tv The Ed Show MSNBC November 6, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm EST
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and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. thank you so much for watching. we expect martin to be back in this chair tomorrow afternoon. but for now, it's "the ed show" with ed schultz. good evening, americans. and welcome to "the ed show," live from new york. let's get to work. ♪ >> in election after election, voters are saying no to the tea party extremism. >> it is not the establishment versus the tea party. >> the tea party isn't nearly as much fun as it sounds. >> yeah, well -- >> i think the motto of the tea party should be back to the future. because think -- no, really. think about it. >> the tea party, now more than ever --
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>> anyone, anyone? >> -- is doing everything they can -- within the electoral system to tight back. >> we said this race was a referendum on obama care. >> [ bleep ] insurance before sucked! >> this race came down to the wire, because of obama care. >> don't pretend that the old system was cocoon. we won't ever get old and we won't ever die. >> i feel tremendous! i'm ready to take on the world! ooh! >> that virginia understands that obama care is a failure, and although i lost -- >> let's dance! >> we hope to never hear the name cuccinelli again. >> that message will go out across america tonight. ♪ good to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching. the deceased owner of the oakland raiders, al davis, used to say "just win, baby.
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just win." he used to walk around practice biting his nails, because he was nervous about everything. but you knew what he wanted. he wanted the sick tree. the number one story in america over the past few weeks has been problems with obama care. you know, it's interesting. of all the voters in virginia last night, only 24% of them said that obama care was their number-one issue. you know what the number-one issue was? putting jobs first. terry minneso terry mcauliffe knows the narrative, what is striking at the heart of the middle class in this country, knows what is going to revitalize this economy economically. it is jobs. virginia, i just want you to know, not only is he a nice guy, he's a hell of a businessman and he's going to create jobs in virginia. in fact, he'll do a heck of a lot better job in virginia than scott walker has ever done in wisconsin, if you want a comparison. terry mcauliffe will get it
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done. now, back to obama care for a moment. remember, it was republican candidate ken cuccinelli who said the virginia governor's race was a referendum on obama care. >> tomorrow in virginia is a referendum on obama care. >> oh, yeah. and he brought in marco rubio and a host of other republicans to say that this is the first election. post obama care passing. this is our chance. you know what, he couldn't have been any further off the mark. the house has voted 43 times to get rid of obama care. what has that done? it's been a news story. and so now you've got cuccinelli out there saying, you know, if we had just had a little bit more attention on obama care, because these stories republican obama care over the last few weeks were really starting to resonate with voters and they realized how bad obama care is, really? three out of four of them didn't make that as their number-one issue. i would say that ken cuccinelli
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did not have a very good staff, had some real bad research. folks, obama care is not the problem. virginians, they spoke about health care last night. in a big, big way. democratic candidate, terry mcauliffe, beat cuccinelli by a three-point margin. now, you might wonder, how did he do it? well, i realize that northern virginia is awfully big for the democrats. that's why president obama went to arlington. you know, it's about turnout, right? so that's a given. northern virginia has to be there. but the key is the time warner area. the key has always been the tide water area. that's why they have had democratic governors three out of the last four races and they have delivered tide water. 20% of the vote last night was from the african-american community. there's only 19% of the population in virginia that's african-american. so how do you read that? clearly, minorities came out and helped terry mcauliffe get over
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the top. no doubt, it was a win for obama care. and, of course, obama care is going to help a lot of minorities in this country, and in virginia. but cuccinelli, he just -- he just wouldn't let it go. during his concession speech last night, he can just continued to slam the national narrative on obama care. >> we said this race was a referendum on obama care. and although i lost, tonight you sent a message to the president of the united states that you believe -- that virginia understands that obama care is a failure. >> although i lost, it doesn't matter, because it's just win, baby, just win. you know, there are more losers in virginia than cuccinelli. let's, you know -- marco rubio, rand paul, scott walker. these guys, they couldn't get in front of the cameras fast enough to support this guy down in virginia. of course, they didn't get it done, did they? case in point, stay away from those guys.
