tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC November 7, 2013 2:00am-3:00am EST
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also a reminder there are republican governors, blocking their residents who need health insurance from getting it. >> yeah. that's -- that's the part that the president is really going to have to i think continue to emphasize about where the blocks are in this. jonathan, thank you for joining us tonight. >> thanks a lot. yes, virginia, there is a santa claus. let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. call them the nasty boys. when they lose, they're quick to shift the blame the other side. the cruz wing blames the republicans for the defeat of cuccinelli. they blame the republicans in the senate for not backing the
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tea party and the house of representatives. they wanted to keep the thing going even if it meant economic catastrophe for the country. today the u.s. stock market reached the highest level in history, and the cruz wing conjured up the most desperate explanation for the loss last night. there's something about any politician that refuses to back anything by the other side and never misses a chance to blame it, even when everybody on the planet sees that it's the crazy -- david axelrod is with us. and a senior political analyst, and also msnbc analyst. i think there's something in the character. and it may not all be the right
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wing. when you have a guy like cuccinelli who from the beginning looked like a problem, somewhat petty corruption around mcdonnell and to blame the people that didn't like him for what he is as the problem. can you imagine the national party supporting a guy opposed to divorce? he would be nothing but trouble if they stuck to him. >> there's one number that they should look at in the exit polling. and that is 21%. that's the margin by which terry mcauliffe beat cuccinelli in moderate voters. you can't win a national election if you're seating moderate voters. romney lost to obama by 14 points by moderates. they keep relearning the same less some, but they don't absorb
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it. and i don't think they're going to absorb it. >> i think the definition of a zealot who after they lose said if they'd only done more. cuccinelli was the problem from day one. instead of saying we blew it by running too extreme they say the moderates didn't back the extremists. therefore it's moderate's fault. >> why are they so zealous? they hate rino. >> describe what that is. >> that's a republican in name only. they think the people that are bringing the republican party down. >> so the guy running for reelection in trenton should have gone down to richmond to campaign for the other guy. and since he didn't, it's his fault.
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>> the people who are the problem with the party didn't help. so that's the problem. cuccinelli, we talked about this last night, was about as good a tea party candidate as you can get. he had statewide name recognition. he's been working in virginia for years. and even so, he couldn't beat terry mcauliffe who i think is a rather tainted democratic nominee. so you can't blame the rinos for that. >> i've loved concession speeches. oftentimes they tell you more about the character of the candidates. they say we don't lose. we're betrayed. the strategist, whatever his name, he blamed it on his own party. >> the gop abandoned us. and the article is saying we were on our own. and then there's conservative columnist maggie gallagher who writes the betrayal of cuccinelli.
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how did we give this away to terry mcauliffe? some serious soul-searching should be taking place. he said the republicans who undercut cuccinelli are egg all over their face. to him it wasn't enough of a betrayal, levin claims that republicans were rooting for mcauliffe to win. let's list tonight master. >> there's an effort by the republican party to ruin the tea party, the rinos want a victory. and gop bag man karl rove is all over fox without a word of support for cuccinelli while he schemes and whispers against the scenes against conservatives nationwide. >> i'm not a media critic.
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let's go to the argument, the people i grew up with like tom ridge, and all those guys we grew up with in my youth that were regular republicans, someone notched to the right of center are responsible for a man who wants to get rid of birth control, who wants to have person hood. this guy is pushing the envelope. and then he blames them for watching. >> this is the first time in 40 years that a party has won the governorship when they had their own member in the white house. it's the first time i think in a century that the same party hasn't won the governorship of virginia twice in succession. so they've broken all kinds of barriers here with cuccinelli.
