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tv   Skoraya pomoshch  NTV  July 13, 2023 2:00pm-3:01pm MSK

2:00 pm
they are full of doors to close and i did not intend to. no luck, i just think, okay, well, let's be rude with me for whom in this story, the truth is a moot point, opinions are divided and among internet users , some read raising their hands against women. it is impossible under any circumstances for others to be convinced that the driver had the right to refuse customers in order to preserve his property. one way or another, the taxi driver has already been restricted access to the aggregator. he will no longer be able to fulfill service orders. in addition, both sides filed on each other counter statements to the police , one for beating, the other for damaging the car denis for milking raduga only daniila baklanova and dmitry salnikov ntv television company a resident of kamchatka had to flee, who decided to pull off a dangerous trick with an animal after noticing a bear on the side of the highway. he got out of the car and offered him a sandwich, the eyewitnesses , who were filmed on the video, turned out to be more prudent and preferred to stay in
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the car, obviously the clubfoot didn’t like the delicacy, as well as the man’s attempt to get close. the bear could bite, but limited himself to driving away the obsessive stranger. he barely managed to climb onto the hood of the car. however, as soon as the animal retreated from the motorist , the owner again tried to bring his plan to the end, and taiga decided to be smarter, turned around and went into the forest. more news on our website and in the telegram channel of pe ntv we have today all thanks for being with us.
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listen, i’ll still be fine that i ’ll come with you, of course, there are all my own people there, everything will be very family-like. tribute listen, i've been thinking a lot about that conversation. in general, i decided change. for you to help me.
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what else sip something? do not mind it. i just want to be what you need. you can just help me become what you need. i don't understand, you're joking, i'm sitting here joking. i don't know what to answer you. why because a real man does not ask what to do and what to answer for? he simply does and simply responds.
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i ran into something, i didn’t see tanya. you don't need to call anything. change yourself. will you change the wheel? i'll change the wheel. have you ever changed a wheel? when i changed wheel no, wait, well, you just don't have a car and never had one. do you have a full size or dokatka?
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oh, what a wonderful air the birds sing,
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under my windows they also sing quieter, it seems that this is a chiffchaff and a rare combination of practical and romantic.
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how about putting a plate here? enough for everyone. i can still cut. enough, enough assistant, i had a golden five for my work. do you know what recipes you came up with? do you want to fry potatoes somehow, damn it. well, why don't we sit down at the table hungry? take some cheese. not hungry he just called us a t-shirt concert, he will be interrupted by his father, by the way, the anniversary is today. well , why are you let's just sit down quickly.
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good good. thank you, i like it very much. so, i think that when a person is confident in his actions , then stability comes into his life, but then he doubts, he never has any stability, and hence happiness, because happiness is stability. honestly.
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he can't come, he's busy. listen , tell me we're on our way. we will be soon. it won't fly off there on the go, don't worry woman, on this wheel, children and children of your children will ride our grandchildren today. thanks for
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visiting us. come well, wait, wait, what can you do, wife, you understand? i watched her for a long time. she told fortunes, circled the village, thought hard, drank wine and ate me.
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people people people, help bitten hurt. help fell out of love fell out of love with him brilliant text. i love this song's self-made. kostya dedicated something to me sadly while ushakov no , of course, yes. wine sobriety
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lord, why are you being fooled? no, the question is a principled man, man, dear only wait, it's you. missed one correct penalty for men, so it's customary. come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come to me first. have you forgotten vladimir yurievich how do they say happy anniversary? thank you, thank
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you, congratulations hurrah wow, so it's the same so it's expensive it's how many plate class, by the way, the unique design of the head is highly sensitive enough people. you will just hear right through. oh autumn. thanks a lot. come on guys to the table. let's go friends. my everyone is assembled. let's jump to the table excellent cognac. sasha stop drinking screams. why are you drinking it? well, raechka but now you know that he is an alcoholic? oh so, of course,
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fantastic fool, yes, and i think you friends know how to think. kostya ella vera children, come on quickly, well, cool down the barbecue. this needs to be fixed urgently, my friends are pouring pouring and i have to tell them, then it's uncomfortable. pass me the compote, please. why am i driving? you are not right. thanks a lot.
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because today is our holiday to you, as usual, yes, look, you have not yet married, and she is already under bondage. you notice, right? yes, you what a great end man god and you're the culprit was going to lower the degree. you're heaven, let your friends do their thing from a distance.
