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tv   Za granyu  NTV  November 13, 2023 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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card with a limited design until november 30 , get free service forever tenkov beyond the bounds, an eight-month-old child with an open fracture of the arm was hospitalized on october 28 from a moscow apartment filled to the brim with garbage. at the hospital, the baby was found to have 10 more old injuries that were allegedly inflicted on him by his own mother. the doctors immediately contacted the police. according to this investigation , a thirty-two-year-old resident of moscow, over a long period of time, caused multiple bodily injuries to her eight month old baby. child a has fractures of the upper and lower extremities, as well as a rib fracture.
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the woman is now in custody and faces up to 10 years in prison. currently, the woman has been charged with committing a crime under paragraph b, part two of article 111 of the criminal code of the russian federation ; she has not admitted guilt. the injured boy remains in the hospital. the criminal investigation continues. the tagansk interdistrict prosecutor's office is conducting checking compliance with federal requirements. and also monitors the progress of the investigation of the criminal case and bringing the woman to criminal responsibility, compliance with the rights of the legitimate interests of the child is monitored by the prosecutor’s office. in our studio is the baby's grandmother, yulia from khakovovo. hello yulia, how did you find out? that your daughter has been detained?
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the child became ill, they called an ambulance and the police arrived and took everyone away, that is, you were at home at that moment, yes i was at home, and you and your daughter lived in the same apartment? yes, in one, whose apartment is this? my apartment, why is it yours? were there such rubble? i was going to clear out these rubble, but how did you live in all this, where did the baby sleep, where did you sleep, where did hell sleep? the three of them lived in a small room with their roommate, and i was in the kitchen, living , i just can’t imagine this, what kind of women could allow such filth in the apartment with a small child, these are not women, this is some kind of... then , at a minimum, based on these living conditions, the guardianship authorities could have already limited, i ’m not even saying that they could have deprived parents.
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i still have the same feeling, the child is young, a doctor probably came for an examination every month, why didn’t the doctor contact the guardianship authorities, what is the condition? yuri, did any of the doctors even come to you? well, the first one came, and then he didn’t, so what? did the doctor not pay attention to the conditions in which the child lives? well , probably, how is this possible? this is negligence, criminal inaction, which must clearly be subject to qualification testing according to the relevant norms of criminal law. why does the doctor come? a doctor is not just a person who is providing assistance to a child here now , but this is a person who is obliged to monitor the state of living conditions, first of all, if the doctor even has one thought that the physical condition of the child is determined...
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by the state of the apartment in the first place in turn , a signal must be sent to the guardianship authorities or the police. julia, do you yourself realize that there are bards in your apartment? yes, i was going to clear it all out myself, but what stopped you from clearing out the apartment? and the fact that my daughter came with her partner, but i was against it, and you were against it, i was against it, yes, because i, as they say, am used to living alone, and your daughter doesn’t have her own home? has her own place, only she led a riotous lifestyle and the neighbors welded her door shut, my god, she can’t get into her apartment now, but she can’t, nena, but this is generally legal, of course, no, she’s the owner of the apartment, she has the right enter, leave, whenever you want, and if the neighbors weren’t happy with something, i think there’s a similar situation in your daughter’s apartment, they could
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they could have contacted the housing inspectorate, the district administration, the police, they could have contacted rospotrebnadzor, but they simply had no right to weld the door of someone else’s apartment, but your daughter, why didn’t she contact the police, would have told me that she was preventing her from living... in the apartment, i even i don’t know, she probably didn’t intend to resolve this issue, and when her daughter moved to you, nothing changed in her way of life? no, nothing has changed, did you try to talk to her, to reason with her? yes, i tried, but she doesn’t listen to me, to the child, how she treated the child, at first she treated the child well, then she started yelling at him, but she didn’t beat him, no, but why did she yell at the child, he was annoying, apparently, i said that... it’s not yelling at child and i will do everything myself, this is a small child, he is defenseless, but is it really possible to mock such a creature, yes , kiril, what impression do you get from this mother, as for me, this is terrible,
