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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 27, 2023 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] share experience and technology with the continent a forum has opened in st. petersburg russia africa the day of remembrance and sorrow of the donetsk people's republic remembers the children of those who died from ukrainian shelling . mortgages
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what percentage do we learn about business news now? about the main thing for this minute. hello russia africa summit opened today in st. petersburg the main topic is technology and security in the name of sovereign development for the benefit of man , vladimir took part in the plenary session putin in his speech, the president paid special attention to the grain deal. according to him , russia is ready to send grain to the most needy countries free of charge. in africa, putin also called on the energetic to switch to financial settlements with american countries in national currencies, including the ruble. nikolai bulkin sends delegations from forty-nine countries and 17 african heads of state from st. petersburg, each of which vladimir putin intends to meet personally. the scale of the forum is impressive africa's interest is large and vladimir putin's speech at the plenary session, representatives of almost the entire african continent were voluminous in the hall. vladimir putin says that the commodity turnover between african countries and russia is growing
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and in the most acute issue of grain supplies , russia has remained a reliable partner for six months. we have increased grain supplies to africa by 60%. despite the western sanctions imposed against us, a paradoxical picture is emerging on the one hand. the west is obstructing the supply of our grain and fertilizers, on the other hand. i'll say it straight hypocritically accusing us of the current crisis situation in the world food market grain deal, according to which russia allowed the withdrawal of grain from ukraine closed vladimir putin said that none of its russian conditions have been met. now we are supplying grain to africa by new routes, we are again expecting a record harvest this year. well, to be specific , i’ll add, i’ll say we will be ready in the next month, in the next three to four months , to provide free of charge burkina fasusu
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zimba prayed to somalia central african republic of 250.000 tons of grain provided and free delivery of these products to consumers on the sidelines of the summit on the stands of russian companies it is clear russia is ready to share technologies to develop peaceful atom and build energy facilities on the african continent, for example. yesterday putin had a meeting with the president of egypt in egypt , the russian industrial zone is being launched. goods will be produced there and exported throughout africa. and right now, our specialists are building nuclear power plants in egypt and preparing new projects. chairman the african union, which has a great influence on the continent, speaks of the friendship of the peoples of africa with russia. and then, taking into account the abundance of our human and natural resources, the dynamics of our continent, conjugate our workforce. we look forward to close cooperation it is obvious to us that russia
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has a special place in our international contacts and is ready to work with russia on all other topics. our country is ready to pay in national currencies to create more trade missions and open branches of its leading universities here on form, you immediately pay attention to the fact that many of the guests speak russian, because they studied either back in the ussr or already in russia , almost 35,000 students from africa study at russian universities, and this number annually grows the quota for education for africans at the expense of the federal budget for 3 years has increased by 2 1/2 times and the next academic year will be more than 4. uh, 1,700 people spoke about the history of relations today and patriarch kirill , he remembered that it was the ussr at one time that helped to fight the country for their independence against the colonial regimes established by western countries. russia has never considered the african continent as a space for
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profit or as an object for colonization , never spoke to the peoples of africa in an arrogant tone with a position of superiority and strength. in difficult historical moments, we have always tried to show solidarity and mutual assistance, and support for national interests will also be spoken during bilateral meetings. vladimir putin has talks with representatives today mozambique burunze zimbabwe near ganda and eritrea nikolai bulka victor hoodie pavel zenkov ntv st. petersburg. and today in st. petersburg , vladimir putin spoke about ukrainian losses in the zaporozhye direction. answering a question from journalists, the president said that we had lost the enemy’s country in a day , more than 200 people were russian fighters. according to putin demonstrated massive heroism, repelling the latest attack , the state's tax stressed that all attempts at a ukrainian counter-offensive had been halted. enemy premier a large number of armored vehicles, these are 50
