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tv   Sledstvie veli  NTV  July 22, 2023 4:20pm-7:01pm MSK

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and hands and hearts. andreevna, will you marry me? some of the brides are also graduates of the university of the ministry of internal affairs, thanks for being with us. see you soon. i'm denis osin, 15 years old. i am developing a small business in alfa bank and i believe that there is never enough business. therefore, we are launching a fund of considerable business with alfa-bank. we will give away 100 million rubles to entrepreneurs across the country; money will be given to the best stories. tell us about your business on freckle on the nose and
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current payments and credit history and check that you have no delinquencies and no one has taken a loan in your name. if a loan, then on the site cop wars with monday at 20:00 on ntv natural medicine ginkoum is aimed at protecting against blood clots reducing blood viscosity and improving memory gmc mind double action helps protect against blood clots and improve memory in the summer increases the risk of blood clots protect against rhombuses will help natural medicine ginkgo ginkoum reduces blood viscosity, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots ginkgo from the company evalar natural protection against blood clots. good afternoon in the studio evgeny neronskaya. i will tell you about the weather for tomorrow, and for the weather on the european territory.
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now the cold atmospheric front in the arkhangelsk region and in karelia is responding with rain in a continuous veil and so far there is no light in the north-west, too, and damp and not at all cool in july, and then it will get colder by another five degrees in the middle lane, the temperature balances around the 20 ° mark, so far it will remain so, but the rains are coming, the most intense precipitation in the center and the volga region will shed. tomorrow evening , thunderstorms will pass in some places already in the krasnodar territory. crimea and the lower reaches, the don will also face bad weather, heavy downpours with thunderstorms, hail and squally winds bring them here along with a cold snap. all the same cold atmospheric front. temperature in petersburg. thunderstorms do not fall below the 20 ° mark tomorrow, and just + 20 in moscow too, perhaps a thunderstorm and also not higher than 20 on monday is even cooler, but then summer will definitely return to us if the joints are worried when the weather changes. take reflex it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, as well as normalize uric acid levels rheumoflex evalar movement without pain in any weather. how to reduce joint pain without harm to the stomach rheumoflex helps to reduce
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joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints rheumoflex movement without pain. right now , leonid kanevsky dear, i have a surprise for you. soviet central asia, the city of sat at the foot of snow-white mountains and the most polite maniac in history. all the jet of a self-confident criminal will go to ten. he wanted to be loved by me, they will be different. they agree, he kept killing for months, almata was in fear. a story of unthinkable cruelty to kill a schoolgirl, sleep peacefully nearby and just retribution. marry me glass films. the investigation was carried out for a couple of weekends
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, lie down and go back to work. watch right now. that evening the schoolchildren were returning from the theatre. teenagers vividly discussed the performance to loud exclamations and fervently laughing , passers-by turned around later, many will remember how masha karpinskaya decided to take a shortcut to the house through a wasteland, waved goodbye to her friends. live seen for the last time. the murdered girl
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was found a few steps from the gate of her home. the eighth grader was raped and strangled. crime scene. how did a new signal come to another girl near one of the five-story buildings of the 8th microdistrict, and even a witness was found. fortunately, the second victim, irina alekseeva , survived and was able to describe the perpetrator. nice slav, a little over 20, medium height, stocky, wears a light dark jacket
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shortly before the incident, the benches near the house were painted. sleep peacefully nearby rest and commit another crime, unthinkable savagery, then the detectives did not yet know the number of victims of the self-confident criminal will go to ten.
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the sixty-seventh year, the fiftieth anniversary of the great october revolution, the capital of kazakhstan met the anniversary in all its glory, alma-ata is one of the leaders of the all-union co-operation, timed to coincide with significant dates. the soviet city is a garden at the foot of the snow-white mountains, a wide avenue and majestic architecture on the street, cleanliness and order, but it was in this holy year that the capital of the kazakh ussr seized real horror in almaty showed up. cruel and elusive criminal that evening she was returning from the cinema in the new
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microdistrict, not all the houses around the construction site were inhabited, it was scary to go alone, and then a polite voice of a girl called out from behind. can you walk alone at night? well dressed nice guy offered to carry the girl. she involuntarily slowed her pace. the stranger caught up with her and suddenly clutched at her throat consciousness. and then it happened incredibly, as if the rapist had been replaced. he turned into a nice young man introduced himself by name. my name is boris girl up to the entrance. the detectives racked their brains polite rapist, who is he and
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why is he behaving like this ? he just went to school, but he already knows how to write and count, a handsome man, the whole mother only needs to show the doctor the child stuttered slightly, a slight speech defect for the child is a deep trauma. on that day, the boy firmly decided everyone who mocked him. one day he will regret it. according to the victim
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irina alekseeva and a random witness made a compositional portrait of the criminal. and they also noted a special sign of a slight stutter. my name is boris, they tried to check on the register through uh hospitals, where stutterers are treated, but they say those who are a little bit, only we don’t take such people from us. in the late sixties, the senior detective of the criminal investigation department of the ministry of public order of the kazakh ussr was not a few days after the double
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attack, the criminal went hunting again. tryndets to you, my name is shilov today at 19:25 on ntv cymorodok, from monday 16:45 on ntv sberbank presents a service of credit potential. plan your dreams. find out in advance the amount and conditions for all loans available to you. calculate the credit potential in sberbank online right now and apply for a loan. at the lowest rate in sberbank from
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which you can have fun and new emotions without fear of misfire and disappointment. the secret of the emperor is aimed at maintaining an active personal life of a man information about the emperor's product can be found by phone at 8.8. 00 which is exactly 23 37 800, which is exactly 23:37 the call is free and anonymous kingfisher premiere from monday at 16:45 on ntv banya arasan in translation from kazakh is a warm spring, however almaty residents call it among themselves our sanduns, russian turkish finnish halls children's department and suites
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but the main feature of rosan is such marble slabs, each heated to a certain temperature all in turn. hello this procedure is repeated annually, you can live up to 100 years, at least. that evening, she was just returning from arasan to the house was within easy reach, and then a young man came out to meet her. i was frightened by passers-by who grabbed her by the throat nina's consciousness hit the attacker with a handbag in
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the face, the rapist stumbled and, falling, scratched his palms. the victim's resistance only provoked the perpetrator; the tormentor was surprised by the victim's failure. but tempting fate allowed the rapist to carry it out. on the sweater of the victim ann evdokimova
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traces of blood of the third group were found, which does not belong to her, the worst fears of the detectives were justified; the polite rapist believed in impunity. where did he come from in the fifty-second year, yakutsk that evening, the boy played in the yard, not waiting for his son. marina went on the train around, not a soul. children have long fled to their homes suddenly.
