tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC November 7, 2013 10:00am-11:00am EST
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good morning. i'm chris jansing. this morning a return to social issues. next hour an influential republican senator will roll out a bill to ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy. lindsay graham will be holding a news conference with pro-life groups at 11:30. an identical bill has passed the house and republicans insist the polls are on their side. a quinnipiac poll shows they approve in the 20-week limit. waiting for issues didn't seem to work on election day in virginia. abortion ranked third among the top issues in that race. 20% saying it was the most important thing to them, but among voters who said it was their top issue, they went for the democrat, terry mcauliffe over republican ken cuccinelli and not by a little bit, by 25 points. so democrats think they, not the gop, are on the winning side of this argument.
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>> ken cuccinelli as a disciple of the tea party leadership has obsessively focused on government invasiveness in women's health care. >> women have had it with this stuff. i was in kansas a couple of days ago and women were standing up for their right to make up their own mind and not have a whole group of people which is the right wing of the republican party essentially to put them back in the kitchen where they were 150 years ago. >> i want to bring in our company bob herbert. amanda turkle and senior reporter for "the huffington post." marco rubio was going to sponsor this bill and instead it's lindsay graham who has taken the lead. why go back to social issues in general and abortion in particular. >> lindsay graham is often called a republican in name only. he's often seen as a moderate by the more conservative wing of the republican party and he's
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facing reelection. so this bill is really a political move to shore up his base and try to get a lot of conservative support. the risk is that when republicans have run on these social issues dealing with women's health and sort of saying that gays shouldn't have equal rights in marriage, in the workplace, republicans have not done well and you don't have to look very far. just look to the 2012 elections when you had people like todd aiken. so this is a risky strategy for lindsay graham. it could play well with his base and it could alienate independents and women. >> it seems to be that the democrats are not very worried about this. in fact, terry reed says he's hoping to bring this up for a vote. republicans embrace this bill at their own peril, but i wonder if there is a risk when you look at that poll that we showed and they put 42 senators as pro-choice and 46 on the other side. >> i think there is a risk for
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the republicans here. they continue to look extreme. they look anti-woman, and, you know, for most americans the abortion issue is settled. democrats are not trying to expand abortion rights. so, you know, most people, i think, do have a problem with abortion in this country, with but they want the majority of americans want abortion to be legal. they want limits around it and the limits are in place, so i think the republicans are pushing the issue and i think that politically it's not a good strategy for them. >> we did see, to some extent a reaction of social views in virginia and they pointed out, he was not only anti-abortion, but he supported invasive ultrasounds and the person who had some form of birth control. does the abortion issue stand on their own, or do you think he was viewed as more extreme because of other things. >> it was in large part because
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of the abortion issue, but also the other things. the republican party and even ken cuccinelli wanted to talk about the economy and jobs, but for women they think i may agree with you on economic issues, but i can't get past the fact that you want to take away many of my reproductive rights and just because you don't want to talk about it doesn't mean you don't still hold those positions and that's where the republican party has had so much trouble reaching out to gayses and lesbians, african-american and latino and women. the message isn't getting across, because on these issues the republicans are not supporting their rights. >> they've got abortion at the heart of it it and that's wendy davis running for governor in dallas and she did the filibuster with her pink tennis shoes and it brought her into a national profile. we saw the texas legislature pass that very strict abortion bill and it is a red state. is there anything to be learned from wendy davis or --
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>> i think so. look at the attention. look at the attention that she got and then the pushback in texas which you would think of the tendencies, the thing of it is as a right-wing state. there was a lot of support for her and her filibuster in texas. there is a shift in this country on social issues. the country is becoming far more tolerant. it doesn't mean that people are in favor of abortion and it doesn't mean that people don't want to go backward on these soesh issues. >> let me bring in terry o'neal. good morning. >> good morning. it has seemed to me and i've covered a lot of elections that there has always been this passion and almost an evangelical fervor on the side of the right when it comes to the abortion issue, but in the end people rarely seem to vote on it in a way that really was significant, but when you see 20% of people in those exit polls in virginia who say a
