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tv   Utro  NTV  July 3, 2023 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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thank you oh, you're great, great. see next morning. the best thing is to clarify
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the details of the emergency. we analyze ambiguous cases. in the first program an emergency in the studio of valery gavrilovskaya never spit get a fine for a repeated violation the amount will be higher new rules in the yaroslavl region have not yet begun to operate, but if the decision is positive, the region will become the first in the country and the third in the world where there is liability for spitting starts to lose its relevance going on. it's straight now in yaroslavl, drooling is now not only ugly, but also expensive. they and the third in the world is going to introduce liability for disregard for the already adopted amendments to the code of administrative violations 1.500 for the first time 3.000. if
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the people supported the initiative of the deputies again. i think it's worth introducing, because sometimes, of course, it's very insulting, when here i am, a mother with a stroller, and people on the street allow themselves. well, probably beware more positive like why on culture should be or not? well, let's water. let's shit more often than others and spit like camel smokers complaining to locals at stops on the benches. not everyone, so to speak, flies to the urn, sometimes it’s sickening to look at and offensive to step on. so some in the matter of punishment are ready to go even further, you can even spit. because we live in the same city and do not care about cleanliness. well, in principle, i think that this is right, since it will be cleaner on the street, it will be more pleasant to go for a walk. there were also those who against. this is what a decent person now has nowhere to spit. it would be better if swearers were fined, especially how cold it is. and what a
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fine. thousand rubles this means that there will be places where there are no people. many people are concerned about how the initiative will work in practice. does it matter, let's say, the size of the spitting place? and most importantly, who will catch the spitters? these powers will be assigned to the city cameras. therefore, if the operator sees such, then he directly contacts the operational projectile. and uh, the person who actually spat or cigarette butt, threw out the position of spit and three times, say etiquette experts, fail to act, is held accountable. in addition, the experience of other countries shows that fines can overcome lack of culture in kazakhstan, for example, leave. those who salivate run the risk of paying 3,000
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rubles. but in singapore , the saying works as well as possible. do not spit in the well , you will go bankrupt, you will have a fine from 603, and up to 315.000. with our money or correctional labor, our people know that they will not get anything for it, therefore, spitting is inappropriate behavior, obscene language, garbage. people sometimes in broad daylight are not shy in nature. forgive me to relieve myself within the city, including on the beaches. it is, of course, still sad that the bill was passed in two readings into force. it will enter as soon as it is signed by the governor, the initiators hope and believe that after that there will be fewer people pecking at the soul of their fellow countrymen. some models are still available in showrooms broken and there was no such flight of auto giants from our market.
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unless retail chains have lost the status of official dealers of most european american and a number of asian automakers, the scheme for importing a car has changed. what is being sold to us now and what is the degree of risk when buying new foreign cars. although this is still a question, but the new lena such cars are sold by former official dealers, they act very simply, they write on a car with 20 km of run, used ones i drive it’s clear that this is a new the car has only 20 km. then why is it second-hand, yes, because according to the documents the car already has, the owner, a certain individual, in whose name the car was imported into our country by the importer, this invisible citizen, of course it is not.
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even the manager at the car dealership does not know him, who offers you to sign a contract of sale and walks the seat in the car still in the film; formally , a used car to the left can really arise first of all with warranty service, because these cars imported by private means, they are not intended for operation on the territory of russia, and sellers private individuals who sell them, e., are transported in this way. naturally, the dealerships of this brand also do not provide any warranty obligations, including they will not be able to service these cars under the guarantee of the law on the protection of consumer rights upon purchase. these are the private individuals e do not work. uh, the buyer will simply have nowhere to turn to protect their rights. is the chinese an exception? why are new cars being sold? through physicists and where these cars come from, let's figure out these vehicles, as a rule, were produced for the market
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of other countries, and the vehicle is imported into the russian federation and the countries of the customs union. this is belarus, armenia, kyrgyzstan and kazakhstan, the goal is to reduce the cost of customs clearance. for example, in belarus, a car is cleared for a beneficiary, by and large, 50% of the cost of customs clearance is paid, and already in kazakhstan there is a different scheme. there they do customs clearance not by cubic centimeters, like ours, but they take the cost of 10% from the cost of the car, therefore, the kazakhs take and underestimate the cost of cars for such suppliers, it is important to reduce the cost of the cost below the market in order for people to buy. for them, and in general, they tempt buyers with the price in the first place, of course, psychologically, of course, people are looking for cheaper. ah, it doesn’t say that in the announcement that the car was imported through, for example, kazakhstan
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in violation of customs legislation , this is not written anywhere and no one talks about this car, it is a car technically, this is the same thing, so people choose by price , but unfortunately, without thinking about the possible consequences , buyers risk getting a letter of happiness from the tax office in the future. , principle, float. very simply, the federal customs service sees the fault. how much was paid for the car? all this is highlighted, they have all the data, and such requirements for additional charges and disposal fees and customs duties. eh, our customs already blow. the pace sent to the cities and towns of our country how many hundreds of thousands you have to pay extra, you can only guess the car dealership your claims of course, reject you slyly, sympathize, they say. look for the seller yourself, that is, the physicist is with you,
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which is indicated in the sales contract. all claims to him are the best for today 20:00. big premiere of myerson's new story series, appointing you as acting head of department, if you perform well, stay in front of positions. the higher the positions, the more serious the problems. work i need a result today is harder than a riddle. well, someone behind this is the same one who organizes all these murders.