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units, of which, uh, 39 units, including 26 tanks and 13 armored vehicles, were destroyed today on my instructions right in the combat zone. action our guys will be awarded state awards. and i gave instructions to the ministry of defense. prepare a proposal for the assignment of honorary titles by this unit. uh, the enemy was not successful in any of the areas of the combat clash. all counteroffensive attempts were stopped, the enemy was driven back with heavy losses. in 3 days, the russian grouping of the center advanced in the red lebanese direction near the village of sergeevka 3 km deep into the combat formations of the armed forces of ukraine in a sector 12 km wide. apu,
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as well as places of assembly and storage of weapons. including without crew boats , the nationalists continue unsuccessful attempts to break through our position in the donetsk south donetsk and zaporizhzhia direction detachments of the seventh motorized rifle regiment of the western group of forces, continuing offensive operations west of the kuzemovka settlement of the lugansk people's republic, took more advantageous positions of operational-tactical army aviation and artillery fire, inflicted defeat by a unit of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of settlements. tinkovka, kharkiv region with telmahovka. and novoselovskaya, luhansk people's republic of the loss of the enemy per day in this direction more than 35 ukrainian servicemen three combat armored vehicles four d20 howitzer vehicles, as well as a self-propelled artist installation of a carnation in the dnepropetrovsk region, two
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fuel depots were hit by the locator of the zaporozhye khmelnytsky region. global and regional security issues were the focus of attention at the meeting between sergei shoigu and north korean leader kim jong-un, the head of the russian ministry of defense is in pyongyang, where he takes part in the celebrations on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of the end of the korean war . during the talks , the history of friendship between north korea and sergei shoigun handed over to the head of the dprk vladimir putin's personal message kim jong-un showed to the russian minister. the latest weapons of the dprk, including intercontinental ballistic missiles, tanks and drones, the culmination of the holiday was a concert at which the korean leader appeared together with shoigu and a representative of china square of the donetsk people's republic in action. more than
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hundreds of people. they brought portraits of children who died in the donbass, and then laid flowers at a stand with a list of war victims. at the same time, the embassy of friendly states in moscow in the uk poland france germany spain italy latvia lithuania estonia greece and the czech republic, such actions are also taking place today in luhansk mariupol and in st. petersburg. well , in donetsk , candles have been lit on ali by angels since 2014, shelling has claimed the lives of hundreds of children, more than half a thousand were injured omar magomedov about one of the most tragic dates in the history of the republic. exactly 9 years ago, the ukrainian army fired missiles at the center of gorlovka in an instant , 22 people died on the city street, including four children of dozens of civilians, received the hardest thing and many became disabled on july 27, 2014. people remembered as bloody sunday. when the shelling began, christina zhuk was walking with ten-month-old
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kira, a minute later they were found lying on the ground in the park, the girl pressed her child’s breasts, the bodies were mutilated, these photos were taken 2 days before the tragedy, kira takes her first steps. later 9 years after the tragedy, gorlovka continues to be shelled, and the number of dead citizens has since exceeded two hundred, all with children at their own peril, risk, visits parks and squares to sit within four walls. there is no strength to die from a shell or rocket, even hiding in an apartment, then somehow we still did not know. what it is. well, they were afraid, they were just afraid of the noise, and now everyone is aware of what it is all about with us. here we understand that this is a flight. we understand that later, maybe the flight will have to leave the region with you on july 27 forever entered the history of the young republics one of the most monstrous tragedies. the gorlovka madonna has been a symbol of the inhuman attitude of the kiev regime towards
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the small inhabitants of donbass since that day. moms with the owner declared a day of remembrance for all the children of the victims, no war was declared on the beach of the zuevsky reservoir, where three kids died from the explosion of a ukrainian shell in august 1914, and hundreds of named paper boats were launched. mom closes her from everyone, here are the fragments that scattered in everyone, but, unfortunately, the souls leave. i expressed them like cranes two-meter sculpture collected for fragments of min-gis and parts of a grenade launcher. the master even carved roses from the cartridges of the boxes . christina and kera the beetle are depicted as two figures hovering above the ground. the stories from gorlovka touched viktor mikhailov to the depths of his soul the don blacksmith gained world fame by creating compositions. ziya from the shells and rockets that fell on peaceful cities, they brought death here death and horror. but i wanted to express it in such a way that a person would not see in these, in
