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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  October 31, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed. and thanks to you for tuning in. tonighs lead, like father like son. we've come to expect extreme talk from texas senator ted cruz. and now we see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. mother jones has uncovered new video of the senator's father rafael cruz. >> we have our work cut out for us. we need to send barack obama back to chicago. send him back to kenya. [ applause ] >> send him back to kenya? this wasn't a one-time joke. senator cruz's father has said similar things plenty of times. often at tea party events. >> when obama campaigned in
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2008, it was very clear he was a socialist. one of the things in obama care is that for the elderly, every five years you must have end of life counseling. translation, suicide counseling. not much different than that friend that left behind in cuba. governing just like a dictator like fidel castro. >> this is vile stuff. so why should anyone care what a senator's father says or thinks? because rafael cruz himself is a rising star in the gop. a tea party hero who is a prime example of how extreme and hateful towards president obama the right wing has become. he does joint interviews with his son. they speak at the same anti-obama care events. they get the same adoring treatment from right wing
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talkers. and the senior mr. cruz even gets shoutouts from other far right senators. >> by the way, i see my friend rafael cruz here this morning. thank you, sir, for sending a great son to washington. >> rafael cruz does a lot more than just follow his son's career. the conservative national review says he is, quote, not merely a confidant and a stand-in, but a special envoy. senator cruz uses his father for the kind of guidance you'd expect from a consultant. the fact is the fringe elements of the republican party aren't fringe anymore. increasingly the extreme is becoming mainstream. that's why we saw senator cruz and sarah palin speaking at the same rally as this guy. >> we are now ruled, quote
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unquote, by a president who bows down to allah. demand that this president leave town, to get out, to put the koran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come up with his hands out. >> this was a rally where a man waved a confederate flag outside the white house. this is a party that welcomes candidates like chris mcdaniel. he's the mississippi republican running for senate who's won endorsements from tea party groups like freedom works and senate conservatives fund. earlier this summer, mr. mcdaniels spoke at a conference put on by a neo-confederate group. and today's republican party, that's not a problem. the extreme elements aren't fringe anymore. they're front and center for the whole party and the whole world to see.
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it's all in the family. gop style. joining me now are krystal ball and ed rendell. thank you both for being here. >> thanks for having us, rev. >> my pleasure. >> governor, senator cruz is backing away from this video. his office says these selective quotes taken out of context, mischaracterize the substance of pastor cruz's message. paster cruz does not speak for the senator. but calling the president a socialist, a dictator. you know, joking about kenya. does the senator have to do more to address this and these statements by his father? >> sure he does. this is not billy carter who never did anything, was never allowed to campaign for jimmy carter. jimmy carter couldn't control billy carter. but ted cruz uses his father as a campaigner. he is directly responsible for
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what his father says. those quotes are not taken out of context. if you read the entire transcript of these things, it gets even worse. he says things like this is a christian nation and the constitution says it's a christian nation. well, read it again, pastor cruz. the constitution says we establish no religion. and here we are jews and hindus and muslims, and all types of religion. and he says the democratic party promotes what's contrary to the word of god. the word of god tells us to heal the sick, to feed the hungry, to teach the children well. those are principles the democratic party believes in and puts money where our mouth is behind. i take offense at a lot of what he says. and ted cruz ought to get to the business of disavowing his father. stop using him as a surrogate. >> this is an example, krystal of how extreme has gone mainstream in the republican party. that's really what's troubling here. >> yeah.
