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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 19, 2023 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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the work of the kerch ferry has been resumed . we will tell you how to get to the crimea and back. crew on the front line, how is the offensive going in the zaporozhye direction? the capital region is coping with the consequences of heavy rainfall, and europe is preparing for abnormal heat. this week the temperature can rise to plus 50, what threatens the old world in alexander konyakevich's report?
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svetlana gordeeva visited the great soviet poet in moscow ankylosing spondylitis urgent messages are coming from the crimea at this moment there was a fire at the training ground in the kirovsky district, the cause of the incident has not yet been reported , as the head of the republic sergey aksyonov said , the main highway of the taurida peninsula is blocked , it is impossible to drive from 118 to 130 km , traffic flows are redirected by alternative routes through the villages of the old crimea and pervomaiskaya buses go through feodosiya authorities. they began to evacuate the inhabitants of four settlements. this is more than 2,000 people. emergency services are on the scene services. deployed operational headquarters.
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meanwhile, the queue for the crimean bridge from the side of the peninsula eliminated the entrance from the kuban. they even give about 700 cars. this morning, the operation of the kerch and ferry crossing, which connects crimea and the krasnodar territory, was resumed. it was closed all night by decision of the authorities. now , trucks and scheduled passenger buses are transported to the peninsula and back by ferry to cars following the bridge for those who do not want to be stuck in traffic. in the krasnodar territory organized three large parking lots. you can leave your car there and transfer to an electric train or a bus on the bridge. on monday , the day before, our ministry of defense reported that, but if retaliation strikes at points where ukrainian nationalists were preparing attacks , the investigative committee. now the main sponsor of the kiev regime is establishing all those involved in this sabotage. in washington , our copper denies any involvement in the cnc , believes that the decision to attack was made by ukrainian officials and the military three
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participation of american and british spices, in addition, russian diplomats expressed regret that the un again ignored the sabotage that kiev arranges , international organizations did not comment on what happened and did not even express condolences and words of support for the girl, who was left without parents for the actions of ukrainian nationalists. in the lugansk people's republic , fierce battles are going on in the svatov and krasno-limansky directions, the ukrainian formations carry out one attack, after another they throw into battle the entire available arsenal supplied by western curators. however our fighters did not yield a single meter to the enemy, all sorties are successfully repelled thanks to the coordinated actions of the unit, for example, scouts find camouflaged ukrainian positions with the help of drones, then artillerymen successfully destroy nato guns with accurate salvos.
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according to the ministry of defense, during another failed attack, the ukrainian side lost an american howitzer and a polish self-propelled crab, these frames show an explosion of ammunition after a direct hit , the enemy personnel suffered serious losses zaporizhzhia, the direction of the neo-nazi offensive is suppressed by rocket artillery , the crew of our city set the task of hitting enemy columns with equipment with ammunition , they are covered on the outskirts of the front line in order to prevent it from making up for combat losses sergey pin transmits. intelligence reported two groups of 15 people advanced to our positions in the zaporozhye direction now one of the most tense, in order not to fight in
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their trenches, the enemy is covered on the approaches by artillery, covering whole squares coordinates obtained from drones. they also fix the defeat of the target and worked out the change of position in the counter-battery fight. nobody canceled the need to protect the personnel and equipment of the place, the expectations of the crews. always well disguised. good camouflage allows the crews to stay directly near the line of contact without wasting precious time on the road. this is where the loading process takes place. here is this machine with a full package of 40 rockets. now rocket artillery, often works proactively. that's how you rolled up to yourself to the limber, these calculations hit the nearby enemy, preventing the delivery of shells or breaking columns of western equipment. the columns were big there until 5:00 to 10 cars.
