tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC November 14, 2013 10:00am-11:00am EST
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what i really need is sleep. introducing the ishares core, building blocks for the heart of your portfolio. find out why 9 out of 10 large pressional invtors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. good morning. i'm chris jansing and we're going to start with breaking news because it appears the president is going to announce some kind of fix for the health care law. we know he is speaking at 11:35 and democratic leader nancy pelosi broke the news last hour. >> i think it can be done administratively. the president will offer a proposal today is my understanding, and we have our own proposal which we think is really good. >> well, this may come just in time to taum democrats who have been trying to figure out what
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to do in the face of a growing debacle will which is the health care rollout. senate democrats will meet with white house officials to talk about what's going on after senator harry reid was reassured by the president in a late-night phone call. >> i had quite a long conversation, at least for me. i don't have many long conversations, but with the president last night, i was surprised when he called me so late, but yes, i feel very comfortable after having my conversation last night that it would be. >> and those new numbers we've been waiting for are low. 106,000 people have enrolled and only 26, 794 of them signed up on health, the federal site. before the numbers were even released house democrats lashed out at their own meeting. voices were raised and there was a little frustration said congressman patrick murphy, but another democrat who didn't want to be named said there is a brewing revolt among house democrats. the white house never has our
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back on these types of things. they have no plan b and no apparent fix. they're clueless. the president may indeed have a plan b and on friday a vote is planned on a bill sponsored by republican fred upton. t democrats are vying for another sloous solution. we need something to support, they, meaning the white house need to come up with something or many of us will support the upton bill. so with that in mind, how it all played out just over the last half hour or so, let me bring in our company josh burrell, politics editor for the business insider and daphne is managing editor of feels, josh, like the president had to do something. >> i think he had to. i'll be interested to see exactly when he's proposing. >> what are the options? >> one thing ezekiel manuel was alluding to yesterday and he's one of the key architects with
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the law. you're allowed to keep a plan if you were in it as of february 2010, and part of the reason that a lot of people are finding they can't keep their plans is if the plan raised its deductible or co payment and changed the key terms and it's said to be a new plan and not grandfathered. but you would still have a lot of plans getting canceled. something more sweeping than that i wonder as they talk about an administrative fix, but this was an important stub standive part of the law and so i -- the people want some sort of magic bullet to fix this thing, but there is a good reason why these changes are happening and i think the white house is doing something that can address people's concerns and i don't know if they'll do something sweeping enough. >> the big concern is you can do some things that will help politically, but policywise they can be disastrous, because essentially they'll make sure the law cannot succeed financially. let me play down something that
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nancy pelosi just said. >> what we have to do for the fix is thread the needle. what they're doing tomorrow on the floor is unraveling the whole fabric. >> so, i don't know, are the options that you stop the political firestorm and the president keeps his promise which is if you have a health plan you like you can fix it or you ride it out and just see what happens with some other kind of fix? >> i think the ride it out strategy has written itself out. i agree with josh. he's got to do something here that's a quick fix, but that also keeps the law intact because anything larger than this could jeopardize the entire point of the law. i think, after this, too, i think the next step is going to be what is going to happen in the administration for improving the website. that is not going to change. the president is getting over one hurdle which is an important hurdle and he's responding to a lot of anger and frustration in his own party which i think has made him move more quickly than they had expected. we are just a few days out from
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the interview he gave to nbc where he apologized, but didn't go ahead with this fix. now we have the fix. so the next step will still be the healthcare side because as long as that is not working that is going to be the central focus of everyone's attention and also jeopardizes the law. >> i want to bring in didi meyers, former white house press secretary under president clinton. good morning. >> good morning, chris. >> what are you hearing and what are we going to be hearing from the president today? >> we'll see, obviously, in the beginning of this week they were somewhat hopeful that the firestorm over this problem would die down a little bit. that obviously hasn't happened and it's gone the other way and anger seems to be intensifying and not just among people gettingifications from their health insurers. so the president doesn't want to see a fix that's broader, that undermines some of the underpinnings of the law. so we'll see what he has to say
