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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2022 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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the house lost a lot, how much it gained by strength in the living room bird of paradise king shelving chandelier in human height and enrich our vocabulary with beautiful french trunk. yes, it's deportation. hello dear viewers, ntv channel one russia 1 and the background of the holy singal apostle andrew the first-called present a live television broadcast of the annual ceremony of the holy fire descending, today we are the leading nun barbara priest andrei pasternak of the faculty of philology of the orthodox st. tikhonovsky
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humanitarian university. good afternoon, and also today sergey pashkov will be with us in the temple, we are now in the most important place. we now see the anointing stone, where his holy body was laid, over which the lamps of the confession are hung, which are presented in the temple, and now we see the interiors of this wonderful old temple. in which the ceremony of the convergence of the holy fire will take place, the operator showed us the lamps, they are all turned off, the lamps are not lit, they are waiting for the convergence of the holy fire and is in front of vokley, which we also just saw now, and the holy sepulcher, over which this
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special extension was made at the beginning of the 19th century and which guards, er, the great shrine of the group. lord, we see him now. just from above, see you from above, and around it is an arcade and a colonnade. it was built after a fire in 1808 and restored, that is, this is a 19th century building, and the temple itself was restored in the form we see it now, this is a beautiful rotunda in the twelfth century during the time of the crusaders. although it was built, of course, much earlier in the fourth century under e, the emperor constantine and his mother and laziness, but e it collapsed and underwent various restructuring fires and what we now see still goes back to ancient times. we see how the vokyu is flowing in front of which the lyricists of the church of the holy sepulcher are standing. this is the side
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with a mosaic near the stone near the stone, the anointing of the lord is removed from the cross and a huge rotunda and a dome are brought into the cave, which was erected by the architect, built by russia and france , the turkish government also participated in the construction come down the camera and we see the coffin of the lord above and around the people who are waiting for the descent of the blessed fire again show the lamps. it is the sun that is shining, there is no fire, everyone froze in anticipation in prayer for the descent of the blessed fire when the lamps are protected in such a prayerful state for everyone. and this expectation it is such an internal contemplative conversation with god in private, although there are a lot
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of people around, a huge number of ladles want to come to the tomb of the lord on this day, but, unfortunately, this year it will not be possible for everyone, because that uh, the israeli police, which is carried out by specially guarded. measures would be taken on holy saturday, it will be a certain limitation for half-witted people, so there should be much more of them, but this year. unfortunately there will be in the most about 20.000. well , this is also quite a lot of showing the cross. this is the top. everyone takes pictures, entering the temple they want to leave it as a keepsake. there are a lot of photographs, e, representatives of different churches. uh, orthodox pilgrims come here from all over the world. eh, basically. these are
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russian pilgrims, greeks, many copts. local residents, israel orthodox many very arabs. well, it must be said that in the ceremony itself , uh, representatives of the jerusalem orthodox church , headed by patriarch theophim, will take part in the first place, uh. e, third e, representatives of the armenian apostolic church and e, representatives of the public force and the kavitsa church. that is, far from all confessions that are represented in the church of the resurrection of the lord. here we are just now seeing representatives of the gray kavitskaya, yes, the church of the lord on this special day turns instead of a pilgrimage for all christians of the world, because great saturday before easter. everything is here for us. this is precisely the special day
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of silence, as we sing today's worship service. next to the kuvukli and now is. as you can say, sergey pashkov, who from the scene can convey his feelings and give us a short story about what is happening now in the church of the resurrection of the lord. for us, this is very valuable. e to understand what is going through a person who is directly in the place of the dog. we wait.
