tv [untitled] April 30, 2022 2:30am-2:59am MSK
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the narrow capital has experienced many trials, ventian has survived numerous invasions and warriors, and yet managed to retain its incomparable charm. the city of the moon, the city of sandalwood, was founded in 1354 by the ruler of laosangum, and two centuries later, fleeing the raids of the germans, he brought the capital of the country to vietnam with a bark, then no one could not imagine. what a hard fate will await this city according to legend. the first stupa appeared here in the third century bc, the builders placed in its base the most valuable religion is the tibia. buddhas, some historians believe that the ventan is much older
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than is commonly believed, they are sure that in the eleventh-twelfth century a settlement appeared on this site, which grew around the old hindu temple, and replaced it much later. here is the golden step. on this foot, laid out of stone, it was quite small at the base 4x4 m and 9 m high. it remained like this until the middle of the 16th century, when in yantian the ancient centuries repeatedly destroyed, plundered and restored, it was decided to increase. eventually. the truth from lung acquired those dimensions and outlines that we see today until 1975, when the monarchy was abolished in the country, the king, along with officials and the court, on major religious holidays. should have been sure to visit the golden foot, brother and pray. near
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it, 10 years after the rebuilding of the golden stupa, the ruler of laos, the son of terat, ordered a new temple to appear in the lazy area especially for the legendary statues of the emerald buddha here prokel was to become the main temple of laos for all time, but fate decreed otherwise during the siamese invasion in 1779 of the emerald buddha as the main and most revered relic of laos. as a war trophy, the thais took it to bangkok in the capital of thailand and it is still located to this day, and in otprokio the military people it has long ceased to be a temple, it has been turned into a museum, which contains a rich collection of masterpieces of buddhist art, gilded doors and windows, fine stone carvings, covered with noble patina numerous statues. buddha, the ancient building and the treasures stored in it carry the spirit of southeast asia,
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mysterious and romantic, and endo-china. potusai is the victory park laid out in the center of the lao capital, the vovinyans take care of it, especially diligently. we ended up here at the end of the dry season, when there had been no rain for several months. and here are well-kept green lawns, which is a rarity at this time of the year. people from all over the country come here to take pictures in victory park and see the triumphal arch with their own eyes. one of the most significant structures in indiana, completed in 1968. it has become a remarkable symbol of lao independence from france. that the famous arc de triomphe in paris was taken as the basis for her project, decorated with carvings and figures of mythological creatures. at first it was called anusovali, that is, the memory of the name,
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hang out the gates of victory appeared in 1975 , they say that among the building materials used in the construction of this monument was an american python, intended for the construction of airports, which was found in laos best application. although it is not known for certain, it is also said that numerous bas-reliefs should have been on the smooth surface of the stand-trim arch, but they never appeared from the observation deck. the arches of victory is perfectly visible to the center in yeltyan park, hang out, central avenue and many other amazing beauties of this unique city. in 1986, a new economic policy was launched in laos, three forms of ownership were recognized, state cooperative and private , market relations began to develop. involved foreign investment has changed and policy
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towards religion. today, one of the most visited places in the vologda people's democratic republic is the park. buddha this unusual sculpture park. spread on the banks of the minkong not far from the famous friendship bridge connecting the laotian and thai banks of the mighty river. this is a monumental park to the east, adventina, a talented sculptor lampov, bunli began to build in 1958 in the seventy-fifth after the change of power. he moved to thailand to the opposite bank of the minkong, leaving here for the homeland of dozens of unusual sculptures made of concrete , a building material popular in those days. officially, it is called the xinghuang cultural park, after the name of the nearest villages in the country and in the world. it is better known, as if the park sculptor lampow bun lia created here his amazing world , the world of his fantasies and ideals, based on
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traditions and beliefs, this sculpture park is strikingly different from any other hair. and in general, in the world, usually in the parks at the monasteries in our country, only images related to bunlage combined the ideas of buddhism and hinduism with buddhism in his sculptures of his work - this is the mutual influence and penetration of two religions and two cultures. this huge spherical construction symbolizes hell. you can get into it only by passing through the throat of a demon. if you climb inside, along a steep staircase and go through, you will get out to the light at the top there is an observation deck, which offers an impressive view of the people who loved you for ubunlio, at the end of your life. he was even revered as a saint among his sculptures. there is not only an image of the buddha but also hindu gods. shiva ganesha, custom-made statues of chinese gods, his works
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were intended for everyone, both for the rich and for the poor, there is also the lao goddess of the earth and numerous incarnations of the hindu god vishnu . here you can see the largest image of the reclining buddha in laos, from which this park began and many other interesting compositions of concrete, steel reinforcement, huge dimensions, a talented sculptor, took private orders. he had so many ideas for the work of assistants that they could not have been realized by one single man, man and woman; mythical animal images of the buddha and numerous hindu gods on both banks of the mekong; it is sometimes called laotian and thai. gaudi 's flight of fancy was too unusual for this eccentric master. all these sculptures
