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tv   The Last Word  MSNBC  November 12, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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nobody in virginia political reporting is squawking abut this the way i am. i will admit i seem to mow more upset than any bed close to the story. i am not alleging anything here. if i were a virginia voter. i might like to have somebody who is not a candidate making the decisions. i think it matters. i think ken cuccinelli's involvements are the facts. they declared over half the ballots to be valid. based on the evidence for why the votes should count. then they brought the ballots in. they prepped the tabulating machines. opening sealed envelopes containing ballots. counting could begin right away. an unofficial report from the reporter on the scene who says the democrat in the race widened his margin by more than 50 votes in tonight's voting. we'll see when the official tallies come over. an amazing race. it's not over. time for "the last word" with laur lawrence o'donnell. have a great night. >> finally, president obama,
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bill clinton and john boehner of all people have found something about the affordable care act that they can agree on. >> it's clinton vs. obama, part two. >> the president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people. >> you will keep your health insurance. >> former president bill clinton weighed in. >> let them keep what they've got. >> thank you bill clinton. >> a lot of problems. >> disappointing obama care numbers. >> doesn't surprise me. >> i think things are going to pick up. >> they have got to fix this and fast. >> i have not seen figures. >> expecting official numbers from the administration. >> releasing by the end of the week. >> we need to work to implement it. >> listen to debbie wasserman-schultz. >> every single day. >> they know when it is successful their candidates lose. >> when we look back we will be better off. >> still with all this peeling up. >> we are not going backwards. >> there is this ideological
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opposition. >> it is about ideology. >> most obvious example is >> they know when it is successful. >> republicans plotting strategy. >> tone, style, divided government. >> i appreciate that. >> the gop its beset by greater structural problems. >> approximately see has got to match the politics. >> republicans continue to rig the electorate. >> republicans have done their best. >> that's not okay. >> we are not going backwards. >> tone, style, perception of divided government. >> that's the battle now. >> that's not okay. that's bad. today, bill clinton got applause from john boehner for saying this. >> i personally believe even if it takes a change in the law that the president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they've got. >> speaker boehner immediately put out a statement.
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saying, i applaud president clinton for joining the bipartisan call for president obama to keep his promise to the american people, democrats concerned about the president's broken promise should join republicans in voting to pass the keep your health plan act when it comes before the house later this week. many commentators seem to have forgotten this, but last week, last week, president obama already indicated that he wants to explore changes in the affordable care act that could allow more people to keep health insurance plans that do not meet the standards of newt law. >> obviously we didn't do a good enough job in how we crafted the law. that's something that i regret. that's something that we are going to do everything we can to get fixed. >> today, jay carney expanded. >> as you saw, the president say, in an interview with nbc last week, the answer is yes. the president has asked his team with -- tasked his team with,
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looking at a range of options. as he said, to make sure nobody is put in position where their plans have been canceled they can't afford a better plan though they would look to have a better plan. for the universe of people. smaller group of people. within that five% of the population for whom -- the fact that they have gotten a cancellation notice. they do not meet the minimum standard. they're facing challenges in terms of affordability. the president asked his team to address the problem. joining me now, joy reid, managing editor, and a pulitzer prize winning investigative reporter. joy, a lot of people have forgotten that what bill clinton said today -- chuck todd. it is kind of a -- the worrying thing. end up making bad law.