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i think there's something else that we ought to know which is that because of obama care they were rallying toward the end of the race. you talk to the pollsters for mcauliffe, and they'll tell you that from june on, they were 2 to 4 points ahead, almost throughout the race. and that there was no movement at the end of this race. so there's a whole lot of fantasy and kool-aid drinking going on over on their end. >> i've heard that, i've heard the same thing you've heard from the pollster there. why was there this talk about mcauliffe winning by double digits? >> i wrestled with this. public polls are often wrong. the washington post had a poll that had mcauliffe down by ten at one point. they had him up by 12 at one point. and the fact is that this race, we have a very divide country. there aren't these huge swings. and this race was very much in the same place throughout. and so they have a 2 to 4 point
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range and mcauliffe won by 3 points. >> the tea party betrayal, as they call it, excuse sounds familiar, because you've heard it before, most notably from tea party zealot, ted cruz. for cruz, the reason he lost the crusade to kill the affordable care act is simple. he was betrayed. >> the house republicans marched into battle courageously, and the senate republicans should have come in like the cavalry to support them. unfortunately, a significant chunk of senate republicans came like the air force and began bombing the house republicans, our own troops. >> yeah. he was betrayed. this victimization is a big part of the psyche of the hard right. they never lose. they're screwed. something screwed them from behind. somebody snuck around, somebody they counted on betrayed them.
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>> it's very self-reinforcing. what he's preying on is cultural political resentment. he says everybody in washington is out to get you except me and a few dozen people in the house. when we fail to pull everybody over the cliff with us, it's not our fault. it's not even the democrats' fault. it's the others who would compete with us for your affections. it's the rinos. he's acting like a stalinist. they don't threaten his position of power. it's the other republicans he's vying with to lead the republican party. so this is very sectarian. it's mccarthy like. it's his ticket. he believes, i think -- >> well, without mentioning any names, i can think of two demagogues that this is their game plan. it's us getting screwed by the world. the outcome in virginia was a clear instance of republicans going awry.
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one in six said they cast their vote because they disliked the other guy running. they voted for mcauliffe because they viewed cuccinelli as too extreme. he won the protest vote by about 55,000 votes. and that was the exact margin of victory. mcauliffe won this by 55,000 vote. bottom line? electability matters. here's a guy that won basically because the other guy was too far right. and the numbers prove it. too far right. that's the statement period. >> that was the entire mcauliffe campaign, really. at the end of the day they painted, with cuccinelli's cooperation, they painted him right out of the mainstream. and that will happen, you know we all watched governor christi last night. and his message was a broad message. the big challenge for governor christie is the one that romney
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faced. can you pay tribute to these guys without getting dragged so far to the right. >> one guy that's proven you department have to kiss butt on the right. here's a message from governor christie. >> you show up. we show up everywhere. we don't show up just in the places that vote for us a lot. we show up for the places that vote for us a little. we don't just show up for the places where we're comfortable. we show up in the places where we're uncomfortable. maybe the folks in washington, d.c. should tune in their tvs right now and see how it's done. >> david and i are left of center on a lot of issues. but i got to tell you something, that speech could have been given by a good progressive. it was about responsibility, accountability to the voters, especially voters who don't vote for you. in this case, african-american, unionists.
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and when you have a hurricane you come help everybody. >> it was leadership and governance. it was about reaching out and getting done. and he positions himself now as a can-do type of governor. it's pragmatic but saying we're going to put aside all this bickering. we're going to try to get done working with the other side who i often don't like for the benefit of the people. it was a very powerful statement. but you don't see that happening in anybody in washington on the republican side. >> i'm now going to a guy that's worked inside politics. can that message overcome the antipathy? >> chris christie was running in new jersey. there is a halo off of what he's done and appropriately so for sandy.
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the exact reason the republican base doesn't like him is because he stood with president obama and worked with him to deal with this crisis. so the question is as i said before, can he get through a nominating process and get himself nominated? there's no doubt that's a powerful election message. but what does he have to do to be the nominee of the republican party? how far right is he going to have to go? and remember, in this race, in fairness, i think it was a great victory, but it was sort of like the harlem globetrotters against the washington generals. >> those generals were supposed to lose by 15 points, i believe. you know what i like about this? i like it's happening. i think it's good for the country, with the bounce he has, will take on the hard right in the party. thank you so much david axelrod. coming up, if you didn't see chris christie's speech last night, let me translate those four words for you -- i'm running for president.
