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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  December 1, 2023 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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until they realized that they were dealing with a financial pyramid, they took out loans and are now working to pay off the interest, how the victims fell into the trap, why they believed the twenty-three-year-old blogger, ivan gubin looked into it. for the discovery of a way to increase any capital by 40% in just 2 weeks, evgeniy azarov, like a living sensation, should be looked for by leading economists in the world, but his young mother on maternity leave from a small northern city and dozens of other young men like her with a photograph are looking for him ... irina had never seen him live, she came across him on social networks i immediately believed the crypto broker’s promises. i sent it again a day later, the money came to me, in my opinion, if i’m not mistaken, it was nine and a few kopecks, well , on average 30% on top, and i send him the same amount, which he sends me plus, that is, five of mine is all, what was there over these days, and thus in a few, maybe weeks, maybe 10 days, i made up the amount of 20,000 rubles. the theme worked perfectly for
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small amounts, then irina decided to go to obank, transferred several hundred thousand rubles to zarova, but instead of a miraculous doubling an insight occurred, the blogger left with the money in english, christina also tried to contact him and return the money, together with her husband they made a deposit of about 2 million rubles, some of which they took on credit, he admits that at first there were doubts, but there were hundreds of positive reviews and the image created by azarov outweighed him, he’s wearing glasses with a mustache, we thought that, well, a guy who studied well, he was presented in stories as an intelligent boy, he’s 23 years old, like, well, he looks young, and that he reads nabokov, dostoevsky there, how he loves st. petersburg, showed me his expensive apartment, then it turned out that it was a rented apartment. almost everything that the blogger showed was not real, as the victims found out, even the name yevgeny azarov, as it turned out, is a pseudonym; in real life he is denis gorbanev, originally from stavropol, or perhaps from rostov. wears neither a mustache nor
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glasses instead of reading the classics; apparently, he prefers a completely different type of recreation. according to legend, he was a cryptobroker, an altruist, he helped any partner get rich, as he called his victims. he gave advice to novice players on the stock exchange as an experienced crypto investor, but he received his income differently, under a beautiful digital picture of constantly growing graphs, azarov gorbanev hid a standard financial pyramid. regarding the duration, i plan to work as long as possible, during this next year for sure, and then we’ll see , if i want to finish, then i ’ll notify you a month in advance, but i didn’t notify you, apparently, there are so many participants in the pyramid that it’s become easy to close obligations impossible, then he hastily left st. petersburg deleted social networks, only once writing that there was a problem with the exchange , which he was blocked, it is known that he tried to fly abroad, but for some reason changed his mind, the victims, more than a hundred of whom ... contacted the police,
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hope that in the near future time he will be put on the wanted list. now we are actively creating a group of victims, helping people submit applications , and also informing all participants in our group about what news there is on this case. now we already have more than 400 people in our group, and even more around the country. so thus, the total number of applications throughout russia may grow to several thousand. not everyone realized that they were in a pyramid, let alone noticed. the collapse is reassuring that the defrauded investors, for the most part , restored receipts for transfers to azarrov and his details, which means there is a chance to establish involvement and confirm the damage caused. ivan gubin, alena kryukova and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. today it became known about the arrest of the kidnappers of an eight-year-old girl in the kaluga region, this two men and one woman. at these moments they answer questions from investigators. a second grader.