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i think that's exactly right. when he delivers a line like send the president back to kenya, it's a huge applause line. it's not like he's out there on his own and no one's supporting him. as you pointed out, this guy has become a tea party darling. >> and how do you take that out of context? >> seems like that was pretty much what he meant in that moment. and so i think he is sort of the perfect embodiment of what the tea party actually believes. and one piece of this that's interesting is when the tea party first came into being in 2009 as a backlash against this president, their whole line was we are just concerned about economic issues. we don't care about the social issues. we're just concerned about economic issues. in truth, they've been very concerned with the social issues and they've been far right in terms of their religious believes as well. rafael cruz represents that melding of these extreme right wing populism and the religious right. he perfectly voices what is
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going on with that strand of american politics. and ted cruz is exploiting it for his benefit. >> and he's on important factor. you know, governor, in case we weren't sure how important he was, listen to rush limbaugh, what he says about senator cruz's father. >> ted cruz, the senator from texas, is a great conservative. he is a -- he's a good speaker. he's a good orator. it turns out he gets it from his dad. this guy knocking it out of the park. rafael cruz, the father of ted cruz. >> i mean, that's basically a right wing seal of approval from the head of the republican party, rush limbaugh. but it's not just rafael and ted cruz. all of the extremism has made its way to the halls of congress. because members openly make birther comments like this. watch this.
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>> i don't know whether barack obama was born in the united states or not. i don't know that. but i do know this. that in niz heart he's not american. he's just not an american. >> all ki tell you is that the general consensus is that he has produced a birth certificate. question is, is it legitimate? >> i mean, if someone asked for my birth certificate, i'd go and get it out and say here it is. >> so all of these outrageous statements, governor, by members of congress. i mean, again the extreme going mainstream in the republican party. >> sure. these aren't citizens who go to a rally and say something. these are elected officials who bear the republican party across their chest. it's alarming in one sense, but also heartening in another sense. because the more they ratchet up this rhetoric, the more this hate and divisiveness spews out,
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the more it's going to draw out moderate republican voters away from the republican party and its candidates. it's a terribly damaging thing for the republican party to have someone out there saying we're a christian nation. michigan has a large number of voting americans. you want to offend them. you want to offend jewish voters? it's makes no sense. when they hear this stuff and it's not disavowed, that was the point you made at the beginning. if ted cruz was smart, he would disavow his dad in as kind of words as he can. but he would say, look. the president isn't from kenya. he's born in the united states. he's a u.s. citizen. he's not a muslim. he's a christian. let's move on to some important economic issues. >> well, without doing that, krystal, the republican party is narrowing its tent at a time
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when it's in huge trouble. i mean, the new nbc/wall street journal poll asks who they would choose as their member of congress. 35% said democrats. 30% said third-party candidate. 28% said republican. i mean, how much trouble is this party in? >> a huge amount. it's even worse, actually, than those numbers show. i asked mark murray today who made up that 30% that wants a third-party mer of congress. he said the biggest block were republicans who were not tea party affiliated. these are the more mainstream republican who is are frustrated with their own party. so the numbers are even worse than that looks. and the fact of the matter is as much as mitch mcconnell or john boehner might say we're not headed to another showdown, we're not headed to another shutdown like we just experienced, ted cruz hasn't changed his rhetoric at all. and he still wants to hold this
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country hostage over obama care. he still wants to be the leaders of the lemmings with suicide vests as one republican member of congress called them. he was the only one that wanted to do this the last time around. i don't see how the republican party gets out of this endless cycle of continuing purity tests and continue meandering to the right. >> krystal ball and former dmpb -- >> i was about to say that's a great point. this is going to be a big test for the republican party coming up in january. >> no doubt about it. former governor ed rendell, krystal ball again, thank you both for being here. and be sure to catch krystal on "the cycle" week days at 3:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. ahead, big news in georgia. there's now a federal investigation into the mysterious death of high school student kendrick johnson. i'll speak live with his parents. plus here comes palin and
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bachman shredding the truth about this president. not so fast. and why the right wingers are using spongebob, yes, spongebob to attack the safety net? you'll want to see this one. my insurance rates are probably gonna double. but, dad, you've got... [ voice of dennis ] allstate. with accident forgiveness, they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. [ voice of dennis ] indeed. are you in good hands? you know how painful heartburn can be. for fast, long lasting relief, use doctor recommended gaviscon®. only gaviscon® forms a protective barrier that helps block stomach acid from splashing up- relieving the pain quickly. try fast, long lasting gaviscon®. the end. lovely read susan. but isn't it time to turn the page on your cup of joe?
