tv All In With Chris Hayes MSNBC October 29, 2013 11:00pm-12:00am EDT
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person that says that the existence of good or religion doesn't matter, it is not an important decision. ivitally important. >> do we agree? >> believers can learn a lot from atheists. believers take their faith not serious enough to question or think it through. >> father james good evening from new york, i'm chris hayes and today we watched as the federal official who oversees the obama care exchanges appeared before a house committee to testify about the flawed rollout of health and we also watched as democrats on that committee reached their limit of just how much phony republican concern they can stomach. >> there had been a little bit
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and systematic attempt on the part of the majority in the house and the mine north in the senate to take it impossible for all americans to receive quality health care, and some of us will not stand for it. we will stand up for what is right, for what is fair and what is just. health care is a right and not a privilege. >> democrats today didn't hide their frustration with republicans suggest concern with fixing american's broken health care system. >> are you serious? what you just said? are you really serious? after what we have gone through? you can sit there and say that you had a legitimate alternative after these years? we have gone through 44 votes, 48 votes now of you trying to dismantle the election? >> there is no way to fix this
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monstrosity. >> how do you know how many people have enrolled. >> this is an incredibly bad rollout. >> you didn't read the law as nancy pelosi said you should. >> it's not just health that's glitching, the entire enterprise of obama care is doomed to failure. >> this law itself is born from an architecture that's just not workable. >> the foundation he's talking about is the system of health care exchanges. >> you leave medicare as is, or you can have federal subsidies so you can go out and buy your own. >> in the medical exchange. you have coverage options within medicare, you get to pick among these plans, they have to meet at least medicare's criteria. >> the ryan plan uses federally
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run exchanges just like obama care. >> it transforms medicare into a plan that's very similar to the president's own health care bill. >> obama care takes everyone in the individual market and puts them on regulated government run insurance exchange, one step closer to singer payer, but not there. the ryan plan takes seniors on medicare, a single payer system and puts them on a government run exchange, one big step backward. so you think the rollout of a federal exchange for 7 million people is rough? remember, it is the official position of the republican party to add 50 million seniors to that. and the same republicans who spent their day grilling the top administrator. >> you're saying the system
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right now isn't working? >> i think this is zoomed for failure from the beginning. >> this is a disaster of a rollout that's occurring. >> he voted to roll out an even larger federal exchange. yet, every single republican on the house ways and means committee voted for a plan that would put 50 million seniors on to health care exchanges. so if as people say the rollout of obama care discredits liberal government, it discredits the conservative vision too. >> joining me now is the governor of massachusetts who's overseeing the implementation of that state's health care plan. and now, the first question, governor, is, as we watch these rollout of the health care exchanges, it is as if this is some completely untested martian experiment and there is no example of this ever having worked in human history. so as someone who is the governor of a state where essentially a version of this law is implemented.
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what is your take on the last month or so. >> we had glitches when we got going as well. it was first too slow to get people signed up and then more complicated than we anticipated. but we had a great advantage here in the commonwealth that the president may not have had. and that was there was a broad coalition that came together to invent health care reform here and then stuck together to improve it and refine it as we went along and it was bipartisan, it had all kinds of participants from policymakers to providers down to insurers and patient advocates and they have continued to stick together to strengthen this program and make it better. >> okay, so when you talk about glitches and i was going back through some of the coverage of the waves of rollouts that happened under mass care and it seems to me that some of the issues were similar.
