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tv   Poputchik  NTV  December 2, 2023 1:10pm-2:21pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] how much work space here do you cook here do you cook, and here you can eat and look out the window of my favorite square into the huge, huge blue sky orilya dishes-washing machine, and finally we can invite 20, 20 people and it was easy for us, i dreamed of pusy home dishes, styopa, look , it’s just one, right across the entire surface, wow, how beautiful it has become here, and the most interesting thing, styopa, the use of space, turning such a small room into such a useful one, come here, it’s still folding out , honey, it's yours place, yes, i’m here, this place, wow
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, it’s handmade, beauty, it’s very beautiful, of course, it’s beauty, thank you, just like that, we just made another family happy, really , you’re happy, happy, all the emotions are for you splash us out, i can’t, just yes , i’m so delighted, i’ll support you with the breeze, i’ll hug you, thank you, these are tears of happiness, yes, it’s simple, it’s not easy. happiness, this is some kind of height of happiness, this is more than just even my idea and dream, how much trouble it took to come up with something like this, everything is so big and there is so much space, it doesn’t matter, it feels like there’s an extra room in the apartment even bigger than it was, this is how it is, we have an extra room, now it’s a four-room apartment, three colors and
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imperceptibly it goes over, really. this is very interesting and everywhere with zonal lighting, soft, beautiful, yes, i was also very surprised by the color, but i thought, well, probably it will just be somehow monotonous, there are white walls there, well, there was such an expectation, yes, and there is something colored against them, how i love it, green, brown and mustard, that emotion that you expected from the housing issue, no, you expected me to come and say, wow, how beautiful the apartment is, and i walked in and thought, where is our apartment? there was nothing left, in principle , of what was, i began to look for the old, attachment to the old, but then i instantly switched, began to enjoy the new, this is not at all the same, absolutely not the same, this is better,
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this, this is completely different. hello everyone, i'm timur rodriguez, and this is my new unique travel show paputchik, a show in which any of you can become a real presenter and travel around the world with me. my traveling companion today will be nikolai from lipetsk. hello , nikolai, are you going somewhere, hello, hello, hello, well, what about you, where are you going, tell me, i’m just curious, and i, i ’m going from karelia to st. petersburg, i stopped, amazingly, on the road, and you know, and i looked at yours, i even
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turned on a high-quality video, and i... your business card, i realized that i should definitely call you to show you the world, because a person who has never been abroad, must be in this program, simply must, so i want to tell you only one thing, you need to return as soon as possible from karelia to where you are going, either to lipetsk or to st. petersburg, in general, choose whichever is closer to you, and we we will fly with you, you and i will fly to a wonderful place, because... you are my daddy. hurray, i can’t even believe it at all. and i see, yes, that you are in such a slight shock how you found me, well, you left your phone number, we found it with you, and you sent the questionnaire, you didn’t think that i would contact you, yes i in general, i didn’t even have such thoughts, i ’m driving, he calmly calls from the phone, i think, who’s
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there? it’s good that you picked up the phone , you know, suddenly, if you hadn’t picked up, i would have called someone else, but i, i’ll tell you this, i would try to get through, i would call until the last minute, believe me. because everyone i select into this program as a paputnik must see the world no longer with mine, with their own eyes, so i congratulate you and see you in a wonderful place, that’s it, see you, bye, thank you, ancient times, this land was the center of the world a witness to many civilizations, from all over the world caravans with
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wealth were drawn here and in the center of the silk road, it was here that the culture of east and west merged, and now millions of tourists flock here, like you and i, caravans of tourists, for only one reason, to see with their own eyes and their own. touch the treasures that this incredible sunny uzbekistan conceals. by the way, we are not alone; every year we can bask in the uzbek sun, get to know the taste of local dishes and have a hand in traditional art, more than 5 million tourists come to turn the time spent here into vivid memories. in this country, you become not just my travel companion, but my valuable co-host, in this bag of fortune cookies, yeah, and predictions concern every stage of our journey. everything you get, we divide between two. the most important thing is to choose the transport on which we will move around this sunny
