tv The Cycle MSNBC October 29, 2013 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT
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>> republicans are trying to justify their rejection of obama care, using texas as an example. >> it's breast cancer awareness month, kfc wants you to buy a thigh. what did you think i was going to say? >> if virginia is for lovers, why all the haters? ♪ >> i spy problems at the white house, first after reassuring the americans for four years, they will be able to keep insurance if they like it. nbc news chief investigative correspondent lisa myers says millions will have their plans canceled whether they like it or not because they don't meet standards. 50% to 75% will receive cancellation notices and more is
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that these regulations were known by the president in july of 2010. back then estimates were between 40 to 67% of customers. this does not involve the great majority of americans who get their insurance at work. republicans are already using this to renew their repeatedly failed calls to repeal the law. >> if the president knew that these letters were coming and still indicated that you could keep your health care plan if you liked it, now, that raises some serious questions about the sales job of obama care. >> today on the hill, medicare chief marilyn tavenner. >> these individuals in a small group or individual market had no protections. they had no guarantees of coverage and they were still being charged somewhere between 20% or more of premium increases year over year. there were health care plans --
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>> is that a true statement? >> it is a true statement, plans were grandfathered in. >> thank you for that answer. so if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor too? is that a true statement? >> i think doctors come and go inside networks. i am aware that there are issuers in states who are canceling their old plans, which were grandfathered in and moving to new plans -- >> what you just said about keeping your health care plan, isn't true. >> they can keep it. >> they can't keep it. they just got cancellation notices, you can't keep it. >> i spy another problem facing the administration, the growing distrust and anger among u.s. allies because the nsa was spying on them. something the white house says president obama did not know about. aides say he's considering a ban on eavesdropping on allies. today there is a hearing on something else but clapper spoke about the broader surveillance
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program. >> what we do not is spy unlawfully on americans or spy indiscriminately on citizens of any country. we only spy for valid intelligence purposes with multiple layers of oversight to ensure we don't abuse our authorities. >> of the two the medical story or spying one, which will have a longer effect and why? we put that to howard fineman from the huffingupon post media group. i did want to put an explainer on the health care piece of this so people understand what's going on here. the reason that we have the minimum standards for obama care so people can't gain the system so that the thing that they have is actual health insurance and it covers a standard minimum of care is the idea behind it. nonetheless, republicans have certainly seized on this and people are getting cancellation notices and of course either go to a different plan within their same health insurer or on the
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obama care exchange, do you think that piece and overall problems with the rollout of or the nsa spying piece is going tore more impactful here? >> krystal, i think in terms of american politics, and the politics of the next few months and next year heading into the 2014 mid-term elections, i don't think there's any question that the health care story is a bigger story. because it affects more americans, more directly, it hits them where they live. it affects their livelihoods, the amount of money they pay, their pocketbook finances and more of a kitchen table issue, for most people than the spying one as important as the latter one is. and i agree with you the intent of the affordable care act in this part of it was to not only keep individuals from gaining the system but keep insurance companies and health care providers by offering cheap plans that didn't offer any
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insurance protection at all, that you could get kicked off of at a moment's notice, that didn't protect you from kas strofic injury, that had -- wouldn't let you have a preexisting condition that would have rigorous caps on spending by the insurance company. i've been talking to white house officials about this and they acknowledge, they will say privately, that they were kind of simplistic at times in what the president was saying, no doubt about that. because the truth is in order to offer a minimum standard of quality of health insurance, one that allows you to have a preexisting condition and doesn't have a low cap on lifetime expenditures and so on, one that offers certain minimum quality health care benefits, that's going to cost more and they are going to impose that as the old policies lapse. that was the truth. it's a little more complicated than what the president said