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good morning about the weather on july 1 monday , while the southern region of europe, the territories are just beginning to remember the heat, the extreme north-east of our country has been in it for a long time and confidently holds palms in maximum temperatures. here in the northern latitudes the air heats up in places up to plus 37, and thunderstorms with insignificant rains only complicating the already extremely flammable situation, the cold snap that will come after the front looks more like a mockery than a relief today in yakutsk +33, and tomorrow 29 in the south everything is more moderate 22 28. basically. sunny showers with thunderstorms. it is possible that in primorye and transbaikalia, the remnants of the cool anticon have not yet allowed the temperature to rise to normal values ​​in the south of eastern siberia in irkutsk 23 in krasnoyarsk 20 and these are short rains. this is an anticyclone. no, a better situation in the south will save western siberia. it also rains in places here, but
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in novosibirsk it's already plus 25 degrees. removed and in the urals itself and even in yamal up to thirty and above the european territory of russia the july heat begins to flood from the south, there it is already up to 35 and it rains, only in the mountains in the middle lane about 25 ° on the volga it is even higher and like in a children's poem somewhere then thunder grumbles, sometimes the north-west and north warm up well, until clouds give and more frequent rains in st. petersburg +19 thunderstorm rain. in moscow, a thunderstorm with a parody wind is also possible, but there will be clearings, and in the afternoon, plus 24-26. the best morning continues, we listen to the news in the world of cars with the main road, we remember useful tips from sergey molodev, we are surprised at the news of show business, an unfastened driver flew out of the sedan near irkutsk, and his own car was crushed by hail, one resident
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of dagestan drove a priore to a gas station another. he covered the car with himself and with carpets, and in vladikavkaz, the elements also did not spare either the gas station, or the car, or the people, the flow of water demolished the minibus, the flooded ravine, one person died, the storm waters could not cope later mini-weather and in the capital in the water not only cars, but also buses could not stand it even the balcony collapsed during the reconstruction on two roads. foreign cars were lucky that there was no one in the cars with a grandfather on the hood, an inadequate lady in a coma gave a ride to a pensioner, and then japered in the car , she had to break the glass and pull out the hooligan by force. in time, the driver jumped out of the car a second before the tragedy, a propane tank exploded. tula squally wind in omsk
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to the right of a poorly secured garage and overturned it onto the track. stole a goose squeezed between the legs and took out a romantic dinner on a moped. a resident of komsomolsk-on-amur wanted to cook, his girlfriend did not appreciate the gift and returned the bird to the city park, bear control clubfoot went to the traffic police post in the leningrad region, examined the route, checked that everything was fine and hid behind the trees again comfort and coolness about cooling the cabin car people began to think as soon as the body became closed, but the first air conditioners appeared only in 1934 on buses, the installation was located on the roof of a car. the prototype of the air conditioner was installed in the trunk in 1939 to adjust its operation on the go , it was not easy to demand for this option , it almost did not cost more than a third of the price of the car, and
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only in 1954 did the first cars with compact air conditioners appear. mi, and after 5 years more than a million of them were sold . a good seasoning that will spice up any meat or fish dish, mustard and adjika maheev perfectly complement your dishes and make their taste bright with seasoning maheev food tastes better. this is live food, and we have here not only recipes and investigations, but also news about what is happening in the world of curious food and around it, doctors from the united states and canada suggest prescribing stay in nature as a therapeutic and preventive measure. they found that if a person does this two or more hours
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a week, they improve physical and psychological health, as well as cognitive function . and getting rid of stress people behave more consciously and include more vegetables and fruits in the diet, according to scientists. this is another argument for the development of park areas and green spaces in cities. fashionable intermittent fasting, when the intervals between meals are increased no better than the traditional diet , scientists from china came to this conclusion on 139 obese patients. they divided into two groups. throughout the year. some ate strictly hourly fasting from four in the afternoon until 8:00 in the morning, others could eat at any time, while both others limited the amount of food, consuming
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about 1,500 kilocalories per day. in the first group, without dinner, the participants lost an average of 8 kg, in the second - by six and a half, scientists are sure that the difference is small and that calorie restriction played the main role in both cases. in japan, they created sticks that will help you eat less harmful salt. they work in tandem with a bracelet that is worn on the wrist and a weak electrical voltage arises between it and the sticks. it causes sodium ions from food to move through 36 men and women took part in the tests towards the tongue and strongly stimulated it, and most of them noted that the chopsticks seemed to make food. twice as salty without increasing the actual salt content, many liked the sensation. by the way, the same laboratory at the university. maddie has recently created a cover for the tv, which allows, by licking it, to feel the taste
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of the shown food series about football by guardiola . what stars champions in this business? why camilla was invented at all and why celebrities easily agree to them will be told in show business news. the recently completed tedlas series about a fictional english football team and its american coach was rich in cameos, that is, episodic appearances of a celebrity in the frame there, for example , the star of the french football tiri henry, roma's mentor jose mourinho , pepg guardiola himself, the head coach of manchester city , appeared on the final season who turned out to be a big fan of the series the most star player of the world
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lionel messi also had a small role on television. he starred in one of the episodes of the popular argentine show lost protectors. defenders. it seems like at least once to try yourself in a cameo. now every celebrity wants one of the main fans of mini roles before his election as president was donald trump of all. he has about 20 cameos , most famously in the comedy home alone 2, where he shows the way to macaulay culkin's characters . trump also sat in the same bar with samantha jones in one of the episodes of sex and the city. talked to hugh grant's character in love with notice and did interviews together. with the then just girlfriend milani in the picture, the exemplary male of the comedy genre tried herself and the first lady of france, brigitte macron, in the role of herself. she appeared on the sitcom dressing room starring in modest episodes of famous businessmen, for example, the creator of the kfc chain, colonel sanders, personally served the heroes' table in
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the drama bloody angels of hell, billionaire richard branson flashed at the airport in the movie casino royale and sold london souvenirs in one from a series of friends, but the most frequent movie guest among the rich, elon musk, he has only a dozen episodes in the film iron man, 2 musk briefly talks with tony stark, whose image was largely written off from himself ilan says that he is developing an electric plane. in one episode of the big bang theory, a billionaire washes dishes in a homeless cafeteria, and in the prequel series , sheldon's childhood finds the hero's childhood notes and uses them to develop the falcon 9 rocket . the big bang theory featured many more celebrities. among them is one of the founders apple steve originated from paraplegic physicist stephen hawking and comic book creator. stan lee it is generally possible to call him a cameo record holder rarely. what a marvel movie did without his participation, other writers also appeared in the film adaptations of their books. frederic begbeden played as many as three cameos for 99 francs.