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incredible city. and, it would be possible, predictions with air conditioning, in one of cookies have such a prediction. transport. there will be something for every taste, metro, taxi or bus, whatever, as long as it has air conditioning, i’m really hot, i ’ll get you, let’s go, if anything happens, hold on to me , hello, we need it, save us, yes, save us, please, we need to get to the city , but how much does it cost to get to the city, well, 50,000 for us, 50,000, it seems to me, for 400 rubles you and i won’t get anywhere in any russian city, just from... the airport to the next taxi, i ready, let's go, that's it, let's go,
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sit down, as the sages say, i’m talking about my parents, the best walks start from the city center, because from there the paths diverge to the most important corners that you and i must visit, and i propose to start our journey from amir timur square, well, not only , because and because it’s really beautiful there, the history of this square began in the second half of the 19th century, when the turkestan region, later called the turkestan governor-general, was included in the russian empire, and tashkent became the residence of the russians governor generals, well, strictly speaking, amir timur, or emir timur, that ’s how they address him with respect here, that ’s what they call him here, and the persians came up with the name tamerlane just as a derogatory nickname. despite the bloody wars that he waged, he is appreciated for the fact that he brought thinkers,
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artists, sculptors here; over time , one wants to remember only the good things, in fact, this monument is a tribute to all his good deeds, that’s why it is written, yes, that’s strength... yes, this is his main one, his main, main slogan , justice is not in strength, strength is in justice, by the way, 3 km from the square there is a place where the entire legacy of the great commander fits, here you have registtan square, only small, and the bukhara fortress, only small, and the old city of khiva, only , well, you understand, the last time i felt so tall was when... i picked my son up from kindergarten, you think this wheel was built here to make it easier to look at these miniatures, nothing like that, this wheel was built for this to try take aim at the guinness record. this is
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the only attraction with a height of 72 m in all of central asia, but now due to the heat it is not working. if we don’t want to bake until crispy, we’d better go look at something else beautiful. when traveling , you want to spend time only on vivid impressions and beautiful locations, and so that nothing stops you, apply for a union pay debit card from gasprom before your trip. with it you can pay for purchases in the european union and in more than 150 countries. the card is also beneficial to use in russia. is waiting for you cashback for purchases from partners is always free service. i don’t want to upset the viewer and i don’t want to upset uzbekistan, because there is. that we saw very little, we no longer have the strength
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, the fact is that the sun is so bright and so hot that i’m afraid we won’t be able to stand it for long, so here ’s a cookie for you, yes, another cookie, i want to open it quickly so that i can get into the shade, shouldn’t we create something delicious, and this phrase is heard in uzbekistan, practically every second, because there is a feeling that it is very hot here, very... tasty, so i usually don’t feel like eating in the heat, but it’s simply impossible to refuse what we’re about to see, this is uzbekistan, let’s go, let’s go, get to something tasty, we’ll be on something underground, listen, well, everything is more than symbolic, because it was at this station that the grand opening of the tashkent metro took place, it is at
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this station that the grand opening of the tashkent metro took place for you personally, yes yes, the tashkent metro is a real pearl hidden underground, it is one of the first in central asia and one of the most beautiful. each station is like a small artistic masterpiece, lined with marble and granite, decorated with bright colors, colored mosaics and the mysterious glow of elegant lamps. the sun can’t get through here, so... in a pleasant coolness, it’s easy, all thanks to a well-thought-out ventilation system that gives freshness even in extreme heat. only 1,400 sums, look at the coolness, calmness and complete feeling that life is getting better. listen, this is not a subway, this is a real museum. now we will show you some of the most beautiful stations. mustakilik maydoni located on independence square in the center of tashkent. it’s very
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beautiful, what is the acoustics here, do you hear, kohl, i say , just a little here, just a little like this, i said it, but it was reflected from here, since it’s like someone is whispering, repeating the phrase after me, let’s go? the next station is cosmonaut lar , well, they’ve hit some kind of space, that’s what it is, that’s what it was called until ninety -one, the main thing is that its beauty has remained unchanged, by the way, what does the lamp on the ceiling symbolize, there are options, i don’t know, starry the path is personal
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way, absolutely right, cosmonaut. but look at the columned three-span station on the chelanzar line, it is considered the most beautiful in tashkent. this station is named after the famous poet and philosopher of the 15th century alisher navai. did you know that pakhtakor is not only a famous football club from uzbekistan, but also its name. which in suzbek translation means cotton grower. cotton is the most important transport commodity in uzbekistan. the country is one of the five largest producers. it's incredible here. and despite the fact that at each station it is used, what is called a characteristic ornament. anyway, they are all completely different, each is made in its own style, and each is unique in its own way. very beautiful. they are different, yes, here we were. where it was open there, yes it was made in one style, here in another, but everywhere
