tv All In With Chris Hayes MSNBC November 5, 2013 11:00pm-12:00am EST
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face in virginia. over the next four years, we have -- >> you are listening to the governor elect of virginia. our election night continues now live with chris hayes. good evening from new york, maxxam high-profile contest have been called in the past few hours. terry mcauliffe will be the next governor of virginia. >> glenn: out a narrow victory over kent over it in new jersey. more decisive when to say the least. chris christie got a second term. in new york, an overwhelmingly democratic city collects its
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first democratic mayor in more than 20 years. bill is the winner in that race. joining me now is chris matthews, the host of hardball here on en masse and bc. can we talk about that chris christy speech? if your have not seen it, i will play a little bit of chris christy's acceptance speech. i have never seen a more explicit launching of a presidential campaign. >> no, it is. >> it was unbelievable. take a look at chris christy's acceptance speech. >> we will show you that when we have that in. what was your reaction? >> i thought it was about unity, and i thought it was about the fact that it's implicit. it will have divided government for as long as the eye can see. we will have divided government with one party controlling the white house and the other at least one house and congress. to make a dynamic government, it will have to be a deal making
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government. not just here, extreme combat over and over again. i think he was making that case for the fact that it has to be the former. i am a man to do it. no doubt it was a job application for, i can bring us together. you get very few votes if you are a republican, and i am willing to go anywhere, show up like woody allen says, 80% is showing up. these other guys are kind of like trolls, who don't like the light, who will show up, will stay home with their right wing warrens. he said i will go out and meet the other guy. that is what he was saying. >> i absolutely agree. it's an appealing message to voters, and barack obama used this message to a tremendous effect in that first big speech. the idea that politics, that all the rancor of politics is
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somehow lose 3, and with the right person in place, that could be wiped away. >> if he is leasing that party, he can remove some of the rancor. a year from now, they will begin to do it. they will begin to do it if they go in his direction. in the other direction, it's another. the problem is, the republican party is not dominated numerically by the tea party, but it is dominated strategically by them. they are scared to death to say, we are the majority. we are not tea party people. the tail wags the dog. >> ahead of the republican party in congress. the tea party is. christie may have the guts to take them on. that is a good sign. if you want to see christmas, it to be a bad sign if they did not have a christie. in terms of popularity, peggy noonan can drive me crazy, but she had a good point this
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weekend when she said the ability to connect with people. did you see the ads up in new york the last couple of days? there were not about policy but a guy six inches from somebody else's face. there were connecting. it's a lot about -- looked, the only popular correction of last year's election was those two guys on the beach, obama and christy walking on the beach together. >> i completely agree about that, but here is what i think voters outside new jersey have missed about chris christie. the record that he is selling in new jersey is as much a product of what the opposition party is like as it is a product of what chris christie is like. there is such a difference between the mitch mcconnell strategy for this and the new jersey democratic strategy. the new jersey democrats basically went to transactional politics and did what you wrote
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about in your book that just came out. they cut deals. christie got money down to south jersey to the polls down there who needed money. it was the kind of transactional politics that democrats were willing to engage with with a member of the opposition party that has given christie the ability to come before the country as he did tonight and sell them on this record. >> cory booker is an elected senator for life. menendez will never be beaten either. you have federal power coming out of new jersey. christie divided up the spoils. he is not charging these guys. he had separate election days. >> that was a perfect example. >> great example, but you may think i am so old that i know these things, but i read about how eisenhower, who is looking better all the time, was a moderate republican. he would deal with people like johnson and sam rayburn. he said, give me foreign-policy. you guys can work on