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today and whether that will resolve it for a lot of democratic members. perhaps a shorter term fix because the upton bill is open ended. it's permanent, whereas the bill in the senate would be for a short period of time so he may try to do something that's more narrow and addresses other people's concerns, big policy changes have winners and losers and we're starting to see the first round of that now. and the reality is that there say big political implication here ask not just for the president, but for the people running for reelection and that's why we've seen some of these democrats, thinking about balog the white house because they're worried about 2014, but you've got the dnc chair, debbie wasserman schulze on the opposite side of the fence. >> you're darn right that our candidates will run on the advantage that obama care will be going into the 2014 election because the choice will be very clear. >> in response, karl rove, didi wrote today, republicans should play every night that democrats
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should take their delusional advice. who is right here? debbie wasserman schultz? we don't know. the white house feels fairly confident and quite confident that the website will work for the majority of users to use their language by the end of this month. so we should start to see in the coming days and the next couple of weeks the numbers improve day by day. there ought to be some evidence leading up to the idea that the website's going to work for the vast majority of users and that will be step one and that's important and once people can access the website and they can go in and shop for a better policy and review their options and they can enjoy what subsidies they're eligible for. the rollout could not have gone worse so far, but once the rubber hits the road and people can access the benefits and there may be a lot more to talk about for those members running for reelection in 2014 and
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beyond. >> they need to get those numbers up for sure, and i know you saw the interview with bill clinton where he backed a change to the health care law where some sort of that seemses to be coming. >> and the president's affirmed that. >> let me just play what bill clinton had to say. >> i personally believe even if it takes a change in the law the president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they got. what is it to give the democrats political cover to break with the white house if things didn't get better? what did you make of those remarks? >> i think the president understands politically trust is an important part of this equation right now. that people have to trust the president and they have to trust that this law is going to do what the white house and what the members have voted for and said that it would do. so i think that was president obama's motivation is just, you've got to fix this problem and you've got to repair this
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breach in trust so you can move forward and start to talk about the benefits of the law in a forward-looking way and that people will accept and believe it. obviously, president obama and his team have come to the same conclusion hence the president's 11:35 press conference this morning. didi meyers, always good to have you on the program. thank you. >> thanks, chris. >> two things we're looking at here. i think she raised a good point about the trust issue and so much going forward. what about that, daph, what about the whole idea that just so much is hinging on this, so much political capital going forward for this second term? >> i think she's right. i think the healthcare law is a law that has survived a lot until now and that's an important thing to remember. it survived a general election for the president. it survived a supreme court challenge. it survived government shutdown. this is a health care law that has been through a lot and is still standing. the democrats have taken
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enormous hits on this and paid a big price in 2010 and they don't want to pay another price in 2014. they do want the debbie wasserman-schultz hopeful that we'll run on something that is a success. as far as karl rove goes, the republicans don't want it to succeed and any hit it can take say good one for them and so far it's been able to sustain itself very well. >> i thought e.j. deion's part was great. it's not just health care talking about the president. he has to grapple with the wider causes of discontent from the surveillance program to gridlock on immigration reform to the strained economic circumstances of many who have supported him in the past. he can survive his enemies. he needs to win back the citizens who were once his friends. all of this is connected, isn't it, josh? >> i think it is all connected and the healthcare thing is by far the most important component politically. i think if the president can fix this, he can get his footing back. >> this is a guy with skillses.