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they stick to these, yes, yes, no matter how good it is in the metro, you’ll have to go out into the tashkent heat, now it will appear, what’s magical cashback, with gazprombank debit card, cashback up to 30% on marketplaces and supermarkets, gazprombank time... execute dreams, don't miss it, central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. kiev is rewriting the pages of the world history of poisoning, who tried to pump poison into the top of the ukrainian truth? in china there is again an outbreak of an unknown disease in the country, is beijing really hiding a new terrible infection from the world behind the great wall of china, we found those who have seen with their own eyes what is now happening in local hospitals and clinics, and know what really threatens the world if the infection breaks out out of
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control, generation of thieves, why american senators legalized store robberies, is it really possible now not to work at all in the states? our reporter went down to the very bottom of american urban crime, sellers prefer to replace expensive goods with an ordinary dummy , and experimentally tried to understand how much you can take past the cash register in order to remain a law-abiding citizen, this will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. balabol, new season, from monday at 20:00 on ntv, car prices are constantly jumping, buying or selling a car, check its fair value, second estimate, all the luxury of france in every touch of cartnoir. immerse yourself in pure pleasure and enjoy
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the richness of 100% arabica coffee. allow yourself more with cards. break is taken, you chop well, in the old dvorye style, we know how to chop in the old dvorye, here is the meat grinder servilat, i haven’t tried it, we take meat from our farmers , chop it in the old dvorye way, add aromatic spices and simmer the sireulat in the oven for a special juiciness of taste, old dvorye according -really delicious, get on the plane plus, service apartment solutions from deals to renovations and furniture. i’m in the dungeon, and i’m a fish , and we’re in the elevator, and we’re waiting for you, not a second without each other, this is a continuous connection, like billine’s reliable mobile internet for continuous communication with loved ones, billine is on your side, the best friend of any girl -
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this is sokolov, 60% on everything, more important than words, with love from sokolov, what else is there? cashback on a gazprombank debit card, cashback up to 30% on marketplaces and supermarkets. hello, i'm busy on friday, what am i doing, shopping. black friday in ascona, when you can buy sleep with huge discount, only until december 3rd. ascona. new year's dream is 365 or more million prizes. it's time to play, iron logic. when a cold gets worse, anviax fights symptoms and viruses. one of my friends has a complicated relationship with the internet, cool. blow, i’ll post it now, damn it, it’s the wrong file, there’s no way to cancel, arttyom , it’s a megaphone, everything flies with it, the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage speed, only for megaphone subscribers, full of my apologies, hey, thunderer, here
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scandinavia isn’t for you, call an electrician, but it’s delicious point scandinavia, scandinavian burger with cheese cutlet, cheese rings. norwegian berries and warming punch, scandinavian style: delicious, period. the future is now. create a cozy atmosphere with wi-fi equipment and compact polaris dishes. buy at great prices at wildberries. the soviet union is the country of our childhood. we fondly remember going to demonstrations and pioneer detachments. a song by the fire and friendly subbotniks. we are proud of our common homeland, its endless fields, labor exploits and scientific achievements. we come from a country with great legacy. in honor of the centenary of the founding of the ussr, the imperial mint issued a commemorative medal covered in pure gold.
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collective farm workers against the backdrop of the rising sun personify faith in a bright future. the five-pointed star is framed by oak and laurel. branches, symbols of valor glory. order a commemorative medal plated with pure gold for only 990 rubles by calling toll-free 8800, 60068-05 or on the website 100 yearsmedal.rf, keep your pride in a great country. superstar: new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. here in this place they know for sure what is pilaf, 99.9% of the people who live here or... who have been here at least once are sure that this is the capital of pilaf. and
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the most delicious pilaf is prepared in this yard. there are five large cauldrons with a capacity of up to 360 kg each. a guinness record was set here and the cauldron was prepared specifically to cook 8 tons of pilaf in it, can you imagine? today , more than a thousand pilaf recipes are known. there are even entire cookbooks dedicated only to this dish. uzbek pilaf is even divided according to regions of the republic, for example, fergana pilaf is darker in color, and samarkan pilaf , on the contrary, is light; first-class aspas and master pilaf are prepared here. we will not just try the legendary uzbek pilaf, we will cook it. write it down. we heat up the cauldron, pour in the oil, not a spoon or