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it is true -- president indicated a willingness. a law that affects a small number of people. you are talking fewer than 5% of people that buy on the individual market. insurance companies used to love selling insurance to the people. by and large, they were male, healthy, single. weren't going to have a baby. people who probably never use insurance they were healthy, they would never have to avail themselves of coverage that if could sell them junk plans that were cheat but that didn't have much in them. god forbid you get sick. if they start going back and grandfathering in more of the junk policies, i don't know how that strengthens the law. think it weakens it. >> david kay johnston, the target that jay carney drew, pretty narrow one. people in the market place who cannot afford or find a plan that they can afford. now, most, a lot of people we are talking about will get subsidies in the, in the system, so the affordability factor
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actually applies to very, very few people. >> yeah, most people will actually be better off in the situation they're describing under the plans. but i have a different take on this. lawrence, i don't think the president ever meant, you will have the exact plan you have. that's impossible. companies change their plans every year. everybody in america with health insurance knows their plan changes every year. what he was saying if you don't want to be in the exchanges and been private health care you can still do it. that was the point that i thought always understood he was making. >> let's listen to what bill clinton said is the take away, the one line if you could quote one line from bill clinton about the affordable care act. he would look it ike tight be i. >> the big lesson. we are better off with the law than without it. >> joy reid, you have to assess about this. republicans, every one of them, say absolutely we are worse off because of this law. >> yeah, for the, approximately
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40 million people who have no health insurance at all. many of whom couldn't afford to purchase it. they are vastly better off. to have the insurance card. go and see a doctor. get preventative care. women being able to get mammograms. just the rate of people who die every year, because of undiagnosed illness. undiagnosed cancer. because they don't have a doctor, insurance card. so overwhelming. the nm weumber who go bankrupt. thought they had insurance. people will be vastly better off. talking 5% of people. most of whom would be better off the they would get plans, that cover mental health care and things it didn't before. the very small number of people who, who will feel like knelt lo -- net losers, get. better insurance. they have to pay more for it >> listen to what president clinton said today about some of the struggles that the medicare prescription drug benefit had when it went into law, signed by, advocated signed by president bush and voted for by
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republicans. let's listen to that. >> president bush put in the medicare drug program for seniors. which was not as complicated. but had exactly the same problem with the rollout. it was a disaster. there were people who even lost their prescriptions for their existing medicine. and they fixed it. these kind of problem that they're having with affordable care act, something we have seen before. especially, as you increase the complexity of the -- of the new government program. >> yes, all of these big computer base proed grams start out with terrible problems. we hear about them in government because government is transparent. when the utility or the -- the bank has the problems. they don't have to tell you about them. there is nothing unusual about having problems. and a terrible problem of selling, and couldn have prepard better for what happened.
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>> i want to go to something, bill clinton said 20 years ago. when he was trying to pass his version of health care reform. much bulkier and complex than the obama version. and he did not over simplify. he was not accused of oversimplifying when he described it. let's listen to how he did describe it. >> itch you are a young single person in your 20s. you are already insure sd. your rates may go up some what because you are going to go into a big pool. with middle-aged people and older people. and we want to enable people to keep their insurance, even when someone in their family gets sick. but i think that's fair, because when the young get older, they'll benefit from it. first. and secondly, even those who pay a little more today will benefit four, five, six, seven years from now. by us bringing health care cost win. some have to pay more in the short run.
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nevertheless, the vast majority of americans watching this tonight, will pay the same or less for health care coverage that will be the same or better than the coverage they have tonight. that is the central treeality. some painful honesty in there. young, single person in your 20s. you are insured. your rates will go up. i never heard president obama say anything like that. however the legislative scorecard on the accurately described clinton plan is the following. it could not get through all of the committees of jurs dikts in the house of representatives. and it never came to a vote on the floor of the house of representatives, was never brought to the house of representatives. to the floor. it made it through the committees. a version of it. waltered down version of it. made it through the committees in the senate. went to the senate flar foor fo less than a week pulled offen surrender.