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because a child should not live in such conditions, the child must live in care, love, the mother must ensure that the child did not need anything, at least the mess should be completely cleaned up, at least somehow cleaned up, also the grandmother should have had some influence on the mother, help her grandson , including the guardianship authorities, including the police , i don’t understand where both mother and grandmother are looking. alexey, what do you think, this is negligence on the part of the grandmother, that she did not apply anywhere, she herself cannot reason with her daughter, her grandson is suffering. criminal legislation contains such a crime as leaving in danger. and speaking about the actions of the grandmother, we can consider her... from the point of view of the presence of this particular crime in her actions, but there are a lot of nuances associated with the assessment of these circumstances, how long she lived there, whether the grandmother realized that the child was in danger here now, what was
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the grandmother’s behavior, in any case, all these circumstances must be verified and unequivocally assessed during the pre-investigation check. evgenia, what can you say about the role of the grandmother in this. i want to stand up for this woman, because an elderly man is sitting in front of us a person, already an old person, and as much as she could, she tried to help, yes , i tried, yes, due to the fact that she is quite an old person, she no longer has so much energy, so much zeal to somehow fight, to defend , trying to somehow raise this daughter, it is clear that this is already a resigned person who has been living in this for a long time and knows what kind of daughter this is, about the daughter, when a child... women produce such an important hormone oxytocin and oxytocin is a hormone attachment, thanks to this hormone you want to take the baby in your arms, this one tolerance to the baby's cry, it increases, that is, the woman seems to understand that this is her child, she has this
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maternal instinct, with the help of oxytocin, but it helps to take care of the child, and apparently, this young mother has some... then maybe there are hormonal imbalances, but again... do we even have to figure out what ’s going on with her? julia, how did your daughter’s partner behave? well, the roommate, he treated the child well, that is, he did not shout at the child, did not raise his hand. no, no, but the partner, he is the biological father child, no, he is not biological, but just a child, who is the father of the child? do you know? no, i do not know. let's go back to the day when the tragedy happened to your grandson, what events did you witness, since you were at home that day? i was in the kitchen, i came to live with the child, i told the child that my daughter had fallen on the child, but
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the police were not called for an ambulance, so as a daughter, she was afraid that they would take the child, but you probably ran to your grandson to see how he felt state? the condition was normal, such, but he didn’t cry, and there was no suspicion that he had any serious injuries, you didn’t, mom, no, well, it’s too early, i can’t even wrap my head around what must have happened to a small eight-month-old child, after that, how an adult woman fell on him, what kind of injuries the baby could have received, injuries, of course, could have been life-threatening, which could also end up affecting him in the future... on motor development on psychomotor development, the child could also become disabled, massive internal bleeding, therefore it is very dangerous. julia, at what point did you realize that everything was really deplorable? when i saw
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a pustule on his left pustule, then this pustule disappeared , they called an ambulance, how long did it take you to see it? only the next day, and this... newbie, what could this really be? most likely, it was a post-traumatic hematoma, that is, an accumulation of blood, subcutaneous tissue, as a result of a fracture, the presence of... gnenichka, as you say, this is most likely an outpouring of blood, that is, an open fracture, what a nightmare, god, yulia, where is your grandson now, in the hospital, and where is her partner? and my roommate is with me, why didn’t you send him out of your own, well, i was somehow afraid , and then they told me to help me clear away the rubble, and what kind of relationship do you have with him, just human, just ordinary, yes, because i don’t even know him, and to be honest, i was afraid of him. that there were some objective reasons for your fear, no, i’m just like this, well, a stranger in the apartment,
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then let’s find out from my roommate why he lives with you, yulia, in the studio alexey kuznetsov, hello, hello, alexey, why after everything that happened do you continue to live with yulia, i live with aunt yulia because we, together, now want to make repairs to get my son back, that is, yulia herself invited you to stay with her? no, the investigative committee said from now on not to leave there and we are currently cleaning and in one room i have already cleaned, bought wallpaper and want to renovate there, i don’t understand the purpose, to be honest, your residence there and what prospects do you see next?