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even a glass, just a five-liter bottle, there is a little feeling that you, that you are god, yes , at least, boglova, let’s throw in some wood and start eating the meat, the ram is coming in a heap, the ram is already the pulp that is gavazina, yeah. yeah, it’s already better, yes it turns out, it’s already better, and we were inspired, because, great , then the onions, as soon as they turn golden, throw in 40 kg of carrots and pour out 10 liters of water with salt, the fourth stage is underway, well, great, listen, when i pulled it out, i need to figure out what to eat, i didn't think it was that much. sprinkle sultanas around the chickpeas,
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and then, when everything is peppered, add red carrots, it will give the pilaf color, close it, when the nud is ready, the bowl goes away, rice appears in the pilaf to replace it, you just have to wait 3.5 hours, the pilaf is ready, the most the final moment is already upon us... it’s coming, we need it try it, well, finally, hurray, you've been waiting, yes, well, kohl, ah, such pilaf is eaten with your hands, here, if you are in a good, warm, real relationship with a person, then you eat from the same plate, and since you are my daddy, bon appetit, thank you, don’t be afraid, but it’s hot, mm god! how delicious is it, delicious? yes, there is a feeling that, in principle, after this
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we will only eat with our hands, well, yes, i liked it, i can’t stop, of course, there is an immediate feeling that you are doing it right, but it’s amazing, it’s just amazing, i remembered the expression, finger licking good, so guys, we can’t handle the rut on our own, so, come on, come on. help, help, delicious, bon appetit , well, i don’t know about you, but after what we ate with you, i want to lie down, and , you know, lie down next to the pilaf, it’s the same for me, but i want to lie down next to with air conditioning, but for now we won’t even be able to lie down, but we will be able to pull out a cookie. art, you will meet it on the way, don’t
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pass by it, nothing is clear at all, however, it’s not clear to nikolay, it’s not clear to the viewer, i know just me and cookies, this, believe me, promises something very, very, very inspiring , ready, art, of course, forward, forward, rakhimomov is a famous master ceramist of uzbekistan, he follows his father, has preserved traditional methods of ceramic art, happy to share your knowledge with everyone who wants to touch the traditional craft. there is so much beauty right out of the gate. you know that nikolai is abroad for the first time, for the first time in uzbekistan, and for the first time he will try to do something with clay under your
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clear guidance, it’s very nice, very nice, we're ready. behind you , tell me what to do, let's go through the workshop, the first stage is to knead the clay, i shouldn't have any air bubbles left, poorly prepared clay will crack when baked, but how can i understand that the air has already escaped, and this is no longer understandable, the main thing is there understanding what to do with clay, it moves from the table to the potter's wheel, and with our own hands we mold it into whatever we want, or what will happen? oh, so cool, there is a feeling that this is a kind of meditation, say, yes, yes, yes, let’s cut the vases from the circle, voila, here they stand
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already ready, this is my first vase, god forbid not the last, yes, which i... made myself, the third stage is firing, it takes at least 12 hours, but we only have two, apparently today our vases will remain damp, kohl , well, apparently, this is not our last trip to uzbekistan, because when there is unfinished business, a man must return and finish what he started, 100%, i’m ready, thank you very much, well, here we are touching art. amazing, what a thrill, just here, i want the next cookie after this, get it, i wanted to offer you touch the next cookie, come on, come on, it’s not the last, it’s not the last , hurray, oops, the tea leaves tell me , you’ll find happiness in the market, and there’s a very
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important note there, quest, quest, and i had experience, i worked in the market, seriously, in this case , you, as a professional, will now help me, as a non-professional, uh, understand the market, what's what? easy, agreed , let's go, that's it, come on, visiting the uzbek market is already happiness, at the charsu market, doubly so, here you immediately feel the spirit of an oriental bazaar, and not only from the smell spices, spices, in this legendary place we will spend the next few hours, and you know what we will do, you and i should try to find a symbol of happiness in this market, so that we can move faster with you, don’t waste time,
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i suggest we split up, let’s take hands on phones, take pictures of what is lying, then we meet and choose from this what, in our opinion, is already with you, reflects a truly happy person who, well, was born here or who was lucky enough to be here, all forward, hello, hurt yes is called, i was told that it brings happiness, it is a gift, a gift, thank you very much, salaam alaikum, i need your help, i am looking for something special that symbolizes happiness, look, pomegranates
