tv Politics Nation MSNBC November 6, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm EST
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>> that's a beautiful picture of air force one, isn't it? i'll show you how to use that thing for hunting and fishing. i'll guarantee you that. >> i want to go for a ride with you, ed. >> thank you for join being us tonight. that's "the ed show." i'm ed schultz. politics nation with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, and thanks for tuning in. i'm live tonight from washington, d.c. tonight's lead, tea party rejection. for three year, speaker boehner has bowed down to tea party it extremists. the movement was fueled by a hateful har right ideology where they shut down the government and held the country hostage. but last night voters sent a clear signal. it's over. in virginia a bellwether for
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national politics, voters said no to the tea party, to the tea party candidate for governor they said no, ken cuccinelli. it was a close race with big parts of the state going for cuccinelli, but in the d.c. suburbs which makes up 18% of state's population, the democrat won by nearly 30%. the voters in those more moderate areas didn't want a governor obsessed with social issues. >> the ultimate goal, which is to make abortion disappear in america. >> homosexual acts are wrong and should not be accommodated in government policy. >> we have two lawsuits. you're all exhaling co 2, let's all annoy lisa jackson together. shall we? one, two, three. >> that kind of identifiology
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was rejected last night. a governor who publicly attacks gay people rejected who wants to be, who wants to get rid of abortion, even in the case of rape or incest. rejected. 20% of virginia voters said abortion was their most important issue. and of those, nearly 60% voted for mcauliffe. but the republican party hasn't figured that out. here's the party's de facto leader today. >> look at what they're doing to women with their policies. they're demeaning them. they're turning them into nothing but abortion machines. >> abortion machines? this kind of extremism doesn't play any more. in alabama, voters rejected the birther tea partier dean young's bid for congress. in new york city, the most progressive mayor in the city's history was elected. and in new jersey republican
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chris christi won by running against tea party obstruction and by downplaying his stance on social issues. and after one of the most famous bipartisan hugs in political history. so last night showed that when we fight the tea party we can beat them. it's a fight we have to keep up until next november. it's the fight to brake the tea party's stranglehold on the house of representatives. and the entire country. and we now know if we fight them, we can win. joining me now are karen finney and abbey huntsman. thank you both for being here. what is this virginia race tell you about the future of the tea party? >> i think what it tells us is that not only, as you say, when we fight them can we win, but how important it is that we pick
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the fight and that, because one of the things that terry did very well was he understood it was all about turnout. and too oftentimes i think the democrat party takes african-american, latino, female voters for granted. and i thought what he did was wise. he did not do that. so i think that to me is the biggest message, yes, cuccinelli's extremism, hopefully it means that women will stay motivated. we've seen so many extreme measures all over the country. but the bottom line it the democratic party has to do the work. >> and even with all that he had to really fight to win. so you've got to bring everybody out. >> that's right. >> you know, abbey, we heard rush limbaugh and others today not changing their tone at all. d young, cuccinelli, all of them didn't really change their tone, listen to this. >> the establishment republicans did everything they could.
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they poured all their money into it. and they barely, barely beat you guys. this is the first warning shot that goes out across the nation that people in the united states are tired of where our government's going. and i thank god for all of you. >> tonight you sent a message to the president of the united states that you believe. [ applause ] that virginia understands that obama care is a failure and that you want to be in charge of your health care and not the government. >> i mean, abbey, it seems like they've learned the wrong lesson. you're hearing warning shot, all kind of statements. did they get what the voters said last night? >> you know, i actually took a different response from the outcome of the elections. it ended up being quite a nail-biter towards the end of the night and much closer than you expected. and the response from rush limbaugh is exactly what i was expecting because here you have
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the tea party saying we almost won the election. we didn't have nearly as much money. we didn't have the establishment backing us. we didn't have folks like the clintons stumping for us. even chris christie reviewsed to go speak on their behalf. we had the government shutdown which wasn't helpful for us. and yet, we still got very, very close to winning. had we had maybe a little more time, maybe a week or two, and maybe more money we could have won this thing. we've once again been wronged. we've once again been screwed. so we're reenergized to keep touting our message. you have until nnl a more pragmatic conservative republican to won and the tea party in virginia i thought maybe they would lose so badly, i think the divide is still going to remain. >> i agree with you, even though i think that they were defeated. i feel they think they're
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emboldened. i hope they do, i hope they are inspired to keep this up. what is the divided party mean in this year's election if they won't go away? >> it certainly means they're not going away. but the question becomes as we saw in that alabama runoff, is the chamber of commerce, are the more moderate forces in the republican party serious about standing up to the tea party? i think that's going to be the real question. i certainly hope, i would love to see moderates in congress emboldened because we have some big issues like the budget on the table. and they've been so terrified of the tea party kwers that i hope this gives them a little bit of gum shun. but clearly, the tea party, that's part of their whole sh tick a loss is a win.