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time and time again. there's just no denying that, whether that blows up the politics of this even more, i doubt. in part because the republicans had been so strident and incooperative, have been so sort of knee jerk in their hatred of the whole thing. when a legitimate point comes up about the salesmanship, they don't have much standing to sue. i do think it will further energize their base and opposition. you can expect ted cruz and whole crew, cruz crew, to be back with this in january. >> of course. >> i do want to push back a little bit. you have a president reassuring the american people, if you like why are doctor you, you can keep your doctor, period. if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan, period. now you have millions of americans who are being dumped by insurance companies recognizing that this is actually not the case, this is what the national review said, so far the part of the obama
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care rollout affecting most people is the cancellation of current insurance policies and maybe the president didn't fully understand the basic architecture of his own health care law. but i don't think the american people believe that. my question is why mislead the american people so much? we've now found out he knew this was the case back in 2010. why not come out and say there will be a small percentage that may have to pay a little more, how does he walk himself out of this one? >> i'm not sure exactly, although my point was the republicans have been so strident, they make it slightly easier for him politically. yeah, i agree with you. by the way, i think the president fully understood the architectu architecture. >> i agree. >> there's no such thing as a free lunch. the fact is if you're going to have minimum quality plans for all, that means that some of these individual plans which were really a jip for millions
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of individuals. they thought they were getting health care coverage but weren't getting much at all. the other thing going on here, is this has been an assumption of authority by the federal government over the administration of insurance, which until the affordable care act was something that the states did, not the federal government. now there are federal standards and yeah they were going to result in a lot of people getting -- having to pay more and get new coverage. the way they wrote the regulations for saying your coverage was grandfathered in, they wrote it in a very narrow way so more people would get kicked off the old coverage so they would have to get the new coverage which is better coverage. for many people they will be depending on their income and subsidies available and that involves the irs and telling them everything about your assets and everything. and frankly, during a campaign, which would you rather say? don't worry, you can keep your coverage or, you can sort of
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keep your coverage but you'll get better coverage but there will be subsidies available and it will be better, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. they didn't make that claim. there's no question they did not campaign that way. and they will privately admit that to you. >> all right, let's talk about another privacy type issue, the other big issue of the day, the nsa, telling quote from the foreign -- former french foreign minister who said the magnitude of the eavesdropping is what shocked us, let's be honest, we eavesdrop too, everyone is listening to everyone else but we don't see have the same means of the united states. i'm sure it sounded better in the original french. we should be listening to world leaders, other world leaders are listening to other world leaders, we don't need every citizen in every country. we need to know what they are talking about and thinking about. much like the boy who gets caught in the midst of stealing
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cookies and continues to be allowed to get cookies, we're continuing to do this eu, u.s. trade deal. angela merkel is saying let's not let the nsa problem keep us from doing this deal. >> especially since bernard kirschener was involved, it reminds me of the sergeant in casablanca, who is shocked -- >> we played that clip yesterday. >> okay, i'm sorry. >> shocked there's gambling going on at all. >> howard, we watch you when you're on "the cycle". >> thank you. by the way, i think today the administration kind of threw those other intelligence agencies in the eu countries under the bus because we're now saying that a lot of this listening was done not directly
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from the united states assets, whether they be satellites or cable intercepts, they are done under sort of contract if you will, by the domestic agencies in those other countries. and we were harvesting those phone calls. edward snowden has not only gotten in the middle of the united states versus the rest of the world, he's gotten in between the governments and their own spy agencies, which is perhaps one reason why the article is saying, let's not worry too much about this. let's move onto the -- >> nothing to see here. >> let's move onto the economic discussion. we don't want to get too deep in the weeds. >> you would need a greyhound depot for the buses that people are trapped under. dianne feinstein, a muscular proponent of expensive surveillance and has repeatedly carried water for two administrations to expand the surveillance laws is furious
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apparently by her own statements primarily because she was out of the loop. she like the president reportedly out of the loop. the nsa out of the loop compared to obviously some of their targets. the only loop that seems to work here is at the nsa itself, where you have 25,000 employees working on a bunch of important security stuff and a bunch of other stuff, which if you believe the president, is nonessential. and is not part of our security because it can be stopped and started at will for diplomatic other other reasons. isn't there a larger problem here of an agency that is so large, even its biggest defenders are upset or claiming they are not in dialogue with the leadership? >> it does -- it's not great for the president either way for him to say he did no idea what was going on, nsa was listening to angela merkel and others, if it's true he didn't know and die