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symbolize, what is it called, yes, tell me, what happiness does sultanas bring , it is a gift to me, thank you, how kind people are here, hello, please tell me if you have anything that symbolizes happiness, you can give a gift, any gift for happiness, i i understand, but a robe can bring happiness, yes, then show me the most beautiful... look what a robe it is, i’ve never even seen one like this, fortunately, but this is absolutely delicious, and immortelle, saffron, chebred, green tea,
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black tea, chickpea, that’s all, this tea 100 % brings happiness, you know what, i’ve already walked around the market so much, i have a feeling that i know what brings happiness and that they didn’t offer me a single paw, here it is, look how many different teapots, well this cannot bring happiness, there are such teapots, these teapots, i think it’s cool, well, now i’ll tell you i’ll tell you, this is mountain tea, now next, this is sultanas, yes, the thing that i liked the most, kurt, and he to me. they said it also brings happiness, they gave it to me, yes , they gave it all to me, it’s amazing here, how kind people are, i want to tell you, you know, you and i didn’t agree, but what happened is this, you
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went for food, and i went for souvenirs, uzbeks believe that pomegranate brings happiness, this is suzane, yeah, or this is a classic, you know, look, this is a robe, or else, you and i agree on this, look, this teapots, i’m like this: i understand that we agreed on tea, that is, you and i should just buy the perfect teapot, let’s go, of course, it doesn’t look like a pomegranate, but there’s something in it too, yes, you think it’s red , yes, a red teapot, great, it seems to me that this is an excellent completion of this quest, and i want to solemnly present this teapot to you, as a symbol of happiness, which you will take with you, in which you will brew this tea, thank you very much. no problem, use it for your health, well , let's go sit down, i would suggest you play chess, but it seems to me that our game is already over with you, as for the quest
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, so this is a win-win option, i even wanted two, but still we will break it, yes, i hope you are not too lazy to make this day bright, in this release , a travel companion and the most mysterious cookies, let... what happens to you here be unexpectedly pleasant, i really hope so, then go ahead, don’t forget your things, let’s go, salamuleikum, hello, welcome, thank you, ancient eastern proverb says: hospitality is higher than courage, and it doesn’t matter whoever you are, friend or foe, you will always be greeted with
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warmth and cordiality, this is a table, with such treats, with such pleasant people, kind, and i don’t want to leave here, now you ’ll pick up and move to tashkent in uzbekistan , not only is it delicious.. but they also dance skillfully , the uzbek dance cannot be confused with anything else, the movements of the hands and facial expressions in it are so expressive that sometimes it is compared to antlers, we simply have to try, do as if no one is watching, and do so, like no one is looking, as if, as if we’ve been doing this all our lives in place, this is what i do best, how are you, you’re not tired,
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it’s normal. if you don’t mind, we just lacked two men, dancers, tomorrow we have a tour in uzbekistan, great, we are ready to make up with moreover, we have never entered into a dance without learning the movement before, everything as we go. yes, of course it’s wildly stressful, but we liked it, the words began, they don’t let go without saying, traditions, they don’t let guests go, in
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principle, yes, yes, yes, thank you very much, considering how many times today in a day, i, in any case case, i'm sure you do too, i thought about the shower, it’s time to finally think about it seriously, we need to decide where today we will have the opportunity to spend the night, there are all the cookies with a shower, about what’s with a shower, but each of them is good in its own way. it’s bad, that’s it, oh, look how it’s broken in half like a shell, don’t say, come on, it’s not a hotel, but a diamond, you’ll have to go to samarkan for it, hurray, you understand what it is, yes, that is, we’re with you now from tashkent we have to move to samarkan, yes, but you understand that the thrill is that we will find ourselves in another city of uzbekistan in one of the most beautiful cities of uzbekistan and this is the first time, in general
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in the history of a travel companion, when two cities in 2 days, someone there sends you good cookies, thanks for the cookies, great job, to get to samarkand, we need to go to the northern station of tashkent, because it departs from here high-speed electric train afrosayop, and 4 hours, because that’s exactly how long it goes from tashkent to samarkand. all areas of the train are non-smoking areas, there is wi-fi. places for charging gadgets, climate control, soft comfortable reclining chairs, we are comfortable after all settled in, we have arrived, salaam alaikum samarkan, here is our hotel, how cool do you think?