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these, m-m grief, you understand? i want more showed that something more peaceful could be done from this. this sculpture was planned to be installed today in one of the central squares of gorlovka on the anniversary of the tragedy, but due to the constant shelling of residential areas by ukrainian artillery, the date was postponed indefinitely martyniuk svetochka mamedkhanova. orlov, here we have a boy, 16 years old , they shot a car, they just shot a car that drove out, people were saved 6 years ago. in one of the parks. donetsk opened a memorial complex alley of angels. at the monument to the dead children of donbass always many toys on a granite slab carved. for children. the youngest of them are not even a year old and have a child near the house. he tore grass helped his parents, a teenager in the private sector minalepestok. yes, and this is the uh area. no, this is not a village. this is not some kind
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of front line since 2014 , missing in the donetsk people's republic of chile, dozens of children more than 500, only according to official information, were seriously injured and maimed by amarmagomeds to rabads. magomedov tv company ntv donetsk people's republic after raising the central bank of the key insert large banks did not take long to wait and began to raise mortgage rates next in plumage business news with us denis talaev. denis, as far as many or ilya raises massively, well, now three banks have raised rates, but the nuance is that mortgages in russia can rise in price, even if the key rate does not change for several months, three large russian banks have raised mortgage rates, according to rbc, rosbank raised rates on market programs by half a percentage point of uralsib, they increased by
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0.003% of a point mortgage on a new building and a secondary property from gazprombank has risen in price by at least half a percentage point, and rbc was also told about plans to raise mortgage rates in the opening bank last friday, the central bank unexpectedly sharply increased the key rate from 7.5% to 8.5 and allowed a new increase at the next meeting. although even when the key rate. hasn't changed, and that was from september '22 until last friday. all this did not prevent russian banks from making mortgages more expensive, rates rose in the fall from winter and this spring among the reasons for analytics they called that regulation is being tightened, for example, the central bank is now actively fighting mortgages on deliveries that are considered too low. german concerns volkswagen has confirmed that it has sold its russian assets for 125 million euros. this became known from published reports earlier , the final times newspaper wrote that in the twenty-second year , volkswagen valued its fixed assets in russia, including building and equipment, at 1.5 billion euros. well, as you know, the russian authorities have set
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several conditions for foreign companies that must be met, to obtain permission to exit russia , for example, foreigners must sell russian assets at a discount of at least 50% of the market value. and besides, they have to pay a contribution to the russian budget , which is documented as a voluntary volkswagen in may sold russian assets in the structure of the russian dealer avilon, he got a plant in kaluga , volkswagen grouprus, a sales and after-sales service business , a spare parts warehouse and a business in the field of financial services. the european central bank raised today key rate by a quarter of a percentage point to 3.75. this is the ninth increase in a row, but as in the case of the us federal reserve, which yesterday also raised the key rate by a quarter of a percentage point to all these decisions, the market was already ready and now it is much more important for it to hear the forecasts. that is why investors are now paying all their attention to the press conference the head of the ecb , christine lagarde, who is walking at this moment
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the russian stock market is trading in positive territory, looking at the fact that oil is trembling by 5% , shares of vtb banks are growing today, then said, that its net profit by international standards. in the first half of the year there was a record almost 290 billion rubles. on the result of vtb, as well as on the record profit of the entire russian banking sector. in the first half of the year, it had a big impact. the so-called currency revaluation, that is, after a strong fall in the ruble, the assets that banks hold in foreign currency when converted into russian currency. the ruble became much more after morning reflections. now the dollar has come down and costs 90 37 euros, 99, 97 passengers of russian trains want to identify by face, as kommersant russian railways newspaper found out, min figures ministry of transport is going to conduct an experiment at the beginning of next year , long-distance trains will be allowed passengers not only with a passport, but also with