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fi didn't know and these elected officials and people in the civilian government that would need this information supposedly, then you have the clear impression of a giant rogue operation that is just gathering information wherever it can from whomever it can in whatever way it can for some unspecified purpose of knowing everything about everything. it's a kind of machine that goes of itself. and that's a -- on one level it's kind of vaguely comical, on another, it's very frightening. why are -- if they are not giving the information that the president and the people running the senate intelligence committee and so forth, what are they doing it for? >> right. >> what else are they doing? >> what else are they up to and for whom? >> howard, is it not necessarily they are not giving each other precedent, they present information to the president and
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he doesn't say, where did you get this from? he says now we have this information. >> if he's getting information on angela merkel is saying to vladimir putin, where does he think we're getting it from? >> he raises an important point, it looks like increasingly the nsa an investigator without a client. >> exactly. >> i bet they are watching right now. >> thank you very much. up next, a congressman in the middle of the action on both spying and website hearings joins us in the guest spot. that and a spin as the cycle rolls on. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know that when a tree falls in the forest and no one's around, it does make a sound? ohhh...ohhh...oh boy! i'm falling. everybody look out! ahhhhh...ugh.
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now that we see the potential of doing surveillance of world leaders and all these people and the potential of getting caught, are you comfortable with us doing the surveillance of world leaders? >> not at all. nsa people are asking whether it's run by keith alexander or dr. strangelove. they have this huge dragnet of getting information about everyone, everywhere. it has a huge budget, huge tech no logical capacity. but it has no restraint and no judgment and no prudance, that's a bad situation. it's making people at home very insecure because if we're that bad at compromising relationships with folks like head of germany, what do we do with our own citizens here?
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>> you also have a woman in the thick of it, marilyn tavenner, she apologized publicly today. let's take a listen. >> to shop and enroll in health care coverage, i want to apologize to you. i want to you assure you can and will be fixed and we're working around the clock to deliver the shopping experience that you deserve. >> she assured the american people that the website can and will be fixed. for someone who has led hundreds of white house meetings heading up to the launch, it seems there were a number of times she and many others could warn the president about the looming problem. was this a lost opportunity or am i missing something? >> you're absolutely right. this is a setback in two respects. it undercuts confidence in the law and it's going to be used by the opponents to much broader indictments and undeserved but it is a problem. secondly, it undercuts people's
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confidence to get something done. let's put it into context. when we had medicare part d, president bush plan, there was a huge computer glitch when that started out. and many of the members of the republican party supported that law, called and properly bipartisan effort to fix the problems, work together and solve it. obviously that's the challenge we have now. we want to get our republican colleagues to make the fix. it is a setback, we have to fix it and move on. >> thank you very much, we're going to continue with a spin right now. if you think this might be over because the president saying we shouldn't do this anymore and senator feinstein saying we shouldn't do it anymore. no, this is what governments do, they snoop on other governments. we have a senior official saying we have made some individual changes which i cannot detail, we have not made across the board changes in policy like
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terminating intelligence collection that might be aimed at our allies and of course they are not going to do that. we need to know in terms of making trade deals and national securities, what the allies and enemies are talking about. sometimes allies try to make deals with the enemies. the risk of not knowing what other people are talking about, outweighs the pain of getting caught. >> the position that we're going to keep doing this is not the position of the obama administration. >> i'm working off their statements. we generally work off their statements unless we finds out reason to believe they are lying. there has not been a credible set of evidence put forward to help us understand why we think the president would be lying about this if he were though. >> we don't talk about intelligence. >> there's a way that it's dealt with. there's a private committees that work in secret and in public sessions you say that goes beyond what we're talking about. the official word they are dialing some of this back.
