tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC November 4, 2013 10:00am-11:00am EST
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and if you switch, you could save up to $423. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? good morning. i'm chris jansing. a brand new book and the 2013 campaign trail. it's giving us a sharper look at how the 2016 race could shape up. it's clear that hillary clinton and chris christie are the prohibitive favorites. the new jersey governor hoping to use a big victory tomorrow to show republicans he is the most electable. mitt romney hinted christie could be the party's savior in 2016. hillary clinton is calculating her own appearances with her first foray back into the campaign spotlight, stumping for close friend terry mcauliffe. but that new book, "double down" is spilling big-time campaign
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secrets from the 2012 election. two bombshells include dirt on chris christie's background that came up during the vice presidential vet and tpossibiliy they would swap joe biden for hillary clinton. two veteran campaign reporters say president obama saying i just don't know if i can do this, as he prepared for the second debate. let me bring in our company, editor in chief of reason magazine, matt welch and the "washington post" politics reporter, jackie kucinich. good morning. >> good morning. >> let's start with chris christie because he's got an election he's almost sure to win tomorrow. he's looking to send a message but as also passed over to be the vice presidential nominee. let me play for you what mitt romney said on "meet the press." >> i know that the vetting people who went through that analysis and put together their report laid everything out, but frankly there was nothing they found that wasn't already part of the public record and that hadn't already been dealt with effectively by chris christie.
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so there was nothing new there. and chris, by the way, chris could easily become our nominee and save our party and help get this nation on the right track again. they don't come better than chris christie. >> and, matt, these issues were vetted in the local press. but a national audience is different. we're looking at a doj investigation, a defamation lawsuit, documentation for household help. we know household help has gotten people in trouble before. is it going to be a different game or are none of these probably that relevant? >> everybody who is in the headlights right now is going to be vetted pretty thoroughly by the press. we're seeing it happening with rand paul, with his plagiarized wiki speeches. it's going to be an early test to see which of these candidates can start dealing with the heat as early as 2013. and there's differences between all of them. i would just say the speech from mitt romney right there is pretty remarkable considering how much the romney calm pain
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really hated chris christie in november of last year. >> yeah, the book really talks a lot about the tension between the romney and christie aides. first christie banned romney from raising money in new jersey until he said it was okay. then when they campaigned together, christie was late to events. especially after christie's convention speech where he never even mentions romney. does this show christie as a guy who might be a little bit overconfident? >> it's hard to say this early whether he's overconfident or not. but they do have a big head start on dealing with some of these issues that were outlined in the book. but yeah, i think that having his name out there this early, having the election that he's going to have really can propel him forward. the only thing is christie will probably run into some of the things mitt romney did. being a governor from a northeastern state without a lot of southern roots. so we might see even some of the things we saw play out in 2012 in 2016 with that ability to
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really make gains in the south. >> all this is making interesting fodder for 2016 talk. considering one of the other big headlines from the book is and it came out over the weekend that the obama campaign poll tested whether or not it would be useful to them to switch out hillary clinton for joe biden and they found out it was pretty much a wash and a lot of people have argued for a long time it's very rare for a vice presidential candidate to make a difference. but is that a blessing for her now? >> you know, i think everything is in hillary clinton's camp right now. it's her race to lose. there isn't really -- joe biden has been running for president since about 1984 and there's been no statistical evidence of any enthusiasm for that particular project. i think he got 1% of the vote in the iowa caucuses once. so it's hers to lose and it's going to be for a long time. i doubt at this point after a long career in the public spotlight, including from a lot of people who were hostile towards her, i think it would require some horrific accident
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to make her not win. >> and it does seem like a lot of members of the democratic party are maybe, maybe sending a message to joe biden or anybody else who's thinking about challenging hillary clinton. here was chuck schumer giving his endorsement to her. >> tonight here in iowa, and i won't get this opportunity again, i am urging hillary clinton to run for president. and when she does, she will have my full and unwavering support. 2016 is hillary's time. run, hillary, run! >> jackie, why are we seeing so many people come out for her now? >> i don't know if you can get a clearer message than that. >> run, hillary, run! >> seriously. but yeah, i think they are trying to clear the field. i mean we all know that anyone who's going to try, anyone who wants to challenge her has to break through this impermaneeab
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message. nip w anyone who wants to go up against hillary would have a very uphill climb and you can see how hard that's going to be. >> i want to bring in senator tom harkin, democrat from iowa. good to see you, senator. good morning. >> good morning, chris. >> are you ready to make news here on this program and say, run, hillary, run? >> listen, i'm focused on a lot of legislative matters that we're dealing with here in congress in the senate. the campaign -- this is starting too soon. i mean give me a break, we've got interim elections next year. that's the time that campaigns ought to start for president, not now. >> but you are somebody who's been around the game a very long time and obviously your steak fry is a legendary event in iowa. do you think that there is kind of an era of inevitability around hillary clinton right now? >> i've been in politics long