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abortion is their number one issue and mcauliffe wins by 25 points and we're looking at a race that's only two or three points apart in the final analysis, do you sense a change? is it just virginia or is it something that you see broadening that goes to 2014 and 2016, as well? >> you know, chris, i think it goes to 2014 and 2016. this is happening state by state by state, and this is why i think the virginia elections when with we start unpacking the exit polling it really is going to be important. the reality is that women voters care about issues. they care about policy, and put that reality together with another reality, one in three women will have an abortion by the age of 45. it is a common and necessary aspect of women's reproductive health care services. so when you have a ken cuccinelli that wants to create fetal personhood that would criminalize birth control, and
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it's not appropriate or necessary in order for a woman to vashgs borgz care. that's the kind of thing where women and voters are waking up and saying, you know, we need to defeat these people and we need to put people in place who will understand women's everyday lives and that involves access to the full range of reproductive health care services. >> i'm sure you've seen this that lindsay graham calls this pill the pain-capable unborn child protection act. this is what he said to politico. the government has a legitimate interest in protecting the unborn child over the 20-week period because they are capable of feeling pain and the scientific evidence is overwhelming. you add to that statement the quinnipiac poll will that 55% agree with the 20-week limit. do you have a fight on your hands here? are you concerned this could pass. >> i'm deeply concerned about it. the evidence is clearly not overwhelming and there is no evidence that a fetus feels pain. the 20-week abortion plan is a
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challenge. it is's request to the supreme court to overturn roe versus wade. it can stop abortions only after viability. 20 weekses is well before viability, and the best science seems to say right now that if you can ban abortion at 20 weeks, that's well pre-viability, why not 15? why not 6? why not two? why not criminalize all abortion all together? and that, there's no logical difference between 20 and 15 and 6. lindsay graham, cuccinelli, ted cruz can try to dress this up as somehow not being an extremist tea party-driven attack on women's access to reproductive health care, but the thing is that women are paying attention to the actual policy and they know. lindsay graham never woke up and we're about missing a period and
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plenty of women do and they know what's going on. >> we talked about 2015 and 2016 and one of the things i hear a lot is as a result of the resurgence of this issue and something again, for a lot of conservatives never went away that this is going to be a huge, motivating factor in the growth fund game because they're very concerned about the supreme court that the overriding issue for them beyond the economy is going to be the supreme court. how do you see that playing out in 2016? >> honestly, i think that plays out to women's benefit. i do think that the country is steadily moving to becoming a center left country especially on social issues and the more the right wing attacks women's access, the more women voters will be going to the polls on that issue as we saw happened in virginia, and i think it's important to understand. i think a lot of politicians don't get this. if you look at all of the restrictions over the years that have been placed on abortion care, it's not possible to just
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pluck out abortion from women's reproductive health care. they are shutting down health clinics with abortion. that means no birth control and no access to sexually transmitted disease cleanings. there's no such thing as the law so far that just stops abortion. it stops the whole range of women's reproductive health care services. we go and get those services. so the more the right wing focuses on abortion, i think the more they're going to lose. >> terry o'neal. thanks so much. >> i want to bring in bob and amanda and switch gears and talk about obama will care because there was a big meeting over obama and what's been going on and that has a big potential to be a political problem indicated
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hooz a little bit worried about his job. take a listen. >> i've been pretty vocal about the concerns i've had. they've heard me more than once on this issue so it was good to have an opportunity to talk to the president. spoo bo >> bob, if you were a fly on the wall, how can you imagine that conversation went? >> i think the president must have been pretty uncomfortable. democrats in the house and senate do have reason to be concerned with the off-year elections coming up. not only has this -- has the rollout been disastrous, but republicans are just going to be pounding that theme of the president saying to the country if you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan. you will hear that until you're sick and tired of it and people respond to that on a visceral level because there was no wiggle room in it. so the democrats have to worry about the botched rollout and then you have to worry about the adds with the president's comments in it and then you have