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no words. hello, good evening. in my opinion, this is a great start to exploring samarkand, the atmosphere, fire, gold and dates. the east in all its glory. okay, yeah, apparently i'll sleep in the shower, that's all about this show. for the sake of my travel companion, so i a priori assumed that you would sleep on the big bed, and i would sleep in the second room, but usually in the suite there is a second room, and there is a second sofa, there is no sofa here, in principle i can fit in the chair, i'm tall allows, but i have a feeling that this number should be only yours, so i suggest you do this now, while i ’m looking for the number, show the audience where you will live and tell how you... feel,
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it will only be your time, and it seems to me that this will be your wonderful acquaintance with the place where you feel today, and we will see you tomorrow morning, have a good rest, come on, that's it, for the first time i will have such a room tour experience, let's go get acquainted with room, we have a guest room here, timur is here said that it could fit, but didn’t risk it, a table, we have tea and coffee, but i really want to pay attention to the bed, what for the shower, a special issue of superstar, which is entirely dedicated to the work of composer viktor drobysh, today every artist’s assessment , it is somewhere in
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the soul, and my assessment is a virtuoso performance. lord, my babayga is turning on again, he’s a thrill for me today, i’ll tell valeria right now how great it was, loneliness, superstar, new season. today at 20:20 on ntv, show avatar - new season, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv, i help with liver problems, i use forte n essentials, tested and ready for action in 24 hours, available on yandex market. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. cool blow
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nova passit, double action against irritability and anxiety. buy at a discount in stolichka pharmacies. kleylan: easy to mix, apply, stick on. professional quality in new packaging. misha. yes, it’s a shame to forget cat food, but the most offensive thing is to forget about the x5 club card at the checkout, leave your points in the store, show the card and receive up to 20% cashbacks and up to 50% service package, it’s beneficial not to forget, your favorite coffee now has new the name, monarch, the same high quality and roasting of the beans, also a pleasure in every cup. monarch is the same favorite flavor of aroma. and here are our girls! gemini dragons are a great idea. don't thank me. calm down, it’s hard not
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all the important properties. elmucin - an innovation for cough in the 21st century. hello, there is a gift waiting for you in the megaphone, buy an infinix with communication. get a second smartphone as a gift only in megafon. in winter, you especially want warmth and bright emotions. we have cars, houses, studios and cash prizes in the drawing, there are more of them than snowflakes in winter, even if it’s cold outside, it’s warm in the soul, because they win with us, every sunday at 8:20 on ntv. according to tradition, acquaintance with samarkand begins at igestan square, but we decided to take a different route. let's take a walk through the new tourist complex on the banks
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of the samarkan mushroom canal. this is the famous canal, where rowers trained in soviet times, those who were engaged, strictly speaking, in kayaking, and now this canal divides into... part of this gigantic territory is one of the symbols not only of the modern era, but also of new times, and most importantly, it is the largest canal in central asia, next to the canal there is a congress center, which is a must you need to take a look at what it is, yes, we have arrived, you understand these scales, and the scale of the importance of everything that is here, the values ​​and most importantly, directly in the literal sense of the word, the scale of art objects. listen, well, with such ceilings, with such scale, here is another art object, it seems to me that it would simply get lost without looking
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, yes, of course, of course, well, maybe we’ll dive? i agree, go ahead, i agree, i really want to, but first i suggest we get into this wonderful boat that will take us straight... along the canal to the eternal city, can you imagine? gladly, please. but if that's not perfect, i don't know what is. no words only emotions. south of the canal is the main tourist attraction. historical and ethnographic complex: eternal
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city. well, this is simply stunning beauty, i have never seen anything like this in my life at all, i absolutely, absolutely agree with you in my emotions, because at some point i just realized that i was drunk with delight, it’s so beautiful. i also want to ask you something: travel as brightly as we do and take a good person and gasprom bank with you as travel companions, because they have a union pay debit card for purchases abroad. you can pay with it in the european union and more than 150 countries. and at home, cashback awaits you for purchases from partners always receive free service. have a nice holiday. i suggest, despite this divine beauty, you and i get together , speed up a little, despite the fact that we don’t want to leave here at all, because this is not the only stunning place in samarkandi, and since we are here, we must manage to do
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as much as possible more, we say, come on, i agree, let's go, in a few hours here you can get acquainted with the traditions and architecture of all of uzbekistan. well, there are 270 hectares behind, this is 10 times larger than red square, so you understand, and even a little larger than the state of monaco, i see now your completely stunned eyes, i of course thought that it was huge, but not that huge, can you imagine, well, the most important thing now, after so many kilometers traveled, is to understand whether we will sit down today