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enough to see ebbs and flows. people come up and go down, they come up, they go down. listen, hillary clinton has a lot to offer still to this country. whether she decides to run for president or not, that's her decision to make. but i think it's way too early to be getting involved in the 2016 campaign. let's focus on the problems we have in the country right now, rebuilding the middle class, reform our education system, making sure that our health reform system works, and works well. these are the most important things to be focusing on right now, not the 2016 campaign. >> well, you are chairman of health education, labor and pensions committee and will hold the first senate hearing on obama care tomorrow. the thing we keep hearing over and over again, we heard it on the sunday shows and heard it this morning is why did the president say if you like your health care plan, you can keep it. the associated press is reporting three and a half million people have gotten cancellation notices. what do you make of all this, senator? >> what i mean of all of this is we're missing the big picture.
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yes, we had problems with the rollout, that's inexcusable, but they're being fixed. but let's keep the big picture in mind. we have millions of children today, up to 17 million children with pre-existing conditions who are covered for the first time ever. we have seniors getting free preventive services, never got it before. last year seniors saved over $6 billion in prescription drugs because we're closing the doughnut hole. and a lot of this, especially with children who are now on their parents' policies, that they never were covered before. we're missing the big picture here. millions and millions of americans are getting better health care coverage than they have ever had before. >> but is part of that big picture, senator, three and a half million people who go to their mailboxes and they get a letter saying that your policy has been cancelled. the policy maybe that they liked and could afford? >> well, but -- okay, i
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understand that they have policies. a lot of those policies, chris, i'm trying to think of a word i can use on the air. these were bad policies. they were policies they paid a little money for. >> isn't there an iowa colloquialism we can come up with? >> off the air maybe. but i've seen these policies. they cover you when you're healthy. but when you get sick, they drop you. or they raise your rates. that's what these policies were about in the past. and i think the more that people look and see about their policies, they'll see that now they're going to have better coverage than they have ever had before. they may have to pay a little bit more, but at least they'll be covered. i guess, chris, what i want to say is in the past we had a lot of froe riders. if you were healthy, you didn't pay into the system. but when you got sick, everybody else paid for your health care. no longer. no more free rides. everyone is paying into this system and they're getting up
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front good coverage that covers them, even if they have a pre-existing condition. they can't be denied. they can't be cut off if they get cancer, for example. and a lot of those plans that people had in the past that were paying a little bit of money for, that's exactly what happened to them. now, if they stayed healthy, they were fine. but if they got sick, that's when the insurance companies clamped down on them and that's what we're ending. >> do you think there's been some miscommunication on the part of the president, on the part of the white house and what do you want to get out of the hearing tomorrow? >> well, first of all, i want to be reassured that they're fixing the glitches in the system, so people can go online. what i'm going to point out tomorrow is that the states that had set up their state exchanges, like rhode island, kentucky, maryland, even the district of columbia, those are working great. but the republican governors in many of these states would not set up a state exchange, they wanted the federal government to do it. so much for state's rights, huh? but the states that set it up, it's working just fine. so we have to keep that in mind.
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let's fix the system. but let's not lose sight of the big picture. this is a major step forward for every single american to have better health care coverage than they have ever had before. >> senator tom harkin, it's great to have you on the program. thank you. >> chris, thanks. >> i think you can kind of tie these two things together, which is double down and the problems that the obama administration is having with this health care rollout. there is a moment in the book where they talk about just before the second debate the president's staff staged kind of what they called an intervention because they were so worried about his debate practice performances. and he told them about his lawyerly mind and that that's why he sometimes had unsatisfying answers. mark halperin actually this morning tied those two things together. let me play that for you. >> almost everything that he's having trouble with now, trouble with congress, trouble with public opinion, trouble with explaining himself, you can see
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in that scene where he's laying himself bare in a way he normally doesn't do to anybody. >> matt, for a president who has been such an incredible communicator, has communication been his downfall sometimes too? >> i think he's been a bad communicator. i think it's a myth that he has special talent to convince the american people about things, especially when it comes to obama care. >> maybe in that instance. i've seen him do some wonderful things. >> he's also very good at soothing people at moments of tragedy but that's not to say he's good at selling policies. he's been selling obama care since 2009 and he's done so with repeated acts of mendacity. he said you can keep your health care plan and your doctor, period. read "the wall street journal" this morning and someone said yes, i had a health care plan and a doctor that i like. i have stage 2 gallbladder cancer. now i'm wondering when i'm going to die because i'm being kicked off here.
