What is pointed out here is a guide to what is happening all around to nation states being destroyed were once it took invading armies to take land and everything from a people. Now it's easy just keep up the propaganda and Lies, a sense of guilt for being who you are and how terrible you have been and the white race is throwing itself on its funeral pyre.
The Evil Nazi's for wanting a country of their own free from Jewish control and the blatant lie that they killed 6 million of god's darlings, like the Romans killed according to the Talmud 40 million Jews during the siege of Bar Kokhba.
The white race believes without question anything and everything the Jews tell them, Oh, I nearly forgot 16 European countries have laws so they cannot be questioned for the heresy of disobeying the holy race.
Nature does not care how a species survives and evolves of this earth so morality does not matter, in particular our moriarty as Dr William Luther Pierce points out, Friedrich Nietzsche, Julius Evola, Aristotle, Dr Revilo Pendleton Oliver and many more.
When I species loses the will to live it becomes extinct and if this takes place it must be asked WHY. Did it become biologically unfit to survive and despite superficial appearances such as aesthetics was doomed.
What will not fight and resist is facing extinction or if just one branch of mankind say the Chinese, the Australian Aborigine or as has happened to the cape people of south Africa (Known as Capoids). should disappear from this Earth because it has become unfit to survive no man can say that was evil. But if a planned extermination of a Race, a Species is planned that is a crime of mammoth proportions.
It is the greatest crime imaginable to men who can call themselves Civilised.
The crimes the Jews have perpetrated on my Race and are still in the process of doing are terrible but I would not plan to destroy them.