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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  November 14, 2023 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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pledge of an apartment and car, transferring funds to the accused. in addition, the accused said that he would conduct a ritual to spiritually cleanse jewelry, and at the same time performed a ritual to clean out his pockets; only after a while, when the magical spell had dissipated, the victim contacted the police. dmitry still doesn’t understand the woman’s indignation, because according to him, the spells worked. yes, and i don’t consider it a crime, the crime is that i took money from her by deception, everything else, fortune telling, that’s all we carried out, she has everything. and my husband stopped going to see his mistress, you don’t know, well, when we started doing this, as if it were a ritual, he began to go less often, now dmitry is focused on legal rituals, trying to drop the charges against himself in order to get a break from another term in the colony , but given the particularly large scale of the fraud and the fact that this is a relapse in a government house, it will last for a long time, stanislav kostikov, natalya popova and anton lukyanov. and ntv company. that's all,
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thank you for your attention, goodbye. today on our program: ursula, shut up. ursula, let's go. the decline of europe. polish nazis are burning. european union, in slovakia they remember the times of communism. why brussels officials are wary of the urbanization of their eastern members. the leadership in brussels is not our people. children's question: the state asks you to give birth, but is it possible to solve this problem as if by magic? we need to stop encouraging girls to pursue higher education. and passport control. for participation in the lgbtarad, public activists. who else is in
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line for document verification? so where scandal? ukraine? are these russians? russians are putin. what else do you want? watch it now. hello, this meeting place on ntv is a place where everything becomes clear. i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live. yesterday i... started the program by saying that ukraine is trying to intensify its such information sabotage attacks on our country, but tonight our enemy stepped up its efforts and launched such a traditional drone attack, but at once on four russian regions, and one subject federation is on this list for the first time, now we will show you the footage, eyewitnesses posted them this morning, please show us, this is the tambov region, there... an enemy
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drone is flying, right over the tambov region ukrainian drones have never been seen before they weren’t, here are two more - the drones were in the moscow region, the bryansk region, they were all destroyed, this is a message from the ministry of defense of our country, they were destroyed by air defense systems on duty. the fourth drone was shot down in the oryol region, governor andrey has already spoken about this klychkov, there were no injuries to the victims as a result of this attack, and now what concerns attempts to strengthen... some kind of terrorist threat to our country, this is a message from the fsb, footage from chelyabinsk, you see the moment of detention of a supporter of ukrainian nationalists who was planning set fire to the administration building using homemade incendiary devices, these devices were carried by the would-be terrorist in a black bag, which the operatives seized during the arrest, you just saw this, a criminal case has been opened for an attempted terrorist attack, in
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a summit of defense ministers of the european union countries opened in brussels this morning, and the atmosphere there is so melancholy , for example, nato secretary general jens stoltenberg spoke there, so he forgot his previous mantra about ukraine’s successes at the front, he just said that for in kiev now everything is not perfect, this is the first time. i intend to raise the topic of ukraine, intense fighting continues, the situation on the battlefield remains difficult, so we must continue our intensive support. we need to raise the level of cooperation between nato and countries the european union to prevent putin's victory, this is in our interests. well , german defense minister boris pistorius admitted that the european union’s plans to send a million artillery shells to ukraine by the end of the year will not come true. thus, he confirms the information of the bloomberg agency, which was not only the first to write about this, but also provided very unpleasant figures for kiev. let's take a look at them. according to bloomberg, from a batch of one million.
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only 3,000 were produced and transferred to ukraine, that is, less a third of what was promised. moreover, as bloomberg writes, the leadership of the european union does not have all the data on the progress of deliveries, because some members. the eu, quote, is reluctant to reveal details. in kiev, they admitted that bloomberg’s information was true and attacked european officials who are responsible for the defense industry with reproaches. unfortunately, bloomberg is telling the truth. unfortunately, bloomberg is telling the truth. i think the reason for this problem is not that the european union has lost its political power. don't do it quickly it will succeed. we will need renewed work from the defense industry, member countries and
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candidate countries. the european press in general is becoming more and more merciless towards kiev, the economist is the same publication where the scandalous, discussed article by valery zaluzhny about the deadlock at the front was published, it brings out new ones. and gives details, citing certain american estimates, american sources, data on ukraine’s losses, according to these data, since the beginning of the conflict, ukraine has lost 190,000 people, of which irretrievable losses, that is, 70,000 killed, this data is provided by the economist, well, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of latvia is complaining about ukraine, about the gluttony of ukraine, he is not doing it publicly yet, we will now show you a piece, he thought that he was talking with some distant african official, in fact , our people just called him pranksters vavan and lexus. we helped them rebuild, we helped them with weapons, we helped them in any way we could. this is humanitarian aid, medicine, everything, everything, and we are not happy about it, but we do not see
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a choice. the current threat is economic in nature, these are prices, in particular for energy, food, and so on. these are all the consequences of the war in ukraine, all this does not make them happy, but andrei vladimirovich they do not see the elections for lexus , in my opinion we found the ideal cover in the person of this some african official, because this is the third one, in my opinion, was george miloni , then like someone else , now i don’t remember, well, lately, well, okay, i mean, what vanya was just telling me, i wanted to add one more touch like that to the picture, although this is not news today, yesterday, but somehow it stuck with me, made an impression on me, remember, there was such a british prime minister, david cameron, yesterday he was appointed minister of foreign affairs, where the current prime minister shuffled the entire
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government deck, this a separate conversation, i’m not talking about that, but the simple fact is that david cameron, he went down in history as the prime minister under whom great britain left the european union. it was then that this word brexit appeared, you remember, many years ago we are even here in our studio this everything was discussed heatedly, they even argued about who was certain, yes, bets were accepted, but after this brexit, when everything happened, cameron resigned, since then somewhere in some chest he has been collecting dust, now he will be the minister of foreign affairs affairs of great britain, why am i under the impression that life, you know, has such interesting mechanisms, you know, that... it carries out political processes, including. now in europe, and in many countries, events are happening that send us all back to the very beginning of this process, this brexit, because all sorts of different exits are being demanded in different
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corners of europe, of course, no exit of these countries from europe will happen directly now, but it’s interesting, because all this looks very massive, very noisy, and to be honest, of course , beautiful. first of all, it's beautiful, yes, let's take a look. the grand march of polish nationalists in honor of independence day is an annual phenomenon. last saturday, 150,000 people, mostly far-right, gathered for a march. representatives of the authorities, deputies of the seimas too came. the first line of the national anthem was chanted at the march. poland has not yet died, but they shouted even more often about leaving the european union. the crowd carried a huge banner with the inscription polit. no euro to the collective farm, the culmination of the celebration was the burning of the eu flag. another nightmare of european bureaucrats is the hungarians. the western press regularly writes that hungary’s behavior is increasingly threatening
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the unity of the european union. hungarian prime minister viktor orban sabotages almost any decision from brussels. now he is actively opposing the admission of ukraine to the eu, the other day demanded that the leadership in brussels is captured by the globalist elite, financial groups, and is shaking up the situation in the european union and slovakia. after the october elections , eurosceptic robert fitz came to power there. to the delight of the electorate, the new deputy speaker of parliament ljubas blaha posted a video of his move to his office. first of all, they threw out the flag, erected a bust of the slovak nationalist ludovit štóra , removed the portrait of
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the main european gynecologist ursula fonder from the wall and demanded the dissolution of the eu. by the way, in october, at a similar rally, the french sang katyusha.
