tv Disrupt With Karen Finney MSNBC October 26, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. i'm karen finney and from ted cruz in iowa to debunking the myths of obama care, we have a lot to talk about. >> hopefully we will have a successes and get some birds and have a good time at the same time. >> ted cruz is in iowa. >> we are seeing an administration that seems bent on violating every constitutional protection we have. >> when you look at cruz you can see the insurgent right and indignant victimhood.
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>> soon they may be start quartering soldiers in their houses. >> here is the hard right so diz write in its anger it can't tell up from down or north from south or victim from troublemaker? >> the primary to run to the right and general you run to the left. what complete poppycock. >> the only thing that's keeping obama care afloat politically at all is the fact that ted cruz is on the other side. >> well, there is a tradition in the senate that junior senators should be seen and not heard. >> never before have i seen a freshman senator that's willing to stand up i haven't entirely managed to comply with that. ♪ i need a hero ♪ i'm holding out for a hero ♪ it has to be strong >> he is back in iowa today. it is clear that ted cruz has his eye on 2016. first let's take a little trip down memory lane.
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back in high school the man we now know as senator ted cruz was not wasting time on sports or parties. no. teenage ted was part after group called the constitution corroborators and elite team of eyed orio eyed oriole logs. they would tour groups lecturing on supply side economics is reciting parts of the constitution from memory. he sure work at it. a family friend told the "dallas morning news" he used to stand in front of the mirror at home to practice and you know what, cruz still has it. >> tcc, taxes, credit, commerce, fitting post office copyright courts. piracy army war navy. militia, money for militia. >> if only he would actually listen to those words and stop distorting the constitution. so now here we are about a quarter sentry later and senator
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cruz just delivered the keynote and at an event in iowa for the defenders of freedom. >> we all know we are in extraordinary times. the challenges facing this country are not typical. they are not ordinary. we are pacing fiscal and economic challenges and facing an assault on our constitutional rights. unlike anything this country it is the third time since july cruz visited iowa. the site of the first in the nation presidential primary. coinciden coincidence? i don't think so p although overall public opinion of cruz plummeted during the government shutdown. failed tactic made him more popular than ever in the republican base. those are the people most likely to vote in primaries. while the gop didn't get anything out of the shutdown, ted cruz is emerging as the party's new standard bear and a front-runner for 2016. it is yet another sign that democrats and moderate republicans alike cannot afford
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to write him off was just a wing nut. this guy knows exactly what he is doing. joining me now, ed o'keefe, congressional reporter for "the washington post," who happens to be in iowa. and joe madison, host on sirius xm radio. thanks for joining me. >> thank you. >> good to be with you. >> i want to start with you, ed, since you are there in iowa. i mean, we have seen the -- today's speech and last night he's wooing the crowd. i note his wife is traveling with him. certainly has the feeling of a stump speep speech, of a potential candidate. he's -- seems to be also using his speech to kind of build his grassroots army and noted -- that he -- you know, asking people to text to a certain number and then also trying to get people to go to his website and make d.c. listen where i'm presumably they are collecting data. sounds like a -- getting ready for 2016. >> i mean -- no politics comes to iowa in an odd numbered year and spends a friday night in des moines with his wife, yes.