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maybe christie will do that. however, if you listen to the media, you would think that it was a bad day for the democrats. >> governor christie, wow. >> i think he has a tremendous charisma. he didn't win the most democrat votes, but for a republican, that's killing it. >> he pretty much said look what we're doing in new jersey. we're accomplishing things. >> what chris christie managed to do was to run as chris christie and to say that the pragmatic republican can make in roads with democratic voters. >> nobody pointed out that the only one last night for the republicans was chris christie. good thing he was in the game. he was expected to win by a large margin, and he did. and, of course, christie came out last night and gave his typical jersey tough guy speech. >> i did not seek a second term to do small things. i sought a second term to finish the job. now watch me do it. >> okay. i'll watch you replace those 6,000 teachers and that billion dollars you cut out of education.
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christie -- he has to feel pretty good about this, his chances for 2016. because all the media is talking about what a darling he is. but the real vetting process starts now. meanwhile, can we just say, unequivocally, it was a big night for the democrats, and labor? you know, we've talked a lot about on this program and it's all over the country, surveys show it, income inequality is one of the biggest issues out there in america. that's right. the middle class getting worked over. in fact, we carried a story on this program last night, the social security administration says now the median income in america is a whopping $27,000 a year. but the red liners, the vultures, they're just rolling, aren't they? first we have the new york city mayoral race. democrat candidate bill de blasio crushed the republican candidate, by a 49-point margin. this is a huge win for labor. labor has been a big issue in this city. bill de blasio said that he would be union-friendly right here "the ed show" last summer.
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i want to ask you directly, bill. if you are elected, are you going to be union-friendly? >> absolutely. i believe the labor movement in this city is not only working in the interest of the people of the city, doing the work everyday, keeping the city going, and a lot of folks, by the way, work for the city of new york don't get paid so well. >> oh, yes, that income inequality thing. speaking with clarity put him over the top. he was never in a gray area. you always knew where de blasio stood. next, boston, the long-time labor leader. this guy name marty walsh beat john conley by 4 points. walsh has been a union president and fought tirelessly for working for the people in the city of boston. it'sner big win for the democrats. let's go to seattle, washington, where voters will likely approve a $15 an hour minimum wage increase for the workers at sea-tac airport. imagine that. somebody making 15 bucks an hour, because the people want them to. election results are unofficial
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at this hour. and if it pulls through, it's going to be certainly a big win, and, of course, another issue about income inequality in this country, and actually paying workers. in new jersey, what the heck happened here? voters actually went against chris christie? and voted for minimum wage? an increase by 2014? that's right. the minimum wage is going to go from $7.25 to $8.25 an hour. can we mark that up as another win for the working folk of america? well, let's go to the middle of the country. how about cincinnatiohio? remember cincinnati? measure two, measure five, all that stuff, going after the public workers? is, well, last night voters have rejectsed a controversial ballot initiative on pension reform? yeah. issue four was supported by none other than tea party extremists, and would have put pensions at risk. it would have put, really, impossible strain on the pension system. kind of like the postal service
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resulting in lost benefits for retirees. with the exception of chris christie voters did what last night? they embraced liberal progressive policies and a lot of places across america. they voted for workers' rights, they voted to fix income inequality. they voted for gay rights. they voted for obama care. and don't let the republicans fool you. last night was a huge win for the progressive movement in this country. kind of a pregame show, i guess you could say, for 2014. and it is very clear that we are a center-left country. make no mistake about that. bottom line is this. when we show you the vulture chart, it is resonating with people. people understand the top 2% running away with all of the benefits in this country, people understand the attack on workers, folks out understand what health care reform is going to do for americans and they're not buying all the garbage coming from the republicans that people are losing their health
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insurance. well, that's because we got standards now. marsha blackburn, congresswoman from tennessee today, was actually on this network, talking about health care savings accounts. really? if you've got money, you can get one. but what about those folks who make $27,000 a year? do you think they have a health care savings account? this just goes to show how out of material the republicans are. it goes to show how off the mark they are. and their attack on workers is only going to walk the democrats right back into power in the house one year from now. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question. were tuesday's elections win a progressive movement? text a. for yes, b. for no at 67622. we'll bring the results later on in the show. for more, let me bring in congressman tim ryan from ohio.
