tv The Ed Show MSNBC November 7, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm EST
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thanks so much for watching this afternoon. a reminder, chuck todd's exclusive interview with the president is coming up on "politics nation" with al sharpton, but first it's ed schultz and "the ed show." good evening, americans, and welcome to "the ed show" live from minneapolis. let's get to work. ♪ is this the real life ♪ is this just fantasy >> i think we need more leaders in washington with the courage to stand for principle, and in particular obama care is not working. >> shame on you! >> i'm telling you, the flying monkeys are coming. >> is it true or is it false? >> simply unbearable.
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>> is that true or false? and she refused to answer it. >> as frustrating as may be sometimes, we are going to get this done. >> did he make the call yesterday or did joe biden call the wrong party? >> over the course of the next year or two, you're going to have a very big success for affordable health coverage in this country. >> president and his allies are whistling past the political graveyard. >> don't you wish we had like little ruby slippers. we could like, there's no place like home, there's no place like home. >> there's no place like home. >> did you bring a whiteboard. >> i did. >> the bottom of this carol seems to be endless. >> it's almost like we're in a movie. >> i'm melting! melting! . ♪ just got to get out, just got to get right out of here ♪ >> good to have you with us here tonight. folks, thanks for watching. the right wing smear machine is out in full force again
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attacking obama care. republicans know momentum is shifting in favor of the affordable care act, and they're not holding back. terry mcauliffe's win in virginia over ken cuccinelli is a clear sign voters want this deal. republicans are already coming up with excuses for the democratic victory in virginia. now jumping into the act, utah senator orrin hatch paid a visit to "fox and friends" this morning. he said if cuccinelli just had had a few more weeks to hammer away at obama care, he would have won. >> cuccinelli would have won if a couple of senators hadn't shut down the government. frankly, he would have won if he'd been able to just further explore for another two weeks how really bad obama care is. >> yeah, just another two weeks. maybe if they had voted another 43 times in the house virginians might have paid attention to the news and gotten the message. give me a break! nice try, senator. we should point out, clearly, only 24% of virginia voters said
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that obama care was their number one concern. on top of this, the tide clearly is shifting in favor of obama care. it's fun to watch. the latest poll from reuters shows favorability up three points from september. website problems, you know what's happening? they're getting fixed day by day, although carl rove is out hammering away at obama care. he wasted no time this morning lying about people losing their insurance. >> if you have 15 million people losing their coverage, the individual market being basically wiped out, that is 20% of the people with private insurance that are governed by obama care are going to lose it. other estimates are 35 million -- you have heard estimates -- >> what's the -- put that in english. what's the effect of that? >> the effect is large numbers of americans who today have private insurance coverage that are governed by obama care are going to lose tlar coverage and have to go elsewhere. >> you'll be totally destitute. you're still going to get to
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live in america, but you're going to be totally destitute. come on, karl. what's your source? where are you getting these fraudulent numbers? just because karl rove writes numbers on a whiteboard doesn't mean his math works out. i think we've had his moath in the past. obama care is designed to replace junk policies with good, affordable health care, which is good for the consumers in the long run. consumers are going to win. here is a number. here is a number that you will not find on karl rove's whiteboard. 17 million americans qualify for subsidies under obama care because they are low-income americans. this is what it's all about. there is absolutely no point in republicans continuing to go out and continue to slam obama care. they're committing political suicide. it is the law. it's not going anywhere. all republicans are doing is digging themselves deeper into the hole they are already in. you can sit out there and listen
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to this garbage. the only thing they have left is republican lies and misinformation. i'm having fun doing this show more now than ever. it's fun to come on the air and debunk all these lies. in states that have set up exchanges, obama care is working like a charm. in kentucky. now we did this story earlier this week on kentucky. the number was 33,000. it's jumped up to 39,000 people have signed up. kentucky governor steve beshear told me all it takes is planning and a little bit of hard work. >> our folks got in early and worked with the vendors on the website. as you know, we had very few problems with it, and it's cranking out people that are joining up every day at the rate of about 1,000 a day. >> joining up every day at a rate of 1,000 a day. the governor also told me expanding medicaid was the key to kentucky's success. >> particularly on expanding
