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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  November 11, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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is it not? >> yes. fast track is the key. we have to change fast track. so that the administration does not get a blank check and an up or down vote. that will happen in the next few months. >> okay. larry cohen president communications workers of america. glad to have you with us tonight. this effects every worker in this country. i hope the politicians are paying attention to to it. that's "the ed show." "politicsnation" starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed. and thanks to you for tuning in. i'm live tonight from dallas. tonight's lead, sarah palin and the extreme takeover of the gop. just days after another election day rejection of the tea party candidates, look who's back. sarah palin. the queen of the tea party was out in iowa this weekend where she compared the federal debt to
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slavery. insisting the comparison isn't racist. >> our free stuff today is being paid for by taking money from our children and borrowing from china. when that note comes due -- and this isn't racist. try it and try it. when that note comes due, it's like slavery. we are going to be beholden to a foreign master. >> our federal debt is like slavery? slavery was horrific, vile, a vile practice that was explicitly based on race. so it's hard to avoid sounding racist when you make comparisons like that. this kind of talk has no place in our political debate. but palin doesn't seem to care. she only cares about throwing red meat to the right wing.
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>> the president now broadcasting his sham-wow style infomercials. the far left stifling, strangling, shackling agenda. leaders who would exempt themselves from the laws they force on the rest of us, that's dictatorship. >> a dictatorship? this stuff might work with the rabid right wing audience, but not with the rest of america. in swing states, palin's approval rating now stands at just 26%. 26%. but here's the thing. republicans in congress have been having their cues taken from her for years. in fact, they sound just like sarah palin. listen to how they repeat her talking points. >> of course there are death panels. >> it will be very unpleasant if the death panels go into effect.
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>> obama care in our businesses and our individual lives and that will suffocate enterprise and entries. >> threat of obama care continuing to hang over our economy like a wet blanket. >> pulling out any who abuse our military, our vets as pawns in a political game. >> our veterans should be above politics. enough games. >> barack obama is a socialist. he believes in socialism. >> he wants to implement his socialist programs and that's all he knows. >> it's hard not to see the pattern. and that's the real problem hear. it's one thing for sarah palin to have low approval ratings, but the tea party's approval rating is even worse. just 21% nationwide. a record low. and the republican party's approval rating is also at a
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record low 24%. it's time for the gop to reject palin's brand of extremism instead of copying in. until then, they'll just keep walking and waking up after elections wondering why they're losing. joining me now are joan walsh and cynthia tucker. thank you both for being here. >> thanks, rev. >> good to be here, reverend. >> cynthia, let me go to you first. why won't republicans comparing the debt to slavery when we have gop presidents with a federal debt? >> you know, the extreme right wing of the gop has certain verbal ticks that they just can't seem to leave alone even though these ticks get them in trouble. there are certain things they should know by now they should not discuss. they should never discuss rape because if they do, they'll say something stupid.
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they should never discuss slavery, because if they do, they'll say something stupid. as you said earlier, slavery was a horrific institution. nothing else like it in the history of the country. debt does not allow a slave to legally rape his property. debt does not allow us -- excuse me, a slave master. debt does not allow a slave master to take away your children. on top of which, the federal debt is actually falling. so sarah palin is wrong on all counts. >> and the federal debt has been falling every year for the last five years. joan, let me ask you. you know, sarah palin was on the "today" show just this morning. and she explicitly rejected the idea republicans need to temp ir their extremism. >> if you look at the result os
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the election, isn't the message to the tea party that the middle ground, not the far right, is the most fertile ground for upcoming elections? >> when you sabd in the middle of the road, you're going to get hit on both sides of the road. >> you know, isn't palin really driving the party of the republican party into a ditch with this kind of stuff? >> hey, look, reverend al. sarah palin actually is the mainstream of the republican party. she really is. we don't want to think that. we want to give them more credit. and, you know, we bend over backwards pointing to people like chris christie who is severely conservative but isn't quite as nasty about it. but she's playing a game here that's becoming increasingly popular. first of all, to my white brothers and sisters, when you're tempted to preface something by saying this isn't racist, you should probably check yourself because it probably is. and she put on a clinic in white privilege, really. it is many things. one of those things is letting
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yourself stay ignorant enough to use slavery as a metaphor about something you don't like about government. as cynthia said, the debt does not let someone rape their slave. so the debt does not come and take her child out of her arms. so this is -- the white grievance industry where she does a fun thing in there. she's like go ahead and try. because being told that you shouldn't use slavery as a metaphor, that's discrimination. that's racist. my god. what are you talking about doing to us? >> yeah. well, let me ask you this, cynthia. you know, a recent poll shows how extremist rhetoric fuels right wing conspiracy theories. this is very disturbing. 44% of republicans said president obama secretly wants to stay in office beyond 2017 far third term.
