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tv   Za granyu  NTV  October 18, 2023 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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beyond. the sisters demand that their brother’s partner be deprived of parental rights, because she has already committed a bloody knife fight more than once. elena kost and alena ingotova are in the studio. hello, alena and elena, hello, what kind of knife fighting are we talking about? i hope everyone is alive. at the moment, yes, everyone is alive, everyone is healthy. but at that moment we thought that everything would be much worse, since my brother’s partner beat him repeatedly, threw knives, oh, horror, the kids see it all, everything is in front of their eyes, the parents are fighting, they fight, how many children does the father have? one child, this is a girl , 5 years old, 5 years old, and my brother’s partner has other children, this is her girl, she is 10 years old. and when the brother suffered from
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his partner, did he turn to you or anyone for help? to a greater extent, he turned to alena, since she is our honeymaker, he turned more to her. and often, alena, my brother asked you for medical help. yes, lately, this happened very often while they lived, the last time, he came covered in blood, he had scratches and scars stayed on his face because... it all then rotted. oh, my god, such injuries are dangerous, first of all, because of the presence of consequences, the formation of scars that will have to be dealt with, but if the wounds are not treated in a timely manner, there may be inflammation, suppuration with the ensuing consequences. this is really beyond the bounds, i can’t imagine how you can take a relationship to such extremes, but i think something should motivate a woman
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to decorate a man like that, because of some scandal, because of some swear, it happened that he just he came home from work and simply asked what he had to eat, to which she could respond by either throwing herself in his face, or starting to provoke some kind of scandal or something else. erena, how often have you seen your brother beaten like this? quite often, i myself live in another city and from time to time my mother called me, saying: here is vanya again, here is vanya again, or when i come... to visit my mother, he comes there, i say: vanya, well what is it again, who do you look like, have you seen yourself? elena, does your brother work? not at all officially, but he works, but at work, his colleagues are apparently used to the fact that your brother always has bruises, scratches, and wounds on his face, so he mostly works on a rotational basis at construction sites , so when they call him, they say that van is there, for example, leaving there in a week there, east or east, he seems to be trying during this time... to put himself in
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order so that he can travel in more or less human form. alena, but you probably had to treat not only the soreness, but also the profit, it even happened, he spent january with me, i didn’t let him go, i said, everything was cured , everything, she started writing to him, calling him, he went to her, half a day later they brought him to the police, already from the reception. sewn up on a living wound on a living wound, i’m in the middle of the night, let’s call my sister right away, when will this end , next time they bring us a corpse to identify it, oh my god, in what condition they brought my brother, well, of course, he was scared, he had there was such a thing, well, the wound was stitched up, he had four stitches there, on the scapula, the scapular area is quite a dangerous area, in addition to damage to the soft... in
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large vessels and nerves lie deeper, and the chest lies a little deeper, and literally behind the wall of the ribs there is already a lung, which can be damaged by such a drop. alena, and your brother explained to you what happened between him and his partner, they had a fight, he was about to leave, that they did not come to a mutual agreement, he was about to leave through the door, she attacked him from behind, oh my god, and what about your partner? he didn’t start a brother then, no business, no, he said that he himself, he said that he got into a fight, he was walking down the street, they rushed at him, he got into a fight, oh, there so he said, it was always like this, because he is afraid that this case will come to court, he is afraid of everything, he constantly covers for her, constantly because of the children, he covers for her in everything, alexander, how do they even sort it out, that’s in such situations, if the injuries are of a criminal nature, as evidenced by the ambulance, they are obligated to do so in accordance with the order of the ministry of health. notification to
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the police, this signal is registered in the crime register and a pre-investigation check is carried out, where the person is interviewed, in what way, what mechanism , what depth of damage affected important organs and so on, that is, if here he said he got into a fight, then all the more it was necessary to look for who he got into a fight with, what kind of knife was criminal or not, this includes the storage of weapons, if there is more than 6 cm, it is considered, and most importantly , a forensic medical examination should have been carried out to determine the severity of the harm caused , and what liability is provided for such an action, if it is a slight harm to health, then up to two years of imprisonment freedom, if it is... attempted murder, this is a completely different liability, up to 10 years in prison, if it is grievous bodily harm, the same with murder, up to 10 years in prison. elena, but this was not an isolated case when your partner attacked your brother with a knife? no, not