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i guess the first thing i want to ask you about is, did people go through some disruption in the individual market? does this look familiar to you ? >> it did. it's a complicated it project to be sure. and even more so by orders of magnitude at the national level. but the thing to remember, i think, is that the aca is not a website, it's a values statement. it's about whether we believe that health is a public good. the president does, a majority of the congress does and it's been now upheld by the supreme court. so the question is, how do we get the problems fixed? i'm confident they will be. and how do we really turn away from all the noise being created by congressional republicans who haven't believed that people should be insured against a medical catastrophe from the beginning. >> i am with you 1,000% about
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the value here about the necessity of public good. but let's be clear here, all the good intentions in the world do not matter if nobody can agree on it. >> our experience in massachusetts was, we had great intentions going in, we saw we had a really good plan on day one, we learned on day two, and day three what was wrong and we went to work to fix it. we learned as we went on how to make it simpler and easier for people to use and more effective. and today, health care reform in massachusetts is wildly popular and people aren't remembering how we had our own bumps when we got going. >> you know, the funny through the lookinging glass issuer, as someone who comes from what i'll call the single payer left. many in the single payer left viewed this with tremendous skepticism and i remember lefty
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publications picking out the troubled stories in the beginning as indications that the thing would. work and wouldn't be popular. >> right. well, that's exactly right. in fact there are supporters of mine on my left who have said from the beginning, single payer is the only answer. frankly if you listen to some of the republicans talk about how this basically private sector solution is not a good solution, but they do believe that people should be insured against a medical catastrophe. it almost suggests that they think single payer is a good idea and we know that's not the case. >> the last thing i want to put up this statistic, because that is so important for people to see. after one month, the massachusetts health care program had enrolled 123 people, after two months, 2,089. so all of this stuff came very
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late in the cycle, people tend to come right before the deadline. >> that's human behavior, a deadline matters and having that deadline and being disciplined about it and also, you know, promoting the programs, not just myself, and other public leaders, but we had the teams help us out, the red sox and the patriots, the celtics and the bruins because part of the population we were trying to capture were the so called invincibles, those young, healthy men who weren't insured and never thought they would ever be sick. >> it's the same dynamic. massachusetts governor, i find myself roolting for your boston red sox. thanks for your time tonight. >> thank you, chris, take care. joining me now, co-host of the radio show ring of fire. have you noticed that conservatives are now basically
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a kind of impromptu consumer report squad for people in the individual insurance market which is new, i think, i think it's fair to say? >> yeah, i never, to be honest, i have never heard the conservatives ever talk about the private insurance market. i mean, look, they're doing what they have always done. they are looking for stories, they're looking for some political traction, they want to get as far away as they can from the government shutdown. this is a way to put some distance there, yes, it's incredibly hypocritical and it's disingenuous. >> take a way the balance of coverage of people who are getting blocked from medicaid expansion, of whom there are millions of people to go talk to, and are being told you won't get help. that market which i was in for a number of years when i was a freelance writer, you get notices every year that your insurance is changing.
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>> you can say that there's 100,000 people from any given state whose insurance was cancelled. but the fact is, if there was no obama care, if there was no affordable care act, you would see probably about 80,000 of those people having their insurance policy cancelled and turn over, i think there's about 17% of people maintained in the individual markets their insurance from year to year because it simply, this is not even talking about how sub standard that product is. >> as someone who i think is also in the same place i am, which i would say singer payer left. i believe that everyone in the pool, medicare for all, social insurance for everyone. i'm very happy about the affordable care act, because i think it gets us massive improvement on the status quo. >> there are millions of people being denied because of republican governors that dwarfed the people who are going to be dealing with any premium late shock or having their policies cancelled. so that really is distorted.
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>> when you would make the argument during the health care fight, from the single payer perspective, what you hear from people and it was in argument is that there are a lot of people who do not want their health care to change, and we would be dislocating everyone, it would be new and different for everyone and that would freak people out. watching the freak out happen makes me think that those people have a pretty strong political point because we are dealing with 5% of the insurance market. 5% who are in the individual part of the market and a much smaller percentage of those are having their plans cancelled because of the new regulations, that's still hundreds of thousands of people. but that in retrospect looks stronger to me. >> if we were all going into a medicare buy in, everyone would know before they got that cancellation notice, that's
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where they were going to end up. there's uncertainty, we don't know, we could have been much more sure. and that's really the issue here, right? is that the market has been broken for a long time, the private insurance market. we are subsidizing it to prop it up. we are basically keeping this private insurance industry on life support. and if which had a single payer situation, there would be no uncertainty. it would be very clear, people would get -- that's what they want, they want security from their insurance. >> there's a bunch of headlines from the medicare rollout that i thought were pretty interesting. check out medicare, there is a simplicity and that gets us back to the rye kwlan plan, which is going to put -- can you imagine 50 million senior citizens on the version of health trying to figure out their health insurance.
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>> you're talking about five times more, at least the amount of people that are looking for insurance on the private stages now. but that's not the worst of it. you're taking people who are in the most likely -- and put them into the risk pool. so what you would be doing is you would be raising the rate. a it's almost impossible to imagine how expensive it would b. >> the official republican party, they all voted for it, from the majority report, thank you so much. >> i'm not going to ignore the mentally ill and i'm not going to ignore the drug addicted or veterans or very poor people on my watch. but that doesn't mean i embrace obama care because it's not right. >> that's republican governor of ohio sounding like a liberal. more on his interesting transformation ahead. ♪ at any minute... could be a victim of fraud.