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these are already normal columns, they consider them a breakthrough, because they have armored vehicles of this new vehicle, which they have supplied , we try to destroy them . the european union came up with a new way to increase the volume of military assistance to ukraine, it is planned to create a special fund through which up to 20 billion euros will be allocated, the publication of the politician reported , according to journalists. the money will not be sent to kiev directly; instead, the eu will compensate for the costs of the transunion for the purchase and transfer of tanks of missiles and ammunition to ukraine, in addition, the meps want to spend part of the money from the fund for training members of the armed forces, as the building’s dreams have developed a new support plan for 4 years. at the same time, brussels hopes that during this
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time they will not spend the entire amount now eu takes funds to support ukraine from the european peace fund, which was created in 21 and the money in it is gradually running out . brussels is trying to solve this problem, according to some reports, we are talking about allocating an additional 3.5 billion euros. the efforts of the europeans were not appreciated by donald trump, he said that america spent much more on ukraine than their partners from the countries of the old world. i will appeal to the europeans to reimburse us for the weapons that we sent to ukraine so that america could restock its stocks. it's necessary do now, but the current president, joe biden, is too weak, he is not respected, and he is not in a position to ask for it. donald trump also accused biden of the fact that, due to his policies, the size of the american army was reduced, and military supplies were depleted
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last night, the capital region experienced a second wave of precipitation, forecasters predict that this is not the end of heavy rain in some places will continue in moscow and the region. before lunch, all this will be accompanied by sharp gusts. bad weather winds covered the region the day before in in a matter of seconds the sky was covered with clouds , the wind speed reached 20 m / yesterday's council lightning flashed on the capital almost half of the monthly rainfall rate, according to the latest data, about 40 trees fell in the city. they damaged 3 dozen cars , fortunately no one was hit hardest by the cyclone. hit the center of the capital. many streets were flooded there, the ferris wheel at vdnkh stopped, the gorky park was closed, the authorities recommended cafes to restaurants. suspend the work of summer verant bad weather made adjustments to the schedule ground public transport. for several hours, traffic was blocked
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by a flooded arbat. for me, city services were put on high alert yesterday, and it is still in effect. and in europe, abnormal heat threatens to leave a million farmers without crops in italy greece france spain, the thermometer rose to above 40 ° celsius and even this is not the limit in southern europe, forest fires are raging. and while the rescuers fail to take them under control in germany , the country's largest inlet artery, rica elba, has become shallow to critical point. and what vagaries of the weather can result in, did you shoot alexander kornevich? the water level in the main river and part of the resource artery of germany, the rhine, has reached a critical level, now the depth of the shallowest section of the river is only 75 cm, and in some places it is only 40 more than all alarmed economists in the key territories dependent on the river. in
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particular, the switzerland of northern italy, southern germany and even parts of austria do not get enough water supplies for unusually mild winters. at that at the same time, the lack of rainfall has repercussions across europe. especially for farmers and energy companies , more than 50 million people live on the banks of the rhine , and the lives of many are directly connected with the river. and now shipping on aria is not under threat here, they reduce their payload by half, so as not to run aground , some companies refuse to operate unprofitable flights altogether. this leads to shortages and, of course, to increased costs, industrial enterprises are forced to reduce production volumes. somewhere its all thinking about it temporary suspension. one of the notable phenomena that we have observed is the increase in the frequency of simultaneous heat waves in the northern hemisphere by six times since the eighties and the trend shows no signs of decreasing in july and august there is a critical increase in temperature. the same. we have already observed in asia north and central america in africa
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in the middle east and now in europe so i'm not making this up the temperature continues to rise. the drought only exacerbates the already extremely difficult situation with forest fires in in many european countries, fire is raging in several regions of france, croatia, greece and northern spain, where the strikes of farmers already severely affected by the heat do not stop. we are protesting in madrid because we have been suffering from a severe drought for two years now. and everything that the state does increases the input prices for purchased products. we desperately need government help. we ask the government for policy flexibility assistance next year. we will not be able to sow the fields, we simply do not have the means to do so. because of
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shallowing of rivers and lakes bears heavy losses and entrepreneurs who are engaged in turbine business , some are now seriously thinking about changing their field of activity. after all, the threat of ruin grows in proportion to the decrease in water levels. we have to come up with new business development concepts in case, if the water levels in the rivers continue to decline, rafting and kayaking are wonderful outdoor activities, but if the water is getting scarcer, then we will have to find new ways to do business. last year the water level in the lake costiglion. what is located in the alps and is a very popular holiday destination. tourists fell by 5 m. and judging by the forecasts of experts , the situation will improve in the coming months. it’s definitely not worth waiting on the map of drought and compiled by the european union in the risk zone, far from only southern europe, extreme heat continues to spread across southern europe, but also it gradually moves to other regions of the globe from japan to north america in the coming days record temperatures we
