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tv   Segodnya  NTV  November 9, 2023 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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extended meetings and face-to- face negotiations. vladimir putin arrived on an official visit to astana, which is on the program of the russian and kazakh presidents. how long is the center. will adhere to a tight monetary policy. when we see that inflation is steadily decreasing, we will be able to move on to a gradual reduction in the key rate. nabiulina explained in the state duma how the central bank is going to return inflation to the required four. middle east conflict spreads, arab media reports fighting between the kurds, us units supporting them, and syrian government forces in the euphrates river area. and in the ice, almost 200 russians
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have not been able to return home from china for several days because of the frozen amur. some return on a work visa, others compete like us and have no opportunity to leave. why can’t people be taken out across the road bridge that was opened last summer? hello, you are watching news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. strategic partnership and alliance between russia and kazakhstan confidently. takaev, at a meeting in a narrow format, the leaders of the two countries discuss the main areas of interaction, as well as international and interregional issues. vladimir putin noted that russia and kazakhstan have good potential in the agricultural sector; there are opportunities here to ensure both their own interests and to help partners in the world. also, according to putin, as a result of the negotiations, a number of strategic documents on employees will be signed.
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today, based on the results of the negotiations , we will sign a joint statement in which further strategic tasks to promote russian-kazakh interaction. we will also approve a joint action plan that defines specific areas of cooperation for the next 3 years. and in addition, a number of important documents have been prepared for signing, covering a variety of areas of bilateral relations. only i know that before the meeting in a limited format, putin and takaev took part in the work of the interregional cooperation forum. both sides emphasize that trade turnover between countries exceeded $28 billion. 76 russian regions have established direct contacts with kazakhstani partners. the strengthening of interregional interaction between russia and kazakhstan in the agricultural sector is directly facilitated by the integration processes developing in the eurasian
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economic union; the eu member countries are working together to form common commodity markets, including agricultural markets, building union-wide, production and technological chains, and making active efforts to import substitution , digitalization mutual trade. for most agricultural products, eurozes has actually already reached the level of self-sufficiency. let me note that together with putin , the heads of several ministries, as well as the heads of roscosmos and rosatom, arrived in kazakhstan. today's program includes a face-to-face meeting between the leaders of the two countries. how long does the central bank intend to pursue a tight monetary policy and when can we expect a reduction in the key rate? the head of the regulator spoke about the regulator’s plans for the next 3 years in the state duma today.
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roman sobol followed the progress of her performance. novel, over to you, what points were made? yes, egor, but it is worth recalling that on november 15 , the state duma must approve the draft budget for the next 3 years in the second main reading. and today, parliamentarians summoned the head of the central bank to the state duma to listen to her expert opinion on the state of the russian economy . first of all, the deputies were interested in what would happen to the key one. rate, and this is a fundamental parameter from which interest on loans for enterprises, for citizens, and of course, rates are calculated as for the population’s deposits, it also depends on it, this is the opinion of the head of the central bank. when we see that inflation is steadily declining, we will be able to move on to a gradual reduction in the key rate; if the situation develops according to our basic forecast, then the key rate will drop below 10%, it will stabilize at
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levels that we assess as neutral. the central banks made a calculation for the three-year growth of the russian economy , depending on there are three scenarios, this is the base one and two alternative ones, which calculate the situation when, as a negative fact, existing anti-russian sanctions will be added to the possible collapse of the global economy, the basic scenario, however, is also very realistic, it takes into account the ongoing sanctions pressure on our country, and the likely demand, a drop in demand for russian energy resources, that’s what elvira nabiulina said. our base scenario is traditionally based on the assumption that the world economy will continue to develop within the framework of the trends that have already been formed; inflationary pressure in many countries remains high, in the central, central
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banks in countries with developed economies will have to maintain a tight monetary policy for a long time to cope with the rise of inflation, and higher interest rates will... restrain global economic growth, which means a more restrained demand for russian exports, well , in this case the basic and most mild alternative scenario, even with the global financial crisis, the russian economy may show some growth, although not very significant and only in the most extreme risky cases this growth can to be zero, of course, ordinary citizens are not so interested in macroeconomic indicators; they are more interested in what will happen to consumer goods, to products, that is, what will happen to inflation; according to deputies, the reasons for the current inflationary surge are not even in external sanctions, not in external factors, but paradoxically, they also depend