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medicaid, i also had to be fiscally responsible, and i had to find out if we could afford to do this. and so i asked outside experts. i brought in some actuarial folks and they took a good hard look and they said, governor, you can't afford not to do this. >> i think governor elect mcauliffe in virginia should take a page out of kentucky's playbook. there are over 1 million uninsured people in the state of virginia. it's about 14% of the population. unfortunately, it's too late for virginia to set up a state exchange, but there is no deadline for expanding medicaid under obama care, which virginia should do. governor mcauliffe needs to get to work right away on this. i'm sure he will. and start the process of expanding medicaid. now, have you noticed in the conservative narrative across the media and from the conservative senators and house members that medicaid is now a huge problem. in fact, mitch mcconnell said
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earlier this week that, you know, they're just painting a pretty picture in kentucky. no, it's helping americans. that is an absolute. it is the truth. why is medicaid so important? why is this expansion so important? folks, this is going to lower the deficit over the next ten years, numbers by the cbo, congressional budget us a, $109 billion. how can republicans be against that? what happens is low income people, poor people end up going to emergency rooms. they have no coverage. they have no safety net. well, hospital costs go up, you, the consumer, you end up paying for it. this time around you're going to have better care. you're going to have preventative care. you're going to have low-income people in this country with health insurance, and over time, over ten years we're talking about $109 billion of lowering the deficit. but all of a sudden medicaid and once again poor people are the problem for the republicans.
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get your cell phones out, i want to know what you think. tonight's question, do you believe obama care will lower the deficit in text "a" for yes and bched for no to 67622. we'll bring you the results later in the sho he. for more let's bring in congressman yaur mouth from kentucky. i want to talk about this medicaid expansion because this seems to be the new bogeyman for the conservatives, that obama care is not worth a damn because all it's doing is expanding medicaid. this is the core of the problem. people who don't have insurance are low-income americans. this goes right to the heart of what this law can do. john yarmuth, i want you to respond to what mitch mcconnell said earlier this week that governor beshear is just painting a pretty picture. >> he's painting reality. if that's a pretty picture, so be it.
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things are actually looking very good here. the issue with medicaid is -- i think it was estimated we had like $600 million a year in uncompensated care that's provided by hospitals and other providers in the state. we all pay for that one way or another. and generally that's because people wait to go to the doctor, the emergency room, or whatever it is until they're very, very sick. expanding medicaid gives coverage to those people for the first time. providers will be compensated. that puts people to work and it also provides preventative care for those people so they stay out of hospitals because they get treatment when it's most efficient and cost-effective. medicaid is an extremely important part of the program. >> it just amazes me how the media let's that one slip away. that really isn't all that important. congressman connelly, will virginia expand medicaid? >> i certainly hope so. you know, and i wish i had my whiteboard to counter mr. rove. let me give you a few figures on
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my whiteboard. uncompensated care in virginia, $1.8 billion a year. if we expand medicaid, we cut that in half. the value of the expansion covering 400,000 virginians not now covered, adding $9.6 billion in federal dollars to the virginia budget and creating 30,000 jobs. it is an economic benefit to the commonwealth of virginia. >> this is really i think a part of the story that has not been talked a lot about. what is medicaid actually doing to states in bringing down the cost? because this is really the heart of what obama care can do when you start talking about lowering the deficit over the next ten years. who knows what it can do over the next 20 years. congressman connolly, again, what have you been hearing from virginians about obama care. they're out there -- you heard orrin hatch saying if cuccinelli had had just a little bit more time to ramrod obama care that, you know, he would have been able to win the governor's
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chair. what are you hearing from virginians? >> there's no question that there's frustration with the website, but i think a lot of virginians are waiting to see whether the promise of obama care will be realized and they're willing to give it time to do so. many other virginians actively support it. the republicans seem to forgot while opposition to obama care can energize their base, that same opposition energizes ours. and so mr. hatch, senator hatch, believing that just a few more weeks would have worked for cuccinelli, i beg to differ. i think it would have backfired. and you saw that actually in the returns tuesday night in virginia. >> well, 24% of the people in virginia had obama care as their number one issue. seems to me like mr. cuccinelli got some bad advice as to where the people were. it's all about jobs. it's about jobs all over this country. jobs are the most important thing. that and infrastructure. there's no question about it. in fact, i think that if it had not been for the negative selling of obama care, we'd have