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an isolated incident, literally a year ago our younger brother had a wedding, in the end the evening seemed to go well, everyone sat down, went to bed, i woke up. in the morning, because there was some kind of boiling noise in the house, everyone was yelling, i asked what happened, and my relative from the bride's side and says: nastya, she came out, we were sitting, she says in the kitchen , this is the planter, yes nastya, yes, nastya, they made peace at that moment, as if everything was fine with them, they lived like nothing, nastya, says, got up, went out into the kitchen, said something, twirled around, twirled, barked, grabbed a knife, said, put the knife down, turned around , quietly went to bed, the matchmaker sat and said, i said, as i was sitting at the table, he said, i said so, he was stunned , then they called an ambulance, the ambulance arrived, again they took him to the hospital, washed the wound, stitched him up, they brought him home, he comes up and says, sister, so and so, now the police will come, and i say, write a statement, he says, i won’t, there are children there, let’s come up with something, and
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then we came up with it, we found an old window frame, they put it near the window, oh, not near the window, near the porch, they broke the glass , picked up the fragments like this, put them out like this, they said that supposedly he... and why did you decide lena to cover up your roommate, well, he he asks, to find out what he is asking for, and if she destroys him, we told him about this how much once, he says, don’t interfere, everything will be fine, just help, how can i refuse my own brother, she’s just a planter, as i understand it, she didn’t even ask him for forgiveness, no changes, we approach her, nastya, what did i do, but she stood up and said, it’s not me, well , it’s not you, he’s sitting half the house. elena, where did they meet, how did they meet, under what circumstances, he had, as he told us, that it was his birthday, he was walking with friends, and there he met her, and after some time he
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brought her to meet us, well, at that time she was a petolledge student, with a child, well, it seemed like a girl, they lived with their mother, they seemed to be studying and there they helped with some housework, her child was raised by her aunt in village there, but at first they lived normally, well, yes, the beginning was normal, the first year, and then it was as if nastya had been replaced, she dropped out of school, did not finish her studies, she began to walk, lead, as they say, an immoral moral lifestyle , somehow he and they separated at the same time, my mother even called, i asked, len, take vanya to live with you, maybe he’ll live with you, everything will come to its senses, it’ll be fine, he’s from nastya. he probably lived with me for about a month, at one point he breaks down, that’s it, i say i went, where i went, what am i going to do, well , maybe he has a girl, maybe someone, maybe what, where from, well, where are we from, why am i going flattery, but he didn’t say where he went, no , after some time my mother called, says
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len, he returned to nastya again, i dragged him out for more than a month with this one, i’m in shock, and when brother with this nastya, a daughter was born, we hoped that his partner would become... finally calmer, come to her senses, then she had already shown herself and we no longer hoped that she would come to her senses, we don’t even know, we don’t believe that this his child, we don’t recognize this child , no one, because it turns out that while vanya was on shift at work in tomsk, he comes from there, literally a week or two passes, she says, i’m pregnant, i vanya says , nastya is pregnant, i’m sitting there saying, van, it’s not like that for you was in the swamp at that time, from whom and how , but despite all this... your brother still recognized this child, this girl, he registered her in his name, and he loves her, and now you are worried that one day children will become victims of their own mother, yes, i am afraid for the children, when they come to visit their mother , they immediately run into the kitchen, grandmother shouts, give me bread with mayonnaise, all they have is food, bread,
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mayonnaise, that is, she is hungry, is it possible that they are dying, her refrigerator is empty, it doesn’t work, how will she feed them, it’s probably what her friends bring to the snack, maybe the children grab it and eat it? oh my god, a nightmare! and for this behavior, you want to deprive this mother of parental support, you know, she is inadequate, here is your brother’s former partner. your brother's partner assures that she takes up a knife only for the sake of her children, in anastasia boyarova's studio, hello, anastasia, hello, explain to us what kind of games with knives are these, do you constantly organize? well, the thing is that i am raising my children alone, i have no protection, vanya also attacked your children, maybe there is no protection? ivan, he's starting
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insult me, it hurts me because i don’t have parents, and you go at him with fists and a knife, yes, you defend yourself like that, but i have no defense, i have to, i’m a small, fragile girl, i have to somehow defend myself be able to defend, why couldn’t you answer your roommate verbally, why did you have to use physical force, a knife, but it’s crazy if you killed him, but i didn’t do it too hard, you... for your children, what an example are you for them give, every time something is wrong, grab the knife, it hurts you because you were raised without parents, but at the same time for your children, what kind of future do you want them to be without a mother and without a father, even though i took a knife in my hands, i still calculated the strength, they calculated the strength, but this is some kind of savagery, you could have killed a person , don’t you understand this, someone else suffered from anastasia’s aggression, well, let’s take the latest case that is circulating on the internet, this is my brother’s friend, and what happened? she also stabbed him with a knife,