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because your partner is in pre-trial detention, a preventive measure has been chosen in the form of arrest, and most likely she will be fully prosecuted, it is unlikely that she will appear at home in the near future, that is, for several years you are unlikely to see her in this apartment, yes , then i have a question, if you understand all this perfectly well, you are there, why does the investigative committee remain, it cannot force you to stay without a sign not to leave, probably it’s really simple for you they said, clean up grandma, help, yes, that’s what they said when we arrived with my partner, yulia vladimirovna, apartment , we decided to sign for it in 3 days, we submitted an application to the legislative office, then we submitted an application to adopt a child, but with hers these spree, she kept postponing tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, then i told her, let’s go to my home, in the vladimirov region, with the child, i have good doctors, friends, we’ll show it, it was with my grandmother, i
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say, i’ll show the child, that’s it let's put it on registration, for 8 months he was not registered, tell me, alexey, why do you need such a wife, excuse me, the fact is that what is happening here is not happening in the wife herself, it is happening in accordance with the fact that the child, who is the mother carried under my heart for 9 months, he... must be next to his mother, he must have a father , that is, you are leading to the conclusion, alexey, that you have serious plans for your partner, you were serious about her son, yes, well accordingly, they treated her mother with respect, yes, sergey, how do you like this position, nonsense, a fairy tale, i want to live in moscow, well what do you think, yes, i don’t think so, i’m sure it’s just agelina mikhailovna, and you believe in alexei’s sincerity, i also have some problems. doubts about how he lived in such filth for so long, saw how
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this roommate treats this child , behind this there is such a picture that i, of course, can’t believe all this, alexey, let ’s really figure out how you met your daughter in the first place yulia, i came to a friend’s house, it’s our birthday, he called and said there’s a girl, do you want to meet, i say yes, he called her, she came, i got drunk, i took her phone and started calling. to her mother, yulia vladimirovna, yulia vladimirovna said: stay with her, don’t leave her, but please explain to me why yulia vladimirovna’s daughter attracted you, why you decided to start a serious relationship with her, well, there is such a proverb, love is evil, yes, but it was love at first sight, no, we dated for 2 days, on the third day, yes, and then we decided to live together, after three days of dating. she invited me to take me home, i took her, then she
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asked her mother if he could live with us, then i saw the child, that there was a child there, but why did you and your partner start living with her mother, you weren’t able to rent an apartment on your own, or what? i was able to rent an apartment, i still have it rented, in the same place where she has it in this entrance on the third floor, i have it in this first entrance, on the fourth. then it’s a complete country, but why then did you live with yulia vladimirovna, she said tomorrow tomorrow, that is, she refused to move to you, she refused, she refused to come to vladimir and to me refused to come, and were you even... able to support your partner and her child, financially? i have fairly normal finances, i work as a builder, i earn 3,500 a day, that is, 95-115 a month for me, i tell my child, i have a son about his age, he went to first grade, i dressed him, where does the seven-year-old child live, with whom? he now lives with
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his ex-wife, or sister, and his sister looks after him. and my mother, why didn’t you realize your love there, why for your for the child, i provided everything for him for school, alexey, i understand that your relationship with your ex-wife did not work out, and you met your daughter yulia, by the way, how long did you live together? almost 2 months, why did you live in such conditions all these 2 months? when i arrived, there really was such a mess, this, this crib i bought, i was in this room where... the crib is, everything was cluttered there, yulia vladimirna won’t let me lie, i took out the sofa, took out 18 bags from there the garbage, that is, it was you who cleaned up, yes, yes, i don’t believe it, i’ll explain why, you know what, what a contradiction confuses me, but a man came to moscow, from the outback, a lady appears, love arises, during
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the conversation he understands that there is a neighboring apartment, an old mother , the apartment you own is not privatized, that is... a non-privatized apartment , a responsible tenant, the mother is already quite old, there is a daughter, who, in fact, with whom you can maintain a relationship, slowly gain trust, then register this area and how consequence, get the right to privatize this apartment, you participated in privatization before, no, you didn’t , accordingly you will be included in this apartment and you will have the same rights as your mother and your wife, you will have the right to privatize this apartment, and then and a share in this apartment, just such a selfish motive, it was 100% not like that, it wasn’t in my thoughts. alexey, how do you treat the child, your partner, bought him everything, bathed him, walked with him, yulia vladimirovna saw all this, how the partner treated the baby,