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for her release, a ransom was paid in cryptocurrencies, and then they were released onto the street 30 km from home, but the schoolgirl was able to find those who would help her contact her mother , the police are considering the version of the girl’s father’s involvement in the kidnapping, dinaar usmanov has all the latest information. the first thing the investigative committee police did as soon as the girl they had been looking for for almost a day finally turned up with them was to take her to the hospital. visually the eight-year-old schoolgirl was fine, but it is necessary to completely exclude the fact of physical violence and, equally important , to assess her psychological state; for this, specialists have their own techniques. here, here, here, come on, come on, they quickly established that the girl’s motor skills are not impaired, there are no signs of severe psychotrauma, the schoolgirl is tired, but reaches out to the cheerful flowers. so you open it yourself, but open these
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pestilina ones, they are overheard, with a tail, yes , that’s right, they didn’t stop her, because her mother was waiting for her at home, who, although she knew that the daughter was found, she still couldn’t find a place for herself, she just exhaled that she was alive, just making money, i don’t understand, i can’t imagine it, i’ll never get over it, god forbid that they go through something like this, when your child is in the middle of nowhere in the winter, what what's happening to him. therefore, as soon as the experts made a preliminary conclusion that the girl’s health was not in danger, they hurried to take her home, calm down, this is the police, come in, at this meeting it was
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unnecessary, mother and daughter stood hugging for several minutes, simply enjoying the fact that they together and this whole nightmare ended. on november 30, the girl was found, examined by doctors, and no injuries were found. she is currently at home with her mother. they searched for zlata for almost a day, all this time her relatives did not know whether she was alive or not, they suspected her father, who had big problems with the law, of involvement, they checked the neighbors, and searched through the forests and dark courtyards. the kidnappers did not immediately make contact with the ransom demand, but their appeal became even worse. they wanted to. mother working at the monastery, ransom in cryptocurrency equivalent one and a half million rubles for obviously impossible conditions. the suspects were detained today; their identities have not been revealed. it is known that during the interrogation, three men and a woman, most likely she met a schoolgirl not far from home and convinced her to go with her, although
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all the neighbors were sure that this child would never do that. and there were never any incidents. the child is very good, a well-mannered child. she will not approach someone else's. most likely, the woman asked for help, and the schoolgirl readily empathized with everyone and left her usual route from the school bus to the house, not reaching it a few hundred meters. investigators also established this, thoroughly reconstructing the child’s path on the day of his disappearance. she comes home from school, i see her that she is coming from school, but yesterday i didn’t see her, my mother asked her too, she saw her, i tell her, i didn’t see her, and then my mother. she knocked on my door and said so and so zlata was missing mom did everything right, immediately informed the authorities about the missing child, raised the alarm, and when late in the evening she received a message from demand for a ransom, passed on this information to the detectives, although the message contained threats demanding not to do this, but
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it was the resonance and large-scale searches that eventually frightened off the kidnappers. having learned what a fuss there was, they dropped off the child in the neighboring tula region near the village and tried to hide. the little girl knocked on the first house she came across where the light was on. they let her in, fed her, warmed her up, and protected her until the police arrived. it is known that the schoolgirl’s mother is also now under interrogation, this allows us to conclude that someone of those detained was close to the family. dinar usmanov, ildu sovatulin, daniela baklanova and radu gurdizh, ntv television company, kaluga region. indignation and aggression became constant accompaniments. high-rise buildings in pskokov, all because of a privileged parking space, there is one in every yard right at the entrance, so the participant svo received it, who lost his leg during the battle, but neighbors intolerant of disabled people decided to complicate his life. daria, the visa officer, will tell you the details. he would be glad not to take advantage of his
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position, which is so strongly accused svo member andrei polzankhovsky, his neighbors, for daring, in their opinion , to fight for a space in a public parking lot, a space marked for the disabled. here. at the moment there are no places again, so the whole place is occupied, the search for a free space in the parking lot often turns into a real quest, andrei lost his leg in the combat zone, he had to master the protest, but for some reason the residents of the residential complex decided that this circumstance was not a reason others should move and actually vacate a specially designated area, they also wrote that disabled people should stay at home, so uh, i tried my best to answer this with a cool head , not to get excited, so that... well, they tried to provoke me, so to speak , perhaps so that i would somehow answer angrily, but i tried to ignore everything and was already thinking about solving the problem in other ways. i volunteered for isdrey, during the battle, i was blown up by a mine, it was not possible to save my leg
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, i had to amputate it, i didn’t want to sit in a wheelchair at all, and the holder of the order of courage successfully mastered the protest and got behind the wheel again, but walking over long distances is difficult he has a hard time when car owners park too close... a big problem, only the neighbors apparently don’t understand this, says andrey, or don’t want to understand, so the violators have to be regularly recorded on video, because attempts to come to an amicable agreement have ended in failure several times. .. called the traffic police officers, but as soon as the law enforcement officers left, everything was repeated, again a white grant, it was already taken to a tow truck, but again it stands under a disabled sign, perhaps a person with a disability looks different in the eyes of andrei’s neighbors, he doesn’t drive car, in a wheelchair only around the apartment, andrey is not like that, perhaps this irritates some residents so much, however, no one dared to discuss the topic of a decent meeting... they prefer to express dissatisfaction exclusively in the virtual space, in the general house chat. i see
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that you are looking for personal complaints in everything, so the whole region will soon have one, it’s just infuriating that you are taking advantage of your position and the brains of the entire region. out of the blue, you just need to know the heroes by sight, i hope your tires will be cut with a knife tomorrow for this. fight the army it’s not so easy for andrei to call haters, as andrei calls some of his neighbors ; not everyone takes the risk of coming out in support of the hero svo, more often than not those who have themselves been in a combat zone . roman kazantsev, for example, helped evacuate a wounded colleague, and he says he can’t wrap his head around such a reaction. on the part of all military personnel, uh, this causes, so to speak, a certain resonance. we are there, that is, we are doing what is necessary for our country, but here, as a result , what is happening in the rear is, well, this is an unpleasant situation. now to the fight for the right to andrey's parking will be helped by law enforcement investigators who have begun checking the current situation, so that dissatisfied neighbors face not only... fines and towing of cars, they are suspected of maliciously creating inconvenience for the svo participant. daria
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visa, alena kryukova and sergei boganov, ntv television company. and then the contact is too close; the ex-spouses have been unable to agree on how to spend time with the children for 5 years. the last conversation ended in a fight. look at the footage in a couple of minutes. a special edition of superstar, which is entirely completely dedicated to the work of composer viktor drobysh. today, every artist’s assessment is somewhere in my soul and my assessment. masterly performance, simply masterly. are you making us nervous all the time with your fancy numbers? lord, my little guy is turning on again.