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a republican who isn't afraid to physically embrace president obama and get out of the gop echo chamber, who could give hillary clinton some trouble. that's all coming in the future. if the democrats can repeat the feat next year, nationally, 2014, it will be a pretty good year afterall for them. and the first step in fixing your plagiarism problem is admitting you have one. he's claimed to be original when all he was a word processor. it's a problem senator. finally one of the things i like about election night are concession speeches. not last night. these are brutal. and these are not nice. and this is "hardball," the place for politics.
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well, now that bill de blasio has won the new york mayor's race he has a mountain of problems to face, including a $2 billion budget shortfall. it was de blasio, 73%. and republican joe lhota, 24%. that's a 49 point spread. it's the biggest margin in any mayor's race in the history of the city of new york.
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has sprung into action immediately to help get us those things while we were in the car riding together.g relationship to make sure that we're doing the jobs that people elected us to do. >> well, governor christie was -- are crist was punished. >> what an honor to stand here with you with president obama. i didn't leave the republican party. it left me. >> governor crist is now running for governor as a democrat. he worked with christie in the aftermath of the hurricane. he is not afraid to leave the echo chamber and talk to people
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who left him. charlie crist, the former republican governor of florida, he's a democrat seeking out his old job. he's seeking it in 2014 next year. clarence page is a columnist and friend of mine. governor crist, it is amazing watching your career. it's amazing watching the weird warping off of your old party. what i find awful, it's one thing to disagree with the president, but to treat him like he has cooties, like in high school, you can't be near him, you can't hug him. a guy said i was ten feet from him and it made me sick. i looked him in the face and it made me sick. you lie.
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this personal assault on the person of the president as well as the office is bad politics. what do you think? and is that part of the reason you had to make your move? >> absolutely, chris. it's not only bad politics. it's bad behavior. we're supposed to treat each other with a level of respect and decency that we're taught in our judeo christian upbringing. when somebody comes who is the president of the united states. he came to ft. myers, florida. the reason he was coming was to help our state, some republicans took offense to that was stunning to me. this is the president of the united states of america. and so what if he's not your same party. he's the leader of our country. and you show respect that that office deserves, and in my view, the person deserves. he's worked hard. he's my friend. >> what do you make of that? >> you're both right. it's a nasty politics.
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really nasty, really aimed at using obama's name as a rallying cry to pander to the far right and to generate some kind of clout. and that's followed up by if you disagree or if you want to make a civil outreach across party lines, then you're branded as a rino, republican in name only. that's tribal politics. most voters are in that wobbly reasonable, sensible center someplace and are really turned off by that kind of politics. it can be very effective in primaries for rallying the base. >> looking ahead to your race in 2014. i am convinced that the 2016 election, i think we all will be guided by this. i don't think there's going to be a wild move to the left or lurch to the left. i don't think the country wants to lurch in any direction. i think it's going to be looking for competitiveness and
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effectiveness. the person is going to be the person they see as the most grown up, the one that can really do the job and stick to the job and people go to work every day and deal with bosses they don't like and co-workers they don't like and they do their freaking job. they don't say i can't eat in the commissary with him. this is eighth grade behavior. and these guys on the right act like they're proud of this kind of behavior. oh, i couldn't stand ten feet from him. >> it's unbelievable. >> it's childish. and they call it ideology. >> you're right. to compare school children to what these people are doing is almost a real negative to school children. you know, it's not fair. it's not right. and really, it's awful. and it's worse than childish.