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probably more states involved in exchanges and have better numbers than we have right now. and i don't mean to sugar coat this. this website has to work. congressman yarmuth, there's been new testimony on the hill this week. it's much more positive than it was a week ago. are you confident that the federal website is going to be functional to the point where it has to and be able to meet the demand? >> well, i'm confident it will be eventually. i think it's really important that the website is up and running almost flawlessly by november 30th. that's kind of the deadline that the administration has set for itself. i know things have dramatically improved as secretary sebelius said. they're now processing 17,000 applications a day, one every 5 seconds with very little error. so things have gotten a lot better, but they need to be virtually perfect by november 30th. but we're making huge progress. if more states had done what we had done and set up our own
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exchanges, we wouldn't have the same level of problems. the federal exchange is trying to coordinate 36 different medicaid departments, 36 different insurance rules, 36 different sets of providers and insurance companies. yeah, it's very, very difficult. >> you know, politics is hardball, there's no question about it. one of the biggest critics of obama care has been senator rand paul from the state of kentucky. this is a guy who runs around using other people's material. he's a plagiarist is what he is. this is a guy who constantly goes out and rips apart obama care, just grabs bullet points without any facts. congressman, i'm curious, how do you think rand paul -- you know your state of kentucky, you know how kentuckians are. they're honest folks. how is rand paul with any credibility at all going to be able to out and talk about obama care when he's been lifting everybody else's material? >> well, he's actually spending more time outside of kentucky now than he is in kentucky, but,
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you know, he's a doctor. he's an obstetrician, and, i'm sorry -- an optometrist, and he's been living off of a lot of government financed health care, a lot of medicaid and a lot of medicare. that's paid for a lot of his patients' care. sow really should know better. i think rand paul and mitch mcconnell are going to be -- get a rude awakening over the next few months. mitch has done nothing but pound on obama care for four years and his numbers continue to decline. he's now at a disapproval rating statewide of almost 60%. so i think he's -- he understands that he has a very, very serious disconnect with most kentucky voters now. >> congressman, connolly, finally i want to talk about the map of virginia. if you looked at the map, there was a lot of red in rural portions of the state. the areas in which terry mcauliffe won, the tidewater area, then there was the southeastern portion of virginia, and then, of course,
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up near arlington in northern virginia. why does the vote come down like that in virginia? it's actually a lot like the national map. there's a lot of red in rural america. >> yeah. >> what is it in the state of virginia that it breaks down like that? where is the disconnect in the message about some of the policies that the democrats are pushing forward for worker's in this country? >> well, if you changed the map of virginia to where the population centers are, the map would look quite different. the population centers in richmond, the tidewater area, and northern virginia voted heavily for terry mcauliffe, and that's enough to win the state, and there were other pockets of support as well. but i think the democrats have a cultural connection problem with a large swath of rural america, including in virginia, and that's something we've got to address. if we're going to grow our party and make it more inclusive, we're going to have to try to address the concerns of the
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rural areas with an economic message. right now we've allowed the republicans to sell them a bill of goods on the social issues ignoring their own economic disadvantages. we have to come in and give them, i think, an economic message of hope. and in my state of virginia, in northern virginia, we've proved how to do that. i think that's a message we can carry to the rural areas. >> i think it's pretty clear that terry mcauliffe ran a campaign that mirrored what the democrats on the platform have been talking about consistently for a number of years. we're talking jobs. we're talking education. we're talking health care. we're talking protecting the big three. all of the things that terry mcauliffe supported were the exact same things where the democrats have been, the conversation of income inequality and fairness. it just seems to me that the consistency is coming from the democrats right now and if you're consistent, you're going to win, and it was a big night for progressives across the country the other night.