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senator dianne feinstein has a legal constitutional role here, a member of the gang of eight, heads of the intelligence committees supposed to be in the loop. is it a giant conspiracy? when the president is pretending to be out of the loop and allies? i don't think so. i think what we have and we touched on this last segment. keith alexander running oversight surveillance and complete vacuuming up of so much information, they can't even keep track. i want to play one thing from the general on his reaction to all of this, which hasn't gotten enough attention. let's listen. don't have it. i'm going to read it. he says, i think it's wrong that newspaper reporters have all of these documents and it doesn't make sense. we ought to come up with a way of stopping it. nsa is getting called out by everyone, including defenders and what's their response, journalism should go away. >> congressman welsh just said there's no restraint and
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judgment and no prudence, americans want to make sure that our government is keeping us safe and nsa is collecting intelligence when it's useful. but i think the para dime they used is what can we do rather than what should we do? there also hasn't been enough thought put to the fact this we are in a different world where you have to assume anything you're doing is going to eventually come out. that is the naturnature of the you're in. is this worth doing if the whole world knows we're doing it? >> absolutely. we're going to talk to ronin farrow. >> for that part, democrats did not so much offer website difficulty reasons as much as website difficulty rhymes. >> let's the goal here be to fix it not nix it. >> work together to fix it and not nix it. >> we have to fix it, not nix
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>> reporter: hey there, krystal, good afternoon. you probably remember this iconic boardwalk from the pictures xbrust after the storm. it really became a symbol for so many of the communities that were damaged by sandy. now, 12 months later it continues to be a symbol for the region. in some areas like you see behind me, it's completely restored, others it's still a long way from being fixed. debris still dots the eastern seaboard here and many communities where most of the residents are out of their homes. they've complained of red tape to get federal funds and constant battle with insurance over claims. and say that the process has not moved quickly enough. they are now facing another winner where many will again be in trailers by a shell of what's left of their home and wondering how long to let go. >> thanks so much for that. bill clinton is in the midst of a four-day tour across virginia with terry mccalliffe.
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one campaign has seen both the former president and former secretary of state hillary clinton stumping for mccalliffe. it is important to remember they aren't just buddies, this was a access of democratic power in the 90s that kicked back in high gear and appears to be working with the clear politics showing mccauliffe ahead. what is it exactly about those clintons? joining us now is somebody familiar with the family, the former director of global youth issues for the state department. thanks so much for joining us. >> good to see you. >> let's start with the question of the clintons and what the reason that they are there, are they thinking this is just you know, way to be loyal to an old friend or seeing some potential benefit for themselves, their legacy, hillary in 2016 --
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>> why you have to be so -- >> just asking. >> cynical krystal. i think it will always be the case that the clintons will support their party. they are savvy politicians. >> they will support their party when the party is winning and when suits them, yes? >> you said it. >> cynical. >> bill clinton has always supported democratic candidates, this is old hat for him. par for the course. for hillary clinton it's more unusual, bill de blasio and her during those campaign stops is the exception to the rule and it has a lot to do with the individual relationships you mentioned there. these are personal friends, yes, she believes in it strategically, i think, less for herself and more for the same of the party and relationships. >> de blasio worked for hillary, makes sense she would work for him. we talked about this as i love the '90s.