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appropriations. we will do things like interstate highway systems. we have to find a way of making government active again and doing stuff. maybe we will get an immigration bill. i am not that hopeful. it's very hard with the attitude of the tea party people in different parts of the country to get anything done. you said something so smart. christie is known for -- it seems so high school -- physical contact with the president. we think of them not hugging or anything. they do not have a bororomance anything. somebody from south carolina, i was ten feet from him i told him to his face that i can't stand looking at you, or you live. there's an almost physical rejection of him as an african-american, let's be honest about it. charlie christian gets knocked out of the republican party for
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physical contact with this president. it sounds so primitive, but it is travel. it was to bring people together, not to break out into tribes. the republican party is doing that. christie is not a tribal list. >> the symbol of, i agree with the fresh cold moment for chris christie and a hug and the president in the wake of sandy. that image created a threshold that chris christie could get over, no matter what the substance. it was ironic to me tonight that the government was invoking this period of sandy. if you look at the rebuilding, there is a lot to not like about the records of certain to leave of how they have rebuilt that state. $850 million and no one knows where it is going. they have had to sue them to find out. he said this period of sandy because the atmospherics for voters, what it communicated about where his heart is and where his colleagues are about
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that moment so transcended the details of what actually is happening with rebuilding in that state. >> its way behind schedule. would it be worse if they did not get along? what is interesting is that jersey has also got this -- he smart, he's shrewd. they had a terrible challenge, and he is smart. he got what we needed. he did not know get in the face of obama and make enemies. he got something fixed for us. people like that shrewd, ruthless politics in a weird way it was getting stuffer jersey when it really needed it. i think people like that, especially in jersey. i think hillary clinton -- if these two go to war, if they go to war with each other, it will be fascinating to watch. you have this big guy who talks street talk, almost like none of your business, forget about it,
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that kind of talk. hillary clinton will find out a way to be that old fighting for children candidate we knew many years ago. does that resonate today, or does she have to come on more of a state's person? its more diplomatic, more calm. this will be an interesting situation of what is the right temperament. i am guessing this is more like christie than it is the real fire breathers like ted crews, i think. we will seize. >> every poll, you talk about this on your show, every poll says that voters hate washington, hated the shutdown, the polarization. terry mcauliffe, who is mr. washington, his resume -- >> i know. i know. >> you could not make a bigger character. he has never held elective office. he is the governor of virginia.
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>> two-thirds of the people who voted for him but did it because it could not stand can. two of three people, i am not with terry, i'm against the other guy. have you noticed, it did not have look of a regular victory party. those people were jumping up and down and going crazy. no, they were just there. they are there because they know they want to be there. no big surprise. he is going to have to turn a mandate into something positive. >> that's right. >> he has to bring jobs to virginia. >> is big test will be medicaid expansion, which bob macdonald opposed. >> why would you do that? >> i have no idea. >> all that money to people who deserve to get it, to get to people who are just at the edge of poverty and help the working poor get to their jobs healthy. >> absolutely, completely agree
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with you. chris matthews, the great host of hardball. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> weekdays at 7:00 p.m. eastern on a mess nbc. more live coverage on election night with us including a win 20 years in the making here in new york. stay with us. in the nation, sometimes bad things happen. but add brand new belongings from nationwide insurance and we won't just give you the partial value of items that are stolen or destroyed... ...we'll replace them with brand-new versions. so you won't feel robbed. again. just another way we put members first. because we don't have shareholders. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ more than a new interior lighting system. ♪ it is more than a hot stone massage. and more than your favorite scent infused into the cabin.