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like cuccinelli, he's going to win. he's going to beat terry. and they're flouting the fact they had ted cruz come in and now they're like we didn't have big people come in. >> in virginia, but let me show you, get an example of what i'm talking about, abbey in terms of the republican party. when you look at the talkers and listen to what they had to say, they praised cuccinelli. listen to this. >> another one i think is ken cuccinelli. >> cuccinelli's awesome. i agree. >> obviously endorse your candidacy full throatedly. >> cuccinelli is just, it would be fabulous. >> they love cuccinelli who lost. he did better than expected by some, but he lost. but the guy that won big last night as a republican, they can't stand him. chris christie. listen to this.
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>> so christie praises obama. it's a master-servant relationship. >> i thought chris christie was really good, and i ignored a few things that kind of bothered me. but now i don't like chris christie. >> as for chris christie, i will do everything i can in my little way to make sure he's not the nominee. >> i hope that he poses a real challenge to hillary clinton in the democratic primary. >> they denounce, they denigrate the almost winner, the guy that will write the book on could have, would have, should have as the guy they embrace. >> i think they're very concerned about chris christie. he's been able to downplay his stance on some of the conservative issues. some of them know where he stands and he's frankly a little too moderate for them on many of these issues. what we saw with chris christie was a breath of fresh air, more business minded conservatives
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that saw christie actually able to win over some minorities. he won over over 50% of the latino vote. over 20% of the african-american vote. i think over 50% of the latino vote. i think it shows that he's a republican that can attract these folks. he has a broad message, one that would actually play very well in the general election. and i think this should give reason for democrats to be concerned but also tea partiers who don't like chris christie. and i think you're going to see effort from the tea party to try to hurt christie along the way. and i think it's going to be fascinating to see the primaries play out, because it's not going to be easy for chris christie. >> before we get too carried away, chris christie is a conservative. he looks a lot more moderate than he is. he has a very conservative record, karen, a lot to answer for. but he spent the last year ripping republicans in washington. and that included last night.
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watch this. i don't know if we have it. so let me go. let me let you respond. because he has a solid conservative record on many of these issues. i think i have the tape i wanted to show. >> there's only one group to blame for the continued suffering of these innocent victims. the house majority and their speaker, john boehner. shame on you. shame on congress. >> what we pay them to do when we send them o down there is to run the government not shut it down. maybe the folks in washington, d.c. should tune in to their tvs right now and see how it's done. >> you're right. it's very important to remember that when it comes to women's issues. when it comes to a number of economic issues i thought one of the most interesting -- >> gays. >> gays, those core issues. but what he's been able to do well is de-emphasize those
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issues when he needs to and emphasize them when he needs to. but i think one of the most important things last night was remember that minimum wage increase passed overwhelmingly and he had vetoed that. so you do have a dynamic -- >> he was against the minimum wage. he's been against a lot of social issues, but he did attack the republicans in terms of some of their shenanigans down here in washington. >> he's playing the outsider. >> he did work with the president. thank you very much, abbey. and thank you, karen, both you and abbey huntsman. thank you both for being here. and don't forget to wash abbey on "the cycle" weekdays at 3:00 eastern. and karen on disrupt with karen finney, weekends at 4:00 eastern. both are right here on msnbc. ahead, the koch brothers weren't on the ballot, but they were big losers in this
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election. the billionaires went up against the workers, and the billionaires lost. plus president obama takes the health care fight right into tid cruz's back yard where republicans have refused to help millions of people. and the racially charged bullying scandal rocking pro football. we'll talk to the former head coach for the new york giants about what's really happening in the locker room. also, what's on your mind? e-mail me. friend or foe, i want to know. reply al is ahead. [ male announcer ] every inch. every minute. every second -- we chip away. with an available ecodiesel engine... and a best-in-class 30 mpg highway and 730-mile driving range... for all the times you dreamed of running away from home -- now you can. with enough fuel to get back. this is the new 2014 jeep grand cherokee.
