tv All In With Chris Hayes MSNBC November 7, 2013 3:00am-4:00am EST
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with president reagan, it is about shared humanity, "tip and the gipper" it is in the stores right now and on amazon, of course. do me a favor and get a copy for yourself and for somebody who loves watching this show and much as i love doing it. thank you for joining us, on "hardball." "all in" with chris hayes starts now. good evening from new york, i'm chris hayes, chris christie spent the day basking in the glow of his resounding victory last night. but before we get caught up in what he called "the spirit of sandy" it is worth actually taking a look at the man's record. >> big news, big election results. >> big win for chris christie in new jersey, a boost for his presidential prospects. >> republicans are crowing about
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the big chris christie landslide in new jersey, as he prepares to become the national frontrunner for the 2016 race. >> was that a campaign speech for running for president in 2016? >> so chris christie is running on the theme "i can do it". >> chris christie emerged from last night's election as a frontrunner for the 2016 republican election. and he got there in no small part, thanks to hurricane sandy. but don't take our word for it. >> my pledge to you tonight is i will govern with the spirit of sandy. >> the spirit of sandy that christie evoked so many times last night is one thing. but the facts of the recovery are something else entirely. new jersey received billions of dollars in federal aid to rebuild, and 1.8 billion of that came from the u.s. department of housing and urban development to get people back in their homes.
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to get that money, christie promised that 60% of the funds would be reserved for low to moderate income households. right now, it appears that chris christie is breaking that promise. of course, we don't know for sure. >> fair share housing center, an advocate group says they're frustrated, and talks of the failure to provide the most basic documents, on why thousands of families have been denied the most basic necessaries since sandy. >> the christie administration has released no information on how the money is being spent. what we do know came out of a lawsuit that alleged that the christie administration is improperly holding data on the use of the funds, in response to that, they released documents on where the money went. 39% of that money went to the people christie promised he would give it to. the whereabouts of the rest of the billion dollars remains a
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total mystery. we do, however, know where an additional $25 million in sandy aid went, to a very well produced ad campaign, in fact, a whopping $7.4 million paid for this commercial. turns out the firm hired to run the campaign had been chosen over an advertising firm that had bid 40% less, but did not propose using the governor's family in the spot. >> jersey shore is open. >> we're stronger than the storm. >> you bet we are. >> right now, there are thousands of people still out of their homes a year after the storm hit. >> did you think when all this happened that a year later you would be in this condition? >> never. we honestly figured maybe six months and we would have a home. >> mortgage defaults are up over the past year in the sandy-hit areas.
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70% of the jersey residents hit by the storm say people like them have been largely forgotten in recovery efforts. for many people in new jersey, sandy was the worst thing that ever happened to them. for chris christie, it could have been the best. >> you see a mission is more than just a job, it is a sacred trust that was pushed upon me and you. >> chris christie has not just benefitted from a disaster, he is benefitting from a natural disaster made by his own administration's failure to repair. during his first term, christie de-funded the conservation, they found that new york city's transit plans for severe storms is detailed in five binders, each three inches thick. new jersey's plan? three and a half pages with everything blacked out.