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congressman john yarmuth, gerry connolly, great to have you with us. thank you. remember to answer tonight's question. share your thoughts with us on twitter @ed show and on facebook. and we always want to know what you think. love your comments. coming up, a teen activist fighting for your right to know what the hell you're eating. kind of important. we're talking about gmos and food labeling with a remarkable young woman taking on the corporate food giants. plus, joe biden's prank call. the veep phones in some comic relief on throwback thursday. stay with us. when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals:
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so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger. losing thrusters. i need more power. give me more power! [ mainframe ] located. ge deep-sea fuel technology. a 50,000-pound, ingeniously wired machine that optimizes raw data to help safely discover and maximize resources in extreme conditions. our current situation seems rather extreme. why can't we maximize our... ready. ♪ brilliant. let's get out of here. warp speed. ♪
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time now for the trenders, the ed show's social media nation have decided and we are reporting. here are today's top trenders. >> come along, bart. >> are you talking to me? >> no, my son is also gamed bort. >> the number three trender, mayoral mix-up. >> martin walsh was elected the next mayor of boston. vice president joe biden called to congratulation him. the problem is he called the wrong martin walsh. >> just when you thought the nsa tracks every phone call, joe biden congratulates the wrong marty walsh for the boston mayoral win. >> the marty walsh biden called was a former aide to senator ted kennedy. >> did you just win an election? >> i'm sorry, it's the wrong number. >> bye-bye. >> the number two trender, private parts. >> privatize everything. >> so is this the answer to making federal government cheaper and these services more fish snent. >> john stossel touts one country's private practice.
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>> organ selling. >> i'm upset it's not legal. >> ready for transplant. >> in the one country it is legal, nobody waits for a kidney. thousands of people -- i'm afraid to say it's iran. it's your body, it should be your choice. why does the government limit what you can do with your body? >> what the hell did you just say? >> how much are kidneys going for iran, do you know? >> today's top trender, mod squad. >> a lot of the food we eat, mainly fruds and vegetables, are already modified. >> tomatoes grown to monstrous proportions. >> we don't know about it because they're not labeled. >> it would require labels. losing by 10%. >> >> dupont and coke and pepsi and nestle and general mills. >> in the face of the largest influx of out of state corporate special interests cash. >> in america corporations run the show. >> they totally swarch the other side. >> a toronto teen is leading the
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fight against gmos. >> should we trust a company like monsanto? >> we need as many people to stand up to these biotechs and corporations as possible. >> and we welcome tonight to the ed show rachel parent, a gmo activist and founder of kids right to know. rachel is 14 years old. she's been working on this for the last several years. it's become her passion, and she certainly has caught the attention of a lot of people, especially big corporations who threw a ton of money at this initiative in the state of washington to defeat it. rachel, welcome to "the ed show." i'd like to know, did you think this food labeling fight was going to be so intense? >> well, thank you for having me, first of all. and second of all, i had a feeling that it might be quite intense because we had experienced proposition 37 already, which was a proposition in california to label gmos, and
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actually these corporations spent $47 million avoiding gmo labeling there. so i knew in washington it would be quite intense as well. >> rachel, what struck your passion to get involved in this? from your research also i'd like to know what is the risk of gmos, if you could tell our audience from what you know of it, why is this bad for america? >> well, first of all, there are many health risks, including allergies and even organ damage. so there are huge issues associated with gmos. and what really sparked me to get interested in this was originally i had to do a speech for my school, and i didn't know what to do it on. my topics were ogeally deforestation, poverty, animal cruelty, and, of course, gmos. but i did know a bit about gmos and i knew how they impacted
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absolutely everything from our health to our environment. so i decided more people need to know about this, and i did more and more research, got more and more interested, and saw some of the studies that happened with rats and realized this is such a huge issue. someone needs to stand up to this. why not me? i can make a difference, and so can everyone else. >> what kind of pushback are you getting for speaking out about this? >> really i haven't gotten that many pushbacks at all. in fact, i have gotten a lot of support, and i'm so thankful for that support. that's what really keeps me going, and, you know, it's funny that the corporations spend so much money on trying to avoid gmo labeling, and the movement is getting bigger and bigger. so if those corporations think we're just going to give up because we've lost two labeling initiatives, they're wrong. we are getting stronger, and we will continue to push. >> well, you have started an
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organization, kids right to know. tell us about that. >> well, i started an organization called kids right to know. i originally initiated it when i was 12 years old, and because i'm just so passionate about this subject. you know, it affects everything from our bees, our butterflies. in fact, going to the bees, 52% of the bees in the u.s. have already died off due to pesticide use, and that's just such a huge amount. they pollinate everything. in fact, 2 out of every 3 bites of food you eat every day are pollinated by bees. so if we didn't have the bees, we wouldn't really have too much food. >> what's in your future, rachel? what do you want to do? i mean, and what is the next big project? i-522 was defeated in the state of washington. what's next on the horizon for you? >> well, what's next is i have
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many speaking engagements and i'm just really trying to create awareness because that's what it's all about. many americans and canadians are left in the dark about this huge issue, and it's time we all start waking up and coming to the truth and do something about it. i mean, that's the big thing. we all have to take action. so i'll be continuing to spread awareness and hopefully there will be some more initiatives within the u.s. actually, 26 states right now are looking at labeling laws, so that will be an amazing first step, and although washington did not win this one, we will get labeling. i know we will. >> all right. >> i'we all just have to come together. >> gmo activist and founder of kids right to know, rachel parent. good to have you on "the ed show." keep up the fight. chris christie is already working on his campaign slogan. reasonable guy 2016.