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what did you see with your own eyes, she clearly did not have maternal feelings, she screamed at him, from the room i told you... to my mother in the kitchen from here, and you prevented this, when she attacked the child, i of course defended her, i told her don’t yell at the mother, don’t yell at the child, she allegedly said, i don’t know exactly , it was she who told me that i will drown this child, what a nightmare, i honestly can’t believe this whole situation at all, i’d rather believe the expert alexey, who said everything else about the apartment, because often the father doesn’t need his own child, but here it’s not clear at all. some man who has known this woman for 2 months takes responsibility for the child , it’s impossible to live there on his own, he’s still a baby, small, and you look at it all, you say, you worry about him, but at the same time, okay , they took out the bags, then, angelina mikhailovna, you are also terrified, i don’t believe this young man, i’m surprised at my mother, who lived like that
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next to hers, with her baby, like that, was on the sidelines, i actually , i can’t imagine it being possible to live like that, and i don’t see any justification for anyone them, why the friend of alexei ’s partner believes that it is categorically impossible to give him the child, i’m stunned, i can tell you from my life experience that everyone lies, and how many children did the mother of the crippled baby have now. there is, yes, there are, besides logic, also human emotions, we will continue, in a few minutes, good morning to work, but where else, another couple, i wish you good health, our little one seems to have fallen in love, we met on the way, something like, he sleeps with her, oh well, i'm telling you, an ordinary
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fall apart, i’m turned on, you know, from the number, from this, there’s nothing to do, what to do in the evening, how cool did he do that? it was simple, just bomb, the first time, despite my advantages, i got goosebumps , the performance, life really begins, on saturday at 20:20 on ntv, beyond, this is beyond, the daughter of a seventy-year-old muscovite. julia iskhakova is accused of abusing her own son. on october 28, an eight-month-old baby was urgently hospitalized from an apartment cluttered to the ceiling with an open
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fracture. hands, she tripped over the carpet and fell on him, i came running, it seemed like that , the child seemed fine, and when she fell, some time passed, but here we ourselves, as they say, are to blame, we should have called an ambulance right away, there are doctors at the hospital they discovered 10 more healed fractures in the baby, the child’s mother was detained, but her beloved thirty-three-year-old alexei kuznetsov remained to live with his failed mother-in-law, the man explained, he wants to make repairs in her apartment in order to take the boy under his wing from the hospital , i am ready to look after him, i am ready to become his blood father, everything that is required for treatment, i am ready to withstand all this. sergey, do you believe in alexey’s good intentions? i don’t trust anyone, of course, you can say there that something in your heart is telling you that, but i
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will say from my life experience that in... that’s all , don’t give any children anything to anyone, forget about these altogether the whole family, child to treat and in general, so that even in his memory it doesn’t remain that he is tough, besides logic, he also has human emotions, i look at him, my heart understands that he is not lying, that’s mine, my intuition is that he’s not lying, he just got involved with such a woman, yes, she has a completely different lifestyle than him, but he did too, and he accepted her right away, he accepted her right away, didn’t turn away, sorry, he started pulling out these bags of garbage, 2 months have passed, this a short period of time, it’s not that i justify all these actions, no, but somehow i intuitively tend to believe that there is sincerity in this person, if alexei himself had a difficult childhood, it was such a traumatic, difficult childhood, then in this little child he can see himself as the smallest, and this is such an unconscious
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attempt to correct it too... the childhood that he had, to give love and somehow realize himself at the expense of this little baby, i think what prevents him from leaving this baby is a strong feeling of guilt, to leave this little child in such conditions, and in connection with what he is to i also somehow became attached to him , i don’t understand, but why does a third-party uncle feel a sense of attachment to the child, and not his own mother, yulia, is this your daughter’s first child? no, not the first. not the first mother, how many children does she have in total? three, three, one in an orphanage, the second a grandmother, and the other a cohabitant, and she has been deprived of parental rights to both children? on both, and why was she deprived of parental rights? she has a wild lifestyle, so apparently she was deprived, but if she doesn’t need children, why then did she give birth to a third child, and they get money for it,
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you see, i think yes to... and child benefits, yes, but you hoped that with the birth of your third child, at least something would change in your daughter’s life, yes, i hoped, but what do you think, now your daughter there is a chance to get her baby back, yes, if she would change now, of course , nina, do you think such a mother has a chance to return, if only in a few years, when she is released, she serves her sentence, and when she gets a job, which uh, which most likely won't happen. alexey, but do you still want to adopt this baby? yes, if the experts help me, i have direct intentions to take the child and transfer it to myself to go to the vladimirov region. what exactly is your motive for adopting this child? do you understand what responsibility there is, can you give this child care, contact, intimacy, you must clearly ask yourself this question: can i...