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>> my pledge to you tonight is i will govern with the spirit of sandy. >> joining me now is a hurricane sandy survivor who lives in union beach, new jersey. she appeared in a barbara buono ad, did not work for the campaign. andrea, thank you for joining us. your home was destroyed by hurricane sandy, right? >> yes. >> and it is a year later, what is going on? >> right now, myself and my two boys and fiancee and dog are living in the trailer in my driveway, staring at an empty vacant lot. >> have you gotten help from the state? what is going on? >> we're still waiting for the rem grants, we were one of the preliminarily accepted for the grant, i filed for the grant an hour after the grant had opened on line. went in for the filing of the paperwork, i took three separate days off to go file the paperwork, sign the documents
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they requested. bring the same documents back a second, third time, sign them over and over, and just you know, haven't had any movement since beginning of august, end of september. >> the morning after sandy, and you woke up. you said it was a horrible night for you, you spent the night in your house in the beach. when you accounted for your loved ones, was there any part of you that thought a year later on the anniversary you would be in a trailer on that lot with the house still destroyed? >> no, no, i truly believed that the policies that we had paid for, that the government requires us to carry, i believe that they were going to protect us, take care of us, and do exactly what we paid for them to do. and i feel like you know, the federal government and the state government have fallen short of that. >> when chris christie gets up last night and he invokes the spirit of sandy and togetherness and people, political pundits and political observers from all
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over the country look at this guy, saying he is a star on the rise. and he brought new jersey back after sandy, how do you feel about that? >> it is very frustrating to me. it almost disgusts me in a sense, because of the fact that when he brags about all the people back in their houses, he neglects that the people broke the bank. they tapped into their 401(k)s, and retirement. they now have to work an additional 15 years to pay off the loans that bring them back into those houses. >> did the people on your block, the people that were really directly affected, do they feel the same way? is this a common feeling? >> yes, yes, my next door neighbors were weight lifted for the grants. they were not own preliminarily accepted. and they have a heartbreaking story just like my family. and they have a young daughter. and to be wait listed, for what reason? you say there is 15 million left
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over sandy funds that you can rebuild the system a second time, and you have people that are wait listed. why is that? >> and the governor -- the famous boardwalk, the jersey shore, sea side and sea side heights. it burned down famously, tragically, just a month after it was reopened and rebuilt. christie said he found another $15 million to rebuild that again. and your neighbor, waiting a year after sandy hits. i want to bring in msnbc contributor, joy reid, and pod cast majority reporter. i have to say it is one thing if you say look, chris christie ran on capping property taxes, and he capped the property taxes, and you may not like it but he did it. if he said my record was on new jersey capping taxes, we got it through.
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it is another thing entirely for your entirely political persona to be bound up in your help you give the people of new jersey, i have to say the more i look at this record, the more time i spend on reporting on it. >> as i listened to chris christie's acceptance speech last night, i was kind of fuming. chris christie has perfected this performance of being the great man of the people, that entrances the reporters, but his actual performance as governor doesn't marry up with the image. last night he talked about almost as if he was a marine, not leaving people on the beaches of normandy, well, he talked about his big achievement. well, darn it, he hugged people. people hugged him.
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it is a minimum standard for a governor to accept aid. he didn't do that. and he didn't hate barack obama in the process, he deserves credit for not hating barack obama. >> that is a low bar. >> it is a low bar, he cleared it. but this is so important, this is the first time i have actually heard broken down what did he actually do to earn this rapturous response from the media? >> yeah, i thought it was actually crazy, he is talking about the response after sandy which is actually people coming together after sandy. which again, i am not raining on. it is an amazing thing. >> it had nothing to do -- he had nothing to do with it. when he put together himself that it was his alchemy of him bringing together people suffering after the tragedy, and yeah, the one thing he could do, above and beyond the neighbors coming together, is to deliver the federal aid in a timely fashion, and he failed at that. >> is that how you feel, andrea? >> absolutely, i can't believe
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with the special election they found the money to fund this project, and you found the money, yet a year later you can't find the money to funnel the funds to people who need it. it is absolutely frustrating to me. and my voice is one of thousands of families. don't think that my story is unique. it is not. >> i was amazed by the polling, people affected, it is a huge disconnect. if you held a sandy survivor's election, chris christie might very well lose it. but chris christie will take the credit. it is not hard to be popular when you are handing out billions of dollars in federal money. this is not to say he should not be in a position, he should, the reaction was justified.
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nobody was questioning that. it is not the hardest thing in the world, joy reid, to be a popular politician when you are sitting on a huge federal budget piggy bank that you didn't have to raise, to dole out for political favors. >> yeah, the people, the face of a natural disaster can be a huge benefit. because the optics of a disaster, when a huge hurricane hits, for which the federal government is footing the recovery, you are the guy handing out the water and writing the checks. it appears from the outside you could have tremendous benefit. jeb bush benefitted, charlie crist benefitted. but the federal government shovels in the money. you just have to figure out how to allocate it. >> and andrea, you're sitting in a destroyed trailer a year after sandy hit.