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on the rapid growth of the russian economy, which, however, has not yet been able to fully replace the loss that arose in the market due to... in real income, growth is more 5%, and in terms of wages growth is measured in double digits, well, naturally this is additional demand for goods and services, and since there are insufficient quantities of goods and services, based on the demand produced in the domestic market, there is additional demand for imported goods, more imports are introduced, this means that the ruble exchange rate is weakening, since more foreign currency is being bought to import these goods, and the weakening of the ruble leads, among other things, to an increase in inflation in the domestic market, here there is a risk of getting drawn into such a closed-loop race circle, they are trying to curb inflation, the key rate has been increased, which means loans for
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enterprises will become more expensive, and enterprises will shift additional costs onto the heads of buyers, that is, prices will rise, which means inflation will rise, however, elvira nabiulina does not agree with this development of events... and business in general we should more actively enter the free capital market, that is, stop going into debt with banks, we need to look for investors, yes, for this we will have to come out of the shadows, reveal our financial indicators, pay dividends shareholder, but this is how all developed economies of the world live, this is the only way russian business can attract truly long-term money at reasonable interest rates, in a word, the situation is complicated, but there is also... reason for optimism. egor. thank you, roman sobol, i followed the performance of olivera nabiulina on the okhotnoy ryad. the international arab tv channel almaidin reported clashes in the euphrates river area in syria on the one hand , us units based there and
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kurdish allies of the americans, on the other, syrian government militia forces from local tribes. the channel's source called the clashes violent, and large weapons were used. tank machine guns and artillery. the fighting began after us air strikes on a facility in the syrian deireszor. the americans reported that a weapons depot used by the islamic revolutionary guard corps was destroyed there. this is an elite iranian military, military-political formation. there is a risk that this corps could take part in the conflict between israel and hamas. this group has lost control of the northern gas sector. this was reported by israeli military. it is reported that in the captured positions, israeli soldiers discovered a large arsenal and new descents into tunnels, one of the mines near a kindergarten, as
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a result of such proximity, residential areas were destroyed. gases and egypt, but missiles reach the very south of the enclave, piles of stones are all that remains of this family’s house, we lost everything, people usually pack things to be... ready to evacuate, but it never occurred to me that the house will be destroyed, since the beginning of the war almost 60 mosques have been destroyed, more than 130 are damaged, this is the result of yesterday aviata in khan yunis, on the site of a mosque, ruins, believers are collecting the surviving pages of the koran. there was a water station here that supplied the entire camp. the mosque was destroyed, the station was destroyed, the houses around were partially destroyed. israel's ground operation in gaza could last from 6 weeks to six months. bloomberg reported this forecast, citing sources in the israeli government. one of the main questions is what will happen
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next. first, gas cannot be controlled by hamas, otherwise the event of october 7 will be repeated. it is also clear that israel cannot occupy gas. perhaps a transition period is needed. the main task is for the palestinians themselves to control the gases in the west bank. in israel itself they also say that they are not going to take over control of gas. but at the same time, even after the defeat, hamas plans to leave security forces in the enclave. russian forces were able to withdraw ukrainian units from several strong points in the kleshchievka area near artyomovsk. the armed forces of ukraine lost very significant losses, about 145 people, two radio-electronic warfare stations and several units of automotive equipment. this is the result of new battle tactics. russian large-caliber artillery operates in tandem with drones. komikaze, which significantly increases enemy losses. and in the north of artyomovsk, during aerial
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reconnaissance, a large concentration of personnel was discovered in so, after which the artillery of the ivanovo airborne forces struck the enemy from hail. all detected units in the ssu were destroyed. on other topics, the ashen retail chain asked suppliers not to raise prices until the end of the year. denis talalaev also gave business news. denis, what if the supplier? after all, prices will increase, well, in this case, the network promises to contact fas. the russian chain ashen, which is a subsidiary of the french company, sent a letter to suppliers asking them not to raise prices until the end of this year. the newspaper kommersant found out about this. in the letter, as quoted by his telegram channel about. it is said that ashen sees continuous trends in rising prices in all segments and for individual items considers the increase justified, but at the same time as auchan reminds, the federal