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raise a person, can i give this person , evgenia, yes, alexey, what? you say what you will answer, i grew up myself, there are seven of us, i grew up without a father, he drank with me and died in the eleventh year, 43 years old, i grew up with only my older sister, i can raise this child, this child has become attached to me, alexey, if alexey becomes the child’s guardian, let’s say he will... receive payments, benefits for him, not so or children’s, yes, absolutely right, i see a selfish motive here , you know what, the child is registered in your apartment, no, it’s on hers, where she lives, and that apartment is privatized, it’s not privatized there, don’t privatize either, and there the child was registered, alexey saw an opportunity to get hooked in the city of moscow, as we now understand, on two
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living spaces, either a grandmother’s apartment, or an apartment that is not privatized, belongs to the future, let’s call it, the spouse, and the child, as a person who is registered and registered at the place of residence after the parents. that is, the mother has the right in non-privatized housing to a share in this apartment. accordingly, being a guardian, in addition to receiving financial benefits, he will have the right to live with the child in the apartment until the age of eighteen. alexey, does alexey have a chance? you know, i just wanted to point out that these actions related to wallpaper, gluing, are related to the fact that he is now beginning to tolerate mu. they are precisely determined by the desire to create some comfortable conditions for the child, but you know what confuses me is that all this is done for formality, so that the commission that came to this
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apartment looked at the clean wallpaper and indicated satisfactory in its questionnaire , satisfactory living conditions, but why is he doing this in the apartment of his future mother-in-law, why doesn’t he create his own... her nest, where he wants to bring after his conviction, after serving his sentence, his future wife, who wants to leave this child and he wants to adopt him, answering your question, from my point of view, his chances are minimal, i agree that getting custody will be problematic, in general almost impossible, because in fact this person has no ties to this child, no elementary ties, but he says that he is incredibly attached to him, well, you can say now everything that whatever, but 2 months is very small time, alexey, but you still continue to claim that you have no selfish interest, my wealth, my income is quite enough to provide for both me and him, so
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your friend alexey, a wealthy woman, believes that you are involved in what happened to a child, which means that under no circumstances should she be given to you, today she also came to us, in the victoria muru studio. hello, victoria, why do you think that alexey is to blame for what happened? first of all, he sat twice, sat twice? alexey, what were you serving for? punishment? i had 158, it's a steal. and you 've been convicted of theft twice? once because my boss didn’t give me the money, and the second time i’m now undergoing rehabilitation , because i was acquitted, i filed a lawsuit, because... but have your convictions been expunged? yes, victoria, why are you sure that alexey was involved in what happened to your friend’s child? i’m sure he beat her child, how do you know this
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, she told it herself personally, i also know that he took the card from her, on which the money came, the child benefit, i’m not involved in this, i i can say this is unequivocal, well, everyone here has their own opinion, she is a friend, she knows her well, but she got it there in her own way, that she yelled at the child, that she forced this on him, that she wanted to abort the child, naturally, i won’t look at this, you raised your hand against your partner, naturally, against the child, but not against the child, then tell us in detail what happened that day when the child was injured, she fell on him drunk, i called my mother, we they dragged her away, turned everything on its side, she and the child we sat until 7:00 in the morning, he whined, he couldn’t sleep, why didn’t you call an ambulance , why didn’t you call a doctor, mom said no, because they would take the child away, we were afraid that they would take the child away, so this is the version,
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which was just voiced by alexey about the circumstances of what happened, this is the so-called defensive version , that is, it was formed in order to get rid of... criminal prosecution of the mother in quotes, the fact is that we know that the classification of the crime was according to 111 part in paragraph b, that is, this is an intentional infliction serious harm to health, that is, she was aware of what she was doing, foresaw the onset of socially dangerous consequences and wanted them to occur, it was in connection with this that the version was taken that yes, there was a turning point, but it happened carelessly. for criminal negligence, liability for which cannot exceed sometimes up to 3 years of imprisonment, but we know for sure that the child was examined in a medical organization and we know that it was established that the child’s body had
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previously received injuries , fractures, then there was this on a regular basis, on a regular basis she fell on him, or something, on a regular basis she broke his arms and legs, alexey, how many old fractures? the child had 11, amazing, the child had 11 fractures, that’s how much this child was tortured, poor poor thing, where is he now , what condition is he in, i can’t say where he is, but according to words, when i was in investigative committee, they told me that he was in intensive care and in serious condition, and what specific injuries did he receive? his cartilage was sticking out, open wound, and he has an open wound on his left arm, if this is one fracture , it is very strange that this was not recorded by a doctor, it means there was no visit to a doctor at the medical center, no, for 8 months she did not see a doctor, he is registered he didn’t stand anywhere, it all just happened at home
