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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  November 11, 2013 1:00pm-2:00pm EST

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right now on "andrea mitchell reports," it is beyond comprehensi comprehension, devastation in the aftermath of typhoon haiyan. left a trail of destruction in its wake. 200-mile-per-hour winds ripped apart buildings and swept away everything in its path. in some areas of the island nation, there was literally nothing left after huge waves and sustained 200-mile-an-hour winds tore through entire towns and cities. as many as 10,000 are feared dead. we'll have a live report from the ground where massive relief operation is finally getting under way and urgent effort to reach survivors. >> every building is either significantly damaged or destroyed. the streets are all closed. you can see -- it's a 15 to 25-foot wave came across entire
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villages. so everything is wiped out. >> and salute to the veterans on this veterans day. the u.s. military is already mobilizing in the philippines. it's doing what it does, beginning to unload desperately needed emergency supplies, airlifting survivors to safer ground. join us today giving special thanks, a tribute to them and all men and women who serve our country by honoring their sacrifice today and every day. >> there's a risk that the devoted service of our veterans could fade from the forefront of our minds, that we might turn to other things. but part of the reason we're here today is to pledge that we will never forget the profound sacrifices that are made in our name. >> no deal. international talks led by the u.s. to freeze iran's nuclear program collapse in geneva over the weekend. could secretary kerry put the pieces back together again in the face of fierce opposition from israel, from arab leaders
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and from many in congress. >> our hope is that in the next months we can find an agreement that meets everybody's standard. this is not a race to complete just any agreement. no deal is better than a bad deal i have said many times, as has president obama. >> primary colors, governor chris christie takes to sunday morning television to declare himself an electable republican clearly looking at another race, a national race. >> judge me by my record. that i'm very, very comfortable with. all the labels, that's for the folks in washington, d.c. obviously they love playing that game. the people in america aren't interested in that game. given the approval ratings in washington, they have shown that.
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good day. i'm andrea mitchell in washington. glad to be back with all of you. survivors in the philippines are picking through wreckage today just days after typhoon haiyan swept through the philippines destroying entire cities in its path. the storm came ashore early saturday morning as a category 5 typhoon, one of the strongest ever to make landfall. the military says 1,000 people are dead, confirmed dead, with officials estimating thousands more. three days after the storm, aid workers and military officials say they still have not been in contact or able to access some of the hardest-hit areas. nbc's ian williams joins me now live with the latest from manual ark. ian, it is almost -- it is incomprehensible. what is happening in terms of relief and how is the u.s. playing a role here? >> well, andrea, the relief effort is now getting under way but they face enormous
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logistical challenges. the head of the red cross described the situation down there as absolute bedlam. in tacloban aid is beginning to get in. some of it brought in by u.s. marines. the u.s. military and philippine military are bringing aid into the airport down there. they are prioritizing essential things they need to get the place up and running, water, water purification, generators, shelter, with a particular emphasis on help for children who were particularly badly hit by this disaster. ngos for their part exploring bringing stuff in by ship. it is difficult. it's a terrible bottleneck. getting stuff in isn't easy. on top of that, many places yet to be reached. rescue workers still to get to isolated harder hit areas where communications are still down, power is still out, and the roads are blocked. so enormous challenges, andrea.