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not a lot of conversation about ohio and the attack on workers again in pensions, lo and behold, yet another reconstruction. how do you read it? >> same. i think you laid it out there beautifully. not only that, we had an independent mayor in toledo who supported the abolishing collective bargaining. he lost his race yesterday up in the northwestern part of the state. so i think you're right. this country is moving. when framed properly, when we talk directly about economic interests, when we talk to the heart and soul of the american people, they vote for the democrats. and we've got to continue the momentum. we've got to continue with a big bold agenda that's going to shift this country. and i think, you know, the more the health care rolls out, the more of these investments that we could talk about that we want to make, that they keep fighting, the better off we're going to be. >> congressman, your reaction to terry mcauliffe's win in virginia when the republicans have been out there 48 hours before the election saying this is going to be a referendum on
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obama care. now, cuccinelli was ouds outspent in virginia. no question about that, and money does make a difference. but you know what, everybody is playing by the same rules. bottom line here is, they were depending -- they were counting on obama care to be the linchpin to victory for cuccinelli, and it didn't work. does that say anything? >> right. well, yeah. and terry mcauliffe was not only a democrat, he was a democrat's democrat. he ran, he was the party chair, the clintons were in the last few days, the president was in the last few days. and so i think that was significant. but i loved how mcauliffe framed his arguments, as well. saying that democratic policies are the policies that create jobs. whether it's a new car plants or renewable energy businesses, you've got to have research, investments, public/private partnerships. that's how economic development happens on the ground and
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youngstown or virginia. you've got to have business and the public entities and the ngos all working together. that's not what we're getting from the tea party. the tea party is deregulate, defund. let the free market work, and as you stated with the social security numbers that came out, that increases inequality in the country. so mcauliffe, i think, has hit the sweet spot without democrats needing to talk about the economy. public/private partnerships invest in these new sectors that will put people back to work oh. a great campaign down there. >> i don't know how the republicans are going to rehabilitate themselves between now and the mid terms, because all of the issues that the democrats have been talking about clearly adopted by terry mcauliffe in virginia, and he wins. now, okay, it's 55,000 votes. would you take a 55,000-vote win in the state of ohio? absolutely, you would. any win, baby. that's the name of the game. and we saw two -- you know.
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we saw two minimum wage increases take place last night. in the backyard of republican governors. i just think that this was a great night for the democrats, no matter how you slice it. in fact, if chris christie hadn't been there winning, what in the world would the mainstream media have been talking about today? holy smokes. there's no highlights here for the republicans. >> if you look at christie, too, i mean, here's a guy, you had a natural disaster. which always bodes well for incumbents. you had him walk in arm in arm on the beach with president obama. and so, of course, that scenario is going to shift. but i thought the one item, the one element from the poll that i saw, not just the minimum wage and that stuff. hillary clinton still beat him in new jersey. for president. so as popular as he may be, even in his own state, hillary beat him. >> integrity of the vote is going to be very important in your state. your secretary of state's race
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with nina turner is going to be a huge race for the democrats, nationwide. but i also think the win last night by terry mcauliffe in virginia, connecting to the integrity of the vote, i think whoever runs on the democratic ticket is going to need virginia. this was a big, big win for 2016 for the democrats. tim ryan, great to have you with us. congratulations on your buckeyes. are they getting respect in the polls? i mean, i think number four, right? >> yeah. we're going to need somebody to make a mistake. but we're going to do our part. >> all right. congressman, good to have you with us. remember to answer tonight's question there at the bottom of the screen. share your thoughts on twitter at ed show and facebook. we love it when you do that. and, of course, we want to know what you think. coming up, stop the presses. a tea party senator's column gets cut. plus, the toronto mayor cracks under pressure from the media. lots more coming up. stay with us. [ tires screech ] ♪ [ male announcer ] 1.21 gigawatts. today, that's easy.
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127 sirius xm, monday through friday, noon to 3:00. and we're going to be announcing the ed tour. very soon. celebrating our tenth year as as i said syndicated radio. here are today's top trenders voted on by you. >> you turn the page, you wash your hands. >> the number three trender, turn the page. >> the footnote police have been dogging me the last week. >> a speech that rand paul gave seems to have been totally plagiarized from the wikipedia page on gattaca. >> more instances of words first appeared in other places. >> the "washington times" drops senator rand paul over his lifted lines.