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irzhe, what is happening, as we will soon hear, in the offices of karil goth or helen vondrkov, you see, alexander nikolaevich remembers his youth, that this, as you generally see it, this, by the way, is a rather interesting movement, and the movement, a little backwards, back to the future, yes, if i can even say so, because many, if we take eastern europe and central europe again, right? which was discussed about hungary, slovakia, partly poland, yes, then naturally, some people are nostalgic for other times, where it was good, where it was calmly, where were certain ones, why then, with this nostalgia, do they throw out some negativity towards the european union, which means that the european union is somehow the cause of instability for them, it personifies what they don’t like, that they don’t like the last four by the way. and what they don’t like, that’s what they don’t like, you can list, but i can
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, only migrants can come to my mind, well, migrants are an old new topic, which again, by the way, is returning to europe, it will be even more fun , we see in germany, but this is this another topic, here mi yes, this is a different topic, i say, but what i don’t like is that people are used to living well, they perceived europe, now we will live and live well, revolutionary things say that it is bad to live in europe. and they believed, people believed, yes, that we would become a western world, we would live like in switzerland, like in france, like in germany, it turned out that europe, today’s europe handed them over, because it demands that there be a green dial, yes, that is, they saved, now prices are rising for energy, for gas, for everything, this is considered a betrayal of today's europe, so we want to leave this europe, we want to stay, which. how far do you say this movement is interesting, how far will this movement go,
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excuse the pun a little? i believe that it’s not far, that it will end with the fact that just these countries , yes, that we have listed, will demand more money so that people are happy, it doesn’t connect with me anyway, givorg, let’s try to connect, that means, on the one hand, it myrzhi says they feel betrayed, i'm in i can fully believe this, because based on the volume of indignation, they really feel like the wording is that we were not part of that kind of european union, nevertheless, but then why won’t this end in some big upheavals, i’m not talking about leaving these countries, but some, when you feel betrayed, you can’t just rap and forget, david cameron is a different story altogether , i’ll throw david cameron, he wasn’t going to go out, i know, that means, as for these guys, they’re barel already said josep barel, the head of the european commission is an old fascist, he said, what the hell. if you want, leave, no one is stopping you, but do you understand what ’s the matter, you can’t be expelled from the european union, you can
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only leave from there, voluntarily, and these countries will not leave the european union, none of them, not the poles, if they continue to be cut even further faucets, if they try to reduce the faucets even further, they will use the hardware capabilities that they have at their disposal, for example, the right of veto, every country in the european union has the right of veto on important issues, and if the hungarians or poles turn off the taps on values, judicial reform and so on, they will simply block the entire decision-making process in the european union, i read that it is at the level of one of the committees, i don’t remember the name of it now, well, something like that regulations, regulations committee, relatively speaking. there they have already generally approved a new decision-making mechanism, they still need to vote for it, they must approve it as a mechanism unanimously, yes, they are trying to remove this need for unanimity , for this it is necessary to unanimously, i’m talking about that they take into account the threat that the hungarians, poles, slovaks must voluntarily
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throw away their main instrument of pressure on the european commission, say, okay, yes, we will no longer put pressure on you, that’s all... this can be considered as an instrument of pressure on ursula fonder, on the european commission, so that they really, first of all, give more money , this is one and two, stop putting pressure on value issues on other issues, stop building eastern europe on the subject of western european values, and once again, we we see throughout eastern europe a rare increase in anti-european nationalism, absolutely, but you must understand that if any country, let’s say slovakia, leaves the european union, it deprives itself of access to... the european market, these are huge economic losses, it’s just a sharp drop in the standard of living, there are no suicides there, what slovak goods are interesting on the market , well, some are there, they have agro, agroquotes, an industrial complex, a military industrial complex, and by the way, industrial too, use this one as a trump card threat, and we will now take alexey
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sergegevich and leave the european union, can they or no one will believe them exactly because of the arguments that the givalech has just brought? of course they will believe, you need to understand who they are, yes, in order to understand who they are , you need to understand in general what nationalism is, nationalism is an idea that says that each ethnic group should have its own state, so that cultural boundaries coincided with the borders of the state, who are the nationalists? nationalists are those people for whom they national identity, it is the most important, that is, a person can be a man, a father , a carpenter and a pole, and for him, the fact that he is a pole is the most important thing and nationalists think about how to ensure the most favorable conditions. for my nation, if it is beneficial for my nation to be in the european union, i will be there, if not, i will not be, the modern european union is an inter-state association, it is anti-national, it is supranational, it says that the interests of the entire community should be above the interests one nation and naturally for nationalists this
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i don’t like it, and i fully admit that we will see right-wing parties , nationalist parties, coming to power, which over time may actually leave... the european union, not now, not in 5 years, not in 10, but this is a powerful tool , which will undermine, now it doesn’t work out for me, because in poland the elections were held, and there are just such right -wing conservatives, they lost in the elections, yes, of course, i say that but dissatisfaction with the european union is growing, why, because european union, this idea that you can do something about the national one, it doesn’t work very well, don’t wait, well, in poland tusk won, yes in poland tusk won, we see that the popularity of nationalist parties is growing, in france, in germany, alternatives for germany are gaining somewhere in the first place, the conservatives are also strengthening in eastern europe, this is a slow process, in the nineties the process was reversed, everyone was moving towards a single
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european union, she said that this is the future, now the process is reversed, everyone is moving outwards, and i think we will see triumph nationalism. and we will see a weakening, if not the collapse of the european union, about the triumph of nationalism, this right turn began to be talked about in 2015 after the migration crisis, when all this came out, but if you look, indeed, there are countries that used to be part of, our left bloc, the warsaw pact, for which precisely on values, not on the issue of money, not on some kind, precisely on the issue of value and self-awareness, nothing agrees with the current european bureaucracy. right-wing europeans from former warsaw countries treaty, to the surprise of many , the hungarians are perhaps the brightest here, and are still in solidarity with russia on fundamental issues, for example, on the value of the traditional family. the ruling fidesz party enshrined in the constitution that the family is exclusively a union of a man and a woman, deprived same -sex couples of the opportunity to adopt children, banned legal gender reassignment, and a couple of weeks
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ago the director of the hungarian national museum was fired with a scandal when it turned out that the photo exhibition with the most popular world traveling photo exhibition world press photo. it shows a series of images from a gay retirement home in the philippines. according to deputy speaker of parliament dori duro, this threatens the healthy development of young people. she demanded an investigation. hungary is actively fighting for birth control, supporting large families, helping them buy housing, issuing interest-free loans , writing off debts, and mothers of many children are forever exempt from paying taxes. has been holding demographic summits since 2015; the fourth was held in budapest in september, and it leaders of other countries visited for the first time, bulgarian president rumen radov,
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serbian president aleksandar vucic and italian prime minister giorgia miloni. we must ensure that conservative, family-oriented forces come to power in as many european countries as possible. the issue of abortion has also divided europe. while the european parliament proclaims abortion a basic human right, individual eu members do not. they complicate things, in slovakia they give time to convey, hungarian women are told about state benefits and allowed to listen to the heartbeat, and in catholic poland has the strictest abortion ban in all of europe. what do you think about the recent topic of abortion? abortion, this shouldn't happen. of course, i’m against just killing my child because she doesn’t like something or because she has some kind of disease? representatives of the right forces and the tolerant migration movement are resisting. eu. the czech press believes that thanks to her, europe is turning into the third world. at the october eu summit in granada , it was poland and
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hungary. the brussels elite tried to put pressure on and oblige countries opposed to accepting migrants to pay compensation to those who accept them. as a result, the hungarians and poles killed this plan. i decided to veto the migration part. this point is not in the final documents. poland can resist. european ones do not take root in the post -soviet eastern european countries, these are the remnants of our positive attitude towards them with our fundamental ones, or is it something else, or are they, in principle, not ready for themselves sharpen like a pencil for this is all european, well, firstly, i have always emphasized that what is now commonly called. values, these are not minute values, not european, these are values ​​that were imposed on europe after the second world war, especially since the late sixties,
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that ’s what happened accordingly, to my great regret, those patriotic publicists who in a certain period wrote about that these former socialist countries are changing the soviet collective farm to a european one. european the collective farm, if you like, was created as an economic association, but in solving those problems of economic development and assistance to global economic development that existed, it means, apparently, that the leadership of the european union has not coped and is not coping with solving these problems. these tasks, other tasks were set that supposedly could be dealt with, these tasks were of a moral, ideological, any other
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nature, which in principle the community should not deal with, but they seem to be these things are correct, good, they protect of a person, his freedom , wait, rape has begun, excuse the expression, the first... rape, this was the migration issue that was discussed here, the second absolutely terrible, perverted rape was the so-called epidemic, when millions of people simply lost, financially a lot, yeah , the third rape, which i have spoken about here more than once, is rape towards ukraine, you must love ukraine, help it, you must break off all relations with russia, despite the fact that your gas price is rising, you heat with wood and so on, it is natural that if
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you are ideologically and culturally raped over and over again, yes, i am leaving out the lgbt practice, this is alexander nikolaevich, but at the same time they pay money , yes, they rape you, and at the same time they give you money. they think that they are not given money, they went to the european union for global economic projects, but it turns out, yes, that they are raped, they throw some money at them and say, shut up, we wo n’t care for this money, because look, these processes, which you described, in general, throughout the european union, it happens on the territory of all european countries, so he’s a little indignant that we’re doing it on our own.
