tv Hardball Weekend MSNBC October 27, 2013 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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>> the ticked off right. let's play "hardball." >> good evening. let me start with this tonight. angry republicans or do i repeat myself. a state representative in north carolina said the president's loyalties are stuck in kenya. marko rubio trying to sell himself to the hard right said the reason immigration reform is dead is the president refused to kill his health care law, blaming the president for everything including secret foreign loyallies is the
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republican default button and makes them feel rot onto stand in the same room with the president. is this going to be like this all the way to 2016, this anger and fever that never breaks. the hatred that the american people, yes, the american people shows him as their president. not once, but twice. the delirious and crazed anger of this country's right that seems they assumed would never be the presidency of barack obama. msnbc analyst and managing editor of the grio. having lost in their ill-conceived plot to take the federal government and the economy hostage, republicans decided to take their ball and go home. they won't work with the president on anything because he had the never to beat them. the republicans planned to block president obama on all his initiatives including immigration. prominent immigration supporters
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like marco rubio have backed off any deal saying the administration has undermined negotiations by not defunding his signature health care law. the president is trying to destroy the republican party and gop leaders would be craze tow enter into talks with him. in the pro immigration movement, they said after obama prisoned the well, the chances for substantive reforms seem all but gone. david, this seems to be the new excuse for everything. he dared to protect his baby. they must have known he wouldn't give it up. having fought fought for it, they are blaming him for self defense. self defense is now their reason for blaming him for everything. >> i hate to say this. you are thinking too rationally about this. from the very beginning on the day of the inauguration that week, the republicans had a
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meeting about how to obstruct and destroy president obama's presidency back in january of 2009. we know what mitch mcconnell said was stopping barack obama. now they have this great two for. marco rubio is running away from the bill he helped craft because it really puts him in trouble with the tea party base of his party. now he has a two for. he's saying i'm not going to do this because barack obama won't defund obama care. it's immature and you have these folks out there saying -- >> let me finish. they say barack obama is trying to destroy the republican party. it looks like the party is doing a good job of that itself and they want to make any excuse they can for not dealing with the problem that is the country has whether it's health care, immigration, and jobs. you name it. >> it seems that looking into the politics on the hard right,
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the only way to get a badge these days and be acceptable to the real haters is to be one yourself. i don't believe marco rubio is a hater. he's not moderate, but not a far right winger. he wants immigration reform and wants to make that clearly part of america that background and make it official and give these people a break. yet he has to sell himself almost body and soul to the part right. the only way to do that is act like he is as anti-obama as the crayies on the right. >> he has to adopt the xenophobic position. this is how insane this is. marco rubio's prime directive, the only reason he matters is he was the guy who would make republicanism cool for young people. he was going to open the door and broaden the tent and bring the new voters in. why? he was the guy with the
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credibility. he was the tea party guy. mr. tea party was going to take the tea party e thos and modify that and be on immigration. he was the face of that bill. he may not have been the one crafting it, but he was the face of the bill. the minute he was slapped down, marco rubio ran the other way. mr. tea party can't get immigration reform through and talk about it: he has to reject it and that party is in big, big trouble. >> i think he's got talent. he's got charm and likability and charismatic and all the things that tend to matter in politics and young as hell. he has victory stripes on him. now the question is, is it now the new nate tower get the republican nomination in 2016, you must behave like someone who doesn't deserve it. this is the quagmyre.
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to be a nominee, you have to be crazy, but could be crazy, you won't get elected president. >> it's about getting the nomination first. in this country you will get 45% by having the r after your name. that's the big prize. we are seeing thaw have to bid up the craziness or the anti-obama rhetoric to appeal to where the votes are and the energy within the tea party base. rand paul did a filibuster against drones and became the tea party darling as the opposition and ted cruz leapfrogged over him with obama care and poor marco rubio is left to the sideline burning down by the fact that he was in favor of immigration reform. we have to get back to the anti-obama crazy contest and the way to do that is to burn what he worked on.