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monitor surface temperature from space and our forecast temperatures will continue to rise throughout the week. we'll see another heatwave sweep through southern europe and bring even higher temperatures. last year's heat brought europe a lot of problems nuclear power plants in france did not have enough water to cool the reactors, and in some countries there was nothing to extinguish, blazing forest fires. in total, record heat has caused more than 60,000 deaths in europe, almost a third of this sad statistic is accounted for by italy where and this year the situation is difficult due to the abnormal drought in this period. we receive about 20-25% more calls. unfortunately, this is due to the scorching heat. basically, we are called by elderly and lonely people, especially vulnerable now people without a fixed place of residence, which i can do during the hottest hours. i ride the bus or the subway, i try to sit near the air conditioner and ride. in a circle a after 16
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hours trying to find in the south of italy in the spanish capital madrid have already recorded temperatures of 45 and 46 °, and in the coming days, the bars thermometers can rise to plus 50, so the tragic records of last summer may well be broken alexander andreevich valeria polukhina vladimir discharges ivan gritsenko ntv television company in israel , mass actions against judicial reform erupted with renewed vigor on the eve of the demonstrators blocked major roads and held rallies at railway stations because of this, train traffic was completely stopped in the country for some time. in the evening , activists gathered in the east of tel aviv, where government buildings are located, the protesters burned pyrotechnics and chanted slogans to disperse the crowd of thousands, law enforcement officers used water cannons and mounted police, 45 people were detained after the rally ended by demonstrators. or that will head towards
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jerusalem in 4 days. they plan to walk to the country's parliament building. an exhibition dedicated to vladimir mayakovsky opened in moscow today marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of the most famous soviet futurist, who was, therefore, a playwright , artist, actor and director, authors the expositions tried to show the impressive figure of the creator, svetlana gordeeva was one of the first to see the most unexpected sides of the exhibition. rude and cynical, some tender sentimental ones assured others, walked like a master on the ground, and inside carried a fragile butterfly on an ethylene heart , an almost two-meter giant who always carried brass knuckles and a pistol sobbed sobbing when he wrote about love about him in such a different mayakovsky exhibition we are not that we want to change the optics. we want to keep different mayakovsky,
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and how it was perceived in the 20th century, and how we see and know it in the 21st century, and how each of the e, in modern russians loves it. yes , because it's different for everyone. he knew this well about himself, he mastered the art of this. here are self-presentations, he stirred up the everyday tina by appearing on the stage of a literary cafe in a yellow shirt with a black stripe, throwing insulting lines at the venerable audience. and when the gentlemen began to loudly resent , i announced they would get punched in the face, please get in line. this is, in fact, there is, as we say now, a meme of a yellow jacket with a black stripe - this is an image of the early mayakovsky and it is surprising that these fragments of this jacket have been preserved. we show a piece of this fabric. at our exhibition , mayakovsky's first tie is his yellow ribbon, which he tied, making a splash. he said that i understood the most important thing in a person. this
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tie of hundreds of exhibits will tell how vladimir mayakovsky from freaks, yellow shirt, whom you kicked out of the cafe , transformed into a successful singer of the revolution, as they would say now, and therefore changed the name of the image. paris purple is not lazy. i got up outside the window of the ratunda. these are mayakovsky's parisian poems and we are in front of a shop window in paris. e, where he often bought things for himself and his family. vladimir mayakovsky is why we have his ties and his hat here. he was a man of hyperbole bulk, love and bulk hatred himself. he said about himself, and here on display the fruits of his passionate love for the revolution and the motherland and passionate hatred of capitalism and the bourgeoisie, the exhibition will open to the inexperienced visitor the variety of mayakovsky's talents after all, many remember him only as a futurist poet, who gets out of his wide trousers, either a cloud, or something else, that mayakov’s are brilliant e, a film actor, and a brilliant artist is a stylist, as we would now say, a pr man,
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by the way, the author of the first performers of the first interactive projects. all these words apply to him. regardless of what words appeared later, mayakovsky was not only a talented artist, and therefore he was the founding father of modern advertising. buy up oriental people - the best galoshes, camel camel rubber crackling defender in the rain and slush without overshoes in europe to sit and cry nothing resembles another mayakovsky ardent romantic in the next room. the one that a lover could buy is not one bouquet, but 10 at once, which suffers once. luke compared himself to a bear. i don’t know if bears cry like that, but if they cry, then that’s how the notebooks that are exhibited for the first time are shown in the windows soon they will appear in digital form, maybe it will become clearer to us why, at the age of 36, the poet himself stepped on the butterfly of his poetic heart svetlana
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gordeeva dmitry panov sergey lopatin valentine abramenkova ntv moscow the lead singer of the kino group was the idol of his time. his songs are known to more than one generation and are still being listened to. and on this we say goodbye to the audience of central russia until the meeting. all for your beauty , men's patrol sneakers for 899 rubles are very profitable. women's
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8:24 am
hello and the region - thunderstorm rains in southeastern siberia near the mongolian cyclone will also thunder in western siberia in some places , the ural cyclone takes responsibility for the thunderstorm situation and everywhere it is warm from irkutsk to tyumen and even in salekhard plus 25-28, but the urals are lower because the rains are stronger over the european one, there is also a new cyclone watering with addiction and the temperature will be reduced no heat the beginning of the week there is little left, but when the base gets warmer let's go to the rain-drenched forest for mushrooms. just remember that the mushrooms in the forest are not only yours, but you will have to count not porcini and aspen mushrooms, but kabanov, climbing higher on a tree. as it happened the other day with mushroom pickers in the tula region in the south. today, too, even here thunderstorms. they will bring fresher air, but tomorrow the weather will improve in st. petersburg today, short rains, plus 20 in moscow, only 18 °, the rains are already small, but the sharp wind will remain.
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