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>> and when we talk about the challenges, as you know this region better than any of us, the storm still, while having lost some steam, is still now heading and making other areas vulnerable. what do we know from vietnam, cambodia where there's been a lot of flooding and south china. >> well, this storm barreled across the center of the philippines, the superstorm. they do regular storms here, 24 typhoons this year so far. none of this sort of strength. after it left the philippines, the storm went further across towards vietnam. it hit vietnam today. although it lost a lot of its strength, it still killed 14 people and injured many more. it's now into china. not nearly as strong as it had been when it was here in the philippines but still leaving a good deal of destruction,
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andrea. >> ian williams there. i know we have a satellite delay. thank you very much. thanks for the report from manila. we'll have more as we continue in the program. first the typhoon is, as ian said, losing some power. it's still a threat to south china. what is the latest storm track brian norcross joins me from atlanta of brian, thank you so much. you are the expert on the storm. what we can learns in the strength of this storm, is there any way to evaluate whether there's any cause, climate or otherwise, that would lead to something this powerful? >> well, andrea, this is the kind of storm that happens infrequently but happens regularly. in fact, one hit the southern philippines last year that was nearly this strong. so we've looked at the water here, we've looked at the atmosphere. we don't see anything exceptional. this is a part of the world where there's a lot of warm water, a lot of time for storms to develop. so this is where we get some of the strongest tropical systems
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anywhere in the world. the storm track is a little further south than normal. that's really what accounted for this monumental disaster. the northern philippine island of luzon is used to these things. manila on the west side. people moved to the west side of luzon so they are not exposed to where typhoons come from. here, the center part of the philippines they don't normally get real strong typhoons so people live in these vulnerable locations where the water from the ocean comes in and they are directly exposed to the storms coming out of the east, which is the main storm track. >> brian, is there anything analogous, historic gulf storms in the past? >> well, from strength and intensity standpoint, the great middle keys hurricane of 1935, which was the lowest pressure ever of any land falling storm, with storm surges in the 20 to 30 feet range, swept an entire
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train off the tracks. bodies were found up in the trees and mangrove. a lot of the kind of descriptions we've heard of the loss of life in the philippines sounds like the reports from that time. but also the storm surge in mississippi, katrina, was up at 27 feet. you know, the good thing in katrina is most people got out of the way. in the philippines people don't necessarily have the mobility and because they are just not used to storms there, that, what i'm hearing, was part of the reason people said we dealt with typhoons here before. as ian said we've never seen one at the top end of the scale like this one was. >> of course, the infrastructure so much less solid and the construction and all the rest of it in those island nations. thank you so much, brian. here at home, political storms. the political buzz already focusing on 2016 with rick perry in iowa over the weekend and chris christie doing a victory
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lap around sunday talk shows. "meet the press" david gregory posed the question republican insiders are asking. >> are you a moderate or conservative? >> david, listen. i don't get into these labels. that's the washington, d.c. game. what all those men and women play. look at my record. >> look at the record. joining me now for our daily fix, chuck todd, nbc's political director, host of "the daily rundown." chris cillizza, msnbc contributor and host of tv's "in play." ruth marcus. chuck, first to you. we're still looking at the entrails of last week's election, because there's so many lessons to be learned. chris christie's victory lap around the sunday talk shows, what do we learn from that? >> just the fact he decided to do it. we didn't learn much from the interviews himself. he made a decision. he decided he needed to go on national television to let people know he was going to remain governor of new jersey.
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it was in that respect -- he clearly is totally comfortable with saying, you know what, i'll be the front-runner, fine. i'll be the establishment front-runner. >> victory speech. >> he's not shying away from this at all. i think it's an undercovered story. we're talking about ted cruz, rand paul, what does jeb bush think about this. the only other person on his level in the establishment wing of the party is jeb bush. he's staking out early territory, head of the rga, republican governor's association, i think it adds pressure to a jeb bush, whether jeb wants -- somebody else controlling his timetable but i think that's what i'v learned from this, fully comfortable. >> not slowing down scott
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walker, ted cruz, rand paul, any others looking at the more conservative wing. chuck is right, jeb bush and more mainstream moderate republicans conservative in their principles but more pragmatic, i should say republican who has to look at chris christie and see him preempt the field. >> that's what he's trying to do. the theory is i'm going to take slings and arrows about being too moderate anyway. i might as well take them bear hugging i'm the establishment kind of guy because i'm going to be that anyway. the question is chris christie in that clip says i don't put those labels on myself. we know voters -- other candidates in places like iowa, south carolina, new hampshire, will rick perry over the weekend said is being a conservative in new jersey like being a conservative in iowa? well, we'll find that out. i think that's sort of the nub of it. we will find that out. the question is, i think the
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comparison christie has to avoid. he's fine being compared to jeb bush. he has to avoid being compared to rudy giuliani. he can't be that guy. we know that path does not exist. it didn't exist in 2008. i will argue it will exist less in 2016. he has to be a conservative who appeals to the establishment. not a moderate trying to fudge it in a lot of different ways to be a conservative. >> i would argue chris christie has a different ideological cast than rudy giuliani who was much more liberal being the mayor of new york. >> no question. >> lets take a look with the interview with rick perry in iowa. this is rick perry 2.0. >> he was a successful governor in new jersey. does that transcend to the country? we'll see in later years and months to come. >> is that code for he's a moderate?