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to worry about the substance of it even if they get the website fixed because no one knows whether or not young people will come in to make this law viable so that remains to be seen, as well. >> we saw the the president, amanda, in texas yesterday acknowledging that he had that the website was trouble, but strongly defending the law. here's the president. >> one of the things that sometimes ges me a little frustrated although i understand it because i'm in politics is folks who are complaining about how the website's not working and why isn't obama fixing this and all of the people are unensured and yet they're leaving a million people right now without health insurance that they could immediately fix. there's not a lot of logic. >> a lot of the democrats i talk to they do believe this is going to get fixed and if it does get
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fixed that that part of it will go away and the concern is to the third point bob had which was did they get enough young people on this website and sign up for the programs to make it work economically. what's your take on what the potential political fallout is at this point? >> democrats don't want this to be 2009 again when the tea party came out of the forest and there were all of these town halls in 2009, pressuring democrats and putting them on the defensive and that's what they're afraid of going into the the 2014 elections. you largely saw a 2012 democrat. it's law. look at all of the young people who get to stay in their parents' plan. republicans are sort of seizing this and using this just to attack democrats, day after day after day and making it hard for democrats to get their other messages across and democrats are rightly frustrated and they want the administration to meet
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them in the middle and we are out there defending the law and you need to get things fixed so that we're not getting attacked every day. >> today is the day when you get to buy your piece of the the company that turned the pound sign into the #. seven years, seven months and 17 days after the first tweet was sent out into the world, twitter is going opinion lech. the ipo goes opinion lech with shares starting at $26, but it could go higher. we'll have more ahead on "what's moving your money. at 6'7" he led the 76ers into the record books. we'll sit down with the legendary dr. j. and his new book isn't just about basketball. ♪
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>> new reports out this morning say that the cia has been paying at&t for access to international phone records belonging to terror suspects. it's the latest government spying tactic that stretches beyond just the national security agency which, of course, s been under heavy fire. what, if any, changes can we expect? california's democratic congressman adam schiff is a member of the house intelligence committee. good morning, congressman. >> good morning, chris. >> i wonder what you think about this and what sense of how big the operation is and how many international phone records the cia has been accessing. >> i can't comment on that specifically, and i think senator feinstein has exactly the right approach and that is to do a wholesale review of our programs overseas, we have a lot less transparency on some of the programs that were under the executive order 12333 and then we have under the domestic
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programs and the situation is that our growth and capability over the last decade or two has really dwarfed, i think, the analysis that should have gone along with it and in the sense are all these programs desirable? do they have to have the magnitude that they do? what kind of results are they bearing? many of the overseas operations we do bear enormous fruit ask n and not only that, they do protect our allies and sometimes the allies benefit the most because we're able to tip them off on plots involving their capitals and their transportation systems, but they're a cost, too, as we saw in the whole flap over the alleged eavesdropping on chancellor merkel's phone. so i think we have to have a broad rethink of our intelligence policies abroad and restructuring on the purposes here at home. when you take this at&t thing, it is a bit different amid the edward snowden disclosures
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because a lot of companieses as a result of that cried foul, but in this case, this surveillance is done voluntarily in other words, with the cooperation and the agreement of the company like at&t. does that make a difference some. >> well, if the allegations are true, it does make a difference, but probably from the point of view of the american people and their privacy interests and the privacy interests of those overseas, it doesn't matter whether to them, it's a matter of agreement with a company or whether it's under the supervision and approval of the court. the privacy interests are still the same. i do think that the private companies both the internet companies and the telephone companies, et cetera are awful and an impossible situation where they're trying to do business overseas. they need to have the confidence of people overseas. all of these leaks are jeopardizing their business. they want to be good citizens and they want to be good
