness of this is what is so appalling. yes, we recognize some of this is going on. but where is the due process? where's the judiciary looking over the shoulder of law enforcement that wants to conduct this spying? this is the system of government we have. this is the constitution. but when you have a three-judge panel that grants authority to the nsa to monitor 113 million verizon users, when you're talking about the fact that the nsa under this broad authority is looking at 125 billion phone call conversations, cell phone
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conversations a month. man, this is way over the top. this has nothing to do with targeted or warranted search, due process. >> with regard to one of your platform you remembers, the legalization of marijuana. the first time americans support that. it has jumped up in a year. do you attribute that to what happened in washington state, colorado state, having paved the way for that? >> you know, what alex, neither program has been implemented in either state. i do believe these are the first two dominoes of 50 that will fall here. i'm talking about states legalizing marijuana and the federal government recognizing this. when washington state and colorado demonstrate the world isn't coming to an end, it will be a better place when law
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enforcement wakes up tomorrow and enforces real crime as opposed to nonviolent victimless crime. look, it will never be legal to become impaired and do harm to others. impairment is a big issue. we don't want people smoking pot and driving cars. but, look, based on my own experience, and i don't drink and i don't smoke pot today, but i have smoked pot and i have drank. the big difference between the two in my opinion and for people who have done that is that marijuana is a lot safer than alcohol. >> all right. your cantor is always appreciated. former presidential candidate gary johnson. good to see you. >> alex, thank you. your welcome. numbers behind pumpkin spiced lattes. is first, look out below.
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get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. in today's three big money headlines, consumer cold, pumpkin palooza. good morning to you. we're going to start with the new report on consumer confidence and the impact from the government shutdown. what are you hearing? >> optimism is down. i think there was a big impact. in fact, if we look at it, pretty precipitous decline. if you're a retailer heading into november right now, that negativity is a little too close
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for confidence. >> mcdonald's hoping to boost their flat sales. they have a new dollar menu. >> it's dollar menu and more. they are going for the dollar store model. maybe the 20 pack of nuggets is $5. they want to make sure the margins were still there. they needed more wiggle room. >> okay. . they're getting it. mcdonald's capturing the the flavor of the season. joining the pumpkin crowd. >> the very famous starbucks, pumpkin spiced latte launched this entire phenomenon. it's 10 years old. they have sold 200 million of them. they have a code name they call the psl.
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the most successful ever seasonal beverage. now widely copied. you see it in things like pasta, ale, candy. i think, alex, you know you have made it as a flavor when there is a parody. i think we have a clip. >> can't you see what they're doing? they're putting pumpkin in everything. it's not even that good. >> yes, it is. it's yummy and it's seasonal. >> pumpkin spice you and pumpkin spiced me. living, breathing in a pumpkin spiced world. >> oh, god. i'm sorry, ma'am. is your baby okay? >> what baby? >> stao funny. starbucks has it their way. >> i'm glad it's seasonal. you wouldn't want it all year-round, would you? >> no. a lot of people say that's how they know it's really fall. i know it's fall.
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i just had my first pumpkin spiced latte. >> go out and get one this afternoon and enjoy one yourself. >> in this morning this is's one minute playbook, bill maher talks about a trend. here's something from real-time last night. >> tom hanks has to stop making movies where he gets stuck somewhere. i got stuck at the airport in the terminal. now he's stuck on a boat in captain phillips. i don't know if he wants an oscar or ransom. oh, look for him this christmas in chimney. it's a growing trend in business: do more with less with less energy. hp is helping ups do just that. soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance, using forty percent less energy. multiply that across over a thousand locations,
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your financial advisor should focus on your long-term goals, not their short-term agenda. [ woman ] if you have the nerve to believe that cookie cutters should be for cookies, not your investment strategy. if you believe in the sheer brilliance of a simple explanation. [ male announcer ] join the nearly 7 million investors who think like you do: face time and think time make a difference. join us. [ male announcer ] at edward jones, it's how we make sense of investing. welcome back to weekends with alex witt. 31 minutes past the hour. new developments in the obama's administration's push to get
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heal working properly. the administration came out with a bold declaration. >> the website is fixable and functional. >> the man in charge of getting it fixed went even further in a teleconference with reporters. >> by the end of november, will work smoothly for the vast majority of users. >> december 15th is the deadline for people to sign up if they want insurance on january 1st. the government is also handing over project control to a private contractor. a subsidiary of united health, qssi, one of the builders of the troubled website. >> i can still refer them to this number to sign up over the phone, right? >> at this clinic in new jersey, frustration with the whole process. >> the first day didn't work out. tried another time. it crashed.