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never came to ape vo vote in th united states senate or the house. that's an accurate description of what you are up to will get you. >> see how many word that took. the temptation for the obama white house in overlearning the lessons of the clinton era getting health care reform. when it sound like what it is, it sound like bill clinton did. costs will go up. truisms. make your plan sound like it is for the middle-class. health care is benefiting a lot of people, mostly getting in on medica medicaid. look at states. >> medicaid the single biggest component of the bill before the supreme court reduced it. >> the biggest component. people signing up. small number through the website. orders of magnitude through medicaid. never admit not for the middle-class. no one cares about the poor. never admit anybody is going to pay anything. americans like their approximately see policy like cake. all cake, no dinner. administration boiled it down. like your health care you can
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keep it. big mistake. a mistake that came a little bit out of the lesson. >> yes, when those of us who watch the 93, 94 failed health care campaign of the democrats, clinton administration. we were watching the obama version, i think there were many instances in which it was very clear to us oechkay, keying offe clinton mistake. the speech successful at the time to the joint session was ultimately judged to half been a very big mistake to go out there and tripe thy to go into detail that length of time. >> 1,400 pages as if that was hey lot of legislation, attack, placed on it. health care, a complicated subject. if you want to make it simple and get it off the backs of business which you would expect the gop to support. there is an answer. universal single paler health ca -- single payer health care. we are going to have a comb
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-- complicated system as a result. >> it comes from deliberate attempts to avoid the simplicity. david, joy, thank you for joining us tonight. >> coming up, how did republicans come to control the house of representatives? they rigged the game. the author of a new revealing "rolling stone" story will join me. and sports socialism in the "rewrite" tonight. the democrat is against sports socialism. the republican is in favor of it. >> of and bob costas shook up the sports world today with what he had to say about not allowing boys to play football. >> later, two very different senators, christian gillibrand and rand paul shed a tear as they hear about sexual assault in the military. lily...she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress.
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but once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. i use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. you are free to go. [ dad ] tide and downy together.
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>> today hawaii the 15th state
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to legalize same-sex marriage. the governor called the legislature into session to pass the bill. he will sign the bill wednesday morning. couples can get marriage licenses as soon as december 2nd. >> up next, how democrats can get over a million more votes in congressional campaigns than republicans do. and republicans still control the house. in the nation, sometimes bad things happen. but add brand new belongings from nationwide insurance and we won't just give you the partial value of items that are stolen or destroyed... ...we'll replace them with brand-new versions. so you won't feel robbed. again. just another way we put members first. because we don't have shareholders. join the nation. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪
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does it end after you've expanded your business?? after your company's gone public? and the capital's been invested? or when your company's bought another? is it over after you've given back? you never stop achieving. that's why, at barclays, our ambition is to always realize yours. how do you lose a majority of the popular vote but maintain a majority in the house of
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representatives? that question is answered in a new article in "rolling stone" titled "how republicans rigged the game" it sums up the republican strategy this way. national republicans have waged an unrelenting campaign to exploit every weakness in our electoral system through a combination of hyperpartisan redistricting of the house unprecedented obstructionism in the senate and racist voter suppression in the states. today's gop has locked in political power that it could never have secured on a level playing field. following president obama's 2008 win, karl rove steered $30 million into state races so republicans could take control of state legislatures. karl rove who understood the importance of winning in a census year, spend this article subtitled, he who controls redistricting can control congress. for "the wall street journal," a full eight months before the
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2010 elections. he wrote this. to understand the broader political implications kid th s the gop gained 25, 30 seats because of the redistricting that followed the 1990 census. without the seats, republicans would not have won the house in 1994. the money push worked in 2008. state legislatures looked like this. majority of states were controlled by democrats. and just 14 were under republican control. but after rove's push, the 2010 nap looked like this. half of the states came under republican control including states like north carolina where some of the most controversial voter id laws have been pro p e posed joining me is tim dickinson, "how republicans rig the game" author. tim, they have taken this redistricting to a level i haven't seen before.