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biometrics at the center of biometric technologies. this operator of a single biometric system emphasize confirms his identity by the person. this will not be the responsibility of passengers, but an additional opportunity and the current ways of providing services should be preserved. source, newspapers, kommersant says that in addition to the question of whether to purchase new tablets for conductors or add cameras. there are many other problems in existing terminals, for example, how to use biometrics at distant stations where the internet is weak. russians are sharply interested in real estate in egypt , according to the kommersant newspaper referring to the portal, in the first half of this year, the demand of russians for buying real estate in egypt has doubled compared to last year. this is despite the fact that the overall demand for housing abroad on the part of russian citizens. now it has already fallen, because last year there was a sharp rise in the chief editor. prian rufele berezen connects such interest in egypt, firstly, with
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low real estate prices, and secondly , with profitable immigration programs. at the same time, as fili berezin says , russians are unlikely to make such purchases in order to live directly in egypt as soon as possible, so that it would be easier to open and unblock accounts in foreign banks and to participate in visa programs of other countries. ilya in economics all thanks to allah with an economic review. in russia calls on the side of the conflict in niger to refrain from the use of force, this was stated today by maria zakharova this night it became. it is known that in an african country a group of military men removed the president from power. they stated that the country's borders are closed and a curfew is beginning to apply to the head of state mohamed bazum, no one has seen since yesterday the day before from niger there were reports that a group of soldiers of officers of the presidential guard blocked the palace of the head of state, allegedly for some
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time, negotiations were underway, but bozom refused to voluntarily postpone his powers and was arrested in the center of the capital. several hundred people gathered in support of the head of state. after the first sounds of the stream , the crowd. the officers of the guard fled, they assure the president everything is in order, but he is finally removed from power. we defense and security forces have decided to put an end to the known you regime. this is the result of a prolonged degradation of the security situation. with poor economic social leadership. we reaffirm our commitment to all agreements signed by our country. we assure the nation and the international community that the displaced ruler is safe and his rights are being respected. the armed forces of the niger supported the action of the military and stressed that any external intervention would lead to catastrophic consequences and chaos in the country, a group of west african countries announced that it was sending its a delegation on a mediation mission to
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help resolve the conflict and avoid bloodshed. the african union strongly condemned the events in the country and demanded the release of the president. ntv viewers in the capital are waiting for the release of the program today in moscow we will continue broadcasting for other regions in the central part of the country. mikhail mishustin today in norilsk in the country's largest industrial center, the head of government is completing his long trip to the far east and siberia ecology modernization of production transition to domestic production the main topic raised by the president during his visit to the plant, norilsk nickel's constituent companies, did not leave the city itself unattended, which is now undergoing a large-scale renovation to create a comfortable and modern environment. 120 billion rubles will be spent in norilsk. until 2035, because of a certain polarium. mikhail mishustin began his visit to norilsk from the nadezhdinsk metallurgical plant
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. this is the most high-tech enterprise of the city-forming nornickel and the only one in the arctic capable of nickel matte. this is an intermediate product from which cobalt nickel copper rare earth and precious metals can be obtained. however, this production there is a side effect of the release of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere of a harmful chemical compound. today in nornickel, the prime minister was proudly told that they had found a comprehensive solution, the company is ready to change the metallurgical production itself and at the same time create capacities for the utilization of dioxide, gray it is very important that the company started a system to deal with the environment in what, in fact, bothered people the prime minister recalled how in may the 20th the destruction of one of the norilsk reservoirs. the thermal power plant led to the spill of oil products for environmental damage, the growth of the natural review required a fine, which narnickel paid in full and these almost 150 billion rubles, according to the prime minister, are aimed at solving environmental problems. do you remember what happened and well company, in my opinion.