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for the clintons, the '90s was a long time ago politically. if you look in '96, roughly when president clinton signed the defense of marriage act and over time we saw that issue shift incredibly, the first civil unions at the state level in 2000, a federal ban proposed as recently as 2004 on marriage equality by president bush. and obama and clinton for both for political reasons, didn't support marriage equality when they ran in '08. they both changed and most extraordinarily and most rarely, the president came out and said he was wrong essentially to sign doma and what do you think that evolution tells us about the ability to move from the '90s to now. >> they are nim bl politicians and also they represent a style of honesty that the public craves right now. and that's reflected in the numbers. people are tired of the old school politicking and when a politician comes out and says, i
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changed my mind, evolved on the issue, that's something the people are willing to embrace. clinton has shown that on social issues that matter to young voters and for whom other politicians remain stuck in the past have become a source of alienation and a variety of other issues including health care. let's not forget it was a water diagnose shed moment when bill clinton came out and gave his remarks on health care at the convention. those are remarks that he struck through the written remarks on and add libbed a lot of. that shows the style of communication he has. one of the reasons why the stops are so significant. it represents something that people connect with in a primal way. >> so classic bill clinton. it's interesting we're seeing on full display when you look at the two gubernatorial races, two halves of the republican party. first read points out, in purple virginia, it's idea eelg with a very conservative ken cuccinelli in blue new jersey, electability with the conservative and
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pragmatic christie leading the ticket. one is doing better than the other. there's an interesting poll that came out in "washington post" that said 64% support mcauliffe and voting against cuccinelli. this idealogical extreme rhetoric from the ticket in virginia has been such a turf off to the moderate voters, they base beingally handed this on a matter. >> why you at home, even if you know nothing about virginia politics, krystal can weigh in. this is a battle for the republican party's soul right now. and there's a contingent that called romney republican in name only and feels they need to push more and more extreme. there's a swath of america looking for moderation in the republican party. i had a conversation with senator mccain where he said publicly several times, we need
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moderates. so those two races are described showing us that tension playing out in real time. it will be significant. >> seeing the clintons and potus and rand paul reminded me the nationalization of this race which nowadays is every house race, every senate race, becomes nationalized, 70% of the funds they have raised come from outside the state. something that dick cheney inadd vert ently pointed out on sunday. roll that. >> the fact of the matter is washington is not going to elect the senator from wyoming, the people from wyoming elect the senator. mike has a record if you review his finances, of getting 84% of his campaign funds from washington based pacs, that's more than any other senator of any party. and the liz got 25% of funds from wyoming and 13% of his from wyoming. >> at 25 and 13, are not very much, this is a national race.
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the nationalization of money has changed politics extraordinarily. >> and post citizens united the influence of super pac moneys. the numbers are extraordinary with 160 something people contributing more than 80% of the super pac money. i mean this is getting out of control. i think voters are very wary of this and people can come in and represent the mainstream even though the money allows extremist candidates to get in off the back of a tiny percentage of people feeding cash into super pacs is what people are looking for. they want the counterpoint. >> and part of the problem too, when you spend so much time talking to donors across the country, you're not necessarily so in touch with your own constituents. ronan, thanks you so much. >> so happy with the new show. >> feeling is mutual. it's fun. >> up next, from unlocking your bra to insta gramming your
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books, have we lost sight of the goal through the pomp and pink. a frank conversation about what's really needed, i'm not giving up. a little musical tribute to the clinton campaign glory days. ♪ [ male announcer ] staying warm and dry has never been our priority. our priority is, was and always will be serving you, the american people. so we improved priority mail flat rate to give you a more reliable way to ship.