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gevalia, or a cup of johan, is like losing yourself in a great book. may i read something? yes, please. of course. a rich, never bitter taste cup after cup. net weight 340 grams. [ sighs ] [ chuckles ] [ announcer ] always rich, never bitter. gevalia.
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the right wing is so desperate that it's actually using spongebob to make its latest argument. but what they're doing isn't childs play. that's next. mom? come in here. come in where? welcome to my mom cave. wow. sit down. you need some campbell's chunky soup before today's big game, new chunky cheeseburger. mmm. i love cheeseburgers. i know you do. when did you get this place?
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when i negotiated your new contract, it was part of the deal. cool. [ male announcer ] campbell's chunky soup. it fills you up right. not anymore. what? my silverware isn't good enough for you? have -- have you seen it? yes, i have seen it, and it looks -- you gotta look better. ladies, breathe. cascade kitchen counselor here. it's not your silverware. it's likely your detergent. see, over time, cascade platinum's triple cleaning formula delivers brilliant shine finish gel can't beat. it even helps keep your dishwasher sparkling. find something, mother? no. [ counselor ] cascade platinum is cascade's best.
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the right wingers found a new hero in its war against the poor. spongebob squarepants. that's right. spongebob squarepants. the gop is now using the lovable cartoon sea sponge as a new way to attack the safety net. >> you're fired. >> okay. so here's the story. the harsh economic climate has hit the underwater community. after 14 years of flipping krabby patties, he's fired from his job. instead of mooching all of service, he sets out to return to the workforce. >> okay. so a sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea doesn't need government help. that means no one does? republicans need to get a life. and life isn't a cartoon. in fact, what's going on now is
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appalling. tomorrow 47 million americans will see their food stamp benefits cut. 47 million americans. they're not moochers. 87% of those households include children, seniors, or the disabled. 900,000 of those people are veterans. they served their country and now need some help. yet i don't see senator ted cruz and sarah palin out rallying for them. i guess they only come to the aid of veterans when it's a good photo op. when it's politically convenient. mothers, children, the disabled, vets, those who are the people who may hungry starting tomorrow and yet our republican congress wants those people to give more. >> i'll continue to work with my colleagues to implement reforms
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in the s.n.a.p. program to cut back on waste, fraud, abuse. >> asking people to work in return for food stamp programs is not any form of cruel or unusual punishment. the dignity of work has long been a pretty common theme throughout the ages. >> why does the safety net need reform? >> hear that? the disabled are getting tangled in the safety net. hungry kids. they must be part of the program's waste. for years now, the gop has villainized the poor. >> there is dignity in work. the reforms made by this bill will put people on the path to self-sufficiency and independence. the dignity of the job is what things should be about in these programs. >> do you know what the ironic thing about that is? what's ironic about that is congressman cantor controls the gop's legislative calendar. he's decided that the house gop
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should work just 16 more days between now and the end of the year. funny. where's all this talk about the dignity of hard work now? joining me now is senator bernie sanders of vermont. senator, thank you for joining me tonight. tomorrow, senator, millions of americans will see their food benefits cut. how can you explain that to viewers? >> well, you know, i find it interesting that our republican friends talk about the dignity of work. i agree with that. and that's why in this country we need to create millions and millions of decent-paying jobs. unfortunately, al, virtually every effort we have made to rebuild the infrastructure, create jobs through energy efficiency, create a veterans' jobs bill, every one of those efforts to create jobs has been beaten back and filibustered by the republicans. meanwhile, what's happening in
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america economically is the middle class continues to shrink. more and more people are becoming low income. we have 46.5 million americans today living in poverty. more than any time in history. we have 22% of our kids living in poverty. the highest rate of poverty in the industrialized world. so what these guys are doing are really going to war against seniors, against the kids, against working families who are trying to get by on 9, 10 bucks an hour who just can't feed their families. meanwhile, these very same guys fighting against jobs programs wanting to give more tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires. it is totally obscene. >> but, you know, senator, the food stamp cuts that will hit tomorrow will slash about $5 billion from the program. now, that's less than the $6.9 billion we spent in fighter jet contracts just this year alone.