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42% said muslims are implementing sharia law in the u.s. courts. and republican officials pander to that base. here's owen hill who's running for the u.s. senate in colorado. talking about his visit to kenya recently. listen to this. >> one kid told me he wanted to be president of the united states. i held back my snarky comment that said well, we already have someone from kenya as pooits. . >> this is the stuff that's fueling the conspiracy theories and the birther stuff. when you look at the stuff that is starting to put this out in conversation as they -- as if they believe it. >> absolutely. reverend al, to listen to any right wing radio or television, to read any right wing websites is to wander like alice down the
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rabbit hole to an alternative universe of the craziest conspiracies you have ever heard. and not only does the base believe that, politicians pander to it. joan may be right that this is now the actual build of the republican party. but one thing you can say about chris christie, he may be right wing, too, but he knows the facts. and that's why i think a politician like chris christie would have a very hard time getting the republican nomination. he's going to stand up and say things that are factually true for the most part and the base has rejected that. they have gone off in a different direction saying obama was born in kenya. >> but the problem is going to be, joan, and let me throw this at you quickly about chris christie. is can he win a republican
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nomination without changing, modifying, or become silent on some of what makes those who call him moderate call him moderate in the first place. let me give an example of the alleged moderate republican christie. he's already shifting on immigration. listen to what he said about the path to citizenship in 2010 and what he said this weekend. it's a remarkable change. look at this. >> the president and the congress have to step up to the plate. they have to secure our borders and they have to put forward a common sense path to citizenship. >> i don't get to make those decisions. i could have an opinion of lots of things. but we're not going over all of that this morning are we? >> he went from in 2010 saying the congress needs to step up and stand up to this weekend i don't get to make those decisions. i'm just a governor of new jersey. i have a lot of opinions.
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is he beginning to show this political moonwalk? >> i was shocked by his performance this weekend. the one thing he has going is a reputation for putting the cards on the table, for straight talk, for not being afraid of the repercussions. if you like me, what you see is what you get. all week long dodging. i'm not going to play that washington game. i don't have to have an opinion. i'm not the best informed person as governor of new jersey. my, god, man. we're part of this political culture. we're all expected to be informed. i thought that was surprising and possibly more damaging than a shift to the right or a firm, yes, i'm going to stake out this line on immigration. i think there should be a pathway to citizenship. that was not chris christie in my opinion. and it was very dangerous. >> it's amazing when people don't want to play the washington game while they're trying to get to washington.
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joan walsh and cynthia tucker, thanks for your time tonight. >> thanks, reverend al. >> good to be here, rev. ahead, honoring the troops on veterans day. president obama is keeping his promises to our vets. why republicans are just revealing their own hypocrisy. plus the player behind the nfl's racially charged bullying scandal is breaking his silence. and defending his action. >> i'm not a racist. and to judge me by that one word is wrong. my actions were coming from a place of love. and we'll tell you about the republican politician who used the dirty tricks campaign to convince african-american voters that he was black. peace of mind is important when you're running a successful business.
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i'm here in the great state of texas tonight, and i invite all of "politicsnation" to my book signing. i'll be talking about and signing copies of "the rejected stone." that's tonight at the friendship west baptist church in dallas. and the program starts at 7:30 p.m. reverend freddy haines is hosting. and tomorrow night i'll be in miami. hope to see you all at the new birth baptist church at 7:30 eastern where bishop victor curry is our host. we'll be right back. the right medicare d plan. no one could have left this much money here. whoo-hoo-hoo! yet many seniors who compare medicare d plans realize they can save hundreds of dollars. cvs/pharmacy wants to help you save on medicare expenses. talk to your cvs pharmacist, call, or go to
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that's our promise to you and all who've served. to be there, to support you when you come home every step of the way. and as a nation we will strive to be worthy of the sacrifices you've made. that's what we owe all our veterans. >> that's what we owe all our veterans. president obama on this veterans day honoring all those who served our country. promising to bring our troops home. and take care of them once they are back. the american people know this commander in chief is looking out for our veterans. and they also know when politicians are just paying lip service to the troops. >> can't we all come together in a bipartisan manner and say we support our veterans? >> they should be able to take action to support our veterans.