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chuck palahniuk was one of the passengers on the planes in the movie suffocation, twilight author stephen meyer sat in the cafe where bella and her dad ate, and hunter thompson flashed in fear of hate in las vegas another active group movie-guest musicians ed sheeran sang around the campfire in game of thrones michael jackson in men in black 2 asked for a super agent team, and madonna became a fencing instructor in die but not now in pirates of the caribbean. two supercameo guitarist trolling stone richards played jack sparrow's dad and paul mccartney's uncle. but of course, most often their creators themselves like to appear in films, the pioneer director was alfred hitchcock, who starred in 37 of his films. he tried to show himself in the first 5 minutes so that the audience can relax and not look for him in the frame for the entire film.
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well, then it became a tradition, someone, like quentin tarantino, preferred the video to be more noticeable , and for someone like james cameron, it was enough to light up his hands in the frame, it was he who draws rose in the titanic, real cameo masters do not suffer from vanity for them, really. the main thing is the participation of such show business news today. marina kazantseva was with you , see you, the main creative event. letov forum russian creative week from the third to july 7th, moscow lomonosov cluster thousands of top speakers representatives of business authorities of the largest media holdings register on the site of creativity today at 20:00 on ntv tuk-tuk. on the ozone on the ozone you will have big cancellations of your sleep. everything for your beauty is a very profitable son for
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women's april fee for 499 rubles. kudius khatun for 399 rubles. ulza facial apparatus for 1999 rubles. the halva card opens the door to the world of fantastic shopping, even during discounts and sales, any purchases will become even more pleasant with a 10-month installment plan and a cashback of up to 10% slivushki, tender sausages with them delicious breakfast cooking for the family. all and meat are connected perfectly for tenderness and taste that the beloved knitting will give joy to the family plum, knitting, delicate taste and smiles moscow coffee houses taste pleasure. i like to recommend that you can relax on your vacation at the dacha, whether he can go home, the action will draw
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50,000 in russia a super prize from 100 million tickets at the post office, the circulation is already this sunday. buy dreams. can you change styles? work and manage to be a practical housewife, and a mother for a different you one magnet cosmetic magnet cosmetic cares means to love now in a convenient application, quick registration of everything important on the main screen, your status, the number of points, as well as many nice offers that you will like, here comfort and boyle is now also in the application. i cut the boil, stuff it in the summer and you're done. that's all our compositions
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of the old farm are truly delicious, your shame everything for our beauty is very profitable . pudius cato for 399 rubles. ulciere facial apparatus for 1999 rubles. more i can even work in a neighboring city, but i would like to rush the availability of avito a large selection of suitable vacancies, a coupon for two two master burgers for 149 rubles. the kfc application in the video sale discounts on new appliances and free disposal of old ones, for example, the tv is also all over for 49.000 999 videos and delicious breakfast plums cooking for the family
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cream in it meat is connected perfectly for tenderness and taste, something that is too beloved delicate taste and smiles. and who is this? petrovich is your shift and the car should know like the back of your hand. not all the cases of doctors are a strange type of gloomy consciousness in someone. today i can’t have
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a shift and you shouldn’t threaten me, or you won’t tell me now. where are you from so literate, and i know who you are i don’t know where life is such an interesting thing too short to lie in it gosha kutsenko get legal advice ruben markaryan lawyer here the question came. is it possible to recover damages from the power supply
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organization if the led 5 tv burned out due to a power surge, in my opinion, an important clarification was made on this occasion the judicial collegium for civil cases of the supreme court of russia, which reviewed the outcome of a dispute between several citizens and an energy company due to a power surge in the network, which often happens , all household appliances have deteriorated. there, refrigerators, tvs, washing machines, computers, and so on, it all started with the fact that in the districts of the court several people brought claims against this grid energy supply company, and according to the law , the electricity supplier is responsible to consumers for their proper supply. here so it is written ises asked the court to recover material damage energetikov. here is such a solid amount, and for refusing to do this good. they also added compensation for non-pecuniary damage in court, the citizens said that they are consumers
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of electricity, which they receive under an electricity supply agreement. they had a power surge over the summer. household appliances in the apartments were out of order, and these affected citizens sent a statement to the power engineers , asking them to compensate for property damage. we didn't receive an answer. well, here's the district court in the first instance, it partially satisfied the requirements of the citizens, well, not all the requirements the court proceeded from the fact that the citizens suffered damage as a result of the supply of electricity to the defendants, of inadequate quality. and the district court also recorded that the defendants did not provide evidence that the harm to household appliances was caused by the fact that the owners supposedly themselves could violate the rules for operating their appliances . the appeal of kole’s decision was canceled altogether; togo, that the faulty household appliances on the day
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when the power surge happened belonged to them, they did not submit documents, and the citizens did not convince the appeal that the household appliances became unusable precisely because of the power surge. yes, ises had an act of verification by rospotrebnadzor, but it was somehow not drawn up in such a way that there was not enough signature of the inspectors, therefore, according to the court, it could not serve as evidence, the people affected, dissatisfied with such a decision, asked the supreme court to check the correctness of the decision and the highest court agreed with the dissatisfaction of the citizens. but uh, as the supreme court reviewed the case, it recalled article 1095 of the civil code, and it says that the harm caused to citizens by us or their property is due to shortcomings. goods services work or false information is subject to compensation by the seller manufacturer or thereby post. the comus of services does not matter. was there an agreement between them or not? the supreme court also referred to
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the federal law on the electric power industry. there is such a law that states that suppliers electrical energy are responsible to consumers for their proper supply of electricity. supreme court. i recalled my plenum, which was devoted to disputes on the protection of consumer rights, that is, the court concluded the time of proving that the damage to the property of electricity consumers was not caused as a result of the improper work of power engineers, but for some other reason lies with the energy supply organization. they have to prove to the supreme court, emphasized the local appeal, left without attention, the circumstances that the energy they did not provide evidence in court that they properly performed their duties under an agreement with citizens and took all measures to prevent this very power surge, due to which an accident occurred and electrical engineering suffered. the court sent
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the case back for a new trial. well, further considered satisfied the requirements of the words. many people dream of working at a confectionery factory, imagining the blissful promenade to the shores of the mill to the murmur of chocolate rivers. you can only use special headphones. and it's incredible here. stuffy, because what women fry almost non-stop. here they are, here he pours out.