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discontent is everywhere, yeah, and a right turn, it is growing gradually everywhere, we are not touching here on the situation in spain today, but it is very interesting there, we are not touching here on germany, which is also there, yes, ready, yes, even more interesting in in a sense, now there is another, another rape, connected with the fact that everyone should sympathize with the palestinians. they were 80 years old they were told that they are to blame for the holocaust, he sympathizes with the jews who are killing them in such numbers , and now you can’t resist, brace yourself, alexander nikolaevich, well, somehow hold on, i understand that you are here like this in russia and looking at your beloved europe, just probably , every day it’s getting better and better, this is evidence, a position on ukraine, of the next
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ntv broadcast. destroyed the facebook page , ukrainians, congratulations to you, don’t go to any more, you said something, i say that it’s moving in the right way, yes, look, i’ll suggest you, look at the european union in a slightly different dimension , which, it seems to me, explains everything that colleagues said here: the fact is that the european union may have once been created as a union of coal and steel, but today the european union is a military alliance, this is actually a duplicate of nato , which provides political and public support for the bloc's real policy and a real war with russia, we are a little trying to see what we want to see, there is no difference between eastern european countries and western ones
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countries, it’s just that the western countries were under the boot, which means that the usa had social engineering, a longer number: in france and that’s okay, barel, for some reason barel says that we will not supply a million shells, and not the commander-in-chief of the joint forces of nato, pistorio said this, this is the german minister of defense about shells, he also said this, barel said that ukraine will not defeat russia in the foreseeable future, somehow. well, it doesn’t matter , in fact, yes, look, that means, but they supplied 300,000 shells to kill russians, yes, that’s what i want to say, and that pistorius, who said that we are not succeeding, 2 days ago, said that germany will double the funding for the war with russia in ukraine, that it is p35, what we showed, this is such foam, this is absolutely, yes, absolutely, somewhere there is simply a backlash, the eye of saurn does not control hungary there or.
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we have an eye with damage, we are a border, so everything is fine, an eye with damage is a lobilny thing, today we have, you know, and tomorrow in another place, well, okay, okay, so, anton varievich, what do you say, it seems to me that the first logical fallacy, there is no contradiction the fact that the european union was conceived as an economic entity, in the end everything turned out to be nothing, there is no contradiction , because i will remind you, i want to say that they simply did not solve those problems, they solved the approach that was economic, did not cope with them, the european union, as an economic union was conceived, ultimately went far beyond its boundaries, so this is not a contradiction, because as we know, the economy is the basis for us, and politics is the superstructure, and in order to maintain our economic interests, state, there are some transnational, personal ones, for this it is necessary to solve, among other things, the political issue, it is necessary to rebuild society, which they have been doing very successfully all this time , what is happening now, by the way, while
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the balance of these interests has been maintained over, over over state intrastate everything it was normal, but then two crises passed, at least a migration pandemic, then they got into crises that were themselves man-made, which means connected to ukraine, and so on and so forth as a result of absolutely the economic situation worsened, the unity of these liberal democracies began to crack, as a result, all those forces that seemed to have been pushed to the margins of history at some point, they came back out, and we see that the whole of europe, and indeed the whole the world is going right, very seriously, nationalist forces are coming out, and this is really a big challenge for that very model of liberal democracy, it’s just that we then end up with two positions, well , irzhi vadim valeevich - it’s like all this foam and nothing special, rest our guests say that the right in general, here both are right, but the point, the point is that there are two moments here, the first moment, which
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is real. he said correctly, those in power see these sentiments and try to use them to solve their problems , well, for example, so that more money comes, they show in the european union, look, we have crowds coming out, the people are against it, give us money. this is the first thing, they think that they control this crowd, but the crowd thinks differently, and those who lead the crowd think differently, they think that we are now gaining power, this can be seen from the election results, where in different countries where they get more votes, but this is not the worst, the worst thing is if everything goes according to an uncontrollable scenario, and this can happen absolutely anything, pogroms, absolute lawlessness and so on, the script is wonderful, the right-wing melonia has arrived in italy, and that the main one, the right in italy, let’s not confuse many things, the official right and the right-wing crowd are different, a completely different group of people, absolutely different ready in different ways, well, there were pogroms in in france, with yellow vests, it’s different, that means pogro, that means it’s different
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, i’ll explain why, because in france, no, well, i understand that now you want to argue with your friend, but it’s really different, no, because there really are controlled processes, there is an uncontrollable one, for france, where this has always been seething, this is a political element of political culture. nothing terrible happened , in some, in some country, where there are constant endless crowds, where there are some attacks, where there are some pogroms, where there are some mass manifestations, where this did not happen, for them it may seem to become bad, for now that’s all, sorry, anton valevich , it sounds quite herbivorous, it doesn’t sound like grass, you understand correctly, a fortune teller, a fortune teller can tell you that in six months tell us in the coffee shop what was going on with us. it’s clear what it could be, like this, i haven’t heard of the right, so the right would destroy department stores, eat cars, take out
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food, that’s what they usually do, if this happens, maybe it’s this... no, the point is that in principle, the right is based on national ideology, national ideology is always a tradition , in the european tradition it is not accepted, this is not true, of course, it is not true to engage in pogroms , they engage in pogroms again, racial and national, with the thunder of god, they are nothing there on the way, so dear guests, please let us take turns, and so that you understand this thesis , now we will go to advertising for a few, if something happens, the one who pays
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collect ours. our homeland needs us. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue, and this information part, let's start with the photographs distributed by the israeli publication i24 news. you see, this is the parliament meeting room in the gas sector, tribune.