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on his own, he didn’t receive a single vaccination at all. ruslan, the investigative authorities have established that the child has fractures of the upper and lower extremities, as well as rib fractures, that these are already old fractures. how to treat this now? u in infants, healing occurs faster, so many of the fractures that have been received have most likely already healed, or have healed incorrectly. and depending on this , doctors will act. and if the fracture occurred with displacement, then of course, possible surgical interventions will be required, either this is a metal structure, or this is traction, this is a long process, they will act according to the situation depending on the degree of complexity, if there are any life-threatening conditions now, they will compensate for them as much as possible , and then treat old fractures, but as i understand it, the process of fusion of bones will be very painful, how can a child endure so much pain and survive? this is a very
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difficult question, most likely it will be necessary to put him in a medically induced coma to resolve this issue, and painkillers are contraindicated at this age, right? yes, it is necessary to use anesthesia here. and if all this is not done, then what? there may be consequences, it can be even fatal. and of course, if everything works out doctors, then, accordingly, there will be a very long rehabilitation process, if there was damage in the joint area , restrictions may remain for life, is it true that alexey did not raise his hand to his partner’s child, the baby suffered from his own mother. judging by the grandmother’s facial expressions, she knows a lot about this topic, but would not like to talk about it; immediately after the advertisement, a lice detector test. on the air of the avatar show, she’s so
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can buy yuna not for 7,900 rubles, but completely free, when you buy one package, call 8800 10158, call. free, on saturday we watch superstar, on sunday avatar at 20:20 on ntv, and where are you going, got a tip deal, san, can i come with you, but lieutenant colonel, where are you, your place is here, on watch what should i stand, what are you doing, this is a key position, hold on, you will shoot back, attention, this is a key post, i have penetration here, hands, well done, and clean, without casualties, it doesn’t even look like you, a bastard, well, brothers in arms, attack, today at 22:15 on ntv, beyond, this
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is beyond, the partner of a thirty-three-year-old alexei kuznetsova broke the arm of her eight-month-old son when she fell on the baby, it was at 2:00 am, she came with a party, she had consumed a fair amount of alcoholic drinks, she fell with her elbow on his left arm, his whole weight fell on his tummy, when the babies were taken to the hospital, doctors discovered 10 more old fractures in him, his mother was detained, according to investigators, it was she who regularly tortured the baby, but the woman’s friend, thirty-one-year-old victoria murueva, does not believe that everything... was like that, my friend is a good mother, i don’t believe in this version, what she could have hit the child, i think her partner would do it. victoria, you came to defend your friend, then explain to me how the child got such injuries, i don’t think she’s to blame, but she won’t raise her hand,
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maybe she’s wrong somewhere, well, i want her to correct herself, but in your opinion, the child can be returned to her, i think if she improves, then you might think... the aunt is sure that an eight-month-old baby will be better off in an orphanage than in his own family. our guest is nadezhda yagunova, hello, hello, nadezhda, how long have you known yulia and her daughter, i’ve known yulia for 25 years , we walked together with the children, yulia with her daughter, with hers, me with my son, what can you say about yulia, i can’t say anything bad, neither about yulia, nor about her family, because the child, well... the voices never, in childhood, what her daughter yulia was like, did she give her mother any trouble, well, when she was little, no. but then in high school, when yulia’s daughter herself probably grew up, she already became and says she’s studying worse, she no longer wants to study, then she
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went, so we met, she says, now i’m going to school, she says, i passed the exams, now we say, we’re going to school, well, we met, she says, i contacted the company, she’s very good, and her life went according to inclined, i went, have you actually visited yulia? no, i didn’t... and now you know what’s going on in your apartment, i saw everything on the internet, i’m horrified, i couldn’t imagine, yulia was always neat, they were always cleanly dressed, my daughter was always clean, always neatly ironed was, but how do you feel about the fact that alexey continues to live with yulia, negatively, i don’t know, but what, maybe the purpose of some apartment, i don’t know why, this is a stranger, he’s not a brother, not a matchmaker, when did you find out about what happened: were shocked? in your opinion, who is to blame for what happened? those who were probably at home, this is my opinion, i don’t want to, and her daughter and alexey too
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, well, yes, if it was there, well, the child was probably crying, but this is my opinion, just don’t offend, yulia herself won’t offend, no, she was very worried about him, that’s how long we’ve been with her we communicate, she even talks like a boy, she talks like a boy, he says it’s fine, now we’re walking, that’s it, she was very worried about him, about her grandson, based on everything you know about this family, how who do you think the child should stay with? in another family or in an orphanage. according to you, alexey, his child, cannot be given away. he is not a father, he does not raise him from birth. i’m not saying what kind of person he is, maybe he’s a wonderful person. then, he’s young, he’s getting married, to arrange his family, he needs this there will be a child, who? no, and i believe that the child should either go to an orphanage or to someone else’s family. nina, what do you think is the right thing to do in this situation? most likely the child will be... in an orphanage, but this does not mean that the grandmother does not have the right to visit him there, she has the right to see him,