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let's not forget. whatever his poll numbers are right now and he may be on the losing end of this. this is a guy who has fought one before. >> the key things is getting a website fixed. this is an issue where the policy option matters if and a big part of the reason that people are so upset when they're getting cancellation letters for the insurance companies is take this much more expensive plan and people have better, cheaper options and if they're trying to find through people will feel better about the healthcare law changes. we've got 500,000 people now who are signed up for coverage they didn't have before. that new constituency for the law that sees themselves as really having gained will get a lot bigger, but the white house has engaged unproductively on this in the last six weeks especially in the first month after the roll oit, they were sort of talking about it on the way about we'll get the glitches
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fixed and it was like the officer had -- no, no, no, nothing to see her. the president is seeing that the president isity on of touch with reality and they've been better at republicans at understanding the political facts on the ground. they've lost that advantage on the last mongz will allow the president to get it back. >> great having both of you. thank you. >> thank you. right now on capitol hill it's being called must-see tv for wall street. the confirmation hearings for janet yellin are just getting under way. yellin says she supports the fed's current stimulus effort. some republicans say the fed's policies are raising the risk of inflation. wall street has been reacting to the prepared remarks but right now the dow down 15, almost 16
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point, the s&p and nasdaq slightly in negative territory as well. still to come, behind the shouting and the passion, the abortion bill, and coming up we'll hear their moving and often surprising stories. ♪ [ male announcer ] experience new febreze sleep serenity and let the soothing scent of moonlit lavender lull you to sleep. ♪ new febreze sleep serenity in moonlit lavender, warm milk & honey, and quiet jasmine. an official product of the national sleep foundation. breathe happy. sleep happy. mom swaps my snack for a piña colada yoplait. and when mom said i was going out too much, i swapped it for staying in. [ shouts ] guess who's going out tomorrow. [ female announcer ] swap one snack a week for a yoplait. it is so good.
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a group of democrats in the senate fighting back against a slew of anti-abortion measures taking effect across the country. lead sponsor of the women's health protection act is designed to stop states from preventing women access to abortion. >> it is a response to this cascading onslaught of measures that have a false pretext. they have the guise of
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protecting one's health care when in fact, they deny essential rights that women are guaranteed under the constitution. >> in the past two years, 26 states have passed more than 111 provisions, placing restrictions on abortion. "new york" magazine takes an in-depth look at the issue in a piece called "my abortion" and it profiles 26 women who share their intensely personal experiences. joining me now is the author, megan winter, a contributor to the magazine and dana weinstein is featured in the piece. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> you lay out the parameters that roe v. wade had, and it's a personal decision and then states can intervene on women's health. so much of this political discussion is often painted in black or white, think what this article shows is how gray it really is. still, all these years later so many of these women are still
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conflicted. >> absolutely. thank you for framing it that way. one of the important things to know is that the abortion debate is framed in black and white, and for most people it's very nuanced and people have abortions for a whole range of reasons and they have a whole range of responses. >> were you surprised at how different the responses were or how broad? >> yeah. absolutely. speaking with people, people's responses are so different. someone can be unfazed go to work the next day and not think of it again and think of it very rarely and some of them grieve for months and years in some case pe cases. a woman has an abortion because of so many different reasons and, you know, i'm proud of the
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article. so many different voices and so many different responses, but there's so much work left to do in terms of sharing women's voices and how complicated each of their situations are. >> dana, you are one of the women profiled in this cover story and you said you used to wonder how anyone could possibly have a late-term abortion, but then you had one at 29 weeks. tell us if you will, about your story. >> sure. i was happily pregnant. my husband and i were really excited to be expanding our family. we had a 2 1/2-year-old son at the time, and our pregnancy proceeded perfectly normally or so we had thought and we went in for a routine sonogram at 28 weeks and the ventricles in our baby's brain measured slightly elevated. we were sent on for advanced testing. we had an mri into my stomach to get a view of the baby's brain and the images that came back
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were absolutely shocking and horrifying. our baby was missing pieces of her brain, parts of it were significantly malformed and just developed completely wrong. there were large pockets of empty space and gaping holes and where tissue had been grown and been plentiful. we didn't have to have experience with reading mris to know that something was gravely, gravely wrong. >> how difficult has it been for you to be able to tell your story because i did think that one of the moving things about these stories of all of the women is the disparity and the amount of support they got and the amount of fear that they felt. >> yes. i am very lucky that i had a strong support system, but coming public and speaking about such personal details and such a devastating experience for us is