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>> no, it's code for the truth of the matter is, listen, we're all different states. is a conservative in new jersey a conservative in the rest of the country? >> somehow the glasses make him look more bookish. >> anything helps. >> ruth, we're already talking about 2016, please don't, but do. it's early, they are out there doing it. it is iowa, rick perry in iowa. given the failure of his campaign, brief campaign last time around, there's no question he's looking at this. >> he's looking. i watched him in iowa. i thought he had a lot of natural potential just in terms of his capacity to connect with people. >> four years ago. >> but glasses or no glasses, based on his performance in the debates, i sort of have a hard time taking it seriously. i think i do have an answer to his question being from new jersey. a conservative in new jersey is not the same as a conservative
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in texas. that's going to be the interesting thing to watch on governor christie going forward. >> i want to talk about we have a poll coming out tomorrow. we anticipate what we're going to read about the president's numbers. you have the incredible interview with the president. watching it from afar last week, it was a stunning interview with the president's apology. >> this week, what we're going to learn this week, what do they have? they are trying to come up with a fix for people sent cancellation notices or you have to take new policy notices. can they find something and do this before congress weighs in. >> the policy as much as the website. that was the first acknowledgement he got the policy wrong. >> it all goes back to it's that end game. i can't tell you how many people i've talked to who crafted the law, who said we were meant to fix this in conference. what people forget, there was
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never a conference committee. they did whatever they had to do to pass it through senate and house at the time. they thought, okay, we can deal with employer mandate. >> this is chickens coming home to roost the way we legislate. >> that's exactly right. that's exactly what's going on. >> i don't think the problems that are being experienced right now. i'm not talking about the website problems but the cancellation problems are a failure of fixes that should have been done in conference. it is a fact of life that if you're going to rehab and overhaul and fix the individual insurance market, you're going to have to not just fall through the cracks, there's going to be disruption. hss has been anticipating and predicting years huge swath of this small market. >> the president's message -- >> why they should have been prepared for this. but no one can look at this outcome and be particularly surpris surprised.
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>> but white house controlling things doesn't talk to hhs. they focus on their own messaging rather than dealing with -- they complain all they want. >> maybe they could have read regulations. >> chris cillizza, before we lose the moment, i want to ask what your latest numbers are in the attorney general's race in virginia. at some point today it was a seven vote differential in that race. they are still counting votes, counting professional ballots in richmond. where do we stand? >> well, andrea, you're dealing with -- this is absolutely stunning. i know political nerds like chuck and i love this stuff. 2 million votes cast. as of monday morning the two candidates were separated by 17, not 1700. 17 votes. it's basically .0001. i think i got the right number of 0s. here is where we're headed.
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the republican ahead, we are headed toward a recount here. that recount could take quite some time. >> mandated any time it's this close. >> recount, the state pays any time it's .5%. they are well within that. this is going to take some time. when it's this close. my colleague in the post this morning, resorting of all these ballots, this all happens. but the movement of ballots usually doesn't matter because the race isn't this close. this shines a light on a process a lot of people are amazed it's this messy. >> always a margin of error in voting. luckily it's so small it only matters if they are 17 votes apart. >> or back in '97, having plash backs. >> it will be a game of chance at some point. >> thanks very much. see you tomorrow.
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thank you all. on this veterans day, join us giving our deepest appreciation to the men and women and their families. men and women who served their countries past, present and future. many of today's veterans are asking americans to use this day not only to look back in remembrance but also pay notice to the young veterans, many still in their 20s and 30s returning after more than a decade of war in iraq and afghanistan. to this date in afghanistan, 2,153 military servicemen and women have lost their lives fighting in operation enduring freedom. 19,464 have been wounded in action, many grievously. today president obama paid tribute to them during a solemn ceremony at arlington national ceremony. in a remarkable moment, the president honored the oldest living world war ii veteran, 107-year-old richard overton. he volunteered in 1942 for the army's 188th aviation battalion, an all black unit. he saw action in pearl harbor,
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okinawa, iwo jima. nearly 70 years after he returned from the pacific he received a hero's welcome. >> richard overton, this american veteran, is 107 years old. we are honored he's here with us today. less ask richard to stand again, because he can stand. hard. know the feeling? copd includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hours. spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops.