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communicate further, contact him, now the child faces the most difficult rehabilitation, thank god if he will survive, i just think with horror how for eight months the child endured hellish pain, he probably screamed, probably heard, i just can’t imagine, the child suffered fractures and injuries while alive, and no medical assistance was provided, it’s just scary to imagine this situation, well, a wound, i’m also concerned about the question of how it can be so that the child did not scream, alexey says that the child did not scream, yulia vladimirovna also says that she never heard the child’s screams, most likely the child’s condition might not have given him yet, well , no... so much energy that he could still cry, he could cry, but most likely it's they tied him up, well, he wants to eat, they let him eat forever when
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the child refused at these moments, that is, they tied him up with the wrong thing, and the child’s condition did not allow him to throw out all the pain, alexey, what do you think, how in this situation, the right thing to do is to avoid harm to the child with whom he should stay, of course, this child, in my opinion , should be removed from this family, which means that the procedure for depriving parental rights should be launched, it is not necessary to wait for the verdict, the guardianship authorities can go out to court with an application for deprivation of rights right now, on the existing facts, they will take two documents, a decision to initiate a criminal case and an examination in which all the injuries are recorded, and this will be more than enough to deprive of rights, third, the family of this child must be found, the little, cute one will be taken away, just literally within a month there will be a queue of people who want to convey
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their love and warm care to this child. do you think alexey could be involved in what happened to the child? of course, indirect he is guilty, because objectively we know that he lived in this family for two months, we do not know when these fractures occurred, if indeed these fractures, except for the last one, about the circumstances of these fractures, that is, he allowed, negligently allowed if this child lives in such conditions, this is certainly his fault; if there is a crime here, this is a separate issue, a question for law enforcement agencies. now we hear such accusations, and these are serious accusations from a friend, his future wife, about that he beat, took... cards, received some kind of benefits, and so on, these circumstances should be given a proper assessment, i think, of course, it will be given within
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the framework of the case under investigation. sergey. do you think alexey could raise his hand to the child, of course he could, yes , i’m sure he did, why didn’t the child cry, they shut his mouth, or sealed it, well, because the cry of a child would be heard through any walls, so i i’m absolutely sure that this family simply ruined this child’s life, you understand, if he survives, it’s already doomed him to the hardest. nina, if it is proven that alexei is to blame for the child’s fractures, what will he face? will be brought to criminal liability, and the article will depend on those fractures, on the severity of the harm, which will be indicated in the medical report. alexey, are you not guilty? no, to prove this, you even agreed to undergo a polygraph test? yes, let's see how it
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happened to find out who inflicted... more than a dozen serious injuries on an eight-month-old child, polygraph examiner oleg baryshev attaches electronic lie detector sensors to telexey kuznetsov. did your partner beat your son at least once before your eyes? no, were you protecting the child from your partner? yes, have you beaten your partner’s child at least once? no, is it true that that night your partner fell on the child, yes, yes. the specialist finds out why alexey wants to adopt the injured boy, why the man has not yet moved out from his beloved’s mother. do you want to adopt your partner's son in order to receive child benefits? no, you live with your mother roommates in order to get their apartment? no, did you think about causing some harm to your cohabitant’s mother in order to quickly
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get an apartment? no, alexey. were you worried? well, i passed it for the first time, of course i was worried, but why not? ready to find out the result? yes, of course, then i invite polygraph examiner oleg baryshev to our studio. hello hello. was alexey worried during the lie detector test? well, there was an element of slight natural excitement, but not increased excitement, well, let’s call it background, so natural. he tried to deceive you? no, there was no attempt to deceive. in principle, i would like to say that his type is not prone to deception, it is easier for him to refuse, or remain silent, or not answer a question at all, than to deceive, construct or invent, but were there any topics that he refused to talk about? there was a topic that we probably didn’t discuss, he was frank about it, but there were a lot of questions left in it, this topic, the reasons for the aggressiveness of his partner, that
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is, he spoke honestly about the aggressiveness itself, the manifestations of this aggressiveness, here the background, where she came from, here we didn’t seem to find the truth, what was the trigger, why was she so aggressive towards the child, well, it was found out that this aggressiveness was mainly in moments when she was drunk, judging by the grandmother’s facial expressions, she knows a lot about this topic, but she wouldn’t like to talk about it, did she answer all of alexey’s questions... alexey answered all the questions honestly, in one question there are vague reactions that suggest that he answered something he’s being honest, but he was considering some options in this topic, considered, but in this case, tell me what verdict you made after testing alexey with a polygraph?