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with the highest percentage of uninsured americans in the country. coming up. or more on car insurance. yep, everybody knows that. well, did you know the ancient pyramids were actually a mistake? uh-oh. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. her busy saturday begins with back pain, when... hey pam, you should take advil. why? you can take four advil for all day relief. so i should give up my two aleve for more pills with advil? you're joking right? for my back pain, i want my aleve. you're joking right? i asked my husband to pay our bill, and he forgot. you have the it card and it's your first time missing a payment, so there's no late fee. really? yep! so is your husband off the hook? no. he went out for milk last week and came back with a puppy. hold it. hold it. hold it. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you.
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get the it card with late payment forgiveness. the koch brothers weren't on the ballot last night, but they sure lost big. the right wing billionaires got a wakeup call after voters rejected their extremist views in race after race. in virginia, the brothers grimm funded groups that directly supported cuccinelli's losing campaign for governor. in iowa, their favorite candidates lost in a small-town race that got national
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attention. and in washington, the koch brothers poured money into a seattle suburb in their failing effort to brock an increase in the minimum wage. results so far show the wage increase is winning. a major victory for working class americans. >> people finally are able to make ends meet without having to work two or three jobs. and a decent pay, decent benefits. so it's a victory not just for the workers at the' port but for the community here. >> let's be clear what this is all about. this is about the richest americans trying to make life worst for the poorest. the koch brothers are worth $68 billion. but they want to block working class people from making a penny more than the current minimum wage. $7.25 an hour. it's immoral and unfair. and the american people are
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saying no. joining me now is congressman jim mcdermott, democrat from washington. the koch brothers thought they could buy this election. but instead, the people voted for fairness. what's your response? >> well, you know, al, sometimes people get kind of depressed about the way the current country's going, but when you look at what happened in see tack, washington yesterday you have to be optimistic about giving the power to the people. the people's initiative. they put it on the ballot. they voted for it. and they gave it a $15 an hour pay, i mean that is about $6 more than our standard hourly rate, which is about $9.15. people understand that you can't live on, even $9.15. you talk about the national one at $7.75.
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but we have much higher than that, and you can't live on that and support a family. so you have people working two and three jobs at the minimum wage, and they just can't make their bills. so this town took it upon themselves and said we're going to fix that, and they passed it and we're going to see how it rolls out. >> you know, the republicans, top republicans i'm talking about, congressman, are it completely opposed to raising member wage. listen to this. >> i've been dealing with the minimum wage issue for the last 28 years that i've been in elective office. and when you raise the price of employment, guess what happens. you get less of it. >> a minimum wage law, as good as it may sound at the outset, it's not the way to do it. >> i don't think raising the minimum wage, and history's very clear about this, doesn't actually accomplish those goals. >> polls show raising the minimum wage is hugely popular.
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gallup found that 71% of americans support it, including 75% of moderates and even 54% of conservatives, congressman. the american people overwhelmingly support raising the minimum wage. do you think republicans will change their minds? >> they're going to have it changed by the people. you know, al, if you do the simple math, if you take $9 an hour or, and multiply that times 40 hours, you don't have enough money to, at the end of the month, you have about $1500. you can't support a family of four or three, or even two, on $1500 a month. so the people are just going to take it away from the elected officials who sit on their hands. they are simply going to demand. and it may be that it will go state by state. it may go city by city. but you watch. it's going to spread like
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wildfire across this country, because people have now seen it can happen. why don't we try it. that's what's going to go on. >> but you know what is politically grotesque is koch brothers worth $68 billion spending their money against poor people trying to make $8 an hour? i mean, this is unbelievable. it is almost unthinkable. >> they want to cut the safety net to pieces. they don't want unemployment insurers. they don't want minimum wage. they don't want social security. they don't want affordable care for everything. they thing ayn rand's book -- it's the bible for them. and there is no way that we can do it by ourselves. we have to do it together. and the koch brothers are the biggest obstacle to that, because they simply spend their money everywhere, even down at the county and the city level.