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>> to protect and honor america's brave men and women in uniform. >> republicans are always eager to pose for photo ops with veterans. but when it comes to policies, the gop track record speaks for itself. refusing the medicaid expansion, leaving thousands of vets uninsured. slashing unemployment benefits. holding up a bill that would support disabled veterans. blocking a veterans jobs bill. and on the first of november, 900,000 veterans saw their food stamp benefits cut. >> get a receipt, tell you how much you got left. i had like 15 cents left. it said you will not receive any more. >> it's crazy. we're not getting enough now to get by through the month. that's why we're having to go to outside facilities. >> places are not hiring right now. i go looking every day. i have no income coming in, no
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food stamps, how am i supposed to live? >> why take it away from us? i mean, we were there for them. why can't they be there for us? >> every person you just heard from, every one is a veteran who's not getting the help he deserves from his country. america is better than that. as the president said, we need to honor this service. not just with photo ops and sound bites. but with real intangible support. joining me now is former congressman patrick murphy. the first iraq war vet elected to congress. >> thanks for having me back, rev. >> first of all, thank you for your service on this veterans day. how can republicans claim to honor vets while cutting the programs they depend on when they come home from war?
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>> you know actions speak louder than words. as commander in chief, he has been a steadfast supporter of our troops. when i was there, we passed the largest increase in veterans benefits in the history of our country. we also passed a new post-9/11 g.i. bill. we've done these things because it was the right thing to do after 12 years now in war when less than 1% of america has carried an unbelievable burden. 2.5 million veterans have served in iraq and afghanistan. you know, goes back to the old says, rev. fool me once, shame on you, foo l me twice, shame on me. >> yeah. >> and after the government and republican shotdown a few weeks ago, our veterans didn't get the death gratuity benefits. now ten days into this, 900,000 veterans are affected by those cuts to the s.n.a.p. program or food stamp program. rev, you know as well as i do
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we're talking about $4 a day to live on. >> and they cut that as of november 1st. it's not only that. look at the budget cuts for veterans programs the gop has advocated and pushed through. cuts to a labor department, a job training program. cuts to housing veterans for vets. cuts to mental health counseling for vets. an increase in the waiting time for burial at arlington national cemetery. these are directly at vets, yet they claim to be the party of the military. >> and i was on rachel maddow a few months ago the day the voted on the g.i. bill. republican senators who were co-sponsors of that exact bill, they voted against it because they didn't want to give
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president obama or harry reid any credit. and that is playing politics with men and women who have sacrificed so much. so on this veterans day, let's not just say and talk about it twice a year. let's make sure we are steadfast and true to these heroes as they come back home every single day. >> yeah. now, that's an excellent point. and you know, when you think about when they come home, the kind of challenges they face, congressman. nearly 250,000 recent vets are out of work. nearly a million live in poverty. 62,000 vets are homeless, and at least 20,000 lost their homes in 2010 due to foreclosures. i mean, these men and women need our help. where is the g snop -- gop? >> reverend, let's hope there's a new spirit in washington. let's get folks to come together
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as americans to put our country first. that whole selfless service that our veterans teach us should be a lesson learned out in washington. and i'm hopeful. but i'm not naive. but i will tell you that there has been great strides made. great strides made when it comes to our veterans. there's so much more work to be done as you just put in that graphic. every night in america, 62,000 veterans are homeless. every day in america, 22 veterans commit suicide. 10% jobless rate with the post-9/11 veterans, my generation of veterans coming back home. we need to do all we can. we need to come together. we can't just say federal government, that's your job. it's the private sector, it's all of us as a country and community coming together to put these heroes first. >> congressman patrick murphy, thank you so much for your time tonight. and again, thank you for your service to the country.
