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tv   Jansing and Co.  MSNBC  November 6, 2013 10:00am-11:00am EST

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as calls for her resignation grow louder, today she'll take questions from the senate financial committee. the obama administration trying to counter with some positive public relations. the president heading to dallas to thank volunteers who have been helping people sign up for health care. he's also expected to push rick perry and some other gop governors for that matter to expand medicaid. in texas alone, the lack of it has left 1.4 million texans uninsured. and the medicare chief says the website is working better now, able to register 17,000 people an hour. and promises to release the number of people who actually enrolled next week. but that's not soon enough for some republicans. congressman dave camp issued a subpoena for the numbers, demanding them by friday. let me bring in our company. lynn sweet, chicago sun-times bureau chief and perry bacon, political editor for the grio. good morning. we're waiting for this hearing to get under way. kathleen sebelius was very
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direct the last time she went before the house. she said, look, i take responsibility. we're going to fix this. i'm wondering, lynn, is the real problem going to come if by the end of this month the website is still broken? >> the real problem is that there are many, many problems now. it's not only that the website alone isn't working, it's that when it did work, it gave inaccurate information. we now know that in this month the problems, chris, have just cascaded. so when you get it working, it gives you bad information. and then you have the shock coming to some people, who did believe the president when he said nothing would change. a small number of people, granted, but things did change. so you have layer upon layer of problem now. having said that, i do want to say if you have no insurance, this is still a great deal for you. >> yeah, you've got to also look at what the president is doing. he's going to dallas tonight. he's not just going to thank the volunteers but try to rish the
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republican governors to expand medicaid. the president will ask perry to join what he asks reasonable republican governors. you see arizona, ohio, michigan. what does he gain by pushing this? does he really think rick perry will suddenly change his mind? is he trying to change the conversation? >> i assume he's trying to change the conversation because it's been about the website and this puts it back on republicans. you have to kacknowledge there are millions of people that would get medicaid except for the block of about two dozen republicans, including rick perry who's in a large state of uninsured people. so the president is trying to change the discussion. it's also a real public policy debate about whether low income americans should get health insurance. i think he wants to push that as well. this will be a key factor. perry is not going to move right now, but i think this is a start of a longer conversation. >> somebody came in that door at the hearing, i was just watching it off screen, if we can take a look at all those camera people who are waiting.
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still no sign of kathleen sebelius. meantime we know, lynn, several thousand applications have been submitted but what we don't know is how many people have enrolled in obama care. you can bet the republicans will be asking that question. as we said, the administration is going to release those numbers next week. is this a transparency issue? is this a stalling issue? how big a deal is this number going to be? >> first of all, yes and yes to your questions. in the very short term it will be blown out of proportion because when people write the history of getting this program up and running, the first month enrollment figures probably is not going to withstand the test of history, because we kind of know the answer. the site is broken and you can't sign up, so the numbers probably won't be very impressive. and no matter what they are, you know, it would have been more if things were working. the reason that sebelius gave to the house panel last week under
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hostile questioning that was pushing her for this, chris, is that right now there's no accurate information. let's see if today she has a better answer. >> i want to bring in senator chris murphy, a democrat from connecticut. senator, good to see you, good morning. >> good morning. >> utsd yesterday that you're confident this product is going to fly off the shelves once people are able to get onto the website but your colleague, democrat and supporter of the health care law, barbara mikulski said the rollout has created a crisis of confidence. are you worried that the american people have lost faith? >> no, i haven't. ultimately what matters to them is whether they can get access to affordable health care. they're angry about the website just like i am but our experience in connecticut tells us this thing is going to work. we have actually had about 8,000 people enroll, which is about ten times as many as we were expecting in the first month. and we've seen that in other states as well. so, you know, ultimately whether people are confident or not in the website, once they're able to actually get on and buy this product, which frankly they can