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the sixty-seventh year of alma-ata, three rapes in a week forced the detectives to raise, previous reports of incidents , the results exceeded all expectations in almaty , 10 attacks have already been recorded. with similar circumstances. at first, they didn’t even think that this was the same criminal, because the testimony of the victims was different in signs, but many of the victims described not people in the same way. after the rape , gollantine is always emphasized, who will throw
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clothes on her shoulder so that the girl does not freeze, who will lead her to the gate? but one day good manners failed the rapist. playing in love with a new victim, the criminal left important evidence. darling, i have a surprise for you with a tambourine on the corner thrown boots italy oh thank you very much dear. thank you let's drink shoe production, the soviet union ranked first in the world. but people
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still complained about having nothing to wear and achieved in the queues for imports the number of shoes. could not replace its quality block, the appearance of the material, and most importantly reliability. after oil or pour a plastic bag of water , put it inside, insert it into the freezer and in our today's history , high-quality imported shoes left their mark
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, natalya semenikhina became another victim. the girl was returning home from dancing when she was attacked by an unknown person. natalia resisted. as she could swim in a desperate struggle, she lost her shoes the night of not a single lantern, suddenly took pity on the girl and politely offered her shoes. it remains a good decision.
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the detectives carefully studied crime scene 42 and immediately noticed the prints of the outsole, which were not erased by the relief of the intricate pattern. such shoes were not produced in the soviet union. rumors spread in almaty about a rapist , a dandy, a foreigner, or even a diplomat. the sixty-seventh year of yakutsk, the son grew up to be a real handsome man in swimming, the girls even looked at his own mother. he fell into rage.
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guests ran out from disheveled bruises on the neck. marina did not wait for her son to be sent to prison and called her relatives in kazakhstan. let them fly at least for a while. for the sixty-seventh year of alma-ata , 15 girls were already on the list of victims of the rapist. was dead. these nightmarish adventures
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all gorky park was supposed to live up to its priceless name, so they were decorated with imposing architecture. and inside the quiet alleys are fountains of sculpture, so that during walks you can enjoy the art of culture.
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didn't see or hear anything, so i reached the house. and suddenly someone pounced from behind and began to choke. the girl lost consciousness. when she came to herself and went to the police, she
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knew who the offender was. in one city, two ninth cars were connected to the passenger train. perky humor, he ordered the writer zadornov from kazan to play the harp moore and the unique style of his beloved satirist i don’t know how to hotly pour the funniest concert in memory of mikhail zadornov today at 21:20 they hide where they choose to live in apartments. spa hotel i stop by the hotel, but the zones. open up and relax. book cheap
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or bus don't tell your mom. not a word to mom and get a 10 percent cashback for groceries purchases we will find where to stay contracted military personnel receive regional support measures in a sanatorium
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vacation. and even a special sign coincided the guy stuttered wait. peter lived in a student hostel there for him and the detectives set off in the dead of night, and now the hostel closes at 23:00. open put up, of course, the curfew, the students did not really stop. there are many ways to get inside. the drainpipe or the porch visor
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was friends with the inhabitants of the room above the visor throughout the hostel. the neighbors went around, maybe peter took refuge with them. the guy was found in the most unexpected place on the fire escape. he was dead drunk,
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it's clear that he committed a crime and raped him. girl, and then i forgot myself in an alcoholic dope. they imprisoned the duty, and, in my opinion, he sat there for about a month, a poor man. peter vostrikov was under arrest, when a real criminal took the life of another girl, he again used a chokehold, but did not calculate his strength, broke the hyoid, bone, student, died before the ambulance arrived. an hour as a geek attacked christina shulyakova, and right next to her house. dragged on
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but the rapist wriggled out of the way , threw the man over his shoulder and disappeared. valentina's nephew moved to alma-ata a few months ago, marinochka is doing well for him. yes, we kiss a woman's two daughters, but now a protector has appeared in the house. this thought calmed until the relative began to behave strangely, disappeared at night and returned disheveled and dirty, and the day before he had a fight and fell ill with a head injury. this time the neighbor
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's father defended his daughter and hit the rapist's head on the transformer. after collecting testimony from the new victim and the witnesses, the detectives decided to check all the first-aid posts and polyclinics in the city of akh, that is, sick. why did it unfold like this, pretty little things, this is a doctor. do you understand how it is impossible? i'm practically a health doctor already. yes, so now we will check that with a temperature without a temperature, the sick leave was not relied on, so they often went to work with red noses and infected others. yeah,
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olin is interested, right. that's right, but his whole face was an asterisk and smeared his eyes all crying out in any way, you can’t quarterly report to dasha but i understand, i understand in the work collective, a responsible attitude to business was encouraged. now some pills i'll write it out for a couple of days, drink it, and everything will be all right, please. this is the operator not to get sick. in full, the sick leave was paid by an employee with a long experience.