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were created here on the spot; they cannot be moved because of the fragility and huge weight at the bottom of many statues. why order and on whose funds they were created among patrons. many people with european positions named sculptures in the buddha park are made of concrete, often people donated not money to the author, but building materials , cement, sand, from which he could create works in the sixties of the last century. it was concrete that was in laos, a fashionable and popular material. that is why sculptures are made from it. unfortunately, the reinforced concrete sculptures of the ingenious lampoon rebellion turned out to be not very durable. many sculptures are still unfinished. ensembles stood in the open air for more than 35 years and their steel structures are very rusted , i want to believe that this author's vision of our world will be preserved, because
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thousands of people who find themselves in the tape visit buddha couples and remember it for life. the french city of annecy is famous for the fact that the world-famous writer philosopher composite fish lived here. yes, good - this is beautiful, it means forgetting about yourself about the father of direct democracy claims to be one. from the central streets of the city named after the outstanding philosopher and jean-jacques rousseau, a thinker who was born in geneva and lived for quite a long time, jean-jacques rousseau was born in geneva in 1712. van forces, he first came to
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our city as a very young man. it was destined to play an important role in the life of the ruses, with approximately these words, every excursion begins de, nor the fugula of a local resident tirelessly researching the history of his native and beloved land, met a lady who turned his life upside down. her name was madame devaran. she was a young and very free-thinking woman. from a wealthy family when they met rousseau was not even 16 years old. madam, de varan. it was almost 30, she became for the future philosopher and mistress. his mother died in childbirth, the beautiful, educated, well-educated françoise louise de crow taught as an older sister, a girlfriend, whom he did not have and a mother, a mentor. rousseau's good manners, social etiquette, and the gentlest sciences of love, rousseau later described in detail his feelings for madame devaran in his book of confessions. on the very spot where, according to legend, rousseau
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and madame devaran met for the first time in our days, they installed a bust of the philosopher below, the inscription flaunts , they met on sunday morning on easter day in 1728, their relationship lasted for almost 10 years, however, researchers of the life and work of russ claim that his worldview, like philosophers. adam deborant did not affect the picturesque annecy and its surroundings are closely connected not only with the great philosopher of the xviii century, but also with many other prominent personalities on the opposite shore of lake annecy. in the greenery of trees, antiquity, tular is buried, a long time ago, it was turned into a hotel, which without exaggeration can be called legendary. the hotel , opened at the end of the 17th century, is considered one of the oldest hotels in france. at first, representatives of creative bohemia chose its existence, the names of visitors speak for themselves, for example, the american writer mark twain or the french artist polzang. in one of the
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former cells, now it is a luxury apartment, there is a landscape called lake annecy. this is a copy of the most famous work of the polyseason. he wrote it in in 1896, the original painting is kept in london in the gallery of the courtauld institute of art. in paul, cezanne was simply struck by the beauty of lake annecy and its surroundings. he actually did not intend to stay here for a long time, but he was so impressed that he spent several days in the abbey no less. the american was also fascinated by this area. mark twain visiting this place. he said that there is some special magic here, because of which here. i want to return again and again magic, annecy has survived and today van gogh himself saw from sunflowers all his life he suffered from poverty robert krombe was born in the northeastern united states, 7,000 km from provence. however, every summer the talented mr. krombe gets on a plane and,
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conquering space and time, is transferred from his native hudson town to the town. san remida. provence will do nothing for the love of art. i have been painting for more than 10 years, one of my acquaintances critic, seeing in my work , said that i write in the genre of impressionism. before that, believe me, i did not even know what impressionism was. however, after i began to read a lot about this direction of painting and about those who stood at its origins, having seen the work of the masters and literally lost their heads. carefully, having studied the theory, mr. crombie enthusiastically set to practice. according to the impressionist from agaev the last 10 years. he painted more than 700 paintings, some of them were created in the vicinity of sandramida. provence arriving here. i fell head over heels in love with this place. now i come here every year. i probably can’t live without provence. and it all started with the fact that i wanted to see with my own eyes the places where they worked, the great
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oaths and post-impressionists. i wanted to get in touch with the local nature from the atmosphere of color. has come true without. now every summer. he creates, where his favorite artist once painted, and he always was and remains, of course, van gogh and not only, because he painted great paintings, he was a great man, who, how he lived, how he felt it all impresses me endlessly his industriousness his passion. he did not paint pictures for sale. because i couldn't help but draw. this is a real artist not far from robert's favorite plein air spots krombi is located on zhaluyta, sanramida of provence a small building behind a high fence that looks like an ordinary old manor in the 11th century, a monastery was founded in the village of saint-rémita provence. st. paul de callus, four centuries later, a clinic for the mentally ill was opened at the monastery,