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do through a phone call right now, i think you'll see a lot of people sign up. i'm confident this thing is going to work in the end. the problems with the website notwithstanding. >> and as you have said, and everything i've read indicates things have been going well in connecticut. but here's maybe the problem. the majority of the enrollees are in the age 55 to 64 age range. the biggest -- after that the biggest age range is 45 to 54. and we know that for health care to be successful, young people have to sign up. are you worried about that? >> what we also know about yuoug people is that they wait until the last minute to do a lot of things. as the youngest member of the senate, i can certainly speak for that generation. when you look at the experience in massachusetts, which is probably the most instructive one, only 0.3% of the people who ultimately enrolled did so in the first month. the vast majority did it right before the deadline and most of the young people did it before the deadline. i just don't want to panic when we're only 30 days, 40 days into enrollment. we've got plenty of time for
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this thing to work and ultimately given the fact that we know it's an affordable product, especially for young people to have subsidies, they're going to end up signing up. i think a lot of this is just a political cloud created by republicans who never wanted this thing to work in the first place. in the end, we've got a product that sells. we know that in connecticut. >> do you have a sense of when, depending on what the numbers are, you'll either panic or breathe a sigh of relief and say, see, it is working. >> i think we're not there yet. we need to get well into next year as we start to look at the numbers as we come towards march before any of us have a sense of whether the website has had a significant hangover. but the fact is, is that i think as marilyn tavenner said to our committee yesterday, they are on track to have the website up and running for almost everyone within the next 30 days or so. that's plenty of time for most people that really weren't going to look at signing up until the end of this year or the beginning of next year. listen, she got tough questions
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yesterday from democrats and republicans, as she should have. but ultimately the point i made is that you are not going to reorder one-sixth of the american economy, which is what health care represents, without having some winners and losers. some people will be upset with their experience in the new system, but way more people are going to get a better, more affordable product out of there. i just don't think that we should have an expectation that everyone is going to be happy. the vast majority of people who see a change in their health care benefit are going to be happy, but there's going to be some folks who are going to walk away from this change with a little bit less than they had before. >> and there's a lot of talk this morning, as i'm sure you know, about what role obama care played in last night's election. terry mcauliffe won but it was a lot closer than anyone thought. here's what his opponent, ken cuccinelli, said in his concession speech about all of that. >> despite being outspent boy an unprecedented $15 million, this race came down to the wire because of obama care.
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that message will go out across america tonight. >> are you concerned, senator, about the political implications of the rollout? >> no, i'm not. what i'm concerned about is making sure that the 30 million people out there who don't have insurance, the two million people who go into bankruptcy every year because of medical costs actually get access to life-saving health care. i don't really stay away at night thinking about the political consequences of this. i think that's just a face-saving line from cuccinelli last night. the polls showed that mcauliffe was up by five or six, he won by two or three. that's within the margin of error. ultimately last night was about the message that candidates matter. i mean if you're a republican and you align yourself with the far right, you probably aren't going to have a real good shot to win elections these days. but if you're reasonable and thinking, then you're in the game. i think the message from last night is that on the republican side, the candidate matters, you
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know, more than the underlying national issues that may be at play. >> senator chris murphy, it's good to see you. thanks for coming on the show. >> thanks, chris. we're watching the secretary, kathleen sebelius, sitting down now and we will have her opening remarks when they begin. let me bring perry and lynn back for as long as we can and talk a little bit more about the election. ken cuccinelli actually did win, by the way, with voters who said the economy and health care were their biggest priorities. perry, what are the chances that this has legs going into 2014? >> it will have legs, depending on how this process rolls out. if the health care law is eventually working or not. there are certainly going to be some people in states around the country whose health care costs have gone up, who lost maybe a plan they like. there will be other people who this law benefited. when you look at states like arkansas and states like louisiana, which have big senate races next year, obama care is very unpopular in those states, even more than in virginia. so i think it will be