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are standing soldiers who are now, soldiers of the israeli army who are now participating in a military operation in the gaza strip, the israeli army itself does not officially comment on this photo, but they talk about great successes, they say the hamas movement has lost control over the city of gaza, and the resistance of the militants is on the north of the enclave is broken. tsahal also showed photographs from the arrantisi children's hospital. it is alleged that the military discovered a secret hamas tunnel inside. in which they allegedly kept hostages, in addition to the hostages, there were weapons and ammunition, although on social networks this version is called into question, assuring that the israelis, you see the photographs, deliberately post a fake, allegedly in the published footage, just an ordinary electrical panel and an elevator shaft, according to which they should ride a booth, and nothing more, the united states of america is slowly joining this victorious pr company of israel, the washington post reports that israel and ha are close to concluding a big deal an agreement that should decide the fate of
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the hostages. the publication claims that in the coming days israel may announce a deal with hamas for the exchange of prisoners, allegedly israeli women and children will be exchanged for palestinian women and young arabs who are now in israeli prisons. according to preliminary data, up to 100 people from both sides may be released as part of the deal, but in reality this figure, as the publication believes, will be more modest. such a rush: and a very active information campaign is probably associated with increasing international pressure on israel, the head of the foreign ministry of this country, eli cohen, says that there are approximately 2-3 weeks left before such... weeks it is necessary to achieve some military successes, well, do israeli commentators agree with this assessment of the minister? cohen believes that we only have two to three weeks to diplomatically justify the intense fighting that we see now in gaza, this is what is being thought in
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the highest circles of israel, time in the diplomatic dimension, the so-called hourglass, and this time is much shorter and than what the military has. about, that this clock is ticking and even a little fast, says a new report from the human rights organization human rights watch, which not only proposes to investigate what israel is doing now in the gas sector, but is already calling what it is doing there war crimes. in its report, the organization called israel's repeated attacks on medical facilities, doctors and transport in gaza clearly illegal. thus, according to human rights activists, tel aviv is not achieving military goals. deliberately destroys civilian infrastructure worsens the crisis in the field of health in the conflict zone. human rights activists demanded that these crimes be reviewed by an international independent commission of the un and the international criminal court. human rights activists also called on the united states, britain and other western countries to stop supplying weapons
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to israel and demand that it lift the blockade of san clave. from the middle east, andrey vladivich, we can return to eastern europe. states, although they fit the definition of eastern europe, and the former soviet republics, that’s how they have it all these european values ​​seem to be lived out better than in those countries that we have already talked about, at least, i can’t remember that there, like in poland, about 100,000 people took to the streets to protest against something... that? weeks, deputies of the latvian seimas with difficulty, but still adopted a scandalous bill that would legalize same-sex marriage, given that those who voted for it turned out to be slightly more than opponents, the question arose of revising the voting results, under pressure to the public, gay president edgars linkevich announced today that he is suspending the new law for 2
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months, by the way, the idea of ​​legalizing gay marriages has been imposed on latvians for a long time, since 2005 they began to hold the baltic pride in riga, and if 10 years ago the police had to intensively protect the participants of the lgbt parade, then in recent years the actions have been taking place peacefully, although latvia until recently remained one of the six eu countries along with lithuania, romania, poland, slovakia and bulgaria, where same-sex unions were not recognized, but president rinkevich promised this to correct. when the cabinet of ministers was being formed, there was a discussion that the partnership would have to be regulated one way or another, i know that the ministry of justice is working on this, this issue, as i see it... has moved forward. but in estonia, the law on same-sex marriage will come into force in the new year, although polls by sociologists show that the population of the baltic countries is split on this issue. it's not even about large russian-speaking communities. residents of the republics generally have polar attitudes towards western values. for example, the baltic states were divided by the topic
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abortions. about 40% of residents of latvia and lithuania vote for their complete ban, while the rest are against it. such figures are typical for others. post-soviet countries, i support the right to board, i can’t say that i approve of the process itself, but as a person’s right to dispose of his body, of course i support, yes i approve, why, but there are different situations in life, there are mistakes of youth, it happens, i don’t know, god forbid there are some violent situations and, in principle, a woman, if she has already reached a certain age, she has the right to clean up herself, with great difficulty, but still accept the baltic states and... migrants under eu quotas. since 2015, african and arab migrants have been going there for permanent permanent residence. then crowds of ukrainians went to them. despite this, lithuania is the eu leader in the outflow of migrants. the head of the ministry of internal affairs boasted about this last year, and the head of the latvian ministry of defense referred to the example of poland.
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the baltic states and poland, but will not accept these migrants in any way. and this is certainly not bad, we can all look for where life is better, but this does not mean that we are in latvia there or in germany should simply provide them, this is a good life. despite the fact that the views of the baltic countries largely coincide with the russian mentality, russophobia is flourishing there, latvians little by little continue to expel their own residents who did not pass the language exam, and the day before they decided to take away the passport of the soviet ballerina of latvian origin ilza liepa, for supporting russia. why didn't you leave? because i'm a patriot. and even without making fun of me, i am a patriot, i am russian, i am an orthodox, russian person, so, alexey sergeevich, that is, do the baltic states have any vision at all? situation, well, i would like to say two theses about this, the first is that we say that they do not accept western values, conservative values, traditional values, the values ​​of a traditional
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strong family, these are western values, this is the confrontation of westerners - within themselves , as it were , even the idea that is now popular among us, that society has gone somewhere wrong, that it needs to be somehow rolled back a little to traditions, is the idea of ​​a conservative revolution, which originated in germany after the first world war, and a third of the second, we approach conservative values ​​here from slightly different angles. this idea takes the form of a kind of sexual international, we are any supporter, that is, of a traditional family, we are not fans of gays, we are ready to hug you, invite you to russia, and they, well, in russia it is accepted, yes, we look, they banned gay marriage, well done bros , well, this is from this side, they approach each other, they approach from the side of nationalism, why do they advocate a strong family, because this suits the nation, why do they advocate for the ban on gay marriage, because more people of our nation will be born, we just approach this from different sides, that’s why... they are not our allies, we are ready to hug and kiss every opponent of gays here, but they are not
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, they are for the nation, and we are for the sexual international, for some reason i have to think about all this about the sexual international, it was a little more complicated there after all with the international, so i would be like that, but the expression, the general meaning is actually correct , we don't need to search now like this artificially some common points of contact with nationalists, the value of a strong family is not a value only for nationalists, in the same united states after 20 years of massive propaganda there. 22% today, yes, this is not the majority, but 22% are against same-sex marriage, are they all nationalists or are they all right-wingers or are they all who? no, these are absolutely ordinary people, just like 77 there, oh, 71-72% are in favor of same-sex marriage in the united states, that they are all some kind of liberals, but no, of course, there are completely different people there, this the question is, this is a question of propaganda - is a member of the international a nationalist, or a member?
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this is a good question, i’m indifferent to this, in fact, that is, you don’t care about the fate of the nation, if you don’t give a damn about it then it won’t matter what they do, i’m just interpreting alexey sergevich here now somehow, i understand perfectly well, but the point is the fact is that here, for example, in the czech republic, gay marriages are not allowed, but registration of relationships is possible, for me this is completely acceptable, so in latvia, too, there are not same-sex marriages, there is partnership, we turned to the president to hold a referendum on them, it is still unknown there, that is, the president of latvia first announced it himself, if i am correct , and now he paused it, and let me just tell the background story, it just so happened that i was born and more lived for 50 years in the wonderful country of lad. so just please, don’t remember everything for 50 years now, i won’t be very quick for two
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minutes, it means that in order to pass the law on partnership, it was necessary, which means a dimission after the expiration of the terms of the previous president, the election of renkevich, they expelled him from the ruling coalition of latvian nationalists and then adopted this legislative act, the entire baltic society, nationalists, nationalists were against the coalition, which means they were replaced, which means, by european values, exactly what is happening in poland and will definitely happen, the fact is that we we cannot talk about the baltic countries as states in the full world, this is a limetrophic formation that was lost during the years of independence, latvia entered 2.5 million, now 1.2 million according to consumption data electricity and mobile phones... lithuania is almost 4 million, now 1.8, estonia is less than a million , it’s like a rare population, there are many military
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bases, they are selling the war with russia, that’s what ’s happening there, these nationalists who should give birth to children, they also leave from there, everything else is a sham, a sign and a false discussion, this is exactly what happened in ukraine, it’s just specific in ukraine. as for latvia and estonia, i think that they are integrating into the general scandinavian trend, because in estonia in general this is at the level government programs to integrate into the scandinavian community, latvia is also trying to accept this more actively, because , well, i’m afraid that there will be some concessions. there will be, but you started asking questions, jiri, putting him in an extremely difficult situation, we must
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remember that he has the citizenship of a politically correct country. homophobe, but an absolute supporter of abortions, and absolutely free abortions, free under the health insurance policy, and this confirms that you are a nationalist on a scale, to the fact that the positions are very different, good guy, are we on time? well, very briefly, any normal person will always be a supporter of abortion, because... this is an underground abortion, the death of women, well, all the people who, one way or another, are probably supporters of the right to abortion, the right to abortion, because otherwise it’s just the death of women, wounding them and so on, then the unfortunate children have already gone through everything, and as for the sexual international, i absolutely agree with my colleagues here, not all those who adhere to conservative values ​​are our partners, and not
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all those who share traditional values ​​with us are our friends. at the age of 42, a woman found out that her parents adopted her, found documents where it was written that her mother refused and her father was missing, but she never found out the truth about her past i succeeded, my mother had a very severe form of dementia, i called my brother, he told me that you are writing, now she wants to know why her biological mother abandoned her immediately after birth, my friend and i wrote about
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orphanages in the city. but we received refusals everywhere. will the adopted daughter be able to find out? the truth about blood relationship? but i don’t think that my mother had any other children, she has four children, she is a mother of many children, i can’t even imagine such a thing, that he would leave people, our mother could not do that, i don’t believe in it, mom doesn’t have anything to say, i open the envelope. dna, today, 50 on ntv. ambulance, new season. today at 20:00 on ntv. open a deposit in tinkov with a yield of 15% and move towards your goals. we have increased the rate for new and for each of our 3-8 million customers. make a deposit with yield 15%. tinkov. well, what's there?
