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tv   Svet i ten mayaka  NTV  December 2, 2023 3:20am-4:01am MSK

3:20 am
tanyush, please don’t start now, no , i really, i’m not starting, i’m just wondering, that means she’s in danger, and you’re going to save her, i’m a policeman, yeah, yeah, even, no, i’m really okay, just curious look at her, and she knows that you will be with the bride, she’ll find out now, let’s go. so, what's so urgent, gal? kostya, i ’ll be expelled from the university, they’ll trample me out of the dorm, i ’ll have nowhere to live, and what do i have to do with it? i’m the rector, tell me, i just have no one else to turn to, please help me, i really beg you, my girl, i’m right there. such problems
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you can’t even imagine, i don’t know how to sort all this out, i don’t even have time to really talk to you. well, you're a grown girl, come up with something, come on, get out of it, i have a very important call to make, excuse me, well. allasey , i have problems, i was temporarily suspended from the service , why so suddenly, then the details, you are required to shut the mouth of one talkative prisoner, he is now in the isolation ward , what’s his last name, i don’t know his last name, i was chasing shima, what’s wrong with him that he knows too much about you, about me, about tikhon, that’s bad, find it someone who will liquidate him right there, no question. great, then you’ll go to moscow
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, arthur needs to be done, just like that, abruptly, and if not, there’s no money, i won’t stand behind the money , okay, let’s think about what’s going on with corkin, according to my calculations it’s already started to work, okay, go ahead, go ahead. oleg, i’m here, it’s good that you came , what happened to you, who is watching you, it’s because of my father, he’s a businessman, he borrowed from other businessmen, but they turned out to be bandits and now he’s demanding more from him , than they gave, but he has no money at all, it’s clear, a familiar situation, you know, they even threaten him, they say that they will kidnap me and kill me, they even followed me, i saw why he won’t protect you, and he is also hiding.
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yes, he even had to turn off his phone , they surrounded him on all sides, and there is no one to protect me except you, maybe it’s better for you to leave, i’m sorry, i didn’t introduce you, this is liza, and this is tanya, my fiancée, i’m very glad, i , oleg, i talked a lot about you, you are very beautiful, this is an idea about leaving, by the way, tanya isn’t stopping you from getting out either from the city, maybe, maybe you should leave together, well, maybe you can, probably stayed. decide where, and i know where, my father worked as a gardener, a very good man, yes, he lives in the city, but he has a house near the seaside, we could hide there, no one will find us, then let's pack our things , and we ’ll pick you up in the evening, okay, yes, i’ll be waiting at home.
3:24 am
alright, he took the bait, great, you just know, there’s one problem, you’ll have to go with tatyana, maybe it’s even for the best, come in. excuse me colonel, why don't you said that krava is your father, and how did you know, do you take me for an idiot? i guessed, i had to report, i... appointed
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another investigator, then none of this would have happened, i didn’t know myself, then only when i compared the facts i realized that he was my father. why didn't you tell me? igorevich, who should i hand over the matter to? but he’s already swamped with work. and besides, who will be pleased to say that his father is a spark. the son is not responsible for his father, have you ever heard of this? i heard, but these are just sayings, this is how they say, she delta very much answers, i am amazed at you
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, he shot your own father, you are standing here as if nothing happened, it happened, i understand, but he is a bastard, a bastard, he abandoned you and your mother, but he is your father, your own father, come on, sit down , there is, well, what's new to the world? i'll figure it out, i mean that according to arthur, we've gone through the whole city , he's nowhere to be found, he's completely disappeared, it looks like he's returned to moscow, to moscow, to london, to paris, it doesn't matter to me, you're at least out of my reach