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patriots and they want to comply with the law and they're given lawful court orders and subpoenas and they're in a possible situation, and that's one of the things we need to consider as we evaluate the programs and what's the economic impact as well as the national security impact and a different frame that we have to put these through than we have in the past and this review is probably well overdue, but i do have great sympathy for what the private companies are going through because we have these impossible, competing demands. >> you and the chairman of the house intelligence committee mike rogers have had some back and forth and on sunday he said the threat of al qaeda attacks are very real and the political posturing is clouding that. let me play that. >> it is the nsa, the cia and others charged to make sure that zero of them happen here. zero. that's our standard. so what we've asked them to do is go out and collect information. every politician and washington
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and every democrat are seized up by the partisanship and can't wait to put out a press release. >> in addition to that, let me say, congressman, i was handed a piece of paper from a hearing that was going on in the uk and the head of the british intelligence chief just said at that hearing apparently, al qaeda is lapping up edward snowden's spy leaks. britons are writhing their hands with glee. >> first of all, i agree with the point that al qaeda remains very dangerous and these franchises pose a continuing and very real threat. so we have to be aggressive in going after them, but that's not an excuse for structuring programs in a way that unnecessarily intrude on our privacy or that aren't as efficient and effective as they can be. so i don't think it's simple enough to say al qaeda is still a threat, therefore carte blanche of the intelligence
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community. we have a responsibility that everything we do is cop stushl and effective and it is structured in a way that minimizes any unnecessary intrusion on the the policy. another disagreement is this is not a partisan issue. there are a great many republicans who equally take issue and some of the leadership of the effort to restructure the data program has come from gop quarters. so it's not a democrat versus republican and the lines actually cross cut in many interesting ways but i do think we have an obligation beyond simply saying there are threatses out there, therefore we give the intelligence community complete say over what goes on. that's not what the american people want. they want a balance between security and privacy and they don't want unnecessary intrusions on our privacy in the name of security. >> democratic congressman schiff, thank you very much. always good to have you on the program. >> thanks, chris. as thepushes forward
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to combat sexual reports. there were more than 3500 sexual complaints reported to the chain of command. that's just in the first three quarters of the fiscal year and it's up almost 50% over last year. we should say that these are the assaults that have been reported, a straight survey of active duty men and women found 26,000 sexual assaults in 2011 alone.
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there was a major tea party defeats in tuesday night's gubernatorial results. from virginia, mcauliffe beat ken cuccinelli. a record breaking landslide without a trace of tea party support. where does the tea party stand? joining me now, former democratic congressman, david frost and former house speaker to john boehner. good morning, gentlemen. >> good morning. >> let me read to you from today's "washington post." mike murphy, a gop strategist who sides with the establishment wing of the party. and christie is a how-to manual
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and virginia is a not how to manual. do you agree? >> the outcome speaks for itself. clearly, governor christie did very well and it helps when you successfully governed and you've shown that your policies work and then you're running for reelection. to a large degree he had a huge advantage going into the race. in the situation with virginia, while certainly troubling, republicans will spend time looking at this. cuccinelli's margin of loss was about the same of what mitt romney's was ask slightly smaller than george allen's loss to tim cane in 2012. so i think while certainly the tea party dynamic has created some difficulties. i think a larger reassessment in terms of how does a party win a majority and develop a majority coalition is another thing that republicans need to face and address. >> usa today talk about the turning tea party into a smear. the failure of tea party with
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the candidates in tuesday's election show the democrats have been successful in making the tea party a negative for r republicans even if it is know always clear what tea party means. would the candidates reading victory into the tea party would be celebrating prematurely? the problem for the tea party is that they've been captured by extreme elements of social conservatives and so you wind up with candidates who are against rape -- excuse me, against abortion even in the case of rape and incest who make weird staples like legitimate rape and so that all gets mushed together. if the tea party can somehow find candidates who just talk about economic issues and don't take wacky positions on social issues, they could still be a force, but for whatever reason those two movements have been merged together. the economic elements of the tea party and the social conservative elements in the republican party and so the