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we put it to him directly a little while ago as he left the event. and -- asked about 2016 and said, look, i am focused right now on the senate and focused on getting more republicans into the senate. it is a safe thing to say in the fall of 2013. two more years to go before any vote is cast bunt clearly, three visits since july. he visits the state party fund-raiser and then comes here to the upper northwest corner of iowa, most conservative part of the state. and meet with congressman steve king a conservative darling himself. clearly he is checking a few boxes in this very interested in possibly exploring this. you know, the message he has delivered here over the last 48 hours is, yeah, we didn't succeed in getting rid of the new health care law but if you think about it, only two weeks ago, president obama was saying he would never do anything to change the implementation of the new law and now, of course, they are having to make changes because of the botched rollout of health >> it strikes me, though, that -- here he is trying to make something that was most
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people think was a -- losing -- loser for the republicans and explaining why no, this is really a good thing to this group? >> he is. but, you know, he also pointed out -- to some extent he is correct about this, that was round one after fight that will continue into at least mid january, mid february with the next shutdown deadline and the debt ceiling deadline. if you think about it over the past year, there have been five instances where conservatives have risen up and done whatever they could to blunt the obama administration's advancing policies. gun control, immigration, the -- fight over syria, the rand paul filibuster in the spring with concerns over the poll and i obama care. he said if you think about it, his words, four to five of those, we basically want. that's better than ty cobb. conservatives may have united and worked together to blunt the obama administration from doing certain things and when it comes to health care i he would argue
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there is time left to do that. >> joe, he's -- obviously he is becoming popular in iowa. but in each of those instances that ed just mentioned, also, a little fund-raising was going on. i think we can't let -- you know, let that pass. he's clearly seen the fund-raising nunts each of these. third quarter fund-raising, $1.9 million. 12,000 zoneors. average 158 per donor. a lot of small dollar donors. not only building a grassroots base but, you know, this guy does very well at understanding what the base wants to hear and how to deliver it. >> but he understands what a sliver of the base wants. let's understand that. i mean, you have got moderate republicans now and -- chamber of commerce and karl rove that are actually trying to raise money to find a moderate to run against him because they know exactly what has happened. you know, this reminds me of something i remember i served on
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a board and there was guy -- we had a major financial crisis. some fellow stood up on the board and said my failure was my success. >> of course. >> we looked at each other and said what the heck does that mean? this is what these -- this right, far right wing is saying. is that our failure is our success. look, i'm not worried about come february because everyone now has had a taste of what furloughs mean. and they aren't looking forward to this happening again. >> don't you think -- mine, i don't disagree you would that but it strikes me that, you know, what cruz got out of this, and in addition to kind of an ascendancy within the party was, you know, fund-raising which means also collecting names and collecting e-mails, building his database and locking up support in iowa basically. >> they all do that. and they -- look, they did that five years ago, six years ago. they -- look, extremist like
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cruz is not going to win the republican nomination. he will raise a lot of money. he will hold on to that money and then, of course here, will be able to help members of congress who are just as extreme as he to win maybe hopefully win their districts. but that's what this is about. i guarantee you somewhere along the line he's going to blow it. you can count on it. >> all right. you know, so -- joe is making predictions. i'm not so sure. i actually think that democrats, progressive, need to take him seriously. there was a poll democracy core actually did. a survey. they put out this week that actually showed that ted cruz is generally kind -- in the mainstream of the republican party's base. which suggests -- you also have seen him trying to modify some of the language last night and i noted -- he talked about -- he said, growth and freedom are principles and ideals that unify the entire republican party. principles and ideals that unify the evangelical p community with the liberty movement and
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business community. clearly, he is trying to make play to be more of a unifying candidate and in addition to some of the bombastic rhetoric. >> absolutely. i heard that last night in -- gave a modified version of that here today. and it was clearly designed to begin opening up a little more. he says that he talks about this and is worried about economic freedom all the time. that may be. to hear him talk about it in a public setting, whether it is here in iowa or senate floor, is rare. ing the fact that he is now -- sort of adopting a more general economic message is notable. again, maybe -- at that -- chamber of commerce crowd, karl rove crowd and business community we know has been very skeptical of guys like him over the past few weeks. and are now actively seeking ways to find other republicans to run. >> i bet joe would agree with me that -- we have to go but i dash i bet joe would agree with me it is one thing to be out there talking about jobs and economics. it is another thing to make sure that your colleagues are spending their time trying to repeal and replace sit
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legislation and shutting down the government which actually costs us money and costs us jobs. but you know, hey, he doesn't let the facts get in the way. >> i always agree with you. he will be a godsend to the democratic candidate. i'm even thinking about switching parties and voting in the primary. she a godsend. >> we will let him know he picked up another one. >> just tease. >> all right. thank you. >> thank you. coming up -- despite the glitches, the gop is running out of excuses for opposing health care for americans. that's coming up. once again, here we have my republican colleagues trying to scare everybody. >> the american people are now fearful. >> you are trying to scare people so they don't apply. >> growing in their fear. >> scared to death. >> no, i will not yield to this monkey court or whatever this thing is. >> this is not a monkey court. >> this is not a monkey court. this is, too. i love congress. [ male announcer ] this is claira.