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both side do it. grant that at the outset. both side do it. they want to do it. one of the reason that's want to control state legislatures. but rove seems to have understood the importance of this more than any democart did. >> right. and let's be fair. in the past, there has ben sort ofsort -- been sort of a guam to protect incumbents. pile into a district so your guy stays safe. what they did was really, strategize to maximize gains. pack all the democrats into urban districts. using sort of racial signifiers, among other things, big data project to cram the districts full of democrats. you spread the wealth. redraw the republican districts where in come benlts are less saless -- incumbents are less safe, carve out territory. districts that are safe enough to predictably win. >> you mention the component. racial gerrymandering is clearly
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against the law, how do republicans when they sit done to do this figure out a way to do it without leaving proof of racial gerrymandering? >> well, north carolina for instance. there is court documents that show they used -- the percentage of obama voters in a given ward. obviously first african-american president in history. affinity voting among african-americans for the president is, is particularly identifiable on a ward by ward precinct. if you use obama voters and their percentages as a proxy for race, you can, sort of block by block carve out, you know, districts. word from african-american ward. pack the district that way. karl rove wrote publicly what he was up to. the democrats didn't catch up to it in 2010. the democrats just going to have to sit there -- until 2020. until the next redistricting
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census before they can actually seriously take on the problem. awe off the demographic change favor democrats pretty extraordinari extraordinarily. in the late decade. some changes will start to overwhelm even the effort of redistricting. some of the redistricted districts don't have a huge margin. they don't win 65-35. 55-45. so as the demographics change. some will be worn down. we are stuck with this for a decade. >> one of the striking things abut th about this is that the republicans don't play it safe once they get elected within the new district. they, they, in the past when you would see redistricting like this t. the w this, the winner would play down the middle. they know there are mixed voters
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in the district. the republicans with the 55 levels of the majority in their district go, pretty far. in the republican direction. once elected. >> there is always the threat of the primary from somebody to your right. i also think there is another factor. republicans know they're on borrowed time here. they're holding back the tide. trying to, lock in, changes in the law before the demographic changes catch up to them. >> tim dickinson. thank you for joining us tonight. this really is the article that definitively explains how gerrymandering is working. thank you very much, tim. >> mid pleasure. >> my pleasure. >> coming up -- should your kid play football? bob costas now says no. and the major league baseball team in atlanta is paying their second baseman $62 million. but they don't want to pay for the stadium that he plays in. sports socialism is back in the rewrite tonight. [ male announcer ] no matter what city you're playing tomorrow.
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in the spotlight tonight, bob costas, with professional football reeling from accusations of covering up brain damage to its players, allowing race based hazing in the locker room and my hometown team having to cut an accused murderer from its roster, today bob costas said this. >> what would you say to a parent who asked your advice about whether they should let their son play football? >> i would tell them no. i would tell them no. that's, that's, i know that goes viral tomorrow. >> tonight actually. >> i might say, i might say -- you know what? i know many, many thoughtful people who have been involved in football, their entire lives. coaches, players, who belie the starp yo type of what we have got. think we have got -- stairy type of what we have got coming out of the locker room. i am not going to paint everybody with a broad brush. maybe the better answer is -- be
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advised of the extreme dangers. know what you are getting into. let me put it this way, if it were my son, all right, and he was 13 years old and had reason bum bum -- reasonable ability i would encourage him to play baseball, soccer, something other than football. >> joining me writer and columnist for south florida sun sentinel, and the sports editor at the nation and author of "game over how politics have turned the sports world upside down." dave, what is your reaction to what bob costas had to say? >> reaching a point from perspective of science to say you don't want your son to play football is as as controversial as saying you want to make sure your child gets vaccinated at birth. sure there are going to be people who say, no vaccinations are bad. just like people who say football is great for a 6-year-old. but all the science is pointing in the opposite direction. heck, the nfl's own concussion
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expert dr. robert cantu said it would be a very bad idea for kids under 14 to play football because of how it affects the brain cognitive abilities. there used to be a saying, lawrence, a did says to his dad. dad should i box or play football? the father says, son, please play football because nobody plays boxing. well, we're starting to reach a point where, nobody really plays football. either. >> the first article i ever read about brain injury in football was one that i wrote. for my high school news paymenter. on the football team. my football coach didn't like it very much. what got me. i started to notice that motorcycle helmet were much more protective designed with much more ptection than football health melts to sta health mel helmets. what i expected over time. a technological improvement of some kind in the football helmet. which we actually have not seen.