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these kinds of lies actually really do matter. it's more than just a communication fix. you actually have to stop having such a pr view of policy to sell policy in order to make your actual policy work better. so i think he has a very, very serious problem on his hands right now. he just had a gallup poll come out 40% approval rating, which is terrible. you have to have policies that work and you have to be honest when you sell them. he has not been honest in my view about his signature domestic achievement. >> let me read one more excerpt from the scene about the debate from "double down." quote, now he was faced with an event that demanded an astronomical degree of fakery, histrionics and stage craft. and while he was ready to capitulate, trying to capitulate, he found himself incapable of performing not just to his own exalted standards but to the bare minimum of competence. acres of evidence and the illusions of his fans to the contrary, barack obama, it turned out, was all too human.
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jackie, what do we know about the level of concern, nervousness about obama care? >> what they should be concerned about is 2014. beyond the policy, there's a political cost, and it could be the senate. that's why you have senate democrats saying things like fix this and trying to propose things that they think might help make this policy work better going forward. mary landrieu, mark pryor, all of these -- you have all of these vulnerable senators in red states that are really saying, okay, the time is now to get this together and that's what they should be worried about going into 2014 because this has got to get better for those senators to hold on. >> jackie kucinich, matt welch, good to have both of you here this morning. thank you. >> thank you. there was another scare at another airport, this time it shut down travel in birmingham, alabama. an employee found a note that included a bomb threat last night. there was an evacuation and nearly all outgoing flights were delayed. police did a sweep of the airport with bomb-sniffing dogs but they didn't find anything. now, this is on the heels of
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friday's deadly shooting at l.a.x. this morning the suspected shooter is unable to talk and can't tell authorities exactly why he shot three tsa agents, killing one of them. but investigators say 23-year-old paul ciancia left a one-page manifesto at the scene writing that he wanted to kill, quote, tsa agents and pigs. he referred to himself as a patriot and said he wanted to show how easy it is to get a gun into an airport terminal. he is facing murder charges. we're also learning more about the survivors. one of the victims, brian ludmer was shot in the leg, dragged himself to a nearby closet and used his old boy scout training to create a tourniquet to slow the bleeding. since the shooting, a lot of talk about whether airports are safe enough. are we in for another round of security changes? we'll hear from an insider.
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(knochello? hey, i notice your car is not in the driveway. yeah. it's in the shop. it's going to cost me an arm and a leg. that's hilarious. sorry. you shoulda taken it to midas. get some of that midas touch. they tell you what stuff needs fixing, and what stuff can wait. next time i'm going to midas. high-five! arg! i did not see that coming. trust the midas touch. for brakes, tires, oil, everything. (whistling)
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the supreme court has rejected oklahoma's bid to revive a state law that the state's own high court said would effectively ban all drug-induced abortions. nbc justice correspondent pete williams joins me now to explain. pete, is this about ru-486 and like drugs? >> it is. it's about a two-pill system for inducing a medicinal as opposed to surgical abortion early in a pregnancy. it involves ru-486 and one other pill. what several states have done is to say if you're going to use these pills, doctors have to abide by the original fda labeling. none of the doctors who prescribe this system were using the fda labeling because they said it required too much medication. it required doctor visits that weren't necessary and it would have vastly restricted it. the oklahoma supreme court struck the law down saying it was unconstitutional. oklahoma appealed to the supreme court and in the spring, the
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court agreed to hear the case, but it said we're not quite certain what this law means. oklahoma supreme court please define it for us. last week the answer to that homework assignment came. the oklahoma supreme court said it essentially banned medicinal abortions in the state. so today the supreme court removed the case from its docket, said it's not going to hear the case. so that means the lower court ruling stands. the oklahoma supreme court ruling that said the law was unconstitutional. so the law in oklahoma cannot go into effect. now, four states have a similar, not exactly, but a similar restriction on medicinal abortions. texas, arizona, north dakota and ohio. the texas law is on appeal. the fact that the supreme court agreed to hear this case and then when it found out how strict the law was says oh, never mind, is probably a bad sign to the laws in those states. it's probably a mistake to read too much into this because the court isn't saying anything about the merits of the law, but if you were an advocate of the laws in those states, it's not a
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good sign i wouldn't think, chris. >> nbc's pete williams. thank you, pete. three closely watched races tomorrow could shape the face of the republican and democratic party for years to come, and expected none is expected to be close. terry mcauliffe looks to win the virginia's governor's mansion back for democrats. new jersey governor chris christie is sail to re-election. maybe the only politician who might have a bigger margin of victory is bill de blasio in the new york city mayor's race. what does it all mean? stan greenberg has been polling adviser for president clinton and al gore and is co-author of "it's the middle class, stupid." stan, good to see you. good morning. >> chris, thank you for having me. >> let's start with the democrats. an interesting thing about both de blasio and mcauliffe is they're both clinton people. >> we do poll for de blasio in fairness, so we are looking forward to the scale of victory people are talking about, but it's not until election day, until it happens. but i think the democratic party is a diverse party.
