tv Svoya igra NTV November 18, 2023 3:00pm-4:01pm MSK
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well, there is an assumption, but it’s vague , let’s give a second hint, here’s the second hint, given the current nature of this athletics discipline, you can read the competitions held back in ancient egypt. time. here's the third tip: an attempt in this discipline begins with a run-up, then takes off and takes off. time, there are a lot of squash disciplines. here's the next hint: at different times the equipment is for the athlete. were made of wood,
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bamboo, metal, only in 1960 at the olympic games in rome plastic time, stop, stop, i’ll risk jumping appeared with a pole, you gave the correct answer, you saved 11,900 rubles, this is your money , anatoly vaserman confirmed his reputation for... a real erudite, anatoly, thanks for the game, goodbye, of all the virtuous entertainments, always choose the intellectual ones, these were mind games , all the best, renaostp helps fight a runny nose at an affordable price, and rinnost with
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ment and eucalyptus helps reduce the duration of a runny nose, for each there is a renap. hello, good afternoon, this is our own game, we continue our tournament. which is called the golden mean, today we have the ninth game of the seventh stage of the tournament at the central gaming table, today dmitry sakharov, a historian from tutaev, is playing his fourth game in a row, we all remember very well that tutaev is a wonderful city in the yaroslavl region, dmitry won three victories in a row, today they are playing the fourth game, they are playing against you today, to your right at the first gaming table. your mother-in-law dmitry gordeev, a
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bank employee from moscow. dmitry stanislavovich, a little about yourself. good afternoon, i am 37 years old, i was born, raised and live in the beautiful city of moscow, graduated from a financial academy, then a specialist, and have been working in car lending for 15 years. in my free time i like to visit various small and not so small cities of russia, i support spartak moscow in my game, this is my fourth attempt, my first. three ended, worse than we would like, but as a spartak fan i do not lose heart, i hope that each game will be better than the previous one, thank you, mikhail bobakov, a journalist from saransk, will play at the third gaming table today, mikhail gyurvich, over to you, well, the first time i played my game was back in the last century, in the ninety-ninth year it was, today is the fifteenth game according to my calculations, i played with alexander liber with yuri hashim, well, with whom... i’m doing this, i collect and edit
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collections of high-quality fiction, we publish them in a small publishing house. thank you, well, dear players, now is the time to spend a few seconds of airtime to familiarize yourself with the topics of our game today. the most varied. the topic today is for you, dear players and for you, dear tv viewers, we are starting the first round, the first round, topics, marshals, animal housing, oceans, buildings and structures. just one letter and rhymes.
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questions and topics of the ocean are presented by the russian geographical society. dmitry andreevich, begin. oceana 200. its northernmost point is located at approximately 30° north latitude. indian ocean. absolutely right. persian and suede gulfs. the building and structures cost 300. in 1911, this is what destroyed the rybensk fire station, along with the police part stored in the building archive. fire. the building and structures cost 200. for this purpose, 2 centuries ago, 20 kilometers from the southern shore of lake ladazh , an artificial dry island was built. or maybe they put a lighthouse there. you're right? there is only one letter
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300. the auction is 200 for you, zero for mikhail. dmitry andete repurchasing is always nice to stay in a small plus , so 400, let's play, these breeds of dogs and seabirds differ in just one consonant , seagull and husky, that's right, take your pick, four hundred oceans, this small city was once represented in the russian top division. oceans 500, this name appeared on maps with the light hand of the 16th century astronomer giovanni batista riccoli. ocean-of-storms ocean-of-storms on
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the moon, the dwelling of animals for 300. the walls of this dwelling, coated with silt and clay, are inaccessible to predators. the air enters through a hole in the ceiling, and the entrance is usually under water. well, maybe a beaver lodge, right. animal dwelling 500. weaver ants fasten these walls of their dwellings with silk taken from their own larvae. and it seems they use leaves, absolutely. that's right, live leaves, animal housing for 400, auction 600 dmitry, 300 for mikhail, 1900 for you, 700, let's play, a few years ago in brazil they found
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a colony of 200 million of these dwellings, covering an area the size of great britain, inhabited... for about 400 years, let's say, termite mounds, that's right, a building structure for 400, in 2021 in a luxury residential complex in london, it was built at a thirty-five-meter height between two buildings, a fifty-ton structure made of transparent acrylic, a swimming pool, that's right, that's what this swimming pool looks like. just one letter for 400 hot bag 3,000 you have 300 mikhail, 600 from your mother-in-law, who? mikhail, mikhail. topic, let's go, bet 500. attention