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secretary of state john kerry is on his way back to the u.s. from the failed iran talks at this hour. after a brief overnight in abu dhabi to placate arab allies, they and israel are dead setd against the proposed deal with tehran as they understand it. as israel's prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu has been making perfectly clear to anyone who will listen. >> it's a bad and dangerous deal that deals with the thing that affects our survival. when it comes to the question of jewish survival and the survival of the jewish state, i will not be silenced ever, not on my watch. >> the prime minister needs to recognize that no agreement has been reached about the end game here. that's the subject of the negotiation. >> meanwhile today the u.n. announced its weapons inspectors reached an agreement with iran to monitor two key nuclear sites that have not been seen by the west in years. will that include the climate for next round of talks 10 days from now in geneva. joining membership jeffrey goldberg columnist from bloom fwerg review. thanks for being here. lets try to unpack a little bit of this. there's a lot of talk on all
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sides. saudis are upset, other leaders upset, but much more quietly than israel. >> right. >> secretary kerry said today it was iran that stalled the talks, but it was pretty clear over the weekend after we heard from french foreign minister fabius during u.n. week that france is taking a much harder line than the rest of europe about this. >> one of the most amazing things about this moment, benjamin netanyahu, the hard line prime minister of israel has, in fact, become the spokesman for the kingdom of saudi arabia. it's a remarkable turn of events. >> you don't hear from king abdullah, foreign minister. >> they are happy to have netanyahu. >> the head of intelligence, the prince made very clear they are angry at the u.s. for not attacking syria and very angry at the u.s. for associating with iran. >> these are probably layers we won't understand for days to
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come. yes, the french came in and said, wait a minute, fellas we're in the driver's seat. why are we going to allow iranians make any sort of advances at all in their nuclear program in exchange for these sanctions, sanction relief we're giving them. might be true also the iranian delegates got too far ahead of itself and is extremely worried about what the hard-liners in tehran think about this process. the hard-liners are sanction sig -- anxiety ridden, they will give the farm away. a volatile situation and it moves from minute to minute. >> kerry is going to have to defend himself back here. head to the hill, tougher sanctions held up in the banking committees so he can get back and speak to them. this was kerry speaking about that this weekend.
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kerry is now making this tour of the congressional committees as he heads back. as he explained to david gregory, they are not giving away the store from his perspective. there are a number of issues. first of all, there's new plutonium reactor in arak, plutonium would be another path. there's iran's refusal to give up enriched uranium. supposedly bring down that that has been enriched close to weapons grade. other critics quickly break out, bump up very quickly. >> the israelis and arabs, funny to say that together, israelis and arabs agree they should adhere to u.n., complete suspension of enrichment. they are not going to get that. a lot is theatrics designed to put pressure on. one of the things, by the way, netanyahu is doing, is signaling
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to people who don't like obama in the senate and in congress. look, i'll give you cover if you come back in the next days and try to put more sanctions on. you know, it's a very complicated political dance, three dimensional. >> four did mensional. this is a picture in the "wall street journal" last thursday. look at the wariness in their eyes. focus on this for a moment. that is not the picture of two close allies. this is just last wednesday. >> it makes the netanyahu-obama relationship look warm and fuzzy in comparison. >> i've got it right here just to show in the "wall street journal." that was the front page of the "wall street journal." >> like netanyahu cannot be bothered. what's so interesting and potentially tragic about this, john kerry, who is so energetic about the iran piece is also
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incredibly energetic about israel, palestine piece. >> that's what i was going to say is another dimension. netanyahu is clearly now not going to be very willing to negotiate on the palestinian front. >> right. >> he no longers trusts john kerry at all. that's the safe assumption. that can change. everything changes. for the moment. netanyahu is not going to say, oh, yes, secretary kerry, in addition to selling me out on iran, i'm going to negotiate away the west bank. >> just to button this down. netanyahu can say this as much as he likes, so can kerry. all options are on the table. it would be so difficult for israel to take military action against iraq nuclear reactor in tehran or any other iranian nuclear facility while these negotiations are in play. >> there's a simple thing for
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this. as long as there's negotiations in the west, what is he going to do? he risks baseballing a pariah in the world if he attacks iran as negotiations are progressing. >> jeff goldberg, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> great to see you e. two of the biggest names in the republican party took over late night tv on friday. texas senator ted cruz made his first ever appearance on "the tonight show with jay leno" who gave him a tough time, asking him tough questions. before making it to the sunday shows, chris christie made a surprise appearance on late night with jimmy fallon during his fan favorite thank you note segment. >> thank you, governor chris christie for winning a second term as governor of new jersey and proving that whenever you run, it ends up in a landslide.