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his big initiative as a senator. he is making the decision to do that. >> it reminds me of a limbo rock where you have to get as low as possible to go under the limbo stick. how low can you go. how you remember that. catch this. this is really low. birther jokes are still a hit with some republicans out there. here's a north carolina state representative, elected official addressing a town hall this week in 2013. >> i don't think it's right at all to call barack obama a traitor. a lot of things he has done right. he's not a traitor because i have no evidence that he has done one thing to harm kenya. >> ha ha ha ha ha! ha ha ha ha! it's not funny.
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it's horse laughter that you give to somebody because you are supposed to laugh. some ethnic jokes might be at least funny, but this is stupid making the reference to him being from kenya. it's not even clever and has not a bit of wit. it's their way of saying yeah, we don't like him. he is ethnically impure and he is from we don't know where. you knew it was a white guy. that was no surprise. what was this about? >> the the core of the republican raids at the base is this sense that the country has slipped away from them and their parents benefitted from the new deal and they may have gone to school on student loans and they are by and large black and brown and they are the welfare case. they have done research on this. they never want to say it, but it's a way of getting at the
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notion that people other than them and other than the way they are are inferior and unworthy and president obama is the embodiment of that inferiority. they have to humiliate im. remember how donald trump rose to the top when he was seen as a presidential candidate. it's not enough to oppose him. you have to humiliate him to get ahead. that is not a winning strategy. americans don't respond by and large because most are in the middle. barry gold water would be president if that was true. they would have taken over the republican party rather than being thrown out. strom thurman would have had a shot. this is not the kind of politics that wins, but it's what the republicans are practicing and stuck with right now. >> thank you. coming up, you heard it here first. hillary clinton's what difference does it make comment.
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the exceptional rhetoric implying that she doesn't care that four americans are dead. i think she cares and we know it. suspicions confirmed. a local republican official said new voter id laws will dick the democrats in the butt. we will not going to help lazy black people who want the government to give them everything. guess who is out of a job today. one more from the tin foil hat crowd. remember the moment when a woman fainted at an event. the wingers on the right decided it was staged for president obama's benefit. she is acting, they say. traveling around the country, good news. this is "hardball." the place for politics. 's it? i mean, he picks up the tab every time, which is great...what? he's using you. he probably has a citi thankyou card and gets 2x the points at restaurants. so he's just racking up points with me.
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>> welcome back to "hardball." dick cheney got good at misleading this country. we know that from iraq. not a lot has changed. he labeled president obama an extremist. yesterday he called into the conservative radio show and made outrageous statements. i think about the president and hillary clinton. outrageous even for dick cheney. he is taking hillary clinton out of context over what else, benghazi. >> i think the benghazi thing is one of the great -- it's not an embarrassment, it's a tragedy. we lost four people that night and i recall her testimony saying what difference does it make? the fact is it makes a huge difference. it wasn't hands on and now she doesn't want to be hands on and doing everything she can to, void responsibility for what fell into that. >> he implies that hillary
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clinton was talking about the four americans being dead when she said what difference does it make. in fact she was referring to republican attacks on the talking points by susan rice afterwards. here's the full context. >> we were misled that there was pro test and something sprang out of that. that was easily ascertained that that was not the case. the american people could have known that within days and they didn't. >> with all due respect we had four dead americans. was it because of a protest or guys who decided to kill americans? what difference does it make? it is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, senator. >> the comments on the hill and clarence paige's comments, you first. sometimes nuance means a lot.