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democrats are able to say these tea party candidates are too extreme. it's interesting. they're not a party. they're a movement within a party and they don't have discipline. if they have discipline and they can run economic conservatives they can still be a very strong force. >> the tea party was founded with that narrow focus. they want stronger government and lower debt. has that been lost and at their peril and the peril of the entire republican party or is it the opposite way around that serve the tea party ways and have hurt the republican party generally? i think you have different threads of the tea party. >> as mark was suggesting, you have this component that is sort of focussed on the social issue side, but you have a lot of economic conservatives who became tea party folks and i point out to christine nome, the
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individuals that came to washington and tried to do things with them. what you're watching is watching a movement that's gone in a variety of different directions. the question is which one becomes the dominant one and that's not clear at this point. >> if i can, congressman, a republican ran against a tea party candidate in a congressional runoff and won. just one example, but do you see those challenges coming up? >> i think they will. the question is how much money is the establishment wing of the republican party willing to put into individual races. it's one thing to influence a congressional race and that's a small voting population. a couple hundred dollars could make a big difference. it's much harder for the republican establishment to influence the outcome. >> congressman martin frost and david winston, good to see you guys. >> pleasure. checking the news feed, the nfl is naming an independent investigator to find out what's been happening inside the miami dolphins locker room. huge debate erupted after
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charges that guard richie incognito bullied teammate jonathan martin leaving him hate-filled phone messages that included the "n" word. many are defending incognito saying the two were friends. was yasser arafat poisoned? they found the the palestinian leader's bone had 18 times the normal level of the radioactive poison polonium 210. they add that's something you don't accidentally or voluntarily absorb. palestinian leaders blame israel who deny any role in arafat's death. we've all seen the video of an asteroid exploding over russia last winter. we should expect to see events like this more often. maybe every decade or two. expect a rash of further apocalyptic hollywood. blockbuster goes bust. cnbc's mandy drury is here with what's moving your money.
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let's start with twitter about to start trading on the new york stock exchange. what's the timeline here? >> it should be any minute now. we're obviously just waiting and i'm keeping an eye on the breaking news ticker right here. the twitter's opening price is indicating $45.50 to $46.50 right now. the ipo price last night obviously at $26 bucks. so we're expecting a pop at the open here. i have just one stat for you, chris, and that is if the shares started trading at 42 bucks that would be an over 60% jump from the $26 initial public offering price as i said, that was given yesterday. the ipo values twitter at over $14 billion. that would make it, chris, the second largest internet offering here in the united states behind facebook's ipo last year and that was 16 billion and it's even ahead of google's ipo all of the way back to 2004 and the nyse has done everything it can to make sure that the debut goes smoothly. they do not want a face-book
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style debut which admittedly was on the nasdaq and one of the reasons why they chose the nyse and the ceo of twitter, dick costelo told us on cnbc that investors should not be concerned about the current lack of profits because it's part of the plan to invest for the long term. >> let's talk about the long-term plans of blockbuster changing. they were the undisputed ring of video rentals and they're closing down the remaining stores. >> it's really sad, isn't it? all of those family nights we were sitting around watching a rented movie. they will close the remaining 300 stores and its dvd by mail, will also shut down by mid-december. dish network, that's blockbuster's parent company and obviously, it was a very hard decision and they're going to see value in the blockbuster brand and they'll have digital options and i'm just keeping an eye here and we still have no opening yet for twitter. waiting for the first trade.
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>> cnbc's mandy drury. thank you. when this does happen many people are going to get rich. if you're wondering who, peter curry at netscape should make $7.5 million. adam bane who helped double revenues $44 million. former stand-up comic, dick costello should be smiling, about $190 million coming his way. the guy that sent the very first tweet, look at this $586 million and the founder of the microblogging juggernaut, ed williams should walk away from the ipo with more than $1.4 billion. and up next, the legendary, the one and only dr. j has a new autobiography and we'll talk to him about it after a break. the day we rescued riley was a truly amazing day.