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very good reasons were required for the ballot, and five people turned out to be such cases that day. two did not fit in age , the rest were taken over by a sports-looking welder, after the party, the def fit into the doorway. the second young artist claimed that he got into a fight in the street while protecting a lady, the third student claimed that he fell off his chair while screwing in a light bulb. all three appeared before the family silk. the witnesses were not identified. and
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only the raped girl's sister timidly pointed to student ivan kovalyov. the guy immediately changed his brain readings , he pretended to evade the exam. however, no one believed the student anymore. many hours of interrogation began, but at this time one of the victims again met the real criminal face to face. almaty aport today this unique variety has practically lost its industrial significance during the years of the collapse of the ussr, many orchards were cut down and fell into decay. trees. apples have degenerated noted. this is what a ripe aport looked like
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compared to the usual apples. just a giant, they say, craftsmen grew fruits weighing up to 900 g. and even half a kilo. they are trying to revive the usual business today, but you can buy it only on the almaty green market near it and the continuation of our story. semenikhina, the one who politely offered her shoes to the rapist , recognized her tormentor at first sight. but she got together right away. the guy threw the potatoes and ran to get lost in the yards. a large-scale special operation began in the capital of the republic
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detained a large number of people. well, according to the signs that the victims gave, every second one could be, in general, a little bit. a special sign of a criminal is stuttering. my name is boris, but the speech impediment is so slight that it does not always appear, but only in moments of excitement. how to recognize such a sign right away? valentina had mixed feelings. during the investigation, the nephew was not identified. well, jumping once overheard by the police, she found out at the crime scene the rapist left a belt and a scarf. exactly these things nephew disappeared without a trace. i dug in
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valery's room, nothing suspicious. and what's that for a nightstand? on the same day, she will deliver an ultimatum to her relative return to mother in yakutsk every day alma-ata becomes brighter and richer, but no matter how beautiful any city itself is, most of all it is decorated with girlish eyes and smiles. the rapist broke loose, as before, presented himself
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with different names, offering his victims a hand and hearts. once he brought the girl to a taxi, having already done that, unfortunately, ducks disguised police officers. international women's day became an official holiday in the sixty-sixth year of this broadcast, of course, earlier, but from now on this holiday has acquired special traditions. the most important thing on this day is women's duties voluntarily. yes, yes, voluntarily perform men wash themselves. dishes are washed, ironed, dusted, and
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they crush gifts and carry loved ones in their arms. march 8 again. perfume is a self-desired gift for a soviet woman, but flowers are a timeless classic. yes, and you are beautiful, like these flowers, thank you. and i thought i was as beautiful as gold earrings . no, dear. you are beautiful like these flowers. all soviet people know that the real spring begins on march 8 in our history , it was on this day that the tragic
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events continued. another victim was lyudmila vlasova, the rapist secretly followed her from the bus stop to her house. already near the gate, the bastard used his favorite chokehold. the woman died. in his arms the offender was running around the yard, when
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the driver noticed him, he came to the aid of the district police officer. the rapist was captured and finally showed his person at that moment the district police officer made an unfortunate mistake in the order of law enforcement agencies. they were always asking. in fact, until the mid -sixties, handcuffs were not issued to everyone and were allowed to be used only in exceptional cases during our history, district police officers often used everything. what comes to hand? there are a dozen ways to tie a detainee with a rope, but where can i get it?
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as experienced people assure , there is no better replacement for handcuffs than a high-quality leather belt? let's make such a figure eight throw on hands. by the way, in the same way, you can tie the enemy with a dog leash or tighten the belt from the bag. but in our story , the district police officer decided to neutralize the criminal in an original way. nick was tied to a wooden fence by a criminal.