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get back to work and finish the job for the people of new jersey after that is exactly what i will do. i love you, new jersey. thank you very much. >> chris christie did not just celebrate victory. he basically launched his 2016 presidential campaign and was not shy about it. a big night for the new star. as well as a democrat who put rupert murdoch could be me the empire called a communist and who just took new york by storm. freshman with centurylink as your trusted it partner,
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are we really all working together? let me give the answer to everybody who is watching tonight, under this government our first job is to get the job done and as long as i'm governor, that job will always, always be finished. >> that was new jersey governor chris christie speaking about one hour ago after his overwhelming re-election victory today. joining me now steve kornacki host of "up" on msnbc. joe nichols, washington correspondent. he's author of "dollarocracy," and karen finney from msnbc. that part of the christie speech embodied the whole speech. is it true you're all looking at me? am i right all of america, you're looking at me? i can feel your eyes on me. and if you think it's true, it is true. i am all that and more. that was basically the chris christie speech. >> well, except i think you're
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being a little modest. >> exactly. >> it was -- this is chris christie. i mean, it's who he is. he didn't change his style. i think the interesting thing is he gave one of the longer victory speeches i've ever heard. and the problem with it is while it's an okay introduction, i still don't see how that plays in iowa. i just -- i don't see the -- coming from the midwest, rather self-deprecating part of the country, don't overly blow your horn. this guy is saying i'm it. i'm the only thing that ever happened. >> i think the case christie's trying to say -- this was a speech 13 months in the making. there wasn't going to be -- you know, this was basically as soon as sandy was over there wasn't going to be a campaign. it's how can we build towards this moment as he makes his statement. it's a statement to leaders in the national republican party of this is the model.
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i have the model. everything you've heard in the last year about what republicans are doing wrong, here i have this. the thing i find so interesting about christie looking to 2016, i don't think he falls into the same trap. candidates in the recent past who with peg as moderates, christie does not fall into those traps. what's the most moderate thing about him? he hugged president obama. >> yeah. >> i don't think he's going to lose republicans just because of hugging president obama. >> here's the thing that drives me -- that really angered me about chris christie's speech. i have covered sandy quite a bit and there's $850 million in federal money for housing
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reconstruction. chris christie made a promise that will go towards helping people. people had to sue to find out where that went. and this polling to me is a victory of the triumph of atmospherics over reality. among the university poll from october 29th, 2013, 75% of new jerseyans severe lie impacted by sandy unhappy with the recover. feel christie's not doing enough. here you have christie standing up saying the spirit of sandy, we will channel it. his record on sandy recovery is not very good at all. >> but he did a very good job as you said with the atmospherics. you and chris were talking on the last segment. he was the guy that was willing to go out there and hug president obama if that's what it took to deliver for his people. and with the whole, we're stronger than the storm ads. the atmospherics he's created
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around it make it seem like i really care about this. i'm going to keep on this. i'm going to keep working for you. right? and that's what people like. that feeling of he's working for me and wlorpt that's actually true, he did a good job with enough money and enough ads to make people think, well, maybe it's not his fault if i haven't gotten the money that i'm supposed to get. or at least they were willing to give him another shot. >> here's the thing i find frustrating about that. also i have to readjust my theories on politics. i tend to think my baseline belief about democratic politics is there is in the median term to the long-term, good policy. you actually do good things, you're rewarded. if they're getting worse, you don't. new jersey has a very high unemployment rate. it's higher than the national average. the economy in the state is in bad shape. so it just seems to me that for all those reasons, to suggest that chris christie is actually
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a quite talented politician because the fundamentals as i look at the record, steve, are not that good. >> i think this is the story of his governorship. how a republican in a state that hasn't elected a republican to the senate in more than four years and hasn't voted a republican presidential candidate in a state president obama won by 18 points. i think there's something when you look at sort of mass opinion, we think it's things in sort of almost ideological terms where we can look at the country and see these parties have sorted themselves out. people have sort of sorted themselves out. whether they know it or not, they're in the blue tribe, they're in the red tribe. i think people especially in a state election like that outside of a federal election year, personality does count for something. i think christie is tapping into something essentially jersey. they like the guy. they think he's an honest guy. they think that's very unusual in politics. and the traits that they see is chris christie are unusual in politics, i think. i think he's getting credit for