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to the screen. since 2020, buses of this exact color have been running on the streets of st. petersburg. they talk without fans. nothing happened, well, obviously, blue, blue, right, light blue, such light can also be called azure, mikhail, only one letter 500, gottfried wilhelm leibnetz took as the basis for this mathematical sign one of the typographical variants of the letter c, the first in the word sum, integral, absolutely correct. here on the left is the so-called long s, on the right the integral sign familiar to us all, just one letter for 200, the letter m, in the name of the soviet production car gaz m1, comes from
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the name of this party member, molotov, that’s right, vyacheslav molotov, animal housing for 200, partitions with an accuracy of two microns, although they work in the dark, the marshal is over 300. in pursuit of the marshal of the brazilian air force, as many as five stars, located slightly asymmetrically, in the form of this constellation, the southern cross, that’s right, rhymes 300, this gender difference came into russian poetry from french, male and female rhymes , how are they different? well, in masculine the stress is on the last syllable of the rhymed verse,
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for example, young, home, in feminine it is on the penultimate, for example, gold is rich. dmitry, marshal 400, this detective thriller starring liam neeson, in the original is called non-stop, that is, without landing, and the hero’s position is not mentioned in any way. something like an air marshal. in our distribution, this film, in fact, was called air marshal. an air marshal, as we know, is a security officer who flies under like an ordinary passenger. rhymes 200. of course, you know the phenomena of rhyme. let's say the line ended with the father's word. and then, after a line, repeating the syllable, we put some kind of lame.
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enlightened the financial inspector from his father, this poet, vladimir vladimirovich maikovsky, yes, marshal 500, courtiers in this rank of third class were responsible for the decoration of palaces, organizing receptions and the imperial table, goff-marshal, that’s right, rhyme 100, they couldn’t find a rhyme for this word neither, not a know-it-all, not the poet himself , flower, tow, absolutely true, but they could saklya, or let’s say, performance, there is only one letter 100, in his new alphabet, published in 1875, leo tolstoy placed this letter almost at the end of the alphabet, between yat and e, this is the letter e, that’s right, rhyme 400, this is an adjective in the poem yesenina you are my fallen maple, rhymes with a white sweep. the maple is all over the place,
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no, all over the place? no, i do not remember. icy. yes. you are my fallen maple, the icy maple that you stand bending over under the white snowstorm. rhyme 500. you get a cat in a bag 600 you should keep for yourself, of course i’ll give it to mikhail mikhail theme coats of arms rate let the special guy pay attention to the screen. paradoxically, this is exactly what the coat of arms of san marin, the oldest republic in the world, is crowned with as a sign of sovereignty. there's probably a crown there. marshals 200 he was
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mortally wounded by a cannonball during the assault on the dutch fortress, but with his weakening hand he managed to squeeze the newly delivered marshal's baton with golden lilies charles de bats dartanyanche dobrozhelo da marshal 100 sculptor vuchetich. gave the fighter an external resemblance to marshal vasily chuikov, the monument to stand to death is located in this city, now volgograd, that’s right, building and structures 500, a temple in indian ranakpur built in the 15th century, one of the largest sanctuaries of this religion of non-violence in the world. jaism. the main principle of non-harm to any living thing, the building of the structure for 100
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years, france and great britain signed an agreement on its construction in january 1986, and 8 years later it went into operation. tunnel under lamonsh. yes, ocean, what? in area it exceeds the entire landmass of our planet, by almost 30 million. pacific oceans true, animal habitat over 100, that's the name doghouse, this was the last question of the first round, let's summarize. dmitry gordeev 700, mikhail babakov - 2700, dmitry sakharov - 4600. the second round is ahead. the composition of ocepol
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is unique. it contains a component. immunity and live lactobacilli to restore microflora. oscipol, improve the intestines, strengthen the immune system. sberbank has a special relationship with pensioners. for us, a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, so that we can please ourselves more often. cashback with bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, loan discount to buy something you have long dreamed of. transfer your pension to sberbank. online or in the branch and receive special favorable conditions. international television children's competition: our generation 2023, world level only on ntv. live broadcast today at 16:30.