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point number one, there was no assault on his part towards the child, this is a fact, this is true, this... again, it is not in his character to inflict any damage, blows or show rudeness specifically towards this child , including . secondly, well, he doesn’t have a korist motive to take possession of one apartment or another, but as an option for living, he subconsciously has it, he doesn’t exist by some kind of korist aspiration or a cunning motive, but apparently he admitted that it was not necessary to live in the village where he was calling, uh, the third point, he wholeheartedly invited the lady, his cohabitant, to live in the village, he even built a whole algorithm where he himself could work, where he will arrange it and how they will live, this structure that he created , it is reliably present in his mind, and he also believes in it, as if it were
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real, will alexey be able to take responsibility. for someone else’s child, there is a certain past in which criminal liability has already appeared, this abroad, don't switch, at 7 months he was found alone on a bench in the park. there were no documents, and there was no note either. and at the age of 3 he found himself in a family where 16 boys and girls from different orphanages were raised. he came up to us, mom, mom, that’s it, so i became a mom. in our foster family there were 16 in our care, and two of our own. now the guy is 18, and he decided to find out if he really is a biologist. connection, there was a feeling that someone had taken her phone, would he get an answer to his most
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important question, i fed him for 2 days, oh he got sick, they put me in another hospital, they didn’t give it to me, please forgive me, she was declared incompetent by the court, i open the converse. dna, today at 17:50 on ntv. ambulance, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. we would like to offer you a vacancy. and who are you? who? i'm a gnome. when it hurts somewhere here, selectively for pain, spasm and stool disturbance. neobutin, when it hurts somewhere here. open a deposit in tinkov with a yield of 15% and move towards your goals. we have increased the rate
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beyond the bounds, this is beyond the bounds, fractures of the hips, arms, ribs, all this on the body of an eight-month-old baby, according to the investigation, injury to the child was inflicted by the mother, but the woman’s thirty-one-year-old friend victoria murueva is sure that the baby suffered at the hands of another person, my friend could not give the child away, i believe his partner did it, alexey has already been imprisoned twice.
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to prove that he did not touch the baby, thirty-year-old alexey kuznetsov passed a lie detector test. he did not beat the child, and he was brought up in such a way, according to such rules , and he has such views and attitudes in life that he will not beat the child. oleg, and alexey really protected the child from his own mother? we can say that he honestly describes the manifestation of cruelty, intentional or unintentional, on the part of the mother, which he did not see. through the eyes of not a single case, not a single fact of a mother hitting or beating a child, the main defense on his part was from the mother’s screams, he has, to some extent, a heightened sense of justice, injustice, this comes from childhood, which, apparently, before his eyes there were some family scenes, a heightened perception of these screams, threats to the child from the partner, he accordingly
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reacts to this, reacts sometimes harshly, slapped him, slapped him on the back of the head, pushed his partner, it was, that is, he protects the child, probably projecting his childhood, these situations, that night, oleg, everything was really like this says alexey, he says that before his eyes his partner fell on the child , it’s true, well, partly it’s true, because he didn’t see the whole situation, he was sleeping, and he tells the part that happened, in which he was a participant, reliably, about the fear that he says that they were afraid to call an ambulance, this fear arose at the wrong moment, even earlier he was afraid to call an ambulance to register the child , they already had this question, do you think alexey really unselfishly wants to take care about the child, i didn’t see self-interest, i saw a little bit of this, well, in a good sense of childishness, underestimation of all risks, underestimation of all problems, but you see, basically what he’s talking about is, well, i’m financially, well, i make money, right? talks about this about women
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they notice very aptly and say: hello, wait, there is a need for a child.


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