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challenging for democratic candidates in states that are already conservative to defend a law people did not like. people in those states did not like president obama in the first place, did not like obama care in the second place and now you have to defend a law people hoped it would anyway. >> the exit polls showed slightly more people blamed republicans versus president obama. mcauliffe won the washington suburbs big, where obviously a lot of those federal workers live. >> actually, yes. when i looked at the nbc map, the red/blue, most of virginia was red. mcauliffe won on the strength of northern virginia and a few more democratic pockets in the state, which is instructive. you always say turnout is the key in an election and the northern suburbs helped carry mcauliffe. one other quick thing, though, chris about the impact of obama care glitches next year, if it's fixed, it will be minimal impact. may have a play in some primaries. if a candidate is elected in a
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republican primary, tea party candidate going real heavy against obama care, then by september,october, november, it's working just fine, that might produce a candidate that is just much easier for a democrat to defeat in a true swing district. >> perry bacon, lynn sweet, always great to have both of you on. thank you. another race that wasn't even close, new york city has elected its first democratic mayor in 20 years. bill de blasio rushing republican joe lhota by almost 50%. it will be a true test of liberalism in a city that has been governed by big business-minded politics for the past two decades. >> to maintain that greatness and to ensure that our brightest days are ahead of us, we must commit ourselves to progressive ideas that will lift us all up. >> couple of other mayoral elections. detroit elected a new mayor to try to lead the beleaguered city of out of bankruptcy.
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mike dug an, the first white mayor in 40 years. and a new era in boston where martin walsh takes over for tom menino who decided not to run after 20 years in office. i started part-time, now i'm a manager.n. my employer matches my charitable giving. really. i get bonuses even working part-time. where i work, over 400 people are promoted every day. healthcare starting under $40 a month. i got education benefits. i work at walmart. i'm a pharmacist. sales associate. i manage produce. i work in logistics. there's more to walmart than you think. vo: opportunity. that's the real walmart. is there a lot of worry building up around a daily problem? well ladies, now there's big news in controlling your overactive bladder symptoms.
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this is the senate finance committee chair, max baucus, opening this hearing. he called it a rocky rollout for obama care, unacceptable, but he also believes in the law. we will have kathleen sebelius' testimony. to pray or not to pray. the supreme court is hearing arguments that could have a far-reaching impact on the separation of church and state. two women sued the town of greece, new york, adding by starting town meetings with a christian prayer, it effectively
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endorses that religion. it marks the first time in 30 years the court will take on the issue of prayer. joining me is ari melber who writes about justice. here's what the plaintiffs say. it violates the first amendment. quote, congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. what's their basic argument? >> well, the first amendment does two things, it protects our right to practice or not practice religion and it also bars the government from, as you just said, establishing one. their argument is simple. by specifically using mostly or exclusively christian prayers, this feels like establishing one specific religion. >> of course the supreme court itself opens with a prayer. congress starts each session with "god save the united states." the senate and the house open with a prayer. why would that be constitutional but not in greece, new york? >> well, one thing that they would say is that especially in the case of congress, they're
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very careful, and we know how political every little thing is there on the floor of congress, that they're very careful to either be general or have a diverse range of people offering prayers. that is to say it's either at the broad level of talking about god but not necessarily specifically jesus christ or mohammed or buddha or what have you, or when they do do that, as they sometimes do in certain types of services in federal and state government buildings, that they do it with diversity. >> well, there was, i think, some surprise on the part of people that the administration decided that they would file a brief in support of the town. why did they do that? >> why did they do that? the short answer is we can only speculate. generally what the solicitor general does is defend the current positions and current federal precedents as established under the supreme court precedent that are generally favorable to the executive. this isn't a basic executive government issue. this isn't challenging the president's actions or anything