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could have done more or failed the people of new jersey. we'll share the results later in the show. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] we took new febreze free with no perfume to prove the skeptics wrong. hi. are you karen? [ karen ] yes, i am you said in a focus group, "they just mask the smell." i'm going to ask you to find the smelliest item in your home.
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here. okay. [ laughs ] very, very strong dog odor. this is febreze free. it has no perfume. wow. now it smells clean, and it doesn't have an odor. you're welcome. [ male announcer ] odor elimination without masking. the proof is in every bottle of febreze fabric refresher. breathe happy. hi, there. it's a big day here at msnbc. we launched our new website today, one of the tools you can make your own poll. here's one we created. it starts with a, quote, i'm concerned about the fact that there seems to be a war on the -- which cable news
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personality said this? if you selected mother, you would be right because it was this guy. >> i'm john casey, in tonight for bill o'reilly who's on vacation and i want to thank you for watching us. >> yes, before he was a republican governor of ohio john casey was a host over at fox news. so it raised quite a few eyebrows when he said, i'm concerned about the fact that there seems to be a war on the poor, that if you're poor you're somehow shiftless or lazy. just take a few seconds to remember why you know the name john cassick, because he enraged working ohioans in 2011 by pushing through a restrictive collective bargaining law.
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he pushed ahead with his agenda anyway, passing a budget that cuts taxes for the rich and implements harsh restrictions to reproductive health. at the same time, he has defied his own republican tea party. there are two possibilities of what's going on and they're not mutually exclusive. one is that he's actually standing up against the right wing in ohio because he believes it's wrong and inexcusable to make 270,000 ohioans go without health care. he realizes his first two years in office were far to the right over the ohio electorate. and this is an attempt to move back in line with the public and set himself up for an eventual presidential run.
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senator, what is your read on the state of play of the politics of medicaid expansion in your state right now? >> complicated, chris, on the one hand, the government should have definitely used political courage, the fourth his gop members in the house and the senate to bring it to the floor for a vote. he refused to do that. they refused to do that. one in six ohioans live in poverty so we need real leadership here. the fact that this was pushed through the controlling board -- so those over 275,000 working class ohioans who do in fact need this medicaid expansion will still be in limbo because of the foolishness, folly and craziness that is going on in ohio. >> this is fascinating, i had not considered this. what i am hearing from you is
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that actually going to the oversight board because kind of a cowardly move. he should have actually exerted the power and leadership to get it passed through the state legislature? >> absolutely, chris, and leadership of the gop refused to bring it to a floor vote, so we will never know. certainly the word on the ground was that there were some republicans who would have voted for this. that would have been a cleaner way, that would have been the better way. also we had gop members voting again, expanding medicaid to the working poor, voting against expanding medicaid to veterans. we are 47th in job creation in this state, chris, we could use some of those jobs but they refused to do it and now there is a lawsuit pending. let us not forget that this is the same governor that refused to set off state exchange. let us not forget that. i feel a grandma moment coming,
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you can put truth in the river five days in july, but truth is going to catch up. >> the politics of this for the gop as a whole are hurting them? where are ohioans on this as this unfolds? >> yeah, people realize that and i certainly have been traveling all over state and they get who cares about them, they know that it is the democrat that is stand up for the voters and the poor people. and the rhetoric coming from the governor certainly does not match the actions of the gop supermajorities in both the house a and the senate. and that elections have consequences. so the gop will feel that come 2014 when voters vote their self-interests. >> one of the people who will be on the ballot along with yourself is secretary of state john hudson. he's a controversial figure, he tried to pear back -- he is now come through with his new recommendations on paring back early voting.