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get this creature some land, i won’t have peace as long as he walks the earth, you know, tikhan, kola of course you can organize it, so organize it, i suggest, to start with one person. edit, let him look, smell, arthur , a prominent man, it’s difficult for him to get lost, you’ll send him, maybe the bald one, no, the bald one is not needed , the bald one is needed here, but then who, the gloomy one, why am i thundering, but because he’s devoted to you , like a dog, for your interests, he will dig the ground with his nose, you have to give his life. let me chat with him first, is he here? yes, there. mayor, didn’t you do this on purpose? well, yes, i decided
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to take revenge for the fact that he abandoned you with your mother. igor valerievich, your suspicions are completely groundless, yes, judge for yourself, why should i take revenge on a man whom i never really knew, well, he abandoned us, thank god, who would he have raised, who would he have educated? i would n't be sitting here with you right now. there, in the best case , somewhere in an isolation ward, he would have been the same as him, and so my mother met a wonderful , decent man, who was my father, oleg appeared in the world, i love him more than
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life itself, igor valerievich, judge for yourself why i should him take revenge? i had no choice he runs away, i shoot, it’s a reflex, a reflex, but what did you feel when you realized what he, that is, the colonel, had done? i beg you very much, maybe i won’t talk about this, i understand,
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lieutenant, i would like konstantin. to see kravchenko, who’s asking him? tell him, mom came to him, okay, forgive me, the old fool, it’s with her own questions. i'm sorry, don't worry, everything will be fine, if anything happens, i 'll cover it, everything will be fine, thank you, yes, comrade, colonel, i'm sorry, a girl came to see my comrade maier, she speaks in urgent matter, well, if it’s urgent, run away, go, go, thanks iglivich, reflex,
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it looks like something big happened to us, oleg told me everything, what oleg told you, that you shot kostya? andrei has
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a boneless tongue from your oleg, it wasn’t me who shot, mom, but who? the young guy fired, his nerves could not stand it. how it all happened, it’s very simple, they brought kravchenko an investigative experiment, they took off the handcuffs from him, he attacked me through the window, and the guy raised that gun, and ready, why, why do they blame you, but i blame him on myself took it, why, son, he... fashion mom, he would have been kicked out of work right away, yeah, ugh,
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what’s wrong with you, and i - why, i’m experienced, i’ll fight back somehow, oh, lord, hold on, how somehow, hold on, son, mom, and what i just told you between us is not a word to oleg, he will immediately spill the beans to his superiors. so i won’t say anything to oleg,
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nothing. well, how did you talk to kostya, and what did he say? will help, why? because no one
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cares about me, everyone has their own problems, he too, listen, maybe he has some troubles in his service, maybe come on, i don’t i know, i’ll ask oleg to talk to him, kostya won’t refuse him. i don’t need it, really, i don’t need anything anymore, don’t sit like that , please, i can’t look at you, listen, and then this story happened, do you remember liza skorkina, the one you thought was running after oleg? , she called oleg and said that she needed to be saved
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from some bandits, a lie. in terms of? i mean, it's a blatant lie. she's lying, she wants to take oleg away from you. gal, why do you only see the bad in all people? tanya, that's not the point. and what? well, you can't just so repel a person. ok. what did leg say? he suggested running away from the city together and hiding in the same house. with lisa. well, yes, why? well, you yourself said that it was better for me to leave. so exactly, what do you, you alone, have to do with this lying girl? do not do it, please. tanya, i understand that now it’s difficult for you to believe me, but promise me that
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you will at least allow me to come to you? well, of course, come, i’m just glad to see you. i will, again, i beg you, don’t be secretive with this lisa, she’s dangerous, hello, tanya, i'm already here, come out, yes, i'm already going out, waiting, that's enough, that's enough, there's so much chocolate, you're watching your figure, that's it, hold on, everything will be fine, for now, why am i not watching?