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sergey good afternoon. hello, we are in the church on sunday in the church of the holy sepulcher, from where the first ntv channel and the russia 1 channel are broadcasting today, as you can see, there are already many pilgrims and tourists and the clergy of those who arrived at the ceremony of convergence and illumination of the holy fire in the church of the sepulcher, though got to the temple. today, not many at 9:30 in the morning, traditionally in the process of the armenian apostolic church, arrived at the square in front of the ancient basilica, they brought there the key to the old oak gates of the church, but they opened the existing status quo, the church gates, by
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no means representatives of the armenian church, but representatives of two old jerusalem muslim khusi families. and well, saibi is a tradition exists here. for almost eight centuries, and it was introduced by salah addin, the muslim ruler of the city in order to avoid oppression of the locals, and christians from the side of muslim officials, the tradition is preserved again. a crowd of people, if usually in precovid at times up to 10,000 people came to the church. it was a dense crowd throughout the vast territory of the church of the sepulcher, today we see a crowd only coals near the chapel of the local authorities and the police allowed only one and a half thousand people of the security forces to participate in the ceremony, israel
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explains these measures by the need to ensure security for the believers who are in the church about ceremonies follow. our leaders will tell. we thank sergey pashkov for such a wonderful short report, and we have more there will be an opportunity to see how the doors of the temple were opened early this morning, what he said and it turns out that much fewer people were allowed into the temple. i was wrong only 1.500 people. so maybe gradually their number will increase. in any case, the order is maintained. here and the situation is very good, it screams. now arab youth with banners. here they are, uh, dressed. uh, white and blue shirts are beating
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drums in tambourines, waving cristae and expressing their joy that now there will be a descent of the blessed of fire they chant and shout our hearts open to the lord lord not for and in the form of fire into beams, and this is how one person screams like an ananar, and behind him everyone picks up from chanting. they are waiting for the convergence of the holy fire in joy, whistling and waving crosses and bunches sergey rightly mentioned the concept of the status quo, that is, the situation that existed before certain events began. and the presence of arab youth is also an integral part of the ceremony of the descent of the holy fire, because without them these joyful cries. it can be said that the cries of prayer
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do not take place, this is a wonderful ceremony. despite the fact that the arab youth, it is very small, they live very easily. naturally, you are in an islamic environment, but, nevertheless , they support the tradition here, they come with bundles, and we know that these bundles of them are 33 candles by the number of years of earthly life. well, the savior, well, they are held not only by the arab youth, but also by everyone who has gathered in the temple, preparing to light them after the blessed fire. such an eastern tradition, joyful eastern tradition once i saw how arabs stood on a huge silver platter with a huge e, curved saber and shouted, and the mother of god and him were thrown up, and he cut his legs with a sword and
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cut it. ah, a thin handkerchief. e with great joy. this is an expression of joy. ah, the presence of god in the temple. uh, holy sepulchre, that now is an extraordinary moment itself. now a miracle will happen a few years ago in 2018 e during our reporting, there was just a story dedicated to arab youth and those who, especially these interested can look in the archives. after a while, we will now see how the discovery took place. e temple early this morning. that very distant times, the arabs entrusted the storage
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of the key to the hussein family, which stands below, and, accordingly, the family, well, seibi, here is her representative, just now he just climbed the stairs has a special right to open the gates of the temple to muslims, as to outsiders who are not christians, who are here as if they make sure that the gates are always opened every day correctly without passion, they are a guarantor of security kind. she has checked herself for many years, confirmed by farmmans. it is surprising that for many centuries the farms issued since the time of salahaddin, they are still acting with reverence with reverence kept in these muslim families. they
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still argue among themselves about which of them is older, and which of them has a more privileged status, but at the same time they themselves live quite amicably. and this order is maintained every day. now we're seeing uh, early filming when we just opened gates, and the tomb of the lord is not yet sealed. it is being checked by various representatives, is there anything on fire there? so that the tomb is empty, and then it is sealed and the key to the holy sepulcher is kept on that day by a representative of the armenian apostolic church. you see that all the light of light is turned off everywhere. no, they are waiting for the light that comes down from heaven. uh, the greeks don't call the holy fire the holy fire. they call it the holy light. and even in prayer
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we have such an expression in your light, lord , we will see the light. light is a special biblical image that an image that is preserved in our church history. actually, this is also the image of the athosian degadatory light that we recalled during great lent, when we talked about st. gregory palamas that week when we recalled precisely the meaning of human life, so that the acquisition of the holy spirit is one of the main things for every christian. of course, everyone can understand this in their own way, but it is the special grace of light that is present in the temple. now we will see a short story dedicated to the history of the temple of the sepulcher the main place of veneration and pilgrimage
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for all christians is the church of the resurrection and the holy sepulcher, it was erected on the site of the crucifixion of the burial and resurrection of jesus christ, the modern church of the holy sepulcher, an architectural complex that includes golgotha ​​with a place of crucifixion, the rotunda kofalikon, the stone of the anointing peace, the underground temples of finding, the life-giving cross and after the destruction of jerusalem in the seventieth year, on the site of golgotha, a pagan temple of venus was built, which was demolished after pilgrimage of st. helena, the mother of the byzantine emperor constantine, now the temple does not resemble the original building. it was thoroughly destroyed in the seventh century. during the invasion of the persians in its present form, the temple was built by the crusaders and consecrated in 1149, when
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jerusalem became the capital of the christian state of the crusaders during the time of sultan saladin in 1187 , the church of the holy sepulcher left the entire catholic claire, the holy places were returned to orthodox christian pilgrims, visits were allowed temple. between six different denominations, an agreement was established on the ownership of the temple later in the 18th century, called the status quo, in accordance with it, the greek orthodox catholic armenian syrian and ethiopian denominations were allocated their own limits and hours for prayers with a symbol. the status quo was the staircase, at the window of the facade, the original purpose, which, if necessary, climb or descend through the window to the armenian limit of the second tier. temple, the status quo of holy places was confirmed in
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in 1878, in berlin forever, securing the priority rights and the jerusalem orthodox church to store christian shrines during the ottoman empire, the protection of order in the temple was entrusted to turkish soldiers. currently. maintaining order is entrusted to the israeli police to minimize conflicts between different faiths. the keys to the temple have been kept in an arab muslim family since the 12th century. based on the ancient ferman decrees of the sultans, millions of pilgrims and tourists annually climb to the temple at all times. holy fire, waiting with bated breath in different parts of the world, watching the broadcast. as if holy saturday live the presence
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of antiquity in the temple of the lord's sunday is striking. every step is literally. it can be said that the regulated status quo is the opening of the temple itself and the presence of arab youth in a certain sense, and the broadcast, which we have been for the nineteenth year. we are also part of this status quo and a certain presence of the russian presence in the holy land and surprisingly, that is respected e is not a merger. uh, each denomination service is at 12:00. every night the service starts from the beginning. e grekov then er, serves the armenians after the armenian delegation now, which stands about. excuse me to show our viewers in our delegation represented by the chairman of the physicist.