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the nadezhda plant has brought itself here worthily and sends its products to consumers along the northern sea route. vladimir potanin president of norilsk nickel, in turn, said that the company is going to invest in the creation of new icebreakers. for us, indeed, the northern sea route is an important connection from the south, from southeast asia to the markets of east asia in a situation where our customers in europe and america refuse our goods or at least there are serious threats, what will this happen? we are reorienting logistics and we have a logistics center, both in morocco and in turkey, that is, the south will be in the icebreaking fleet. we already invest. we have a corresponding agreement with rusatom. we advance the necessary construction. there in particular. now we have an agreement with a star for production. another icebreaker. instead of a retired icebreaker. vaygach generally seems to be clean. now the main trend. in norilsk , mishustin was told about the large-scale sanitary cleaning of industrial areas. it is planned to get rid of 500 dilapidated objects and
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remove 2 million tons of waste and scrap metal in 10 years of emergency and abandoned structures. more six or seven years ago it was much worse and visually it was worse than the air, because you will be surprised, we know about it, that's why we came here. you will now control the whole situation and tell the prime minister, who is familiar with the measures taken to improve the environment, arrange a comfortable environment, norilsk was preparing for the main test in the twenty-first year, the government approved a plan for the socio-economic development of the city, allocating about 120 billion rubles for these purposes. and now the prime minister has arrived take a look. is everything according to plan, all the more so, as mishustin recalled, the head of state is monitoring the modernization of infrastructure in the cities of the arctic zone. we have an agreement signed by the krasnoyarsk territory, norilsk norilsk nickel and mines. so development in the government approved it, but seriously enough. uh. this means that we have worked out each stage of this agreement to date. it is necessary, of course, to control here, and a lot of what is called
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was and the fight against pollution was, and , accordingly, the environment, but also creation of a whole set of social objects, and improvements, so to speak, in the first place. and first of all, improving the quality of life. eh, those who live here in norilsk, and this is very important so that we do not miss anything here about the development of the city and the krasnoyarsk territory as a whole. mikhail mishustin. discussed with the interim acting head of the region earlier mikhail kotyukov. he served as the minister of science and education of russia in the september elections, he can get rid of the prefix in rio and become the governor of the region the prime minister wished him success. i wish you good luck with all my heart. and in the elections in september , ever is sure that the program that you will work with the team will first of all give people an opportunity. feel the results coming soon. well, first of all, it is the creation of comfortable conditions. this is an ecological environment, so that everything is
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safe for people, clean air, clean water. here again, good luck and success , the working trip of the prime minister to the cities of siberia and the far east in the largest in the norilsk aika sports and recreation complex, opened 3 years ago , you can practice almost all sports here, but the focus is on mini-football, popular in norilsk since soviet times , the meeting of mikhail mishustin with young athletes. it turned out to be quite touching. are you upset that, after all, everything, in the end, is clean air and putting cities in order and all the efforts of the state to improve for the sake of them future generations of nikita baskets. vyacheslav spiridonov vladimir morozov svetlana gigashvili ntv norilsk krasnoyarsk territory. irish singer conor is one of the most famous and controversial performers, the singer actively defended women, opposed
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racism and criticized religious institutions , however, she converted to islam 5 years ago, it is believed that it was conor who introduced moduna to shaved her head in women, as a form of protest, the singer released 10 albums, but the most famous will remain this song the day to me in our issue in altai, a helicopter crashed on board was a tourist group. the impact of the elements in the north hit a cyclone, in some areas fell hail the size of a ball. what i love most is when your eyes
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dot ru. cop wars today at 20:00 on ntv sbermarket is launching a new category here is cheaper dentinorm baby teething product with a 20% discount. unlike gels, it works 24 hours a day. order a savings banquet. it's cheaper here. buy osago or other insurance on compare and win a car. the moscow coffee house on paydays is a combination of traditions or advanced technologies of the highest class, and the taste is the pleasure of a sbermarket. i will give. give tyson lord a hot token ride. deliverability cafe