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i mean clearly de blasio has run on a whole range of issues for the middle class and on equality, and you've had -- obviously, i think, terry running as a moderate in virginia. it's the whole stretch of the party. but we're not at war. i mean the democratic party went through probably a two-decade process of reform. bill clinton played a big part in that. i think we're all -- we're all the result of that. and we're a very united party but also a very diverse party and that's obviously not what's happening on the republican side and that may play out very boldly in virginia. >> let's talk a little bit about the differences on the republican side of the equation. one of the things you notice when you look, for example, at chris christie and ken cuccinelli is that friction, the difference between the tea party versus the establishment. and i want to play for you what conservative leader ralph reed says he thinks the republican party needs to do moving forward. >> you've got to say what you're
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for and not just what you're against. >> amen. >> it's not enough to be against obama care, what's your plan. secondly, you have to win some candidates who are effective messengers who can win people who even don't always agree with you on every issue. >> so how does the republican party move forward from here? what will you be looking for? what will poll numbers tell us? >> what i like is the republican establishment and republican elites kind of looking at the republican party and saying what ought to happen. but the fact is the voters -- the primary voters, the base voters of the republican party are the drivers of this. and they're the ones who give us these candidates that are elected in general elections. chris christie probably can't be nominated in the republican party -- >> you're talking probably and saying he can't be nominated? >> this is a party dominated by evangelicals, dominated by tea party. they are over 60% of the primary voters are of that world view. i don't think that -- unless he
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does a romney, become anti- anti-immigration and anti-gun and a whole range of other issues to take into the primary. if you look at our polling we did for democracy corps, one quarter of the republicans are base voters. are moderates. on the democratic side, two-thirds are self identified conservatives and moderates. and when we started our process of change, half of our voters were moderates. so it's a very diverse party. the republican party is not. and i think that will be in evidence i think in the virginia -- the virginia is the primary story because cuccinelli came out of a process where base voters had their say. this was not a base process in new jersey where base -- republican base voters speak out. >> look, i understand completely what you're saying about chris christie. but he looks at it like he's building a coalition of some democrats, even hispanics. and he seems to think, at least in a conversation yesterday with
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our kelly o'donnell, that a huge victory margin will give some republicans, maybe even some conservative republicans, reason to take another look. let me play that for you. >> i'm not planning for it, i just think it's inevitable. you know, i think people look at elections and they try to discern things from them about what they mean at that moment and what they mean for the future. and i think that what people are going to see is so unusual for what our party has created in the last couple years that invariably people will draw interest and i hope they do. >> and he's talking about drawing in some democratic voters. and i guess i wonder if when it comes to 2016, and that's a long ways off, if conservative voters would rather have a democrat in office or a more moderate republican who agrees with them on things like gay marriage and choice? >> well, look, these are two general -- we're looking at general elections in virginia and new jersey, not primaries. and that indeed will be a story
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about what a general election voter would look like. look at california. look at how many elections republicans began to lose before they -- and they moved further right, not to the center. and now they have lost total control of the state. there is no reason to think that republican base voters look at this. they still think they need to nominate one of their own to be their nominee. they don't think romney was that, they don't think mccain was that, they don't think it's happened that they have really nominated one of their own. and i think that will play out for one more election before they begin to reform. i know we began the process, our voters began to say, god, we can't lose anymore. we've just got to win. bill clinton had some supporters, some union support that didn't agree with him that said, you know what, we just can't afford to lose anymore. i don't think the republican party is anywhere near to that conclusion. >> stan groeenberg, it's always good to have you on the program. thanks, stan. we've learned just in the last hour that republican
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senator dean hellor will support the employment nondiscrimination act. it would end workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. he said supporting the legislation is the right thing to do and we'll have a lot more on this coming up. in the nation, we know how you feel about your car. so when coverage really counts, count on nationwide insurance. because what's precious to you is precious to us. ♪ love, love is strange just another way we put members first. because we don't have shareholders. join the nation. ♪ baby... ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ i started part-time, now i'm a manager.n. my employer matches my charitable giving. really. i get bonuses even working part-time.