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i’ll collect the children from you, right today, keep it on the way back, judging by the localization itself wounds, it can be superficial, hitting only soft tissue, or it can be quite deep with serious damage, that is, damage to vital organs and large vessels. anastasia, what is happening in this video? this man came to visit me, as they say, he was no longer in an adequate state , he began to abuse my children , my instinct of defense kicked in, i took a knife and stabbed him, but the wound was not serious, anastasia had some kind of manic craving for knives, repeatedly, this does not look like a degree of some kind of protection, we we see a constant attack, this is a real danger, and this must... be considered from the point of view of real police guardianship , to defend against words, you can use words to kick out
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, just kick this person out. elizaveta, what if anastasia is really afraid for herself and can’t cope verbally. this is how to act correctly from a legal point of view, not only for anastasia, but in general for all women who may find themselves in such a situation. anastasia, it is important to remember that you are a woman, a mother of two. already children, and that you are putting not only yourself in danger of being subjected to criminal prosecution, but also children, because if you are, for example, under investigation, then the guardianship authorities will come ; they have the right to take the children until the situation is resolved, before the investigation of a particular crime, a specialized institution, the children will be raised without you, you you will be infringed on your rights, so first of all, do not raise your hand. and contact, if there is a threat to you, your children, then contact
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the police, law enforcement agencies that are authorized to do this, anastasia, here is elena and alena they say that they want to deprive you of parental rights because you are a bad mother, please tell us about yourself in general, are you working now? yes, i found a job, i got a job, who do you work for? technician, what is your salary? 18-19. do you have any other income? for example, what did you live on while you weren’t working? i receive child benefits, 30,000, is this money enough for you with the girls? yes, where do you live? the girls and i have our own house, which we purchased with maternal capital and when we lived with elena’s brother, it turns out that he paid an additional 100,000 to ... divided into three shares, that is, for me for the children, when we filled out the documents, we were not
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married to him, well, that is, we did not have an official marriage with him , he didn’t say that you should also contribute to my share, but in general tell us, anastasia, how you met ivan, under what circumstances, well , i met ivan, i was living in turnaevo then, a friend called me and invited me to visit here in swamp, i arrived and well , it turns out to be the house where i arrived, friend, ivan was there, and we met, how quickly did you and ivan decide to be together? well, about 5 days later, i already regretted that i had come at all that day to meet ivan, why, only the only thing i thank him for is that i have such a daughter, a beauty, that is you don’t love him anymore, yes, no, but actually you had love with him, at first you had it, and you were expecting a marriage proposal from him , well, i tried to bring up this conversation, but he said that it was for him no need, he's there visited once, doesn’t want to again, and
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did you plan to have a child together, or did it happen, so to speak, suddenly? suddenly, ivan was happy that he would become a dad? well , deep down in his soul, i think he was happy, but he didn’t show it, as soon as your daughter was born, how was your life, your life? well, when katyusha was born, everything was fine with us , that is, we went to visit his mother every day, everything was fine, literally from about the year 20, probably, somehow everything began to go downhill, everything began. yes he began to say that this is not his daughter, and all his relatives think so , there are even two of them sitting there, say the word to them, they turned it over and away they go, that is, now you live alone with your daughters, so where are they now? at the moment they are in the hospital , they were admitted for examination, one of these days they will be taken to the center, which center,
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rehabilitation, they gave me time to get a job, undergo treatment, that is , you... the guardianship authorities are interested, yes , yes, not the first time, this is already the third attempt, yes nast, the third attempt to rehabilitate, this is the third time your children have been taken away from you, the second time, well, before that you had a warning to bring firewood and buy food, when you called vanya you shouted, help, but isn’t he obligated to help his child, or as they say, the child’s affairs are in bushes, this is not his child, nastya, were you holding a candle or something, or even there? i’m not close, anastasia, but why have your children been taken away from you twice already? because i was communicating with the wrong company, but now i don’t communicate with anyone, and you are absolutely sure that ivan’s dad is in your to the youngest daughter, yes, i’m sure of it, ivan is a good father, well, in general, at first he