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very, very difficult, but i feel strongly that no matter what i'm called and i've been called some pretty horrific names, baby killer, murderer, going to hell, for me, this was such a personal choice. it was a decision that my husband and i made together. we felt that we were in a situation where there was no good choice and we picked the one that we still feel very strongly was the very best for our unborn daughter to end her pain. >> if there were commonalities in these stories i thought there were two in particular that struck me. one was how horrible the health care providers could be in some cases and how horrible protesters could be. some stories about the doctors. the doctor acted like it was assembly line work. the doctor was grotesque, he whistled show tunes. the staff was very matter of fact. no kindness. others talk about the protesters. there were protesters with
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awful, very graphic signs. i felt their judgment. outside protesters shouted you don't need birth control, you need self-control. one woman followed me and said in my ear, you're never going to forget. >> absolutely. i don't want to criticize people who provide abortions because i think they're doing wonderful, important work, but women use the phrase assembly line and two-thirds of the interviews of the interviews and that was something that struck me as well. >> that's shocking. >> yeah. it's upsetting and i don't have much more to say about that, but it's true. >> what do you want people to take away from these stories? >> yeah. i want people to take away from this that women are maligned no matter what they say about your abortion. the pro-life movement will say all kinds of hateful things with women and voice their experiences and sometimes the pro-choice movement also minimizes people's experiences and women should be free to
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interpret and express their own experiences and they have the authority to do that and that shouldn't be undermined by political interests. at the same time our political conversation should be informed by women's actual experiences and the reality of what it's like to have an abortion and to have to face that choice. that's what i -- what i hope people take from this article. >> megan winter. it's in "new york" magazine, dana weinstein, we really appreciate you coming on and telling your story. >> thank you for having me. >> thank you, both. still to come, jfk like you've never seen him before and a new look at that day in dallas. is the better choice for, she's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with her all day to see how it goes. [ claira ] after the deliveries, i was okay. now the ciabatta is done and the pain is starting again. more pills? seriously? seriously. [ groans ] all these stops to take more pills can be a pain.
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also breaking news from boston where a judge has just sentenced convicted crime boss james "whitey" bulger to two life terms plus five years in prison. he, of course, the notorious gangster from south boston's crime kingpin throughout the '70s and '80s. so again, two life sentences plus five years which essentially means he will spend the rest of his life in prison. we'll be right back. charitable giving. really. i get bonuses even working part-time. where i work, over 400 people are promoted every day. healthcare starting under $40 a month. i got education benefits. i work at walmart. i'm a pharmacist. sales associate. i manage produce. i work in logistics. there's more to walmart than you think. vo: opportunity. that's the real walmart. [ herbie ] no doubt about it brent, a real gate keeper. here's kevin in the nissan sentra. lamb to the slaughter.
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mom's baked cookies but he'll be lucky to make it inside. and here's the play. oh, dad did not see this coming. [ crowd cheering ] now if kevin can just seize the opportunity. he's seen it. it's all over. nothing but daylight. yes i'd love a cookie. [ male announcer ] make a powerful first impression. the nissan sentra. now get one fifty nine per month lease on a two-thousand thirteen nissan sentra. ♪
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events. in a matter of seconds, the mighty are rendered helpless, the beautiful is made hideous. frank quillity is turned turn lent and the familiar becomes alien. he joins us with raddica jones. good to see both of you. good morning. >> i want to look at the photos first because they capture the moments just before jfk's death again, never before seen. i thought, radika, we had seen everything from that day. how did you get these? >> that's what we thought, too. these were taken from a dallas jeweler, amateur photographer, a fan of kennedy and he staked out a good spot in the path of the motorcade to photograph the president and ended up taking these amazing, very visceral shots of the president in the last moments of his life. >> look how healthy and he and jackie both in these photos look so healthy and the access is so close. >> the access is close. you can sense the energy in the
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crowd. everything is so vital will about it and it's very poignant to see these pictures. he was so traumatized by the event that he boxed them up and never looked at them again and it wasn't until he died a few years ago that his daughter found this box of negatives and brought them to light. >> the second set of photos were taken by the same man two days later, is that right? >> i think that's right. >> and they show the outpouring there. >> yeah. i think, you know, having been there at the moment and seeing the actual event of the assassination he had wanted to follow through photographically and he ends up taking pictures of the book depository and the grassy knoll and all of these places that are now iconic in the american historical landscape. >> and all of the flowers that were brought to the site, a memorial there. david, i have to tell you. i am so happy that you're on the program because i think this article is masterful.