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where i work, over 400 people are promoted every day. healthcare starting under $40 a month. i got education benefits. i work at walmart. i'm a pharmacist. sales associate. i manage produce. i work in logistics. there's more to walmart than you think. vo: opportunity. that's the real walmart. so delicious, they won't even know it's chicken. 50% less fat... 100% johnsonville taste. (dad) just feather it out. (son) ok. feather it out. (dad) all right. that's ok. (dad) put it in second, put it in second. (dad) slow it down. put the clutch in, break it, break it. (dad) just like i showed you. dad, you didn't show me, you showed him. dad, he's gonna wreck the car! (dad) he's not gonna wreck the car. (dad) no fighting in the road, please. (dad) put your blinker on. (son) you didn't even give me a chance! (dad) ok. (mom vo) we got the new subaru because nothing could break our old one. (dad) ok. (son) what the heck? let go of my seat! (mom vo) i hope the same goes for my husband.
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to calculus, trigonometry, finance. you can really just get what you need at your own pace. and so, bank of america came and reached out to us and said, "we are really interested in making sure that everyone really understands personal finance." we're like, "well, we're already doing that." and so it was kind of a perfect match. hellerheller. the senate holds a critical vote today. if the employment nondiscrimination act passes it will be the first time the senate has passed an anti-discrimination bill to protect gays. all 55 senate democrats have said they will vote yes. we just reported nevada senator heller announced he is supporting the bill. that makes it five republicans, enough to prevent a filibuster. let me bring in goldie taylor,
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columnist with the grio, susan del percio, an msnbc contributor. what do you think, goldie, is this going to pass? what are the chances? >> i think it will certainly pass the senate. the last time this came up for a vote in 1996, it failed by one vote. so certainly this country has come a very long way from '96 to 2013. but can this piece of legislation pass the house of representatives? >> well, let me tell you, we just got this statement from john boehner's office. the speaker believes this legislation will increase frivolous litigation and cost american jobs, especially small business jobs. susan? >> first, i think it's going to pass with more than five republican votes. i think we may see up to seven or eight republicans vote along with this in the senate. what's sad and disturbing about mr. boehner's comments is that that's what they said about minorities, women, people with disabilities, that we would have all these lawsuits. this is the next progressive step. as this nation progresses and starts opening its mind more to marriage equality and other
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things, we have to expect to see this type of thing, and they should support it. >> is there a practical reason to do it? look, i know if you're in an individual southern state and you have a conservative congressional district, this is not something that you want. but big picture for the republican party, wouldn't you make the argument? >> absolutely. i actually think it's good policy and it would be good politics if they passed it. that's part of the party's image problem right now, especially if you're looking towards 2016. now, granted in the midterm it may not be the best politics for some folks, but looking at 2016, when you want to win national elections, this party has to show that there is some things that they are open to and that they're not just the party of no. >> if there is a problem here, it seems to be a problem of misinformation. i saw it -- i was living in california at the time of the gay marriage debate and i remember a cab driver telling me that his preacher was saying from the pulpit if we pass this, i will be forced to marry gay couples and that's against what i want to do, which was totally
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untrue. now "the new york times" reports today that there is fear the legislation would require insurance to pay for sex-change operations, that constituents are worried and they have actually expressed this concern that their children will be taught by men in dresses in their grade schools. historically how much of a problem do you think misinformation has been for issues like this? >> i think campaigns of misinformation kept don't ask, don't tell in place for many more years beyond where it should have been. that kind of misinformation kept us locked in policies that did no good service to us as a community. but i'll tell you what is happening out there. in my home state of georgia even, for the first time the sheer popular vote believes that gay marriage ought to be legal. for the first time it believes that we ought to end discrimination in the workplace against the lgbt community. so i think that it is a tide that is moving across this country and it is bad politics and bad policy for the