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doted on katyusha, and then i don’t know, it was as if he had been replaced, he began to say that it was not his... ... the child, you see for yourself, his relatives too, i’m even sure that his relatives are setting him up, but don’t you think , anastasia, that he behaves this way because you spanked him twice with a knife, i don’t know why he behaves this way leads, why do you think he didn’t write statements against you and hold you accountable, well, maybe maybe he still had some feelings in the depths of his soul, and i...’ i think for the sake of the child, so that the child would not be taken away. yes, you are absolutely right, anastasia, your former partner did not file a complaint against you because he felt sorry for you and your children, in the studio ivan sukhinin. hello, ivan, hello, how many times did anastasia rush at you with
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a knife? twice, maybe it was worth writing at least one statement about her? i didn't just want to. leaving children without a mother because they could be deprived of one. ivan, here you go estates of anastasia and your sisters, we know that at first you still lived well, what happened between you later that you found yourself in such a state, well, she called me, said, she says, come, sit with the children, i need to go away, i came, she was sitting at home, her two friends and a friend, the children were generally sleeping, it turns out, well, they were sitting, as they say, resting, the neighbor there started... showing off something in front of her friends, well, that’s how it happened, friends sat and teased me so that i was like, we wouldn’t allow this, like i would have stood up long ago if i rubbed in the fifth, tenth, i say, i would rub it in, and you all get up , you’re simply kicking me around here, like supposedly we stood up for the girl, we’re right, that’s all how ivan feels about what the sisters want to deprive
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the mother of his daughter has parental rights, she needs her to come a little, everything is clear. and is the man himself ready to raise his child? i constantly go on business trips. this position is simply disgusting. we'll find out in a few minutes. who said that the stars are dimming as they were no longer warm. that fall from the sky to the ground, leaving a mark. time. names for all times, names that bring light music, yes, if you are among us, then you are a superstar, new season, superstar for a shot, soon on ntv, national
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he drinks, he starts talking all sorts of nonsense, swearing, but for me i wanted peace of mind, it’s just that everyone who is trying to get my children taken away from me will not succeed , tell me, ivan, and anastasia, what kind of mother do you think, well, like a mother, if she is sober, well , they say that in an adequate condition, she they say, as a mother, she is a good one, and the assault on anastasia’s part began immediately after the birth of your daughter, or before that? well, it happened before, but rarely, why didn’t you immediately leave anastasia, why do you need such a wife? well, because you had feelings for the shadow, what was the reason for the final break with her? well, probably the second, as they say , for profit, because i no longer saw the point of living any longer, because once again i might not be able to dig myself out, and when was the last time ivan saw his daughter? you probably don’t miss her in the spring? i miss you, why then?
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don't you visit her? because i went on a business trip in may, oh business trips get in the way, but are you helping your daughter? well, initially i helped, uh, i paid for the kindergarten, well, from time to time there, well, i gave money for firewood, for food, well, then when i saw that half of this money was not being used for purposes, i stopped giving her money, everything, how much since you paid for kindergarten, twice, and then when i tried to persuade you for weeks that the child needs to pay for satik, why didn’t you pay twice? i just translated for you how much and i went and paid for it myself, since maybe you just went to everything, well, anyway, i went once, transferred how much to you, and then where did the money go, where, if i asked you for a kindergarten, then i went and paid for the kindergarten, ivan , of course you will forgive me, but transferring money for kindergarten, well, this is so-so participation in raising a child in a child’s life, but this is nonsense, why can’t you, as a man, take this issue into your own hands if you
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think that anastasia: spend in the wrong place, but bring food and clothes for your daughter yourself, and how can i bring it, i’m constantly on business trips i’m traveling, at the moment i’m right now, but this is not an excuse, here are your two sisters sitting, they could also bring some toys, gifts, food, probably, but why, so that they can curse us later, every time alyon, if would you like why you insulted me every time then, wrote to vanya on the phone, then i’m a corpse carrier, then i, then i, i, what’s wrong with you? to try to make sure that they take them away, give birth to their own, he’ll take them, he’ll take yours, raise them, of course, i’ll take them away, well, relationships, this is beyond the bounds, not enough the fact that children live in such an environment, everyone also shifts responsibility onto the other, anastasia, let's start with you, what specific help would you need from
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ivan, but there is no help from him, no help at all, he would have called at least once, said, what kind of help does the child need, so you prove that you are his child, ivan, do you doubt or not that this is your daughter, there are doubts, well, do the dna in the end, so we, i tell her, come on let's do it, she refuses to do it for sure, nadezhda, how do you like it? the position of the father, such a position is simply disgusting, because this is the usual position of men who do not want to pay alimony to their children. at first everything was fine, while everything was fine, there was his daughter, and then once you have some doubts, ask where they came from , doubts, they either arise immediately, or they arise when a person does not want to take responsibility for this child, the child is registered in his name, therefore, until this child’s eighteenth birthday, he is obliged to provide for him, anastasia, and by the way, you filed to ivan for alimony? no, i don't want any