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so they don't necessarily have to do that. they're on the side of the precedent. i think what we see generally in these cases is there's a lot of comfort with public displays of religion in america. as long as it's not coerce i've and we're not directly funding it or doing only one, that's pretty much okay. now, the politics of this, which aren't supposed to affect this choice, but the politics are neither party wants to stand up and say they want to interfere with a long-standing religious practice which, and that's not how rights are always established, which is not unpopular. people say you want to do that before the football game or before the town meeting, fine. that's generally been the political read on these things. >> it is going to be interesting once we're able to see what is actually going on right now, once we're able to read what the questions are and the arguments are. you think they'll rule fairly narrowly? >> yeah, i think there's a pretty clear way that they can say even if this set of prayers has been more oriented towards one religion than others, which
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is kind of the problem, or the potential constitutional problem, i think there's an easy way for the court to say, look, don't do only an all jesus. you've got to have some diversity here. we're okay with religion as long as you're not funding it or making people who work there or want to go and be involved in government say anything themselves or participate in the prayer. >> we'll be watching for you later this afternoon. thanks so much. kathleen sebelius about to testify in front of the senate finance committee. chairman baucus as we reported said it's clear that she's working as hard as possible to fix the problem. we see that orrin hatch, who is the ranking member on the republican side, is speaking right now. he said implementation has been a debacle, that's his word. inexcusable. he said the committee wasn't informed of the problems before october 1st, so again, when kathleen sebelius starts testifying, we will have that for you. checking the news feed in the meantime this morning, more now from that incredibly emotional interview dr. phil had
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with michelle knight, one of the three women ariel castro kidnapped and held for a decade. knight said she found out there was another girl in the house by watching coverage of amanda berry's disappearance on the news and then talked about the moment they met. >> she smiled at me, because i think she was happy to see that there was another person there and it wasn't just her. she wasn't alone. >> did she look beat up or anything? >> no. >> was she clean? >> i didn't see any dirt or anything like on my legs you would have seen black dirt. she looked like she wanted to cry, though. but she didn't cry. >> knight said in some cases she'd go a year without a shower. she said sometimes she wanted to die, but that would have been taking the easy way out. a connecticut judge is in court right now deciding whether to let kennedy cousin michael skakel out of prison. he was convicted of murdering martha moxley in '75 but last
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week the judge ordered a new trial, saying his lawyer did not represent him properly. prosecutors are appealing the judge's ruling and opposing skakel's release on bail. there's a new report out this morning that richie incognito, the miami dolphins guard suspended for bullying jonathan martin was told by dolphins coaches to toughen up martin after he missed a voluntary practice last spring. incognito broke his silence on wsvn last night. >> we're just going to kind of weather this storm and that's it. >> the nfl is investigating the bullying allegations. the washington, d.c. council is joining the chorus of those calling for the redskins to change their name. the vote was unanimous with lawmakers, calling the team name racist and derogatory. this is the second time the d.c. council has passed such a measure. redskins owner, daniel snyder, says he's not changing the team's name. ryan lochte will have to spend some time out of the pool
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thanks to an overzealous fan who ran up to him, jumped into his arms and knocked him over. he actually tore a ligament in his knee. as "usa today" reminds us, lochte has been hurt in the past break dancing, falling out of a tree and on a scooter. if you read only one thing this morning, in sunnyvale, california, voters just passed four new gun control laws, so here's the question. what has killed more americans, domestic gunfire or all the wars in u.s. history combed? what do you think? head to our facebook page at facebook/jansingco. w hat makes t is what makes us different. we take the time to get to know you and your unique health needs. then we help create a personalized healthcare experience that works for you. and you. and you. with 50 years of know-how, and a dedicated network of doctors, health coaches, and wellness experts, we're a partner you can rely on -- today, and tomorrow. we're going beyond insurance to become your partner in health.