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>> it is not just a question of optics, that money went somewhere, only a quarter of it. a third of it is accounted for. and you have the democratic challenger saying you know, these party bosses, essentially in the democratic state politics, for some reason they decided not to pursue what the policies they have always pursued. and frankly, i don't think it shocked anybody that the new jersey politics are transitional. >> i wanted to talk about the speculation, which didn't even wait until he had won. and the speech, and the greatest job ever, the speech like everybody else said, was an announcement speech. take a listen to chris christie. >> oh, please, it is such a burden about you speculating about me being a burden of the free world, stop, that is a huge ego to worry about that. it is a compliment. >> he is stoking it in his sort of narcissistic fashion.
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i think, it could be his bain capital. because at of end of it, did you do your job? and what did you do in your past? >> that speech last night was really for a bunch of cable hooves. america was not watching the speech. there are a lot of people in new jersey, the ones who have a real problem with what the reality of sandy is, they're not being heard obviously. that was there to start the narrative that other people will carry for him as he gets closer to 2016. and i think you're right. they will build on it, this could come back to bite him. >> thank you very much, andrea, good luck. and msnbc contributor, joy reid. thank you both for joining us. >> according to a uva study,
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we love hearing from you on facebook and twitter, last night, chris christie invoked the spirit of sandy. so my question for you is what would you say the spirit of chris christie is? tweet your answers or post -- post your answers at, stay tuned. we'll be right back. i saw my doctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron. the only underarm low t treatment that can restore t levels to normal in about 2 weeks in most men.
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. ken cuccinelli lost his bid last night to become the next governor of virginia, which may well be the end of his political career. but now the conservatives are doing the thing they always do after they get their butts kicked, trying to say that the loss is actually a win. >> what did you think of him almost taking the win? >> cuccinelli brought in his base and talked about the things that matter. because remember, he was the first person, the first attorney general to actually file on obama care, did a is great job of presenting it. and people remember that. >> this is an idea that conservatives latched onto. the race narrowed in final weeks, that really they should consider it a victory. and it narrowed because of the bang-up job that cuccinelli did. there is simply no evidence in
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the data that is true. take a look at the exit poll from virginia, 53% of them oppose obama care as opposed to the ones that support it. this graph is how they feel about it in new jersey, and virginia, and the last graph is how people feel about obama care nationally. it is all pretty much the same. essentially the same in new jersey, where the republican won in a landslide, as it did in virginia. they're about the same in the national means. which means it doesn't seem to be driving the vote. it is just a regular bipartisan split. but on monday, when marco rubio said this to a crowd? >> this is the first time people have a chance to speak clearly at the ballot box, about the impact this law is having on our lives and the economy. >> that is right. >> he was right about one thing, obama care was on the ballot in
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virginia, and obama care won. this is why, virginia governor opposed the expansion. he is not opposed to running it in the state. cuccinelli opposed it, calling the health care act, the unaffordable health care act. get it? meanwhile, terry mcauliffe supported it, even went so far to talk about the benefits of expanding medicaid during the campaign. >> beginning next year, 400,000 people in virginia will get access to quality, life saving care. number two, this is the law of the land, 29 states have agreed to accept it. some very conservative governors agreed to accept it. >> make no mistake, this was not a symbolic win for obama care, this was a very tangible win for more than 400,000 people in virginia who now stand a very good chance of getting health insurance. joining me now, "washington post" editor ezra klein.
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this is surprising where it pops up, a little unpredictable -- predictable on the democratic side, the democratic governors, it is a no-brainer. you would think it would be a no-brainer for everyone. it is not. what is your understanding of the politics of this a day after virginia? >> i don't think the politics have changed dramatically nationally, the question is simply who is in power. so as you say in virginia, terry mcauliffe supports the expansion, then as he says it is 400,000 people who get medicaid. and it is not just 400,000 people, there is actually an important point for it. there are tons of money, like a stimulus for virginia, for any state that accepts it. that is all federal government money. if they don't accept the expansion they wouldn't get it. if they do accept it, then they get it. this is the federal government dumping a truck of cash into
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virginia. and mcauliffe saying i want to do it. the virginia house of relationships have the speakership. they don't want to expand medicaid. this is an incredibly good deal for their state, you saw it in ohio, pennsylvania, and even florida, it doesn't always work to get it through legislature. but there is at some point, the republicans listening to the business industry and the health of their state saying okay, we'll take your free health care dump truck of money if you make us. >> the last point you made, very interesting, in florida, rick scott who was the former health care company ceo, that this is also very meaningful for all of the health care providers in a
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state, hospitals, chief among them, who tend to have a pretty good direct line to those state's governors. >> not only that, if they don't take the medicaid money the hospitals will be in a lot of trouble. the way the law works, all the groups will get the money from medicaid, ratcheting it back. if they don't get the money, you could see a lot of hospitals begin to buckle and close. so it is not just that you don't get the health care expansion, you make the lives worse, by the way, you make a lot of people seeking health care, their lives worse. there is a lot of anger and fear and regret of folks who had their health care, and are going to see the health care change. we'll see the couple of million folks in the individual market whose plans are going to change in the market. but you're talking about a vastly large group of people who could get health care who don't have it at all now. and there is no concern on the republican side.