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republicans to stand as a blockade to it. >> especially with the younger generation. i mean as people in their 30s, 40s, or 20s, they come across people, a transgender, gay, all different folks. it's common place. so why would you discriminate them? it makes no sense. that's what turns off a lot of younger people to the party. >> susan del percio, goldie taylor, great to see both of you. thank you both. >> thanks, chris. we are checking the news feed this morning and getting our first look at dr. phil's extensive interview with cleveland kidnap victim michelle knight. she describes arial castro's prisoner. i want to warn you the details are disturbing. >> so he gets you in this room. what did he tie you up with. >> one of those orange extension cords. i was tied up like a fish, an ornament on the wall is the only way i can describe it. i was hanging like this, my feet and i was tied by my neck and my
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arms with the extension cord going like that. >> oh, my god. >> knight said that he would leave her hanging like that for days at a time. she still has nerve damage in her hands and feet. she says she fought to stay alive for her son. the complete interview airs on dr. phil tomorrow and wednesday. an nyu student is recovering after he spent more than a day trapped in a tight space between two buildings in manhattan. he reportedly fell into that space. it was between his dorm and a parking garage on saturday morning. it took fire crews nearly two hours to cut through a wall and get him out. he is in critical but stable condition at bellevue hospital and is expected to make a full recovery. in egypt, ousted president mohamed morsi caused so much trouble as what was supposed to be the opening day of his trial that it had to be adjourned. first he refused to change into his prison uniform and in the courtroom was shouting "down with the military government." morsi claimed he was the legitimate president of egypt.
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the trial will resume january 8th. and here's your cute animal video of the day. 14 panda cubs celebrating their 100-day birthday over the weekend. in china, it's celebrated to wish the baby a long life. looks like it wasn't much of a party, though, because they were mostly sleeping and yawning. and if you read only one thing this morning, just weeks before the 50th anniversary of jfk's assassination, the number of books and movies and tv specials is growing. in "vanity fair" james woolcott argues the attention is too much and not enough. here's some of what you're saying. jim writes it's very unfortunate that kids today don't even know about his assassination so i would hope that we as a country would do more education on all of our former presidents. and sue writes i remember that day just like it was yesterday. i will never forget. let us know what you think. the address is facebook/jansingco. got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check?
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[thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there. i'm here to say a few words about the power of baking stuff with nestle toll house morsels. you can heal a broken heart with a bundt cake. make a monday mornin' feel like a friday afternoon with some nestle toll house morsels. let's close our laptops and open our ovens. these things don't bake themselves. we have to bake them for one another. we can bake the world a better place one toll house cookie at a time. nestle. good food, good life.
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well, isn't this interesting. blackberry announcing they're taking themselves off the market this morning, dropping their sales bid and announcing major changes at the top. cnbc's mandy drury is here with what's moving your money. what are you hearing, mandy? >> yeah, the stock is really tanking right now. it was down about 11% just a moment ago when i checked. the news is it's abandoning the plan to sell itself. it's going to be replacing its ceo. he came in when things were already bad and things have gone from bad to worse. it's going to raise about $1 billion from institutional investors including its largest shareholder, which is fairfax financial. and i guess some of the reaction to the stock here is a lot of people say it's disappointing fairfax is not going to buy the struggling smartphone company and take it private. you might remember back in september fairfax announced a tentative $9 a share for blackberry but they were struggling to finance the bid which was $4.7 billion.