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of education, i would characterize it like this, and i’ll take a minute to invite you to concerts, where we naturally discuss and program, the meeting place for our guests, there are only a few of them left this year, this saturday. i invite residents of the city of velikiy luki to the leninsky komsomo palace of culture, i’ll be there at 6:00 i’ll be waiting for you, here are 25-26 balakovo, the city palace of culture and folk art center named after ruslanova in saratov. and we will have three meetings in december, on december 2, ulyanovsk, there are our own people there, the patriot center, yes, on december 6, magnus locus is a club here in moscow on mira avenue , then on december 16, the officers’ house in volgograd. so vanya, here we have now, in principle , probably relates to this topic of education, and partly, on what we ended the previous block, it’s just that now vanya will bring two such
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quotes, well, there were quite noticeable statements, well, let's start with margarita pavlova, this is a senator from the chelyabinsk region , she made a very sensational statement, she spoke on the sidelines of the russian economic forum, all this took place in chelyabinsk, that’s where she gave her recipe, how... well, let's listen to her herself, women stopped being women, they took on male roles and men stopped seeing women in them, the girl is guided by the fact that you must first study, make a career, buy an apartment, and then get married you'll go out and then you give birth to children, and as a result we have a generation. unfortunate women who have not realized themselves either as a mother or as a woman, they do not know what a home is, we need to stop encouraging girls to get a higher education, well, it must be answered
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that mrs. pavlova herself still has a higher education, oh demography, but also the topic of abortion, patriarch kiril spoke at the church-wide congress on social service in moscow, he had such a more expanded idea, at the plenary session, the patriarch expressed hope that in russia, at the federal level , a ban on inducing women to have an abortion will be introduced by law. the patriarch also called on dioceses to hold special conversations with women who are planning to have an abortion. conversations, according to patriarch kirill, should take place, i quote here: humbly and reasonably, without lectures and horror stories. end of quote. the participants of the congress supported the idea, and the opinion was also voiced that the choice to have an abortion or not is a choice of little or no, between evil and good. what is abortion? this is a culture of death, and this the culture of death exists in our country, we approve of it, we allow it in, this is a particularly critical opinion when, well, in
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general, everyone does the camp, and there are cases when it is absolutely impossible without them, and so many people say, that is, here either you are on the side of good, or you are on the side of evil, mrs. moskvitina herself came to our studio more than once, but this is not always my feeling, this is how we do it now, we designate some things that are interesting to us events, in this case, were indicated by these two statements, perhaps we are in the near future programs, we will return to these topics, because in these news blocks we are simply trying to follow the information agenda, now a little about something else, i said educational methods that we wanted to discuss today, so we chose three of them, they are now very popular, which means that we mean the upbringing of a person, a citizen of the russian federation, who somehow does not behave very well, maybe he stumbled, he needs to be supported... or maybe
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he is purposefully taking some actions allows him to go against us, so how should we re-educate him? the first method is to deprive her of her passport, well, strictly speaking, if ilzalipa is deprived of her hair, then the worse we are, we’ll start with this now, the second method is to punish her with a ruble, and the third is to punish him with a ruble, and the third is the very last block, to send her to serve in the army, well, that’s it’s natural for boys, so let’s start with the first story about passports, our natasha, or simply the argentine artist natalia areira. who received a russian passport in 2021, angered orthodox activists from novosibirsk. she went to the buinos gay parade and waved a rainbow flag and danced there. activists are worried that these shots are lgbt propaganda banned in our country, and they asked the prosecutor general’s office to check them, but at the same time, to deprive arir of his russian passport. in their opinion, a russian citizen must comply with all the laws of our country, while oreira in argentina calls for values ​​that are completely alien to us.
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the truth is i deeply admire you, it is wonderful what you are doing and you should continue to fight for your right, please just let’s not lose, because we have everything to win , they started complaining about another russian, gerrard dze pardieu, last year, he received a passport 10 years ago, in addition to apartments in saransk and grozny, he registered in novosibirsk and opened ip there. in september. converted to orthodoxy, but after the start of a special military operation he left, ip closed his nose and didn’t show his nose here since then. depardia called the special operation in ukraine quote: putin’s insane excess. the state duma called for depriving him of russian citizenship and confiscate property in russia. the actors laugh at his abrupt change of views in his old homeland of france. you are a close person of vladimir putin. you have a russian passport. what do you say? about ukraine? no, stop it,
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you don’t care about the ukrainians, what are you talking about, where’s the scandal? ukraine is russians, russian is putin, what else do you want? while social activists are not angry, examples have already appeared that it is still possible to take away citizenship from newly minted citizens. in the spring of 2022, producer of singer svetlana loboda natella kropivina deprived of russian citizenship. krapivina openly opposed specialization in ukraine. and wrote that she would help ukrainians financially. the human rights council demanded to check the feasibility of issuing citizenship to krapivina, and after checking it turned out that she had submitted the documents incorrectly and was unworthy of citizenship. when submitting an application for admission of natella vagifovna krapivina, who at that time was a minor, to the citizenship of the russian federation, her legal representative was not represented in full package of documents. as a result of the conclusion of the acquisition. the russian federation
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did not stand against nv kropivina. but state duma deputies propose to go further, to take away not only acquired russian citizenship, but also that given by birth. deputy sultan khamzaev believes that he is not worthy to be a citizen of our country, comedian and foreign agent simeon slepakov. in january, slepakov performed a lullaby song in which he was ironic about the dead russian soldiers and their mothers, and now public activists are asking to check his song. non-russian parodies famous hit of the shaman. not russian, the blood of the father is not important, not russian, without a piece of the end, not russian, i was unlucky, not russian, i am a universal evil, so alexander yuvich.