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a website plagued by problems and still not fully functional. weeks after it is launched tens of thousands of complaints. officials around the country frustrate bid the roadblocks. promising to fix every problem as quickly as possible. no, i am not talking about the affordable care act. i'm talking about medicare part d. the prescription drug law passed under george w. bush whose rollout described as, quoted, anything but smooth. the program was staunchly defended by congressional republicans and including representative joe barton of texas who said in a 2006 press release, quote, this is a huge
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undertaking and there are going to be glitches. my goal is the same as yours, get rid of the glitches. that's the very same joe barton who had this to say at this week's hearing about >> if we have a system that almost no one can successfully navigate, that is a system that that's failed. >> that sounds a little bit different. doesn't it? now, what kind of changes changed his tune? look, the problems with health, inexcuse sxabl are a big deal. they need to be repaired. with all this focus on this website we are losing the forest through the trees. this is one part of the law. administration i have officials say it will be fully function alibi the end of november. americans are getting affordable health coverage which means republicans are running out of opportunities for sabotage.
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joining me now former vermont governor howard dean. someone who knows something about health care and progressive columnist sally company 00. thank you. >> thanks. >> governor, i want to start with you and hypocrisy of medicare part d, you know, you had the -- i thought the joe barton comparison was one of the best that we saw and why is it that now all of a sudden the republicans -- i know why but i want you to say why, the republicans are changing their tune essentially? because it is just partisan nonsense. you know, one of the things that the republicans are scurrying away from is they have some responsibility for all of this. i mean the rollout is clearly the president's team, should have done a better job. one of the reasons they have -- are having trouble is because the republicans didn't just vote against obama care 44 times. they put some stuff in various bills that did pass and did take some money away and, ftry to
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defund some of the money gone to improving the website. while you can give the majority of the responsibility to the obama administration, the republicans also -- they are madeleining away from. this is a perfect example of that. >> governor dean, responsibility, what are you talking about? you wrote a great piece, sally, talking about your experience signing up for health care and you had a couple of full screens in terms of what your before and the after and so -- the before, $7 thousand deductible, $36,000 annual out of pocket max, $2 million annual coverage limit. $45 co-pay for doctor visits. >> paying $965 a month. $2,000 deductible. no annual coverage limit because that's been, thanks to the affordable care act. you know, the website, yeah, it was glitchy and whatever. it took a while. but it took me a total of four hours. and i saved over $5,000.
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>> with a 5-year-old running around. >> the first time hi to do this in new york because the new york has the highest individual insurance premiums in the country. it took me days going website by website and comparing apples and oranges and trying to make this work. one of the key things here is i'm in a state where the government did not sort of as part of what governor dean was talking about trying to sabotage the law by proxy by saying we are not going to take responsibility for this. we are going to make the federal government deal with it and part of the reason the federal government system has been overloaded. new york actually implemented an exchange. that works and was overloaded because of traffic. they are fixing that and put more server online. not as big a problem. our government stepped up in the state. >> governor dean, this is something that -- i have been -- really concerned about that i -- where is the outrage? i mean, you have 25 states where governors rejected medicaid. that means the poorest people in their states are not getting health care. not to mention the fact these states that abdicated --
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basically didn't want to do their own exchanges because their goal was let's make the federal system more sort of gummed up and make it harder and people have a bad experience. instead of saying what is good for my people in my state. >> well, actually there are some republican governors. john kasich is trying to figure out how to bring the medicaid money. rick snider from michigan is trying to figure out how do that over his tea party legislature's objections. there are some responsible governors. the one that makes me laugh the most is rick pair write. texas has one of the best hospital systems in the country and he is denying billions of dollars to his own hospitals to make a political point. so, you know, it is -- some people put politics first. and evidently rick perry does and john kasich doesn't. i certainly would support whoever the democrat is going to run against him. you know, when -- when people do the right thing, that's to commended. >> okay. they did the right thing. they did have a little nudging from the people who recognized