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balobal. new season from thursday at 20:00 on ntv, now it will appear, come on, what is it , magical cashback on a gazprom bank debit card, cashback up to 30% on marketplaces and supermarkets, gazprom bank - time to make dreams come true. whatever you are, a comedian, a hard worker, an engineer, a wizard. achiever or someone who has achieved peace, a businessman choosing his own path or a ruler of the world, for those who always wanted, even if they didn’t want or want not to want anything, for any of you, for any of your selves, there is a bank that you can go to without going, for the present, the present, there is a bank for the present, psb, a bank for
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the present, superstar new season, today at 20:20 on enter. to be healthy and strong like the first cosmonauts, now this is not just a childhood dream, but a real opportunity for an adult man, we are proud to present to you the soyuz apollo device, physiotherapy room in your home, this improved development of russian scientists is intended for drug-free treatment of sexual dysfunction in men caused by vascular diseases and neurogenic disorders. apollo union was created to relieve inflammation, cleanse and tone blood vessels and improve metabolism. the combination of vacuum massage and alternating magnetic field helps reduce pain and improve the health of cells and vessels of the pelvic organs. please note, these are technological achievements of the soviet designers, because the main operating principles of the soyuz apollo apparatus were developed back in the soviet union, specifically for the rehabilitation of our cosmonauts. 8.800 100 exactly 14/18.
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8.800 100 exactly 14/18. free anonymous call 8800 100 exactly 1418 800 100 exactly 14:18 you are embarrassed to discuss your problem with strangers, you don’t want to be disappointed anymore, you are tired of running to the toilet and experiencing serious discomfort, we present a device that combines proven technologies and a modern approach: physiotherapy in your home , always accessible and easy to use use. the apalon union promotes... cell metabolism acceleration. with the apollo union device, you will see the prospects that every man deserves: persistent erection, regular sex life, a healthy prostate - these are the main goals of physical therapy at home. give yourself confidence, vigor and return the pleasure of youth. 8.800 100 exactly 14:18. 8.800 100 exactly 14:18. the call
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is free and anonymous. avatar show new season, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. 1985, rostov region. there is a burnt body in the field. from what they saw, even the most persistent operatives were shocked. and a week later another one. comrade colonel, a man was burned in a fire. who were the dead? it is impossible to determine age and gender. why were they treated like this? what if this... and what role did the letter and gantelli play in this matter? kettlebells and dumbbells were in almost every home, and they were sometimes used. the investigation was carried out with where is the shaking, where is the perch, where, i beg your pardon, is the check, and finally, citizen, i ask you not to express yourself, tomorrow at 17:00 on ntv.