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or not, come on , pull the cookie , i'm waiting for a new prediction, me too, now let's get it, let's see what we have there, after the walk, the legs of the bazooka, well, now your hands will be busy, i 'm very glad that you got this particular cookie, because being in the place , where thousand -year traditions of artisans have been preserved and it seems to me that it is simply unacceptable not to try what they do , i agree, i agree, well, that’s why i think it’s time for us to create something eternal in the eternal city, all because we have to master traditional crafts, here they make paper, and not just plain paper, but silk, the first stage is the extraction of mulberry fibers, we soak the bark in water for three days, the bark of the mulberry tree, then using a knife... we get rid of this brown bark, the brown bark is already considered waste, we don’t throw away waste, we’re making a second slot of paper
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, you can try it, yes, look with what respect everyone here treats the future paper on the carpet, so now i’ll try the leftovers, they do it all manually like this, yes, paper production technology was invented at the beginning of our era in china has been producing paper for centuries... or in the middle east, paper made from mulberry bark almost does not absorb dyes, and it is also so durable that it can be washed; for its production, the fibers are boiled in huge cauldrons for 17-18 hours, after you extract it from the cauldron, what’s happening, we check it, look, then after it’s ready, we put the formations inside under the crushers, let’s go and have a look. the boiled fibers are crushed in two ways: mechanical and manual. after cooking, after boiling,
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soaking, it comes here. how about two of them, to work faster, come on, move over, to work faster , you have to work together, but i liked it, yes, it’s better than chops, the crushed fibers are diluted with water and filtered through a special sieve, when.. formed, it spread on cotton cloth and put under a press. all that remains is to roll it through the shaft and dry it, the second slot of paper, the second slot of paper, yeah, it’s not smooth , look, if, if someone needs to polish it, we will show nikolai’s address at the end of the program, if it is necessary to roll it through
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the shaft, clean the mulberries twigs, just give us a piece of carpet and an onyx stone and we're ready. well, after everything we’ve done today, by the way, yesterday, you and i are now 100% jacks of all trades, i agree, i agree, all that’s left now is to put these hands into the magic bag with fortune cookies to find out what else awaits us in magical samarkand, or rather you, and then me, which is absolutely inevitable, with pleasure, i’m already looking forward to it. this note, there is a stool and a culinary tape waiting in the restaurant, you are hungry, again, again food, you know, in uzbekistan the concept of food again does not exist, there is just food, it is all the time, it is always,
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always, well, go ahead, please. well, nikolay, welcome to culinary roulette, or try everything if you can, look, we twist the knife and where it points, we try it, or rather, the one who twists tries it, you understand, yes, as soon as one dish is tried, it is instantly eliminated, we play until complete elimination, super, agreed, come on, you are the first. and you don’t know , i prayed that i wouldn’t eat this, which means, look, firstly, firstly, so that i don’t get offended now, beloved uzbekistan, this is fat tail fat, that is, it turns out, this is the fat that is located under the tail , who is hanging out, come on, come on, oh, what’s wrong with your face, nikolai,
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it’s scary, it’s fatty, i’ll be honest , there’s another dish on this table that i’m afraid of, yeah, axed neck, you see how lucky i am, even fat, not even fat got into it, but now we’ll try it, it’s awesome, it’s very tasty , in general, the most tender meat, dear nikolay , meet me, this is bone marrow, it ’s very fatty, but you should definitely try it, good luck, nikolay, what time, no, this is not my food at all, it’s too fatty, come on, maybe it’ll go away faster, and she’s already out, now, we have three dishes left,
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uh-huh, okay, i see, you know what it is, it’s lamb liver, it looks like bone marrow to me , i agree, try it too, i would try it, yes, well, it’s delicious, listen, i love liver, so, since now you’re spinning it for the last time , and i won’t twist it anymore, because i i’ll eat what’s left, your final move, oops, congratulations, and these are beef rolls, there ’s a layer of fat inside, and my thing is called a bomb, we cross our skewers. and bon appetit, that's it, let's go, let's go, very soft meat, i tried this in uzbek, there in st. petersburg, in other restaurants, it’s still different, i don’t know, maybe the climate here is different, here they just prepare it in such a way that it’s impossible to do it otherwise, because these are age-old traditions. so, based on the results
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of the culinary roulette, it turned out that all the fattiest dishes went to nikolay, all the lightest ones to me, as... it would seem that i won, but if we roughly assume the consequences, then nikolay will have plus 3 kg, plus 1.5 kg for me. kolya, you won, hurray, i think that after such an incredible dinner, after so many delicacies, that you allowed, it’s time to move on to more familiar food, which you don’t have to eat at all, if you remember, you don’t want to anymore, but i see you’re right. i, yes, yes , yes, that’s right, i really hope that there are no more food-related cookies there, in general, you go here once, you’ll eat for the whole day, so, so, be afraid of carpets, don’t go to a carpet factory, there you will have to prove yourself, well, are you ready, another day, and it’s not clear, yes,
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how to prove yourself at the cow factory, i hope they don’t put us on the carpet and force us not to they will call you on the carpet. absolutely right, i’m ready, of course, to go ahead, now it will appear, well , magical cashback on a debit card... gazprombank cashback up to 30% on marketplaces and supermarkets. gazprom bank is time to make dreams come true. oleg sontsev versus anatoly wasserman, whose erudition is limitless, whose mind will win. the bank is empty, there's nothing to lose. well, let me risk it again. no, i’ll pass the question on and we’ll play. mind games. today at 14:20 on ntv. superstar new season, today at 20:20 on ntv, we will take you to the train,