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restaurants, free of charge at a price not simple and malar. benefit up to 50%, treatment of cystitis without overpayments irina gribulina secret for a million on saturday at 13:00 on ntv this is a program. today we continue our release, updated data 4 people died 10 injuries as a result of mi-8 helicopter crash in the republic of altai , everything happened in the village of tyungur, 200 km from gorno-altaisk, the city of the company, altai air transported an excursion group of tourists during the landing approach. he caught on the wires collapsed and caught fire in total there were 16 people in the cabin, 13 passengers and three crew members. it is known that two people remained unharmed, and with other dead civilians in belarus, the victims were evacuated by air to the nearest hospital , later they were sent for treatment to barnaul for
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everyone. burns. four in serious condition judging by the footage taken in the first minutes. after the crash, the fallen eight burned down completely on the spot. emergency services are working , a criminal case has been opened. in one version, the cause of the disaster was a pilot error, for which the helicopter touched the power line with its tail rotor. two forces were left without electricity now the power supply is being restored. in russia, they came up with an unexpected initiative so that children spend more time with their fathers , it was proposed to introduce the so-called father's card to act. it will be similar to pushkinskaya well, that is, dads with children will be able to visit cinemas, zoos and other places of recreation for this, they will do a certain amount, the idea is still being considered, but anton the crowd, together with other fathers, has already figured it out. how could you manage the novelty. there are so many films and songs about mothers that they don’t even sing about them at all, and in
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cartoons i don’t scare, they don’t care, mothers sing them on movie screens. the right word and even that's super. rock stars also turn to moms. matkapital dairy kitchen, in general, it turns out somehow not quite, the vice-speaker of the state duma honestly considered and put forward his proposal, he planned to make a paternal card for dads by analogy. with pushkinskaya, a peasant father will have an excuse to finally go out with a child somewhere to the circus for the park for mothers is also a big plus. well, give them at least one day in a month so that they go to a beauty salon, just sleep a little longer. in the meantime, the ministry of labor and social protection is considering the proposal of the fathers who learned the news shares his impressions
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gerasimov he was with his first child on maternity leave the idea is supported by dads, too, because friends have the right one. i was called mother on the decree nursing father. and well, such jokes for me was the goal to convince them to show that i can handle it and that you will regret it. that you don’t walk like that pablo gera two children at the moment of maternity leave he lacked simple male joys, he thinks that the father ’s card should include not only the zoo of museums, for example, a free ticket for hockey or football, why not something like that could be this dads want to have fun too they want to spend time with friends and play playstation, having learned that he is preparing his father’s card, aleksey bondarenko also dreamed. he has many children and very little free time for him, after all, immediately after six. you need to look after one spouse. well, it just won't work, but it would be great,
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for example. dad free sports hall. yes, of course. bondarenko has all the possible benefits - a discount on a communal apartment, parking, a transport tax and an allowance, however, dad. i would like even more of the same benefits for the car, so that they apply to the second car is logical, because we already do not fit in one car. but what do the department of social protection think about the fight card. they say that there is no gender discrimination for the state, parents are one and the support measures are available for everyone for us, of course, the priority is not gender in the provision of support measures, as well as the life situation in which a particular person or a particular family falls, all measures introduced . they must be symmetrical and both mom and dad should have the right to receive them. that is from the point of view of the state, for example, the same decree provides for a discount for a communal apartment for both father and mother, please,
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it’s a family matter like the mother’s capital allowance is only called that, but both parents can use it on my own behalf, i’ll add cleaning to the father’s card, you need to include cleaning, because it is a dubious pleasure to tidy up all this constructor. and let them offer to transfer 2,000 rubles to the card. per month. well , at least once it will save you from the duties of putting things in the whole apartment, order anton the crowd evgeny rybakova yana fedorishcheva susanna prutchikova and daniil croton ntv scotland again joined the fight against natural anomalies, as activists do. they are already there in a familiar manner, painting pictures in museums, this time the victim was the british monarch charles iii, his portrait of the national glia of edinburgh. it's time to start and supplement the slogan. the people are stronger than the master, then the activists glued themselves to the floor and demanded to freeze oil and gas projects in scotland