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genferon light spray is a green light, green light for my goals and plans, red light for viruses that can interfere with them . genferon light, thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component , prevents the multiplication of influenza viruses and their penetration. the power of green light with mint flavor. this is our own game, we are playing the second round in the studio, these are its themes. there is money everywhere, musical instruments, questions from the movie book, not just about dresses, etc. the fight, dmitry stanislavovich, begin. musical instruments for 600. american sculptor tim linhart, designed from
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this material is used for cellos, double basses, flutes and even organs. the instruments did not live long, but several concerts took place. let me assume that this is ice, absolutely true, for example, ice. the organ, the strings, the necks of the keys were, of course, not made of ice, the movie book cost 600 , at first they wanted to stretch this fairy-tale story into two films in order to collect more revenue, in the end they stretched it into three, the hobbit is probably right, the money is 600 everywhere , the symbol of this currency combines the letters shin and het, from which its full name begins shekel is accepted, although in fact, to be absolutely precise, new shekis
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, please, let’s find out who the questions are from today , come on, hello, my name is elena sergeevna gordopolova, i’m a geography teacher and today i want to ask a few questions to the participants in my game, a question from a geography teacher for 600, it is divided into polar, circumpolar. northern, middle and southern, even further north , the pai-khoi mountain range adjoins it, this is the urals, a question from a geography teacher for 800, about 50 rivers flow into this lake, and one flows out check, which connects it with ladishsky, lake onzhskoe, onzhskoe, that’s right, a question from a geography teacher for 100, this is the republic of the russian federation surrounded on all sides by the territory of the krasnodar territory, this is adegea and
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musical instruments for 800, to the hotbag, alas, the question must be given, 3 :100 for you, 3:30 for mikhail, for yours 5200, again one mikhail, mikhail bird theme. bet 100 attention to the screen: in front of you is a still life of a downed bird, by the 18th century dutch artist clara peters, but there is also a living bird in the picture, call it, well, magpie, magpie, let's see what's really there, it 's a hawk, a sparrowhawk, not just about plates 600. as a child, the future fashion designer zac pozan used to grab these hats from the synagogue as material for doll dresses?
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bales, that’s right, a movie book for 400. auction, for mikhail your tyke 3,100 5,800 for you, dmitry andreevich, 3,200. let's play! alberto latuada was the first to film this story in 1976 . in the film, the hero took the surname bobikov. dog's heart. absolutely right. the witch bobik was known to the italians, but the ball is not. vladimir bortok's film was released 12 years later. money for 800 is everywhere. one of the original copies of this japanese engraving went under the hammer this march for almost 2,800 dollars, a price record for
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the artist. instruments 100 for his debut album for you, he recorded not only all the vocals, but all the instrumental parts, from synthesizers to percussion, in total he played 27 instruments, so now it may be a shame, but i will say that this is jimmy henrichs, no. it's a prince, it's a prince, that's right, prince rogers nelson, movie book for 800, this method of extracting additional profit is not so new, it began more than a century ago with french vampires, then london after midnight and the famous king kong followed. film adaptations? no. this method, what is it called?
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oh, it’s called, you can say more than one word, but well, they make a film based on a book, and then they make a sequel to this film, which, incorrectly, uh-huh, i ’ll say it, it’s called a novelization, when first they make a film, and then they write a book, a movie and book thousand. in 2011 another film based on this novel by jorge was released amadou, directed by the author’s granddaughter, sicilia amadou, and amadou seems to call it captains of sand, that’s right, wrestling for 600, before the start of the match, sumo wrestlers perform a cleansing ritual, scattering them around the site, this is exactly what, at major tournaments
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it takes up to .. per day.. 50 kg, grains of rice, no, they scatter salt, for the purification ritual , it is salt, a question from a geography teacher over 400, the norwegian current in the sea of the same name and the spitsbergen current in the arctic ocean are a continuation of this current, which one? golfrim. yes, there is money everywhere for 400, this emperor was depicted on the five-hundred-ruble banknote of the 1898 model, for which the banknote received the nickname: nicholas ii, no, peter i, that’s right, and the banknotes were nicknamed like auntie, you’re right, too.