3:38 am
hello gala, it’s me, honey, i wanted to ask for forgiveness for what happened during the day, you see, i have problems at work, very serious ones, i understand, you were offended, i deserved it, i swear to you, i never will. i won’t treat you like that, you know, you are the only woman to whom i never lie, naked, i feel so bad without you, please come,
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ok. i will come. tanya, please come out, come with me and get up, why, well, you never know, what can you expect from this arthur? let's go, ilek, well, he 's wounded, it's unlikely he'll hunt me, he's unlikely to, but maybe we can send someone, let's go,
3:40 am
you saw them, who? those two are watching my apartment, they are going to kidnap me, in any case, as long as i’m around, you have nothing to worry about, and then, then i’ll take you out of town, suddenly they start watching us, well , nothing, i think we can break away from them, listen, maybe we can straighten them out now? get up, why? i don’t know, you ’ll come up with a policeman’s idea, well, i can’t just arrest them, standing under your house is not a crime, i’m just very. scary, very, very scary, maybe you can think of something, you see, she’s afraid, but i have one idea, now let’s try,
3:41 am
oh dad, dad, that’s how it happened, kostya, kostya, why isn’t the door locked,
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thank you , that you came, dear, i’m glad to see you, very, everything is fine. who is this? this, and this is my father and i, once upon a time, a long time ago. where is he now? father, did i kill him, how did i kill him? usually from a pistol. but this is accidental. no, quite consciously, he took it and slammed it, and told my mother that it wasn’t me, so, wait, i think i’m going crazy, let’s go in order, well, what’s in order, i had
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a father once, mom said that he was a long-distance sailor, he went on a voyage and did not return, but he turned out to be a vista, i took him recently on one business, we met him, i found out that it was him, he found out that it was me, he became blackmail me, threaten me, what to threaten me with, my dear, what difference does it make to you? you're just so worried, i it hurts to look at you, girl, but
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you don’t need to feel sorry for me, by the way, i myself don’t regret that i did this, that you say things like they are, i say, you know, a bandit, a scumbag, a bastard, scum, he should kill a man, anyway, you need to paint your lips, so what, how is it, so what? i saved people from this creature, i’m a dear orderly, what’s your business, what’s going on with the university? expelled, bad, for what, for fighting,
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seriously, strongly, i respect you. can i help you with something? well, i just thought maybe you had some leverage. to the rector, but i see that you yourself have problems? this is no longer a problem, but i’m still able to help you. everything is fine,
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sergeant kovilin has your documents. please, what exactly is the matter, preventive measures, your documents, please, please get out of the car, but i’m fine here, will you get out of the car? oh, guys, they are coming for us, and apparently they really really need us, oleg, they won’t attack us, the police have already attacked, it seems they are catching up, oleshka, hurry up,
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please tell me what’s going on, hello, kostya, it’s me, hello, oleg and i are in the car , they’re chasing us, who’s chasing us, i don’t know, some bandits, they’re definitely behind you, yes, definitely, definitely, they beat up the police, okay, i ’ll connect you now, where are you going? you're going, where are we going , now, mommies, where are we going, oh, worker's village, sandy street, house five, worker's village, street... i understand you, that's it, come on, guys, who's with oleg? is being chased, where are they going? out of town to the village, the two of them, and it seems like there’s some girl with them, and a girl, they gathered there to hide from arthur.
3:48 am
hid, they say, do you think it’s arthur? 100%, if it’s not him, your bandits, okay, we’ll find out soon, you’ll go after them, no, i’ll call the operators, they’ll be there faster , it seems to me that they’re still there, for sure, for sure, for sure, i don’t see them, well you understand me, everyone has a gun , go ahead, honey, where are you going, it’s time for me to go home, what do you mean it’s time to go home, i didn’t let you go anywhere, and i’m not your property, yes, yes, but then someone’s property? yes, uh-huh, you,
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come here, let him go, cruel, absolutely right, bad boy, absolutely right, and you bad girl, now we're going to do something bad. how i miss you oh, hi, where are you from, is this that house? yes, sort of
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, yes, sort of? you said that you were already here, don’t you recognize it? yes i was, i was, i just don’t remember anything for a very long time. well, my friend, let's go and show us? let's go to the house. so where is the switch? i found it, listen, but it’s cozy here, yes, it’s not bad, but it seems like everything has changed, i don’t recognize anything,
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but maybe we’re doing something. think about it, it seems to me that oleg was hungry, yes, i ate with pleasure, sorry guys, i’m terrible hostess, sit down, i'll see what 's edible here, thank you, sit down, sit down! look, here , help yourself, thank you, i’m really so grateful to you, i can’t even imagine what would have happened if you hadn’t saved me, what are you talking about, really, thank you, i’ll also have some tea now, tanya, listen, let ’s switch to you, otherwise it’s somehow completely inconvenient, well , officially, somehow, of course, come on, that’s it, let’s go to you, okay, listen, but she’s okay, i
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told you, but you're all with your jealousy, maybe maybe even... maybe you'll eat an apple? hello evsiy, we’re here, great, how everything went, like clockwork, i’m already on... i ’m chirping like the last blonde, i completely charmed them both, and you know, tanya already completely believes me, look how the dizziness of success has not begun , and will not begin, i took a closer look on the way to her
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, i will say that we have chances, the lovebirds are of course cooking, but i will make it so that soon they will be sick of each other, well then you will have to erect a monument, monument, monument to me, better with money, hello, listen to me, write down the address yourself now. worker's village, worker, sandy street, house number five, that's right, come on.