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>> we have made some mistakes, but never said those mistakes have been intentional. >> oh, oh, just because he and wikipedia used the same words, rand paul is a plajerrist? is. >> i expect from somebody in high school, not a sitting senator. >> the number two trender. ♪ oh canada >> toronto mayor rob ford stunned the city. the mayor did, indeed, smoke crack cocaine. >> crack, ice, boom, powe. >> calls for him to step aside and take a leave of absence grew louder. >> crack is whack. >> i believe that the mayor should step aside. >> the mayor of toronto won't crack under pressure to resign. >> i embarrassed everyone in the city and i will be forever sorry. >> i'm going to end up eating a steady diet of government cheese and living in a van down by the river. >> i know what i did was wrong. >> how can we get back on the right track? >> for the sake of the taxpayers of this great city, we must get
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back to work. >> in today's top trender, over the hill. ♪ the hills are alive >> no more caveats, no more excuses. just give us the truth. >> the hhs secretary returns to the capitol for another round of hearings. >> there is an even higher level of accountability. for millions of americans, delay is not an option. >> is that statement on the white house website true, or is it false? >> sir, i think the statement -- >> is true or is it false? would you answer my question and then explain -- >> she did answer. she said you were inaccurate. ♪ >> joining us now, senator sheldon whitehouse of rhode isla island. good to have you with us tonight. >> good to be with you, ed. >> i was in kentucky, and i heard people talk about rhode island. the state exchanges are working where properly implemented. tell us about the health exchange in your state. is it working? >> it sure is. it has had a few minor glitches
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largely that came through the federal problem. but let me tell you some of the stories i've seen. i went in the first time, and there was a family that had been served earlier that day, and had gotten health insurance and they were so thrilled, this was their return trip, and they were bringing big boxes of dunkin' donuts coffee and stacks of dunkin' donuts to give to the workers there, because they were so pleased. i walked around and there was a beaming when she sat down the phone and she said she just saved that last caller $300 a month, going from $800 in cobra to $500 under one of the plans. the buzz is rhode island is so good, the latest story is a father whose daughter is working there, had heard so many good things about what was going on with the exchange, he wanted to come in and he said to her i just wanted to see the good things happening, and i'm so proud you're apart of this.
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so there's a whole other story out there that some people in washington just don't want to hear. just aren't listening to. >> they're all republicans. i mean, it just was relentless again today. on kathleen sebelius. what is the republican mission at this point? the website is making progress. it's handling more people, 17,000 people a minute. it's going to get better. obviously, it's better, since the last time there was testimony a week ago. what's the republican mission at this point? >> i think it's to create as much bad news and bad spin around the health care plan as they can to discourage people from going to it. it's sort of the last, you know -- last-ditch fight that they have. what's frustrating is that when you look at the individual states that have made this work, like kentucky, like rhode island, and then you look at these usually kind of states rights senators, and their own states had the chance to do this.
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they had the chance to make it right. they had the chance to do what rhode island did, and they didn't. they chose not to do it. they chose not to even try. >> they would -- >> so now they're blaming the federal government when they didn't even try to do it. if you're not going to do your job, you have got to be a little bit careful about blaming the people who came in to do it for you. >> that's all republicans were talking about, was local control and no government takeover and we can do it ourselves in the backyard, which i think walked the help committee down the road of framing it to their liking and then the rejection came and now we've got for lack of a better term, a small mess on our hands that has to be mopped up. but -- >> but it didn't have to be that way. their states could have done it just the way our states did. of course, then they wouldn't have had anything to complain about. so if you think of the purpose of the exercise is to find things to complain about in health care rather than to find a way to get health care to your constituents, well, maybe they consider it a success from that point of view. >> senator, what's your response to the potentially low
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enrollment numbers early on, and maybe not, you know, below the projection of $7 million by march? >> well, we heard from elizabeth warren in the help committee yesterday about massachusetts' experience. massachusetts is ahead of us in all of this. they have done the same thing with what we like to call romney care. so they said it was the same thing. people usually tend not to sign up until the last minute. and nobody is due until -- nothing is available even until january 1st. there's no penalty until march 1st, which is months away. and if you're a small business coming in, you don't have to come until your existing policy rolls over, which could be a year from now. so i think we have got to be a little patient with the, you know, first two minutes of the game outcomes and predicting what the final score is going to be. >> well, obama care is going to be a big story in 2014. is there any parallel by the way
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it was handled by terry mcauliffe in virginia and the way the democrats and the mid terms should handle it in 2014? he didn't run away from it and his opponent was saying it was a referendum. the election was a referendum on obama care. how do you break that down, and what do you see for 2014? >> you know, it's hard for me to give advice to a whole bunch of different races and very, very different states with very, very different constituencies. i think one thing that is very consistent through this, when you get through the republican hyperbole, and you cut down to the experience of real people, they are seeing good results from this program. we are getting -- our folks in rhode island are getting hugs. they're getting people bursting into tears. they're getting people saying my god, this is the first time in years i've had health insurance, i can sleep tonight. that story is what's real. and that story is eventually sooner or later going to get out. they can't deny it indefinitely. >> all right. senator sheldon whitehouse, good to have you with us tonight.