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council of the foundation of st. andrew the first-called vladimir ivanovich yakunin and first deputy chairman of the foundation in kononenko pyotr ivanovich and bishop odintsovo of krasnogorsk the river of the re-setting patriarch of moscow all russif, that nevertheless many managed to visit the coffin this year of the lord and visit the descent of fire, but they say that this is the grace that she preserves for the next week sees a lot and flashes and a lot of different phenomena e of the blessed fire, which is imprinted in the temple all year and pious pilgrims feel this amazing presence of grace all year different denominations come to the temple. one after another, too, according to the status
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quo. and this tradition has been established for centuries, now we'll see how different denominations are. uh, they visit the temple, and they also enter under protection, kavashiv special guards, who since muslim times had to protect them. well, now they are already performing police functions, and in a sense, this is also part of the tradition. how to correctly say his status they have staves in their hands and they knock with them. very strongly on the stones they began to enter this morning representatives of different faiths. here we are now seeing representatives of the sulfur of the jacobite church leading a small group, since she is small in terms of the size of that small delegation represented. these are the pilgrims on the third
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tiersirotonda. and there is a lot of it around below. uh, pilgrims around the square, they climb the foundations of the columns. there were times when they stayed in the group of the lord from the night, but this tradition has changed, respectively, there are already lilikas in front of the voklia, right at the entrance they fall to the stone, this is the only entrance through which you can get to the temple and through which the representatives of the confession entered this morning and russian icons. these are representatives of the kursk e-e church and the korean one, too, as i said. they are very small so together christians with special rods. they
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knock for warning. the boost printed temple is very beautiful. in order to prepare for the ceremony of the descent of the holy fire, all representatives of different confessions are present here, and the armenian apostolic church and the catholic church were inspected ;
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accompanied by sausage and they will be among the participants in the ceremony. sealing, as you can say, is also connected with the remembrance of the gospel of the events of the holy sepulcher, on which a seal was placed and pontius pilate placed guards so that no one would steal the body of the savior, as they believed to be said, of course, she could only go on sunday.
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on the one hand, i have already said that these are memoirs of the gospel events, and on the other hand, this is evidence that there is no one tomb. we look at it is empty, and it is sealed. this is now being confirmed. e in the armenian limit, where the mother of god stood and looked at golgotha ​​from above, a frame of an unusual isotonde. we see a big one. there arab youth are walking inside. here their arrival is connected with noise. we have already said about this, that they show their love for god in such an unusual way by one word. as those who
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were close to them said. they even say that christ is from the same village as we are, that is, such a childish one. e, the perception of e and the blessed fire and the resurrection of christ, because the fire and sunday for them are the only evidence of the gospel event, which we remember tomorrow on earth. we we are already beginning to perceive today precisely the holy hours to come out. you see them waving this white flag with crosses. this is a flag. uh, greek patriarchy, support at this moment whistle and drums sound waving crosses crosses are made from the olives of the holy land on the crosses. uh, placed the little savior icons and huge candles now. uh, they hold 33 candles, the snob
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is huge, it will be lit when god willing this year. the holy fire is made like this, apparently specially to order, because it is unusual, of course, bundles of huge candles and every year is festive such a year. they also have a special shape. this year we see such white t-shirts with arabic inscriptions, which glorify christ, as a rule, they write christ is risen. such a childish immediacy, but sometimes it leads, of course, to some scuffles, but we very much hope under control. e israeli police and yet, despite their emotional elation. still, they adhere to certain rules of
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a certain framework. yes, and at the same time. it brings out some kind of festive atmosphere in this moment, because everyone is very concentrated and all of a sudden such sounds burst in. eh, and oddly enough, it supports the understanding that this is a completely different people, that this is a different reaction than ours. previously, they still climbed onto the metal fittings, which a few years ago were removed after repair work by the restoration work that was carried out here in the seventeenth year, they could not agree on them for a very long time, and again precisely because several denominations had to agree. and it costs, of course, a lot of money. that's why here such restoration work, they were, e.g., stretched out, but very long period for almost 2020,
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but now we see kubukhlya and the temple, and the lord is so special, one might say, pristine beauty. in which he was back in the nineteenth century and enjoy the holiday. everyone is filmed, they are filmed, because it is very unusual. well, apparently, for me they are such secular young people, but at the same time it is a special honor for them to participate in this ceremony, because not everyone is allowed to be secular and spiritual at the same time. the main participant in the ceremony will be the patriarch theophilus of jerusalem, the third of which is eagerly awaited and which
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will be the main one, in fact, leading the ceremony to show


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