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trying to defeat this stuff. they're afraid for it to get started. >> but the thing that big money can't defeat is real, on the ground activism. real grassroots organizing will beat big money every time, congressman, and that was shown in your state last night on this minimum wage fight. >> yep, the seattle unions that were involved, the service employee, seiu, they went out and organized, and these are all people who work at the airport. c-tech is where the seattle/tacoma airport of the and it's the people who work in the hotels and all around the town. and they said this has got to change. we have got to have a living wage. >> thank you for your time tonight. >> you're welcome. ahead, look out ted cruz, president obama's in your home
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state right now. and he brought some texas-sized facts with him. plus, the story that everyone's talking, a nfl player caught bullying and using the n word against his teammate. what did the coach know? we'll talk live to a former nfl coach. but first, mr. moral authority, senator david vitter tried to get away with some shenanigans. but we got him. next. word against his teammate. [ male announcer ] you'll only find advil,
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still trying to less late from the moral high ground. earlier this week the employment, the employment nondiscrimination act advanced in the senate. the bill would protect gays from being fired due to sexual orientation. and guess what, senator vitter was nowhere to be found. but that won't stop him from pushing for an anti-abortion amendment to be tacked on to the bill. can you believe the brass? actually, yes. he's joining a long tradition of republican lawmakers who make it their mission to attach anti-abortion amendments to anything and everything. like bills on motorcycle safety, flood insurance, child care facilities, nursing homes, even tanning beds. this is some kind of club. but senator, if you want to be
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against a law that would protect people from being fired for who they love, go right ahead. i think you're dead wrong, but you're entitled to your opinion, but don't hide behind an amendment that has absolutely nothing to do with this bill. did you think we wouldn't notice your cowardly stance? this isn't even a nice try. it's an ugly, underhanded try. so, welcome to this infamous club. we got you. come in where? welcome to my mom cave. wow. sit down. you need some campbell's chunky soup before today's big game, new chunky cheeseburger. mmm. i love cheeseburgers. i know you do. when did you get this place? when i negotiated your new contract, it was part of the deal. cool. [ male announcer ] campbell's chunky soup. it fills you up right.
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6 million people in texas lack insurance. the second highest total in the nation. that's 24% of the population, the highest rate of uninsured in america. it includes 1.2 million children, children, in the richest country in the word. numbers like this are unacceptable. and texas voters know it. even in this red state, 67% support the idea of letting states expand medicaid. but senator cruz and governor rick perry have a different idea. >> saying they want health care do not realize that expanding medicaid will worsen the health care options for the most vulnerable among us in texas. >> texas will not be held hostage by the obama administration's attempt to force us into this fool's errand. >> giving people health care
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will worsen their options? it's a fool's errand? easy for them to say. senator cruz gets coverage through his wife, a $40,000 family plan courtesy of goldman sachs. and governor perry gets state-financed health quare for life. you heard that, right? for life. this is the worst kind of hypocrisy. these republicans have the best health care money can buy, paid for by wall street and by taxpayers, but they're fighting to deny health care for millions of others? it's heartless. but the president is fighting back. joining me now are joy reed and victoria defrancesco soto. thanks for coming on the show. texas is the state that needs obama care the most, yet it's where republicans are fighting it the hardest. how does that make sense? >>, i think you said it
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perfectly. what you're seeing is for ideological reasons, the states that have the highest levels of poverty, which happen to be red states in the deep south, places like mississippi, alabama, texas, that have extraordinary rates of poverty, high numbers of the uninsured are for ideological reasons refusing to take, and this is a 100% federally funded expansion of medica medicaid. the government is matching it 100% to provide health care for the most vulnerable. and even if they don't care about the poor in their state, which their behavior reflects an immoral stance that for ideological reasons we refuse to let please people have an insurance card so they can go to the doctor. at a certain point they're going to have to demand this because they are still treating these patients in the emergency room at the highest possible cost. so it's sort of the worst of
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both worlds. >> the president is about -- he's just come out. he's being introduced now. he's right there in texas. you see him as he's being introduced right in senator cruz's home state as he's going to make the case for the affordable care act. president obama you see there live in texas. victoria, you know, we've heard ted cruz say expanding medicaid will worsen health care options for the most vulnerable. the statement was given a false rating. they said cruz doesn't have evidence to back up his point. >> the politics here are what matter, reverend. i'm very happy that the president is in my home state, but strategically from the point of view of how do we convince