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give him what he wants igor scalar. nikita panfilov means i had such a coach, only leave me alone when there was no sergei chirkov, i want you to win, you hear me, oksana akinshina, i'm not going to slander you. just why are you doing it? alexey chadov i have to win wrestler tomorrow 19:45 on ntv premiere from monday at 16:45
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frying oil from the brand. i like to cook brighter taste more good kingfish premiere from monday at 16:45 on ntv for the elderly, the most common bathing session in the bathroom can turn into an impossible task for max will help you simplify this task. your best helper is the titanium bath and shower chair, wide non-slip seat correctly, calculated depth. hygienic slots for quick water runoff and side handles that you can lean on when getting up, relieving excess pressure from your back, you no longer have to think about where to put the shower head. during washing. titanium has special pins for this. your hands are free, the rubber nozzles on the legs will not slip and will not leave any marks on the snow-white surface, and the legs themselves are telescopic. they have as many as six height positions when folded into a studio, taking up virtually no space there. and you can assemble it in just a couple of minutes, call us and order a
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titan chair for swimming in the bathroom and shower for only 2.99 rubles. call or order on our website cop wars from monday at 20:00 on ntv night street from militia the man with the piece of a fence tied to hands ran away the situation could seem ridiculous if not the personality of the fugitive. it was he who brutally raped more than 30 girls in his life. he was unable to run far. the investigating team recognized the detainee welder and
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athlete valery. he was among those three strange heads. appearance clothes circumstances attack exact time here he is in the photographs from the criminal case , a strong young man with a pleasant appearance, by the way, at the moment when these pictures were taken another crime almost happened. the capture of the rapist, who kept almata in fear for months, became an incredible
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event for the city, and then people found out the monster himself would be brought to the crime scene, the unfortunate parent decided to personally get even with his daughter's killer. see a prosperous life after vocational school, a sports guy was hired as a
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paratrooper. according to nineyarov, it was there that he worked out his choke hold. valery did not resist the warm climate to his mother's offer to move to kazakhstan, bright girls nine yarov got a job as a welder he made good money, he dressed with taste, he had good manners, he demonstrated them. second place
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in addition to achievements in sports, nine yarov had a photographic memory and was an excellent painter. and how will you help, and i say, i draw well. i remember the details of clothing that suffered the indulgence of the soviet court, he did not hope. however, no one was going to show mercy to the rapist and murderer. the girls had to start life over again
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the offender himself explained his actions by psychological trauma, saying that since childhood the female gender. made fun of his stutter pathetic excuse, many of his victims survived much more difficult trials and remained normal people. kristina shulyakova. whose honor was defended by her father, she works as a kindergarten teacher natalia semenikhina, who the maniac offered her shoes to become an architect in houses according to her drawings , people live and work in different countries. however, this is a completely different story.
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and then it happened, the babay came. alyosha saw his mother, the woman looked imploringly at her son. just don't give yourself away. and suddenly a shot rang out. i gave myself away to lyosha.
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a year earlier 89 year, kursk police rang. at the end of the eighties in the ussr , crime increased sharply; the soviet people were not ready for this. not in terms of professionalism. everything was in order, but no one could have thought that
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bloodthirsty bastards would come out from somewhere , there would be a lot of them, they would kidnap, torture, shoot, kill. after all, these are our soviet people, that something similar suddenly happened to them, the heroes of our today's history experienced, the best soviet detective was opposed by completely unscrupulous, arrogant and cruel bandits. mother
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and daughter do not leave a private house, probably in our time. it wouldn't upset anyone. well, then, in the 89th, the police reacted immediately to the place , the deputy head of the local police department arrived , examined the house from all sides, there were no signs of trouble, although something peeps through the glass, but they saw the glass. what yes that lie there. alexander shatunov, the deputy chief of kursk , more than once saw death, went to the scene of the crime, but that case is a special woman.
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who and why tortured the mother and daughter of the buckets, to whom did they interfere? i made a lot of mistakes interfered, haste bad helpers, and it was necessary to torture more cruelty until the loss of pulse, then there would be no need to kill anyone. this is centralnaya street, house number 81 , where the store manager and her daughter lived. leninsky 89, head of
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the operational department of the internal affairs directorate of the kursk region , colonel but not enough to attract serious robbers. they found prints in the house and footprints of several people had to do a lot of work checking the file cabinets in the flower pot something flashed. employee carefully took out a uniform button, overcoats a police button right there. how did she get to the scene committed by a colleague?
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found out shortly before the terrible. the guard was immediately sought out. button is it a district killer? the honor of the uniform could have suffered greatly, but this did not stop the kurdish detectives from checking everything everyone and everyone had to literally minute by minute restore the entire path of the district police officer on the very day when the murder and innocence
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of the policeman occurred. confirmed. whoever has money always has someone at home, but people stupid gullibles don't cost anything to go to anyone. the glushchenkos had just finished trading at the market and were collecting goods, when suddenly
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a policeman approached them. and asked for a patent. i have all my documents in order. everything that interested a person came in the form of his home address. spouses glushchenko called, anatoly opened without any ulterior motive. a man in a police uniform entered
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the head of the family desperately rushed at the bandits a shot rang out the police were summoned to the crime scene only the next day before the eyes of the detectives picture, in addition to the spouses, there was also a tenant in the house. like the owner of the house , valentina glushchenko, the bandits tied him up and brutally tortured him, and then they cleaned the whole house, all the jewelry was gold. uh, silver, they took all this and took away the skins of mink foxes and the already finished products of the hat. in the end everyone was ruthlessly killed
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. you have arrived just now, as if the movement will trample on now. criminal investigation, sochi it looks like they shot, maybe just a jar of analyzes crashed.
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cop wars from monday at 20:00 on ntv, take ambroxol rinival, we trust rinival. we choose rinival love. why moscow coffee houses are a combination of tradition and advanced technology of the highest class. and i love the taste of pleasure. the moscow coffee house on shares i like to recommend on the website
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fun from russian lotto at any time to stand up for luck, win millions and guessing not a single number somewhere online lucky, knitted, tender sausages , meat in them and cream, delicate taste of a smile, knitted, delicate taste and smiles price, what you need 399 to learn how to read expiration dates and accept new generation of its mineral matrix detoxifies the body while retaining beneficial substances a smart solution against poisoning. from monday at 20:00. sometimes a habitual way of life can be destroyed by one small detail, papillomas and other ugly growths on the skin are familiar to many, appearing locally. they quickly spread throughout the body, creating a lot of inconvenience and depriving us of the opportunity to do what we love.
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clareol gel is ready to resist them; its special formula is directed against wart papillomas and dry corns with he can forget about the problem of ugly growths. i use it at home and my skin is clean and smooth. you can no longer be shy. i want thanks to the combination of active ingredients and will contribute.