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what, your assessments, you see, we have cited different russians here, both newly minted and, as it were, deserving ones, as examples, so it is proposed to deprive all of them of citizenship for offenses of varying degrees of severity, well, first of all, i am categorically against the word of everyone, everyone the case should be resolved individually; for example, i don’t see any serious offense on the part of the person. in our in the country next to us, sometimes there are even people living in the studio who do not support a special military operation, our percentages show the sociology of such people that we have the right to do so, as far as it concerns. general approach, firstly, there is a law, there is a constitution, there is a law, we cannot deprive, for example , citizenship of a person who has no other citizenship, this is according to our law, we cannot accommodate stateless people, stateless people, this is the first thing, can we pass some kind of law so that it
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regulates this delicate point, then they refused their second passport, like the french, but now they also have an israeli one. we can’t, if it’s by birth, we can’t, the constitution , all the deputies who propose such things, here , dear ones, accept, we can’t eat, there is a constitution, then it will be necessary to change the constitution, and the constitution is not a rag, so that everyone can change it to suit everyone 's wishes, excuse me, please, every deputy who makes such statements must be checked, pass a test for the constitution, and if he does not pass the test for the constitution, hand over his mandate and give khashchenko, i collect them and distribute them to those who know. with your permission, i will continue, okay, poor sultan sultanovich, he doesn’t know what he should be, it concerns a bunch of people who make a statement that contradicts the constitution of the russian federation, while anton is dealing with the deputies, then look, we have to to determine for ourselves what is very important, this
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is a political decision for our country, do we treat citizenship of our country as an instrument or do we treat citizenship as essential, as essential, substantive categories because there are. secondly, this conversation is generally removed, let me remind you, you remembered about ilzalepa, recently a girl in lithuania was deprived of lithuanian citizenship, he had russian citizenship, i will remind you of the soviet union, which allowed itself to be deprived of citizenship without having another, and there were none of them, not two or three cases, i’m not even talking about the huge number , about the millions of our compatriots after the civil war with nancy passports, that is , we have a constitution, we have a federal law, but the main thing we owe to ourselves is... you see we started with the words education, i am generally against using citizenship as a tool for any kind of education, and most importantly, this kind of talk should not concern these people, this is the education of our society, okay, but what
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about those who are we now accepting for citizenship, when 2 years ago natalia and oreira were given a russian passport, i asked everyone here then, what did natalia oreira do for our country that we are giving her a passport, now that means i’ll take yours just a minute, this is very important, look, up to a certain point, that is, how we position our country, why do we give these passports to other people, deporda , for example, we had a public concept, we wanted to show our country as an attractive country, and what is a star, a star is purely commercial history, a carrier of advertising, departier was a carrier of advertising for our country, nothing more, and now after the amendment, the constitution, we have a different image of the country, russia is an ark, a country of traditional values, in this sense, natalia arreira committed a blasphemous act, we show the country differently, if this is a commercial vision, then in the commercial vision that they gave a passport, that
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they took away the passport, what do you think, well, star, advertising, it is obvious that obtaining citizenship is a cunning trick, because if foreigner - on the part of the artists who want to purchase this passport, because we all understand what large percentages of taxes are paid abroad, the same deparde to france did not hide the fact that it is russian, we are talking about the fact that we still give a passport , well then excuse me, if this is an actor, it means then that if this is a musician, there is an album with our musicians in our studio and so on, that is. a person must do something, because this is show business, it’s good if we understand that this is a trick on the part of a particular individual, yes, who wants better conditions, but maybe then we shouldn’t fall for these tricks they use then , please wait, it turns out they
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are using us, well, this should have been discussed earlier, at one time we very happily told everyone about the law. alexander romanovich, come on, alexander romanovich, how much should we react to this now, gave a passport, took a passport, or should we be above this and just learn lessons, in the same case with arey, radiyay, i mean again, in general this what aleksandrovich was talking about is that our citizenship is some kind of tool or what it is, firstly, we talked about education, we started with this, if we take away citizenship today, what kind of education will they have, it’s nothing, well, i think they won't lose much, that's it the punishment should be our society. this upbringing, this upbringing, will not incur any damage for them at all, they just avoided taxes in their country, paid much less here, they just acquired, and thereby took advantage of our country, it is easiest to deprive of citizenship, but... to oblige invest them in our country or work out all their
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mistakes that they make, how, how do you blindly force the jambs to work out , and send back what he’s talking about? sew it back, so if a person returns here, then the issue of continuing to work with him is possible, you just need to see what assets he has, i ’m in favor of the story with... taking away property, because they just came here to earn money, and we are taking what they earned, everyone saw it today , that meladze is selling a mansion there for a huge amount of money, it can be, yes, konstantin, it can be safely sold, and it would help there, somehow what kind of law regulates such a selection of crimean property, we discussed them, they are at the federal level kind of look at them,
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such a situation, it is correct to mirror unfriendly actions, yes, that is, this is the general principle of such reciprocity , let's say, yes, we have a lot of people, ordinary russians, who have property abroad, even if it is not confiscated, it is frozen, let's say, yes , in my understanding, if, if a person lives abroad, let the same slepakov, yes, conduct anti-russian propaganda, express, falling under the scope of the article, discredit, for example, right? he has some property here, he has some deposits, property, shares, i don’t know, something else, they can be frozen, you don’t even need to confiscate them, there are these subs or something else, yes , so that they cannot make a profit from it, which they then spend, for example, on supporting the whole, i might kind of like this idea, and even society will like it, but there is a problem, he is a citizen of russia, we apply to a citizen of russia the same sanctions, mirror ones, which... this bad state applies to our citizens there, he is there, he lives there, he is there,
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what , but he is our citizen, he has a russian passport, these are slightly different things, i here agree with my colleagues that by birth, by birth, to deprive one of citizenship, well, let’s put it this way, does not really correspond to our constitution, but to terminate, not to deprive, but to terminate citizenship, the institution of termination of citizenship, it exists in our law on citizenship there too about 60 articles on which you can. that is, there are drugs and so on, and now including evasion of military duty, it all works for people who were born on the territory, it all works in relation to those who came, came to russia, received citizenship, yes, but he doesn’t want to bear it, this is a separate issue, this is a separate issue, so david alekseevich, what are we doing with our comrades?
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look, i’ll give you this example, a man whose name is mario fernandez, a football player, if that’s correct, who came to russia, received russian citizenship, played for his home russian club, now, as my wife told me, he plays for st. petersburg zenit, yeah, he invests money in the russian economy, that is , paying taxes, he lives in russia, receiving a good salary, how long did he live in russia, gerard depardieu, how many russian films has gerard depardieu played, yes parardio, i openly say, guys , i need your passport to pay less taxes, how long did natalia oreira live in the country, not at all, but we are in an absolutely stupid situation if we now we are confiscating their citizenship, that’s when they start yelling from all the stands, so we came to russia with
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our souls, they gave us a russian passport, we showed it, and now russia has become bad, and russia is viciously taking away this passport from us, no matter how much reason we give for open anti-russian propaganda, we must be above this, we must admit our... mistakes, that we did something stupid by issuing the name of a russian passport, how many russian films did steven seagal play in, i didn’t watch, didn’t follow him, after vasadi in siege 2 , i’ll tell you honestly, i’m not a follower, he opened several schools in russia , including siberia, they’ve done quite a lot for russia in terms of its diplomatic image, too, you’re at the beginning of your speech, you need to be above this, you need to admit it, that’s the question, what if we do
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this? let's do what we do better, this is the key the question is, why did russia start from its own, what was our moral... truth, when we talked about values, for the sake of what all this is being done, if we become like any of the things that are done there, and there are a lot of bad things happening there, everything is correct, we discussed this in the first part, why we are actually better, in this studio, in this studio, i remember well, in my opinion , we had an argument with malkevich, remember, to bomb or not to bomb nikolaev, repeatedly, and it was there are a lot of hot heads who shouted, yes, we need to kill them all there, but don’t care civilians, now a year later everything is in the bushes, especially when they see what israel is doing to palestine, let's remain human and let's preserve the values ​​that we have, and not jump around and call for and accept some measures based on today's conjuncture, because from today's conjuncture it looks logical, in the context of strategy or tactics there, even this will be wrong, and we will only lose on this, we will lose, if a person
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has broken the law, he must be prosecuted according to the law, citizenship is not is a measure punishments, citizenship are rights and obligations, this is one of the ways, the words are not of a boy, but of a husband, i would even say a humanist with a capital letter g. you know, there is also alekseevich, quietly, quietly, i am not such a humanist as anton valeevich khaschenko, i ’ll fucking give you my word now, so there’s a short pause, then we ’ll still discuss how to hit someone on the wrist if you can’t deprive them of citizenship, break. international television children's competition our generation 2023 world level only on ntv live broadcast on saturday at 16:30
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that promote brain restoration. all of them belong to the phospholip class. there are more than 100 items, so a product from highly concentrated phospholips of the japanese clam appeared: prolong the youth of your brain 8.800 100 exactly 19. 85 800 100 exactly 1985 the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs, however, with age, we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, a disruption in the functioning of our organs. this year, a russian distributor purchased a batch of japanese brain therapy. it contains all the phospholipids that help restore the brain. aging of the brain can be reversed and it will again serve you faithfully prolong the youth of your brain 8800 100
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exactly 1985 800 100 exactly 1985 learn more about the japanese product brain therapey ambulance new season today at 20:00 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, in addition to deprivation of citizenship, we regularly offer some other methods of punishing artists who did not support a special military operation, who left, who said something like that, various methods from eternal oblivion until deprivation of property, but while we constantly continue to talk about them, new year's corporate parties are approaching, and we discover that these are the same artists whom. they curse in the press, in studios, raise prices for their concerts, in general, they feel extremely good. valery miladze