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not only about dresses for 800, in the british tv series of 1972, this heroine appears at the first ball in a yellowish-gray shiny dress, clearly made of artificial fabric, and the sony dress is not at all bright blue in the original source. natasha, right, in the original and natasha on sonya white smoky dresses, on pink, silk covers, not only about 400 dresses, a wedding dress for 12 million dollars, created by fashion designer rene strauss, was decorated with hundreds of these stones , of course, real diamonds, that’s right, here is the money for 100, on july 3, 1946,
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a banknote was issued in this country: in denomination 1 billion trillion peng is just astronomical inflation, hungary, that’s right, not only in dresses for a thousand. our girls, white dresses, were given to their sisters, this bart lamented. in my opinion, it was so bad. absolutely right. wrestling 200 was in this city for the first time a set of olympic medals was played for in tokyo at the olympic games in 1964. vyacheslav zaitsev assured that ekaterina furtseva’s luxurious black dress needed precious
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earrings. and the lady minister decided to undergo this procedure, to pierce her ears, exactly, musical instruments cost 400. after the concert , guitarist pitt townson did this on stage more than once: nothing but losses, he broke guitars, that’s right, once at a concert he accidentally broke a guitar, which caused an explosion emotions of the public, and then i did this intentionally, a musical instrument with 200, this particular instrument is a wooden fish used in... during ceremonies and prayers. drum. that's right, a slotted drum. cinema book for 200. this story by gogol was filmed back in 1909 by the pioneer
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of russian cinema vasily gancharov. alas, the first russian horror film has not survived to this day. v, exactly. a question from a geography teacher over 200. there is only one country on this continent: australia, that’s right, money is everywhere 200, in 1963 in new york there was a short musical play by eric sati was played, according to the author's idea, 840 times in a row, until the end, almost 19 hours, only one viewer sat through, who received a reward. this is exactly what, well, maybe he was refunded the money for the ticket, the money for the entrance ticket, while the spectators who spent less time at the concert were also compensated for part of the cost, special counters were installed. this was the last question of the second round and i
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summarize: 3.700 for dmitry gordeev, 4:10 for mikhail bobakov, 11.400 for dmitry sakharov, the third round is ahead. with age, changes in vision can change familiar things. toufon was created to nourish, restore and preserve the youth of the eyes; it is recommended to use it daily for 3 months, three courses per year. tulfon is now in new packaging designed specifically for course use. today we have the most unpredictable broadcast in the history of superstar, we celebrate your super. anniversary, all the superstars will sing exclusively your songs , evaluate these songs, you should be there, if everything here is, i’m shocked, listen, let me, i
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’m turned on, you know, from the number from this, that to do that by the evening, how cool he did it, it was simple, just bomb. i was speechless, for the first time, despite my advantages, i got goosebumps, life really begins, today at 20:20 on ntv, superstar new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. black friday is on the horizon, whistle everyone for the ozone sale, buy, buy, quietly speaking buy, are you ready for big discounts, then everything is on sale, take everything you can carry, black friday on ozone from november 20, agroalliance buckwheat for 219 ,
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gazprom bank debit card, cashback up to 30% on marketplaces and supermarkets. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet? great shot, i'll post it now! damn, wrong file, how to cancel? no way! artyom! it's a megaphone, everything flies with it! mobile operator number one in terms of coverage speed, only for subscribers megaphone. ambulance, new season? from monday at 20:00 on ntv. a country of greatness and power that has had no equal in modern history, a state that was our homeland, a country from which all our families come, is celebrating its centenary. we have something to be proud of, we are a victorious country, we are the first in space, a country of universal equality. a country of great culture. this country is no longer on
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the map, but it is in the hearts of each of us, in honor of the centenary of the ussr. the imperial mint has prepared a commemorative medal for every russian. the medal is absolutely for you for free. you only pay for packaging and shipping. keep your pride in this great country and pass it on to your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. call and order a commemorative medal using our toll-free number or on the website sssr100.rf. balabol new season from thursday at 20:00 on ntv. with things on the way out. i will defend myself in this apartment, as a man should. the honored artist of russia is being kicked out of the apartment in which he lived for 20 years. arkady khoralov is an honest person, he doesn’t have anything worthwhile for himself... that’s it, this apartment, there’s nothing more than a composer
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bought real estate from a friend who suddenly turned out to be not a friend? here is a handwritten receipt stating that he received $450,000 in cash for the apartment, who did not abandon his friend in trouble. arkasha, dear, i wish you to defeat these bastards , the man is 100% right, just give up this apartment, kharalov’s apartment owner, in the author’s project of andrei kunitsin, the man has the right tomorrow at 16:20 on ntv. we are playing the third round of our game in the studio, here are its themes: scientists, food served, trees, name street, i wish i was in the sky, and languages. dmitriy stanislavovich start: street named after 900.