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a man in a police uniform was noted nearby in both episodes. if people do not give money and gold, they must be tortured. if they give anyway, they torture them, then they will find more, and in order to cover the traces, you have to kill. it's a pity not always followed these rules. kursk detectives constantly kept in touch with colleagues from stary oskol across the country scattered requests similar in handwriting to the crime.
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in his misfortune, he returned home, his son, a teenager, he was dragged into the toilet and of course, the detectives had doubts about this or that milk, what carried out the massacres in kursk and stary oskol, the handwriting was very similar at the scene in riga, they seized bullets from a revolver and a tt pistol . the same weapon was used in stary
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oskol, but ballistics experts discouraged the bullets have a serious difference. only a lot later revealed after each episode. the ringleader bored the barrel of the pistol a little, a cunning precaution during the ballistic examination, it was impossible to prove that this weapon was used in other crimes. the victims in riga turned out to be very difficult people; they were engaged in the manufacture and sale of fur products. shortly before the tragedy, their cooperative received a large batch of 500 mink skins from the vera state farm, the cost of the stolen was at that time a fantastic 247,000 rubles. the massacre made a lot of noise. in latvia the leadership of the republic took an unprecedented
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step announced an incredibly large reward for information about criminals, but then sovereignty began. former republics and no one succeeded. money for the needs of the party of which party can be said to the organization for the expropriation of unearned income, the matter will be continued by my associates. after the tragedy in riga, there was a sudden calm . it is not surprising, considering what course the bandits had thwarted, but the detectives had no doubt
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that sooner or later greed would take up; could not think. it will happen again in kursk the carp family made money by sewing hats from simple rabbit ones to expensive ones made of noble fur, skillful furriers. bloody killers showed up at their home. all soviet children knew perfectly well that in no case should you buy yellow curtains, one family bought it, and then this began. and lord, what about red stockings or red gloves? oh and
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if you put them on a black piano there sits a creepy old woman inside that drinks blood. without these horror stories it is impossible to imagine the soviet childhood and every child is beautiful knew that to escape you need to hide under the covers or under the bed. although they say there is stuff under the bed. the children's horror story played a very important role in our history.
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and the child is going to kindergarten. the entrance went to a horror story, a babae, here he is in the window. the boy crawled under the bed and suddenly the doorbell rang. zinaida opened it. and flew off to the side. the offender raised his revolver.
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a young woman and her daughter were tied to a battery. the trinity began to host in the house. zinaida consoled the bait. and even believed it herself. well, the leader is back. he no longer hid his face. at that moment, zinaida
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understood everything. soon the police called in one of the houses on shchemilovka street, something terrible happened in such a voice. a task force immediately left for the scene. when you enter the room, a terrible picture of people, a child lies. a dead child, a small child. the meat grinder
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was the most natural there , it was eerie to look at the picture, of course, there was a memory for the rest of my life. three adults and a girl were found in the house with bullet wounds and cuts on their bodies. somehow incredibly lucky in the area of ​​​​the face tangentially. what could help except a miracle? and
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i saw that there was another child, little lyosha , hiding under the bed from a woman and escaped from inevitable death. and yet the child was seriously injured at the hands of a bandit. he stabbed him over and apparently missed, but he thought he had killed him. doctors had to fight for the life of three patients of a young woman and her small children.
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savings cards are the most profitable in the country every month a new interest-free period of 120 days begins. make purchases. my surname is shilov my surname is shilov today at 19:25 on ntv gennady savelyev is a native resident of shchemilovka neighbors, he remembers with the
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warmest words people lived, honestly kept in good faith and kept rabbits. they made the skins themselves, they were all industrious. they took care of their children and grandchildren and suddenly almost all of them were killed, recalling those events, gennady vasilyevich cannot hold back his tears. nicky went around the area looking for witnesses. keep silent classes even if you saw or heard something, and here in one of the yards luck awaited the woman said that a few days ago. none of the locals
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had seen this car before, which means that strangers came on it. the investigation has its first lead. a cast of this one was taken, and of course, after that they began to work according to this version. they began to look for all the bright volga in the city to check where the drivers were, were there any previously convicted among them? this time it all went wrong again, the haste of the assistants is no good, when i returned home i realized where the main mistake we left the witnesses for a day.