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and get this. it's a fighter jet program that the pentagon doesn't even want. why don't they cut it from there? >> oh, well, al, i guess the answer has something to do with poor people and working people do not make large campaign contributions. our military industrial contractors do. billionaires do. the fact of the matter is that not only are we going to look at a major cut in food stamps tomorrow as you well know, the republican bill -- farm bill passed in the house calls for another $40 billion in cuts over the next ten years. so these guys at a time when many of our kids are facing real challenges getting the food they need, the nutrition they need, these guys are going to war against the kids. they want more and more for the military and more tax breaks for the rich. that is really -- that is incredible. >> you know, republicans have also been against raising the
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minimum wage. but that's barely enough to get by. i mean, do the math. salary for full-time minimum wage worker is just $15,000 a year. the average rent for one-bedroom apartment is more than $13,000. how are people supposed to afford things like food and clothes? >> you're absolutely right. but let me tell your viewers something. it is not just the republicans are fighting our effort to raise the minimum wage. many of them want to abolish the concept of the minimum wage. they think -- this is true -- that $7.25 an hour is too much. and if you're in a high unemployment area, detroit or some place else and an employer offers somebody 4 bucks on hour, that's freedom, al. that's getting the government off the backs of employers and workers to have people working for 3 or 4 bucks an hour. you're looking at a real class
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warfare going on here. against the low income people to benefit the wealthy. >> senator bernie sanders, thank you for your time this evening. and let me just say, tomorrow when millions of people are cut in the food stamp programs, children, seniors, veterans. it's disgusting. it is not the america that all of us want to see. and particularly for those who are the most vulnerable at the beginning of life and the end of life. and for those who serve this country at the risk of their lives to be cast to the side like that is nothing short of despicable. still ahead, america's leading expert on women's health, rush limbaugh is back with some jaw-dropping comments about breast pumping and birth control. the day we rescued riley was a truly amazing day.
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but to republicans, blocking these two appointments are just another way to try to hurt president obama. we've seen it again and again on issue after issue. with this republican party, they have such antipathy for this president and his agenda, they root for his failure. even if it's bad for the country. they'll do everything. even mistake the facts. here's what gop leaders said this week about government spending. >> this debt, it weighs on our economy today. we're not doing much about it. >> our country is on an unsustainable fiscal course. >> we have had record deficits. >> record deficits for the past five years? the senator conveniently left out some major information. under president obama, deficits have gone down five straight years. the fastest drop since world war
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ii. down $409 billion since 2012. republicans are quiet about that, but they're still making stuff up about health care. >> what i want is the finest possible health care for america that we can have. we did have fabulous health care, and i think we can again. >> almost 50 million americans lacked coverage before obama care. and it was fabulous? when you're desperate for the president to fail, you really will do and say anything. well, we're not going to fall for it or let them get away with it. joining me now is congressman jim mcdermott democrat from washington and msnbc contributor goldie taylor. thank you to both of you for joining me. >> thank you. >> good to be here. >> congressman, some republicans want to pretend coverage in america used to be fabulous. i mean, how do you deal with
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that? >> well, you know, al, it's really tough when they want to argue with their -- they make up their own facts. if you look at the numbers out of the world health organization or you look out of any set of numbers about where the united states ranks, we do not have the best health care system in the country. we have access to the best if you have money. if you have insurance. but if you don't have insurance, you don't have preventive care. you don't have anything until you're suddenly in the emergency room in a dire mess. and that's what america is really all about. is taking people -- care of them when they get sick. not in preventing illness or encouraging wellness. if we can that, we would have the best health care in the world. >> now, you know, goldie, rush limbaugh the head of the party said today that -- let me let you hear what he said about the affordable care act for yourself. listen to this.