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that. >> but, you know, chris, it's interesting when you talk about the politics and policy aligning. here in this instance you had chris christie overwhelmingly re-elected. yet you had a majority of the people in the state say we don't agree with you on the minimum wage. again, i think that goes to his talent. because the politics and policy didn't align there. i think a good majority of the people in the state feel very differently about something that's very important. >> i don't want to rain on the chris christie parade here, but the fact of the matter is he had five, maybe six to one financial advantage. democrats chose not to fight this race. and the democratic nominee fought very hard. she had some union support, but the reality is there was a standdown here. and what happened is that chris christie took great advantage of it. but the fact is he had a 33-point poll lead in mid-october. he's now got a 20-point win. maybe 21 points. it's okay, but this is not what
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people are trying to build this thing into. >> in terms of the democrats laying over -- rolling over, barbara buono, his defeated opponent made mention of that in her speech. take a listen. >> withstood the onslaught of betrayal from our own political party, but we stayed the course. >> ouch, steve. >> barbara buono is right in that this idea of betrayal from democrats. however it is a symptom of betrayal. if democrats in jersey thought this was a winnable election, she would have never been the nominee. this idea of democrats abandoning democrats, it's not something that just happened in 2013. if you look at christie's record and say i don't like what he did on unions and pensions. it's not chris christie. it's the democratic boss from south jersey. from union city. it's the democratic county executive. his alliances in the state that has gotten things done are democrats. >> more on virginia, new jersey, and new york city where the election result will likely
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it never has been and it never will be. the challenges we face have been decades in the making. and the problems we set out to address will not be solved overnight. but make no mistake, the people of this city have chosen a progressive path. and tonight we set forth on it. >> that was new york city's next mayor bill de blasio. he will be the first democrat to hold the office since 1989. tonight de blasio who was new york's public advocate beat joseph lota. today the exit polls suggest his win cuts across every voting
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block imaginable from gender to race to income to religion. and seemed to do so by tapping into the city's frustrations with inequality. we're back. steve kornacki, jeff nin nichold karen finney. stop and frisk is a policy that has sort of catapulted to national prominence. partly in the wake of the zimmerman trial, partly because we've had a broader national conversation about what criminal justice and the prison industrial complex looks like. federal judge found it unconstitutional. that decision was reversed by an appellate court. meaning the next mayor is going to have a huge influence over what the nypd does. this is a huge substantive victory night for people who want to see changes to that
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policy. >> it's important to know the court didn't reverse the decision. they granted a stay. so now the question is whether this administration will put into place its own attempt to reform the nypd or whether it will be done through a federal judge. either way we're seeing change around how the city is policed, return to ideas that mayor de blasio has talked about community policing. which is an issue around policing but also around democracy. you cannot police a city and violate the constitutional rights of new yorkers. what i think it represents is a broad statement about the kind of city we want to live in. and the election of mayor de blasio speaks to that point. >> the de blasio campaign, i was telling you this off set, it reminds me of the 2004 barack obama senate campaign. i was in chicago at that point. i was 25 years old. and every -- it was this incredible multi-racial crew of young kick-butt progressive organizers who all swarmed
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around that campaign and did an incredible thing with it. it just attracted these amazing people. and i feel that energy off the de blasio campaign. >> absolutely. you mentioned the broad swath of new york that got behind de blasio. just when "the times" endorsed mayor de blasio and said his message resonated with the working and poor. this is a statement about a progressive new york around issues of education, housing, income disparity and policing. it's a progressive vision. >> the biggest national implication for me is about the role that fear of crime plays in our politics. the fear of crime disordered and distorted american politics for 30, 40 years. i mean, richard nixon's law and order down to every local mayoral race, it was driven by the fear of crime, by the fact