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relation. have neither with him nor with his relatives, i just want to completely forget about the existence of these people, reluctance to contact is your right, emotions, and the child - you are infringing on your own in this, but look what an interesting situation is developing here, the sisters say , that this is not his brother’s child, but at the same time they interfere in their relationship, for some reason they call for guardianship so that she takes the children and takes them to a specialized institution there, by the way, ivan, how do you feel to the fact that your sisters want to deprive anastasia of parental rights? on the one hand, i... she says, i don’t want to deprive her of parental rights, because as a mother, but they say she needs some kind of rehabilitation, so that she will come a little, to protect her from such a social circle as it says who she communicates with, and if anastasia is deprived of parental rights, where will the children go? well, let’s say i ca
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n’t take my eldest daughter, because i’m not her father, but i’ll try to take the younger one, you’re always on business trips, but i have enough time for this there is a mother, which means it’s easy to shift it to the mother , i’ll take the children to me, you can’t wait for my children to come to you. yes, you are ready to take both girls, but do you think the girls will be able to forget their mother and love you , i will try to do this, and you have all the conditions for the girls, for their development, for life, well then let’s see where you are planning place anastasia's daughters. the center of the village of mashkovo, novosibirsk region, a private wooden house, here elena kost lives with her husband and youngest daughter, the location is very good: close to school, kindergarten clinics are just a stone's throw away. there is also a plot adjacent to the house where elena grows vegetables. there is still some cabbage left, we will also pick it up one of these days and salt it. at the time of purchase, the house was in
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a dilapidated state, the owner recalls. over the course of 4 years, she and her husband raised it from the ruins, laid lining, and covered the walls with plasterboard. elena wants to place anastasia’s daughters in this narrow room. true, it still needs to be brought to mind, then we will renovate this room for the girls, put in a bunk bed, and buy one small table so that the girls will be comfortable study, elena and her husband’s room is just as small, most of it is occupied by an unfolded sofa, there is also a closet with clothes for the youngest daughter, her chic dresses hang in the living room, for all occasions, if there are girls, then we won’t either...' when we run, we will also dress beautifully and smartly. and the children will not go hungry, says elena. every day she prepares a variety of dishes for her household, in the winter in the kitchen on an electric stove, and in the summer on the veranda, where there is a large, comfortable stove. yesterday i was preparing
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borscht with meat, so i set the potatoes to boil crushed. we have kupats roasting in the oven. i will be happy if there are also nephews. on fedorino's grief, you understand, no matter what kind of mother there is, mother. love, there are dirty pots, dirty pans, you see, any woman will put things in order, and this characterizes her as a person, cleanliness, order, bedroom into the flames, as they say, the children will move on, what lena suggests for two girls is to place a narrow pencil case and a table buy an extra one, it’s better with a mother who rarely pays attention to the children than with such conditions as len, arthur, what do you think? my friends, this program is to unite everyone , where the children will feel good, but believe me, not where they can be sent, it will still be better with relatives, the pots are dirty, they are not dirty, they are old, the house is normal, for everyone
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they try to give the child a corner and, most importantly, human warmth, where they may not receive this if they are separated from both mother and father. i am in favor of children... living with relatives, and making them forget their mother , do this it’s impossible, they must remember their mother, they must love you and wait for their mother, i absolutely agree with you, in no case, you cannot build a happy childhood for girls by saying that they should forget their mother, this is the basis that holds us girls. must remember their parents, this will strengthen them in life, and no matter how good an adoptive mother you are, you should never deprive children of their parents, so i’m afraid you lack the understanding that you
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are now trying to do an absolutely terrible thing, you want to punish anastasia, but by depriving her parental rights, but you will punish more children in this way, you yourself need to first of all go through the school of foster parents before... and talking about the fact that you want to take responsibility for the children is really important before you try to take away whose -children, yes, that’s true, but let’s ask anastasia, how do you feel about elena’s desire to take your daughters to be raised by her? these are my children, i will not give them to anyone, i will fight for them, but my children will stay with me, let her she raises her own, you know, anastasia, your neighbor believes that the children may have a nervous breakdown because of your behavior, in the studio elena muravchenko, hello, hello, elena, nastya, and you. why are you insulting your family?