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texas? there is nothing worse than the president coming here, because it's going to make rick perry dig in his heels. he wants to use the rejection of medicaid. the argument that the president is going to make trying to be reasonable that other republican governors are taking medicaid i fear is only going to make him throw a tantrum, and, again, further dig in his heels. i wish he would listen, but i know my governor, and he's not. >> you know, joy, when we talk about the governor digging in his heels. let me go back to my opening. when you look at how both senator cruz who has a $40,000 a year goldman sachs family plan because of his wife and a state financed health care for life for the governor, the hypocrisy
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is blatant here. for these two to be fighting this to me is inexcusable. >> and it gets to a more fund amountal problem that we're seeing on the conservative side. on the one hand they believe in a social darwinism so that if your wife works for goldman sachs you deserve it because you can buy it. so it's okay if you work for the government, remember, one of the biggest tea partiers, dick army went all the way to the supreme court to try to keep his blue chip program for life. he never wanted to let it go. so you have these conservative politicians that are saying i deserve to have health care either because i am rich or i am a ward of the government for which i work. but you don't deserve to have health care if you're poor because there's an immoral judgment that society would help the poor. poor people don't deserve to
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have the help of the state because it's something that should be provided by charity, they should throw themselves on the mercy of the church or the emergency room. that is what they believe. and they're going to go all the way to 2016 arguing that, because that's what their base believes to. >> they believe it for everyone other than them. the ugly rhetoric, looking at the bigger picture here, the ugly rhetoric is getting worse. i mean rush limbaugh, he says democrats are trying to control people. listen to this. >> they now control the way people live because every aspect of living has a health care cost living to it they can deny treatment for unless you snap to and live the way they want you to live. and they're not content to let you live the way you want to live. you've got to live the way that they demand you live. >> i mean, to help provide health care for uninsured people is to control how they live? i mean, this is as absurd as you
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can get. >> earlier in the show, were you talking about whether -- well, earlier you were talking about whether texas is going to move into a purple category. and i think this rhetoric and just the fact that texas is not accepting the aca, it's going to push people toward that middle. for example latinos. everybody has their focus on latinos. they're a rapidly growing electorate. 37% don't have health insurance. they are desperate for this expansion. when they say it's being offered and their state isn't taking it, that's going to push them and mobilize them, most importantly, into turning out and voting in the democratic primaries and in the general election. >> thanks for your time tonight. up next, a nfl player caught on tape using the n word against
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now to a case of bullying that has everyone talking. but instead of school aged children, it involves grown men. nfl football players, in fact, miami dolphins player richie incog neat owe was suspended indefinitely by the team after claims of harassment emerged from rookie teammate jonathan martin. incog neat owe referred to martin publicly and privately as the big weirdo. he allegedly got martin to pay $15,000 for a trip to las vegas that he never made. the time straw came last week when martin's fellow teammates pulled a prank on him in the cafeteria. but the most shocking allegations relate to a threatening and racially charged voice mail that incog neat owe
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left martin. hey, what's up you have [ bleep ] piece of blank. i'm going to slap your blank mouth. some even made reference to incog neat owe harming members of martin's family. last week the dolphins announced that martin had taken a leave of absence. as for richie incog neat owe, he's speaking out on camera. >> what do you have to say about the storm you're in? >> you know, i'm just trying to weather the storm right now. and this will pass. >> there's an allegation thaw left these voice mails on jonathan martin's voice mail. what do you have to say about those? >> no comment right now. we're just going to kind of weather the storm and that's it. >> but that storm might be bigger than we first thought. a new report out today says that
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dolphin coaches asked incog neat owe to toughen up martin. the nfl has launched an independent investigation into the dolphins' workplace. joining me now is former giants coach and a sports correspondent for the nation. thank you both for coming on the show tonight. >> good to be with you. >> coach fossil, you were the giants' head coach for seven years. as you hair this bullying and racial slurs unfold, does it surprise you? >> it does. it shocks me. because as a coach, all you want to do is build a culture on your team that we're family, i got your back, you got my back. guys, i don't care what your race is, your religion is, when you step in this locker room, we are brothers in arms. we are protecting each other. and anything that goes away from
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that, you're dividing the locker room. and you got no chance of winning with a divided locker room. so i'm shocked at what i'm hearing right now. >> moments ago, the dolphins' coach refused to comment on the statement that they asked incog neat owe to toughen martin up. >> did of tell incog neat owe to toughen up martin? and if you did, did it go unmonitored or get out of hand? >> i think i mentioned earlier in my statement that i'll have no further comment at this time on anything pertaining to the nfl review process. >> now you've been in tough situations as a head coach. what is do the lack of response tell you, coach fossil? >> might be lawyered up. i don't know. if i was down there and they were asking me to find out this stuff, my first question is who approved the signing of richie incog neat owe. i want to know who. he has had a history of this.