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that you were always on the edge of chaos. and unless you had someone who stood between you and the chaos, they were coming for you. you were going to be mugged. and what happened in this election is bill de blasio got up and said that's not the way we're thinking about this anymore. his opponent tries to bring back all those. he tried to run the campaign of 1973 new york. in fact, they said it's going back to the '70s. it's going to be, you know, people are going to be shooting drugs on your stoop. and it didn't work. and steve, i think that the politics of crime have really been so central to american politics so long and they're really shifting in a fundamental way. >> sure. that's what a declining crime rate will do. that's what low murder rates will do. if you talk about the streak in the city. 1989, the last time a democrat won a mayoral race. that was what empowered the rise
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of giuliani. you had the crown heist. that gave way to bloomberg. every time the crime rate fell it's let's not change. let's re-elect giuliani and then bloomberg. then the republicans this year threw the old playbook at de blasio in this general election. >> karen, do you think it's changing at the national level too? >> i do. if you take a step back, remember that part of what we're seeing also is we now know and we're sort of looking at when we wanted to be tough on crime democrats and we bought into the three strikes and you're out. now we're looking at a crisis in our prisons. and not just because of overcrowding but we're looking and re-examining the facts these laws have been applied completely unequally. and we're looking at the consequences of that in a different way. so i think we're understanding that in a different way. the one thing i want to say about crime is don't forget, communities of color, it's not
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that people don't fear crime. again, i think a lot of times we think of it as white people are afraid of crime. in communities of color, i mean, it's not that crime is not an issue. i think part of what you're seeing in the de blasio race in particular is so are jobs and the economy and just a fair shot. and i think that part of what bill represented for people was somebody who actually in a very real way given his family understands exactly how that feels. >> bill de blasio ran, john, explicitly on this inequality platform. now he set himself up for something very difficult. which is converting that to governance in a city where people watch new york city politics from the outside says is controlled by the 1% as any place -- wall street is here. and they will let you know they are here.
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>> people are literally struggling to get by and then other people are living in the penthouse lifestyle. to begin to address that in a fundamental way is going to be very hard. remember bill de blasio doesn't necessarily have everybody up the food chain on the side. he's going to have to struggle with national politicians. all i can say is this. that bill de blasio ought to take one lesson from rudy giuliani. the thing rudy giuliani did really well as mayor of new york is talk people through things when he was working on them. even when it wasn't easy, even when he wasn't succeeding. bill de blasio's first job is to talk people through. >> in his speech he said this is
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going to be hard. i want to talk about what your big takeaways are from this evening and these races. also tell you about a few mayoral races and state ballot initiatives we have results for. stick around. and once you feel it coming... it's almost too late. or is it? introducing new fast acting advil. it's built for speed with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, nothing works faster to stop pain in its tracks before it gets worse. nothing. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box. so when coverage really counts, count on nationwide insurance. because what's precious to you is precious to us. ♪ love, love is strange just another way we put members first.
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i also want to thank the absolutely historic number of republicans who crossed party lines to support me. you were powerful messengers for our mainstream campaign. thank you. >> that of course is terry mcauliffe, victorious tonight in the virginia gubernatorial race. marty walsh will be the next mayor of boston. and parker elected in houston to be the mayor. she's the democrat there. we also have some results from alabama's first congressional district in a proxy battle between the chamber of commerce and the tea party wing. it appears the chamber of commerce republican candidate is going to emerge victorious there. defeat for a tea party candidate who said the president was born in kenya. it also appears in colorado the