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it has been a very, very minor improvement over the decades. >> i have always wondered why they don't wear an outer paddinging that padding thal that is softer. to pretend like football isn't a dangerous sport would be disingenuous. i have an 11-year-old son. the last sport i would probably allow is football. he would have to absolutely beg to do it you. know you can play basketball. you can play soccer. play anything but football. and really, i take this, this, i take, i take that stance because of all of the@le athlete i have covered. a lot have taken the approach with their own child. walter peyton, jared peyton played at university of miami. he wouldn't allow his son to play until high school. my son is 11. maybe if he is interested i will let him play football high school age when his body is fully develop. right now such a dangerous sport not just from concussion stand points. you are seeing more acl tears in
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teenagers, in, this decade. i believe one doctor told me three times what it was ten years ago. that's primarily because athletics. >> let any listen to what, former nfl player, shannon sharpe had to say on cbs about what is going on in the locker room. >> just ask your parents, ask your grandparents, the mountain that they climbed, so a black person in america could have respect, could have dignity and you allow this in an open locker room to take place. is unacceptable. i place this, i am so disappointed. i just hope that someone was misquoted i hope i am wrong and they didn't allow ritchie incognito to say this racially charged word in a open locker room and go unchecked. that is unacceptable. i am embarrassed, because when he, if he said that to jonathan martin. he didn't say it to him. he talking to you too.
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if you are black you know what that word means. >> omar kelly you are in miami. what is your reaction to that? >> first, off the top, you know people have this perception about richie incognito the i dealt with him a number of years, since 2010 when he joined the team. richie is a bully, alpha male, typical jock. richie is not racist. highs responsible to use the n word. he admitted to it. i dent thon't think he was usinn a regular basis, maybe among this unit members, jonathan mar tiven tin, players said if he ever used it in their presence that would have been an issue, addressed. the use of the n word is something not acceptable from a lot of his teammates. >> dave, a quick last word on this. >> absolutely. one thing i want people to know. is that, that kind of language,
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those kind of words, particularly said by white players, it doesn't happen within ear shot of the coaching staff unless the coaching staff winks and nod and says it is okay. that's why a lot of this scandal end of the day is going to fall on the shoulders of the miami dolphins coaching stach. th -- staff. they allowed a locker room that allowed that garbage to go on. >> thank you both for joining me tonight. >> thank you. >> coming up -- sports socialism is in the "rewrite" tonight. why your taxes should not be paying for the play grounds of professional athletes. ♪ the only downer? my bargain brand towel made a mess of things. so goodbye so-called bargain brands, hello bounty basic. the affordably priced towel that's an actual bargain. watch how one select-a-size sheet of bounty basic is 50% stronger than a full sheet of the bargain brand. it takes a strong towel to stretch a budget. bounty basic.
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pocketful of taxpayer money. atlanta's democratic mayor has refused to use taxpayer money to build a new stadium for the major league baseball team in atlanta which of course can more than afford to pay for a stadium itself. mayor reid decided that the city could not afford the hundred of millions of dollars it would take to rebuild turner field to the satisfaction of the baseball team. it's not that the team has outgrown turner field. which seats 49,000 people. the team is actually looking to downsize. they want a smaller capacity stadium. that's what they did. just 17 years ago when they moved out of their first government subsidized home, which had a capacity of 52,000. it used to be that sports teams wanted new stadiums so they could sell more tickets. so they could increase their
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capacity. now they want new stadiums because they want new stadiums. they behave like spoiled children, they want new toys they're bored with their toys. sports teams believe they can extort new stadiums from local governments if they simply threaten to leave. the mayor stared down major league baseball's threat and said good luck with your new home wherever you go. enter, republican tim lee, the county commission chairman who offered the team a new home in the county in the northern suburb of atlanta. the baseball team announced yesterday they are going to move in 2017 to a new 42,000 seat stadium, ten miles northwest of downtown atlanta. the new smaller stadium will cost $672 million. atlanta's mayor reid said he