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through the grate, fresh beans enter the pipe, where they are fried in a stream of hot air, the separator removes the husks, and everything superfluous, in order to send the beans under a heavy-duty press as quickly as possible only to such a strong man, the correspondent, yulia sokolnikova, was convinced that it was possible to divide the beans into components of which and chocolate is born this press. it does not just squeeze the beans, but literally separates them into their component parts. cocoa oil that is sent for filtration. and this is when we already have water pressed into the form of stones. goes to another for grinding. it is interesting that then all these ingredients are combined again, but the chocolates are already ready. the maintenance of such a workshop is a dubious expensive and time-consuming pleasure . very rare confectionery factories that want to be responsible for the quality of their
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chocolate allow themselves to do it. after all, most of the confectioners buy such semi-finished chocolate preparations from grated. cocoa from factories that are only processed and handled by themselves chocolate are not released. these semi-finished products remain only to be heated to add. pour cocoa butter, sugar, fillers to taste into molds and cool, only what quality cocoa women sent to these semi-finished products and the confectioners themselves can only guess whether it will be the same tomorrow, also a mystery of chocolate. as with any product , the smell and taste disappears over time. the most fragrant is not older than three months from the date of processing. cocoa beans, like, semi-finished products can add, as well as bad, as it were, and good beans. factories they can do it anywhere, anywhere, whatever the borders are, and ah, all the useful properties, of course , well, they disappear, of course, the pastry chef will not know about it.
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and the confectioner will not know what kind of butter is in the composition of these semi-finished products, because in inexpensive and slightly stale cocoa broads, native cocoa butter, as a rule, is very small. and in order to improve the consistency of the blanks, their manufacturers can add cheap vegetable equivalents, for example, palm oil from private confectioneries can mix cheap vegetable oils into semi-finished products and the process of preparing your tiles. after all. it's so profitable to explain the food technologist in a kilogram of palm oil is cheaper than valuable oil. cocoa as much as 10 times i have cocoa butter equivalents of butter, cocoa and their improvers saves, as a matter of fact, since they replaced it. cocoa butter is much cheaper than cocoa butter itself. and most importantly , only a sophisticated connoisseur will notice the difference in taste, therefore, for example, in the usa, confectionery giants are actively promoting just such production in fact.
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chocolate surrogate, infuriating confectioners from belgium where chocolate a national treasure in the us is trying to pass a bill that sought out palm oil. and other vegetable and call this chocolate. those who achieve this will be able to make even more of their surrogate and reduce the price until such shops as this close, left alone in the market, they will raise prices, and we will forever forget the taste of real chocolate; now it is already scarce. who knows. that is why in belgium and also in switzerland and france the most stringent chocolate law in europe is explained by the chief european chocolate expert in these countries can not add any other vegetable oil. more precisely, you can, but call it chocolate. it is no longer possible, for example, the beloved by many chocolate pastes. this is not chocolate, since they contain other oils and more than five percent, and in fact in russia the law is exactly
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the same official gost, which allows mixing no more than five percent of butter substitutes. cocoa only here the severity of the laws, as usual, is compensated by the optionality of its execution. after all, in europe checked. experts can determine how much and what kind of vegetable fat mixed in chocolate and violators will be god how unsweetened. there are special inspections. there are special equipment in laboratories capable of detecting even less than 1% of other oils for falsification are subject to large fines. and it turns out that not a single russian laboratory is able to figure out exactly how much cheap vegetable surrogates were mixed into chocolate from russian counters. there is neither equipment nor theoretical developments of laboratories to carry out the availability of an equivalent. cocoa no, but for this it is necessary that the laboratory has equipment,
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which is provided for by the methodology of this gostaf. and if you can’t catch violators by the hand, then it’s impossible to punish, and therefore the hands of everyone who wants to earn more, spitting on the health of consumers, are untied and alas, for now, you can only trust your feelings in russia, they fake another drink, mineral water, following the results of a large-scale checks, every third bottle is fake, but experts probably recognize counterfeit on the shelves even more. however, to say for sure, specialists need what are called reference water samples must be certain samples that must be taken in a certain order, stored under certain conditions, and they must be updated at certain times. unfortunately, this is not the case, this is exactly what they do in europe where , by the way, they drink more mineral water than in russia, manufacturers
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provide the regulatory authorities with a so-called sample, that is, water that was definitely poured from a source, yes. and the law to the counterfeiter is very severe is not limited only to fines for counterfeiting mineral water in italy provides for criminal penalties. and now in russia they also want to greatly tighten the responsibility of the prosecutor general's office systematically dealing with this issue, very serious punishments of up to 10 years. deprivation of liberty. but that's all, it's like the proverb. and the wolves, those who criticize for inaction are full. and the sheep are those to whom the tightening of control is unprofitable, but it is to satisfy only those who are superficially in the subject, the rest, and first of all, the scammers understand that their machinations will not surface for a long time. and those who will develop a new method of control is already hinting that the voyage will be long water - this is not as important now as slowing down the internet and catching for the poor in the open spaces of the network. some laws are written
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literally on the knee. e fast enough in a short time and pass quickly. and some laws. uh, years pass by one of the senators or deputies of the state duma the bill then this bill should receive, and the conclusion about management, both in the state duma and in the federation network and only after that he, and i beg your pardon, there is another instance - this is the thermal management of the president, and there are conclusions on the ministry of peace. and only after that it is submitted for e, discussion in the state duma from where the law can be sent to work or the law can be adopted, but something can be forgotten in it, after all, it seems that this is exactly what happened with the adoption document, which many cognac producers were so afraid of, and therefore the results of a fresh check of these popular brands of noble spirits
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discouraged experts. under what brand tinted and not at all grape alcohol, how pasta continues to deceive us , i will tell in the second part of the investigation, do not miss it. friends, admit it, just be honest, have you ever thought about a vacation in tajikistan? i knew it, and i knew it thanks to a survey in our social networks. i even understand where it all comes from. but you know that i do not agree with these comments at all, moreover, i intend to check each of them, because for me a vacation in tajikistan is a very great option. hello
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with delicious food, time always flies faster, at least for me this rule works 100%. it would not hurt to learn a few words here. here, for example, not
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rahmat i already know thank you rahmat ah oh this is a new goodbye.