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auction, immediately auction. your account is 3700, mikhail’s is 4,100, and yours is 11,400. stavkabank. mikhail, vabank. dmitry andrevich, of course, this is all tempting, but probably pass, let’s play with mikhail, bet. 4100 scientists recently examined the names of 146 streets in 17 european countries and found that most often streets are named in honor of this woman, there were 365 of them, well, let it be saint mary. this is the correct answer, virgin mary, yes,
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michael, choose, food is served 900, word brake, as the name of a snack taken to work, came from representatives of this profession, machinists, maybe not , drivers, no, street named after 1200 admiral decalene died during this event, 400 years later in 1900 in paris they named ulitsemeevskaya in honor of the admiral night, absolutely right, dekaleni was a huguenotot, trees 600, the plane tree in dublin seems to be very hungry and is literally
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eating this cast-iron park object that was once installed nearby. lamp post? no, this is the wrong answer. but it seems there there should be a bench, a bench, let's see, you're right, there are 900 trees, the cook pine, originally from new caledonia, has spread to many regions of the earth, surprisingly, no matter where the pine tree grows, the tree trunk is almost always tilted towards this conditional line, the equator, right. trees 1200 the symbol of this capital of the sierra lyon is an old cotton tree, once freed slaves landed on the shore and under the tree gave praise to the lord. the capital of sierra leone is freetown. right. scientist
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900. this is exactly what albert einstein came up with not in stockholm, in gotteburg. at the congress of scandinavian naturalists. the nobel report, with the nobel lecture, is true, and much later than receiving the nobel prize. 1500 winston churchill avenue is home to the city's airport, victoria national stadium, and state border crossing. can? yes, gibraltar. right. street named after 600 avenue named after him ufimtsi are sometimes called simply salovatka salovat yulaev, further, i would like 600 in the sky, in a fairy tale three fat men of this character were carried into the clouds by his own
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goods, balloon seller, right, scientists 600, you get a question from national projects of russia: the gatchina peak reactor, created under the national project of science and universities, one of the most powerful sources of neutrons in the world, is located on the territory of piyav, that is, the st. petersburg institute, which well, nuclear physics, nuclear physics, it’s true, as we all know near st. petersburg, there are 900 languages, speakers of africans and this european language will understand each other without a translator, dutch, dutch language, absolutely right, languages
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600, the teeth of these predators of the ancient seas in the middle ages were considered the petrified tongues of dragons, sharks, absolutely right, megalodon is an extinct giant shark, i would like 900 in the sky , a metro station in moscow, nizhny novgorod, yekaterinburg was named after this famous aviator , in st. petersburg, chkolov, right, i would like 1.200, dmitry auction 8300, 8.300. on the muscle plane didal 88, the greek konellos kanilos flew 115 km from crete to the island of santarini in 4 hours, did he practice this sport on earth? i think,
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something sports. this is the correct answer, the daedalus 88 muscle plane was driven by a pedal. this achievement remains the longest flight using only muscle power since 1988. eat at 1,200. in uzbekistan, this pie, traditionally baked in a tandoor, is perhaps the most popular street food. samsa. yes, 1,200 languages. spassky alarm bell, which gathered muscovites during the time. bunta, by order of the empress, was deprived of his tongue. plague riot. bravo. i would like 1.500. oil. the crisis since 1973 put an end to commercial payback of this aircraft. many
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production orders were withdrawn. concord. that's right, a supersonic passenger plane that consumed much more fuel than subsonic ones. scientist 1.200. historian fyodor ivanovich uspensky this empire and lived for 20 years in the city that was its capital, but with the outbreak of the first world war he had to leave , the ottoman empire, no, the byzantine empire, absolutely right, uspensky is the author of a three-volume book, the history of the byzantine empire, although the capital is the byzantine empire, the ottoman, as you might guess,
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geographically in the same place, languages 1500, bag code, to whom, let's, dmitry stanislavovich, thank you, topic, insects and their friends, bet, we play, for the peculiar thickenings of the middle pair of limbs, a species of costa rican ground beetle, discovered about 20 years ago, was named after this actor, well, i would say that this is arnold schwarzenegger, that’s right, the street is named after trisk. mark galalai said that the name of this designer should have been given to the first ostankino street, where he lived, but his associates from under teshka corrected the street in the project regulations on the neighboring, wider one.