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it made me look at a totally familiar event in a new way, particularly why, after all of this time so many americans are still clinging to conspiracy theories. tell us what you think about that that. >> thank you so much for those kind words. i think it is the shock of the event. really, almost nothing in our history is so sudden, so horrible and documented so well. i mean, the actual assassination was captured on film famously by the dressmaker abraham zapruter. anybody can look at it and see what happened that day, and it is as these new pictures show, it's just a bolt from the blue. one minute this couple, mr. and mrs. kennedy are healthy, alive, smiling and the next minute this
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absolutely devastating tragedy and it -- it unhinged the country in a way that almost nothing else has and as a result, no amount of new information, additional information seems to resolve that shock to bring it to clarity and bring it to closure. we now have almost 5 million pages of documentation related to issues around this assassination and, yet, we have more conspiracy theories rather than fewer. >> as a matter of fact, you write, and i had no idea about this, there is an upcoming hearing where there is a request by a respected assassination investigator for yet more government records. do you think there's something out there that will tell us something we don't already know? >> you know, we may learn things around the edges. this particular case by jefferson morely is a lawsuit to
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get -- open up the personal file of a cia who seems to have misrepresented himself during an investigation 25 years ago. so there may be something there that the cia doesn't want to be revealed, but do i think that we're going to have a case closed moment where all of the pieces suddenly fall into place? no. i think there will always be this searching, this endless effort to try to bring order to a situation that is the opposite of ordered. >> let me read again from your article that is so beautifully written, quote. at some point it occurred to me that the resonant image was the traumatized first laid oat trunk of the limousine. that is the most human and understandable moment of the whole shocking sequence. for 50 years americans have been
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reliving that impulse to struggle away from the blunt terror of the assassin's bullet and instead grope for pieces that might restore a kind of order. and yet you say it was inevitable that the kennedy murder would fester rather than heal. >> right. you know, that is such a human moment. mrs. kennedy, she's in obvious shock. her husband has just been murdered in front of her eyes and she's crawled out on to the trunk of the limousine trying to get some of the pieces of his shattered skull as if they might somehow be able to put everything back together again at the hospital and obvious ly, on a sober level that could never happen and she had to have known that and -- and that's sort of the metaphor for what america's gone through these past 50 years, trying to get
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these pieces that don't quite add up because when you have hundreds of witnesses all describing a shocking moment, of course, there are going to be inconsistencies and there will begans in their testimonies and things that don't quite add up and we're trying to put those pieces together and they're just never going to fit. >> david, and radika jones, unbelievable pictures and really something special in "time" magazine. thank you for being here. >> today's tweet of the day comes from michael beshloss. he tweeted his picture and he notes here is the last public appearance of president kennedy, white house, 50 years ago. you are looking at the white house press briefing room where we expect president obama to speak live just over an hour from now. he is expected to announce that people with insurance policies being canceled because they don't meet obama care standards
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will be allowed to renew them. we will, of course, have his comments for you live. help has arrived in the philippines for the half million people left homeless and without water after typhoon haiyan. the "uss george washington" arrived packed with survives. the toll has risen to 3200. two top agents have been removed from president obama's detail after one allegedly left a bullet in a hotel room of a woman he met at the hotel bar. he and his second agent are also accused of sending inappropriate messages to a female agent. a week before world powers reconvened to talk about a powerful deal about iran's nuclear program. tehran has agreed to a u.s. draft proposal. secretary of state john kerry faced tough questions behind closed doors on capitol hill yesterday and had this to say on "morning joe."