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could not match the offer of $450 million taxpayer dollars to pay for that new stadium. the county commission chairman refuses to confirm he has committed to hand-over $450 million taxpayer doll lars to a baseball team that has a $62 million second baseman. so far none, none of the republicans on the county commission have rejected the deal. the details of which they will not even know until a memo of understanding is completed with the team in the next couple weeks. and here we have the perfect test for the tea party. a test the tea party will surely fail. it is tea party country. represented by two of the tea party's staunchest members in congress. republicans tom price and phil
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gingrey. if the tea party hates socialism as much, will the tea party congressman of georgia and the tea party of the county stand up and block the 450 million dollars being handed over to a baseball team in america's most recent ugly example of sports socialism? here is the tea party's big chance to show that they really do hate socialism. the tea party has never, ever, taken a stance against sports socialism. the tea party should be out there tonight. threatening to run a republican primary challenger against the sociali socialist, the sports socialist county commission chairman tim lee. the tea party should not give tim lee another day of peace. now that he has embraced sports socialism. what if the county commission chairman was named obama. what do you think the tea party
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would hatch said about sports socialism coming to the county? every day of tea party silence on this kind of sports socialism in the heart of tea party country, will prove once again, that the tea party doesn't know what socialism is, and is really just the i hate obama party. the mayor said there was no way that the baseball team was going to stay in downtown atlanta without city taxpayers spending hundreds of millions of dollars. not one tea partier applauded the mayor for refusing to give away taxpayer money to a baseball team. the champion of sports socialism, tim lee offered the usual ridiculous justifications for the unjustifiable. he says, that the full commission does not know any of the details of the deal yet.
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but they have been briefed on the deal, and, the response has been very positive. very enthusiastic. in support of the investment, which will bring significant economic growth to the county and the region. that is always the lie they tell. but, studies of sports socialism show that it is not an investment, that it is in fact a giveaway and that the sports teams never come close to generating enough tax revenue for local governments to justify the expenditure. and you don't need a study to tell you that new stadiums do not create winners. the world series was won this year on the oldest baseball field in the major leagues. boston's 101-year-old fenway park. ♪
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>> senator elizabeth warren, too big to fail banks have only gotten bigger. she spoke ate conference and told the audience the five biggest banks are 30% large. >> narrator: than they were just five years ago. she once again called for passage of a new law to separate investment banking from commercial banking. >> throughout the 1980s and 1990s, congress and the regulators chipped away at the protection and encouraging the growth of the mega banks and a sharp increase in systemic risk. they finally finished that task with -- with the 1999 passage of graham-leach-bliley which eliminated protections. sure lobbyists for wall street say the sky will fall if they can't use deposits and checking accounts to fund their high risk
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activities. but they said that in the 1930s too. and they were wrong then. and they are wrong now. >> the 1999 legislation, senator warren was referring to. eliminated it, passed by bipartisan support and was signed into law by president bill clinton. up next, the legislation that puts democrat gillebrand and rand paul on the same side. we'll show you the video where they both shed a tear listening to a story of sexual salt assau the military. i'm not big enough or strong enough for this. there should be some way to make it easier. [ doorbell rings ] [ morty ] here's a box, babe. open it up. oh my goodness! what is a wetjet? some kind of a mopping device. there's a lot of dirt on here. morty, look at how easy it is. it's almost like dancing. [ both humming ] this is called the swiffer dance.
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>> you know in a washington full of petty partisanship, sniping, personal attacks and innuendo. this crusade for justice is a welcome breath of fresh air. >> crusade for justice rand paul is talking about fight to end sexual assault in the military. last week, rand paul joined senators in supporting the proposed amendment to the defense bill that would strip military commanders of the power to rule on sexual assault cases. under the senator's amendment the power would be given to military prosecutors. the amendment does not have the support of military leaders. many on capitol hill have credited the oscar nominated documentary, the invisible war, for shining a light on the pervasiveness of sexual assault in the united states military. there is a senior officer in my command.