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. a friend doesn't slap him, says yes. why? the guy told the girl it would be exchange for a $20 donation to breast cancer research. the three guys who did this raised $7,000. when they went to give the money to charity, the breast research foundation said no thanks, citing the sensitivities of community they serve and asking them to not use their name or logo in association with such activities. it raises an interesting question during this breast
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canener awareness month. pink labels to commercial efforts that raised millions for research or twitter campaigns that those that tell your friends when you unlock your bra or awkward instagram photos think about planking but with breasts, critics are questioning if it is worth it here. we have elizabeth plank, one of the critics, and dr. eliseport. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having us. >> you've been reporting and writing about these efforts. what are they and what's wrong with them? >> a lot of campaigns during breast cancer awareness month are well intentioned but unfortunately a lot of them end up being more about -- being more about breasts than breast cancer. i think a lot of them want to raise money and obviously they do great things but they are very problematic. >> doctor, one question for you,
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we're at a time when there was a huge stigma around breast cancer, a lot of miseducation, i hope we have moved past this and a lot of these efforts are focused on awareness. is there another goal we should be pushing towards at this point? >> i think you know, all of these are really important points. awareness is so important, if you look nationally, believe it or not, nowhere near the number of women who can have mammograms for breast cancer screening get them. i think there is still room for awareness. and i think by and large, most of the campaigns are very positive and people are well intentioned in doing good things. look at what's going on with the nfl, these are amazing things. big guys wearing pink sneakers and attract so much attention. and it trickles down to the little guys on the playing field. if one mother turns around and said, i'm going to get my mammogram, i think that's an
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important thing. >> how do you counsel people beyond the patient relationship? how do you talk to your friend or sister or mother before this? do you get into the fact this can be sexual or the way as we showed some folks are doing it? >> i think that it's a very slippery slope and tricky area. but what i do is purely medical and while of course there are sexual connotations and functions related to the breasts as well as other functions like breast feeding and so forth, there are so many different aspects of the conversation. by and large, when you talk about breast cancer awareness, it's really a medical and survivor and saving one's life conversation, which is very different than some of these other conversations that go on. should be very separate. >> to play devil's advocate, what would you say to someone who say, they raised $7,000 and maybe you have to be a little snarky to get the public to pay attention. there's pink everywhere, it's been successful on one hand.
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so where do we find that balance? >> well, i think we definitely need more visibility for women's health when it comes to reproductive health. one thing we don't need more visibility is the object fiction of women and breasts and to come back to the nfl, sure it's great they are supporting this campaign, but if you look at the numbers, only 8% of their sales go to research and goes to women. it seems like more companies are raising our awareness about their awareness about breast cancer. yeah -- >> about their own product and they don't really have women's interest at heart. >> just briefly, you think these folks focusing in more specifically because it's breast cancer. >> more interested in talking about breasts than breast cancer. it's easier to do and easier to get people interested in breasts put it's really disrespectful to the women we're supposed to
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benefit with these campaigns. >> people want to do it the right way. thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> up next, the president who asked us all to do our part, what jfk's message means today to a new generation. it's a growing trend in business: do more with less with less energy. hp is helping ups do just that. soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance, using forty percent less energy. multiply that across over a thousand locations, and they'll provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees. that's a trend we can all get behind.
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words president kennedy ever spoke. but 50 years after his assassination, it seems many in washington and broader american public have forgotten. scott reich, why john f. kennedy matters to the new generation, iz emphasis on citizenship. the book is call for action for a new generation who only know jfk through history books. as someone that is part of this upcoming generation, there's no denying there has been a serious loss in this message of civility, of service, and it's sad to me frankly. i love the fact you've written about this. today they really do have every reason to be frustrated and this is one of the quotes from the book as you write about jfk, he intended to appeal to america's pride and their sense of civil obligation and public service. given the political environment as it exists today, how do you
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actually instill this sense of passion and pride for the upcoming generation? >> there's no question you're right. with everything going on with the shutdown and everything with the health care website and snowden, there's been discussion that's been distracting and sides are going at it again. i think jfk offers his vision for what america ought to look like on a local level. that means advancing the this motion of citizenship. they have related ideas and shared future and need to work together. the message is asking not what your country can do for you, to something like ask not what your town can do for you, your family and friends. >> scott, you write in the book that kennedy actually shifted the culture and you say not just on citizenship but on artistic endeavors and excellence, that ultimately, peace corps and sense of rewarding heroism. >> i think to be a good citizen requires a sense of pride in