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i appreciate your time on the program. thank you, sir. up next, what women want. how chris christie's win in jersey is a good sign for hillary clinton. plus, a conservative think tanker's claims about low-income voters lands him in tonight's pretenders. but next, i'm taking your questions live. "ask ed live" is next on "the ed show." my mantra? family first.
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different light of being a hard line politician. don't kid yourself. christie is just like the rest of them. and i think that there is a desirous attempt on the part of the mainstream media to find the next republican hero, so we can have a race on our hands. our next question is from jimmy b. should america, he asks -- should america be getting ready for a christie versus clinton race in 2016? uh, not so fast. let me point out that this public servant has been around a lot longer than this public servant. okay? and a lot of different capacities. so if i were on this guy's team, i would probably be worried about experience. but christie reminds me of kids at the lake on 4th of july. they just seem to run out of their firecrackers so fast. stick around, "rapid response panel" is next.
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cuccinelli, 48-45. it was the support among women that made the difference, you could easily make the case. mccoughive had a nine-point lead over cuccinelli with female voters. that margin gets wider when you look at mcauliffe support among unmarried female voters where mcauliffe beat cuccinelli by a whopping 42 percentage points. in new jersey, certainly a different story. christie won re-election by a landslide. christie even beat his female opponent, barbara buono, by 17 points among women. so what does this mean? republicans obviously desperate to bridge the gender gap, so they're all wondering what christie's numbers could mean for a potential 2016 presidential bid against you know who. hold on, fox news, not so fast. the same exit polls found that if the 2016 presidential election was a race between christie and hillary clinton, christie would even -- not even carry his own state. hillary clinton would beat christie in new jersey 48-44%. for what it's worth.
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joining me now, our rapid response panel, author liz winsted, the grio contributor, zerlina maxwell and joe walsh of one take away from last night, it's probably not good to go radical on women. liz, how do you read the results from last night, based on who and what cuccinelli was all about? >> well, i think that women like sex. and i think that when you run a guy who doesn't seem to enjoy sex, he's not going to win with women. am i wrong? >> well, i have no arguments with sex whatsoever. your tweet earlier this week was very interesting, i thought. for women in virginia, if you like your uterus, you can keep it. i mean, just the radical movement in virginia was just so over the top. joe walsh, how do you read it?
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did the republicans learn anything from this? >> i don't know if they have learned anything. all we hear all day is how they practically won. they may as well have won because it wasn't a blowout for terry mcauliffe like a couple polls said. which is patently ridiculous. any time the democrats take back a statehouse in a purple state and off your election, it's a big deal. this is a big win for democrats. you know, i'm a little bit disappointed in the women's vote. white victim voted for ken cuccinelli. i don't know what is wrong with my white sisters, but they did vote for the kuch. and really, terry mcauliffe was elected mainly because black voters turned out. the obama coalition turned out for a ticket that did not include barack obama. so that's another piece of very good news for the democrats. >> zerlina, how do you see the results, i mean, the prepolling before the election was that women were going to go with terry mcauliffe. certainly they did that, especially unmarried women. >> right. and i think the problem for cuccinelli has always been that he's been associated with the word "transvaginal."