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so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. welcome back to "the ed show." tonight in "ask ed live" our first question comes from someone who goes by snarky progressi progressive. the question is why is the mainstream media not covering tpp? tpp is the transpacific partnership. there's a lot of ineptitude to go around on this. the multinationals have got a great deal of influence on the corporate media in this country. i can't speak for anybody else, but i do believe this is a major story that affects the middle class, that affects workers. it certainly needs to be under the microscope. the problem is the negotiations for the tpp have been behind closed doors.
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done by corporate consultants and there are members of congress who don't know anything about it. it's a sad state of affairs. i'm really surprised that president obama is backing it the way he is with such little detail given to the american people. i could talk on this issue for hours. it cuts right to the chase of the strength of our economy in this country, but you know what? the other ineptitude is the tea party. where is glenn beck? where are all the tea partiers out there? aren't you concerned about sovereignty issues when it comes to trade? aren't you concerned about american wages and outsourcing? i guess not. our next question is from sherry chapman. are unions making true gains with this week's election? i do believe so. i'll take new york city for an example. there's a lot of workers' issues, a lot of union contract negotiations that are left wide open because, of course, mayor bloomberg didn't want to deal with it. mr. de blasio will deal with it,
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and it will give security and also a better product to the residents of new york city. a rising tide lifts all boats. i think the same thing will happen in boston, and i think democrats have finally learned their lesson. you stick with workers and you will not lose. stick around. rapid response panel coming up next. i'm seema mody with your cnbc market wrap. the dow plunging 152 points. the s&p 500 dropped 23, and the nasdaq lost 74. the u.s. economy grew in the third quarter despite slow consumer and business spending. gdp rose 2.8%. a sign that labor market is improving, fewer americans filed claims. and twitter surging 73% on its wall street debut. shares open just above $45 a share, up from its ipo price of $26. that's it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. road closed? there's a guy...
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welcome back to "the ed show." new jersey governor chris christie barely had any time to enjoy winning a landslide re-election before the backlash started. here they come. christie has been positioning himself for a presidential bid for quite some time. his strategy, in a field of tea party extremists, he's trying to paint himself as a reasonable guy. if you watch "the ed show," you know how reasonable chris christie really is, but up until now folks in both the conservative and liberal media have blindly bought into christie's narrative. with the spotlight comes the heat. and the other high profile republican hopefuls lining the bench are none too pleased with christie taunting them from the
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center. >> it's important to remember every race is particular to the state it's run in, so there are factors in new jersey that i think are individual to that race and, clearly, he was able to speak to that and to the hopes and aspirations of people within new jersey. governor christie has certainly shown a way of winning in new jersey and states like new jersey. >> people running for office put their mug all over these ads while they're in the middle of a political campaign. in new jersey $25 million was spent on ads that included somebody running for political office. you think there might be a conflict of interest there? >> i like and respect chris christie, i congratulate him on his big win last night. i think it is terrific that he is brash, that he's outspoken, and that he won his race. i think we need more leaders in washington with the courage to stand for principle, and in particular obama care is not working. >> now, it's not just republicans trying to get their foot in the white house door who are turning on christie. the right wing noise machine also went on full blast trying
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to brown out any christie 2016 buzz. >> i don't know what the big appeal of christie just based on the record is. it is hardly an economic boom or turnaround in the state of new jersey. i can tell you that. is new jersey the great big turnaround state? what's the unemployment rate in new jersey right now, governor? tell me how great the economy in new jersey is because it's not for the people that i know. name for me the states in primaries that chris christie is going to win. >> you have so many people in the media celebrating the christie win as the road to the future for the republican party. what does that tell you? you know what? for one, i'm tired of the media picking our candidate for us, and they're trying to do it here. >> rapid response panel with us tonight. brad woodhouse, president of americans united for change. ruth con with us and mike