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counties that were voting on seceding from colorado are not going to secede, although that is yet to be finally determined. that big ballot initiative we talked to you about the taxes in colorado, voters in colorado have rejected that, it appears. although they will be taxing marijuana. we're back with with our panel. big takeaways from tonight. steve, i'll start with you. >> i'll start in boston. i hope you enjoyed that mayors race. it's probably going to be the last one you get in 30 years. it is like mayor for life up there. the last one before this was 20 years ago. the big national take is virginia was, still is the premiere swing state in the country. because there is a warning shot here for the overreach of tea party republicanism. certainly that's what put terry mcauliffe over the to be. i'm looking at the map tonight from virginia and i'm looking at the same map i saw election night in 2012. there's no state in the country that tracks closer to the national average in 2012 than
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virginia. it's the same thing. it's a huge concentration of democratic votes right outside d.c. and just enough democrats in the right circumstances to get them over the top right now. >> karen finney. >> the obama coalition of voters is no joke. and i say that to say i agree completely with steve. if you look at virginia, i mean, what terry did that was so important was he got -- he turned out voters. he turned out what we would call drop-off voters. if you look at the margins among women. african-americans, young people. he was able to turn those votes out. see them in the midterm elections. look at what bill de blasio did. built a broad coalition. in theory what chris christie says he did. built a broad coalition. that is a warning shot there for the democratic party in 2016 you will not have barack obama on the ticket. so you better get your act together. >> this is the big question in politics. is the obama coalition r
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replicable. in that respect, that was a promising sign on that big, big central question for democrats. >> absolutely. it's fascinating in virginia. it looks like in 2009 roughly 22% of the voters were minority. this year it looks like 28%. that's really moving and it's showing that we're getting turnout in these off-year elections that is of significance. but i also think another thing in virginia that we ought not miss is that the libertarian candidate got 7% of the vote there. and that libertarian candidate -- i watched that very closely. that libertarian candidate did not run right. that libertarian candidate often ran to the left talking about the drug war, talking about marriage equality. >> also favored medicaid extension. >> the national review did a
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whole article on how this guy is not our kind of libertarian. but i do think this is a significant thing for democrats to take in as they talk about building out coalitions. terry mcauliffe may have gotten a significantly better vote if he was with somebody other than terry mcauliffe. but if he understood some of that better. paralleling off there, take a look at portland, maine. a very liberal town. it looks like around 70% vote for legalizing marijuana. in the state of colorado, a comfortable vote on establishing tax policies on this. i think this country is shifting in a whole bunch of ways -- >> it's the biggest change in public opinion since marriage equality. >> and democrats need to wrap their head around that. >> i think the takeaway is the populous is looking for solutions. so many people are tired with the inability of government to solve big problems. so when you look here in new york city at the vision of mayor elect de blasio. and how he wants to tackle
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income inequality. where in manhattan the poor has 25% have $9,000 or less. it's staggering. to come up with an approach to that and to come up with an approach to provide early education for 3-year-olds to 5-year-olds, it's big picture thinking. i think people are desperate for solution. >> the people for the expansion in virginia. seeing a tangible change because of politics. in their lives they are going to get, hopefully, the health care that they need. that's the big winner in my book. steve kornacki host of "up" on msnbc weekends at 8:00 a.m. eastern. karen finney host of ""disrupt" weekends 4:00 p.m. eastern. another big political story came to a head today. it involves the mayor of toronto
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rob ford and the moment we all have been waiting for. >> you read me a question in may. >> do you smoke kcrack cocaine? >> do we have your attention? because the answer is next. and cramps end our night before it even starts? what if i eat the wrong thing? what if? what if i suddenly have to go? what if? but what if the most important question is the one you're not asking? what if the underlying cause of your symptoms is damaging inflammation? for help getting the answers you need, talk to your doctor and visit to connect with a patient advocate from abbvie for one-to-one support and education. [ passenger ] airport, please. what airline? united. [ indian accent ] which airline, sir? [ passenger ] united. whoa taxi! [ british accent ] what airline, then? [ passenger ] united. all right. [ spanish ] what airline? [ passenger ] united. ♪ [ mandarin ] which airline? [ passenger ] united. [ arabic ] which airline? [ passenger ] united. [ italian ] where are we going? [ passenger ] united.