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working on an aggressive schedule so that the consumer experience on the web gets better every day. and as the chairman has said, by the end of november we are committed to having the site working smoothly for the vast majority of users. while we don't have the fully functioning system yet that consumers need and deserve, we do have a plan in place to identify, prioritize and manage the remaining fixes across the system. we have reinforced our team with dozens of key personnel from both government and the private sector, including respected expert engineers, technology managers and software developers, designers and analysts from companies like oracle and redhead. they are helping diagnose problems, making quick decisions with developers and vendors to analyze, troubleshoot, prioritize and resolve issues in realtime. as this work continues, we know that americans are shopping for
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plans, signing up and enrolling online, on paper, on the phone and in person. in fact more than two million people have already called into the call center, with average weight times of less than 30 seconds. but i want to share with the committee a few indications of our progress. what we've improved and what we intend to fix the problems that remain. our two major areas of focus are performance, which deals with speed and reliability, and functionality. fixing the bugs and other problems in the system. in the first few weeks after launched, users had to wait an average of eight seconds for pages to load. today it typically takes less than a second. a month ago, viewing and filtering health plans took minutes. today it takes seconds. many consumers used to see a blank screen at the end of their application process. today they see whether they're eligible for financial
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assistance, which is the next step in the process. users are receiving far fewer error messages and time-outs. and we're now able to process nearly 17,000 registrants per hour with almost no errors. we've made more than a dozen additional fixes this weekend, correcting information provided to insurers that allow applications to be processed. and consumers to complete their payments, improving the save and continue function and upgrading hardware so the system can handle more users with great stability. last night we installed more upgrades, focusing on direct enrollment and improving the consumer experience and those upgrades will continue on an aggressive schedule between now and the end of november. we are making progress, but there's still a lot of work to do. now, some have asked why not just delay implementation of the
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new law until all of the problems are fixed. and there's a pretty straightforward answer. delaying the affordable care act wouldn't delay people's cancer or diabetes or parkinson. it didn't delay the need for mental health services or cholesterol screenings or prenatal care. delaying the affordable care act doesn't delay the foreclosure notices for families forced into bankruptcy by unpayable medical bills. it doesn't delay the higher costs all of us pay when uninsured americans are left with no choice but to rely on emergency rooms for care. so for millions of americans, delay is not an option. people's lives depend on this. too many hard-working people have been waiting for too long for the ability to obtain affordable health insurance. we want to save families from going bankrupt. if we want to save the lives of more of our friends and neighbors by allowing them to
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detect medical issues early, if we want to keep prices down, delay is not an option. we are still at the beginning of a six-month open enrollment which ends at the end of march, and there's plenty of time to sign up for the new plans. i want to put this into perspective, mr. chairman. the average private insurance open enrollment is about two weeks in a work site. many public plans allow for four weeks of open enrollment. and medicare, the yearly open enrollment, which is under way right now, is six weeks long. the new marketplace was specifically designed for a long open enrollment, a 26-week period, and those who enroll by december 15th will be able to access their benefits on day one. i am accountable to this committee and to the american public for getting the fixes in place, and we are committed to getting fixed so millions of americans can finally obtain the health and
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financial security they have been waiting for. thank you, mr. chairman, and i'd be happy to answer questions. >> thank you -- >> kathleen sebelius before the senate finance committee arguing that the speed, reliability and functionality of the obama care website, which had such a rocky rollout, is dramatically improving, able to have 17,000 registrants per hour and also making an argument against a delay of obama care. we're going to listen in for this question and answer and we will have more for you throughout the day here on msnbc. but take a quick break, be back with more right after this. . and then it happened. every boy's dream. i got called up to the big leagues. i was finally a man... on my way to shaving, driving and staying up past midnight. [ whoosh ] [ whoosh ] [ whoosh ] being an adult is overrated. [ male announcer ] holidays aren't the same without the real cream of reddi-wip.