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amid scenes of devastation there were some signs of relief. yes, indeed, in the philippines. survivors in desperate need of food, water, medical supplies with public health crisis that will soon unfold in the damage ravaged areas. earlier today chief medical editor dr. nancy snyderman got an aerial tour of the destruction. she filed this report from the philippines. >> reporter: it's been four days since typhoon haiyan hit. we ventured by copter to see how
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much the topography changed. as youfully toward tacloban, you start to see puddles of water in the troubled areas and then you're struck by the fact it's almost deforestation look. fronds are off the trees. it's really just sticks coming out of the earth. suddenly officer the last mountain range, there it is in front of you, the town of tacloban just wreaked havoc. there is destruction. there are unfortunately still bodies in the street. dead animals in the waterway. unfortunately also people consuming water that we know is not safe. people have been advised to boil water. but after spending four hours in the town today, we only saw one woman doing it with a small rudimentary fire that was, in fact, being stoked by pieces of wood that had come from a neighboring building. the new concerns that a low pressure system may usher even more rain into this already hurt
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area, and with that further damage the water supply. if that happens infectious diseases like dysentery, diarrhea, and other viruses may become a new and stark reality. andrea. >> thanks to dr. nancy snyderman. >> in pakistan malala yousafzai's book "i am malala" has been banned by the country. the chief of the affiliated sools say the education rights activist book and instant "new york times" best seller contains content that's against pakistan's ideology and islamic values. cannot imagine what that might be. equal rights for girls perhaps. he went on to tell the "associated press" malala had betrayed pakistan by becoming a tool in the hands of western powers. this comes days after the militant commander whose fighters were blamed for attacking and shooting malala and other school friends was named as the new leader of the pakistan taliban. the leader was killed in the
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>> expeditionary brigade has the ability, capability and equipment to get there quickly. the 238th birthday of the marine corps nothing more satisfying than to deploy in support of a neighbor and ally in need. >> another reminder american troops are hard at work across the globe, the war in afghanistan and disaster zones we've seen in the philippines. mike taibbi reports on efforts here at home, especially the large filipino community to mobilize relief efforts. >> everyone is helping each other. >> prayers in community churches in new jersey, impromptu fundraising in central park. even more of the same in california. a 5k charity walk and dozens of churches collecting food, clothing, shelter kits, money
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for stricken population that needs all of that. in fact, about one in four of the 4 million filipino americans live in southern california alone. in growing communities like the l.a. suburb of eagle rock. the scale of the disaster is having a profound impact. >> myrna lives here but her husband working the family farm in the typhoon zone barely survived. >> because of the typhoon, all of his rice crops were ruined. the house was under water. >> sympathy and support extend beyond the filipino community. in rome, pope francis led thousands of worshippers in silent prayer for those lives shattered in the roman catholic philippines. seattle-based rescue team made ready to did he loy to a disaster scene carved by record winds gusting over 230 miles per hour. >> i have no idea what we're going to find. there's no precedent for this. >> no relief for concerns and fears who are personal. >> when i saw the news, i was
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shocked. there was crying. my children are all there. >> reporter: the disaster still unfolding, the need for help incalculable. >> the connections between the communities and people back home, i know in the washington area just this weekend talking to many people from the philippines whose families were devastated. we've all been raising money in small ways, church groups, largest community, i guess, is in los angeles. >> about one in four, as i pointed out in that report, one in four million live in southern california alone. it's a huge contingent and cohort here in southern california. looking at the relief efforts, four days into it. there are two ways. one in the filipino community, churches, you saw smaller events, impromptu walks and runs and other efforts. sometimes not a lot of money
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involved. $5 or $600 in san francisco. the cliche applies every little bit helps in a situation like this. the other part is the institutional and corporate response. the big stuff. this is so huge a disaster as we saw in dr. nancy's extraordinary report. it's hard to imagine making the calculation what's needed because so much is needed. more than can possibly be supplied than to head off a tragedy in the philippines. but the corporate world, ngo world, the world of pre-existing relief organizations has kicked up into high gear now. we're tracking some of that. there's an outfit in mammoth lakes, mammoth lakes medical, three surgery teams over there. here is an anecdote to talk about how impactful this story has been. they were actually ready to leave for mexico, another preapproved project when they made the decision at the airport, lets go to the philippines. as the ceo said, sometimes you have to make a swift, heartfelt
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decision. that's being made by corporations across this country that are making donations and of course by a lot of these individual groups serving the filipino community and just interested in helping where so much help is needed. one other point, andrea, george clooney, the actor known as a humanitarian, was given one of the many awards people get in hollywood yesterday. he said, look, it's time to organize a telethon as he and actor friends did after the earthquake in haiti in 2010 and after katrina before that in 2006. so those big efforts are under way right now complimenting the smaller efforts across this country in and beyond the filipino community. andrea. >> those are all such good reminders. the ahead of usaid who took office days before the haiti earthquake. one thing we should all remember as we begin to help in the ways that americans do is follow up. i know, mike, we'll all be on