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absolutely right, sergey korolev, 300 languages, a poem called the stellar measure was created in the 3rd century in this language, the text woven onto shoyolki could be read in almost 8 thousand ways, in chinese, absolutely right, hieroglyphs can be read in any direction, even in diagonals, i wish i were in the sky... last fall, the armenian hero hamazasplayan pulled himself up twice in about 30 minutes on the chassis of this apparatus hovering at a three-meter height, a record in the guinness book, on a helicopter, right, windmill tree, you you get the code in the bag, 6700 from you, 29.900 of yours 9400 from mikhail, i don’t care, yes mikhail, mikhail, the topic is dishes, 300 or one and a half
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, one and a half, attention to the screen, here are four types of tableware, find the milk jug, probably the second, absolutely that's right, this is the milkman, scientists 300. academician eugene tarle studied the history of france a lot, and about this emperor he wrote a popular book for the series “the lives of remarkable people”. napoleon bonoparte. that’s right, and eat 300 trays . the world’s oldest such products made from dried dough were discovered in 2005 in the upper huanghe, the age of the find is about 4,000. yo, pasta noodles,
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well, that was the last question of the third round, i'll sum it up. dmitry gordeev, 7.000, mikhail bobakov - 10.900, dmitry sakharov - 29.900. the final round is ahead. like without venice. so food without picador, ketchup picador rhymes perfectly with food, what's the password here? so it looks like you don't remember the correct answer, if a simple question turns into a quiz, naapept can help. naapept helps improve brain function, restore memory and concentration. appetite to get your head working. international television children's competition our generation 2023 world level
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, honor, memory, present and future, dear, sincere, and not like a worn-out phrase from a sticker, we don’t throw words to the wind, and we don’t throw yours, join yours, this is our own game, we are playing the final round, themes slava zotchem, bays, monuments and statues, well, you said emblems, failure and
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ancient rome, please, mr. gardeev, remove. dmitry andreevich, bays, the theme of the emblem has been chosen, dear players, please place your bets. the players placed their bets, that's the question. on october 29 , 1863 , this emblem was approved at an international conference, not by chance, because the conference was held in geneva. time.
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time has passed, let's find out what the answer was our players, first dmitry gordeev, red cross, the correct answer, one of the main initiators of the creation of the red cross, henri dunant was swiss and the red cross emblem is an inverted swiss flag, bet 1400 on dmitry gordeev's account, mikhail bobakov's answer: red cross, right
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, bet, 10:10, 21.000 from mikhail bobakov, answer from dmitry sakharov, red cross, bet 3.100 and a game in a row, well, dmitry, mikhail, thank you very much, you played very well, dmitry, our next game will be the final game of the seventh stage of our tournament, which, as is known, is called the golden mean, and you will definitely take part in it. friends, thank you so much for your attention, all the best, see you, bye!
4:00 pm
the second is aimed, loaded, ready, gun, shot, under enemy pressure, the center group of troops destroys strongholds of nationalists in the special operation zone , lives are taken, in america this condition is treated, in britain they simply do not want to spend money and resources on it. in britain, doctors and judges determine the fate of seriously ill children. marine cleaning in the far east raises sunken ships from the bottom for their further disposal.
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