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one's community and country advancing increase in level of pride one feels for their nation. he supports the arts and formgz the peace corps. we're going civilization. and we are going to protect and enhance our civil rights at home so about increasing this level of pride. >> and as you write, you define civil rights as a moral crisis which elevated and changed the discussion thereafter. >> without question. i mean, civil rights became a moral crisis and i think you viewed it as a black and white issue. and famous address of 1963 from the white house, he goes live on television to say, listen, law alone will not make men see right. people need to change their opinions. and people need to behave in ways that reflect our values, because as i noted, we are on the same team. and if we have a common goal, we need to be working together. >> i mean, it's a great book and something we all need to hear. those that read this book take
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one thing away, what would your message be? >> well, i think it's time that millennials say we can put aside the differences that our leaders have. i think as jfk said, we need embrace this notion that the torch has been passed to a new generation. and we need to -- we need new leaders, people without the old hates and i'rivalries to pick u this torch and say i don't care about the old arguments and that could mean running for office and being involved in a charity or helping a neighbor with the kbroe grow groceries. >> i think our lawmakers need to hear this message more than anyone else. >> the republican party asking what they can do for their country. >> thank you, toure. great message, great book. good luck with the book. all right. we asked our facebook fans if they think jfk's inaugural message is still as powerful now as it was when he delivered it back in 1961. patricia williamson said our kids need to learn and be role models and be involved in our
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statesman. yes, you have entered the texas twilight zone. a place where one man rules as the leader of the surreal. no, not that one. no, good guess, though. not that one either. one more. i think we got one -- no, no, maybe -- maybe him. but keep going. there is one more, i swear. texas attorney general and likely republican gubernatorial nominee, greg abbott. let's enter abbott's strange through the looking glass world. people might think the state with the worst health care in the country and one of the highest poverty rates might focus their time on actual problems. as attorney general, though, greg abbott has chosen a different path. why focus on education or safety when you could instead wage a to the death struggle against fake problems, like voter fraud. abbott has been undeterred by his inability to find instances of intentional voter fraud, despite sending investigators to harass senior citizens, one of whom was in the shower, really,
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i didn't make that up. as soon as the supreme court decided they would no longer check to make sure texas voter laws were nondiscriminatory, abbott pushed forward with a voter i.d. law will disenfranchise minorities, young people and the poor but in the texas twilight zone will protect integrity and voter fraud that happens in abbott's mind. it's not the only problem he has worked hard to combat. he has also taken a star trek approach, bold he standing against an imagined u.n. conspiracy to take away our guns and use taxpayer money to investigate a school curriculum, because conspiracy theory wackos worried it was being used toin doctrine ate children with muslim propaganda, marxism and nazi mind control oh. in the we'll record, texans face the highest rate of uninsurance in the country, and the worst health care delivery system. surely, greg abbott would be relieved to partner with the federal government to try to address this situation. maybe.
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if you consider filing lawsuit after lawsuit against obama care, partnering and supporting the law. in fairness, how could he possibly partner with an administration that he views as posing a greater threat to texas than north korea's nukes. really. i guess that would explain why he sued them 25 times at great cost to taxpayers while claiming to be a fiscal conservative. finally, in the real world, some texas women are being forced by cost and lack of availability to have self-induced abortions using drugs they bought at flea markets. yet abbott's self-proclaimed concern for women's hennepin county hazard bizarrely led for him to fight for medically unnecessary laws that keep women from accessing the most modern medical techniques and make flea market abortions more common. yes, it is the texas twilight zone. i throw in that he is also a climate change denier accident but it just seems gratuitous. greg abbott is running for governor against wendy davis who
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captured the national spotlight when she stood up for reality and women's health in an epic, 11-hour filibuster, the real kind not the ted cruz pretend kind. there is a question of whether davis is too liberal or abbott too conservative. the real, question, though is whether texans want to fully enter the twilight zone. right now davis is a long shot, down by eight points in a recent poll. can she win? as rod sterling would say, stranger things have happened. all right. that does it for us here at "the cycle." martin bashir, it's all yours. >> that's kul, krystal. good afternoon. it's tuesday, october the 29th. a question to republicans. why fix it when you can frighten them? >> do the millions of americans who have attempted to use, i want to apologize. >> there is no way to fix this monstrosity. >> tip of th
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