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that not having health care would be unacceptable. >> karen, you are absolutely right. they did. pary didn't give a damn what the people in texas said. they have 25% uninsured -- he can brag about his economy and all these ads all over of the country. this is a developing country in terms of social services. >> this is an important point. democrats didn't support that law. but when it became law, they helped to implement it. they said, look, we didn't like it. but they help d implement it as opposed to continuing to sabotage it at every point along the way. the law is getting more popular. more people that sign up the more popular lit get. i understand. republicans realize they are -- up a creek if then don't destroy it now. come on. >> governor dean, to sally's point it strikes me that -- obviously, we have seen ten democrats come forward and talk about potential delays which i see that as more of a political move. and i think if the
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administration -- >> tough races ahead. >> right. but i do think from a policy perspective, if -- administration decides they need to give people more time they will do so. what i worry about, though, is -- you know, this sort of continuing sort of water torture on the affordable care act by the republicans on continuing to try to come up with whether it is hearings, about the -- the website, whether -- whatever it is to try to smear, create more fear, and slow down the implementation. >> not going to happen. do not worry about this. the republicans essentially discredited themselves as reasonable critics. nobody is going to care. assuming obama care, the website gets fixed and i think it will. when they see the kind of numbers -- lot of people having the kind of experience sally just talked about where they see their premiums dropping dramatically and getting better coverage for next -- less money. and it is going to happen. all of the states that have their own exchanges those are much further ahead in the federal government. the republicanses ensly no
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standing in the country. they can criticize all they want. people see them for what they are as a result of trying to shut down the government and really harm america's economy. you know, i'm not worried about this. i think the glitches will be fixed. i think people will see it is a good thing. remember, this was modeled after what mitt romney did in massachusetts. what mitt romney did in massachusetts was successful. 98.5% in massachusetts have health insurance. lit work and will take time. the republicans will scream and yell but there are in such deep trouble because of what they did in -- in terms of shutting down the government and threatening the national economic status that right now they -- doesn't matter what they say. nobody will believe them. >> you know, to that point, sally, very quickly. we have seen the administration taking steps and -- saying, you know, have you the conference call yesterday and they are talking about the end of november and you have the president i think is going to boston next week. members of the cabinet are going out to other places next week to
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try to move the ball forward so to speak. i mean, they are the -- administration is -- on offense. pushing the point that this is not just about a website. >> it is not. look, millions of americans have already been helped by the affordable care act. the young people can stay on their parents' insurance plans. these things are in place and helping millions. and, you know, some level the republicans aren't going to be happy until obama is behind a computer screen chugging mountain dew. you know. meanwhile the fact that governor dean's point the fact republicans are like -- we want goat rid of this law at any cost and now our complaint is people can't access it. just like -- you know, we are through the looking glass here. it is a website, people. lit get fixed eventually. it will work eventually. the law will help millions and millions of americans. >> okay. you heard it here, folks. governor dean and sally kohn, thank you very much a pleasure thanks. next, rush limbaugh thinking pink.
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is they wanted to know from -- if he thought there was a -- not an attack but -- assault, something on -- on masculinity and male sports going on in the country. i don't know if there is any question you don't put the nfl in pink for a month. basically the modern era feminism, that's what it is, is -- is a critique against masculinity. the chickification of everything is taking place. which what is that? what do you mean? it mean that feelings are triumphing over common sense. >> that's right. we women have tanked the economy by working outside the home and next we are coming for your masculinity. get serious.