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pressure c'mon hmm because the force of objective reasons, in short, i'm tired. well , i mean, i made my own decision. i think that oleg petrovich is absolutely right . volodya gave so many years to the ambulance that it’s time to think for yourself, but my heart is hello vladimir vladimirovich. i don’t understand anything, how to go where to go will return his certificate to my place. well, here, probably, it should be said that kostya, of course, is a certificate
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we decided i decided to work. maybe something so noisy? yes, this is our wedding walking, probably, we went to the store. can i say i'll make a toast. i am a person from the outside
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in a good sense of the word, and you are a friendly team who have already entered. and i want to tell you, what a mercy you are. if i knew, i used to love you all a long time ago. in my life
2:20 pm
stop shut up kingfisher premiere. today at 16:45 on ntv cop wars today at 20:00 on ntv sber megamarket opens the stage of the discount park festival and the carousel of goods for the whole family, for example, the ninebot electric scooter. total for 23.990 rub. sber megamarket is our birthday and we have prepared a surprise for you in our application a product to choose from for just one ruble delicious daughter 1 year old together get up to 5 million. the right choice of millions of women. one tablet in the morning two components of three actions.
2:21 pm
i have a kingfisher premiere today at 16:45 on ntv sawing a tree is a long exhausting and hard, especially if you are far from home the world of fair prices presents you with a cordless chain saw, two pruning boards pruning branches cleaning bushes. it's far from complete list of works for which it is capable mini-saw is an indispensable assistant, during construction, repair, work on personal plots, caring for trees and shrubs, light weight and ergonomic shape of the handle allow you to use it for a long time, without feeling, fatigue and discomfort , a special casing provides additional
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protection when work in hard-to-reach places and limited space the electric motor with a copper winding has a sufficiently high power for such a small chain of this saw has been designed to cut wood quickly, smoothly and with the least amount of energy. call and order a battery chain saw weight and get a reliable and faithful assistant today at 20:00 on ntv that there are no documents, no money, no phone, only your business card. from the psychiatric hospital here it is thanks to a mythological attribute.
2:23 pm
and i'm not asking for a familiar place, in this place they also found the son of your teacher exactly 15 years ago. do you think it's my duty to warn? there is someone who wants you of death. in line, find out if your trainee antonov appeared in vyborg for my second. i say that he betrayed me on ntv for health and well-being , it is necessary to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. you don't have that option. a compact home trainer has all the features of a full-fledged exercise machine, yet takes up the space of an ideal solution for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle of an exercise bike.
2:24 pm
work out when it's convenient and convenient for you without compromising the family budget, regular classes on a home cardio machine increase endurance of the body and help to reduce the number of extra pounds, but that's not all. if you want to strengthen your muscles, chest, back and shoulders , install an exercise bike in front of you. easy to use , it is suitable for everyone regardless of age and fitness level, even people with limited musculoskeletal abilities with the help of a special mechanism. adjust the load optimally for your physical condition and enjoy the comfort of the rubberized leg guarantees stability. during training. on any surface, the simulator will not slip and will not scratch half the card . lightweight and compact. it weighs only 2.5 kg and is easy to store in a closet. carry and
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even take with you to the country, watch tv, read a book. listen, study music, when and where it is convenient for you without compromising the family budget. call and order a compact home exercise machine for only 3.99 rubles. but if you call us right now this simulator will be yours for only 1.000.99 rubles. the offer is limited. call by phone or order on our website appeared
2:26 pm
because of her you leave. yes, she takes out your brain , such people know how not to wash, since they are sure that this is your child? don't know.
2:27 pm
come on, i have your anniversary. come on, what are you, cold water, you will dull your hands. well , what kind of dishes we're leaving soon. soon there will be a cake, then we will go for a walk, let's go and take the guitar with us. i beg you from year to year the same thing. those are your friends. right. here
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we have nothing to do with them. let's stay and you go there too, so come on, do the dishes in 40 minutes by train. you see, he also wants to stay. well, we were going to go. listen to this, you're tired of everything here. and olesya now wants to be a family. try. you see, you have to stay. well, of course, when all the money is gone, what a thing god, my, what passions. and i lost you. my tail, why do you announce to everyone what
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is not. in the sense that i have not yet made a final decision, i’m leaving with the ambulance or staying, otherwise i already publicly announced this failed fact, we drove, i took you here in order to demonstrate to everyone how friendly we are.
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why am i in love? yes, because the golden woman is very good.
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what are you, what are you, i'm nothing cigarettes. i don't smoke. me too. where are you? i lost my kulygin jacket for a day thank you all.