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you know, i wanted to hit you like that, but i just don’t want to waste my hands on you, you’re a mother, but you’re nobody, you’re all matter, elena, you know her so well that you can make such terrible predictions about what might happen to her children a nervous breakdown, that's how it is, children have a nervous breakdown, she came to my grandmother, how much i communicated with them with the children, said hello, they are constantly silent, and where did you even meet with... and we met anastasia at vanya’s mother, she came there, planted tomatoes, planted cucumbers, watered the garden, then moment i didn’t know who anastasia was at all, and what kind of impression she made on you then , to be honest, no, just a person, i had nothing towards her, neither bad nor good , and when you realized that with anastasia 's children may be in danger, and then, when i first arrived at her house.
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anastasia was at our party, the children were squeezed into her corner, sitting on their phones, when the police arrived, when i called her, and the police arrived and opened the refrigerator, and there was nothing in the refrigerator to eat, what kind of mother would afford that? so that children sit hungry? what is anastasia ready to do for the guardianship authorities to return her daughters? i was told to find a job, undergo treatment, this is a socially dangerous person, we’ll be back after a short pause, it’s the season of big premieres on the film search, let’s go, well, hello, sounds tempting, kinopoisk, premiere today, always tomorrow, damn it, they did the right thing. that nikolaev has returned to us, but i haven’t returned anywhere yet, if
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this was not the first time anastasia grabbed a knife - her sister said former partner... thirty-nine-year-old elena kost, her brother suffered from his ex-lover twice, the woman is sure that anastasia’s daughters are not safe with such a mother, the first time she cut him in the shoulder blade, the second time she stabbed him in the ass, i would really like deprive her of parental rights, oh, mom, elena, as i understand it, you are ivan’s sister in favor of depriving anastasia of parental rights, yes, yes. and ivan, in your opinion, should not be deprived of his parents, ivan, no, ivan treats children very well, he prepared food for the children, and anastasia we like to sleep until lunch, anastasia loves a fun life, on business trips, he’s away all the time, sorry, there is lena, his sister, lena can
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also raise children, why do you think ivan doesn’t help anastasia financially, but why help financially when that's all he has... i got a job, now i'm going to get treatment , what kind of job did you get, she works for us for 2 weeks, works, then drinks, gets an allowance, excuse me for the expression, this is a single allowance , she lives only about him, how many guardianship authorities have already taken these children away from you, this is a socially dangerous person, how can you trust children with her when she grabs knives in her hands, cuts, cuts people, and if the child comes up, veronica, what do you say in such a situation? i want to say what this is about, because this reflects on children, this is precisely the point of view of the child’s psyche, this is important for us, i’m scared for the impulsiveness, nastya, because grabbing a knife in any situation, where you feel that they don’t agree with me, they say something that’s not what i want
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i like it, but what we will have in the future, it turns out, then there will be quarrels and god forbid there will be grabbing at the knife, but this will be in relation to our children and therefore it’s already scary from here, that is, do you think it’s okay to leave children with such a mother? if nastya makes a clear decision for herself, to get rid of addiction, to subordinate her life to normative, social norms, then i would really like to believe, i already have this goal, i will repeat it again, i should go for treatment tomorrow, i am a family psychologist, if nastya needs help, for god’s sake, please contact me, support, understanding and goal setting, we will discuss everything with you and write it down. al alena, elena, in your opinion, anastasia doesn’t deserve any chance at correction, she ’s already been given it over the years. times, how many times have they given them to you, on the grounds that you will stop taking your friends there
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, something else, i don’t take anyone there anymore, oh, nastya, you know what, i’ll undergo treatment, get a job, my life is getting better , if it weren’t for all of you bothering me, what do you want from me, no one bothers you, you lead yourself, i’m not bothering you, stay away from me, elena, anastasia’s friend calls her wonderful. natalya, have you known anastasia for a long time? i’ve known anastasia for about six months, during these six months i got to know her very well, she is a very responsible person, very kind, sympathetic, and what kind of mother is she? mom, she is simply wonderful, she raises her children as financially as they say. feeds them, dresses them, as they say, they are never hungry, and you help anastasia manage the children, the household, of course,