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tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. well, what's there? magic cashback! with a gazprom bank debit card, cashback up to 30% on marketplaces and supermarkets. the future is now. create a cozy atmosphere with wi-fi equipment and compact polariс dishes. buy at competitive prices at wildbries. this year on new year's billion from russian lotto, we have prepared something special for you: 2 billion rubles. specify there is a chance to become a billionaire, we guarantee , buy tickets in branded stores on
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, additional cashback palami when paying for yandex pay, in vtb the rate on a savings account is 15%, buy for a wedding faster, cool, everything will work out vtb. look at the cashback on the new year's sale in the megamarket, we can buy you cosmetics and perfume or a blouse, and also up to 80% cashback on perfumes. avatar show - new season, on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. as we age, we all experience a decline in memory and intelligence. why does the body fail, can it be stopped? these harmful changes. can. our body has a main computer - the brain. it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system. it consists of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical
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signals constantly flow. as we age , changes occur in the brain. brain cells age damaged by the environment. stress. scientists from kyoto university have found that the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azomopectenide. it turns out that azumepectenide contains unique components that promote brain recovery. all of them belong to the class of phospholipids, and there are more than 100 of them. this is how a product was created from highly concentrated phospholipids from the japanese clam. extend the youth of your brain. 8.800. 8800 100 exactly 1985 the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs, but with age we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, a disruption in the functioning of our organs. this year , a russian distributor purchased a batch
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of japanese brain therapy. it contains all the contributing phospholipids. brain aging can be reversed and it will again serve you faithfully, prolong the youth of your brain 8800 exactly 1985 800 100 exactly 1985 learn more about the japanese product brainthapy meeting place today at 14:00 on ntv. each of us holds something dear to us, honor, memory, present and future, dear, sincerely, and not like a worn-out phrase from a sticker, we do not throw words to the wind, and we do not abandon our own, join
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yours. there is another emergency on the air, we continue broadcasting. a resident of krasnoyarsk is asking for protection from her ex-husband, a tyrant, 5 years after the divorce, she cannot live in peace, however, as during her marriage, now the ex-spouses continue to fight for the children, the last meeting ended in an attack on a stranger to this family. our correspondent, pavel kuznetsov, will tell you the details. amateur footage, which once again emphasizes that working in a taxi can be dangerous, at least the krasnoyarsk cab driver will remember this order for a long time , he came to the call, a beautiful woman got into the salon, was about to move off and then a frightened client was recording a video, he appears, offended ex-husband of the passenger, just go, go, go, look, lock the door, lock the door,
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what are you doing normally, don’t you understand or what, what are you doing? the bearded man, that’s the name of the hooligan, came on a date with the lady of his heart, not alone from the support group, first blocked the way with his car, then took out a knife, from here, look, the wheels are being cut, just look, they’re generally fucking idiots, what are you doing, look, a knife took it out, took out a knife, and then pulled the taxi driver out of the cabin and made a complete mess with his friends, guys, help, guys, help, if it weren’t for the cadet passing by, it’s unknown how it could have ended, then the taxi driver had a reasonable question, what is this it turned out to be catherine starodubtseva, the ex-husband was probably waiting for a heart-to-heart talk, although the couple separated 5 years ago, disputes still continue over two children, one of them just had a birthday, as ekaterina suspects, the ex and came to pick up the common kids, it was not in vain that he called his friends to talk to him,