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pappantino. are these just going to be post election comments or will there be a jihad on chris christi politically? is this going to get nasty as it goes on? >> well, i think moderate republicans who might want a chance in a meaningful election are going to have to get behind christie. it's amazing to me though, ed, i listened to two hours of radio listeners telling me today, what is their opinion of chris christie. when you clear away all the pundit talk, what does the average person see in chris christie? they see an oafish guy in favor of corporate well fair willing to take money away from people who need it to give it to corporations. on that side he's not going to get a lot of support from progressives who really understand who he is. and on the other side, of
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course, the real wing nuts on his own party are going to be in a big road block as he tries to move forward. he has some problems. i wouldn't read too much into this election. >> brad, how do you read it? how intense is this pushback from the righties going to be on christie? >> i'm not surprised at it at all. the stakes are really high, and the folks on the right, the tea party, the ted cruzs of the world, the rand pauls, they believe in a republicanism and a conservatism that stands on absolute what they call principle, that's unyielding and uncompromising. i don't think anyone out there in tv land should confuse chris christie with anything but a right wing republican. maybe he's trying to position himself differently, but he's anti-gay, anti-increasing the minimum wage. he's a union buster, he's a bully. let me just add, for some reason there seems to be every few years this fascination, you know, with people who are
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bullies, they're chief executives in the new york area, they were going to run for president. jonathan capehart has a great post just now on "the washington post" that says president christie, meet president giuliani. >> you who would chris christie play in the middle of the country? some of the things we know about him? how is he going to go to iowa and be true to the conservatives that they really are now? the bob dole conservatives, they're not around anymore. this is a new brand. how would christie play in the middle of the country? >> well, it shows you how far to the right the republican party has moved that chris christie is called a moderate. here in the midwest we recognize that crackdown on unions and the particularly nasty attacks on teach thaefers christie is famous for. it's a message to the middle class that doesn't say i'm going to help you do better. it says there are a few people who still have pensions and they
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still have health care benefits, and we ought to attack them and bring them down. and it's a losing message if you want to live in a better society. but chris christie hasn't been so crazy that he turned away the medicaid expansion under the affordable care act like many republican governors, including our governor here in wisconsin, scott walker. so he has been, you know, compared to the true wing nuts in the tea party a relative moderate. he wanted the federal government to come in and help people after hurricane sandy. he argued the shutdown was a disaster. that's where most americans are. he looks moderate by comparison to the real -- the right wing ideologues who have taken over the party. state parties will troo to do something about the tea party influence because they can see that's not where the majority of the country is. so they're trying to move those people out. >> yeah. mike, chris christie is going to be the head of the republican governors association very soon. he's going to be able to travel all over the country on somebody else's dime.
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what does this mean? >> well, they're obviously positioning for that presidential run. what it means is it's not just the republican party doing that. look, the media loves a horse race, ed. go to the heart of it, the media loves a horse race, and the standard, the bar has been set so low in what to expect from the republican party that if you just remember a few months ago, the media was trying to reinvent ted cruz. they were trying to say is this the guy who is going to save the republicans? we remember john boehner was going to save the republicans. it's because the media loves a horse race. they're willing to invent these mythical characters because the standard for republicans is dismally low. as he moves around the country, the media is going to follow him like he is some real challenger. i think that's what we're going to see, and we will see him popping up, making statements all over this country to governors to try to gel some new image of being a moderate. he's far from it.