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his airness, michael jordan, was there dr. j. >> julius erving explodes! >> way back to the slam dunk! watch the doctor! >> unbelievable! julius irving! >> the game really went vertical with julius irving one of the greatest basketball players of all time. he's out with a new memoir entitled "dr. j, the autobiography" there is plenty of intrigue of his illustrious basketball career, playing with the like of larry bird and magic johnson and there's the story of growing up in the projects on long island and brutally frank stories of his personal life. i'm joined by julius irving. i thought the book was fascinating and i think i'll ask you about things i think other
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people haven't. you grew up in an era of sweeping civil rights changes and you write about the racism you encountered and what was it like to be such an emerging star at such a tumultuous time. >> first, thank you for having me. a pleasure to be here with you. during that time for me, i felt like i was pulled in a lot of different directions and i had to make certain decisions. i guess, for me, because of my family being christian, growing up in a baptist church it was very easy to follow the preachings and teachings of dr. martin luther king, so that became my path. i was going to follow his teaching and i was not going to be distracted by a lot of the other leaders of the civil rights movement and the methodology with which they wanted to deal with the civil rights moment. >> you really talk a lot about your mother and her influence on you and in hthat context, one o
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the details is your sexual exploits and you write, quote, there is something wrong about how i treat women. when i went on that run of eight women in eight days it left me feeling like i had failed at something. it was in some ways a disappointment to my mother. i was struck that you recount seeing where a veteran player is counseling you how to resist temptation and it turns out he wasn't doing such a good job of it either and tell us about the influence of your mother and your life and how that played into the temptations. >> mom was mom and dad. my father and mother separated after the birth of my brother. i was kind of like the man of the house and i had a sister, a mom and a little brother and i think that sent me on a path of not letting me be the disappointment. i didn't want to do anything that was going to make her life tougher. i thought it was hard enough
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with playing both of those roles and being a sole provider for her and her three children. in terms of decisions that i made during life. yeah, i didn't always have the counsel of the father or an uncle or a male figure. a lot of things i had to figure out myself. >> you also arrived in philadelphia to play with the sixers and you developed quite a social life there. bill cosby was around a lot, arthur ashe and patti labelle. >> teddy pendergrass. >> what was that group like? >> well, the group was like the people of the moment and in the '70s, you know, music was big and obviously entertainment in general was big so if you had a chance to socialize with the people of that ilk in light of the things that were happening in the country with the tvietna war and the civil rights unrest, we had a lot of discussions and we had a lot of open and candid discussions and we influenced one another. i would always bring my
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viewpoint and certainly i would be willing to listen to the others. >> your life has been a roller coaster. you've had these tremendous highs, obviously, incredible success on the court and like everyone else, difficulties off the court. you lost a very close friend of yours who was a fellow basket player and you lost one of your children and as a result your marriage broke up. what was the highest of the highs and the lowest of the lows. >> i think when my brother died when i was a teenager. i was a freshman in college so it really set me on a course of understanding that my dad's gone. my brother's gone, but their spirit is with me, so it gave me an extra degree of strength and courage and confidence like i was moving as three people versus just moving as one person when challenges came and especially the sports challenge. i always felt like they were with me. when my son passed it was almost just the opposite. it was just a blank period for
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maybe the better part of two years in dealing with the grief and -- and the misery associated with it, but i refused to be defeated by misery. misery is an option. after pulling out of that, unfortunately, it was a dealbreaker and my wife and i became the statistic after we lost corey. >> but the high points, were they on the court? >> the high points were truly highs. the birth of all the children, you know? those are highs. those are highs that you can only share with people who have children. people who don't have it, they don't know. so those are the ultimate highs and the other ultimate high, winning championships in the aba. >> what is that on your finger some. >> that's a hall of fame ring. >> 1993. that's a bruty. >> that was one of the highs, too. but i think sweeping the lakers in '83 for us it was removing the skeletons from the closet. we'd been there three times in six years and failed and now we