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29 days before the election and ended on the sunday before election day in presidential elections and the saturday before other general elections. interpret that decision for me. what do you think of that? >> it makes absolutely no sense. i mean to -- and african-american voters, voters of color in particular will be hurt by this, it's something that african-american churches use to bring voters out to vote on sunday. you know, the citizens of the state deserve a secretary of state who wants people to vote, not somebody that will use their political might and clout to try to suppress the vote. and making that recommendation, as you remember, chris, last year, he appealed all the way to the united states supreme court to take away the last few days of early voting. early voting is popular in the state of ohio but particularly
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african-americans over 50% utilize early in person voting. so we know where the targets are. and it is wrong to try to stop any group of people from exercising their right to vote because the ballot box is the one place where we are all equal. >> i cannot imagine the possible justification for having sunday early voting on presidential elections and not on the midterm because of some fear that there a's more fraud in the midterms. the first house republican to sign on to a democratic plan for immigration reform. he'll be my guest coming up next. avo: the volkswagen "sign then drive" sales event is back. which means it's never been easier to get a new passat, awarded j.d. power's most appealing midsize car, two years in a row. and right now you can drive one home for practically just your signature.
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your people like senator rubio coming out, trying to defeat a measure he worked on trying to move forward. and to me, that's not leadership. i also don't want us to be overly focused on him because the people that really matter right now at this point in the debate have republican leadership. >> today the pressure continues to mount on those members of congress she talked about, the house republican leadership, particularly john boehner who has not brought up a health care bill on the floor despite the passage of a bipartisan senate bill. the congresswoman of florida is now the second house republican
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to sign on to a reform bill for house democrats. there's more evidence of bipartisan senate immigration bill would pass the house if speaker basiner would allow a vote. coming together to urge house republicans to put broad immigration legislation on the house floor, ideally before the end of this year. when the message kicked off over the weekend being the first republican to get on board and urge his colleagues to do the same. he's co-sponsored the house immigration bill introduce by the democrats. first of all congressman, i applaud you for your co-sponsorship of this bill. don't you agree that it is a huge mistake for house speaker
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john boehner not to bring this to the floor for a vote? >> i think we are going to see immigration this year. my focus right now is to make sure that we elevate this issue which is why i support it. isles an important issue to my family, an important issue to my community and i think it's going to contribute to the greatness of america. so the more that we can elevate this debate and make sure that it's brought up this year, i think the country's going to be in a better place for it. >> what good reason is there to not just bring the bill up for a vote? >> we have to make sure that we have bipartisan support. it can't be a republican or a democrat bill. it really needs to be a bipartisan bill. >> you by definition make it bipartisan, it is a bipartisan bill, you're here. >> but it's important to get 218 votes first. working with my democratic colleagues, they have obviously shown that they can support this bill, 185 co-sponsors already. now it's time to get a number of republicans on board.
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it's my mission to go out and talk to many other republicans and really get them to ask questions and i want to answer their questions. show me your amendment, but just saying no is not an option. >> if you could get 20 republicans, 25 republicans, if you could get that count to 218. are you telling me you can go to house speaker john boehner and say hey, we got 218, we can have a vote. >> you have heard specific pieces of legislation on the house on border security, on internal security -- allow immigrants to -- it has to be all of those different areas coming to a vote together. my job now is to show the republicans can support this too. i'm going to get a number of republicans not only to support
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this bill, but to also send a letter to the speaker and continue to push in conference. this has to come up this year. it's a short time frame. >> what happens to the republican party if the republican party is perceived and i would say rightly as the party that killed this last best chance of reform? well, certainly over the last decade or so, you can blame both parties, both parties have made mistakes. right now you know the senate has pretty much said put up or shut up. now it's the house's job to act and i'm going to continue to push to get this done. i think what really causes challenges in the election are those extremes that say outrageous things and continue to label the brand of my party or the outrageous things that have been said on the other side of the aisle as well.
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>> it's 185 democrats on that bill and two republicans. thank you so much for your time. coming up in the aftermath of hurricane sandy, republican governor of new jersey chris christie is a pretty popular guy, but has he actually done anything to deserve it. the question nobody seems to be asking and the surprising answers later in the show, we'll be right back. eady heard what they're saying about the nissan altima. ♪ and we have to admit, that it's all true. but don't just take their word for it, check it out for yourself. the award-winning nissan altima. nissan. innovation that excites. now get a $179 per month lease on a 2013 nissan altima. ♪ now get a $179 per month lease on a 2013 nissan altima. so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there ar24/7.branches? i'm sorry, i'm just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying new things? look! mommy's new vacuum! (cat screech) you feel that in your muscles? i do...