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do you think why i drink so it is from happiness for once i had such an opportunity to knock out. sanych impossibility to be happy compote. listen, don't interfere with my life. i want to breathe deeply. vari vera, look, breathe. where is my woman?
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found. what was she looking for me? listen, well, what ’s not bothering with the schedule, timofeeva wants to put you in for a day, what day? where is she? what, how are you? fine? life is so short that you won't have time to sneeze. and you're already 60, right?
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i don't know there. so, we agreed. i mean, why are you bullying him? what did he do wrong to you? or just decided to go deeper, go to another victim. clearly,
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mock your souls. fine. i mean what happened? look, we need to do something. it can't go on forever. well what you want me
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to do i don't know. i am sitting behind bars in a dungeon, a damp young pushkin, too . pushkin lermontov did not return.
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pushkin is also none of my business.
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you give me a cake. come on, i'm not going, i need to talk to you.
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where does it show? my good, sit down please.
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on time, and then he can move so
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attention part be patient and it hurts what are we sitting where is the finger? creature? are you sitting? go search like people, come on, come here. oh-oh-oh , you can see it so well on the way, everything will be fine with you . fuck me your ring, i need vasya's finger. to the toilet, and there should still be a ring around somewhere.
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what the heck, right? oh get out of here, i 'll tell you, calm down tyoma tyoma you brought your ex for 100 years, please. you look what he's doing. there are guys, there is a cold beer in the refrigerator, such a finger for transportation, how long have you lost a limb? we have an hour and a half to go back. are you like an hour and a half, are you a massage therapist, until the police arrive, that they didn’t come to us, there is a medical helicopter, in short, you need to
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lead yourself. yes, you will break along with your finger. wait, vitya didn't drink, we'll take him. yes, it's very cold. let's. i 'll go here with you, no need. vasya go to the guests. and i promise you, until the wedding night. i'll be back guys, here we are going to count for a minute. well , go ahead and call. good
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evening no, i'm right. you said you have rights. rights, that is, it’s just that we don’t have it with us right now, we’ll break through the base. yes, not there overdue, they generally exist. of course, there is a need. you understand, well, i'm a massage therapist, please.
2:45 pm
where can you help? vessels of something
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on shares, a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class , and the taste of pleasure. moscow coffee house on shares i like to recommend the main thief in law of russia as in the nineties, young shakro crushed the entire gambling business, where he laundered illegally acquired money, they created. all whole bags and why grandfather hassan left the throne of crime to him, unless they come up with it. thief number one new film from the documentary cycle authorities tomorrow at midnight on ntv for
2:49 pm
an elderly person the most common water bathing can be an impossible task high sides slippery surfaces so easy to lose balance, lemax will help you make this easier . meet your best helper titan bath & shower chair. this simple device will relieve you of moral and physical discomfort and give you self-confidence. the titan chair is incredibly light and you have no problems. you can take water procedures yourself. just put a chair in the bath or shower and wash yourselves, wide non-slip seat, right. estimated depth. hygienic slots for quick water drainage and side handles that you can lean on when molesting, relieving unnecessary stress from your back. it's just left for me to take a shower. what do you think? to protect me, i bought a chair
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titan easy to sit comfortably. in general , nothing better has been invented for bathing, you no longer have to think about where to put the shower head. during washing. titanium has special recesses for this. your hands, free rubber feet will not slip and will not leave any marks on snow-white surface, and the legs themselves are telescopic, they have as many as six height positions when folded chair. titanium takes up almost no space, and it can be assembled in just a couple of minutes. call us and order the titan chair for swimming in the bathroom and shower for only three thousand 999 rubles. but if you call us right now, you can get this chair at a discount of as much as 1,000 rubles. only two thousand 999 rubles. call by phone or order on our website corrector healthy back is an easy
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to talk to you. now it won't work, let's go and drink tea. wake up the situation. and what happened? i wanted them to understand and accept me, i was terribly uncomfortable, but all this is nonsense. the most important thing is that we are together.
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i'm sorry, i'm sleeping. tired a little out of habit. happy birthday to you.
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happy birthday to you. vaska come out now
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, i'll shoot everyone in the head once or twice. i'm leaving. what do you want?
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oh, sasha, god, how did it turn out so i don’t understand something, but here i don’t even see blood, a serious one and a rib is broken here or here yes , you need to go to the hospital.
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you won't take me home, okay? well done to me. if something happens to me, don't be angry, and i forgive you everything.
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we are all jokes, and i'm a bone without a caretaker. let's go home. i'll take the car. thank you
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3:00 pm
good enough. please look, i'm on my way


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