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it’s hard to believe that a century ago there was practically nothing here, only three small villages, in one of which a bazaar worked on mondays, and monday in tajik is dushanbe well, now look, this is a modern city with its recognizable face, where girls and women walk in national dresses, and almost all of the men are in business suits and white shirts, the city is clean, cozy, colorful, and
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in some places so downright luxurious. what is it? this is the library, the largest in asia for a moment and the largest cathedral mosque is also located here in the most beautiful presidential palaces in the world. and the flagpole here is one of the highest in the world
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, 165 m. dastarkhan. and they sleep. and as for me today my bed looks like. so for any wallet, hotels of world chains are a strong four, as well as budget, but not bad hostels. salam
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alaikum, to be honest, after seeing so many different foods and hearing their smells. i forgot that i came only to try shurba for cakes, and i agree that, as i understand it, the tajik version of shurpa, otherwise i will have such a shurpa here, but who seems from manti. indecent
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wow, i already like it here. definitely, i have no doubt that everything will be delicious. after all, this is the most common dining room for their own, and since there are many of their own, it means that they are fed well. mom makes me so much filling and makes me so happy when you don’t feel sorry for the filling, and then you immediately say cumin hey friend, hello you are in tajikstons and the taste of manti - this confirms the meat for shurpa, they didn’t regret it, fat too. yes, i'm definitely in tajikistan
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good morning is on the air your doctor's program and here we are talking about the right medicine with the right doctors today. i am very glad to see dr. neurologist visiting us, head of the laboratory of neurogriatry of the national institute of medicine named after pirogov mkhitaryan helen araykovnovna. hello lena raikin, and today here, uh , we have topics and questions about dementia, and the elderly . today we strive, so to speak, and we are thanks to success in medicine. today there are a lot of people who live long, but the quality of life of an elderly person is very important and one of these prerequisites for a quality life. let's call this safe her good mental function. yeah no
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memory loss no thought functions. yes, so that a person is really a full-fledged person, dementia and senile dementia. is it the same thing, are they synonyms or are they still different things, what is dementia? well, actually, i want to start by saying that dementia is not a disease. dementia is a manifestation of many diseases. many diseases lead to dementia as soon as a person begins to need. his memory and other mental functions are so bad. as you said, yes, the cat, under which already a person needs needs some at least some outside help. here, then the germans are already talking about. why used to talk with tactical dementia, because they believed that this is a normal aging process. and now, when you ask the patients whether the relatives had similar problems, the parents of the grandparents, they say, yes, my grandmother had it, but it was normal. she was in her late 80s
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so this is an abnormal aging process and that's why you can't call it senile dementia now because it implies that this is a normal aging process. this is not a normal process. aging dementia is a disease, that is , certain diseases lead to dementia, which must be detected in the early stages, they must be treated correctly so that it does not reach just the stage of dementia. and what diseases lead to dementia, the most common cause of dementia is , unfortunately, alzheimer's disease alzheimer's disease today is the cause of about 70% of dementia. at what age do the first manifestations of alzheimer's usually begin? the most common age is 75 plus. but, unfortunately, now alzheimer's disease has become much younger and indeed we see this disease in more , let's say, middle age, and even sometimes at a young age. and here we are talking about alzheimer's disease. what kind of disease is this? how this
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disease develops is the smallest detail, but, unfortunately, what is the starting fact, we do not know this, but such changes occur in the brain. specific substances are deposited in the brain cells, which lead to the death of nerve cells, and the nerve cell. we all know that to unfortunately, it is not restored in the first place, with this disease, the cells responsible for memory die, so memory impairment is the very first and most important symptom of this disease. at the same time, what is interesting is that it is precisely at the first stages that the memory of a short-term event suffers , a person remembers very well, everything is in the past. yes, that is, yes, he perfectly remembers his childhood, so to speak, how he and his parents were there 70 years ago and do not remember what happened 2 minutes ago, where did he put the phone keys or turned off the burner? yes absolutely correct, and therefore relatives , unfortunately, notice this very late,
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because they believe that if an elderly person remembers everything that happened a long time ago, something that even they don’t remember, then everything is fine from memory. and here, unfortunately, here is such a feature, and what kind of groups? this is characteristic, it is more characteristic of people of high intellectual labor or, vice versa, people. er, so to speak, who are engaged in simple work, there is some connection between. but how would that be the initial level of intelligence or let's say education and e risk of occurrence. that's, uh, alzheimer's disease or that's the dementia that sick gamers bring about or that's absolutely in any stratum. uh, so to speak, it can develop regardless of e. hmm, so to speak, the initial level can occur for anyone, but the time of onset is different. and before 30 years, probably ago, it was believed that people with low levels of education suffer more from alzheimer's disease, and then they showed that there is such a thing as cerebral reserve. this means that we
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do not have all the cells of the main brain working when a person has a high level of education, especially if from childhood he develops the level of education. he has a very large number of cells running the disease. kemera is associated with the death of nerve cells. here, i always give an example, if we take an ordinary worker and a scientist physicist, let's say, yes, they do not have the same number of cells working. they may be the same, but not the same amount of work, if one works 100, the other 1,000, alzheimer's disease began, died 50 years, what will happen to the worker? he has it there will really be dementia, because half of his cells are non-working. and what will happen to a person yes, a professor of physics, where mathematics does not work out of a thousand, 50 he will only have a sting, only a complaint that objectively no one will notice. he will change when 500 of them die. therefore , if a person has a high level of education , alzheimer's disease will occur much later. he simply may not live to this