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it's so sophomoric that ese people call themselves adults. what americans want, and what my fellow floridians desire is that people work together to work for each other, to do what's right for florida, to do what's right for america, to do what's right for ed characteristic ethical government. take the example of the guy i'm running against. a month after he gets sworn in he says no to high-speed rail. tens of thousands of jobs, and he said no to it. and then you have this medicaid issue. >> free money -- >> free money. and he said he was for it for about 30 seconds. then he didn't lift a finger to make it happen. what did it do to my fellow floridians? about a million of them will not get health care because he didn't try harder to get this done. what does that mean? that means that people who are already sick and need to get health care won't get it and they'll get sicker or they'll die. it's unconscionable that
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somebody would be that callous. we need people who care and care with grace and work together. >> last night, i was watching the speeches. i haven't seen them all. i wanted to watch them in the show tonight. i caught part of christie's speech, which is the part that says he will show up. that is a wonderful nonideological way of saying, when there's trouble, count on me to get there. it's a woody allen line, 80% of life is showing up. the bureaucrats are in the back somewhere. they don't answer the phone. they don't answer their website. they're somewhere else. i'm going to be there to answer phone. i think it's a comic book notion of what we grew up, when there's a five alarm fire the police chief's on the other side of the curb watching. they want somebody to show up and lead.
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>> that's advantage that governors have as far as running for the presidency is concerned. they've had a leadership post. they've had to be the chief executive who takes care of real problems like a hurricane sandy blowing in. and we saw chris christie rise to the occasion and president obama rise to it. and christie was dealing with a state where his approvals were shaky at the time as a republican governor, democratic state. people saw them doing the job. >> thank you. and good luck in the race. i mean it. of course you know that. that person i mentioned. i will not disgrace his name. i will ask him to take responsibility for his words. he is a republican congressman in michigan. he said he couldn't stand being there with the president. i think he should fairly soon take that back.
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that's not good for the civic lesson and the school kids in your district. they don't need grow up thinking this is the way you lead the country. and speeches that sound like declarations of war. >> i cannot bring myself to vote for someone who would mislead the people of south alabama like bradley has. [ female announcer ] make every smile a 3d white smile with crest 3d white toothpaste. it removes up to 90% of surface stains in just 5 days.
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back to "hardball" in time for the sideshow. there's no second place, but as adlai stevenson showed us after losing to eisenhower in 1952, you don't have to look like a loser when you lose. his final words were quoted from abraham lincoln. >> asked him how he felt once after an unsuccessful election.
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he said he felt like a little boy who had stubbed his toe in the dark. and if, that he was too old to cry. but it hurt too much to laugh. >> that was adlai stevenson. a great man, but a few of last night's concessions were far from that. in some cases they were outright hostile. let's take a look at some highlights starting with birther, dean young, tea partier type who lost, thanks to god, lost in a primary runoff. >> this is the first warning shot that goes out across the nation that people in the united states are tired of where our government's going.
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i cannot bring myself to vote for someone who would mislead the people of south alabama and the nation like bradley has. [ applause ] therefore, that will follow him, what he's done, how he mischaracterized what, who i am and who i'm about. that will follow him. >> what that fellow's about, he just said this week that barack obama was born in kenya. harsh words for the one who beat him. next the one who spoke out, barbara buono. >> the democratic political bosses, some elected and some not, made a deal with this governor despite him representing everything they're supposed to be against they didn't do it to help the state.