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and so when you're associated with something like a transvaginal ultrasound or even, you know, his position being in favor of personhood, which really is forcing women to give birth against their will. that's what personhood means. and so for cuccinelli, his problem has always been, he's an extremi extremist. and now he's different from christie, because he has a legislator -- a legislature that is controlled by republicans. and so while he was attorney general, with bob "transvaginal" mcdonald, both of them were pushing an extreme anti choice agenda. and so christie does not have that happening in new jersey to him and so he doesn't have to answer for his anti choice views, and he's also against abortion. that should be made clear. >> joan walsh, how do you see what unfolded for christie with women in new jersey? >> well, i find it disappointing. and i wish that barbara buono had gotten more help from democrats in her state and nationwide. you know, i really think there's a weird -- there's a weird
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phenomenon among democrats, though. and i'm not totally immune to it myself. we're so frightened is the word by the extremism of the republican party that people have a tendency to want to reward someone like chris christie, who, you know -- he's a conservative. he's an extremist on women's rights for sure. but what he did for his state during sandy needs to be applauded. and the fact that he has treated the president of the united states with respect shouldn't be remarkable, but it is remarkable. and so i think a lot of democrats kind of felt a sense -- out of a sense of decency, now he, okay, we'll stick with the guy. he hasn't been bad. even if you're a teacher, a woman, he's been quite bad. >> liz, what do republicans do at this point? of course, i really don't care about the rehabilitation of the republican party. but i find the numbers absolutely paralleling. very startling, actually. everything we have talked about on this network about the war on women certainly now is a hard number in the state of virginia. and then you have chris christie
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at least winning and getting some women numbers in his advantage. how will the republicans play this moving forward? >> well, i don't know. but i think joan said it best. because i think you can't stress enough the fact that the republican party extremists have become so extreme that if you have dignity towards the president, and you do exactly what any person with a soul and a heard would do when your state is under water, that a., dealing with the president makes you a creep. but, b., that makes you a moderate? i just thought that made you a carbon-based life form with maybe a little bit of compassion. >> thank god for the tea party. >> right. >> i mean, the tea party has done democrats a lot of favors. >> right. >> seriously. >> zerlina, does the tea party back off at all? do they get any message out of this at all? >> no, they don't care about chris christie winning a national election. you know, the focus for him and
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the problem for him is yesterday doesn't matter. he needs to win a republican primary, and he's going to be asked about his views on abortion and women's rights. and that's when he's going to get into trouble. yesterday, you know are that's great, he's an incumbent. you know, he was successful. but that doesn't really mean anything in terms of 2016, because like mitt romney, who was also moderate, he needs to get past the primary electorate, and they actually don't care about being palpable to the mean stream electorate. >> where does obama care go from here? 24% of the voters that voted in virginia yesterday said that obama care was their number-one issue. on the other hand, you've got cuccinelli saying that this was a referendum on obama care. joan walsh, somebody gave cuccinelli some real bad research. >> yeah. because if it was a referendum on obama care, then obama care won. you know? look, i think that obama care rises and falls with how things shake out in the next few months. but what we're seeing is that the polling is staying pretty much the same. people who had doubts have doubts, and people who were --
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willing to give it a chance give it a chance. but i think it's crazy for them to continue to run against obama care. but i see no evidence that they won't. and i also see evidence as zerlina says, the tea party is not backing off. the head of the susan b. anthony fund said the reason cuccinelli was losing was he wasn't strident enough of social issues and played them down in favor of jobs and the economy message. these people continue to think the only problem with their electoral outcomes is they're not crazy enough and they're not going to let up with that message. >> that's right. >> big win in virginia for terry mcauliffe and hillary clinton. the integrity of the vote will be certainly watched by the new governor, which i think is going to be very important in 2016. liz winsted, zerlina maxwell, joan walsh, great to have you with us tonight. thanks very much. coming up, president obama is in texas promoting the affordable care act. to one of the states that really needs it the most. stay with us. we're right back on "the ed
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at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card and talk to a real person. and in pretenders tonight, the fortune teller himself, frank gaffney, the reagan administration hinchman took a break from his anti muslim tirades to pick up his crystal ball. gaffaney says he knows what's going to be the end of america as we know it? >> the health care registration process is being used effectively to compel americans to register to vote. the process lends itself to abuse and fraud and allies of the president say the goal is to register 68 million mostly low-income voters. if successful, expect a permanent majority demanding government handouts and the end of america as we have known it. >> is he imitating that guy on "the twilight zone?" i think he is. strengthening the democratic process doesn't sound like the end of america to me. it does sound like the death sentence for the gop.