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age, so the level of education is really important. and then there's atherosclerosis. we we also understand that, as it were, the vessels of the brain also do not get younger, how much is this format of atherosclerosis plus, uh, this alzheimer's disease, they are going together, they will give hand in hand arterial hypertension , an increase in cholesterol is the most powerful risk factor for the development of dementia in particular and alzgain disease, so that this problem in you to a lesser extent. it did. you need to see a doctor earlier in order to try to help earlier unfortunately, may come with age. yes , there are 85 plus and 90 plus. so to say, senile dementia or dementia or alzheimer's disease as one manifestation of another many thanks to elena raikovna, very important , very interesting, very necessary topic. e.
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i hope we will discuss this problem more than once and good morning everyone. the mechanism of development of pain 1 is not important. what caused the pain, if there is pentalgin universal remedies against different types of pain due to the combined composition pentalgin acts against pain, where whatever it may be, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin let's do it without hurting the academy of russian television announces the acceptance of works for participation in the twenty-second all-russian television competition region conditions for participation on the website simorodak premiere today at 16:45 on ntv tuk-tuk-tuk
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fire-dangerous situation. the cold weather that will come after the front looks more like a mockery than a relief today in yakutsk +33, and tomorrow, 29 in the south, everything is more moderate 22-208. mostly. sunny showers with thunderstorms. it is possible that in primorye and transbaikalia the remains of a cool anticyclone until the temperature is allowed to rise to normal values ​​in the south of eastern siberia in irkutsk 23 in krasnoyarsk 20 and these are short rains. this the anticyclone will not save better the situation in the south of western siberia. it also rains in places here, but in novosibirsk it is already +. five near the urals and in the urals itself and even in yamal up to 30 and above the european territory of russia july heat begins to flood from the south, there it is already up to 35 and it rains, only in the mountains in the middle lane about 25 ° on the volga it is even higher and like in a children's poem somewhere thunder grumbles, sometimes northwest, and grey. warm up well until clouds and more frequent rains of cyclones in st. petersburg +19 thunderstorm rain. in moscow, too, possibly a thunderstorm with steam
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wind, but there will be clearings, and in the afternoon plus 24-26. in the program we will prepare a vegetable salad together with yulia vysotskaya we will talk about novelties in the world of technology with sergey molodyov we will attend agutin's educational festival well, in principle, salad in summer is always salad, but especially in summer. here i have a salad called corn. yes, but i love it very much, because, by the way, the italians call it valerian. for some reason, i don’t know why, but i like it, because it is moderately gentle. yes , and it goes well if arugula, for example, she is with such a spicy bitterness. a well, good spinach. of course not, in general, any salad is suitable as a base, well, that’s exactly the root, i somehow wanted it right now, i’ll take something to experiment with it and clean the cucumbers. it is clear
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that in the summer they are so sonorous and you can do without it. well, after all, it’s still like that, it seems to me, prettier, and i need such stripes. it's not obligatory. it's uh, i just like visually more, in principle, a cucumber, he is a cucumber. it always gives juiciness. he's absolutely beautiful the fact that there is more water in it than anything else, therefore it is an absolutely dietary product, and i don’t know a single person who would have an allergy on a cucumber, well , one or two cucumbers. as you wish, one is enough for me. but i will cut the radish into traditionally thin circles. almost transparent, too, just a sharp knife. a truly summer salad radish cucumber, it's summer, can i add such a salad? well , that is, by the way, an egg, and if we do not
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season it, for example, sour cream, yes, then it will be a little lighter and the egg will not interfere. here you can add pieces of fish, freshness and surprise, fragrant cucumber, by the way, is just friends with mint. very good. so. well, as for the dressing, in general, of course, we need oil, but i want it to be, you know, with character, and for this i take dijon mustard, or rather dijon mustard, but this is mustard in salad dressing. she has no equal. here are the grains. look, you see these whole mustard seeds themselves. and here they, in fact, make such a wonderful emulsion, combining with oil. you can also add vinegar with lemon juice. if you like it more, someone likes it, you know, because with vinegar, but it makes the dressing even sharper, but i like it with lemon. do you understand, see how beautiful
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it is? just a little bit of salt, too, because this mustard is well seasoned. here's just a drop and a little bit of pepper for the flavor of black pepper. he , in principle, in such especially quantities is not in order to be spicy in order to add more flavor, oddly enough, roses, well , that's all, we fill it. first the leaves seasoned and now the pieces of cheese. it 's so competent and always so tasty that it's just that if there is no fet and for example, then here you can add a-a instead. well, in general, without adding cheese, for example, anything. i don't know, grated apple. so now it occurred to me quite, perhaps, and or carrots are also interesting. well, the salad is ready. well, cheers, bon appetit, long
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live the summer, this time there are going to be difficult spectators, but professionals from the theatrical environment. they are here to assess the possibilities of the future stars of the opera and some of them to offer cooperation. graduates of the second youth program of opera artists of the helikon opera and it art helios theater were performing on stage , almost 400 people from all over russia applied for participation in the project , but after careful selection , only 10 performers got into the program for the entire academic year. all of them honed the art of opera
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singing, stage dance skills , foreign languages, were engaged in conductors and coaches. that's the peculiarity of this youth program, that they are very tightly included in the repertoire of the theater. that is, they had so many and new performances plus concert programs plus master classes. that is, they came here in the morning and left late in the evening, that is, such a busy 10 months , dense, such a present. helikon's work is an emphasis on acting on more traumatic art, and that was the most important thing for me. of course, we all really want to become part of the family, helikon. ah, but if suddenly this does not happen, then i think that any theater will be happy to get such personnel as all of us. the result of