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he said, the marines here are nothing but, objects for the marines to [ bleep ] -- >> that was a woman raped by a senior officer and his friend when stationed at the prestigious marine barracks in washington, d.c. she and her husband attended the press conference last week. her husband's testimony actually brought tears to the eyes of the senators who were listening. >> i read her commander's conclusions, in writing she deserved ill treatment for wearing running shorts and makeup. i read the opinion of the command appointed investigator who compared rape to prostitution or marrying a rich man. as for the assault trial, it put arianna through 15 hours of degrading testimony after a year of retaliation and intimidation. the closing statement of that trial was the marine officer reading the definition of
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[ bleep ]. i watched the effect of that injustice on arianna. it takes strength to pull out of that nightmare. and i'm lucky i married -- i'm lucky i married some one so strong to do, that she could do it. even if she still suffers, and has never been the same. she gained wisdom, figured out how to forgive, and although the experience change herd she refused to give her best life and to those around her. >> joining me, amy and kirby, the filmmakers of "the invisible war" nominated for a puma impact award. amy, i have never seen senators cry in a press conference or in any situation?
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>> it's not surprising. it its so heartbreaking. ben was himself, a marine, and an officer, he did two tours of duty in iraq. to see a marine break down like that and cry. and say, you know something has got to change. it's incredible. i mean, what more do people need to hear or see? >> kirby, as you showed in the film, the incidents he is talking about took place of walking distance of where the senators are standing. marine barracks, marines who guard the white house, who stand at the gates of the white house, it is a very prestigious assignment, it was happening, kind of right under their noses. this is a systemic problem going on for 50 years. over 50 years. 500,000 men and women have been sexually assaulted in the u.s. military. >> the latest report showing
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there is an increase now in the number of -- of reported sexual assaults in the military. and some are saying this, increase is a good thing because it is bringing us closer to the real numbers? we don't know. the vast majority of men and women in the military do not report. 85% do not report. the system is broken. people do not trust the system. people do not feel like they will get justice. that's why we need real reform. >> there is more than one version of this moving through the senate. senator claire mccaskill has an alternative plan that would ban military xhaners from overturning jury verdicts mandate any one convicted of sexual assault be dishonorably discharged or dismissed from the military. that is some what different. what is your sense of why the senators aren't together on this? >> actually most of the
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senators, women senators are together. 19 out of 20 women senators, support gi llebrand's bill, not claire mccaskill's. make that clear. women understand the effects of sexual assault and need to take, adjudication of crimes outside chain of command. we don't want to report the crimes to our boss under any circumstances con flkt of interest, uncomfortable, even the best of circumstances don't want to report a sex crime to someone who oversees youen capacities. we want to give our military, service members, access to the same impartial system of justice that they defend for us. they give their lives to sacrifice so i can go to court, get unbiased jury to try my sex crime cases why can't we offer them that? it's just -- it's something so obvious. >> kirby, i really truly cannot imagine where the issue would be in washington were it not for your film. leon panetta was secretary of defense he watched the film.
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his successor, chuck hagel watched the film. all the senators have seen your film. i know of no other film, documentary, made by any one, no book that has ever entered the senate this way, entered the highest levels of our government, and had this kind of impact. >> yeah, you know we are very pleased that it had this impact. because when weep were talking to the men and women and seeing how patriotic they were and how much they, they would, were committed to defending the country and then seep their own military turn on them. we really wanted to change this. and, and they, and, you know to the military's credit they're using the film as part of their sexual assault training now. what they haven't done is fix aid broken prosecution system. that's why the senator's bill its so important. off awe amy, its the military working on any kind of screening process to anticipate this to try to figure out what is the pattern of behavior here that we have to stop. >> not that i know of. >> they are looking at that. the problem is that most of the
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assaults are caused by serial predators. they are very skilled at what they do. it is very hard in ty vil civilian world to identify a serial predator. the problem is not the military its letting these people in. they're going to get in. the problem once they're committing the crime they're not investigating prosecuting and putting them behind bars. that's the problem. off awe as the military barracks, marine barracks in washington shows. this is not about some kind of combat, stress, or some kind of extraordinary circumstance that is unique to the military that produces, some set of, of stimuli here. >> no, the misconception. it is a serial predator problem. when you have a broken prosecution system. most serial predators can commit up to 300 crimes in the course of their lifetime. if you are not prosecuting them the crimes proliferate, that's the problem. off awe yeah, i want to clarify. most men in the military are not rapists. it is a small percentage allowed to commit crimes again and again. >> amy,


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