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were successful. so -- >> there are a lot of fascinating basketball in this, but a lot of other stuff, too, that kept my attention. dr. j. what a pleasure to have you in. good luck with the book. >> thank you, chris. >> today's tweet of the day came from msnbc's own craig melvin. he writes about today's ipo. dear twitter, you've been solid through the years. i hope money doesn't change you. good luck this morning. you'll do fine. and almost all that growth is going to be in cities. what's the healthiest and best way for them to grow so that they really become cauldrons of prosperity and cities of opportunity? what we have found is that if that family is moved into safe, clean affordable housing, places that have access to great school systems, access to jobs and multiple transportation modes then the neiborhoobegins to thrind trealea off the oxygen of community redevelopment is financing. and all this rebuilding that happened
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the twitter verse is on fire today with the highly anticipated ipo of twitter. time for the reputation report. jansing & company's weekly look at what's hot and what's not according to social media. here with an exclusive analysis howard bragman, vice chair of and chairman of 15 minutes public relation. biggest tech ipo since facebook. no surprise, twitter is trending up, but when you dig deep what
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do you find? >> it is a little surprising because the tech markets can be cynical in the facebook. there was a lot of anticipation and a lot of excitement and it didn't do nearly as well as people anticipated, but what we learned is the twitter people have looked at facebook, what went wrong and making sure that didn't happen. so social media has spoken very positive and now we get to see what the stock market says. we just this second heard this opened at $45.10. >> chris christie wins second term as new jersey governor and raises potential of 2016 presidential candidate. he's trending up, but what else? >> when we dig deeper we put filters on and one of the filters is an ethical filther. we're almost calling him down and he's almost two to one down when we put the filters on. we think the reason is twofold. one, certainly the democrats have lots to criticize with chris christie, but even his own
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party. we saw rand paul criticize him yesterday talking about the ad he was in for the sandy recovery and how he didn't think that was ethically right. you know, so social media is basically saying we think he's kind of a big target out there as opposed to a big winner. >> finally, hillary clinton got endorsed over the weekend by chuck schumer. >> hillary clinton is sensitive to news cycles and she got a bump from chuck schumer. as we dig deeper we're seeing that ethics is an issue and the likability factor and benghazi are big issues and our bottom line is lots of people love hillary clinton and lots of people love to hate hillary clinton. >> okay. if you had to say the big winner this week was twitter and the market's responding. what are we at now, mike? can we see where twitter is? 46 -- 46 right now. howard bragman, always good to see you. thank you so much. >> that is going to wrap up this hour of "jansing & company."
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>> what douc you have coming up? >> the nods are coming out amongst those who might be competing against him in 2016. not only that, the democrats regretting that they failed to attack the popular republican governor. are things about to get really ugly for the tough guy from new jersey? we'll talk about that. also, dolphins players rising to the defense of richie incognito as the nfl launches an inquiry into his internet bullying and racially charged threats against the teammate. plus were dolphins coaches egging him on? thomas robertses will join us live from russia where he's there co-hosting the miss universe contest. we'll have some of his video diary from moscow. coming up lots to get to straight ahead. mmmhmmm...everybody knows that. well, did you know that old macdonald
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in just a few moments live from russia. first, topping our agenda this morning. born to run? less than 24 hours after coasting to reelection, some of chris christie's fellow republicanses seemed to be sharpening their knives. the latest "time" magazine cover says it all with the title "elephant in the room" can chris christie win the gop and what will his rivals use against him? we're getting answers from two republican senators who have 2016 aspirations themselves, marco rubio whose past support for comprehensive immigration reform has put him at odds with rand paul who might be just a tad defensive considering the plagiarism scandal. >> some of these ads, people running for office put their -- their mug all over these ads while they're in the middle of a political campaign. in new jersey 25 million was spent on ads that included someone running for political office. you think there might be a conflict of
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