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now wants twice as much for his new year’s corporate parties; before he was ready to sing for 4 million rubles, but now for eight. the schedule of foreign corporate events, mainly in the arab emirates, is very busy, performances are scheduled until december 31. the mesh portal found out that miladze can perform in russia, but for additional money and after the holidays. if the vip spectators are here. are ready to be patient, then valery, according to mashsh, will cost them 11.5 million rubles, plus security guarantees and full compliance with the rider, now the artist regularly performs for russians in dubai; recently there was a fight at his concert. it’s better to go there towards the center of the hall, because there’s some kind of fuss going on there, okay, let’s try to sing, if right there i see that there’s more attention there than here, we’ll stop and wait until they finish, i’m thinking about new year’s profits and former russian pop diva alla pugacheva, her probable prices for performances in dubai and cyprus have surfaced on social networks, and she wants,
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no less, 45 million rubles, for a third more than she was paid in 2020 , the same sources claim that pugacheva will agree to perform in moscow if the organizers keep it secret, because the other day vaccinate loudly slammed the door on her social networks, for the umpteenth time? i love the people. i’m sorry, but with your boorish statements addressed to me, absurd fabrications and blatant lies, you are trying to alienate people from me, for whom i lived and sang all my life, sacrificed my health and personal life. laima announced in aikul that she would not come to russia again, but abroad money from the russian he doesn’t consider the public to be bad. in january and february, the singer will go on a big tour of america and canada. there are many cities on the list, but the price tag for tickets is small, with our money up to 13 rubles. singing vaikule promises its main hits. as far as we remember, laima has no hits in english or latvian, and she invites the public in russian. dear
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friends, i want to invite you all to a rendezvous. i'm going to america, and the first city i'll be performing in will be san francisco. hello to all my friends in san francisco, getting ready for the upcoming season of corporate events and tv presenter ivan urgand. according to the publication msh, he again raised the price tag, twice as much as in january 2022. now his maximum fee reaches 7 million rubles. in addition, they offer mitya khrystolev for 15 million and a humorous script for a ridiculous 550,000. now the tv presenter, together with journalist vladimir pozdor, is also entertaining the russian-speaking public in dubai. do you love russia? comrade colonel asks a question. do you love russia? yes. and i do. i didn’t even know at all. i love her so much i love it, that's what i would say. valery valevich, it doesn’t add up for me, so, look, from the moment
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the special military operation began, somehow punishing these artists who say things of varying degrees of unpleasantness, but unpleasant for us, has been constantly proposed. at the same time, there are very rich people who are ready for these artists not only to listen to them somewhere in dubai, but maybe even... if it is in the rider somewhere in the offers, it means there is a demand for it, it turns out that then i’m out of touch, well , you just said, we’re talking about these artists constantly. you can’t correct a mistake with a mistake, you see, they gave you a passport, now we take it away, don’t take it away, don’t give it away, the same thing, if you want everything to be
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bad for the artist, well, forget about alla pugachevo, how can you forget her, i’m just curious, but this is a psychological question, this is what psychotherapy deals with, how to forget someone who left, i don’t know, i don’t remember until the moment i come here, you remind me, purely technically, a person has the right to spend money my money,
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i remember correctly that in general the problem not at all in the artists, but precisely in those who, because you called these people waiters, who sit and wait for us all to sit in a puddle, and then they will again be kings, like me, or they sit and wait, that everything will return as if nothing had happened under grandma, and then answering with waiting people, it means van there is one paradox, which was pointed out by my comrade mikhail khazin, i agree with him 100%, in our views on the surrounding space of the so -called elite and the so-called people like this, that is, we have more than 80 percent of our population support a special military operation, support putin, verkhovich and so on, and 20 and 15-20% somewhere, but exactly the opposite, and that’s why when ivan is surprised that some representatives of the elite with a fat wallet hire themselves
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for ... these invite, they come, look, why i wrote about zhdunov, indeed, this kind of event, yes, rather even in places of close immigration, it is also ... their will, a way of consolidating those who are against us, then yes, they create consolidation points, here these people, they themselves oppose our country, against a special military operation, they, being there as artists, clowns and so on, invite people, those who come to them too, they create growth points for our opponents, in fact, this is not a funny story at all , she is very serious, what should we do with this story, let me say, once in my life i was in the emirs, so we came
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just for these children’s ones. not the holidays after the new year, there were our artists all around in all the hotels, and valery miladza was there, and filip bedrosich, so they have been coming there for years, and what i don’t understand is why russian citizens and russian artists should be banned from performing in dubai, or what? no , no, of course, from the contradiction that ivan pointed out, what to do, it’s very simple, well, come to the person to say, i mean? it’s better, i agree, yes, but only in our country you need to have the right to carry it, otherwise you will end up under the illegality of this very thing, well , without a machine gun, it would be enough for me to come to this wallet and say, listen, maybe we need problems, here in moscow , them in moscow no, they are touring, you yourself said that i am telling you that there is an information company in this case
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against people. moreover, excuse me, i will now assume yes, if two posters appear along the garden ring in moscow valery miladze gathers his spectators, yes such and such a date and so on, he will gather the hall, he will gather the hall, he will not gather the stadium, now few people at all collects stadiums, yes please, you know, wanting such sums does not mean getting them, we just talked in the context of the new year events that they are raising the price tags, but the point is what was said in the plot. they want large sums plus the fulfillment of the rider, well, let's look at these riders, they are simply almost impossible to fulfill, because one artist wants information about every guest at this event. the ryder, sitting in the dressing room in vegas city hall, last saturday, i read it, of course, i even told the director, in the sense of printing, no, well, i watched it on tv, in this very channel, i told my director
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he said, learn how to organize, but excuse me, some of these artists want complete anonymity, that is, there was no photo or video recording, well, how in the 21st century can you collect phones at the entrance, well, when lasers track the switched on mobile phones and, most importantly, if an artist is ready to perform for russians, but not in russia , but somewhere abroad, then this is also plus overhead costs, bringing all the guests there to the event and so on, that is, for the organizer in fact all these rider points are a big main thing, the other side right, because if there were no demand, there would be no. i agree with you, maybe we can do this, i don’t know, anton valerievich said that the information company is working , just briefly anton valevich, well, in short, of course it is working, because if you look at it objectively, they have all lost opportunities, at least in russia all this time make money at concerts
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and so on and so forth and what they somehow changed from asking whether it worked or not, they themselves admit that, just first of all, let’s do it this way, there are stars who are conditionally the first magnitudes for which there is increased demand, but there are simpler stars out there, those who are simpler, they suck their fingers there. well, because yes, these are isolated events, it’s absolutely true, it’s not a fact that they will be ordered again, it’s not a fact that based on the money that they announced, and so on and so forth, in any case, their financial capabilities are significantly limited, but ivan is also right sergeevich is that indeed, if strictly speaking, meladze is hung up now, there will be a banner to organize a concert. he will put together a concert, it’s true, but here’s the question, let’s we’ll come back after a break, we’ll give you the floor, we still have a third method left , re-education, yes, a short pause, let’s continue, today we have the most
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a limited design before november 30 and get free service forever tenkov. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue, so the third method of re-education or education is military service. i remember, when i was already in the army, when i was not in uchebka , we had to walk along such an alley for quite a long time, and there we had a regimental club, and next to this club we had such a stand, there was such a propaganda poster on it , a sergeant was drawn, and he had such a slavic appearance, although i served in georgia, there was this fair-haired sergeant sitting, he had something on his table , there was some kind of book, a notebook, and it was written army school of culture, we always laughed at accompanied by this poster, which means it’s all different nekul’. sayings, but that
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however, for some reason i now remembered this picture, the proposal to now send all sorts of sexually mature, but not mature enough in all other senses, young people to the army for re-education, they are heard constantly, everywhere, please show us, blogger danya, who left russia milokhin tried to return in early september, he recorded a video on red square and said that he did not want to live in dubai, asked for understanding and forgiveness, but the head of the safe internet league, ekaterina mizulina. i thought a simple apology was not enough will and publicly proposed that the ministry of defense draft milokhin into the army, because he supposedly has no grounds for a deferment. a day later, milokhin was again in dubai. i had it in my head, but it was, i was planning even later, very later, when everything would definitely be fine, but then it turned out that, well , everything happened, all these actions happened and it hurried me to come to moscow, since i came to moscow and i still want something... in order to somehow fix something, the day before
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i was sent to the army for re-education, social activists called up a twenty-four-year-old artist edward charlotte, this summer the singer burned his russian passport in front of the camera, flew to armenia, something didn’t work out for him there , first charlotte cut off his sidelocks, accused israel of killing palestinians, then announced that he was going to release an album in russian, intending to fight for russian culture and generally wants to return to russia. member of the state duma committee on defense dmitry kuznetsov. suggested that the singer first go to the army in order to properly strengthen his character. i'm returning to russia and decided to report this in advance, because i don’t want to be some kind of secret guest, i have predetermined my life for russian-speaking culture, and i will fight for it. last week, a summons was handed to twenty-year-old blogger and singer ivan minaev, known under the pseudonym holidayboy. this happened right at the mineral waters airport. the blogger toured the
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stavropol territory. even before the start of the special operation, the young man announced that he was worried about the annexation of crimea and considered himself at... a concert in russia. after receiving a summons during a performance, the singer got sick. he dropped the microphone and lost consciousness. producer minaeva called the persecution of her ward sabotage and injury. a person does not lose consciousness or fall like that. mikhail nikolaevich. i was demobilized 35 years ago. therefore, our army at that time was a little different, not the same as it is now, on the one hand, i understand that these, sorry, i can’t call them anything else, idiotic citizens need to be re-educated somehow, and the male team is very good for this place, on the other hand, i doubt whether it is necessary to join a modern army,
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this one, you know, i remember my service, i served in the navy, yes , we have this look, yes, the guys, of course, it was difficult to see there with tattoos and so on, but there were, mama’s boys like that, yes , which indeed, the service had, well, let’s say, a beneficial effect on them, it’s hard to argue with that, that of course , for any man, well, preferably returning home, there is always a tick everywhere in all countries in russia, but doesn’t it work out that way? is it so that these specifically.