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blackberry has fallen a long way. it's always a sad story when this was once canada's most valuable company with a market value of $83 billion in 2008 and the stock has plummeted to less than seven bucks from over $140 a share. so we'll hope to see it survive all of this tumult. >> such a changing market. and twitter just filed papers showing that it's got a lot of confidence in its upcoming ipo. >> yeah, it's boosted its public stock offering value. it raises the share price to a range of $23 to $25 a share from an earlier estimate of $17 to $20. this new share price gives twitter a market value of around $13 billion. nonetheless, according to a cnbc peep hole on twitter, investors think it could be a bit of hype. they asked investors if they think twitter is a good
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investment. 49% said no, 40% said yes. according to millennials, the kind of people you think are savvy about social media, ages 18 to 34, 52% of those millennials polled did not think twitter would be a good investment either. mind you, just to put a little context for you, wells fargo, there was a survey they did of millennials showing that more than half of them are wary of stocks anyway and that could be partly because facebook got so much hype and traded below its ipo price for so long so obviously people will wait and see on twitter and see how it goes. >> yeah, when i was a millennial, i was looking to put gas in my car, i'm not looking at stock. >> just trying to pay the rent. >> cnbc's mandy drury. thank you as always. the dow is up more than 19% so far this year, but according to the website 24/7 wall not all stocks are performing up to par. here's their list of the worst
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performing stock. this is based on returns. all of them are big names. number five, coca-cola, mcdonald's is fourth, exxonmobil is third, ibm is second and the worst performing stock so far they say is caterpillar. cereal that's recommended by doctors? it's post shredded wheat. recommended by nine out of ten doctors to help reduce the risk of heart disease. post shredded wheat is made with only one ingredient: one hundred percent whole grain wheat, with no added sugar or salt. try adding fruit for more health benefits and more taste in your bowl. it's the ideal way to start your heart healthy day. try post shredded wheat. this has been medifacts for post shredded wheat. try post shredded wheat. [ female announcer ] some people like to pretend a flood could never happen to them. and that their homeowners insurance protects them. [ thunder crashes ] it doesn't. stop pretending.
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get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. this morning the 23-year-old suspected in friday's shooting at l.a.x. still can't talk. paul ciancia in critical condition after police shot him in the face and leg. but a note at the scene does reveal a motive. it said that he wanted to do two things, kill a tsa officer and prove how easy it is to get a gun into an airport. he did both and it's raising new concerns about airport security. joining me to talk about it, former atf special agent in charge and msnbc analyst jim cavanaugh. hey, jim, good morning. >> good morning, chris. >> the former lapd head bill bratton has been clear about what he thinks should change
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immediately. let me play what he says. >> the quickest and best way to go would be more police presence at those baggage screening areas. >> and in fact the union representing tsa screeners says the shooting does show a need for armed security officers at every single checkpoint at airports. what's your take on what happened and what it should tell us about airport security? >> well, we have to review it. administrator pistole said he's going to review the procedures and all the airport police chiefs across the country have a great association and i know they'll be looking at it. here's the issue. there's two missions here. the tsa's mission is safe travel, to secure the aircraft and the passengers so there's no bombs, guns, you're not hurt when traveling. the airport police mission is to secure the terminal. you have two distinct missions, but they intersect at the hard checkpoint and that's where the difference -- what happened in l.a.x. comes in. at a hard checkpoint, chris,
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there has to be an armed presence. that can be airport police, that's perfectly effective. but that checkpoint can't ever be left. there has to be an armed presence there. it could be specialized tsa officers or federal air marshals or other homeland security law enforcement officials, but the airport police chiefs and tsa have to come to agreement at the intersection of their missions, which is the hard checkpoint, because that has to be armed. you know, the first line of defense cannot be the flight deck door. you have to be able to go -- passengers must go through hard checkpoints and shooters have to encounter hard checkpoints before they can get into the terminal. >> and to that point, it has become virtually impossible to get on a plane if you have a bomb or a gun, but then like you say it becomes the rest of the airport grounds, and that's another place where a lot of people can congregate. is it reasonable practically, financially, to protect parking lots at airports, curbsides,
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lobbies, ticket counters, baggage claim? at what point do you say it's just not reasonable to broaden security? >> well, you have threat levels at the large airports, chris, like l.a.x. new york's kennedy. you have large threat levels at these big city airports and airports around the world. there's been many ground attacks at airports, you know, in terminals. l.a.x. had one in 2002 at a ticket counter where a couple of people were killed. it's not new, there are ground attacks at airports. so what you have is an ever-tightening ring of security. and it has to start out past the terminal with maybe plainclothes officers who are watching who's going in. some uniformed presence that are roei roving. then you come in and hit a hard checkpoint. there has to be firearms whether that's airport police, tsa or other security agents. then another checkpoint where your luggage is screened. that's a hard checkpoint. the flight deck door should be
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the hard checkpoint that you have to go through besides the roaming police. the main thing is keeping the public safe so you have to push that perimeter gently out so it ever tightens as you move in. >> jim cavanaugh shall always great to have you on the program, thank you. >> thanks, chris. >> today's tweet of the day comes from ari melber. the last time the senate tried to protect gay americans from job discrimination, 1996, and it failed. your stomach. try pepto to-go. it's pepto-bismol that fits in your pocket. relief can be yours, but your peanuts... are mine. ♪ but your peanuts... are mine. i started part-time, now i'm a manager.n. my employer matches my charitable giving. really. i get bonuses even working part-time. where i work, over 400 people are promoted every day. healthcare starting under $40 a month. i got education benefits. i work at walmart. i'm a pharmacist. sales associate.