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antimonopoly service imintor has repeatedly emphasized the importance of containing inflation. as a result, from november 1 until the end of the year, auchan decided not to accept price increases for goods whose supplies had been agreed upon, and if suppliers still insist on an increase, auchan promises to complain to the regulator. the rusbrand association says that auchan actually suggested that suppliers keep prices down. bill, which can be regarded as an ultimatum. senior analyst of gazprom bank marat ibragimov evaluates such a letter is like insurance for retailers if they suddenly have questions from regulators. the russian stock market is trading in the red today, although oil prices have decided to rise slightly. on the russian foreign exchange market, the ruble is trying to continue its growth, the dollar is again less than 92, the euro costs 98.39. a campus opened today in yakutsk. school 21 is a sberbank project whose mission is to train world- class it specialists. the yakutsk campus is reportedly
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school 21’s sixth and first in the far east. the head of sberbank german gref says that the school has 21 of the most effective and most modern teaching models in the world. this so -called pi-top training is a selection process that allows you to select the most motivated guys. it is impossible to use any administrative resource here. you need, you just need to be the most motivated, here for 600 students there will be only about 15 people of the entire staff, and pir-pir ensures the highest quality and speed of learning, that is, when the guys share with each other, teach each other, learn at the same time, study work in a team , which is the most valuable thing, maybe even, education at school 21 is free, as german gref says, this allows the most motivated children... including those from poor families to receive the best education in the world. and in st. petersburg
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today the third international forum on cybersecurity of the digitaltech state opened. at the plenary session we already talked about the digital breakpoint, about the new national project data economy, about the fact that areas of work have already been defined for it, including, among other things, platform data transfer technologies their processing. now, indeed, there is a national data economy - this is direct, that means a direct goal, as quickly as possible. this means that in order to make significant breakthroughs in the economy of the state, to introduce the new technologies listed, including by me, the most progressive and promising ones. well, on this optimistic note, egor, that’s all i have. thank you, denis talalaev, for business news. about 200 russians were stuck on the chinese border; they were supposed to return by ship almost a week ago, but plans were interfered with weather, the amur began to become covered with ice. sergei antsigin found out what kind of transport they are now going to take people out of and when.
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russian tourists arrived at the international checkpoint in the chinese city of haihe at dawn today. but the long-awaited boarding of the boat was again postponed for an indefinite period, many have not been able to get home for the sixth day, they want to get to blagoveshchensk, just 750 meters away. families with young children, pensioners and the disabled are languishing in anticipation. tourists have been standing since sunday here, well, not all are tourists, some are returning on a work visa, some are competing, like us, there is no opportunity to leave, we need to rent a hotel at our own expense, chaos has arisen at chinese customs. several hundred russians lined up to leave, but no one left that day, ice began to freeze up on the amur river and , citing the difficult hydrological situation, the russian carrier company removed the ship from the line; it could easily accommodate 200 passengers; as an alternative, they offered two vessels for hovercraft, but the first one landed to the chinese coast only on november 4,
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such a boat was able to take a maximum of 18 people on board, and at the same time return... the next group of people was prevented by the ice taros. the second ship, according to some sources, was under repair, but according to official reports, until today, both russian boats plied between blagoveshchensk and heihei. this situation is certainly not new; it develops year after year in the off-season. during this transition period, passenger traffic should not have decreased a little, as we expected, but people, in principle, are coming, so the situation has developed such a bit of a tense situation. at the checkpoint, problems also arose with the removal of tourists, but only chinese ones; foreign small boats have difficulty making their way through the drifting ice to blagoveshchensk and in the same small groups they take away chinese residents. there are also russians among those who want to travel to china, but they have not been able to buy tickets for several days in a row. they
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are well aware of the recommendations to refrain from traveling for an indefinite necessity, but many do not go for vacation, for treatment in chinese clinics or for work on purpose. every day people come and sign up, everything is done before 5 o’clock, they close at 5 o’clock, we leave, and so on every day, well, this is at least my third day here, russian passengers are also being transported from china on chinese ships, but information has appeared on social networks, that for this you have to pay extra at least 500 yuan, that’s a little more than 6,000 rubles. not everyone can afford such expenses; in desperation , travelers stuck on the chinese side drew up a petition and asked to be taken out across the road bridge. last year’s meeting from russian cargo trucks travel to china. the ministry of transport of the ambur region responded that this is not possible. the checkpoint operates according to a temporary scheme in terms of the cargo component. and today there are no conditions for working with passengers. rosgrandra informs us that the construction of a permanent checkpoint will be completed approximately in 24.