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next, it is a fact. weekly debunking of right wing rhetor rhetoric. >> perhaps you can describe for us what the ideal candidate for the presidency would look like. >> well -- ♪ thrusters at 30%! i can't get her to warp. losing thrusters. i need more power. give me more power! [ mainframe ] located. ge deep-sea fuel technology. a 50,000-pound, ingeniously wired machine that optimizes raw data to help safely discover and maximize resources in extreme conditions. our current situation seems rather extreme. why can't we maximize our... ready. ♪ brilliant. let's get out of here. warp speed. ♪
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it is time to december rupt the falsehoods fwakts. the government is finally realizing obama care is here to stay you would think the gop would want goat back to governing, right? of course not. bring on the hearings. bring on the fearmongering ask bring on the spin. three big things we wanted to clear up this week. number one, it is a fact the
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health contract did not cost the $634 million as the gop has been pushing. it is a fact that your personal data is not at risk on the secure site. and it is a fact that premiums are not skyrocketing. here to help me break it down, these facts are democratic congressman of kentucky, john yarmouth. thank you for joining me. >> hi, karen. >> congressman, i want to start with you. this $634 million figure, you know, that has been thrown out there and tonighted people tried to correct it several times but -- even sean hannity said it has been corrected and seems go right back eight. that's clearly designed to make people -- play into this idea that government is completely infective. you know, spend too much money and look what we got for it. >> exactly. the $634 million figure is
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everything that this company's cgi has been paid by the federal government for many, many years and -- cgi does a lot of work for a lot of different governments and actually cg si a subcontractor on kentucky's exchange. so -- the figures totally inflate it and does not specifically to this federal health exchange. and just another deliberate attempt to cast doubt on the -- on the affordable care act. >> it is my understanding we are looking at a figure much closer to about 112 million. i want to take a look at connect because, you know, as you mentioned you are having great success in kentucky. tell us about, you know, why you -- why it is working and -- how it is working. >> well, it is working beautifully. the -- we went up on october 1 and we had a few hours where we -- suffered the same problem because we -- were barraged by the request and visits to the
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website. that was corrected very quickly. in the last 3 1/2 weeks we have had more than 300,000 visitors to the site. about 260,000 people have actually initiated the application process. 50,000 people already who have actually been enrolled for new coverage. people that never had coverage. and -- more importantly, i think this than that, we have 400 businesses that have signed up for coverage. that's another few thousand employees but what's really, i think, critical about that is businesses are not finding out that this is not a horrible thing for them. it is a very positive thing for them. >> that has been the premise all along. you build it. people check it out and realize you know what, this is not the end of days. it is actually a good thing. one of the -- myth number two we have been hearing is that, you know, if you sign up for obama care you are putting all of your personal information at risk. i want to you take a listen to something and then we will talk
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about it on the other side. >> how does somebody lose their life savings by signing up for obama care? >> you personal information -- this -- we need to stop this thing before somebody gets hurt when it comes to their privacy being reveal. >> you are telling every american if you sign up for this or even attempt to, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy. that is a direct contradiction to hippa and you know it. >> i just -- again, the only health related question this website asks is do you smoke. i hear what you are saying. >> i think there are other questions that are there. there are other questions that are there. so we are -- not health related. >> congresswoman blackburn couldn't even answer the question. as you saw, they are pushing this myth that, you know, your private information, you know, is not going to be safe. it is a fact that health does not ask for any health care information other than if you are a smoker. that does not in any way, shape or form violate hippa. >> that's exactly right. this is a falsehood.