3:54 am
so good, why exactly do you feel good, you ’re close, calm, you don’t have to run anywhere, oh , i’m sorry, you’re probably worried about your father, don’t worry about anyone, i already told you. in general, everything that i told you about yesterday, in short, keep your mouth shut, you’re being rude, no, this is not rudeness, this is prudently
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bold, oleg is probably already on the boat, on my chair? most likely sitting, boss figs, don’t worry, you’ll definitely come back, yes, apparently there’s no chance for me and univer, but calm down, i told you, i’ll solve everything, so i’ll solve it, no problem. let’s go somewhere for a walk, like real lovers, yes, yes, or maybe
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we’ll move right away, or we’ll put an ad in the newspaper, in the gossip column. are you ashamed of me? no, what? you are such a beautiful girl, why should i be ashamed of you? i just don't want to be seen together. why? and i know why. you're afraid that tanya will see us. he will also think that there is something between us. to me tanya doesn't care. yes. i'm telling you for sure, and a shirt. give it to me, tanya, what does it have to do with it, tanya,
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it’s time to go to work, we still have to get to the city, why are you leaving us? yes, there’s nothing you can do about the service, but how can this be so , two defenseless girls will be left completely alone, maybe you can take time off, no, now there’s no way you can take time off, why was i appointed to temporarily head the department, that’s why? i mean, what about the bones? kostya
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was suspended pending an internal investigation. who is kostya? this is my older brother, i'm not i told you, i don’t remember, maybe i told you, listen, maybe kostya will stand watch here instead of me? it still doesn’t work now, how do you look at it tanyush? it’s okay, you know that... besides, it will be a little scary for one here, well, great, great, yes, i’ve found myself well read, i’ll have to call, hello, kostya, listen to me carefully, we have force majeure here, what kind of force? -major? oleg decided to hide you, so that you would protect him, stand, and what is this thought?
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are you crazy, you can’t go here, why else? yes because i know you, you you come, you start harassing her, you ruin everything, she treats you well now, you come, she will hate you again, sit down with your oleg again and that’s it. listen, please, i ask you, be patient, don’t come, it’s easy to say, okay, i persuaded you, smart girl. okay, listen, it seems like someone is coming, that’s it, okay, come on, bye, uh-huh, happily, don’t forget about our security, i’ll try. hello, kostya,
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hello, brother, are you ready for service yet? i’m going, well, let’s go there, put your hand on the family name. will try. listen, kostya, can i make one small request? ok, what? yes, nothing, everyone just has a request for me, i don’t need anything alone. yeah, well, sorry. nonsense, speak up. that's me, don't stand up, don't pay attention. listen, could you go out of town to watch two girls there, well, the first one i guess is tanya, who is the second? the second lisa skorkina, our friend, is she also being hunted? first of all, after her, so, kostya, will you help? sorry, i can’t, because of official investigations, i have to be within reach at any moment, you understand? damn, damn, i completely forgot, but nothing terrible, oleg. okay, sorry, kostya, but if something is urgent.


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