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she was talking about the pr afterwards and not about what was done to protect the lives of those people. cheney comes along with that manner of his and you understand that bonding thing he does. they fall for it. you are lying here. she doesn't say what difference does it make that four people are dead, but the nature of the protest. >> i would argue that even if he was corrected she shouldn't have said what difference does it make. >> i agree, but that's not what she was referred to. >> that's the great mark on her very impressive tenure. >> was cheney saying she didn't care about people getting killed? >> it's not the way he puts it. it sounds like he is saying she said what difference does it make because four people were dead. if he was corrected he would
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have said no, i am saying four people were dead. >> i am watching this conplate everything. chemical programs in iraq with 9/11. they are conplating. they are brilliant and they throw it together and the lazy viewer said i guess so. she didn't say that. here is more from his interview talking about osama bin laden's killing. the president failed to do something. let's listen. >> i was glad they got him, but two, they needed to recognize as some have although he never has you will the work that was done over a period of ten years to make that possible. >> so the president never recognized all the good work done. that would be a good point if it were true. it's not though. the president repeatedly thanked the community and given them credit. just days after the killing of bin laden, he went to the
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headquarters to speak to the community in person and here's the president's message that cheney must have missed. let's listen. >> today i have returned just to say thank you. on behalf of all americans and people around the world. because you carried on. you stayed focused on your mission and you honored the memory of your fallen colleagues. i wanted every one of you to know at the cia and across the community to every step you did and the quality of the intelligence you provided made the critical difference. >> let's be clear. dick cheney is not upset he didn't recognize the intelligence community because he obviously did. he is upset that obama didn't recognize dick cheney and george w. bush and all the work they did trying to get to bin laden,
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et cetera, etc. >> he let them go. >> he is not alone. other conservative republicans said the same thing. >> he had strong words for the president's handling of syria and other mideast issues. let's watch what comes after that. >> if you are a friend and ally of the united states in that part of the world tonight, huh to say what is this guy all about. can we count on anything he told us and the relationship between him and the united states worth anything? at the same time our adversaries are no longer there. the incompetence and the administration and the way they handled these affairs especially in the mideast is one of the worst aspects of this presidency. >> tough indictment and it would be more convincing if it wasn't the guy who got them into the iraq invasion. these pearls of wisdom from mr. cheney. >> regime change in iraq would
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bring about a number of benefits. when the gravest of threats are eliminated, the freedom loving people will have a chance to bring lasting peace. >> do you think the american people are prepared for a long, costly and bloody battle with significant american casualtiec. >> i believe we will be liberato liberators. >> did that turning of the head, that attempt to bond is a turn off. >> the power of positive thinking. >> of course we know that bonding we know, every time he did it, it was dishonest. >> there were mistakes that administration made and they are not the first. >> you are being kind. they wanted that war in the worst way. they would say anything to get us into that war. >> back to cheney's statement. >> he was pushing for it. >> he sounds like he is unhappy
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that we didn't invade syria. >> i'm sorry. i can tell it's coming. >> he still enjoys this role of the righteous and unapologetic person. >> there a couple of guys that are questioned about their own records and they can talk like prophets when they have always been wrong. how do they do it? >> well, i'm not going to characterize it generally thinking in that response. he is burned by the fact that when obama came in when he ran against mccain and hillary, he ran on bush fatigue and one of the characterizations is that bush had ruined our alliances around the world and really made more enemies in his tenure and republicans and don servatives are taking advantage of the fact that we are having problems with our allies around the world. >> barack was right about the war, they were wrong. that's what bugs them. thank you. you are wonderful.
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up next, the latest right wing experience theory about president obama and the health care law. this is "hardball." the place for politics. it's noth of rotating categories" card. it's not the "sign up for rewards each quarter" card. it's the no-games, no-messing-'round, no-earning-limit-having, do-i-look-like-i'm-joking, turbo-boosting, heavyweight-champion- of-the-world cash back card. this is the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere, every damn day. now, tell me, what's in your wallet? an arm wrestling match that mr. clean realized the way to handle bigger, tougher messes was better leverage. that's why he created his new magic eraser handy grip. it has a handle that firmly attaches to the eraser so you get better leverage and more oomph with less effort. it's the perfect magic eraser for making stuff that's big and tough not so tough, after all. mr. clean's handy grip --
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involved. we had a chance to rub germany the wrong way again. you may remember the woman who almost fainted during the president's speech. experience theories and wackos on the right believe it was staged by the white house and a blog post on the website called lady patriots said she was used as a prop. they said obama has to have props around when he does a conjob in the rose garden or wherever he chews to deceive or receive his worshippers. it was posted by the weekly standard and gained more traction when sarah palin said she couldn't blame someone for believing it. with the obama white house's total lack of transparency, it's no wonder some ask if they staged a fainting lady in the rose garden. it's a single step because
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