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according to passengers, today 180 people are waiting at the chinese border to leave for russia, but the chances of returning home are still illusory. tourists who managed the russian carrier was informed that ice conditions on the amur river were still difficult and the morning hovercraft flights had to be cancelled. according to local officials , it is possible to launch a bus service between blagoveshchensk and heikh only over a temporary pontoon bridge, as was done in the winter season even before the pandemic, but it is unknown when the bus stop on the amur will end. sergey antsiden, maxim mintsev, far eastern bureau. ntv. next , watch the emergency program, marat sedikov is with us. marrat, you have the floor. a, egor, participants the arrest of an armed criminal in lyubertsy is being prepared for awards. now it becomes clear how events developed and how it could have ended if roman kantselidze had not been stopped.
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a maddened man armed with a machete, a man behaved inappropriately right at the school gates, a woman who was waiting for her son from classes tried to stop the guys who were walking towards the exit, she... the driver of the arriving car also tried to stop the office, but the bailiffs had already disarmed him and detained him. whose plot is nearby, story direct participants in the events in a few minutes, yes, thank you, murat, we are waiting for details, but that’s all for now, i say goodbye to you until 16:00 until the meeting, the 11:11 sale is in full swing. baon jacket for 2.099. fitness cookies bombar for 449. a set of frying pans for 4 1.999 pay only 25% of the amount and the new sneakers are yours right away, and then pay for them in equal shares, shares -
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there, go to plane plus, service for apartment solutions from transaction to renovation and furniture, on wednesday we have turkey kupaty, pava, on thursday we have turkey legs, pava-pa, on friday turkey fillet, all this pawa-pawa, our mother, mother, turkey pawa-pah. from the ecologically clean region of russia, recommended for children. all black fridays in pyaterochka are the time for bargain shopping masters. discounts from 50%. look for black price tags, register receipts from 600 rubles. and win x5 club points. pyaterochka helps out. on saturday we watch superstar, on sunday we watch avatar. at 20:20 on ntv. program emergency in the studio marat seddikov and we took
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six pupils live from a private kindergarten in moscow, took them the police took the kids to the department. the institution is located in an ordinary apartment , one of the neighbors asked to find out whether it was operating legally , the teachers did not have documents, leaving the children with essentially strangers, the order of course could not... what is happening now in this kindergarten and will return tamara simonova will tell you whether the pupils went there. the daily routine in this moscow kindergarten changed when the police knocked on the door, entering the premises without undue modesty and announcing that the institution had been open for a month and a half. neighbors complain that it is too noisy, dirty, most likely illegal, than you can prove the opposite, but all the attempts of the manager, and then the director of the kindergarten network, to explain in words... that there are documents for children from one and a half to 4 years old, led nowhere . the owner of sadika alexandra, she says: i need to go pick up the documents, they really got it.


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