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they don't have concern because of the people who can't get health insurance because they're poor, they just do because of the folks that will see their health care change. >> it is deeper than sort of the lack of concern and hypocrisy on the republican side. it is actually the fact that people who are losing their coverage right now who are getting the health insurance plan, we're seeing their names and faces, what they do for a living. i know them from the packages i have watched, from watching tv. the people are just faceless, they are a gesture. now i think there is a real imbalance the relative amount of people who are losing something have, and the people who are on the edge of getting something important have. >> there are two things colliding, one, sort of the human tendency to fear what we are losing more than what we're gaining. right?
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this is well founded behavior economics literature. it is always this way in politics. when something is changing or they're losing it, the reality of that. the tangibility of that far outweighs that which you're abstractly going to gain. they tend to be well off, not extremely well off, but could be 60, 70, or 80, otherwise they would be getting subsidies to help them out. and they do have political power. we have enormously good evidence that they simply do not care what the poor think. it does not hear them or listen to them. if you look at this, there is literally no relationship between the policy preferences of poor americans and what actually happens in the federal government. and so you have these folks that really need this help. but they are not politically powerful. and good at working their way through the bureaucracy or the political system to get it.
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and their interests don't count as much, particularly now when they don't even know what they're supposed to be getting. >> and i am a terry mcauliffe skeptic, his first big step is can he get this through? washington post, msnbc contributor, ezra klein. >> everybody knows that homosexuality is wrong, i consider this pro-family and pro-family. >> that was the tea partier running for congress in alabama, he did about as well as the rest of the tea party did last night. i'll explain ahead.
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last night was the first election night since the tea party waterloo we know as the government shutdown. they got their way with that shutdown, they brought substantive government functions to a halt, costing the u.s. economy $24 billion, and drove the gop to historically low approval ratings. there was an open question going through last night about how the tea party would fare in the first election since that debacle. we now know the answer was not well. the big one, was ken cuccinelli, who lost the winnable state. and there was the tea party
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warning about what is going to happen to them with elections. there was a runoff in the republican nomination and a special election to replace a congressman who resigned to take another job. that race, with bradley burn, and nearly nominated in 2010, against this guy, who comes across as a drunk liberal stand as a tea party caricature, he was asked which country do you admire? he said i'm not a big traveller, so i don't know. and question, where was barack obama born? young, that is what we call the $64,000 question, i have no idea. but when pushed for an answer, he replied, kenya. here he is, by losing by 5 points.
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>> the establishment republicans did everything they could, they poured all their money into it. and they barely, barely beat you guys. this is the first warning shot that goes out across the nation that people in the united states are tired of where our government is going. and i thank god for all of you. >> have to give him credit for this. the tea party faithful losing is always still a win. and then there is the coke brothers' attempts to buy the town. the group americans for prosperity was calling voters and knocking on their doors, denouncing the town's growing debt. all to defeat the democratic lawmakers, but two democratic incumbents were elected to the city council, along with a democratic newcomer, elected mayor. he received congratulations from joe biden.