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they did it out of a desire to help themselves politically and financially. [ applause ] >> that's going to help. finally, in virginia cuccinelli's loss may have been a squeaker, but his rhetoric last night sounded like the campaign was still going on. >> virginia understands that obama care is a failure and that you want to be in charge of your health care and not the government. [ applause ] this administration told us that virginians could keep their health insurance and their doctors and their costs wouldn't rise under obama care, but that was not true. and they knew it wasn't true. we were lied to by our own government. >> that's right. >> in its effort to restrict our liberty. first up in politics, remember how to do your concession speeches. virginia could be the blueprint
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this election was never a choice between democrats and republicans. it was a choice about whether virginia would continue the mainstream bipartisan tradition that has served us so well over the last decade, at a time when washington was often broken, just think about what virginia has been able to accomplish when we work together. welcome back to "hardball." that was terry mcauliffe after his victory last night. cuccinelli won among white men by 25 points, among white women by 16 points. he covered tea party supporters, white evangelicals. mcauliffe had a stronger coalition of his own. he won big among
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african-americans, we saw that by 82 points. he carried moderates by 22 points as well as people with post college graduate degrees and unmarried men and women, both. they call it the rising american electorate. another reporter dubbed it the coalition of the ascendant. they are changing the game in purple states like virginia. how long can they rely on their base of mainly older white men. kathleen, i think i'm in the category i just mentioned as disappearing as having any political significance. so i have to be a little careful here and step lightly, but it does seem to me if you look at some of the numbers, for example, the margin of terry mcauliffe's victory could be made up of his margin among african-american men, right there was an explanation for it. what do you see it when you look
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through it? >> i love that term the coalition of the ascendant. i do wonder how much virginia really tells us about political trends and about the republican/democratic positions. i think cuccinelli was an unattractive candidate on so many levels. he didn't have any of the likability that a candidate must have. and as far as mcauliffe is concerned, i never thought of him as a mainstream moderate. i don't know how much voters actually know about him because his entire campaign was an attack on cuccinelli. they ramped it up to a point that no person living in the 21st century would want to vote for cuccinelli. it's surprising he did as well as he did. i'm all for the white, caucasian, gun-toting guys. >> let me go over to dana milbanks.
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cuccinelli's positions are extreme, but so are the republican's national platform. even talking about birth control seems odd, and talking about making it more difficult for a woman to divorce her husband. it seem the medieval. >> kathleen's right, terry mcauliffe did do an awful lot -- >> he ran a negative. >> nobody did more to make ken cuccinelli look bad than ken cuccinelli. >> he's focused on the cultural issues. that's what makes him particularly weird. >> this coalition for republicans in the long run is doomed. that doesn't mean they're doomed in next year's midyear elections.
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they've got a real demographic problem down the road. but this shows that they can still compete. they can still stay there. now cuccinelli wasn't an ideal candidate. certainly mcauliffe wasn't an ideal candidate. >> bill bolling is seen by many in his party as a better chance to take on mcauliffe, but he dropped out. bolling never endorsed cuccinelli. yesterday he had strong negative words for his party. quote, there are clear lessons in these losses for the republican party. going forward we need to have an open and honest conversation about the future of our party. let me ask you, kathleen, you write a column which a lot of people see as a moderate point of view. how do you reconnect without paying a price. can you move to the center without alienating the really, wild, angry people who are justified in their anger, they believe, and don't want to see any quote, betrayal. that's the word they're always
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looking for. any signs moving to the center is seen as potential betrayal. >> that's the biggest problem for the republican party. they do have these purity tests they have been enforcing for years. however i do think there are people within the party and people in leadership and in washington who understand they have to change that somehow. chris christie and cuccinelli believe the same things, essentially, but the tone of the way christie delivers his message is all different. and by the way, he doesn't talk about these issues. i think the gop could take a lesson from the pope. saying we believe these things. we are conservative, but we're not going to hammer these people. that's the only way they'll survive, ever. >> it would be great to have you talk about it. >> yeah, i'm working on an interview with the pope now. so i'll let you know. >> me, too. who wouldn't love it.
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>> we're going to get it. >> the big thing is women and single people. single people are all democrats according to this polling. >> that's also a proxy for younger people. they're voting basically the same way they voted in 2012 and in -- >> aren't you amazed that democrats got a big turnout by african-americans, young people. this is an odd election year. and they got as good numbers. >> we thought this would be about the shutdown. that didn't show in the exit polls. in fact, obama care was a huge weight against the democrats. >> kathleen, thanks for joining us as always and dana milbanks who amazes me with his columns. and plagiarism. boy is it a problem. he can't get away from it. he lifted stuff from other people's writing and claimed it as his own.