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>> it isn't saying how many people have been enrolled in a national plan. this is your application. >> correct. every time i come to my application it says it is incomplete. >> database and software programmer is skeptical that the site can be fixed by november 30th. >> it is extremely difficult to take over somebody else's code, figure out what's wrong with it, and fix it. sometimes you have to throw it away and start from scratch. >> but jim johnson, who conducts research into i.t. project failures, believes a small focus team can save the website. >> what really has to happen is someone has to take out a lot of code because it is probably faulty. so i think that's the challenge. >> tom costello reporting there.
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next week, skagt lean sebelius will be on capitol hill to testify on the website's failures. she is expected to be grilled. one of the state's where the exchange rollout does seem to be working is kentucky. in fact, so far 26,000 people have enrolled in health coverage. another 51,000 have been started. what are they the doing right in the bluegrass state? john yarmouth, which oversees the implementation of obama care. nice to see you. thanks for joining me. >> my pleasure, alex. >> you heard that, and you know that health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius testifying on capitol hill this week. how much heat do you think she is going to take, that she should take, if at all? >> well, i mean, she obviously is going to take a lot of heat. one of the things that i hope
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she stresses and i hope that members on our side help her, help her make the point that one of the problems we have is that we're actually in this national exchange dealing with 32 or so different state regulations, different programs, different insurance companies. i don't think anybody ever anticipated that many states would basically saying we're going to give it up to the federal government and them do this. kentucky was really smart and didn't give up that prerogative. it's much easier to deal with our own regulations, our own provider networks and to allow people to choose from them. this is not just technology. that is one of the missing impressions, that it's just computer programming. it's complex dealing with all these situations, 31 different states. >> what is kentucky doing right, getting ahead of the game, out in front of it all?
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>> i think that's right. we had an administration totally committed to what we brought in. very, very talented people. and got a federal grant to help put this together. about a $60 million grant. states had that available to them. we made some really good decisions. one of the main decisions made here that the federal change does not make is to browse is the site without starting an application. a lot of people came on the site wanting information, wanting to get informed about what the affordable care act provides. when you have everybody in there filling out an application just to get information it clogs the system. that's one of the problems that the federal exchange had that kentucky didn't. >> timing can be everything. in the "new york times", they note this is his last term. so he's no longer worried at all about the politics of obama
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care. do you think that's why he was able to expand medicaid and create the only state-based exchange in all of the south? >> well, sure. when you're lame duck as he is, it takes a lot of pressure off you. he has responsibilities to other democrats in the state. he understands that. i think there was a little bit of political risk in that respect. but that's one of the problems with the implementation across the country is that it has become basically a political exercise, if not an exercise in actually implementing a policy. many of these republican governors who constantly are criticizing the federal government said we will let it run the exchange. that's fine. we want to do it. that was a political judgment that they made, not a policy judgment, not something considering the welfare of their citizens. and as a result of that, they have complicated the system for
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virtually everybody. >> interestingly, about 80% is forex panned medicaid in kentucky. are you concerned with so many people signing up for medicaid there may not be enough buying insurance to fund the system? >> well, i mean, that's always been somewhat of a concern. but, you know, in kentucky, 400 small businesses have already filled out applications. that represents several thousand individuals. so i think we're going to see a lot of action in that area. small businesses coming on, realizing once they good information there's enormous benefit for them and their employees. and that's going to i think make up for maybe a shortage on the individual applications. >> are there rollout problems for the national programs.