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it turns out that his son ran downstairs, threw his briefcase, and hid somewhere. in general, just a miracle , in fact, he ran away, and a passerby, a witness, says that these men did not run and told him to put him in the car, his father gave instructions, although once bordachev and starodup turned out to be an exemplary family, she is a successful business coach, he is a master of sports in subjudo and a prize-winner of international competitions, from idily, and behind closed doors the woman assures of injuries: lacerations, fractures and bruises. over the years of marriage, ekaterina has accumulated a whole collection of similar photos and documented them. every time a drunken husband raised his hand to her, i have stitches on my arm, but it’s a living wound, my lip was torn off, they stitched it up here too, well, constant bruises of soft tissues, for how many years were married, we would have been married for 8 years, he cheated on you, yes, after the divorce everything became even worse, the lady with the children moved, the ex found where they lived and rented an apartment in the same house, alexey bordachev assures,
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all for the sake of in order to see children, because ex-lovers are supposedly prohibited, i tried to negotiate with her and i knew perfectly well that there would be provocations, i knew perfectly well that i flew here 5,000 km away from the city of sochi, and if i say a word if i say something bad there or... have a fight with her, then i they just won’t give me children, i won’t see them, i won’t congratulate them, but even if the ex-wife provokes, could this be a reason to attack people, after the incident with the taxi driver, it seems that the relationship between the former spouses has reached a new level, business coach wrote a statement against her ex-husband, the judo coach went to the police with footage of her broken lip, blaming her ex for this , the police are now conducting an investigation, but as often happens, only children suffer the most, a textbook on anatomy and a book on practical magic, namely i got it from there
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knowledge, an inadequate resident of narilsk, who the day before made local residents nervous, two spontaneous attacks with a knife, there may have been a third and how many were planned is unknown, but the attacker was detained, now he is under interrogation, ilya ushenin found out who he was, how he chose his victims and most importantly, did he have a motive? footage that in itself causes fear, in the conditions of a small town, or rather a region, there was real panic, there were few chances to survive after an attack with a knife in the dark on a frozen rila street, but the victim i was lucky, a fourteen-year-old schoolgirl was walking past her classes, she was not afraid, she rushed to help, called the doctors, the police remembered everything that she managed to say, they were wounded before losing consciousness, while they were waiting for the ambulance, i asked him what happened? he said that he was attacked from behind by a man, it was not a conflict, he doesn’t know the man, but he roughly remembers what he looks like, by the time
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the ambulance arrived, his wife came out, and my father came for me, it later turned out , in a small microdistrict an inadequate man with a knife is operating, attacking exclusively with back, inflicts many random blows, a house on novaya street, there a local resident at night filmed the consequences of another murder attempt, oh, how scary, the girl got up to drink water, look. do you see what a nightmare this is? it’s just horror, listen, someone was probably killed, god, how scary, it’s right under our windows, after such videos on local telegram channels, something close to hysteria began, in addition to warnings to be careful, outright fakes began to appear , someone said that a maniac showed up, but maybe he’s not alone, which is already the case dead, many even stopped leaving the house out of fear for their lives, i heard some screams on the street, someone was beating someone, i had this feeling, but i didn’t go near the knuckle, i only saw that the police were approaching, i was afraid of everything
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- finally to go out, because the screams were so heart-rending that it was a little scary, however, here on the same street of nova there were also those who were not afraid, david and his friends even organized something like a self-defense detachment and voluntarily went in search of attacker, scared, but i wanted to end it all quickly, - says david. panic has already begun in various telegram channels. accordingly, either two people, then four, then six, and accordingly, closer to this evening, interest and his friends gathered, just in case , just to help the police detachment in case we suddenly find him, we can at least detain him for a while time to help just in case, but while patrols together with activists were combing the streets, operatives collected information bit by bit, the criminal, after a few hours the attacker was detained, he turned out to be thirty a one-year-old local resident named... and apparently he is not quite adequate, in these shots he had just been handcuffed.