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always, how exactly do you help, well, i help her both materially and financially, as if with the children, i fuss, fuss and sit, she trusts me, svetlana, natalya, well, many want to deprive your friend of parental rights, you you think they don’t have the prerequisites for this, firstly , her children love her madly, she never raised her hand against them, if she were a bad mother, her eldest daughter would not have been an excellent student, she studies very well, the children attend school, visit, be that as it may, visit kindergartens, but your my friend has attacked people with a knife more than once, is that one thing? is not a reason to protect her from children, because she can also hit her own people, she defends herself
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, she brings men into her house, and why is she why such men go to her house, so why does she let them in, maybe a person won’t let him in? , don’t let her in, but there are people like you who stand and break everything, starts breaking everything, that means she sleeps with other people’s men, if their wives come to her, normal mother, anastasia, what exactly did you do to bring the girls home? nothing, well, at the moment i have them are still in the hospital, but who took them from you again, the guardianship authorities took them away from you after the last incident, you were lying together with everyone like you, because the children’s system is already impaired, and it’s not friends with whom i stumbled to blame others in your failures and mistakes. did the guardianship authorities set any specific conditions for the return of your daughters? yes, they set conditions for me, they told me to find a job, i found a job, get
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treatment, i have to go tomorrow, get coded, in the house, everything is ready for the arrival of my daughters, there cleanliness, order in the house, no, my house is in order, but let's see, the order in the house, 5 years ago, anastasia boyarova bought this house on the outskirts of the city with bolotnoye near novosibirsk, matkapital invested in the purchase, there was no longer enough money for repairs, if with you can still live with old, swollen wallpaper, says the housewife, then the stove is bursting at the seams threateningly. here the bricks were knocked out, and they were put in place, covered, but at the moment they are still wobbly again and i’m so afraid that they will fall again and drown her, well , it’s impossible, the water is dripping in the house. only from the roof anastasia has no running water. every 2 days the owner goes to the water pump two streets away and collects 35 liters of water. i need this for
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washing, that is, to put water in the washing machine and also to wash the dishes and prepare food. the woman says that when her daughters are at home, she does not leave the electric stove. we bake biscuits there, i cook chicken, there is no chicken, that is, everything is in working order. she neatly laid out the elder’s notebooks on the shelves, and pens, that is, colored paper, well, that is, all sorts of workbooks like this, she has here, every year, i buy her a new schoolbag , that is, first grade, second grade, third, now we go to fourth grade with this, the mother assures the youngest daughter, she is also already thoroughly preparing for school. with her letters, numbers, draws and makes fakes, with my youngest daughter we made just such a fake for
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the new year, that is, she sat and helped me, draw the bunny’s face, glue somewhere, cut off ribbons somewhere. nadezhda, does anastasia look like a mother who should be deprived of parental rights? i don't think it looks like it at all i really liked the conditions in which the children live, but the only thing i see is that this woman needs help, because the lack of running water, the fact that she carries such heavy things, and there is a small tile, a small oven, this... does not help at all a good life with children, and here i think first of all this is a question for the father, for the man who should have somehow ensured a more dignified existence for his daughter in the first place, to allow your daughter to live in a house with a leaking roof, with a falling apart stove, but that's
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your duty, you are not ashamed of it. we stopped by, it turns out that there was practically nothing there at all, because first of all i bought all the furniture for the house and at the same time paid off the balance for the house, it was not only for the capital, we also paid extra for this house, and why should ivan constantly invest money there, why is this person not working ? i’m also a single mother living there, and i’m also a single mother, i have everything, we have two parents, honestly, i saw the house, the mother is taking care of the children, no matter how she does it, bad, not good, but did you see? there are toys for children, there are activities for children, children do something, believe me, parents are different, if a mother finds time for this, you constantly shift responsibly where these toys come from, these toys are brought from a landfill by their uncle, they are not washed, you can see for yourself how dirty these toys are, how a child has two parents, mom and dad, this is responsible, so help her, the child. otherwise
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you’re sitting there covering for him, your girlfriend is helping you financially, what’s wrong with you, what vanya, you and your relatives, accordingly i say, vanya i’m addressing all your relatives, why does the child have such toys, and since you don’t dote on this child, since you don’t dote on this child, you sit and criticize her, no we are ready to wash back and forth, but if you insist. a lot depends on who, just a second, let’s do this, everything you say now depends on you, on him, on you, on you, on her, on us, why pass it on, you are responsible for yourself, we pass the responsibility on, i’ll come , i ’ll help her, yes, i’ll be happy to help her,