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we respectfully believe that the executive branch of government under the constitution deserves the right to negotiate and present them with something and that this is not the moment to second guess that process when two years have gone in to creating the trust and common understanding that has been building to bring us to this moment. >> a lot of you had a lot to say about yesterday's must-read story of the convicted killer in ohio who wants to donate his heart and a kidney to his ailing mother and sister. last night governor john kasich postponed ronald phillips' execution until next summer so the medical possibilities can be considered. phillips had been schedule you willed to be executed today for the rape and murder of a 13-year-old girl. >> and the earth opened up overnight in florida. a sink hole, look at it about 12 feet wide and it could still grow has forced the evacuation of several homes. part of a patio has caved in and there is a boat hanging on the
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edge and a naesh's pool appears to be cracking. if you read only one thing this morning, read this, full disclosure, these social media phenomenons are fast and furious. i still have a box of vhs tapes i refuse to throw away. having said that "vanity fair" has a hilarious and very telling collection of social media, and i'm asking you thz done more harm than good? it's up on our facebook page. let us know what you think. head to facebook/jansingco. copd includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hours. spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva.
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found it impacted vafscular levels in the offspring. breaking news. president obama is expected to make an announcement on health care less than an hour from now. the president will announce that people with insurance policies that have been canceled because they don't meet obama care standards will be allowed to renew them. at the same time, insurance companies may be required to tell those people re-enrolling about alternative options and the benefits that they'd lose. we're also expecting to hear from democratic leader nancy pelosi just moments from now. joining me, political analyst and contributor for the grio, good to see you. upon. >> the pressure is building from democrats on both houses. so what does the president have to say this morning? >> i think that he just needs to give people options. an administrative fix which is what we're talking about here is really important because it gives people a choice, and i think a lot of these people that
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are finding themselves with plans that they are now getting canceled are going to find that there are more affordable options on the exchanges. you know, democrats really need to stick together here and the president needs to lead and that's what he's going to do today. >> on the other side, john, the republicans have been saying, the president said you can keep your plan and they've been saying that he misled the american public. if he comes out today and he says here's how you can keep your plan, is that going to silence anybody on your side of the aisle? >> well, the good news is it's the president coming back to earth and coming to the reality that most people on the planet have come to and that is that obama care has been a disaster. we saw the numbers that were released yesterday were abysmal. we see all of the problems of people being cancelled and the president's denying that at first and then saying that he would maybe do something about it or not. finally, he's coming to the resolution that this is a problem and it better have fixes and let's not forget they already had a delay of the business aspect of this for a
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year. >> but you're not answering my question which is is it going to silence the critics on their side if they're giving him as they say that he should or is the fact of the matter what we heard from the democrats in one of the recent hearings just yesterday that, in fact, the republicans don't want to fix this plan. they don't want things to go well. >> i don't think that's true at all. i think that the good news is that obama is finally admitting to the whole world that obama care is failing and needs to be fixed and the problem is the republicans were warning we were going to get to this position and we were trying to fix it before we got to this position by delaying it, but at least the president is now listening to the republicans and understands there is a problem and i'm happy that he recognizes that and is planning to fix it. >> if you want to fix something or improve upon it you don't try to repeal it 40-plus times. the idea that republicans are invested and making sure that obama care and success is false. the enrollment numbers while low
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give a misleading enrollment picture. so while there's only 106,000 people enrolled that doesn't cover people like me who went on to the exchange to compare plans and haven't signed up because you have until december 16th. >> there are democrats that have been getting nervous and especially those up for reelection and getting nervous. there is a messaging part of this and there is also the technical part of it it and none of this makes a difference if they don't get this fixed. >> the number one priority, is get the website fixed and make sure people are able to logon and make sure what affordable options are available for them, sign up and get coverage on january 1st. the bottom line is we want people to have health insurance and republicans do not. that's why they shut down the government and that's why they tried to repeal it 40-plus times. that's why we have a new amendment that basically is