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a falsehood of the highest order. it almost seems like some people are saying it in -- deliberate attempt to mislead. the whole point of obama care is you are covered regardless of your medical history. so if you have a pre-existing illness lit not matter. saermt insurance companies don't need, you know, existive list of your personal information. what you mentioned, whether or not you smoke is the only question asks. your privacy -- your privacy will be violated in any way on this exchange is totally false. >> the third myth, premiums are skyrocketing under obama care. we heard them -- heard lots of different versions essentially of this. here again, most of the day that i looked at suggests we don't know yet because we haven't completed the process of getting everybody into the system. the gop spinners got it wrong in that first off the heritage foundation did a study the party has been touting as fact but it doesn't even include the subsidi
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subsidies, six of the 7 million people will get under obama care. that will lower premium which is is also a fact. it seems like congressman, it is too early to make broad sweeping claims about premiums. >> well, there is month question about it. and in kentucky we have been -- have insurance available on our exchange for as little as $51 a month. people that have gone on to the exchange are stunned how much money they are saving. i don't think there is any question some people will see an increase in their premiums. primarily because the coverage under the affordable care act so much better than the coverage they probably are receiving. no annual limits and no lifetime limits. there are no exclusions. there's a lot of preventative care. it is hard to compare actually because you are not comparing apples to oranges. a lot of companies provide pretty crummy coverage for their employees. they are going to get better coverage now. >> right. thank you. we try to defunct the facts. when we come back, pick up
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food. the fda needs your help from you and your veterinarian. on tuesday they asked dog and cat owners to come forward if their pets have fallen ill from jerky treats. many of which are made in china. over the last six years thousands of pets have become sick after eating them and 580 dogs and cats have died. chinese manufacturers don't have to say which country supplies them with ingredient which is means the fda is having to look to american pet owners to try to determine the cause of the illness. they proposed new guidelines on friday requiring anyone selling pet food in the united states must adhere to certain guidelines. which would help prevent tainted food by making it into your home or hurting your pet. that's food for thought. finally, it is another week of gun violence in america. at least 170 shooting deaths were reported nationwide according to slate magazine. including a math teacher in sparks, nevada, and two women at a senior center in detroit. but because new gun safety measures haven't beb passed selling guns without a
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background check is actually getting easier. because you know what, now you can do it on instagram. that's right. the photo sharing network may not have been set up for commerce but a certain much with hash tag guns for sale got us more than 1700 postings today. potential customers can ask for details in the comments section and soon you are swapping e-mails and selling weapons to a total stranger. yet, another reason a as if we needed another reason to close the loophole on background checks in private gun sales. next, how can you help stop private prisons that profit from putting american children in unlivable conditions? ♪ [ male announcer ] we all deserve a good night's sleep. thankfully, there's zzzquil. it's not for colds, it's not for pain, it's just for sleep. ♪
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effect on their ability to become productive adults. much more likely to be involved in the criminal justice system. if you are involved, a person that perpetrates violence or is a victim. >> attorney general eric holder speaking at yesterday's equal justice works conference about the effects of violence on young people. there has been an ongoing debate in our country about privatizing social services. among them, prison management. privatization arguments focused on cost savings and efficiency. so what's that mean for the nation's prisoners? especially young people when their key concern is profit margin. in 2010 roughly 130,000 of our nation's prisoners were serving time in privately owned detention centers. corporations that made tons of money by keeping people locked up. that same year, the 2 million companies in the private prison industry raked in nearly $3 billion in revenue. and thousands of our young people, nearly 40% of kids and teenagers in our juvenile decreed justice system are incarcerated in privately owned
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facilities. off evening times for minor offenses. florida is leading the way having privatized its entire 183 million dollar juvenile commitment system. one of the biggest corporations running these facilities is youth services international. ysi currently has 14 locations nationwide and eight of them are in practice. and in theory, ys and similar facilities are a place for young people to be reformed and learn from their mistakes and prepare for a different kind of life upon release. in reality, they are anything but that. there are numerous reports of squalid living conditions, rodent infestations, sexual assault. even keeping youths beyond their release date to generate revenue. 18-year-old brian alexander died of pneumonia because prison staff refused to help him seek medical treatment. according to police reports, guards accused the teen of faking it and forced him to do pushups in his own vomit. a young boy from the thompson academy in florida says he was forced to perform oral sex on
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male guard three separate times. there is no documentation of an allegations at the facility where he was house because of one former employee staff were instructed not to report physical incidents considered, quote, minor. this is what reality is like for children in you don't have snil detention centers. how are he is companies allowed to continue doing business? here to help me answer that question, huffington post reporter who came out with a detailed is article on the service earlier this week. thanks to you both for joining me. >> thank you. >> angela, i want to start and you talk about the conditions in some of the facilities. i know at times you actually used your own money to try to make up for things like toilet paper. >> yes. there are times when -- swroont cleaning -- facility wouldn't have cleaning products or