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this is not the first time. i've met him, he's got a great personality. he's a fun guy to be around, but he's got a dark side. the second question i'd want to know is which coach instructed him to toughen him up? that's not a player's job. that's not a player's job at all. coaches handle those type of things. if i've got an issue with a player, i'll talk to him, but you don't assign a player to go do that. there are some questions that i'd want to know right away. >> have you ever had a situation that you needed to step in to deal with hazing or any of this kind of bullying? >> no, because i always, there weighs goi was going to be no dinners that cost $10,000. you ought to be able to buy a nice dinner for 100 bucks. i said guy, it's g rated. we're going to have wives and
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families and i don't want to hear that stuff. it will be a fun night that we all get together. but you got to lay the law down when i coached the giants i had michael strahan, jesse armstead, and they were always say to me, coach, i got your back. anything goes wrong down here, we'll let you know. >> now you wrote an article on this. you actually spoke with the former nfl player who said, i'm quoting from the article, what about the bystanders who knew, watched and did nothing. if this was happening they all knew, plus i would guess, some of the coaches as well as others. seems to me that there is a lack of moral courage and moral clarity by many on that team. so is that the real problem here? was there a lack of courage from those surrounding people of the team? >> absolutely. but it's not just about the players surrounding richie incog neat owe. i thought coach fossil said it perfectly in that this is determined from the coach.
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one of the things that we need to keep in mind is that in the nfl, contracts are not guaranteed. are you there basically at the behest and at the pleasure of your coach and general manager. so nothing is happening in this locker room that the coach is not given tacit approval of. even before the allegations came out today about coaches saying that incog neat owe needed to toughen up martin, they all said the same thing, which is this doesn't happen without the coach giving the say so. >> now the dolphins' quarterback just a short time ago was asked if he knew. take a listen. >> no one knew there was a situation to be stopped. so it's really tough for us to sit here and hear all that when we have each other's backs. and i wouldn't have a problem stopping a situation if it was occurring. richie said, john is like my little brother. and i think that's an accurate depiction. he gave him a hard time.
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he messed with him. but he was the first one there to have his back in any situation. and, you know, it's a big surprise what's going on. >> you know, dave, you've been very critical. but the quarterback says he had no idea about the situation. saying the two guys were like brothers. what's your response? >> this is very upsetting. i think ma's coming out of the miami dolphins today, it's almost like the solidarity of bull eyes. people are coming out to say we stand with richie incognito. but yesterday players were saying they didn't want to go on the record because richie incognito scared them too. so which it is? one of the other things that came out today is that jonathan martin has checked himself into the mental health clinic. and look who the players are siding with. are they siding with the one who's in the mental health clinic, the one who stood up to break the code of silence? or are they siding with the guy who left the voice mails and
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dropped n bombs. that is a problem in that locker room. >> it was said that incognito called him the n word once in a game. >> did you face incognito? >> beat him up so many times it don't even make sense. one time he kicks me in a game and calls me the n word. i said oh, you want me to punch you in the mouth. >> so if he's calling you the n word. >> yeah. he kicked me and called me that. i said really? i said that's all you got? >> coach fossil, did you ever have to deal with racial issues inside your locker room? >> never. never. that was always the preventive measures was when you draft them or sign them. i want to know everything about them. and i was fortunate as a head coach. ly the final say on the 53. if i didn't like the guy he's out of here. the problem we have in today's
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society, you know, the n word should never be around, okay? and some people think well, i'm joking and i'm kidding. no. no. no. leave it alone. get rid of it. the rappers, get rid of it. we're putting a younger society that says if i'm kidding it's okay. no it's not okay. >> well, you don't have an argument from me. i think, though, that david, we're having a problem of honesty here. >> yeah, and i got to tell you, i interviewed a gentleman named walter beach. part of that generation of activist athletes of the '60s, and he said even in the '60s, at the height of the african-american freedom struggle he never heard white players say the n word. and i said maybe that's because there was an african-american freedom struggle but nobody felt like that was okay and it didn't hurt that jim brown was standing next to them. >> no. i'm sure that inspired a little
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the mayor elect of new york, bill de blasio is calling for a more progressive city. he is breaking with the past that used racial profiling and stop and frisk as tools to terrorize minority neighborhoods. all in the name of being tough on crime. for decades, politicians have used scare tactics about crime to win elections. the gop candidate in this mayor's race ran an ad warning that de blasio might send new york back to the bad old days. and, of course, the ads from the 1988 presidential race preyed on white fears and black stereotypes. mayor elect de blasio wants to put all that behind us. i'm looking forward to a new
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