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in the late '50s people had no access to insurance and they have insurance now. they have security. they're not going to go bankrupt if they have a huge expense. so many young people, younger than 26, being able to be insured through their parents's policies. so many medicare beneficiaries having access to preventive care. having is shrunk the size of the doughnut hole so their preparation drugs are much more affordable. these are all things that many people experienced already that do get obscured by this controversy. >> absolutely. a always good to see you. thanks so much. >> thank you, alex. >> well, the rollout of obama care in the states is topic of "meet the press" tomorrow. governor steve bashir and john
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kasich. a high school math teacher murdered earlier this week. they are finalizing plans to lay her to rest. how police say the 14-year-old suspect tried to dispose of her body. ron allen is in danvers for us. good morning to you. what are you hearing about how she was killed? >> alex, we don't know why she was killed. it was a murder mystery that has this town very distraught. the family is trying to finalize funeral plans. it will take place on monday. we expect many students and teachers will attend that service. they return to school on friday. many describe it an emotional, difficult, but also very necessary day. just days aftermath teacher colleen ritzer was brutally murdered danvers high community
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returned with heavy hearts. >> it was good to be here and show support to the teachers because they needed it today. >> we move forward as a community and get through it the best we can. >> they want pink, her favorite color. they ventured into a school now the the scene of a horrific crime. >> it's just troubling to see. >> that is where 14-year-old phillip choice many cut her with a box cutter. choice many has pleaded not guilty. sources also say security cameras captured choice many following ritzer into the bathroom and exiting with blood on his clothes. an area that police say now is closed off indefinitely. >> it was a sad day. but like i think everything just went normal as much as it could
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be. >> freshman emily nestor was in class with choice many, who had just transferred to danvers high. >> posters covered with personal messages outside. >> no reason to put it off another day. you have to just try to get through it and be there for the teachers. the teachers were there for them today. >> and to honor her legacy and memory, they have announced they are setting up a memorial, scholarship fund in her name. the money will help young students who want to become teachers. alex? >> okay. thank you very much. very sobering report there. in today's office politics, the chris cal ball on why the battle over obama care hits close to home. that's next. ♪
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politics, crystal ball. crystal has been very critical of the botched health care rollout because with crystal it's personal. >> i'm really quite furious. look, going back to when i ran for congress, i ran on obama care, right? i went in the red district of virginia, went to tea party meetings and said this is going to be great. wait until you can see it. you can log to the exchange and buy health care. even you, as skeptical as you are, as much as you hate this thing, you're going to love it. i feel angry about that. i feel angry about the fact that republicans have made this argument that it's going to be a catastrophe and government can't work. and now we're providing them with all sorts of ammunition. but more than that, i'm concerned, as you are saying, this is going to have a real measurable impact on the actual law. because the longer that this goes. and right now we have no end in
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site for the website being properly operational, the longer this goes, the fewer people you are going to have. and even for things like, you know, texas is a very large state with a lot of uninsured people. we want them to go forward with the medicaid expansion. we have been trying to pressure them to do that. when they see how poorly this has gone, are they going to feel pressure with medicaid? absolutely not. i think it's incredibly damaging. i think we can get past it. i think the law will still ultimately be a success. but it's a huge problem. >> but have you heard any reasonable explanation or just a bunch of excuses? >> it's a lot of excuses. one thing you may not know about me is several lives ago i actually worked for the main contractor, cgi federal. that is the main contractor in charge of this website. i'll tell you how this works. i'm sure they worked with the department of health and human services before.