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to politics now where florida's former republican governor, charlie crist, just announced he's running for governor again, but as a democrat. he left the grand ole party in 2010 to run for senate as an independent. michael mishu came out. if he wins he would be the first openly gay governor. upset over new accusations of plagiarism, senator rand paul said he joked he wished he could challenge his critics to a duel.
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>> if dueling were legal in kentucky, if they keep it up, it would be a duel challenge but i can't do that because i can't hold offense in kentucky. >> you'll remember rachel maddow had the scoop about plagiarism on her show last week. and kerry washington with a the first lady on an snl skit. >> oprah winfrey has arrived for dinner and she would love to pop in and say hello. >> well, that's wonderful. >> what a nice surprise. >> isn't it? so don't you think you should go and get changed? >> why? >> so that oprah can come in? >> oh, because the whole -- >> yes, exactly. >> and keenan won't? >> nope. >> well, in that case, i will leave and in a few minutes oprah will be here. >> thank you, mrs. obama. >> the producers at "saturday night live" would like to
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apologize to kerry washington for the number of black women she will be asked to play. >> i get home saturday night. i turn on tv. snl was on. and this is what i see. >> hello, i'm thomas roberts from msnbc. >> so i e-mail thomas. >> yes. >> about oh, my god, look at you. you're on snl. you know what i get a response back? 7:00 the next morning saying we missed it, we were sleeping. >> i went to bed at 9:30 that night. >> thomas, you are the host of the miss universe pageant. you're support to be cool. >> i'm not. >> you were sleeping at 9:30 on a saturday night in new york city? >> i know, i know, ultimate compliment to be on snl, but we were asleep. >> it was iconic. i was all excited. >> chris, you were one of the first one i wrote back. yes, we were asleep by 9:00, 9:30. luckily we dvr it. >> he's not quite as good looking. >> we watched it over coffee on sunday morning. but very good.
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his hair looks great. all right, chris, thanks so much. topping our agenda next hour, is obama care flat lining and if so, what does it mean for president obama's legacy? we'll talk with "hardball" host chris matthews about that. also the new book that is out, "double down." we'll get chris's impressions on that and so much more. plus election day is almost here. we'll dissect two key governor's races and what they mean for the battle of the heart and soul of the republican party. and ending workplace discrimination against the gay community. one senator has provided the senate with the 60th vote to pass it but will this bill that is so vital to the lbgt community face sudden death in the house? we'll talk about that and much more coming up. i'm meteorologist bill karins. it feels like a winter day in the northeast. highs only in the 40s.
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watch out in minneapolis, we have snow heading your way tuesday night. have a great day. [ mom ] over the years, i've learned how to stretch my party budget. but when my so-called bargain brand towel made a mess of things, i switched to bounty basic. look! one sheet of bounty basic is 50% stronger than a full sheet of the bargain brand. bounty basic. the strong but affordable picker upper. losing thrusters. i need more power. give me more power! [ mainframe ] located. ge deep-sea fuel technology. a 50,000-pound, ingeniously wired machine that optimizes raw data to help safely discover and maximize resources in extreme conditions. our current situation seems rather extreme. why can't we maximize our... ready. ♪ brilliant. let's get out of here. warp speed. ♪
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so we listened when you said gogurt should have only natural colors and flavors and no high fructose corn syrup. thanks, mom. yeah. i heard about progressive's "name your price" tool? i guess you can tell them how much you want to pay and it gives you a range of options to choose from. huh? i'm looking at it right now. oh, yeah? yeah. what's the... guest room situation? the "name your price" tool, making the world a little more progressive. hi, everybody, good morning. i'm thomas roberts. topping our agenda today, is obama care on life support? the president is hoping that a grassroots effort is the right medicine to help revive his signature legislative achievement. the president is going to speak about the benefits of health care and the reform tonight at an organizing for action event
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