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>> brad, this is going to be a platform nobody else is going to have. >> well, it's going to be a platform. it's important. it's no coincidence he sought it and he's going to be leading the republican governors association. here is the thing, ed, i really do believe that his shtick is going to wear thin on the american people. i just don't know that whether he's traveling in that capacity or he's campaigning in iowa that yelling at people in your town hall, getting in the face of teachers, snapping at people, being thin-skinned, is what voters are going to look for even in the republican primary. >> yeah. you know, ruth, it's interesting, not a whole lot of talk right now about what chris christie did in new jersey, about cory booker's race for the united states senate. he split those up. who knows what the outcome would have been. he might not have won by the margin he did as governor, but also the fact no one is really touching on what you just talked about. he has not totally rejected
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obama care. the medicaid expansion in new jersey, i don't see any of the experts out there saying that, you know, this didn't hurt chris christie. your thoughts? >> yeah. i think that that is why the right wing pundits are so angry because what chris christie is saying all that baloney about socialism and obama care, that's dead. it's not where people are, not where the country is going, and it's not going to be a winning message in the presidential election. people want health care and you guys are nuts. so that's a really hard pill for people to swallow who have put all of their apples in that cart, and i think that christie is right about that and polls show it. >> well, they certainly didn't hold it against him for that move on obama care in new jersey. brad wood house, ruth conniff, mike, great to have you with us. coming up, an alert for u.s. labor. tell vice president joe biden to stop a trade pact designed to increase the wealth of big corporations. jay, say it ain't so! oe, say it!
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in pretenders tonight short on facts, glenn beck again. progressive ideals rock the polls on tuesday, which of course beck hates, as new york elected bill de blasio as mayor. the beckster was all mouth and no facts. >> when it comes to de blasio, the guy's a communist. hey, that was out. everybody knew. new york, you have no excuse. this guy is going to make your life a living hell. you wait. that city, you won't be able to travel to that city soon. he'll destroy it. new york will become the next detroit. >> oh, don't tease us, beckster. if we knew hindering your travel to new york would be so easy, we would have elected a progressive years ago.
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who take a shower after work. the transpacific partnership or tpp is aimed at accomplishing a free trade block stretching from vietnam to south korea. it would cover about one-third of the world trade and nearly 40% of the global economy. the trouble is the tpp is about making rules to favor big business at the expense of the rest of the population in the united states and other countries. the pac has been deliberated behind closed doors. vice president joe biden is set to visit japan, china, and south korea next month and he will push the agenda of the tpp. there are few politicians in america's history who have been better to labor than the vice president of the united states joe biden. perhaps labor groups should give him some counseling before he goes off the rails. leo gerrard joins us tonight on the program. mr. gerard, this is a very important trip.
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but to me it's rather puzzling. is joe biden going to believe what he's telling these people? is this a good deal for the american workers? >> let me say no matter what joe says, this is not a good deal for american workers. in fact, i can say there has not been a good trade deal for american workers. every trade deal that's been passed has led to deficits, loss of manufacturing, led to trade deficits, left a lower standard of living, left lower wages behind. i think what they're doing with the tpp is another deal that's being negotiated too much in secret. if it follows the standard deal of all the previous deals they've done, let's look at nafta. who said what and what was the truth? let's look at the trade deal with china. who said what and what's the truth? we're having 300 and $400 billion trade deficit with china. now we're going to vietnam? do you think we can compete with the vietnamese worker? let's look at what happened in south korea.
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how much has the trade deficit blown up since we did the deal with south korea? >> why is the obama administration doing this? is labor getting thrown under the bus on this? >> ed, i think there's been for a long time this fallacy in washington that these trade deals create exports. they do create exports. if you look at net exports versus imports, we're continuing to have a deficit. this is driven by the same wall street gang that had driven us over the cliff. with the lowest environmental standards, the lowest wages, the lowest lay bar standards. and they play labor arbitrage. we're predicting that mexico is going to produce 50% of the cars sold in north america in a few more years. the chinese have said that they want to do $100 billion worth of auto part trade with america. if they were to succeed in doing
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$100 billion of unfairly traded autoparts into america, it would kill the autoparts industry. this is about the future of america. >> there's no doubt. if you had a moment with japan japan, what would you tell him before this trip? >> joe, don't do this. this is not going to be good for america. it's not going to be good for american workers. i love you. i respect you. we've worked for you almost all our whole adult life, show me a trade deal that has resulted in -- we're guest trade that keeps costing us our jobs. i hope to be able to convince the administration we need a different model. we can do trade with net job increases. >> and finally mr. gerard, what's the plan to turn the thinking around? >> i think we've got to use shows like yours to educate america. ed, i'm not dreaming about this. the american public is way ahead
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