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>> thank you, reverend. i appreciate it. coming up, a deadly shooting in michigan is drawing comparisons to trayvon martin and the tragedy in florida. why was a 19-year-old killed? why was there no arrest? and more on the nfl bullying scandal. the man at the center of the controversy speaks out on that racially charged voice mail. two former players are here live. and senator lindsey graham loved talking about that bogus "60 minutes" benghazi report. so where's the apology? next. you know that old saying,
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the hits just keep on coming for republicans who were hoping "60 minutes" could help them revive their so-called scandal
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about the terrorist attack on our consulate in benghazi. we told you on friday how "60 minutes" pulled the report and admitted the heart of the story was based on a lie. well, last night, they apologized. >> we end our broadcast tonight with a correction. on a story we reported october 27th about the attack on the american special mission compound in benghazi. the most important thing to everybody at "60 minutes" in the truth. and the truth is we made a mistake. >> nthey made a mistake. a big one. which is bad news for republicans like senator lindsey graham who are trying to gin up a scandal against the obama administration. graham sprinted to cameras just
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days after the initial "60 minutes" story citing that report as the source of his renewed outrage. >> after the "60 minutes" show sunday, that just falls completely apart. you got "60 minutes" now validating it. what did the "60 minutes" show tell us? >> senator graham even threatened to put on hold all of president obama's nominees until he gets answers about benghazi. so what's graham saying now that "60 minutes" has admitted that their story is bogus? is he apologizing and backing down? nope. >> the "60 minutes" story was not true. will you now end your threat to place a hold on the president's nominees? >> no. >> no facts, no problem.
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now to a deadly shooting in michigan drawing comparisons to the trayvon martin tragedy. it's raising serious questions and calls for justice. one week ago, 19-year-old ranisha mcbride was shot in the face and killed in the early morning of november 2nd. mcbride was in a car accident in detroit. her family says her cell phone had died and they believed she started knocking on doors for help. a few hours later, she came to
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this house. the owner shot her in the face. he says he thought ranisha was trying to break into his house and his gun went off accident tally. prosecutors are reviewing evidence, but one week later and the shooter has not been arrested. she was remembered at her funeral friday as an outgoing woman who loved cars and shopping and thought of becoming a police officer. her family is struggling to understand what happened. >> my cousin didn't deserve it. she was a beautiful girl. and she would not have hurt anybody. >> i need peace. i need justice for my niece. my nice didn't deserve to die like this. this was senseless. >> a senseless death. and a family that deserves answers. joining me now is the attorney
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for renisha mcbride's family. thank you for being here. first of all, my condolences to renisha's family. this shooting happened more than a week ago. is the family concerned there hasn't been an arrest, attorney? >> the family wants a conviction. if it takes the prosecutor a week or two to gather the evidence to ensure a conviction, the family is reassured with that. we understand that the prosecutor is doing her own investigation separate and apart from the police department. the prosecutor is a woman of integrity and her reputation is such that she builds these cases to get quiconvictions and she ts her time. she's demonstrated that in other cases. >> i'm an activist and show
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host, but in the cases you must respect the family. they are the primary seeker of justi justice. so you're saying the family is okay with the prosecutor. >> yes. especially because making sure they obtain all the evidence to get a conviction. the family is interested in a conviction. just to charge this man is not sufficient. they need a conviction in order to have justice. this was a senseless, senseless killing. there was no reason for this 19-year-old girl to die. none whatsoever. >> now, police say the shooter told them the gun accidentally discharged. but his attorney also said, quote, i'm confident when the evidence comes it will show that my client was justified and acted as a reasonable person would who was in fear for his life.
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i mean, what was it? was he acting in fear of his life, or was it an accident? what do you make of these statements? >> well, there were two questions you raised. one was was it an accident? if it's a shotgun, it has a safety on it. so i can't see how that was an accident. second, he was in his own home. all he had to do was call 911 if he was in fear of his life. and instead of coming -- instead of calling 911, he comes outside with a shotgun, puts it in her face and blows off her head. >> let me ask you this, attorney. there's a stand your ground law in michigan. are you concerned that if this person is arrested and charged, that they will use stand your ground as a defense? >> they use stand your ground as a defense, but it's not going to hold any water. she had no weapon. it's 5'4," he's got a shotgun.