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federal lease money to the state. and he saw his approval ratings shoot through the roof with a more than 20 point jump after the storm. now he appears to be cruising toward reelection with poll numbers that any republican would kill for when the beltway press all but declares him as the front-runner for the presidential race of 2016. but there's one question that never gets asked in the recovery of the storm and chris christie's political future. and that is, did chris christie actually do a good job of rebuilding new jersey after sandy. i'll be joined by some people who say hell no later in the show. humans. one day we're coming up with the theory of relativity, the next... not so much. but that's okay. you're covered with great ideas like optional better car replacement from liberty mutual insurance. total your car, and we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. learn about it at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? ido more with less with buless energy. hp is helping ups do just that. soon, the world's most intelligent servers,
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there's no power, there's no service, there's no phone. it's like a scene out of some end of the world movie. >> that was a clip from a national geographic special a year ago on superstorm sandy which for the last year, i have seen up close how much those hits by superstorm sandy have struggled to put their lives back together. i have been doing reporting for a special on show time called years of living dangerously and it's about climate change and it's impact. here's what i have learned. the people at the bottom of the social pyramid, the poor with no assets or no assets other than their home, with debts piled up and low income jobs, are just struggling to hang on by their fingernails to something that resembles a middle class existence.
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when the water comes from the storm those are the first ones dragged out to sea and who take the longest amount of time to get back to shore. according to a recent study, many elderly and disabled residents were stranded in their apartments for weeks after the storm due to elevator out ans, others remained in their high-rises despite having no heat or power because they had nowhere else to go or no means to get out of their neighborhood. 55% of the storm surge victims in new york city's income averaged 18,000 per year. there are two pillar central truths about america in the 21st century. number one, it is unequal and it is getting more unequal. and two, the changing climate that's going to produce more extreme weather and more crises. when you put those together, unless you get very serious very quickly, those two trends are going to rip our social contract
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apart. climate change and inequality are two sides of the same coin and we need to be addressing them together. joining me now is the alliance for adjust for buildings. a consultant for the show time's series "the years of living dangerously." and i want to begin with you, you have seen up close what this looks like for folks that are working class and poor and struggling to be in the middle class. where are the communities you're working with a year later. >> well, it's the very same people who are struggling the most before sandy think about low income renters, undocumented immigrants, public housing residents and people of color are the ones suffering the most in their recovery after sandy. we are very concerned about growing inequities, where some
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folkses are able to recover faster and those who are again facing day to day economic uncertainty even before the storm hit were left behind. >> i want to talk to you about this "wall street journal" story i that i still cannot believe. here's the key sentence, new york city has been allotted 648 million in federal aid, one person has received help a staten island woman whose damaged home was acquired this month. what is going on with the federal response for folks in your district and other districts who are struggling to put their lives back together? >> well, the inability for the federal resources that were authorized in january to make their way into a community such as those that i represent is a very troubling concern. one thing that was significant about the storm, 55% of those individuals who were impacted by the storm surge were low income renters, many of those
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individuals lived in public housing communities in far rockaway and in the coney island neighborhood that i represent. these are people that were struggling prior to the storm hitting, they were already under water economically. the storm has exacerbated the situation. we need the federal aid that has been allotted to make its way into these communities but we also need to reinvest in our public housing and our infrastructure and our operating expenses so we can elevate the life of these people. >> we are going to see more storms like this and we are going to be dealing with from a resiliency standpoint, we are going to be dealing with how you respond when extreme weather hilts. >> we look to the future, one thing we can really see for certain, is we're going to see higher -- the new york city region, we have had about a foot of sea level rise, the majority of it due to climate change,
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that's already changed the frequency of coastal flooding. even if storms like sandy don't get stronger in the future, just by virtue of raising that floor, you profoundly increase the risks of coasting flooding. >> one study shows that just that extra foot of sea rise that we have already gotten, means tens of thousands of homes flooded that would not have flooded. >> it's not just sea level, it's higher temperatures, giving us more heat waves and stronger storms. >> i have been doing interviews for a year now for folks in the rockaways, people who are more, lower middle class and struggling to make it, how exposed to risk people are. we're having this discussion now about the health care law, and how people are exposed to risk. you go through your life and you are befallen by a terrible illness.