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>> do i? am i an addict? no. have i tried it? probably in one of my drunk l stupors approximately a year ago. i answered it. >> so that happened. yes, that was toronto mayor rob ford admitting earlier today what he has repeatedly denied for the last six months. he has smoked crack cocaine while in office. it's just the latest chapter in ford's jaw-dropping political saga. >> here's breaking news regarding toronto's mayor rob ford. watch out for that camera, eh? >> first a quick recap. the mayor of canada's largest city was known for being the alleged star of an alleged videotape that allegedly shows him smoking crack. allegedly. reporters from toronto star said they were showed it earlier this year. >> there's been a serious
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>> one former ford ally admitting i think he's lost the moral authority to leave. and reporters were again summoned to another news conference, the mayor arrived late but was apologetic. >> there's only one person to blame for me, and that is myself. i know that admitting my mistake was the right thing to do. and i feel like 1,000 pounds have been lifted off my shoulders. folks, i have nothing left to hide. >> ford may be remorseful, but the guy's not going anywhere. unless he's convicted of a crime, he'll stay in office. and he's committed to staying on board until elections next year. >> i was elected to do a job and that's exactly what i'm going to
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continue doing. and on october 27th of 2014, i want the people of this great city to decide whether they want rob ford to be their mayor. >> maybe right about now you're feeling a little bit sorry for rob ford, people do make mistakes, heck, i'm a liberal, i think we would all be better off being more compassionate. rob ford has done much worse than drugs. he's anti-union, anti-tax and took away the right of transit workers to strike. cut bus routes. refused to provide needed shelter for the homeless. he's also been pretty intolerant of people batting drug addiction.
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who's going to want to live in a community that's invaded every day and night by drug users. perhaps the people of toronto will provide rob ford with a greater sense of charity and forgiveness than he has shown them. we'll be right back. you sat out most of our game yesterday! asthma doesn't affect my job... you were out sick last week. my asthma doesn't bother my family... you coughed all through our date night! i hardly use my rescue inhaler at all. what did you say? how about - every day? coping with asthma isn't controlling it. test your level of control at, then talk to your doctor. there may be more you could do for your asthma. days are for rising they're the days to take care of business.. when possibilities become reality. with centurylink as your trusted partner, our visionary cloud infrastructure and global broadband network free you to focus on what matters.
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that a certain number of people are going to lose plans that they like. i am confident that a year from now everyone will be better off. it's an undeniable fact that right now the individual insurance market is being pretty thoroughly disrupted trade for some people, that release stocks. the coverage of this destruction has largely been sloppy and hyperbolic, but it has been eliminating in one way. as an object lesson and what is called status quo bias. classic study out of harvard found if you give people a number of different investment options to choose from, they lean heavily toward the option that is framed as continuing what they are already doing, even if that is a bad choice. this basic result has been established in experiment after experienced. we are biased to like things as they are. we prefer the devil window to the one we don't. it's the one -- this last
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attempt at health reform used this so mercifully to their advantage. most memorably in the harry and louise ad that insurance companies ran against the clinton's health care proposals. >> this was covered under our old plan. >> oh, yeah, that was a good one. >> things are changing, and not all for the better. the government may force us to pick from a few health care plans designed by government bureaucrats. >> you see how perfectly that ad space to the deep part of our psyches that fears the unknown? it's set in the future after the big change has come. those who have lived through it are filled with regret and longing and nostalgia. they wished things have never changed because we all know we are going to die. there are some very deep part of us that always wants things to just pay as they are right now. it is imbedded in ourselves and in our souls. things are changing, and not all for the better.
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it was that fear of the unknown that killed health care reform back in the 1990s, fueled by those who made a lot of money from the status quo being preserved. that is the very reason that president obama and democrats are pushing for health care reform in 2009 so hammered home the message, don't worry. if you have insurance, nothing will change for you. they designed the entire policy of the affordable care act around making good on that promise. the overwhelming majority, as much as 78% with employer providing coverage or medicare or medicaid have not seen their plans change. no amount of policy design can change the bedrock truth we see now. change, real change, like the kind the affordable care at represents, is hard and on wielding and requires destruction. some people aren't going to like it. election night is a good time to remind ourselves of the simple,
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