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its most famous patient was the world-famous artist vincent van gogh, born on march 30, 1853 in holland, van gogh in 1886 came to paris, where he studied painting in a private art studio. then he moved to the south of the country in provence settling at first in the city. he always worked hard on top of that, he abused alcohol. particularly absinthe. everything. this eventually led to the appearance of an attack of mental illness in him at the beginning, the mongog ended up in a clinic in the army, and then ended up here in the clinic, van gogh’s chamber is still preserved, decorated with his most unknown works, his attending physician dafel peyron, having examined the patient, came to the conclusion that van gogh is ill with a form of pilipsia other than medication. he appointed van gogh fashionable for those times. they did not contribute to the haste of regular bathing in the baths, and when the attacks passed, the artist felt pretty good. van gogh painted a lot in the clinic for a year,
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what he spent in san poldemasol. he painted dozens of paintings and among them one of the most famous is a starry night following periods of relative mental calm. van gogh was inevitably followed by deterioration after one of the attacks, when the painter began to eat his paints and he was isolated, depriving him of the opportunity to paint. well, how only he was given back this opportunity mental state. van gogh improved markedly after spending a year in san pold and van gogh's callus began to ask for a brother. theo moved him closer to paris as a result, in may 1890, the genius settled in the quiet town of uaz, not far from the capital of france. he liked it there, there. he created his most famous work, the portrait of dr. gaschen, for example, it seemed that the life of the artist finally found stability, however, on sunday evening july 27, 1890, just a few weeks after leaving sandramides. provence van gogh went to study in
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the field, where he shot himself in the chest with a revolver. on july 29, 1890, at 1:30 am, van gogh died of blood loss. the last words of the artist were latte with dorero, toujour sadness will be eternal more than a century later to a quiet town near paris and sunny provence in places where he once lived and worked. the great van gogh annually comes thousands of people , someone with a camera, someone with an easel. and this means that the eternal turned out to be not only sadness, but also memory. not only to read, but also to watch stories programs. you can on our website their our today's program has come to an end travel with us. travel yourself.
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vova good vova good vova good. come on, i 'll show you something, let's go, which is only quiet. the thing is, panty eggs are the largest eggs in the world, they are very nutritious and healthy, but the most important thing is that they are included in almost every cuisine in the world. here from such an egg for many years the crown you'll find a house this size, what an ostrich egg is the number one egg. listen, semennovich, i have been listening to a fascinating lecture on the merits of ostrich eggs for 2 hours already and have already learned by heart that one ostrich egg replaces 30 chicken ones, so that it contains one and a half kilograms of protein and 350 g of yolk and that one egg costs 1,000 rubles. and a batch of 30 pieces
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is 900, but what do you want from me, so how do i order eggs in australia, i have a very good one there, enough petrovna eggs already to tell that ostrich eggs are a whole life, a the fact is that you want to insure the eggs and i can't find citizens on vetrov. let's go, i'll accompany you. excuse me margarita petrovna hello senior investigator. derzhavin homicide department. i need the winds leonid nikolaevich nadya to see off thanks lenya everything is fine with him. he wants to say something upside down, and you're bothering him. you have always been suspected of attempted murder
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his life for a large amount in favor of this nephew, and today i almost died in an accident, got acquainted. but we still need to prove it, we'll prove it, don't worry. well , now what to do? sergey greetings yes, i flew in. normally, all tomorrow's meetings are from me in front of the french ambassador, i'm sorry, i won't be able to be at the reception tomorrow. say that i have urgent business in russia in geneva, i will be in 2 days, do not call me. i myself you
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dial. all right, let's get in touch. where will he go, old friend, the police son is behind bars, he has no choice. well, you know him a tyrant, and if he does not agree. he understands what it's all about for him. it may end, but for reliability we will work out the grannies option. grandma and i so can nikolai nikolaevich sash hello. i hope
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you're not going to state affairs. this is the fsb case. now i’ll call, i know perfectly well what post vetrov vetrov’s father occupies in the un, our employee and we ourselves will figure this out, you fool, you understand what we can get into we may find ourselves between a rock and a hard place, our bones will be broken while i run this company
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. and if you chickened out, nikita ivanovich, just tell me who i chickened out, but i didn’t chicken out. i just really understand, and you don’t need to understand anything, you need to go and work, and not grab your head and moan. oh help me get drunk. if you're afraid, then go home, borschans. nikita ivanovich go home to your wife , we'll manage without you, okay? and now go to dinner today, we don’t have borscht, but show dumplings how you can’t go there. he is now leading to condition of the artificial room. he will live. we do everything possible organism. you yourself
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understand that his not young condition is very serious, except for multiple fractures. well, let's hope so you can't go there. this is my friend, the only closest one for many years. well, in general, when it will be possible to visit him. call me now i can't tell you anything. i hope he gets the best care if he needs medical equipment. well, what else do you need there direct phone? call thank you, we have everything, i'll come tomorrow. surname name patronymic what is happening? i ask you to
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