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max against symptoms and viruses. and here are our girls. twin dragons are a great idea. don't thank me. calm down, it’s hard not to notice our people. be sure where your loved ones are, geologist. and other security , communication and entertainment services in the subscription, everything for the family , the first month is a gift, connect, undress, we were found on your side, what a magic cashback, with a gazprombank debit card, cashback of up to 30% on marketplaces and supermarkets. in short: uzbek carpets, complex patterns, bright colors and high quality. but we want to learn
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more about carpet deli. hello, hello, hello, i'm timur, my name is furka, very nice, very nice, i'm nikolai. we have a factory since the ninety-second year , there are mainly activities, manual cavitation, silk for use, an important factor. using natural dyes, walnut peels, moraine, indigo, isparagus, and all sorts of others, you can try it yourself, look, it’s amazing, look, look how it suits me, guys, this is the style, thank you very much, one, two, look , we don’t stop at the paint, let’s go look at the quality of the carpet, the carpet begins not with a knot, but with a diagram, it
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is drawn on graph paper, like a cell , a knot, the more knots, the greater the density, do you want to try to sit too , make a knot, nikolai, it seems to me that he will tie a knot, this has never been done before, this is a tool, here and now this, yeah, circle around, circle, hold, this is a long place of descent, you just need to hook the thread, and you for now i just took it out, hooked the thread, and that’s it. don't give it all here it pulls out, yes, uh-huh, well done, it’s very difficult, in fact, i know, let’s try , if you want, let’s take the first thread, here we are, now i need to take the red thread, so i brought it here, now here, that’s all, look how i did it instantly, i tried not to let you down, we still have
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a common carpet. thank you, it was very cool, okay, and most importantly, very joyful, most importantly, we tried it, of course, we will definitely come to you again, we have already dyed the yarn, weaved a carpet, all that remains is to see the finished product, maybe even buy, welcome to our factory, the products are ready here, i really want to show you for them a very old design, called cherakh four seasons, one, and this is two, wow, the biggest one i told you, it's worth 250 dollars, yeah, 250, that ’s not the final price, no, you can give 300, that’s okay, i’m a generous person, i’m a good
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person, is there a market here? like this with your hands, yeah , look, you say 250, we say 150, 249, oh, we won’t part ways for so long, 173, 139, yeah, 180, to the finish line, 215, no, 250 no 300 and it was 220 already and it was yes already then 220 and 220 already was then how much is it now then 220 final let's 185 not this 220 this is all already the final stop it can't be like that it's small let's 187 i already forgot
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at all that i'll close the doors? so look, we are increasing, and you are not going down any more, i’m already fine, so i continue to grow, you see, 187, further, further, let’s, further, let’s yes 90, and you don’t say anything, it’s so dishonest, while i’m still i'm holding your hand, let's move on, let's go, 190 and away something for you, let's do more, more, more, more , more, 215, ok, i'm just tired, two, three, this is the most tiring trade in my life, well, a wonderful mouse pad, friends, thank you, so , come on, kolya, now spin your carpet, yes, yes, oh, oh, how it flew, look, but fell on another carpet, it turns out to be another upoli carpet, yes, it’s stuck, look, run away, i don’t
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care i don’t feel sorry for my hand anymore. and now with a feeling of accomplishment, well, with a carpet, of course, you can look into the very heart of samarkand, at regestan square. you know, what’s surprising is that without these fantastically beautiful buildings it is impossible to imagine the appearance of samarkand, but... even before they were erected, already during the reign of amir timur, about whom you and i have already learned so much, this square was the heart of the city of samarkan, from here six to... because it was the main place of the city, here is one of these roads today brought us here, what’s
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great, go ahead, yes, my neck hurts, but i can’t stop looking at it. so, that's it, friends, in short, we decided stay here, yes, stay here, because, in fact , we have found the ideal point in samarkand, it’s just an amazing place to... sit and contemplate enjoying how amazing and different this world is, yes, i agree, i know, more yes, the ideal place for you to share your impressions of these two
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days, come on, talk, i’m not bothering you, when we arrived here in samarkant, from the very beginning i realized that this is just wow, this is right much closer to me, i for some reason it's closer than... everything here is just amazing, i i couldn’t even think that i would end up in two cities in uzbekistan, in conclusion, i would like to say a huge thank you to you, a huge thank you to the whole team that does all this, i feel a real sincere sincere approach and i don’t even want to leave, i honestly say, why, because even people are cool, yes, i would like to say that if beauty evokes so many emotions in you, i want to wish you that there are as many of them as possible, that you don’t sit at home, that you take fellow travelers with you, and that every
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impression you make, every trip you took was unforgettable, thank you, if you cry looking at something beautiful, it means you are still alive, inside, that’s why? cry loudly, see you soon, bye, since he’s going home, and i’m apparently going to make him happy, i’ll sit for now, come on, i’ll sit with you too, let’s sit until they kick us out, it’s better to stay here,


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