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and then there is this guy, the commissioners of 11 counties in colorado, to secede from colorado to form the 51st state, their issues involving the oil and gas production to social issues. here are some of the residents speaking out. >> they have no idea what real americans are really like, how hard we work. >> there were gun laws passed that went against our way of life. >> we do not want the government to take care of us. we don't want to live in a nanny state. >> marijuana, gay marriage, in my opinion are issues of the left tweaking conservatives. >> here is one of the secession movement leaders sean conway. >> we're facing next year the probability of having a statewide fracking ban on the ballot. when i say our very way of life is under attack, that is what
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i'm talking about. >> sounds like they want to get out from under the thumb of the big government, big city liberals. and yet, only five of the 11 counties approved the measure on the secession, six counties rejected it. when residents were asked to raise their hand if they intended to actually vote for secession, almost no one did, there were a few maybes. it may seem a low bar that in 2013 a secession vote pushed by the angry right-wingers failed. but after the shutdown and all the craziness, man, these days i will take it.
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give the former labor leader a call. only problem, he called this marty wall, the boston globe, you son of a gun, you did it. he let him down easy, for a dime a dozen in boston, i probably know a lot of martys. he got a call from congresswoman schultz. but it brought back memories of the joe biden headlines, like joe biden shows up to the inauguration with a pony tail. and government in action, only moments after the members of the legislature celebrated the passage of the marriage equality bill. when the state representative put the law to the test, carrying an engagement ring with
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him just so if the law passed he would propose to his partner. this happened minutes after he showed up to the celebration. >> i wanted to take an hour to tell the second-storey. i love that you care more about other people than yourself. i love you so much i want to spend the rest of my life with you. >> oh, my god! >> they plan to marry next summer when the law takes effect. congratulations to the couple and the entire state. and the third most awesome thing on the internet today, people are finding out what we already knew, the admitted crack-smoking mayor in canada is entertaining. he got more from steven colbert and the other comics. >> i am personally inspired by
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the mayor's admission to come clean about my own mistakes. have i ever smoked crack? yes, but that was in the past. >> and today, the wrestling legend paid a visit to the city to challenge the mayor to an arm wrestling contest. but of all the ones that brought down the house, gawker provided the best photos of rob ford that you will ever find. photos that look like -- oh, boy, and yikes. let's leave that one up a little longer, because it is a masterpiece. there is proof that a photo exists where rob ford is not the biggest goof ball in it.
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electorate. who comes out to vote. if you want an illustration of just how important that is, look no further than virginia, in 2011, president obama beat mitt romney. a year later, you had two completely different circumstances for a totally different office but for the same results. the democrat won by three percentage points. this, despite the fact the candidates were in no way similar. the glad-handing mcauliffe, a year before he spent time attacking him in the primary. and ken cuccinelli is a soldier's warrior, in a way that the pro-choice mitt romney never was. forget what you might have heard from the most important elections are not about obama care or the ads or the candidates themselves. they're about who came out to vote. and understand that helps us understand the defining question of progressive politics looking
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forward. will the obama coalition remain intact when barack obama himself is no longer on the ballot. joining me, professor of sociology, the author of going solo, surprising appeal of living alone. columnist and progressive activist. i want to begin with you, your book is excellent. we talked about it before. here are the splits, married and unmarried, which are just remarkable splits, out of virginia, married women went for cuccinelli. he wins married women, but loses unmarried women 67-25. with men, married men, he loses unmarried women, not as big as unmarried women. the single person, married person divide in electoral
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politics trumps almost any other divide. >> that is right, i'm glad we talked about it. this is one of the biggest changes in modern american history. we now have about half of all adults, single voters, single people. that is about 100 million people. and we know that single women, in particular, have a strong preference for democratic candidates. they're interested in gun control and interested in funding for public education. they're interested in reproductive rights. and there is another significant thing given the odiousness of some of the candidates, which is you can really turn off the voters by grandstanding on the old values system. >> interesting. and part of this, two things you look at in the sub categories, what are the margins and how many of them are there? and eric's book turned me on to that, that category of person is
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growing. you can't lose a category that is a growing category by 45 points. >> the category is growing, and actually under-represented at the polls, some of the lowest turnouts which is really unfortunate. one of the interesting things, what is the psychology of single women, including myself. and it is more about being a security voter than a freedom voter. and she really sort of laid that out. right? the idea that women who were single, they don't have the family, the home, the husband to take care of them, two incomes, or wife, thank you very much. but they also tend to not live -- move a lot more and not have as much religious affiliation. so that actually some of the kitchen table economic issues are really really -- >> you are more exposed to disruption and risk if you are living single than if you are living with someone else, simply
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earlier in the show we asked you what christie's spirit was, and we got a ton of answers posted to our facebook and twitter accounts, including diane seum's case, saying he is similar to rudy giuliani, politicalizing the storm. he is now "mr. sandy." and matt says the spirit of chris christie is a fleece jacket with his name and title on it.