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>> all it does is drive up prices like breast pumps and birth control pills and wellness plans. all of that stuff. all of this touchy, feely, liberal do-good stuff that ought never be part of insurance. buy your own birth control pill. buy your own breast pump. that's not a health issue. that's not insurance. it's welfare. >> i mean, i don't know if it gets any more outrageous than that, goldie. >> you know, this really is the year of magical thinking. to say that breast pumps and birth control are not preventive care, it's living in another world. you're entitled to your own opinion but not your own fact. certainly with breast pumps that encourage early childhood nutrition goes a long way towards building a healthy individual who can be productive in this society and be more productive economically. so these are the kinds of things that we need to invest in as a country rather than coming in on the back end when someone is
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already sick. when someone is already facing catastrophic instances in our nation's ers which themselves drive up health care costs like no other thing in this country. i'll say something else. health care costs alone are the number one driver of financial distress in this country for families. the number one cause of divorce in this country for families is financial distress. and so this is the party of families, then they ought to be about the family of providing -- the party providing affordable health care for all families. >> you know, congressman, goldie said we can have different opinions, not different facts. well, you know, sarah palin never let facts get in her way. especially when it comes to attacking obama care. listen to this. >> of course there are death panels. getting rid of the socialized health care coverage policy of barack obama's. not only does it strip away our freedoms as americans, but obama care will bankrupt so many businesses and it will continue
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to add to the bankruptcy of our nation already $17 trillion in debt. >> i mean, how do we deal with these kind of statements and could you tell us the fact, congressman, will this contribute -- obama care -- as sarah palin charged to the debt of this country? >> absolutely not, al. the fact is that if you give people preventive care, it's much cheaper to take my blood pressure and to give me some pills to take care of my high blood pressure than it is to take care of my stroke. a stroke incident will take $100,000 or $200,000 whereas for a few bucks you could prevent that. and the same is true with heart disease and with diabetes and all the chronic diseases with a very little bit of money up front in prevention and providing good nutrition to people. you can prevent a lot of what we
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wind up spending thousands and thousands of dollars in the emergency room. you take care of women's health care. if a woman has tests for a vaginal cancer or cervical cancer or whatever, that costs very little. but if you wind up having surgery, it's a big expense. and cancer, chemotherapy and radiation is very expensive. so prevention is what you get when you have health insurance. you can go to the doctor when you sense there's the beginning of a problem. >> you know, goldie, the right wing pundits said they actually cheered the government shutdown and said that there was no downside. watch this. >> he wants to convince you that if the economic state of the union gets worse it's because of the government shutdown. not true. the reason the economy remains stagnant is obama care. >> people are probably going to
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realize they can live with a lot less government than what they thought they needed. >> another thing that gop leadership needs to do is remind the public this is not armageddon. this is a pinprick. >> i think the american people have seen the government slowdown not shutdown. >> maybe i'm one of the few people, this doesn't impact me mentally. we've had 17 government shutdowns, governor. i'm not afraid of a couple of weeks of government being shut down. >> we're really very energized today. we're very strong. this was about the happiest i've seen members in a long time. >> i mean, $24 billion this cost us, goldie, to shut down. doesn't mean anything. >> $24 billion, but sean hannity cannot process how a shutdown would impact him. certainly it doesn't impact him because he isn't drawing his check from government. but those people who are on the federal payroll, those hard working people who go to the office every day and work on behalf of the american people, it was more than a pinprick for them to lose week's worth of
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pay. some 17 times this country has shut down its government. so it does have real impacts on very real people. and another thing, if you are going to shut down the government, that means you are not investing in new jobs in this country. the number one way to decades the deficit in this country are put people back to work. you have more tax paying citizens and you can expand what people are able to do in their daily lives. so i think the republicans are attacking this from the wrong end of the problem. what they ought to be doing is about investing in the american people. for instance, they wanted to cut the s.n.a.p. program. that's going to impact 5,000 active duty servicemen and women. and retired veterans who depend on those benefits to make their way. and so if they're going to have this conversation, let's have the whole conversation and not leave anything out. >> congressman jim mcdermott and goldie taylor, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thank you. >> good to see you again. coming up, rudy giuliani just loves the stop and frisk