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and life is so risky for poor and middle class people in this country right now. the added risk that's coming from the climate model that you're talking about, it's just way too much for people to be able to actually deal with. >> and the two are connected. what has to happen right now to make people's lives better, number one, assistance in their recovery, but when you think about how to physically protect new york city from climate change, we also have to expand resiliency, we need to think about economic resiliency, low income folks and all of these -- actually obtain -- for example when we talk about building seawalls and bulkheads and all these other infrastructure projects, we could easily say that the jobs that are created go to these low income new
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yorkers who already suffering. >> we have talking about there's been some conversation about a huge seawall project in the harbor in new york, which would be a huge project. is there discussion about building resilience at that community level? >> when i talk to all of the communities that have been impacted by superstorm sandy that i represent, there is a desire both to recover both in the short-term but to have an understanding that their communities are going to be protected from the future extreme weather events that we can expect to occur because of climb malt change and global warming, the mayor has laid out a comprehensive set of proposals that will protect areas like coney island and now we have got to have the will to see these projects through, the army corps of engineers will be studying
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projects that can possibly prevent damage from occurring at the level they have in the past. once that's done, then we'll have to get to work and get these projects moving. and i think what natalee said is important. we have got to make sure that -- every day in terms of access to some of the jobs that will be create in the this process so we can elevate them and their families as well. >> there will be some places increasingly where he it does not make sense to relocate or rebuild as we become more exposed to those risks. >> new york city may be able to blend those strategies including some green infrastructure solutions. but there are other places that don't have those economic resources, there are other place where is physically even if you were able to build a seawall, so increasingly, i think its inevitable that we're going to hear about retreat more and more as part of this discussion. >> we can cope with another foot, we can cope for another maybe six inches on top of that, three feet, four feet, you get to a point where you can't cope.
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we need to reverse course now, we need to cap and limit the amount of carbons we put into the atmosphere. thank you so much. coming up, governor chris christie has benefitted politically from the hurricane sandy aftermath. we'll talk about that from somebody who's suing the governor coming up. i love having a free checked bag with my united mileageplus explorer card. i've saved $75 in checked bag fees.
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that of course was a snippet from those fay nice new jersey tourism ads to encourage people to come visit and spend money there. here's something you might not know about the stronger than the storm ad campaign. "new york times" outlining some jersey storm victims complaints. quote, they accused him of using the storm for his owning a grand diesment. a television ad -- did not plan to show the governor in its commercials. joining me now to provide some perspective on chris christie's ad you'll only hear in new jersey.
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which has sued governor christie over sandy aid. congressman, i'll begin with you, has governor christie done a good job? >> he's done a good job to build his image. the harder you're hit by sandy, the less satisfied you are with the response of the christie administration. you'll hear you made reference to this lawsuit against him on lack of transparency on how the funds disburse and object a very small fraction of the funds have been disbursed. and so i think there's a lot that's lacking in the response. and i also should say, the response should include a forth right recognition of the reality of climate change and that the response should include keeping the government open so that the -- so that the federal funds
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can actually be distributed. you know, a billion and a half dollars in funds were delayed, hud funds because of the government closure. >> i want to play this clip of chris christie talking about preparing for the next storm. take a listen. >> the fact is that we have to look at what's happened in this state and react accordingly and appropriately. and i think as i laid out in my remarks, we are pursuing significant infrastructure improvements to our state north to try to make ourselves stronger and more resilient for whatever the next storm comes. the rest of that is the scientific discussion and debate that i'm simply not engaged in.
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>> why are you suing the governor? >> chris, we just heard too many stories from people calling us -- dana -- that was heavily impacted, she can't get answers from the christie administration as to why she can't get federal funds to rebuild. she's tried. she has $140,000 of damage to her house and she's still stuck a year later in the same situation as she was after the storm. >> governor chris christie controls that money and there is no accounting, as far as i can tell, there is no accounting of what has happened to that money. am i right about that? >> that's right, we asked at the end of july for basic questions about where the money was going, data on who was being served, what neighborhoods and what the guidelines were. we got very strange stories from people like ms. rosario. >> have you heard spectacular stories from your constituents? >> i have indeed.
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it seems on average that the harder you've been hit, the less satisfied you are. people from afar maybe from other states think that the governor's response has been wonderful. it sure looks good on film. but the closer you are to it, the less satisfied it seems that you are. >> if that's the case, adam, then why is the case that he's apparently steam rolling to re-election, it does seem like people are happy with what he's done. >> there's 75% of people that were hit by the storm that they felt that the christy administration's response doesn't care about people like them. >> 75% of people who were hit by the storm feel that christy's response -- >> has not taken into account people like them. he has created a masterful image of rebuilding that's just not
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