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and you never got to live your whole life. another death on account of the bloodthirsty bandits is, but this is already supercynicism. the nazis didn't even do that. soon a unique specialist appeared in the ward where zinaida was lying
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. it can be hand-drawn , photocomposite and complex. is it easy do it? now let's check. this is a professional artist. and, of course, you will reveal all the images of the inner world wonderfully. this is a professional forensic specialist, where does he fit? let's start with the face itself. sometimes work on a hand-drawn portrait takes a lot of time. sometimes working on a compositional portrait for more than one day is also not an easy task, but we have the magical power of television. so the work of the artist
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let's immediately see the creativity. the depth of the image of comprehension in the eyes even now to the exhibition they are wanted by the police i want to dial 02. in our history, the portrait of criminals has played a key role. this is alexander filin in the ninetieth year, the best specialist in subjective portraits in kursk , he was instructed to create an image of the leader of the gang. ganina came to her senses a little and hard work began. a person flips let's say this album. but these eyes look like you need to flip through 330 eyes there. there are about 120
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eyebrows, about 150 noses, a young woman was tormented by the anxiety somehow of my relatives, what was happening to them. the main pain she had was terrible. she even that's how things are. work on the portrait took 6 hours. well, in general, she said, yes, it looks like the whistle of paper at the kursk detectives was watched by a chubby and harmless-looking young man. he is the leader of an elusive gang, a ruthless killer. when
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the woman survived, the understanding of the imminent arrest came, now you can only talk about the mistakes that i made, i didn’t need to trust. the detectives began to study the files of the previously convicted. painfully, the appearance conspicuous in this bandit involved the so -called secret apparatus. and suddenly in sidorov's office received a call from informants. here is the murder there, ah, they say he did it, well, 90 percent of the food he told me. i didn’t even hear such a nickname, i didn’t know it yet, it’s a stove. well, he says his last name and that's it. meanwhile, another group of operatives was looking for the owner of the light volga , which left traces near the crime scene. and then a coincidence was discovered
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among the owners of such machines, it turned out that there was no fifty-fifth year of birth before we judge twice. did they find a video of the suspect? she was shown by the survivors. she is like jumped up, there blood came from her nose from her mouth. this is out, he killed on my parents. i have shot. it's oh, it was a reaction. there was something terribly wrong there. well, this is not a description . they decided not to detain him slowly, and everyone took him straight to the police station. went to see his car. and here is
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the light, volga, such a pipe dream of almost every soviet motorist has come true. these tires are unique and inimitable. obviously a homemade kursk detectives no longer doubted, they found a hardened killer. operatives fast established a social circle and all of his particular
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interest was caused by someone. yakovlev he was 28 had a wife and a child before in the field of view of the police did not fall. viktor sidorov personally went to the head of the criminal investigation department to be detained. or was the tv working or talking? here the door does not open the door. the appearance of the police came as a complete surprise to him . and he, uh, that's how he exhaled now, he says fu, i thought the bandits yakovlev surfaced as a good man, a father, a family man. recently bought a vcr
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relatives explained bought on the cheap. it was a lie apparatus. he took from an apartment in riga where his friend and a safe killed four people. nightmare on elm street predator license to kill, and here is an even more telling name of a pig all his free time yakovlev watched movies. with them, good always triumphed over evil , obviously he never considered himself a yakovlev. but the evidence found in his apartment said otherwise. after the arrest when he broke up in the first days, he was like a weeping woman and said that i had committed one crime. i am nothing more did. valery petrushin in the ninetieth year
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, the head of the criminal investigation department of the internal affairs directorate of the kursk regional executive committee, gradually, episode by episode, managed to unwind the entire criminal tangle and all of him were harassed by two passions of cosart games and a beautiful life. he played cards, but lost often and was. i don’t even remember a few thousand rubles, it was from this that his path to the bandit began.
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evseev he created a group that united himself and robbers and thieves and murderers. harmless appearance and everything was very deceptive this man turned out to be real monster does not tolerate the slightest. there , a disrespectful attitude immediately grabs the knife, immediately grabs the razor of an experienced criminal managed to buy from a former policeman in a uniform that the bandits used to disguise. even his accomplices and everyone tested him when he began to kill people without hesitation.
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he perfectly understood the gravity of his situation and acted calmly. already being in the sizo cell, he wrote a long message more. it looks like a manifesto of a convinced villain. i'm not afraid, i want to live in death, but i can die voluntarily at any moment. therefore, it will not be here, it will not work to mock me. this is, if possible, the notes of the living dead, so to speak. he
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was a bastard, but at the same time a serious opponent, who sentenced himself to death. zinaida the reptile recovered, if i may say so about a person who lost almost his entire family, she simply learned to hide her pain from others. zinaida's son
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alyosha was afraid of people for several years, especially those who ring the doorbell and come without asking, but children's memory alexei's short story is a completely different happy story. eighty- first year on that day, a local resident bought in a store, a whole grill.
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you need to carry a fragile burden carefully lattice 20 pieces of eggs one awkward movement and expect trouble. oh , what a pity it's good that not everyone crashed for such cases. soviet industry produced a special iron string bag. please make it more comfortable. without adventure, it remains to wait for the elevator, and she is almost in the apartment, but then the unforeseen happened, a living
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person opened up. the frightened woman tried help the man, but the chest wounds were huge. in response, an ominous silence, none of the neighbors responded at that moment , an icy fear pierced the woman. she realized what the dying man had said. pizzas, what did that strange word mean? run? what warned is unknown in the entrance, the raging alcoholic hooligan, only much later it turns out that day death lurked in the stairwell.
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st. petersburg is an amazing regal place . embankments are majestic canals, you will look in the other direction of the ancient castle. foreigners they say, no worse than in paris, but we know better, but not everywhere.
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but this is leningrad soviet architect. in the late sixties, mass construction was underway here, by the way, house number 47 was being built at the same time. a very comfortable solid room at that time would still have an isolated room, nine-meter kitchens in each entrance, an elevator, and next to everything that a soviet person needs, a post office shop,
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a hairdresser's the whole country does this. your whole country is masochistic today at 21:20. now that's enough of you , i feel proud of the destroyers on ntv cop wars from monday at 20:00 on
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magnet doctors were the first to look at the body; the result of
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a disappointing man died before the doctors arrived; the victim was wounded in chest area, possibly with a special knife or dagger with characteristic serrated. log in, but everywhere received the same answers. which would help establish his identity. where were the fatalities inflicted? or maybe not
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in this house at all. riddle as in the novels of agatha christie they were killed from an elevator that nobody knows and has never seen the detectives decided to find out everything about those living in this entrance and try to get on the trail indirectly. it turned out the apartment on the ninth floor on the day of the murder there was music. probably celebrated someone's day birthday or other holiday decided to check. the door opened, a certain olga panova , the woman was clearly nervous with her. detectives have already encountered. she repeated what she said the first time she obeyed. we looked at the apartment
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, nothing suspicious, and yet the operatives felt a deception, but he knows something, but he is afraid of silence or is in collusion. two days have passed. that day olga panova was returning from work. i turned off the sacred street into the courtyard and suddenly, as if out of the ground, a man appeared next to me. well, did you recognize me? olga turned pale. she would know it monsters out of a thousand people. has he come?