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laundry detergent. the girls there wouldn't have socks or underwear or bras. and i would ask my staff if it was okay with them to bring some in, especially for children who were maybe small, there weren't any underwear that fit them. there weren't cleaning products. we would sometimes bring in our own cleaning products. it was -- a terrible situation down there. >> was the staff there generally -- one of the complaints we heard, one of the things we read about is how ill-prepped or unable to work with this population of kids, many of the staffers were? >> well, i found that the facility that i was at, there were people hired were -- family or friends that maybe didn't have a corrections background. or who hadn't dealt with this kind of population before. so it became difficult for them to deal with children who act out and in this way. >> what strikes me, obviously,
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talk about this a lot in your piece. mine, this is about profit margins, right? when you are trying to, you know, improve your margins, there's only -- you can pay people less. you can give less food. i mean, there are not many things you can do. we are talking about children here. and this business model, i mean, james slattery spent years cultivating political relationships and -- i think we have a full screen. he spent and donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to politicians and political committees especially there florida gop and that is a part of how he's able to have so many facilities still open even with these kinds of come zblapts it certain sly a factor. he was -- he is compared to other private prison companies in the state. she in a completely different sort of galaxy in terms of campaign donations and -- he has been consistent about this in every state he worked in across the country from arizona to texas and to new york. sort of throughout time he's sort of -- it is consistently he worked and tullty straights
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political connections through lob wrestling and campaign donation. >> what happens when -- i mean, when -- there are finally, you know, there is a complaint that that -- i mean, why is there not oversight or transparency from the local government? >> well, it is -- i mean, it is complicated. i think -- the most important thing from -- from a state, when you are looking to privatize a facility or you are -- advertising a contract to run something like this, i -- what i discovered was -- the lack of background checks on the companies. you know, state of florida, we found that slattery -- you know, when he was going to apply for some of the contracts he would list the facilities that were, you know, one case he list ad facility that they had successfully been operating in maryland. at the same time justice department was in the midst of a huge civil rights investigation involving abuse at that same facility and in the state of florida never really checked into it because according to their contracting procedures, they don't actually look at what happens in other states.
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if you have a contract in florida they only look at your past performance in florida. i mean, in this case in florida, he had a -- you know, i think, you know, probably about five, six years before. he pulled out of the contract early in that state. this was, you know, reference -- contract where he was keeping people -- >> extra day. >> exactly. >> also, there is -- we hear that it is about -- creating competition but there is not really competition in the marketplace. one thing i want to talk both of you about quickly is the long-term effects on children. angela, one of the things -- i work with kids in a minimum security facility in l.a. and -- you know, we can't underestimate the impact, particularly if a child is in there for a minor offense being -- if you are a 12-year-old being put in with a 17-year-old. i mean, that has a real impact on that child. >> absolutely. these children are -- seeing violence outside of the facility and then come into a facility where things aren't much better. the impact is long term on them.
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we are releasing them back into society without doing any reparations for them. they are not getting any -- how should i say, they are not getting anything to prepare them to transition back into society. >> right. very quickly, chris, the reoffending rates, one of the things that i think you noted in florida more than 40% youth offenders sent to one florida juvenile prisons wind up arrested and convicted of another crime within a year of their release which compared to state like new york, it is about a 25%. basically we are not only not helping these kids, we are actually putting -- making them more likely to have a life of crime. >> right. i think the question in all of this is what is the point of the corrections. i think this is kind of a -- to try to prevent children from becoming adult criminals. it is supposed to be -- this is truly where it should be rehabilitation and in this case, you know, i think -- >> profit. >> well -- i think in this case
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the results we have seen of -- have been pretty abysmal. >> all right. thank you to chris. wonderful series. and angela phillips, that does it for me. thanks for watching. we will be back here tomorrow at the same time. second -- we chip away. making the colors of earth and sunset skies into rich interior accents. or putting the beauty of a forest in the palm of your hands... it will take you to another place... wherever you happen to be. this is the new 2014 jeep grand cherokee. it is the best of what we're made of. well-qualified lessees can lease the 2014 grand cherokee laredo 4x4 for $359 a month. add brand new belongings from nationwide insurance and we'll replace stolen or destroyed items with brand-new versions. we put members first. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪
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