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show." this is the show for those who take a shower after work. the president is in dallas to thank workers for their work on the affordable care act. the president is also pushing back against ted cruz and rick perry's anti-obama care, anti-woman, anti-woman and all that stuff. >> we've seen an explosion of government power, none more significant or dangerous than obama care. >> every texan has health care in this state, from the standpoint of being able to have health care, every texan has that. how we pay for it and how we deliver it should be our decision, not some bureaucrat. >> yeah. every texan has it. president obama is trying to convince more than 23% of texans who are uninsured to enroll for the coverage under the
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affordable care act. he faces conservative obstacles. governor perry and senator cruz continue to set in the state. washington post columnist with us tonight. i tell you, you thouknow the president's not running for president when he goes to texas. >> there are some things happening down there that are very, very positive, and, you know, when you look at this keiser family foundation study showing that 17 million people are going to be eligible for tax credits, texas, california, and florida have the highest number of residents eligible for these credits. will the president be able to convince texans that this is a good thing in the midst of all of this misinformation and this campaign that has been out there to destroy the law?
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your thoughts? >> i hope so. because people are better off with health insurance than without it. and you have in dallas county, 28% who are uninsured. one of the points i really hope he makes is that because governor perry and the republican legislature refuse to accept the medicaid expansion, there are some 1.8 million texans who are being excluded from the possibility of getting health care. and it's worth noting that the medicaid expansion has not had some of the problems that you have on the private insurance market. around the country, there are 5 to 6 million people who could get health insurance if their states did not refuse to go into the medicaid expansion. i'd love to see some of the outrage that's directed over some of the problems over the website or some of the problems on the individual insurance market directed at why, and directed at those folks who are just flatly denying people health insurance. >> i've never heard a governor
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rationalize the situation the way we just heard rick perry do it. you know, everybody in texas has got health care. it's just a matter of how we are going to pay for it, really? >> you can all go to the emergency room, right? >> so why aren't the conservatives willing to come on board in some form or fashion to do something about a high number? are they just doing the social calculation that they can get elected without these folks and they don't have to worry about it? >> well, again, there's a kind of obama poisoning that happened on the right. and there was -- that's happened on the left at teams with presidents, but i think it's much deeper with obama. he picked up a basically republican idea, used the private insurance market, create these exchanges, just like romney care. it was an idea out of the hear ta heritage foundation.
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conservatives should want this to work. we're probably going to move to something closer to medicare for all or single payer. so he has done the most republican-possible health plan. and it's astonishing. there are a few conservative commentators who have been honest enough to say we don't want this thing to fail. but republicans have said we are not going to put up an alternative. we're just going to root against it and try to appeal it. >> residents must seen up through the federal website. now i've had a number of people on the ways and means committee and in the health committee over on the senate side say they didn't anticipate this kind of push back and rejection on a state level, because this is what, of course, you said the heritage foundation and some other conservative groups wanted all along. they wanted states' rights, local control. the president gives it to them, and it backfires in a sense and
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now he's being accused of being a liar. that all aside, they have to get this website right. and today's testimony was encouraging. but if they don't, where does that leave us? >> i think we're in a heap of trouble. it's very unfortunate they let this happen. i still don't understand how they could take this risk with the president's most important initiative or how he could, but, you know, i think jeff zients who they put in charge of this is a tough guy. if he says he's going to get it done by the end of november, i'm inclined to think he will get it done. without people signing up, you can't really have a great answer to the stories about people who are having trouble getting health insurance. if they could get on the website and say wait a minute, i can get a better policy now. i didn't realize that, the journalism will start to turn around. so they've got to get this working.
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