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the second youth team impresses valentina and more four graduates were accepted into the helicon tube. the rest are considering proposals from other theaters. our program. it is organized thanks to the cultures fund, the initiatives of the presidents. and uh twice. we received a grant for this program. i really hope that next time we will also receive a grant so that this program will continue to exist. it seems to me that this program gives a lot both for the theaters of russia and for the theaters of moscow they will see the performances of the theater already in the new season this autumn. on
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the air miracle of technology program in which i sergey molodemov and my team we test everything on ourselves. right now on the air miracle of technology fifth place in our traditional hit parade of scientific and technological news a new word in the creation of visual effects said a company from london, which made one of the largest kaleidoscopes in the world for an exhibition in saudi arabia. this is actually a giant pipe 40 m long with mirrors and led screens, passing through which
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visitors find themselves in successive magical worlds, one ocean to the starry sky, in order to achieve maximum illusion. i had to remove the seams between the mirrors and build special triangular portals at the entrance and exit. you are looking at a miracle of technology. my name is sergey molodev and now the news from the world of science and technology, which took fourth place. in our weekly hit parade, drones with artificial intelligence in the future can become guides for blind people. at least such an experiment. conducted in. measures from switzerland, they taught the copter to move to a given point while simultaneously monitoring the tension of the cable that the person is holding on to if he approaches too the drone stops close, but if the follower lags behind, the car slows down, despite the obvious complexity of such a solution, the authors are sure that the use of aircraft has important advantages, for example, the guide technique.
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no need to make a contraption to climb stairs and overcome other ground obstacles, the third line in the selection of the five most interesting science and technology news of the week is slightly better than nothing, the principle is very true for physical education and scientists from australia and japan in a joint works have found very, impressive confirmation of this. they asked subjects to do just one exercise with dumbbells once a day for a month. it lasted only 3 seconds, but in the end, existences were recorded. and an improvement in the work of the muscles, especially for those who practiced non-flexion, but extension of the elbow with a slow lowering of the projectile. the explanation is not yet completely clear, but the researchers hope that their discovery will allow the creation of a new fast set of exercises. especially for the elderly, this is a miracle of technology with you sergey
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malazems and already the second line of the hot five, which i make every week from the most interesting messages from engineers and scientists from around the mosquito world attracts not only the carbon dioxide that we exhale and the smell of our sweat, but also certain colors of clothes, scientists from the university of washington in the course of a series of experiments, it was found that without stimulation by odors and carbon dioxide , insects are indifferent to colors. but as soon as they feel a potential victim, they begin to navigate visually, in particular, in experiments, mosquitoes actively flew towards dots of red orange black and blue. the authors of the work believe that the effectiveness of mosquito repellents can be enhanced if clothing of the mentioned shades is also avoided. well, now the first place - the hot five, children can be diagnosed with autism already at birth, and this will allow them to start the necessary therapy in time to reduce or even nullify, the symptoms of american and norwegian scientists were able to identify those
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molecules associated with inflammation, the presence of which in the blood mother and in the umbilical cord is characteristic just for autism. now the diagnosis is made only at the age of 3-5 years according to the behavior of the child, but earlier intervention will certainly improve the results of treatment, and a new analysis will help in this. but it's not all about one piece of news. i would like to tell you already outside the hot five, because this is not a discovery, not an invention, and definitely no failure, but it is directly related to technology and in a new light shows the world in which we will have to live more than 350 patients around the world, including and in russia were left with chips in the brain without technical support. after the ruin of the american company they are talking about, the so-called bionic eyes of the argus brand cost about 150,000 dollars plus rehabilitation costs and allowed
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the blind to see light and the movement of objects. during the pandemic , the developer's financial situation deteriorated and he announced to patients that he could no longer service implants and would not release updates for them. however, it is very difficult to remove the chip. and even the people to whom he did not fit in do not dare. as a result, patients forced to exchange parts. with a friend and the majority, the bionic eyes still continue to work, without any guarantee that they will continue with them . and will continue to provide basic technical support even without help from the us, perhaps this whole story will serve as an occasion for the development of new laws governing the use of implantable electronics. krasnaya polyana place
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attraction of events literally woven from the energy of inspiration of ideas and creativity, the height of summer started in the fourth season of the musical educational forum of leonid, children and young people aged 7 to 20 years old came to absorb new knowledge, an amazing mood to breathe fresh mountain air and get to know interesting creative people right away i really liked such a big part of the city of st. petersburg. i'm from moscow , i'm from izhevsk i'm from the city, yoshkar-ola came for new emotions for victory
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find new friends. we reflection teams came from the city of perm this year the number of participants grew to 5.000, and we filled the entire resort, krasnaya polyana was added, of course, our new project called the gift. go children themselves act as authors unique all-russian competition of author's song the gift was born only this year hundreds of cities on the map of our country thousands of talented children applications first went through an online casting, and then the best of the best performers met in selection rounds in moscow and chelyabinsk to meet at the finale already in sochi yes, the only and first country competition where the participants themselves compose a song thank god