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popular blogger or someone else good you’re welcome to serve, especially now to serve for a year - it’s generally not like that. look at modern times, even the history of russia has its heroes, there was a pandemic, doctors, today there’s a special military operation, the russian army is a brand, so moralize the brand with such asshole guys as you said , it’s hard to even name them, it’s simply impossible to correct them somewhere, please, you can look at half of them there, they have to serve on the other side, they have to serve in the army, no one has them, well, in my opinion milokhin actually has a map there i haven’t seen it, so it doesn’t matter if they don’t have medical contraindications, they should, they
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run, you know, they run, they are public and it turns out that as soon as we stutter, they will say something. now they didn’t ask a question about the front, first he should just become a person, let’s, you know, on the one hand, we have the trelacanths say come, on the other hand there are such signals, i think it’s very bad when both the institution of citizenship and the army are exposed like a bogeyman, like a punishment, for punishment there is a law to serve, of course, if on a general basis yes, if he is running because you scared him, he went to dubai, he will not serve, what would i do, look, we constantly forget that we are positioning ourselves, and we want to become an externally attractive power, in the sense that abroad is attractive for its citizens inside, it is necessary to increase the prestige of the same army, what would i do, here is this mr. milokhin, i would have agreed with him a long time ago, milokhin said, you come now, go to
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the military registration and enlistment office, go to army, we won’t send you somewhere far, you’re there you will be in the moscow region, even if on a general basis it is enough in light mode, you will record the right videos from there, but in army life , funny, just as stupid, but correct with some ensign, you yourself served in the army anton, i did not serve, i didn’t run from anyone, first of all, i just have if my battalion commander heard the proposal, let ’s record some funny videos for norkin, i think he’s been around for a very long time, the army has changed very seriously, and even in our ministry today there is a lot of defense high-quality, high-profile specialists who do just that well, that is, you will make such an offer to dani milokhin, but you won’t make it to vasya ivanov, and vasya ivanov will go to serve in the far north, and danya milokhin will record funny videos in the army, an awesome offer, colleagues , i say again, we should check it out or go, here in this studio we have repeatedly talked about how to work with young people, including those who are not reached, there is the milokhin building, i don’t know how many millions there are there
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subscribers, this is a tool for working with young people, what is more important for the state is that this tool is correct , that the law is followed, once again more important for the state, i urge you not to break the law, not to use the army as a scarecrow, to make sure that this man came, served, so that he would not be afraid of anything there, they spoke to institutes , they told us, you will study poorly, you will go to the army , they said, no, they didn’t tell me, they scared me with the army
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, what are we saying now, you spoke, you will go to the army , we use the army as a threat, we no, individual people, but you’re just talking about time, let him go and serve , but in addition to serving in the army, there is what we now call sending a nurse to a hospice, where he would care for terminally ill patients, a hospital where if he had a priest with him who works in a hospice, maybe this would be better education than putting boots on him, giving him a machine gun, you are providing for the possibility. such a tattooed guy has a nervous breakdown when he loads the machine gun with live ammunition and starts
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shooting at his colleagues, but when he will face grief, death, when there is a priest next to him, wise and correct , because in the hospice he will repent, in his own people he will feel this pain, andrey, well, i cannot rule it out, there is a possible solution here, yes.. we'll be back in a couple of minutes. at 109 years old, she received her first passport and is ready to travel. how many grandchildren do you have? probably 25, what about great-grandchildren? great-grandchildren, about 50. you are going to go. abroad on a trip, wherever i’m lucky, i can go there, she worked in a mine for 30 years, and
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now at 82 she has become a model, they invited me, arranged a photo shoot, make-up artists and photographers love her very much, she is not capricious , she is in her ninth decade, she has already covered 200,000 km on a bicycle from sakhalin to paris, i have been a romantic since childhood, i really wanted to travel your russia, find out how to make old age a joy, and now a classic breakthrough, this is beyond, today at 16:45 on ntv, avatar show, new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv, are you ready for big discounts, then everything is on sale, take everything you can carry, damn friday on amazon from november 20, egoist bean coffee with a 30% discount, insulated sneakers with a discount of up to 50%. the unique diversity
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meeting place. and what should be the result of this information campaign regarding disgraced stars, let’s say, we’ll call them, so , evgeniy gennavich, it seems to me that we want to achieve, in short, well, it seems to me that everyone understands that it will not be possible to convince them, so probably, the idea has already been voiced here in the studio that we should talk less about them, this is probably the most directly useful tool, an information company should be reduced to a lack of information, it’s interesting, so aleksandrich, but i believe that there should be such an information company and even moreover, there should be different points of view, because the result this company, in my opinion, should have a greater consolidation of our society , an understanding of our society itself, of course, that is, you kind of turn it a little in the other direction, valery valerievich, the result is very simple in one thing the question is, who is this? you hear the name of the artist and say who
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it is, oblivion, anton varievich, someone needs to be punished, but i proceed from the fact that if possible, we need to use those people who are possible for our own, including information wars , so that he will always have a fig in his pocket to work, and you asked the question, why vasya goes into the army on a general basis, but dani milokhin does not, and why in the soviet army, including sports companies, why were there all kinds of artistic ones, there were yes balalaika players that they had there were abilities. he has a resource, there is such a legend as alexander vertinsky, he stopped being disgraced, he wrote a song about stalin, did not sing it, the song was shown to stalin , there are four or five verses, one of the verses is all gray, like a silver poplar,
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he stands, receiving the parade, how long cost him... sevastopol, how much leningrad cost him. stalin forbade the song to be played on the radio, as they would say now, but he liked the song, vertinsky was forgiven, and he was allowed to perform again. this is the kind of forgiveness we want. this is apocryphal, it helped, batum’s play did not helped. and it didn’t help shistakovich either. we definitely don't need this. because today there was a very interesting topic about fees. so i decided to find you an anecdote about fees, so it’s not about artists, but about me. i liked, it means, one very rich man, he says to his doctor, this is his attending physician, with whom they, with whom they have been communicating for many, many years, and he says, doctor, after the next appointment, you know, i decided... that i will not increase your usual fee, but i will include you, i will mention you in my will, here i am
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i’ve already even ordered some changes to be made, don’t you mind, the doctor says, well, i’ll become your heir , i’m flattered, i don’t mind at all, the only thing is, please, please return to me the recipe that i just issued to you , wrote it out, i need to make some changes to it, it was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 weekday ntv broadcast, all the best to you, goodbye, thank you guys, finally home, the first group of russians was evacuated from the gas sector arrived in russia. double standards policy like weight relates to the middle east conflict, why in brussels... there is no consensus, the main trophies of the games of the future were presented in moscow, he went to a car inspection and will even get to the iss.


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