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is any candidate happier or more confident this morning than new jersey governor chris christie? christie trounce his democratic opponent by 22 points, the largest margin of victory for any republican candidate in 32 years in the deep blue state of new jersey. he did it by winning support
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from women, african-americans and hispanics. with rnc boss reince priebus watching, christie sounded both like a victor and a candidate for 2016. >> while we may not always argue, we show up. we show up everywhere. we don't show up just in the places that vote for us a lot, we show up in the places that vote for us a little. i know that if we can do this in trenton, new jersey, maybe the folks in washington, d.c., should tune in their tvs right now and see how it's done. >> does chris christie have the blueprint to take back the white house? let's bring in democrat strat jix and former kerry campaign manager steve elmendorf and former press secretary rich galen. it's so interesting if you compare christie's views to ken cuccinelli's, they're almost identical. is his decisive victory a sign
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that pragmatism trumps ideology? >> i think ken cuccinelli was a lot more extreme than chris christie or at least vocalized his extremism. the test for chris christie is when he runs for president in a state like iowa or south carolina with a republican electorate, can he take this show on the road and i think the jury is out on that. >> the former rnc chairman says chris christie is leading a republican resurgent and said, quote, he's proved that a conservative republican can get votes from hispanics and african-americans, that a pro-life governor can get votes from women. this means that those voters are available to us, that we're not shut out demographically or gee graphically, that it's worth the effort. is that wishful thinking? chris christie is kind of a singular guy, don't you think? >> that's what it takes. one of the things we learned last night, steve, is that candidates do matter. i don't disagree with you at all
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about ken cuccinelli's positions. i think especially in northern virginia where i live, it just clanged horribly. but you know what this reminded me of in new jersey is in 1998 when george w. was governor and running for re-election and themp setting to run up the score like the christie people did in new jersey so that he would come out of that election at least in the first tier, if not leading the pack. and i think to that degree the christie campaign did an exceptional job. it also helped that he had a weak candidate running against him, but still he had to pull it off. >> let's go back to the new jersey exit polls, which are always interesting. 51% said chris christie would make a good president. but in a matchup against hillary clinton, christie loses 48 to 44%. so how does a potential 2016 clinton campaign seal the deal and fight off the chris christie juggernaut, if you want to put it that way, steve?
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>> i think it's a little soon to talk about a chris christie juggernaut. i think he's a favorite of the elites of the republican party, of the donor class, of the operative class, but i don't think we've seen that he can go out in republican primaries in the early states and sell himself to those voters. i'm not convinced he's a juggernaut. people thought rudy giuliani was going to be a great candidate for the republican party and he failed miserably. while christie is authentic and has a lot going for him and i give him a lot of credit for a big victory, i think it's too soon to anoint him as the front runner in the republican primary process. >> i don't think it's too early to anoint him as the front runner, it's too early to anoint him as the nominee. let me say this about iowa and south carolina. there are a lot of different paths through the republican primaries and one of the things we know about iowa is they can't count. so it may well be that the christie campaign says, you know what, we'll see when we get to new hampshire. >> well, in fact "the washington post" reid wilson thinks there's a lot of reasons that if chris
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christie were a stock, this would be a good time to sell. his first point actually is that the in your face style that christie has won't play well in a lot of other places in the country. exhibit a, and we're going to -- courtesy david letterman here, is this. >> let's check in with governor chris christie on the campaign trail. take a look. >> well, then i have no interest in answering your question. >> first off, it's none of your business. >> your rear end is going to get thrown in jail, idiot. >> let me tell you this. you should really see me when i'm pissed. >> are you stupid? >> chris christie, reasonable republican. >> he does like to point his finger. this got a lot of play over the weekend when he was giving a hard time to one of the teachers who came out to see him. let me ask you both really quickly. does he have the temperament to win the nomination? >> you know, who knows. we'll see. one of the things we know is being in the national spotlight is way different from being even under an intense state spotlight.