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he has to show that he's in imminent fear of his life. how is he going to show that? all he had to do was stay in his house. if he came outside with a shotgun, he didn't have to pull the trigger. >> well, we'll be following this case very closely. gerald, thank you very much for coming on tonight and giving us light on this. >> thank you. ahead, new details in the nfl bullying scandal. as the man at the center of it all says he's not a racist. plus we'll tell you how a gop politician used a dirty tricks campaign to convince african-american voters that he was black. stay with us. la's known definitely for its traffic,
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now to the man at the center of that nfl bullying controversy. suspended dolphins player richie incognito is speaking out about the alleged threats against former teammate jonathan martin. he admits to using the "n" word, but defend himself against charges of racism. >> i'm not a racist. and to judge me by that one word is wrong. in no way, shape, or form is it ever acceptable for me to use
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that word even if it's friend to friend on a voice mail. my actions were coming from a place of love. no matter how bad and vulgar it sounds, that's how we communicate. that's how our friendship was. >> and a friendship with teammate jonathan martin is the way he describes it. even though the voice mail he left him said, quote, hey what's up you half "n" word piece of blank. i'm going to slap your blank mouth. i'm going to slap your real mother across the face. [ bleep ] you. you're still a rookie. i'll kill you. and despite his abrupt departure from the team, incognito said martin text messaged him four days later after he left. >> jon left the team on monday. we played a game on thursday. i spoke with jon on friday. >> you spoke with him? >> i texted with him. i spoke with him through text
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messages. he text me and said i don't blame you guys. i blame some stuff in the locker room. i blame the culture. i blame what was going on around me. >> martin allegedly blames the culture for leaving the team. a culture martin's attorney paints as an out of control animal house with malicious physical attacks and vulgar sexual threats to family members. but incognito alleges martin also sent him a threatening message. >> for instance, a week before this went down, jonathan martin text me on my phone i will murder your whole f-ing family. now, did i think he was going to murder my family? not one bit. >> so he left that text for you? >> he text me that. >> i didn't think he was going to cokill my family. i knew it was coming from a teammate. that just puts in context how we communicate with one another. >> for now there are more
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questions than answers. but that may change soon because martin is expected to release a video statement. maybe as soon as this week. joining me now, thank you both for coming on the show tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> randall, we had you on friday. has your opinion of this story changes now that you've heard from richie incognito? >> no, sir. i still want to know what the intent is. and of course the language is definitely out of bounds and you shouldn't talk like that whether it be to a friend and/or foe. but what is the intent? and i know that it's usually a brotherly love that goes on in those locker rooms. if the intent was with evilness, then so be it and then have at
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it. if not, maybe it's a generational gap that we all must look at. >> but let me ask you, cato. incognito opened up about a brank that led to martin's taking a leave of absence from the dolphins. take a listen to this. >> we had 12, 13 offensive linemen sitting at the offensive line table. we have a special table in the lunchroom we eat at every day. there was one seat open at the end of the table. i told the guys, listen, when j sits down, we're going to grab our trays and leave him there sitting by himself. jon comes. he sits down, we get up and grab our trays. we're all taking off and laughing and carrying on. and jon grabs his plate of food, chucks it on the floor, runs in the locker room, grabs his keys and he's gone. >> i mean, is this typical, cato, of nfl locker rooms? or is this something above and beyond what is normal? >> well, i would imagine that
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every locker room is different. the locker rooms i was in, people played jokes. people laughed and joked. but i think at the end of the day it's about a line of respect. you have to respect the man that you're next to. this is still your teammate. this is supposed to be your brother. you don't want them to feel uncomfortable or feel like they don't belong. you want them to when it's time to go out in the fourth quarter, you're in the trenches, you want this guy to stand next to you and be able to make plays. you don't want them to feel uncomfortable. i don't think it's just as simple as hey, this one little trick or this and that. i think there's more to it. but at the end of the day, i think also with that, you know, playing professional football, you have to be mentally tough. and there are things outside of just actually, you know, the teasing of the teammates. this back and forth. but a mental toughness that goes along with trying to perform and trying to exceed expectations from the cultures as well. >> you know, randal, the 800
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pound gorilla in the room is the racism. because the "n" word was used. you talk about intent. is there a real problem when someone using racial language to another teammate from a different race in the locker room? would this have the same kind of interest if we were not talking about threats and talking about the use of racial language? >> when you talk about that specific word and i alluded to it earlier, there's a generational gap. when you talk about older people such as myself, i'm calling myself old, yes i am. and my mom and my dad, you know, you're not necessarily -- you're not going to get a warm, fuzzy friendly feeling. but when you talk about the younger guys and the youths of the united states, you know, it happens. and it's like common language. but when you talk about, you know, as he alluded to before in reference to making someone feel
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a certain way. the only way you know how someone is feeling is if they speak up. stand tall, stand proud, say it loud, and if you're upset and something bothers you say it. you can't just run away from something that is actually bothering you. >> let me push that on you a little. because the martin and incognito are the same generation. there's no generation problem there. and it seems as though martin is saying that this was wrong and this was something that bothered them. we're talking about martin and incognito who are the same generation. >> right. and you're absolutely right. but what i'm pertaining to is how we're looking at it from the outside in. everyone has come to rush to judgment without knowing all the facts. and by nature i'm a fact finder because of what i do. bottom line is, you know, that generation, you know, they use those type of words.