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policy. tonight introducing to the facts. but first, the fed's launch an investigation into the suspicious death of a student athlete found u inside a gym wrestling mat. we'll have a live interview with the victim's parents next. ♪
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an important story. today a federal prosecutor in georgia announced he is opening an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of kendrick johnson, the 17-year-old whose body was found in a rolled up mat in his high school gym in january. >> my objective is to discover the truth, and i believe that can only be done by gathering all of the evidence and relevant information surrounding mr. johnson's death. i am committed to doing everything in my power to answer the questions that exist in this case or as many of them as we can. >> there are many questions. authorities ruled the death an accident saying johnson suffocated inside these mat while reaching for a sneaker. but johnson's parents never believed that. they say he was murdered, and they launched an effort to
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reopen the case. i was with the family in may as part of their attempts to get the case fully examined which is what is finally happening now. new surveillance video shows kendrick was not alone in the gym. on the tape you see kendrick walking into the gym and onto the basketball court where other students were playing. if he wasn't alone in the gym, wouldn't someone have heard him if he was in trouble inside that mat? it's a mystery that federal authorities may now get to the bottom of. joining me now are kendrick's parents. kenneth and jacqueline johnson and their attorneys benjamin crump and mr. king. thank you all for being here tonight. >> thank you. >> first of all, let me again extend my condolences to you kenneth and jacqueline. your son's death was ruled an accident. you don't believe that.
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why? >> because from the very beginning, two days later after i viewed his body, you can actually look down and tell that something had occurred. >> now, the prosecutor said today -- listen to this. >> facts, not feelings or opinions now matter how sincere they may be are part of the legal investigation. i do this with an open mind neither rejecting or accepting the opinions of anyone who has previously investigating the circumstances of his death. >> let me ask you parents, what do you hope the investigation discovers and will you accept the outcome of the investigation whichever way it goes? >> well, as long as it come ut, the truth about what happened to kendrick, we'll accept it. but it's got to be the truth. because for a long time, you
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know, we've just been -- that's all we ever asked for was the truth. >> attorney king, what is it that you're looking for. you've been in this case and moved a lot to get the family to this point. what do you hope will come out of this federal investigation? >> well, in the first instant, reverend al, we are looking for a investigation that we can believe in. one that demonstrates a sincere interest in identifying the persons responsible for kendrick's death. who can produce evidence of what exactly happened if it was an accident which i don't believe that it was. but if it was an accident, then, of course, there ought to be proof that the investigation could produce for the parents and for the public quite frankly to look at and say, okay, i
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understand as strange as the theory that the sheriff's office may sound, it turns out to be the truth. but in the absence of that, we have no faith in the investigation done thus far. we are enthused about what the u.s. attorney announced today. however, we are going to still go forward in pursuing our own investigation and making as much information as we can possibly produce available to the u.s. attorney. >> attorney crump, the thing that struck me when i was there and talked to the parents is that there was an injury on the head that does not -- that seemed to be inconsistent with the findings. what is it that you found that was -- when you came into the case that was so compelling that made you question the findings of local authorities? >> well, other than the ridiculous explanation given by the sheriff's department that he climbed into a wrestling mat,
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got stuck, and died, reverend sharpton. it was the fact there was so many things like his clothes was missing that had blood that would have been important on him. his nails were cut back that could have been skin and blood to tell what happened. and the worst, when they dug this child up for the second autopsy, his organs were missing. that would have provided evidence -- >> his organs were missing? >> his organs were missing. his brain, his heart. they thought they buried their whole child. turned out they only buried half a child. so we got to find out what happened to kendrick johnson. this is a murder mystery and unfortunately the victim is real. >> now, ken, the community there black and white is rallying with you. i remember seeing hundreds of people and that there certainly is a lot of help in the community tonight.