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so we'll see how that is moving forward. we don't know that he's going to run against mrs. clinton. we don't know who's going to run on the republican side. but i think based upon the last 12 hours, that he's probably in the best position of all republicans as of right now. >> steve, realistically would democrats be happy if chris christie was the nominee? >> oh, i don't know. i think the republicans care what we think. i think the test for him from looking at that letterman video is going to be can he be authentic without becoming unhinged. and i think people generally don't like candidates for president who become unhinged. it's a tough process and he could melt down during the process. >> steve elmendorf -- >> we've seen mrs. clinton at the edge as well. >> rich galen, steve elmendorf, thanks, guys, appreciate it. once again, hhs secretary sebelius testifying before the senate finance committee. she said to them end-to-end testing happens daily. a couple hundred items on the punch list of fixes is what
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they're working on. and an august report identified risks in the system. early on we heard her outline some of the ways that they are approaching a fix to that. now, besides chris christie, mcauliffe, de blasio, there are some other big results to report this morning. in illinois, the statehouse voted to become the 15th state to allow same-sex marriage. all it needs is the governor's signature. new jersey voters approved raising the minimum wage by $1 to $8.25. it's now legal to possess pot in portland, maine. texas voters rejected a plan to turn the astrodome into a convention center and that probably means it's going to be torn down. and in new york, voters approved a plan that would allow up to seven vegas-style casinos in the state.
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voters in new jersey and the small seattle suburb of sea-tac voted to both raise minimum wages. we told you about jersey increasing their minimum wage by
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a dollar to $8.25. get this, in the seattle-tacoma area the ballot raises the minimum wage 63% to $15 an hour for airport-related workers. but with women often dominating lower paid jobs and still earning 77 cents on the dollar compared to men, how do they get ahead? let me bring in sallie krawch k krawcheck. melinda emerson is an american express open adviser and kathryn minshew. good to see awe all of you. sallie, you've held a lot of pogs positions. you were a woman in a man's world. >> correct. >> big believer in mentoring. how key is it? how important was it for you? >> oh, it matters, it matters, it matters. it is the difference in keeping a job and getting a promotion and moving up and losing a job to my mind. it can take years off of a career trajectory.
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>> kathryn, sallie was one of your mentors. what did it mean to you? >> i think particularly as a young woman getting started in business, there's so much to learn. rather than making all the mistakes yourself, if you have a mentor, someone who's going to look out and tell you -- either tell you this is how you think about these situations or just model some of this behavior, i think for me learning to really find my voice and my authority in the business world was a process that took a lot of women really helping me along the way. >> and here's the key. it's actually more important for men than for men, because the research shows men are less likely to give women feedback. leadership is not learned. we don't come out of the womb knowing how to lead. it's a learning process through thousands of microlessons so women often had that feedback loop broken for them. why do men not want to give women feedback? research shows because they're scared the woman will cry. >> seriously? >> seriously. >> i also think for people who are in business, the small business owners that i advise across the country, i tell them
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they need what i call a kitchen cabinet of adviseradvisers. you had an existing entrepreneur, been there, done that, somebody who is doing business or could, you need a formal mentor. there's great organizations to get you a mentor. and then you need someone who is an accountant and somebody who's a lawyer. the reason why i call this group a kitchen cabinet of advisers is because these people will work for had foo. they're invested in your success. you can invite them to lunch. they'll give you advice and you don't have to expect a really big bill, but you've got to have that sounding board, these people who are already invested in your success. >> let me play for you, because i don't think anybody has gotten more attention for her views on this than facebook coo sheryl sandberg. this is heart of her harvard commencement speech. >> women need a different form of management and mentorship, a different form of sponsorship
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and encouragement and some protection, in some ways more than women. there aren't enough senior women out there to do it so it falls upon the men who are graduating today just as much or more than the women, not just to talk about gender but to help these women succeed. >> you know, it's really interesting because the other thing that sheryl sandberg talks about, and i've spoken to her at panels before, her mentor, who was larry summers, not a bad mentor to have. >> right. >> she talked about how when you see a man, let's say at a bar after work talking to another man, especially if there's a disparity in age, oh, isn't that great, he's mentoring him. if you see a young woman like you at a bar with an older man, there's a very different assumption there. there's a double standard. >> i think there really is a double standard. and i think, you know, it really goes -- i think the responsibility is somewhat shared. for example, i've made an effort as i've grown up as an entrepreneur and built the muse to develop relationships with