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i'm not agreeing with it at all. but we have to sit back and say what type of relationship did they actually have with each other. what i'm understanding is that that type of language was actually going both ways now. again, what are the facts? >> yeah. but we -- and we need to know the facts. we've not heard even incognito say that racial language was used against him. but we need all of the facts. and we are being told, cato, that he was considered -- incognito was considered an honorary black in the locker room. what do you make of that? he was an honorary black and do they have the right to use the "n" word? what does that mean? what goes with the honor? >> i don't know what that means. i've never been in a situation where i felt comfortable using racial slurs with white people and white people using racial slurs with me in a locker room
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setting or anywhere. so i really don't have any sympathy towards somebody that feels like using that type of language is acceptable. i think that you should ultimately respect one another. the beauty about the locker room is you have people from all backgrounds, all economic backgrounds, religious beliefs, you know, spiritual beliefs. and you can come together in the locker room and speak about pip and speak openly. where in the corporate world, you may not be able to have these conversations. i think it's a good thing you can openly speak about what you feel and stand your ground about what you believe and have a respect line at the same time. so i don't think there's any place for using racially, you know, i mean, language that's racially offensive. >> i'm going to have to leave it there. thank you both for your time this evening. >> thank you. >> thank you, sir. appreciate it. coming up, imagine a
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politician pretending to be black to win an election. well, it happened right here in texas. that's next. weekdays are for rising to the challenge. they're the days to take care of business. when possibilities become reality. with centurylink as your trusted partner, our visionary cloud infrastructure and global broadband network free you to focus on what matters. with custom communications solutions and responsive, dedicated support, we constantly evolve to meet your needs. every day of the week. centurylink® your link to what's next.
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lots of people are talking about a story out of houston, texas, today. a republican named dave wilson just won a race for a seat on the houston community college board of trustees.
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from a heavily african-american district. after leading voters to believe he was black. this story is troubling. racial politics at its worst. just listen to the radio ad wilson ran in his district. >> girl, have you been keeping up with the hcc district 2 race? >> the one between dave wilson and bruce austin? >> i'm voting for dave wilson. >> dave wilson, isn't he the -- >> yes. he's the man fighting for our neighborhoods. >> wilson also sent out a series of misleading fliers. in one he claims he was endorsed by ron wilson. but not the well known texas politician ron wilson who debated david duke and led the fight for texas to recognize martin luther king day. if you read the fine print, the ron wilson who endorsed dave wilson is his cousin who lives in iowa. wilson's shady campaign tactics were the subject of a local news report over the weekend.
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>> wilson sent out a bunch of these direct mail pieces implying that he's african-american. his fliers depicted smiling african-american faces. the words said please vote for our friend and neighbor dave wilson. the pictures he admits were just lifted off the internet. >> all these supporters are african-american. >> what a coincidence. >> what a coincidence. dave wilson used these tactics to beat a 24-year incumbent by just 26 votes. there are now calls for a ru count in this race. we'll be watching this story very closely.
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served in the army in world war ii. >> 107-year-old richard overton, the oldest living veteran. he volunteered in 1942 for an all-black unit. 70 years later, our first black president is saluting him. >> today our message to all those who've ever worn the uniform of this nation is this. we will stand by your side whether you're seven days out or like richard 70 years out. because here in america we take care of our own. >> we will stand by your side. thanks for standing by ours, richard and all veterans out there. and speaking of our military heroes, right now over 8,000 miles from our shores, the united states military is providing humanitarian aid in
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the philippines. our military is responding to the unspeakable devastation the typhoon left. over 1700 have died and the death toll could surpass 10,000. nearly 10 million have been affected and over 615,000 have been displaced. in the last 24 hours, 38,000 pounds of relief supplies have been flown in. and the united states government is providing $20 million in aid. if you want to donate, go to red or our site. we've posted information about how you can donate. our military keeps people safe in all parts of the world. we should tonight take a moment to think about these troops. there and elsewhere. there are days when we should put aside our political


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