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repealed piecemeal, and democrats need to stick together and hold together. the president is important that he's coming out to make sure there's an administrative fix just so the bad news stops a little bit. >> say the health care website gets fixed. let's say it's working well at the end of the month. can congress get beyond this? can congress get behind thingso like immigration and seriously take a look at the budget? >> let's be realistic. the democrats are out there shooting at boehner saying he's not going take a vote on immigration between now and the end of the year. you're talking about a 1400-page bill that affects 12 million illegal immigration, people that are here illegally. why in the world after the failures of obama care where they can't get a website to work are we going to move quickly and in a matter of weeks vote on a bill that affects so many people and is 1400 pages. the first thing we should
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concentrate on is take this terrible obama care that we know is a disaster. everyone knows it's a disaster. they were blasting it and why don't we take on that first, let's prove we can at least get obama care at least somewhat functional. >> we'll hear from nancy pelosi and we'll keep an eye on that, thank you. thank you. >> thank you.tirement. those dreams, there's just no way we're going to let them die. ♪ like they helped millions of others. by listening. planning. working one on one. that's what ameriprise financial does. that's what they can do with you. that's how ameriprise puts more within reach. ♪
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joining nancy pelosi who is talking about a possible health care fix. >> according for the center of budget and policy priority, the upton bill is opposed by a broad coalition of group, american heart association, american diabetes association, american cancer society, action network, national partnership for women and families, paralyzed veterans of america, to name a few. as budget negotiations continue this week, when i say continue,
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sporadically, it appears, i wish we could see a lot more activity on the part of the budget committee in session and in preparation for what i hope would be having a proposal before we leave for thanksgiving. there's no reason we shouldn't. there's no good reason that we shouldn't. everybody knows what the choices are that have needed to be made and we have always stood ready to find common ground, bipartisan common ground for common-sense solutions that will grow the economy, create jobs, lift the sequester and reduce the deficit. the makings of a small package, i believe, are readily accessible to get this done before we leave so that over christmas, the period between thanksgiving and christmas which is a high consumer confidence time. we want confidence high, then, as well as year-end confidence
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in the markets and the rest that we've removed all doubt that government will not be shut down and that we can find common ground at least on a small package. we ought to just address it and find out if that's possible and if it isn't, the american people should have to know why. we do know that the sequester, if it stays in place will cost hundreds of thousands of jobs and i want to estimate 800,000 jobs. it must be lifted by the comments of the republican chair of the appropriations committee, the sequester does not enable us to meet our responsibility to the american people. that's your republican chairman saying that. so we need to lift that requester, create jobs, grow the the economy and we have a need to do that, we have the urgency and the time right now, but with only, what? 12 legislative days left. is it 13? very few legislative days left in this session, we should not
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be squandering it. we were offered 12 days. is that unbelievable, leading up to a time when we're supposed to be doing a budget? why were we off last week when we were only here a half a week the week before. so again, the clock is ticking. time is a wasting and we have important work to do any while they try to figure out what they want to do on the budget which i hope is to work in a bipartisan way to have a package by thanksgiving, we still have other issues to deal with. we have told over and over again, spoken publicly and directly to the republican leadership that the votes are there for comprehensive immigration reform. they can bring that to the floor. we have 191 co-sponsors, three republicans. that's good and another 28 of them have spoken now publicly that they would vote for comprehensive immigration reform. that takes us where we need to
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be to pass that legislation and 199 co-sponsors including -- that includes delegates so 195 voting members, 95% of our caucus supports enda, the employment ending discrimination in the workplace for the people in the lgbt community. this is a huge number of co-sponsors for an immigration bill and for endo, why cannot we just take a vote? let's just have a vote. we know there are a large number of republicans that would vote. again, 95% of the house democrats, probably more, but at least 95% of house democrats support endo and the background checks. yesterday, perhaps some of you were there when we observed the 20th anniversary of the brady
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act, the brady legislation, the brady bill, but it became the law, and 20 years ago we were then their and now with sarah brady. we got finish the job. we got to finish the job. >> wey have been listening to nancy pelosi and we are awaiting the president in the next hour about his plan for fixing problems with the health care rollout. that will do it for me. i'm chris jansing. i will see you back here tomorrow and we'll be back after the break with thomas roberts opinion
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