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at that moment the information turned out to be overwhelming, i know you are investigating a murder on golikov street, where a man was stabbed to death. his name is grigory kurochkin. he was killed by a certain gene of his surname. i don’t know tall, wears a hat, don’t look for a cockerel for me, who sent this letter. why did this have to be dealt with. in the meantime, we decided to check the identity of grigory kurochkin, and it immediately turned out that he had recently gone missing in
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our neighbor for some time. he was a very good man, he worked at the factory earth hoped a very beautiful girl. the detectives tried to find out which bride the mother mentioned, where does she live? but the killer golem woman did not know either the name or the surname, lida the beauty was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
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how could you kill him? after all? he was going to marry and not me at all. for what? but the man insisted. i wanted to threaten him with a knife. he tried to pull it out. i ran into myself. i swear to you by our love, but with my heart i believed that her chosen one was not to blame and defended her honor, but you need to fight for worthy men and be sure to have a child.
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suddenly, someone's hurried footsteps were heard from behind. involuntarily she turned around. who could it be. she was rapidly approached by a tall man on his head with a cap cockerel in his hand a knife, she did not even have time to scream the next second , thousands of lightning flashed into her eyes, and then darkness is the time the crew. the policemen spotted a suspicious man. he leaned over the girl, as if trying to pull something out of her chest. what to do with him?
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help the patrol, who tried to detain the criminal. finally returned to unfortunate victim. everything is clear from the first second of the murder, the doctors could only state death, but then the incredible happened. it was impossible to believe alive with a penetrating wound to the heart. and
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maybe talking. an ambulance rushed to the nearest hospital cop wars from monday at 20:00 on ntv find out your credit rating for free on the site compare dot ru we will help you choose a loan taking into account your current payments and credit history and check that you have no delinquencies and no one has taken a loan in your name. if credit, then site today you have a date with her juicy chicken, seductively
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the nearest hospital, the knife was not removed, they were afraid of severe bleeding that could not be stopped. a knife in the heart, unless after that a person can live experienced doctors knew this, sometimes there are unique cases of one in a million. in intensive care, the doctors passed a millimeter from the heart, which means there is a chance for salvation. the surgeon neatly removed the deadly weapon, it was not easy. managed to put clamps pressure stabilized.
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the deceased svetlana mikhailenko worked as a nurse, a single mother. why did this mysterious criminal kill an innocent young beautiful girl like that to live to live sveta was very beautiful external always with styling, i liked the make-up very much the man wound up, the serial killer is a real beast attacks a handsome man. so the nurse was among them. there were rumors that some maniac stalking her tracked her down when she found her in the morning from the night shift. but the operatives already understood, it's not sexy
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maniac. the murder of the nurse was most likely committed by the criminal guilty and the death of grigory kurochkin signs, the attackers in both cases coincided with the high growth on the head of the cockerel hat well, why does he kill people the detectives noticed svetlana's ear lobes were damaged, earrings were barbarously pulled out of them ? lida on that day, he presented her earrings with gratitude. and you? the lover explained, this is the family religion
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of the earring. compared with the damage that the hens received. both murders were committed with the same weapon, and it was a special knife. soviet hunting knife moyr, produced by the moscow society of hunters and fishermen, each product was given an individual number , they immediately checked the card index and found out
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the owner. kenta zernov, 70 years old, resident of leningrad, murderer, pensioner a task force is urgently leaving for zernov's place of residence. the door opened to vlas and an intelligent-looking man turned out to be, he has not been hunting for a long time, but why was his knife found at the crime scene? elk
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lida they lay in an embrace in bed. that's real happiness. we will have a boy and the girl the man agreed he only wanted sons. summer is dreamy, she closed her eyes, but then she started up; children should have everything. for example, my friend simeonov had a lover
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who had no idea. she had just put her acquaintances in mortal danger. he opened the door to the semyonovs' apartment. without any problems and not such locks, it was impossible to break the light. may attract attention. that's what fools do, and he's a professional, and that's a surprise. semyonov were not on vacation in gagra about that. he did not want to retreat. carefully , almost silently, fold everything of value that caught your eye. the box did not open.