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, in their opinion, the anomalous heat in europe is primarily due to the use of their production fossil fuel dancing, unimpressed by the police both young people were detained accused of indulgence. the most important cyclone hit the northern province of italy while forest fires rage in the south and there is an abnormal heat in the alpine regions a hurricane broke out. milan was the first to suffer from bad weather , a tornado passed through the city, he lifted benches from the street, garbage cans tore off the roofs of houses and uprooted trees, two girls died. some of them are up to 20 cm in diameter
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and the damage is already estimated at millions of dollars. weather anomaly in the south of germany in the popular bavarian resort snow fell in some places the cover exceeded 10 cm, which is typical for mid-january, the resort staff have already taken out a shovel and snow removal equipment. well , we have such anomalies no, well, on the eve of the capital region, heavy rain covered. here weather forecasters warn even today that irina polyakova will tell us tomorrow about what will happen tomorrow , irina's meteorological studio is in touch with us. so what awaits us in the near future. waiting for a new attack of bad weather. i hope anyway. i'm not like that eerie, like yesterday natural medicine ginkoum is right. leno to improve the double action helps to protect against blood clots and improve memory in the summer increases the risk of blood clots to protect against blood clots will help the natural medicine ginkoum ginkoum reduces blood viscosity, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots, incuum from
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the company valar natural protection against blood clots. so the european, the territory of the country and the extremely dangerous new southern cyclone, it is already ready to wash away our heat and will do. this is with all natural anger. in the very in the extreme version, the first in the list of his rainy plans will be the weather during the azov and the crimea, stormy heavy downpours of thunderstorms. hail, gale-force wind , drop in temperature by 12 degrees, dangerous rise in the water level on the rivers, then next in line to the kuban . and tomorrow afternoon , the cold front will fall with all its might and the main drop in temperature will be on saturday compared to this rain, which is in the forecast for the north and north-west they lose strongly from the category of short and small such tomorrow in st. petersburg and in the afternoon there plus 20-22, and in moscow again the elements are strong thunderstorms. after lunch there will also be a schooly wind with temperatures up to 27 for another day
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in the east of the region, all 32 are cold for us and i repeat. saturday thank you it was the weather forecast. therefore, for now, all of us go to see you. kingfisher go make peace with my daughter. come on good what's going on. what is a son? what's
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going on? what is they came for me. these are dangerous people, please go home, i'm on my own. i’ll figure it out, i won’t leave, please, wait, wait. listen here warning you for the last time. my son-in-law and i will leave here and no one will lay a finger on him. and show them please, go home, i beg you, please, i'll figure it out myself. listen out of respect for your age, we are silent, this is our second meeting, leave,
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otherwise it will not be worse for you. goat dad. he called me grandfather. he called me grandfather. you look, and he tried to intimidate us , tried to intimidate me and offend us, and she will not leave you alive.
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god help me, let's go. i try, but i keep telling myself in vain that you are not like that at all trying to understand what has changed. i'm wondering if i've become a laughingstock in my old age, or have you been all this time? and i just didn’t notice it, because i was immersed in work. those whom i praised, and whom
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i instructed to manage the house. and my child became unconscionable. one does not know where her son is, and the other does not know where her husband is. what is happening decided to rebel against me, the more i give freedom, the more you rebel. we received you in this house. they did a lot of things and didn’t pay much attention so that you don’t quarreled with her husband. don't
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doubt my love. if he is not sitting at the table now, despite the fact that i decided to have dinner with you, then he does not want to see you. how dare you go anywhere without your husband? and what do you want, i should sit and chat with my husband's girlfriend, who he brought home spitting on me tsyran. i kept quiet so you don't get upset. and they didn't worry. you have every right to ask me about everything, but first ask those


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