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>> just one, there is a split with single women and single men still trending for republican candidates. and the thing is, single men are insecure also and need the welfare state as much as anyone. they're more likely to be lonely, and subjected to all the whims of poverty. >> i am glad you brought up the single men, because the male/female split got a ton of attention in the early exit polls. you have basically what always happens every election, which is the republican wins men, the democrats win women. and it is a question of what they look like, in the case of terry mcauliffe, they were sizeable, 51 to 42. there was a degree of strategy, really nailing ken cuccinelli on his very, very extreme views on the reproduction, which actually seemed to be sort of the winner here.
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>> i'm glad we're focusing on virginia, because frankly, people are losing the fact that as much as any problem, christie was anti-choice, but the difference, he is sort of an aberration in the republican party, he could be caught sleeping with a blow-up doll and get away with it. it is literally hurting them in the polls with the growing demographics, as well as other demographics, young people, people of color, you cannot have a winning political strategy in this country anymore if you're alienating the parts of the base that are growing the fastest. if they don't do something, in 20 years we'll be a one-party country. >> there is another really important part of this when we talk about gender, when you break down gender by race, you get something more revealing. mcauliffe wins black women, 91 to 7%, white women are won by cuccinelli.
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i said this a bunch, said it on air, a bed rock truth is that anything good that happens in american politics, the corner stone for that good thing happening, the electoral corner stone, are the black women. they are the corner stone electorate consistency on the elections. when they talk to pollsters, they're the most progressive in terms of their views. and they turn out. democrats need to understand, everybody needs to understand this fact. >> and there will be more of them, whereas there will be fewer and fewer more white men in the electorate going forward, it is just a fact. >> heather, i'm curious to hear you talk about this. the big question, can you get the obama electorate without barack obama? if you project out demographically, the nation is
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getting less white in this sort of multi-racial multi-gender preferenced coalition that he has built. you can only -- check this out. the 2012 or 2013 electorate based on age in virginia, here is exactly the problem. in 2012, the presidential, you get 18 to 29-year-olds making up 90% of the electorate? last night, 13%, the 44-year-olds, last night, 23%. the two electorates drop off, the two oldest demographics go increase. that is a problem, when you have stuff like that, what you get is 2010. >> it was very interesting, and there is a really great piece on this. what saved mcauliffe, actually, was the young vote went down but the black vote stayed the same. i think it is pretty remarkable with 2012, with the president at the top of the ticket, you had 20% of the african-americans
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being at the top of the vote. >> some ask because you have a black president, is it the fluke of obama being president. and i think the evidence shows, not necessarily. >> time will tell, there is also the issue of off elections. and there is the reality of what we see, which is in part, driving black young voters and driving single voters. is the fact that this is not 2010. in 2010, the tea party looked vaguely moderate. they were the economic back lash movement -- >> well, they were sort of a stand-in for something. >> some said there were viable grievances. but 2012, they had fully emerged with a traditional social wing of the conservative party that will continue to turn off the demographics. >> one problem, you talk about young voters and single voters is that they tend to move around more.
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a fact, married households, that is a big problem. you have to register to vote. >> they get caught in the red tape. >> on the other hand, the other cities, what we see in new york, boston, a bunch of cities in play for two political parties, are solidly democratic. let's not forget about this big news, we're seeing urban areas move in potentially power house directions. this is being swept up into the demographic change we're discussing here. >> and every time you watch virginia state return, same thing, southwest part of the state comes in red, they come in first, very high. as you creep up north, more urban areas, where you have younger people you see the margins start to come up. right there, that story is the story of the current coalitions in a nutshell. heather mcgee, and columnist, sally kohn. thank you for joining us.
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