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i’ll come help, we need to do what will happen to anastasia’s daughters if their mother doesn’t stop grabbing the knife, everything we saw and heard is a whole palette from the family code, anastasia, you know, i’ll tell you what you have today last chance, we find out immediately after the advertisement, the bailiffs came to collect the elements, and only then the man found out that he had been unmarried for 3 years. i haven’t lived with my ex-wife for 3 years now, we had an agreement that if she files for divorce for alimony, she informs me. the alimony debt has accumulated impressive, almost million rubles, he didn’t know that alimony was filed for him, he didn’t receive any summons or notices, the man was amazed at the impudence of his ex, because he never
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recognized the girl born in marriage, so who is four-year-old darina’s dad? she even said, if let’s say the child is red-haired, this man is a roller, but his hair is such a reddish color, i’m tired of proving it, i said, she’s not yours, this was said in the seedlings with anger, i open the dna envelope, today at 17:50. today at 20:00 get up to 15% on your balance with a free sofcombank debit card when it’s not snowy weather outside, it’s always spring in the family, when the fog is surrounded, the weather isn’t terrible, there are five of them useful, the union of natural forces will help support the throat, our neotavi forces, vtb team, with
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the first time they stuck a sharp blade into a man's back. the second - in the buttock. ivan’s sisters are worried that one day her two daughters may become living targets for the woman. we want to deprive us of parental rights... because i'm afraid that maybe next time she will rush at them with a knife, twenty-eight-year-old anastasia herself claims that both times she grabbed the knife in order to... he begins to offend me, hurts me because i have no parents, i am a small, fragile girl, i must somehow be able to protect myself. alexander, who would you like to lend a helping hand to here? here, ivan you need to understand whether he puts an end to his doubts, fights for the children so that they are not in danger, or he goes to court , the court orders a dna examination, if the examination shows a negative result, he will be freed from this problem
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forever, if he does not dig further understands that he is the father, recognizes the child, but does not want them to be with the mother, he must go to court to deprive her of parental rights, especially since everything that we saw and heard is a whole palette from the family code, why is it possible do it, the court will competently examine all the evidence, conduct all examinations, involve psychologists, most importantly, interview children if they have reached a certain age, take into account their opinion, i... will help you, after the transfer, how to apply correctly, how to write, so that you, if your heart hurts for these children, then you should do this, i will help you. elizabeth, do you think there is a basis for depriving anastasia of parental rights? i believe that anastasia will improve, i believe that the children will be better off with their mother, because she intends to become better cope, this is done very quickly and
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put the rails on the right position in life. i am ready to provide any qualified legal assistance to anastasia, support, i believe that the right is on anastasia’s side. albert, what do you think can be done first of all for these girls, how to ensure their safety? well, let's start first. from what i kind of get, i want to thank the guardianship authorities for the fact that this is not the first time they are trying to help in every possible way, and to get into anastasia’s head how you should feel responsibility for these children, and not just as you say, to feed and drink there, thank god, everything is fine, no, this is wrong, anastasia, you know, i will tell you this , today is your last chance, after the release of this program, starting guardianship authorities, ending with the investigative committee of the russian federation in your region, will be very involved in you, you... only have one chance left
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to improve, if you do not do this, then the guardianship authorities, when they will finally remove the children by court decision, will will place to the center, after which they will either end up in a foster family, or if there is ivan , he will still take himself as a man in his hands, and not like those who are constantly on business trips, and will say, these are my children, i will raise them , not one, not two, you must understand that no one will give you one child , we don’t separate brothers and sisters, you must understand perfectly well, they understand, if you... control yourself as a man, first of all, as a father , the present, then they will give you the children, i say again, dear adults, now you you fight like a cat and a dog, if you love children, then find a common language, and you can take control of this situation so that the children do not suffer, you know, as if with colleagues, from the guardianship authorities, from the investigative committee, find out what the situation is , of course , we will do everything possible to ensure that the children are really safe, remember that with any problem, you can always turn to our program for help.


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