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this, because the aftermath of haiti still is not nearly where it should be. so this is something which we all need to stay on. thank you, mike taibbi. there are many ways you can help the typhoon haiyan victims. you can donate through the american red cross at red, or you can go to red to donate directly to the pill peeps red cross. or go to wfpusa to donate to world food program which does extraordinary work around the world. think of that. keep everyone in your minds and hearts. be generous. we'll be right back. bl
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tom tarantino joins me chief policy officer from iraq veterans. good to see you again. lets talk about the importance of young veterans, men and women and families who are having difficulties with medical care, v.a., difficulties getting a job. what can we do this day and every day to help them acclimate as they return home? >> veterans day is about celebrating the service and the investment we can make in this generation of veterans. we have 1100 marching in the veterans day parade, 50 events nationwide. what that does, it show cases veterans of iraq, afghanistan, vietnam, our ability to contribute to society and be an investment. if you're looking out there, first of all understand the issues we're dealing w hire them. understand veterans are an investment and the next great generational leaders in this country. >> lets take a look at the numbers. where do we stand in terms of what our government is doing to
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help veterans. the numbers of people with backlog cases, we focus so intently on the death benefits when they were part of the sequester. right now we have 400,835 claims older than 125 days as of november 2nd. that's just unsustainable. they lost a lot of ground catching up during the questions t -- sequester, government shutdown, i should say, not sequester. claims as high, claims older than 125 days amount to 57% of total claims pending. as i say, during the shutdown they lost a lot of ground at the v.a. trying to catch up. tom. >> what we're seeing, we're starting to see some dplimers of hope. the good news in the last year the v.a. has really started to put the trend in the right direction. the bad news, we should have done that seven years ago. we have serious challenges. if there are no claims two
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years, hopefully as the v.a. begins to aggressively modernize we hope to see that turn around. what it's going to take is american people putting that pressure and forcing v.a. to change. it's been really slow to do unde are real challenges for this generation and generations in the past and as a community, all around country we have to come together, make our case that veterans are a key part of this nation's future and that it's everyone's interest to help us. >> thank you so much, tom tarantino. we'll talk about that in the weeks ahead. amy robach, now of abc and gma announced on "good morning america" she has been diagnosed with breast cancer. she discovered the disease because of a gma assignment in october to have a mammogram live
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on the show for early detection, weeks later she shared her diagnosis. this thursday, amy will be going a bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction surgery. we thank what you're doing as you share your story. we're all with you in spirit in this sorority that none of us wanted to join. mine was earned orbiting the moon in 1971. afghanistan in 2009. on the u.s.s. saratoga in 1982. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve current and former military members and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve.
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i'm not a racist. to judge me about that one word is wrong. it's never acceptable to use that word, even as friend to friend on a voice mail. >> except in a locker room perhaps? that was richie incognito in an exclusive interview with fox
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sports defending his character and discussing his relationship with jonathan martin. espn is reporting a close source to martin says the offensive lineman wants to play football again. we don't know if that will be with the dolphins. martin is expected to release a video statement later this week. he wants to play but likely not with the dolphins and that would seem very unlikely. we don't know what happened here between these two men and we shouldn't surmise anything based on what we've seen so far, but i did think it was pretty extraordinary. >> it was fascinating. i think you are right, we've learned our lessons in the past here, not to necessarily jump to conclusions and blame when we're sort of hearing one side says this and other side says this. i thought some of incognito's what we heard from voicemails and texts, certainly seem to me like bullying.
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i just -- for my part as a victim of bullying as a child. i would say the one thing that is unacceptable is people who say if it was truly bullying, it's just part of the football culture. that to me is the problem if that ultimately is what we conclude. that is not -- shouldn't be part of any culture, football or otherwise. >> thanks so much for that. that does it for us for this edition of andrea mitchell reports. tamron hall is up next with "news nation." >> nice to see you back. as aid slowly reaches the millions devastated by the typhoon in the philippines, we'll take a closer look at the worst storm in history and the aid including u.s. marines on the ground. as americans honor our vets today, a childhood memory helped solve a world war ii mystery involving the massacre of 11 african-american soldiers. we'll talk about this case and
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why it's gotten so much attention as of late. the video by ucla student that's gone viral and adding to the debalt ovd debate over affirmative action. the university has more ncaa titles than african-american male freshman. the university blames state laws, this one is our "news nation" gut check. [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy.
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