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but at the end of the day if, in fact, people work in that gym that night, and do know something and know something tonight, what would you say to those people that were in that gym that night now that there's been a federal inquiry. what would you want to say to them? >> i would like to say to them that kendrick could have been their brother or relative. you know? they don't have to be afraid no more. just come out and tell the truth and tell what really happened. >> attorney king, do you think that now that the federal government rather than local authorities involved that if someone knows something, they may feel more comfortable to come forward and say something if in fact those type of people or person exists? >> absolutely, reverend al.
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i think that now that there is a force that would be in this investigation and hopefully there in the community, that it would ease people's fears and cause them to step forward and volunteer whatever information they may have. >> kenneth and jacqueline johnson, again our sympathy and best wishes for whatever the outcome that it be fair and just. attorneys, thank you very much. we'll be right back.
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a moment of history today on capitol hill. new jersey's cory booker was sworn in as the newest senator from new jersey. just the fourth african-american ever elected to that chamber in american history. he got a standing ovation. >> may you well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office you're about to enter, so help you god. >> i do. >> congratulations, senator. welcome in. [ applause ] >> later his mother and whole family joined him for the ceremonial swearing in and senator booker met with president obama himself in the oval office. i've known cory booker a long time. i've watched him fight for the good people of newark. he joined me on stage at our live at the apollo show. and tonight i just want to say, congratulations, senator. you say men are superior drivers?
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two months ago a judge ruled that the stop and frisk program of the new york city police department was unconstitutional. and since then its supporters have been scrambling to defend the indefensible. today an appeals court stayed the ruling. and we will be carefully watching where the case goes. it makes it even more important we are clear about the facts. unlike former mayor rudy giuliani who went on fox news last night. >> the reality is that stop and frisk and four or five other programs that i started with bill bratton and continued and then taken over by mike and ray kelly has saved 20,000 lives, 10,000 lives. i mean, tremendous amount. >> they think it's racist. >> you know the lives that were
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saved? eight out of ten african-americans. >> stop and frisk has saved the lives of thousands of african-americans in new york. really? here are the facts. since 2002, 86% of those stopped were latino. but 88% of these stops did not result in an arrest or a summons. in other words, they were stopped for nothing. stop and frisk hasn't saved lives. it's made innocent people feel like criminals. the victims of this program post their videos online to show what stop and frisk is really all about. >> why did you stop and frisk me? i got it. why did you stop and frisk me? i'm going to get my i.d. relax. don't touch me. >> you ain't going to do nothing. >> i was going to get my i.d. >> give me your [ bleep ] i.d.
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>> there are better, smarter ways to reduce crime than to target innocent people because of the color of their skin. i fight hard against violence, against gun violence in all communities including the black community. but you don't scapegoat people with profiling and make those that are already afraid of criminals also afraid of police. you put police and community together to bring crime down. and that is the way we raise a society and young people in that society with mutual respect. and having low crime figures. that's where we need to go. also tonight a step towards justice for marissa alexander who could get out of jail as soon as next friday.
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she's the florida mother send to prison for 20 years after firing a warning shot at her abusive husband. she tried to claim a stand your ground defense but was denied. an example of the unfair applications of that unjust law. well, today a judge set a new date for her trial. march 31st. and he set a bond hearing for next friday. in just a few days she could be out of jail and back with her friends and family. marissa's case has sparked a national outcry. igniting a grassroots movement to set her free. and change the unjust stand your ground law. we'll be watching. these hearings and proceedings. and hope justice will finally be served. when we look at marissa alexander, a woman who was, in fact, threatened by her husband and


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