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it was not his original writing. it was someone else's. he's still talking about footnotes and crap like that. his problem is he won't come to the truth on this. he has a problem of size. he looks very small. and this is "hardball," the place for politics. life could be hectic. angie's list saves me a lot of time. after reading all the reviews i know i'm making the right choice. online or on the phone, we help you hire right the first time. with honest reviews on over 720 local services. keeping up with these two is more than a full time job, and i don't have time for unreliable companies. angie's list definitely saves me time and money. for over 18 years we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today. she'and you love her for it.ide. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet
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him in the most flattering light. in a cnn interview yesterday he portrayed himself as they all do these days, as a victim. >> i think really the standard i'm being held to is a little different than everybody else. >> i don't know what standard you are talking about, except the one you should have been born with. in an interview today, senator paul asked do i have to be in detention for the rest of my career, referring to high school, and i'm being criticized for not having proper attribution, where they wrote stuff that in likelihood if they were in college, it would fail them. >> i think i'm being unfairly targeted by a bunch of hacks and haters. >> well, and today, "the washington times," a conservative paper where senator paul used to write a column, they ended their relationship with him because of the plagiarism, saying we expect our staff to take responsibility for an oversight in the column.
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and today, she co-wrote a paper today, james carl covers politics for "the journal," paul's home state paper. you check me on this. it is not about footnoting, although we should foot note. there is something more powerful here, it is taking sentences and lifting them and putting them in speeches and naming them. like in other words, you did the original composition. what are your thoughts? >> yeah, what rand paul fails to understand is what most high schoolers grasp. which is, you can't take something from wikipedia and claim it as your own. he personally makes a distinction, that he just got a
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little sloppy. >> what if somebody else wrote your speech for you and somebody else was worse than sloppy, was he worse than sloppy in managing his staff? where does the sloppiness not turn to character? >> well, we don't know what the inside is, we don't know how they're going to change it. the problem is he is trying to bring focus on the foot notes on the bottom of the page. that is not what people are talking about, they're talking about the rest of the page. >> you know what? i think he is trying to protect somebody else, senator rand paul is saying he will fix the problem, he is promising to fix the problem nobody else accused him of having. he keeps going off the ball here, here he is.
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>> what do you do, senator, to make sure something like that doesn't happen again? >> we're going to be much more specific and foot note it as if it were a college paper. i am working on a speech, for the citabel, 90% of my speeches never had foot notes. we'll now foot note everything. >> let's be clear, senator paul's problem is not a failure to provide foot notes or end notes, or anything of the kind. it is lifting other people's work, and claiming the original composition of the work is his. he keeps denying the charges, here is what he told "the new york times," trying to commit plagiarism, they would be dishonest. it would be plagiarism if i said this is a great idea for a movie, and this is a story called "gattica," nobody ever claimed that was his own. he is lifting a speech from
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gattica, directly verbatim, from wikipedia, of all things. it is written by amateurs, who knows what it is? if it is about you, you can tell it is dishonest, well, let's just say incorrect. >> a similar politic quotes similar things, the mayor said when i make a mistake, it is a beaut. we all make mistakes, why do you think he is fighting that? >> what is interesting to watch is sort of exactly that. his response has gone to first, he blames the hacks and haters, and challenged people to a duel. >> it is the search engine he is fighting. it is modern electronics that can search for engines that can search for similar writings. >> yeah, and i mean, he has been defiant. that is sort of his way. in the times interview, when he said i made a mistake.
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i'm going to start to foot note stuff if it makes people leave me alone. >> will this hurt him in kentucky? >> it won't probably hurt him in kentucky, and with the tea party people. i just talked to them. they laughed, they thought it was funny. this was not a problem for them. how he handles these kinds of issues, certainly telling in 2016. >> move or slap, let them do something else besides write your speeches. we'll be right back after this . [ grunts softly ]
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let me finish tonight with this, i loved election nights growing up. you get to see who wins and get to see the concession speeches, some of the best drama on television. i liked what both chris christie and my friend, terry mcauliffe said together about working across party lines because this is the only way we're going to get government to do its job in this country. we are not a one-party country. that may not be what some of us like, but it is the way it is. and growing up, with tip and the gipper, when politics worked, and my great boss, tip o'neill, knelt by his boss after the shooting. it is about fighting a good fight which we did in the years
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