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, i am grateful to the abyss of feelings from the kings burning points about the heart in the chest for a day that everything i believe hurts you. this is very worthy of the invented survival. i remember you, the final of the competition is a gift. this is the main award for the contestants. now they are actively rehearsing. hug the stars are preparing a concert krasnaya polyana continues to receive young participants at the agutin forum and enjoy, of course, you see the guys who every year come and want and say, and we will definitely be next year. super, and here are
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the long-awaited guests of the finalists of the international vocal project for children left without parental care. you are super on ntv, this trip is a prize for their participation in the project. give to the wings of your eyelashes. this dream begins to fly and be sure to find happiness, i know. it's boring, everything will definitely not be thought out here down to the smallest detail 60 volunteers arrived at the forum to charge the participants in a good mood and recharge themselves with powerful creative energy, 23
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educational tracks in various fields are available. for children and their parents vocal acting television journalism dream gritting against orientation dancing in a word, this is a unique opportunity to gain new knowledge and invaluable experience under the guidance of leading experts, industry and popular artists, the mission of the project is to unite parents of children and to reveal children not only talents for children to try different professions. watch the new issues of the forum diaries on the air of the morning program, we will be the best on ntv cover interesting educational events every day talk about bright moments in the life of the participants share the mood to enjoy music and the rays of the sun at an altitude of 960 m,
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vk fest 23 took place in st . company gazprom my skills together in the northern capital here the highest point velvet 300th anniversary of st. the mirror cube symbolizes the reflection of the main theme of the large-scale festival friends of st. petersburg, which will be held this fall , the pavilion was divided into thematic zones . the central part of it was an interactive installation by artyom moroz, which supports the main idea of ​​the future festival friends. petersburg media artist has created an art object that changes when interacting with visitors. we wanted to do it here in the literal sense and transfer history today, because
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jointly performed by gazprom and the project friends of st. petersburg, we have rethought the historical cultural values ​​based on the vicious temple array, which is processed by generative and artificial intelligence. and when the visitor enters the framework of the installation. she reads his image and changes the image. the visitor can still influence this fractal part. you see in the background. there is a gradient based on the sky, st. petersburg - beautiful sunsets. all dawns analyzed the palette and chose the main colors. and so the installation itself was made up of three layers. this is the first layer. second layer - it turns out a vicious frame. and the third is synthesis. that's all in this work of the purpose of the installation. to convey the image of the cultural heritage of st. petersburg through the prism of generative art the immersion of guests in the mirror digital world is realized with the help of motion sensors, and the role of the creator takes over. during the month we created this installation, the neural network was based on
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natural vicious and other frames from the collection of the hermitage and other museums. we looked at them and tested them. uh, collected these data and have already been rethought through artificial intelligence, and they are neural networks and a constantly different picture. that is , any other person will come up, and it will turn out to create a unique frame each time , depending on the avengers. usually, i have not seen this, the viewer affects the frame with his position. it literally becomes part of an installation that reflects the cultural identity of the city. i've never seen anything like it before, at the beginning i didn't even understand what was happening, and then it feels like it's inside a child's toy, a kadoscope turned out to be or as if inside a dream, that is, in fact, you don’t even know how to compare it. a very interesting project of gazprom friends of st. petersburg prepared a program that included master classes with celebrities, quizzes and others. the specialist of the tsarskoye selo amber
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workshop natalya mazur showed how to process the sun stone was petersburg , and there were guests of our city. our workshop about what amber is in general, how we processed it, what can be done from it, and people received a small piece, comments they learned how to grind it, polish it themselves, made a hole, took small pieces with them, talismans, any guest of the pavilion could take a picture with sports trophies, and also take part in the prize draw. there was also a screening of a unique feature film in virtual reality format chinese palace the legacy of the empress the best for today 16:45 big premiere of kingfisher the famous turkish series, which became a worldwide hit, what else can i do for you? tell me, look in today's episode, it's him yesterday
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sairan's lover came from her hometown . the bride is also looking after.
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what is the best medicine for nail fungus ? mesol. the most profitable medicine for the treatment of nail fungus mezol evalar fungus treatment without overpayments, and now about the weather for today. good morning, while yakutia is languishing from abnormal sleep and the threat of new fires, the south of the far east remains moderately warm. in the afternoon 22-28 rain with thunderstorms. perhaps only at sea. and also near baikal where the siberian front goes in its tula is not at all hot in irkutsk 23 in krasnoyarsk 20 with light rains in the south of western siberia , it also rains in places, but the temperature is higher in novosibirsk in altai up to 26 near the urals on the urals itself and owe yamal up to 30 and above all
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plans. the european part in yoga is already even too high up to +35 there will be more in the middle lane of rains, perhaps everywhere, but these are short july. rain in places with loads. the temperature is also rising, but without southern zeal , it is about 25 ° during the day, on the volga closer to 30 in the northwest, cyclones settled in the north and rains are more noticeable in st. petersburg +19 rain thunderstorm. in moscow, too, perhaps a thunderstorm with paroist wind, but in the afternoon, plus 24-26 , you can’t refuse sweets. take oli jim natural complex olya jim helps reduce appetite and cravings for sweets, as well as maintaining normal sugar levels. olya jim evalar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. how to maintain normal sugar levels take ali jim natural complexes helps to maintain normal sugar levels reduce appetite and cravings for sweets, and evalar is recommended by the russian diabetes association.
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