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they knew the backend database already. they knew the people involved. so they had an edge in terms of the contracting process. that's the way a lot of federal contracts are awarded. it's the company that knows the most how to work that process. >> the insider? >> absolutely. it's not just isolated to this project. it's a system wide problem. ultimately, whether it's the contractor's fault or a subcontractor's fault, ultimately, the government is in charge of making this thing successful. and this website is a critical part of the signature achievement. and my mind is blown that it has gone this poorly. >> do you hold the president account bible in any way? >> i do. yes, i do. and i hold kathleen sebelius accountable too. >> do you want her to leave her post? >> i don't know if i want to go that far, but it's a reasonable question to ask, though. this is the first entryway for
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millions of americans to buy health insurance. it is mission critical. i thought this president, as well-run as his campaign has been, as tech savvy as he is, would have this thing nailed, that it would be double, triple, quadruple checked. and it wasn't that. it was barely tested before it rolled out. it crashed immediately. the information past the insurers is not even correct. >> how long does the president have to fix it? >> the date people keep talking about is december 15th. it's the end of when you can sign up for health care and have it at the end of january another critical point is march. you have to have it by the end of november or it's a major more. >> more at 12:00 noon. we discuss gop attacks on the president. and what happens when one of the other host tries hone in on our
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>> chicken lovers listen up, they're one of america's favorite wide size snacks. do you know what you are eating? they put two fast food chains and put them under the microscope. they were shocked by what they found. doctor, good morning, this study we should note was published in the american journal of medicine. what exactly did it reveal? >> well, it showed at least two different restaurant chains in mississippi, there is a lot of stuff in their nuggets besides meat. >> to include, we will show some of the slides from the, yeah, there you go. it doesn't look ap advertising for those enjoying breakfast.
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it shows blood vessel, fat, intestines, a little meat sprinkled in between there, why is it you think so many of us find as an acceptable food choice with reoverall not happier not knowing what we are eat something. >> i think that's the case a lot of the time. this is to note that this isn't every chicken nugget. these were the two they found. a lot will be higher in meat than this. and the usda does oversee how much of this mechanically separated chicken is going into nuggets. so overall, it should be safe. it is more of a gross factor. >> yeah. but in addition, nutritional information at many of these fast food chains is available to customers. they're not necessarily being mislead, do you think they tell themself, chicken nothing et, a healthier alternative because of the word chicken? >> i think so. also there is the whole karsh craze, you are not dealing with a bun. it's sort of easy and
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accessible. it seems like just pure meat. you are getting fat and remnants in there some of the time. >> yeah, dr. ashley petersen says this study is too small to prove anything at all against chicken nothing ets. in fact, she says they're good for our kids, chick nuggets are an excellent source of protein, this study evaluates two chicken nugget samples out of the billions made every year. is she on tarpth or off base here? >> i think she is on target. it's definitely not intended to be an expose, more of a reminder we should be looking at these nutrition info at the ingredients list available to us and be mindful of what we're eating. >> yeah. can we say i guess not all chicken nothing ets are created equal. there are two chains that advertise their nuggets are made entirely of breast meat? do you know which ones those two are? >> i know we have kfc, chik-fil
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lay, mcdonald's has said that as well. so, being mindful of that, especially being someone who eats a lot of chicken nothing ets, that is probably good if you are eating these every week. someone who has this once in a year, once in a while, it's probably not going to be a huge deal for you either way. >> we should say this, there is not meant a to be an expose chicken industry, it's a reminder just because something tastes good, does not mean it's healthy. you think of obesity rates in this country being on the rise. do you think studies will get people to think twice when choosing what is for lunch? >> absolutely. i think if you look at these photo, it's not something you think about wanting to put inside your body and you have an alternative to maybe just cook some breast meat at home and go the more traditional route, i think that's going to be more appealing to people. >> dr. james hamlin, thank you for going through this study with us. that's a good one.
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>> thank you. >> that's a wrap of this weekend alex witt. straight ahead "up" with steve kornacki. that's all here on msnbc. >> it is all about the cold this week. we start off with frost advisories and freeze warnings. vits across the northeast. 58 degrees in the middle of the country. the best chance of showers, though, this weekend will be down across texas. elsewhere, it looks nice and sunny, temperatures running 10 to 15 degrees below average.
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