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women but also to speak men's feedback in the context of an office of a vc meeting but there is this double standard i think women have. >> do they give you advice in different ways? >> sometimes i do think if you ask explicitly for the sort of feedback you want, you're more likely to get it. if you put it out there and say this is what i want, give it to me straight. >> think about it. you'll see two guys leave a meeting and the other guy will say to the other, boy, you really stunk that up. it's very casual, it's lots of it. so we women, what i recommend for folks to do is, is ask for feedback all the time. and maybe the first few times, the gentleman will pull his punch. by the 12th, 14th, 37th time, you'll get the real feedback, which is so valuable. >> and it's interesting, american express did a survey about this. your company, american express open, melinda. one of the things that i found interesting. just 10% of women are actually leveraging their mentors. in other words, they don't -- even when they have mentors,
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they don't always use them, right? >> i think that we might not be seeking out the right kind of mentors. the survey that we did, 72% of the women that responded said that they knew the value of mentorship. but i think sometimes we're not mixing it up. sometimes we think we have to have a mentor that's a woman as opposed to a mentor that's a man. again, you need at least five people but you have to make the right ask. you cannot waste these people's time and you can't ask them something that's obvious. you need to be very specific about the kind of help you need, but you also need to make sure that the mentoring relationship is mutually beneficial. and there's a value that you can add as well. and i think that there are certain type of mentors that seek that out from the people they're developing. >> melinda emerson, sally cr-- sally craw check, kathryn minshew. let's do it again. big victory for gop establishment. huge loss for wing nuts, bloomberg and obama care. check it out.
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to politics now where after months of denials, rob ford finally came clean with this admission. >> yes, i have smoked crack cocaine but, no -- do i? am i an addict? no. have i tried it? probably in one of my drunken stupors. >> probably in one of my drunken stupors. he went on to apologize but will not resign. responding to the firestorm of allegations over plagiarism senator rand paul has admitted to mistakes. in an interview with "the new york times," he'll mang changes to the way he writes speeches, including more footnotes and the kentucky senator and "washington times" have agreed to cancel his weekly column. in that wild mayoral race in minneapolis, betsy hodges is leading the pack of 35 candidates by 11 points with vote counting resuming today. just in time for the holidays, sarah palin is kicking off a book tour in pennsylvania next week to promote her third
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book, good tidings and great joy. on election night, nancy pelosi stopped by letterman to share the top ten things you never knew about the house of representatives. >> 19 representatives have gone on to become president. ten have gone on to manage a sizzlers. thanks to corporate sponsorship, majority whip now known as miracle whip. >> and that wraps up this hour of "jansing & co." i'm chris jansing. craig melvin is up next filling in for thomas roberts and i'll see you back here tomorrow. of his i nsance agent. maxwell is not. he's on setting up an appointment with an adjuster. ted is now on hold with his insurance company. maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5:30 time for tuesday. ted, is still waiting. yes! maxwell is out and about... with ted's now ex-girlfriend. wheeeee! whoo! later ted!
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such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira , your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your doctor if humira can work for you. this is humira at work. hello, i'm craig melvin in for thomas roberts. sebelius on the hot seat round two. the health and human services secretary is once again being hammered about the issues with on capitol hill. she is in front of the senate finance committee right now.
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again, fresh from her interrogation last week in front of the house committee, sebelius says despite calls for a delay, that can't happen. >> delaying the affordable care act wouldn't delay people's cancer or diabetes or parkinson. it didn't delay the need for mental health services or cholesterol screenings or prenatal care. delaying the affordable care act doesn't delay the foreclosure notices for families forced into bankruptcy by unpayable medical bills. >> this is all happening as president obama gets ready to hit the road. again, he will be defending his health care law in red state texas today. he'll try to convince more than six million texans without insurance to sign up. he will also be trying to convince governor rick perry to expand his medicaid rolls. meanwhile, history made on election night and messages sent.


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