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already during the interrogation, valery said that he was guided by a certain manual on practical magic, and in order to make the blows more effective, he also looked through an anatomy textbook, but neither witchcraft nor the study of the structure of the human body helped him. fortunately, the lives of the victims are not in danger. valery spent that night in a temporary detention center, investigators will soon be on... that's not all, see below, the most unlucky criminal, the sentence for attacking a police officer was announced to a man who never developed a relationship with the criminal world, we will tell you the details after the advertisement. do you know this person? of course, they came together with tima, but where is this tima now? wait. now this guy of yours, zhorik, consider
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that he is already in the monkey box, uh, uh, i’m telling you, i didn’t touch the roller. balabol, new season, let's go for a ride. think carefully. fuck you, well, he apparently thought, zhurik, but not good. today is 20:00, what come on, no, better me, we are teachers in kindergarten. in ttb, the rate on a savings account is 15%, buy for a wedding faster, everything will work out great in ttb. new year's discounts in a magnet. sausage vladimirsky standard, 109,999. magnet - the price is what you need. this is... he has a chicken
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series premiere. already in the subscription okka new year's appetite, dad can, dad can, only dad will tame it, dad tame it, holiday the spa will help, the feed has everything for the new year, and even a pineapple costume or dragon wings, receive a mixico as a gift for purchases in stores at the checkout with delivery of the order and create funny characters, collect, mix, play take. loans are easy to get, we take out loans at sofcom bank, but is it quick, we at sofcom bank, loans that everyone knows, nikita pomfilov, stand there, bones, otherwise i’ll shoot you dead, reckless driver, today 22:15 on ntv, at live on air again there is an
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emergency, we continue the release. speak svetlana loboda is preparing to be a defendant in court; a lawsuit against the ukrainian singer was filed by the producer, oleg vladia, who is also the author of many hits, thanks to which she was once popular, the statement of claim refers to. this is the song to hell with love, with which loboda, who previously called herself the number one singer in russia , entered the world charts. previously , the composer allowed her to perform all his works, but after the artist announced that she was transferring financial assistance to support the armed forces of ukraine and went with a concert to the front line to the ukrainian armed forces soldiers, in fact the nazi vlog producer changed his position, he sent a letter with the withdrawal of consent to perform the song, but the demands... loboda ignored. who is loboda? loboda is a certain image, yes, we repeat, made there from inflated silicone, there is a settlement with this appearance, and there are songs, if these songs are removed, what remains is a dummy for good,
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she loved russia for big money, she loved russia , because russia gave her money, she loved the fans, because they brought her money, and she didn’t give a damn about fans don't care about spectators at all. which rider loboda put up as the organizer of new year's corporate parties, why she fell into depression after moving to latvia, and how the ukrainian singer again decided to make extra money on the russian public, our colleagues will not only talk about this in the emergency program ; you won't miss the investigation on saturday at 16:20 on ntv. the verdict was announced for a repeat offender, kustyakov, who saw no other way to make a living other than a criminal one. he robbed collectors, then tried his hand at robbery, and ended up attacking a policeman and the bailiff. during the verdict, it became clear that the next attempts to find oneself in the criminal world would not be soon, reporting by dayana shlyupkina.
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this final trial passed without incident, most likely due to the fact that repeat offender ivan kostyukov was under special supervision and handcuffs tightly bound his hands even in boxing, so as not to... repeat what had already happened once in court, when the accused attacked the guards, this there was a hearing on the case of robbery of collectors. defendant kostyukov asked to go to the restroom, came out with with a sharpener he attacked the police captain who was waiting for him. he dealt a series of blows and as soon as he gained an advantage, he took away the law enforcement officer’s service weapon, wounded the bailiff sultan baysultanov with it and started to run, he decided to jump from the second floor, was eventually wounded and as soon as he fell from the visor. tied up, he was found guilty of encroachment on the life of a police officer and bailiffs, theft of a firearm, escape from custody. it was a desperate attempt to evade responsibility for his past criminal activities.
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cases, of which there are quite a few in his criminal biography, it began with an attack on a cash-in-transit vehicle in 2018, after waiting a year , the accused decided to repeat the success, but was rebuffed, then he decided to lower the bar, choose victims who were less protected, first attacked... and then was detained, which he was very surprised by during interrogation, admitted that he carefully thought through every crime, threw a grenade and a saber from where they threw it, then proceeded there to pick up money from collectors, well, i didn’t butt heads with two, on the day when it started court and the prosecutor asked for 17 years in prison, for all these robberies, kostyukov decided that he also had to leave, there was nothing to lose, fortunately the wounded police officer who was attacked by ivan kostyukov managed to survive, when sentencing, the court took into account his previous
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convictions, in as a result, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison, he will spend the first 10 years in prison, and the rest in a high-security correctional colony, and he was also given a fine of 350 rubles. dena shlyupkina, radu gurdish, nikita zabrodin and alena kryukova, tv company ntv. that's all for us, valeria gavrilovskaya was with you, goodbye. today on our program: this is not the time for elections, no choice. the verkhovna rada canceled the presidential elections in ukraine. why did kiev decide to act contrary to american instructions? without elections it cannot function normally.


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