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who are you who raised your head wife natasha the criminal immediately grabbed a knife to kill like that to kill at all, why am i not in gagra and then he rushed to victor, his wife grabbed the first thing that came to hand, unscrewing the curlers in a dream a trifle later, but a hitch saved victor's life, the blow came all on a tangent. splashed blood on the wound was easy. the owner of the apartment was ready to resist and then the unknown hurried i didn’t throw away the prey, i took it with me. soon , forensic specialists worked for the semyonovs. according to the description
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of the killer who is true, it did not go according to plan. not only that , the night visitor left fingerprints. they were checked against a file of especially dangerous recidivists. and here is the long-awaited result. it was gennady bazanov , born in 1949. four times a judge, that is , a man who had a rich criminal biography in the eighty-first year, the inspector of the first department of the criminal investigation department of the central internal affairs directorate, elen, the regional executive committee, was recently released
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from the colony. established the address where he previously lived. a task force is sent there immediately. the detectives were sure after all that had happened the culprit. the crossroads in the room with three meters today in this house are solid communal apartments in
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one of them gennady bazanov was registered . the apartment on grazhdanskaya was carefully checked and the disappointment really turned out to be an experienced recidivist. coming out to freedom. didn't even show up here. so where to look for orientation on the killer sent throughout the soviet union with someone lived, of course, chances to find. in 1981, an employee of the criminal investigation department
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an ambush was set up in the house on grazhdanskaya street. but all of a sudden it will show up. the apartments of relatives of my cousin and uncle were also monitored. but the detectives understood that gennady bazanov would not fall so easily into the set traps. the personality was enough. uh, how do they say from ice cream now? according to the latest conviction , he was recognized as a particularly dangerous recidivist. bazanov spent his last term in one of the colonies of the arkhangelsk region in the same area in the city of kotlas lived his father. the friends were there too. so maybe the bloody killer will try to sit out in the north experienced operatives they had to find possible lairs again. and if
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a criminal is found, take him alive or dead? however, life sometimes presents the most incredible surprises, no one could think, and bazanov believed in his own impunity and did not run away from leningrad ; on the contrary, he merrily twisted in the very center of the city. mikhailovsky, or as it is often called the engineering castle, is perhaps the main architectural heritage of emperor paul project of a grandiose building. he bore 12 years and two after ascending the throne began construction. here pavel died at the hands of the conspirators. there is a legend, his spirit
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still hovers in the corridors of the castle and at night you can see the shadow of the horror emperor in the windows. a new monument to peter was made during his lifetime, but the red tape was never installed , and only the throne of the decisive paul the monument was immersed on a pedestal adjoining a picturesque square. it was here that our story received an unexpected continuation. a sober man, he had a lot of money, and he
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was proud of it, he wanted to sit down, but the shop was occupied by a young couple. well, get out of here , word for word, a fight broke out, the police reacted immediately. this same city center was asked to show an identity card. guys, i'm sorry, and he would have left to resist. who was the drunk with?
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ask if i could work? you watched the olympics so much you learned to enter , you need people with real experience. they checked his identity and were amazed that it turned out to be a dangerous criminal, whose hands were up to the elbows in blood and did not think of hiding. they were looking for him all over the country, and he calmly walked along the nevsky prospect. valuable items, decorations stolen during
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the attack, where are they stored? name word the beloved was checked against the lists of telephone subscribers, the owner of the apartment, a certain lidia petrakova lida, met the policemen. hostilely not guilty, alas, the evidence was on the face began in the hallway. it was this one that was stolen from the semyonovs' apartment. not the slightest chance of love
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she lived in the very house where the murder was committed. during the door-to-door interview , the woman chose to remain silent for fear of no. excuse me, i didn’t hear anything, it was bazanov who threatened her with murder if she even made a sound. and yet olga found in herself courage sent an anonymous letter to the police, in which she told everything she knew and were able to restore the circumstances of the brutal
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crimes that shook leningrad in a quiet time. left the colony for the fourth time. prior to that, i corresponded for half a year with a cast passion, for some reason i believed in a live, fell in love for real. and then he cleaned out the apartment of the pensioner
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zernov, and found a serrated hunting knife there. once bazanov and lida went to visit olga in a new way. a romantic meeting of two couples was planned. suddenly pazana was jealous of grigory kurochkin klidi, it seemed that he behaved too frivolously during the dance. called for a conversation and said my lida, do you understand? just smiled. the hunter kicked the man he dragged into the elevator. in that place
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for his beloved, bazanov composed a convincing explanation, they say kurochkin laid eyes on her, lida was the first to attack and accidentally ran into. on the nose, i tried to imagine this quarrel with kurochkin, how i believed the defense ice drifting, where i wanted to get married, have children and light a happy life. wanted the same but to make money honestly did not want to and went to a new crime. in the park, he ambushed the girl , plunged the knife into her heart and tore out the gold earrings. and when lida told about the wealthy semyonovs, he could not resist the rich, he had to rob. if i think we would not have delayed him in time this frost. i could have cut more wood. in general,
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not a single human life would have been crippled a lot. the fontanka embankment was where the city court was located for many years, many harsh sentences were pronounced behind these walls , bitter tears were shed and caressed. once here they brought gennady bazanov and there was no trace of his impudence left. he trembled and hoped that the court would spare his life. lida defended her fiance to the last, her genochka is not guilty, he was slandered. and i tried not to meet the eyes of the mother of the murdered grigory kurochkin, blackened with grief, i looked at this little animal and thought, god, well, for some reason you killed so many people, ruined so many lives, but this did not
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give birth to anyone, the sentence was, read out, his 82 year was carried out. at school the man got free and they met. what came out of it another disappointment turned out, or maybe a great love is unknown, however, this is a completely different story.
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the strength of the taiga the strength of the river the strength of the mountains the strength of the spirit the strength of will the strength of beauty the strength of light the strength of siberia national treasure by militants several more journalists wounded liquidation of foreign mercenaries details of the russian military’s missile attack on the territory of the army academy in lvov became known four people were victims of a burst pipe with hot water in one of the capital’s shopping centers dozens suffered the disease better to prevent russian doctors began to conduct medical examinations in new territories details of svetlana gordeeva. the second
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week of the strike of actors and screenwriters has begun.


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